Re: Model Associations - just feels wrong

2010-03-19 Thread Antônio Marco
Hi, TheKerk, morning!

Can you post the models association's code here?


On 17 mar, 23:41, TheHerk  wrote:
> Here is a link to a screenshot of a class diagram I am working on,
> with noted model associations. There are several relationships in the
> diagram that feel wrong to me. The one in the diagram that illustrates
> this is between ZipLocation and State. In this case, state is
> enumerated in its own table. For some reason, to me, it seems strange
> that  ZipLocation, the parent, is belongsTo. I keep thinking in my
> head, “Each ZipLocation has one associated State,” but it doesn't seem
> to work that way. There are several more instances of this dilemma,
> but they are just the same.
> Does this look remotely correct?

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Scaffolding with data in different PostgreSQL schemas

2009-08-12 Thread Antônio Marco

Hi, folks!

I'm having a problem with Scaffolding with data in different
PostgreSQL schemas.

There are 2 different PostgreSQL schemas with related tables:

- dme
- habitacao

Some habitation's tables has foreign key to dme's tables.

There are 2 different Cake application each one with your own models
but also related:

- dme
- habitacao

The problem occurs in the habitacao's INDEX action with does not print
the displayField of the dme's related models.

Make I myself clear?

Any help will be wellcome.
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Re: Form with saving of true/false/null

2009-08-01 Thread Antônio Marco

I would use delocalizer's idea just changing the $optarray to:

('0' => 'No', '1' => 'Yes', 'null' => 'No info')

Good look.

On Jul 31, 7:33 am, delocalizer  wrote:
> As for the coding, just use the form helper's automagic radio input:
> eg
> input('fieldname',array('type'=>'radio','options'=>
> $optarray)); ?>
> $optarray is the array of options, eg. array
> ('0'=>'No','1'=>'Yes','2'=>'No info') for the example you give.
> On Jul 31, 8:29 pm, delocalizer  wrote:
> > The other way you can approach clearing radio input groups is to add
> > some little button or widget next to each group with a javascript
> > onClick function that sets the values to empty. At least that's what I
> > do. It looks prettier & and a bit more logical than an extra radio
> > option.
> > cheers,
> > Conrad.
> > On Jul 31, 4:13 pm, Kanten  wrote:
> > > I have been giving this some thought and I do get what you mean, but
> > > it is very important that the user can always change e.g. an "yes"
> > > answer into "not info on subject". Database wise I think you are
> > > right, that I should define three different values (no = 0, yes = 1,
> > > no info = 2) instead of using no info = Null.
> > > Thank you very much for your help.
> > > /Anders
> > > On Jul 30, 9:41 am, delocalizer  wrote:
> > > > You sure you want an explicit third option 'no information on the
> > > > subject'? Wouldn't it be better to just have a radio group with 2
> > > > buttons (Yes/No or True/False) with a default value of NULL for that
> > > > field in your database? Or if you really want to have a third option
> > > > to force a user to enter something, mapping to a value other than
> > > > empty string or 'null' might be wise, as depending on how your db
> > > > field is defined, these may not be distinguishable from 'no data
> > > > entered'. The 'right' solution really depends on the particular logic
> > > > of your application - what data your users should enter and how that
> > > > data will be used and analysed once it's in the database.
> > > > On Jul 30, 12:40 am, "rich...@home"  wrote:
> > > > > I'd use a drop down select instead of an option group.
> > > > > This should do the trick:
> > > > > input("Model.field", array("options"=>array(""=>"No
> > > > > information on subject", true=>"True", false=>"False))); ?>
> > > > > On Jul 29, 12:29 pm, Kanten  wrote:
> > > > > > Is there really noone, that can help me with this one?
> > > > > > Thanks
> > > > > > Anders
> > > > > > On Jul 10, 1:49 pm, Kanten  wrote:
> > > > > > > Hi,
> > > > > > > I am making a database for research and for this project I have a 
> > > > > > > lot
> > > > > > > of dichotomous (binary) variables where I need to be able to
> > > > > > > discrimate between true, false and "no information on
> > > > > > > subject" (=null). I would like to store it as a bool field in 
> > > > > > > MySQL.
> > > > > > > User interface wise I was thinking of using radio buttons with the
> > > > > > > option of choosing between the three posibilities.
> > > > > > > Is there some easy way of doing this using the builtin form 
> > > > > > > helper, or
> > > > > > > do I need to to modify it somehow?
> > > > > > > Thanks
> > > > > > > Anders
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Changing field type in scaffold form

2009-07-24 Thread Antônio Marco

Hi, folks!


