Multiple Field Validation Help (notEmpty)

2009-10-24 Thread Dave

Hi everyone,

All help is greatly appreciated.

I am having trouble with my form validation, basically the notEmpty
rule is working perfectly with my username field, but not the password
field.  Here is my validation array

var $validate = array(
'username' => array(
'usernameRuleNotEmpty' => array(
'rule' => 'notEmpty',
'message'=>'You must enter a username',
'required' => true
'usernameRuleIsUnique' => array(
'rule' => 'isUnique',
'message' => 'This username has already been registered'
'password' => array(
'passwordRuleNotEmpty' => array(
'rule' => 'notEmpty',
'message'=>'You must enter a password',
'required' => true
'passwordRuleComparePassword' => array(
'rule' => array('comparePassword','password-confirm'),
'message'=>'Your passwords did not match'
'group_id' => array('numeric'),
'email' => array('notEmpty','rule' => 'isUnique','message' => 'This
email address has already been
registered','rule'=>'email','message'=>'Please enter a valid email
'first_name' => array('notEmpty'),
'last_name' => array('notEmpty'),
'zip' => array('rule' => array('postal'),'message'=>'Please enter a
valid zip code')

The comparePassword rule is defined in the model as below, and is
tested and working.

function comparePassword($first, $second) {
$second = Security::hash(Configure::read('Security.salt') . $this-
if($first['password'] == $second) {
return true;
return false;

My problem is that cake is allowing me to insert blank passwords.  the
notEmpty rule is defined exactly the same in the username field.  This
works properly, it gives the notEmpty error when it is blank, and the
isUnique error if I try an already registered username.

What I don't understand is why this is not working the same way with
the password field.

Thanks in advance!!
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CakePHP design tips?

2009-10-24 Thread Ixus

Hi everyone.

What are your CakePHP design (architectural) tips?
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Re: cakephp not working, please help

2009-10-24 Thread 浪漫様

thanks. i have no access to Apache's httpd.conf
there is any way to write the AllowOverride All in the .htaccess or
something else?


On Oct 24, 4:44 pm, "Dr. Loboto"  wrote:
> mod_rewrite is not working. Check that it's loaded and you have
> AllowOverride All for your cake install dir.
> On Oct 24, 12:00 pm, 浪漫様  wrote:
> > dear all,
> > i had been using cakephp for long time already and never had that
> > problem.
> > i have to create a site for a client and they give me a hosting
> > running on a CentOS machine.
> > i uploaded all cakephp files, changed the salt, made connection to db,
> > etc... BUT the CSS is not loaded and URL rewriting seems wrong ( not
> > working except for app )
> > CakePHP version:
> > PHP version: 4.4.9 with mod_rewrite module loaded
> > You can see PHP configuration here:
> > You can see Cake running here:
> > This URL [] says "Missing Method in
> > AppController"
> > This URL [] says "The requested
> > URL /users/create was not found on this server."
> > This URL []
> > would actually show the contents of the CSS file
> > So something is going bad on here and i don't know how to fix it.
> > My .htaccess files are as follow:
> > /.htaccess
> > 
> >     RewriteEngine On
> >     RewriteRule    ^$ app/webroot/     [L]
> >     RewriteRule    (.*) app/webroot/$1 [L]
> > 
> > /app/.htaccess
> > 
> >     RewriteEngine On
> >     RewriteRule    ^$   webroot/      [L]
> >     RewriteRule    (.*) webroot/$1    [L]
> > 
> > /app/webroot/.htacess
> > 
> >     RewriteEngine On
> >     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
> >     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
> >     RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1 [QSA,L]
> > 
> > Thanks in advance!
> > Rohman
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Re: Good SVN Deployment Plan for CakePHP

2009-10-24 Thread Sam Sherlock
I use git not svn but if you set up cake on your path then your app & cake
core are in different locations

then you can checkout (can't recall correct terminology - whatever updates
your copy of cake managed by svn)

and your worries are over

- S

2009/10/24 JeremyL 

> Can anyone point me to a good solid SVN deployment howto for CakePHP
> and a live app? Something along the lines of how simple WordpPress
> explains it (
> Updating_WordPress_with_Subversion) but of course Cake has some
> additional complications since cake is only a framework and not the
> entire app.
> Thanks
> >

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Re: Date/Time function in HABTM condition

2009-10-24 Thread Maddy

…is there another solution than this?

function beforeFind($query) {
>'] = date('Y-m-d', time());
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saving habtm relationship overwriting my data

2009-10-24 Thread mike

I have two objects, user and seekingprofile, that both habtm
ethnicities.  in my app, I save the seeking profile, then go to a new
page, save the user, then attempt to update the seekingprofile to
associate it with the newly created user.  the saves work fine, but
the ethnicities I've saved with the seeking profile (in the
ethnicies_seekingprofiles table) get overwritten but the ethnicities
associated with the user!

