Re: ACL how controll more type of action?

2011-01-12 Thread Andi

I think that you didn't understand the complex ACL logik. But it is
really complex.

The actions update, delete, save, add are the actions for the ACO.
So the first question is: what is an ACO? It is an Access Control
Object. Read here more about the logic:
So a typical ACO for CakePHP is a method of a controller.
Controller for Usergroups
* add
* delete
* index
* list
* mygroups
* admin
* view
Every Method is an ACO and for every ACO you can set the permissions
update, delete, save, add.

More Information about setting the permissions:

On 9 Jan., 22:18, Petr Vytlačil wrote:
 Hi in ACL you can controll only action (update, delete, save, add) It
 is bad because app can has more other metod is any solutuion how
 control access for other methor for example:

 Controller Users
 Function list(){



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Re: How to paginate HABTM relations

2011-01-11 Thread Andi

I always have similar problems. With HABTM you have to join the tables
by yourself over the options-array.

Look here for the syntax:

This should also work with the pafinate method.

On 11 Jan., 02:29, Synue Cunioci wrote:
 Hi everybody!

 Here is the thing: I have a table called tags and other six
 tables(informatives, courses, activities, events, documents and
 clippinngs) that has a a HABTM relation with the table tags.

 I have something that I call supertags. It´s a list of the 8 most
 tagged tag. This list contains a link to a method that receives the id
 of the tag and should return another list (an paginated one) with the
 entries of the other tables (informatives, courses, activities,
 events, documents and clippinngs) that have the relation with the tag.

 What I did at first was $this-Tag-find('first', array('conditions'
 = array('' = '$id')), with recursive=1 and then manipulate the

 But then I discovered that the paginate() method needs the first
 params to be a model, and not an array.

 So I read a lot of posts about paginate and HABTM relations but since,
 I'm new at cake, I couldn't understand a bit. I think that the answer
 lies on something about afterFind and bind.

 So, can someone with a lot of patience explain to me how to join the
 tables and fetch the result paginated??

 Thanks in Advance!!

 PS: Cricket, if you see the post can you reply to me? You are the only
 one that replied my posts

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Re: I am getting an error like this after i submit an action.

2011-01-11 Thread Andi
The Problem is the redirecting a page over the php header() function.
This just works, if there is absolutly NO output send. CakePHP uses
the header-redirect for redirecting between the controller actions. So
if you have an output e.g. with debug() you will get the information,
that no redirecting is possible.

More information about header() function:

On 10 Jan., 12:39, Deepak wrote:
 Warning (2): Cannot modify header information - headers already sent
 by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\todo\app\models\post.php:9) [CORE
 \cake\libs\controller\controller.php, line 742]
 Code | Context

 $status =       Location:http://localhost/todo/posts;

 header - [internal], line ??
 Controller::header() - CORE\cake\libs\controller\controller.php, line
 Controller::redirect() - CORE\cake\libs\controller\controller.php,
 line 721
 PostsController::delete() - APP\controllers\posts_controller.php, line
 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE\cake\dispatcher.php, line 204
 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE\cake\dispatcher.php, line 171
 [main] - APP\webroot\index.php, line 85

 please help me as i want to finish it of as early as possible.

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