[1] I'm using scaffolding;
[2] I have a table wich contains a INT2 column named LEVEL. This
column accepts only values IN (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
[3] When the scaffold form is shown, the LEVEL field is a simple *
TEXT type * field.

My question is:

Would be possible to change a * TEXT type * field to a * SELECT type *
field by manipulating the $this->viewVars OR setting up something in
the related model OR something else?

Notice that I do not want manually create a form.

Any help will be welcome.
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An external URL pointing to the application

2009-04-02 Thread Antônio Marco

Hi folks, morning (here in Brazil)!

I'm developing an application wich sends an e-mail to a claimant. This
e-mail contains a complete URL that points to an action wich validates
the claimant's e-mail account.

The problem is I have two development environments: test (my CPU) and
production (the HTTP server).

So, how to send the correct ***domain*** in the URL, automaticaly?

CakePHP controllers has both $base and $here properties "relative to
the webroot of the application", but these properties don't solve my

Thanks for any help.
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HABTM and findAll

2009-03-12 Thread Antônio Marco


I have an app with a few models; Claimant, Professional and
ApprovalRequisition among them.

Some of most important associations are:

- Claimant hasMany ApprovalRequisitions;
- Professional hasAndBelongsToMany ApprovalRequisition; and,
- ApprovalRequisition hasAndBelongsToMany Professional.

Starting from the ApprovalRequisition model, I need to retrieve all
Claimant's ApprovalRequisitions. Until now, no problem.

I'm using the code:

$claimant_approval_requisitions = $this->ApprovalRequisition->find(
'conditions' => array(
'ApprovalRequisition.claimant_id' => $claimant_id

debug($claimant_approval_requisitions) shows:

[0] => Array(
[ApprovalRequisition] => Array(
[id] => 1
[created] => 2009-03-11 11:27:35
[modified] => 2009-03-11 11:27:35
[claimant_id] => 1

[Claimant] => Array(
[id] => 1
[created] => 2009-02-17 16:55:30
[modified] => 2009-02-17 16:55:30

[Professional] => Array(
[0] => Array(
[id] => 2
[created] => 2009-03-12 09:37:38
[modified] => 2009-03-12 09:37:38
[ApprovalRequisitionsProfessional] => Array(
[id] => 3
[created] => 2009-03-12 09:40:46
[modified] => 2009-03-12 09:40:46
[requisition_id] => 1
[professional_id] => 2

[1] => Array(
[id] => 1
[created] => 2009-02-17 16:55:30
[modified] => 2009-03-04 10:08:37
[ApprovalRequisitionsProfessional] => Array(
[id] => 1
[created] => 2009-03-11 11:27:35
[modified] => 2009-03-11 11:27:35
[requisition_id] => 1
[professional_id] => 1

[1] => Array(
[ApprovalRequisition] => Array(
[id] => 2
[created] => 2009-03-12 11:26:01
[modified] => 2009-03-12 11:26:01
[claimant_id] => 1

[Claimant] => Array(
[id] => 1
[created] => 2009-02-17 16:55:30
[modified] => 2009-02-17 16:55:30

[Professional] => Array(
[0] => Array(
[id] => 1
[created] => 2009-02-17 16:55:30
[modified] => 2009-03-04 10:08:37
[ApprovalRequisitionsProfessional] => Array(
[id] => 4
[created] => 2009-03-12 11:26:01
[modified] => 2009-03-12 11:26:01
[requisition_id] => 2
[professional_id] => 1

My problem is retrieving all Professional's ApprovalRequisitions...

Basically, I wish to retrieve *ONLY* ApprovalRequisitions that belongs
to a given Professional. Simple like that.

Yes, I know that would be much more simple starting from the
Professional model to obtain all yours ApprovalRequisitions.

Can someone help me?

Thanks a lot.

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Re: How should I associate these tables?

2008-12-04 Thread Antônio Marco

No, I can't move all my tables to same schema.

But thanks anyway.