I tried a few things, like unbinding data (didn't work) and attempting
to update the user id associated with seeking profile using set, but
that inserted a new row instead of updating.

Can anyone help, I'm not anti interracial dating. thanks.

below is snippets of the code.

ethnicity model:
var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array (
'User' => array(
'className'=> 'User',
'joinTable' => 'ethnicities_users',
'foreignKey'=> 'ethnicity_id',
'associationForeignKey' => 'user_id'
'Seekingprofile' => array(
'className'=> 'Seekingprofile',
'joinTable' => 
'foreignKey'=> 'ethnicity_id',
'associationForeignKey' => 'seekingprofile_id'

seekingprofiles model:
var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array ( 'Ethnicity' => array(
'className'=> 'Ethnicity',
'joinTable' => 
'foreignKey'=> 'seekingprofile_id',
'associationForeignKey' => 'ethnicity_id'

var $belongsTo = array (
'User' => array(
'className'=> 'User',
'foreignKey'=> 'user_id',

users model:

var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array (
'Ethnicity' => array(
'className'=> 'Ethnicity',
'joinTable' => 'ethnicities_users',
'foreignKey'=> 'user_id',
'associationForeignKey' => 'ethnicity_id'
/*'unique'  => true*/
var $hasMany = array ('Seekingprofile',...);

user controller:
if ($this->User->save($this->data, array('validate' => 
'only'))) {

$user_id = $this->User->getLastInsertId();
$this->data['Seekingprofile']['user_id'] = 

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Good SVN Deployment Plan for CakePHP

2009-10-24 Thread JeremyL

Can anyone point me to a good solid SVN deployment howto for CakePHP
and a live app? Something along the lines of how simple WordpPress
explains it (
Updating_WordPress_with_Subversion) but of course Cake has some
additional complications since cake is only a framework and not the
entire app.

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Date/Time function in HABTM condition

2009-10-24 Thread Maddy

Hey, how can I use a PHP function in a HABTM rule in a model without
getting an escape mistakes?

var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'User' => array(
'conditions' => array(
// 'User.expire_account > ' . date("Y-m-d", time()) . 
'User.expire_account >' => date('Y-m-d', time()),

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ')' in…

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Save data of two models different in thye same time.

2009-10-24 Thread AmaReLow

How to save data of two models different in thye same time?
Example: I have a model called "Episode" and another "Link" and
$hasAndBelongsToMany = array('Link');

I want save data for two in the same time. I'm making:

echo $form->input('Episode.title');
echo $form->input('Link.url);

But when i go save:

$this->Episode->save($this->data), doesn't work.
What i can do? (I tried use HabtamableBehavior, but i dont was
understand it very well how works)

Srry for writing, i'm brazilian.
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Re: HABTM problem...

2009-10-24 Thread jayarjo

I will rephrase a bit.

As I said I have table Playlists and table Songs (this one has it's
own associations with Artists, Albums tables, etc.) that obviously got
association (all tables are named properly, according to Cake

Now, how do I retrieve all songs, with all the artist, album data,
that belong to a particular playlist?

On Oct 24, 2:26 pm, jayarjo  wrote:
> Let's say I've got table Playlists and table Songs (this one has it's
> own associations with Artists, Albums, etc.) that obvously got HABTM
> association (all tables are named properly, according to Cake
> conventions).
> Now the question (probably it's very dumb, sorry :) I got HABTM
> association between Playlists and Songs, and only HABTM, is it enough
> to use $this->Song->find() method to find all songs that correspond to
> a specific playlist (I do provide all necessary conditions)?
> The problem is that having all that in place I see that cake doesn't
> join HABTM associated tables in this case. Do they have to have other
> associations to? hasOne? hasMany?
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Re: Dynamic Selection of Database config based on Debug level

2009-10-24 Thread Jon Bennett


> Please can you point me again in the right direction?

I have host name switch in 3 places:

* webroot/index.php - to optionally change the location of the cake
* config/bootstrap.php - to override core settings such as debug
level, caching on/off etc,
* config/database.php - I create the class within the switch
statement, so only have the $default connection defined,



jon bennett - -

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Re: Order by Contain field

2009-10-24 Thread ark0n3

Yes I tried but CakePHP signaled wrong query.. In the end I managed to
move Person datas in the User table so that I removed a level of
relations and was able to order by User.surname.
I think it's a more reasonable DB model.

Thanks for your attention!

On 23 Ott, 19:11, jacmoe  wrote:
> Did you try with 'order' => array('Person.surname' => 'ASC') ?
> ((I'm away from any code, so I can't check atm))
> On Oct 23, 6:38 pm, ark0n3  wrote:
> > Yes, a related model but in the form
> > Teacher -> belongsTo User -> hasOne Person
> > so that I need to order by Person.surname,
> > I tried 'order' => array('Person.surname ASC') but got no results..
> > On 23 Ott, 01:04, jacmoe  wrote:
> > > What do you mean?
> > > A totally unrelated model, or ?
> > >     var $paginate = array(
> > >     'fields' => array(all_fields_here),
> > >     'limit' => 15,
> > >     'order' => array(
> > >     'SomeModel.someField' => 'desc')
> > >     );
> > > Works with whatever your model $belongsTo.
> > > If that's not what you mean, explain some more. :)
> > > On Oct 22, 7:49 pm, ark0n3  wrote:
> > > > Hi Melanie
> > > > thanks for your kind reply.
> > > > I meant general sorting, not necessarily in the view, something like
> > > > SELECT * FROM User inner join Group order by
> > > > I think it's quite amazing such a basic feature could not be achieved
> > > > with CakePHP, a workaround has to exist (different from manually
> > > > sorting pagination results).
> > > > On 22 Ott, 16:33, Melanie Sommer 
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > > Hi
> > > > > > does anyone know if it's possible to order by a contained fields? It
> > > > > > seems to me like a simple task but I'm unable to manage it.. I have 
> > > > > > a
> > > > > > User model associated with a Group field and I'd like to order User 
> > > > > > by
> > > > > >
> > > > > Do you mean paginator function sort() ? There you simpy need to type
> > > > > $paginator->sort('Group','');
> > > > > This only works if Group is directly related to your user, by
> > > > > belongsTo for example. I did not manage to get it work with any models
> > > > > that are not directly related with the current model and noone was
> > > > > able to answer me this question by now.
> > > > > Here:
> > > > > is written:
> > > > > "Cake 1.2 is still in development. I feel obligated to inform the
> > > > > reader of known weaknesses in pagination, before they dive in and
> > > > > start using it. There are only two things I know of which have been
> > > > > any hinderance to anybody.
> > > > > 1. Sorting by another model - Perhaps your model you want to paginate
> > > > > with has a belongsTo relationship to another model. You may want to
> > > > > sort by that other model. Currently this is not possible for security
> > > > > reasons. I'm told it will be done before Cake 1.2 becomes official.
> > > > > For now though, I am sorry you can only sort by the Model you are
> > > > > paginating with."
> > > > > So sorting by directly related models seems to be a rather new
> > > > > feature, so I fear it is generally not possible (without a lot of own
> > > > > code) to sort by models not directly related.
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Re: Dynamic Selection of Database config based on Debug level

2009-10-24 Thread CapeTownGuy

I added the following into my AppModel:

function __construct($id = false, $table = null, $ds = null)
if($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'xxx' || $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ==
parent::__construct($id = false, $table = null, $ds = null);

However, when the app runs, the following error is returned:

Missing Database Table
Error: Database table app_models for model AppModel was not found.
Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app\views

Please can you point me again in the right direction?

On Sep 10, 7:21 am, "Dr. Loboto"  wrote:
> Have both configs in database.php, add AppModel, in it's constructor
> set appropriate db config name to $this->useDbConfig and then call
> parent constructor. Copy constructor arguments for AppModel from Model
> and don't forget to pass them all to parent::__constructor();
> On Sep 9, 3:21 pm, CapeTownGuy  wrote:
> > Hi, is there some instructions on how to get Cake to use an
> > alternative Database config, based on the Debug level, I currently use
> > the following code inside my core.php to dynamically change between
> > debug levels, based on whether I'm on my localhost, or on my
> > production server... I tried the same technique inside database.php,
> > but it doesn't seem to work.
> > if($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == '' || $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ==
> > ''){
> >                 Configure::write('debug', 0);
> >         }else{
> >                 Configure::write('debug', 2);
> >         }
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Re: which CMS should i use?

2009-10-24 Thread

Next time I need something I am going to try baked simple

On Oct 24, 9:34 am, jacmoe  wrote:
> A framework allows you to create applications with ease.
> A CMS is an application - so I really don't see the redundancy. :)
> In fact, since a CMS tends to be a larger application, it is one of
> the things for which a framework really would make a difference. The
> larger the application, the bigger the benefits. IMO.
> Oh, and before I forget: PageBakery is also worth looking into.
> On Oct 23, 11:11 pm, Miles J  wrote:
> > Personally, I find it redundant to build a CMS with a framework.
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HABTM problem...

2009-10-24 Thread jayarjo

Let's say I've got table Playlists and table Songs (this one has it's
own associations with Artists, Albums, etc.) that obvously got HABTM
association (all tables are named properly, according to Cake

Now the question (probably it's very dumb, sorry :) I got HABTM
association between Playlists and Songs, and only HABTM, is it enough
to use $this->Song->find() method to find all songs that correspond to
a specific playlist (I do provide all necessary conditions)?

The problem is that having all that in place I see that cake doesn't
join HABTM associated tables in this case. Do they have to have other
associations to? hasOne? hasMany?
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Re: Model name issues with Upload Behavior

2009-10-24 Thread Jon Bennett

> Of course, have behavior that can work with multiple models is better.

which is how cakephp behaviours usually work. Settings are stored with
the model->alias, seems odd that Meio isn't coded like this, is there
a functional reason?


jon bennett - -

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Re: compare if a value is between two values in the database

2009-10-24 Thread Dr. Loboto

'? BETWEEN Sequence.sequence_ini AND Sequence.sequence_end' => array

On Oct 24, 5:43 am, Luciano Hoffmann 
> how can I compare if a value is between two values in the database ?
> Ex:
> In the database I have a table sequences with the fields sequence_ini
> and sequence_end
> I wanna know if the value 1000 is between the sequence_ini and the
> sequence_end
> In SQL:
> SELECT count(id) FROM sequences WHERE 1000 BETWEEN sequence_ini AND
> sequence_end;
> In Cake:
> $Sequence->find('count', array('conditions' => array( '1000 BETWEEN ?
> AND ? ' => array( 'Sequence.sequence_ini', 'Sequence.sequence_end' );
> It doesn´t work because cakephp thinks 1000 is a field and warn an
> error;
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Re: $ajax->ObserveForm issue - it only appears to work once...

2009-10-24 Thread Gaioshin

OK - I guess that's why when I used ObserveField, it was ok? I mean I
had used ObserveField individually for the dropdowns before and it
continued working (the views that were loaded in by Ajax repopulated
the select box parameters). Is there any way to keep ObserveForm
working if I am to replace the contents of the form (but not the form
itself) ?



On Oct 24, 4:41 am, "Dr. Loboto"  wrote:
> Observe stops to work if you replace observed elements by AJAX, for
> example.
> On Oct 23, 8:59 pm, Gaioshin  wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > I am trying to use the Ajax helper method observeForm, yet however it
> > appears to only fire once. By that I mean, I am using it to change
> > dropdowns but once the dropdown has changed, changing it again has no
> > effect whatsoever.
> > Previously I had used observeField and that had worked very well - but
> > now I need for various dropdowns to influence each other and
> > observeField is a bit cumbersome for that.
> > All ideas welcome,
> > Gaioshin
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Re: Jquery JSON Ajax Callback Not Working

2009-10-24 Thread Dr. Loboto

Can be wrong response. For example, cake debug info in it.

On Oct 24, 11:01 am, hahmadi82  wrote:
> Hi, so I noticed that if I change the type from "json" to "JSON" it prints
> the alert. However, if I try to print data.result in the alert, the alert
> prints "undefined". If I print data, the alert responds with
> "{"result":"SHOE"}". This is weird... why is the JSON not working properly?
> Dr. Loboto wrote:
> > This callback is executed only on success. Maybe it is not success?
> > On Oct 24, 3:22 am, hahmadi82  wrote:
> >> any help please?
> >> hahmadi82 wrote:
> >> > I'm trying to write a simple JSON post and the callback alert does not
> >> > show up no matter what I do.  I used firebugs to see if the post was
> >> > getting any response and "SHOE" returns.  So why is the alert not
> >> working
> >> > in the callback?
> >> > view code:
> >> >            $('#GaragePartAddfrompartlistForm').click(function() {
> >> >            var item = "CHEESE";
> >> >                    $.post("garage_parts/getlastid", { 'item' : item },
> >> >                              function(data){
> >> >                                alert(data.result);
> >> >                              }, "json");
> >> >         });
> >> > controller code:
> >> > function getlastid() {
> >> >            $newid = "SHOE";
> >> >         $array = array('result' => $newid);
> >> >         echo json_encode($array);
> >> >     }
> >> --
> >> View this message in
> >> context:
> >> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at
> --
> View this message in 
> context:
> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at
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Re: cakephp not working, please help

2009-10-24 Thread Dr. Loboto

mod_rewrite is not working. Check that it's loaded and you have
AllowOverride All for your cake install dir.

On Oct 24, 12:00 pm, 浪漫様  wrote:
> dear all,
> i had been using cakephp for long time already and never had that
> problem.
> i have to create a site for a client and they give me a hosting
> running on a CentOS machine.
> i uploaded all cakephp files, changed the salt, made connection to db,
> etc... BUT the CSS is not loaded and URL rewriting seems wrong ( not
> working except for app )
> CakePHP version:
> PHP version: 4.4.9 with mod_rewrite module loaded
> You can see PHP configuration here:
> You can see Cake running here:
> This URL [] says "Missing Method in
> AppController"
> This URL [] says "The requested
> URL /users/create was not found on this server."
> This URL []
> would actually show the contents of the CSS file
> So something is going bad on here and i don't know how to fix it.
> My .htaccess files are as follow:
> /.htaccess
>     RewriteEngine On
>     RewriteRule    ^$ app/webroot/     [L]
>     RewriteRule    (.*) app/webroot/$1 [L]
> /app/.htaccess
>     RewriteEngine On
>     RewriteRule    ^$   webroot/      [L]
>     RewriteRule    (.*) webroot/$1    [L]
> /app/webroot/.htacess
>     RewriteEngine On
>     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
>     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
>     RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1 [QSA,L]
> Thanks in advance!
> Rohman
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Re: Cakephp autocomplete

2009-10-24 Thread DAM

Thanks for help!!!
I will try it!!
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Re: Cakephp auth component allow problem

2009-10-24 Thread robustsolution

Dear @Zahidur,

to allow any kind of requestAction from within your AppController do
this in the beforeFilter() callback

if (array_key_exists('requested',$this->params)) {

this is a quick solution for now. and it works for me with no error.
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Re: which CMS should i use?

2009-10-24 Thread jacmoe

A framework allows you to create applications with ease.
A CMS is an application - so I really don't see the redundancy. :)
In fact, since a CMS tends to be a larger application, it is one of
the things for which a framework really would make a difference. The
larger the application, the bigger the benefits. IMO.

Oh, and before I forget: PageBakery is also worth looking into.

On Oct 23, 11:11 pm, Miles J  wrote:
> Personally, I find it redundant to build a CMS with a framework.
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RSS feed with filters

2009-10-24 Thread WebbedIT

Hi all,

I have managed to get RSS feeds working using the tutorial in the book
and a few hints and tips from related tutorials.  What I am now trying
to get working are filters for the feeds along the lines of:,60&category=39

Using a feed validator I realised the ampersand was an issue, so I
ended up with the following feed url which validates:,60=39

In my action I then check for $this->params['url']['f'] and explode it
on the '=' character which gives me my region and category values to
filter my find results with.

However, even though the above is a a valid feed I can't get Google or
Netvibes to accept them.  Any ideas why?

You can see this in action for yourself by visiting
and setting some content filters to limit the amount of causes shown.
The thinking is that the user could subscribe to one or more feeds to
update when certain types of charity in certain regions join.
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