On 25 nov, 13:35, teknoid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I assume in that case you'll need to create a model for your join
> table (which is otherwise created for you)...
> and specify which schema (db) it uses.
> Otherwise, if you can, move them all to the same schema.
> On Nov 25, 7:55 am, Antônio Marco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks, teknoid!
> > But now I'm having a new problem... My applications uses tables
> > separated in different schemas.Thesetables are related one each
> > other as shown above.
> > I'm trying the HBTM association between "geo.plots" and
> > "dme.addresses" tables. I created the "geo.addresses_plots" table but
> > when I run my application I receives the message bellow:
> > Warning (2): pg_query() []: Query failed: ERRO:
> > relation "addresses_plots" do not exists [CORE.rc2/libs/model/
> > datasources/dbo/dbo_postgres.php, line 152]
> > Can you help me once more?
> > I hope so.
> > On 24 nov, 18:50, teknoid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > This is a basic HABTM (hasAndBelongsToMany) relationship.
> > > Read up on it in the manual... you should also rename the join table
> > > (if you'd like to keep consistent with conventions).
> > > On Nov 24, 2:40 pm, Antônio Marco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi folks!
> > > > I created 3 tables as shown bellow:
> > > > CREATE TABLE geo.plots
> > > > (
> > > >   id  serial   NOT NULL,
> > > >   created timestamp,
> > > >   modifiedtimestamp,
> > > >   the_geomvarchar(255),
> > > >   inscricao_imobiliaria   varchar(14) NOT NULL,
> > > >   quadra  varchar(10),
> > > >   lotesmallint,
> > > >   numero_residencial_previo   smallint,
> > > >   PRIMARY KEY (id)
> > > > )
> > > > WITH OIDS;
> > > > CREATE TABLE geo.plot_addresses
> > > > (
> > > >   id  serial   NOT NULL,
> > > >   created timestamp,
> > > >   modifiedtimestamp,
> > > >   plot_id int  NOT NULL,
> > > >   address_id  int  NOT NULL,
> > > >   endereco_principal  bool NOT NULL DEFAULT true,
> > > >   PRIMARY KEY (id),
> > > >   FOREIGN KEY (plot_id) REFERENCES geo.plots (id),
> > > >   FOREIGN KEY (address_id) REFERENCES dme.addresses (id)
> > > > )
> > > > WITH OIDS;
> > > > CREATE TABLE dme.addresses
> > > > (
> > > >   idserial   NOT NULL,
> > > >   created   timestamp,
> > > >   modified  timestamp,
> > > >   habilitadobool NOT NULL DEFAULT true,
> > > >   street_postal_code_id int  NOT NULL,
> > > >   parent_id int,
> > > >   complemento   bool NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
> > > >   numerosmallint,
> > > >   bloco varchar(10),
> > > >   andar smallint,
> > > >   unidade   smallint,
> > > >   posicao   smallint,
> > > >   caixa_postal  smallint,
> > > >   complemento_livre varchar(255),
> > > >   PRIMARY KEY (id),
> > > >   FOREIGN KEY (street_postal_code_id) REFERENCES
> > > > dme.street_postal_codes (id),
> > > >   FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES dme.addresses (id)
> > > > )
> > > > WITH OIDS;
> > > > They are associated as shown bellow:
> > > > //
> > > > class Plot extends AppModel {
> > > > var $name = 'Plot';
> > > > var $useDbConfig = 'geo';
> > > > var $hasMany = array(
> > > > 'PlotAddresses' => array(
> > > > 'className'  => 'PlotAddress',
> > > > 'foreignKey' => 'plot_id'

Re: How should I associate these tables?

2008-11-27 Thread Antônio Marco

No, I don't move all my tables to same schema.

But thanks anyway.

On 25 nov, 13:35, teknoid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I assume in that case you'll need to create a model for your join
> table (which is otherwise created for you)...
> and specify which schema (db) it uses.
> Otherwise, if you can, move them all to the same schema.
> On Nov 25, 7:55 am, Antônio Marco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks, teknoid!
> > But now I'm having a new problem... My applications uses tables
> > separated indifferentschemas. These tables are related one each
> > other as shown above.
> > I'm trying the HBTM association between "geo.plots" and
> > "dme.addresses" tables. I created the "geo.addresses_plots" table but
> > when I run my application I receives the message bellow:
> > Warning (2): pg_query() []: Query failed: ERRO:
> > relation "addresses_plots" do not exists [CORE.rc2/libs/model/
> > datasources/dbo/dbo_postgres.php, line 152]
> > Can you help me once more?
> > I hope so.
> > On 24 nov, 18:50, teknoid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > This is a basic HABTM (hasAndBelongsToMany) relationship.
> > > Read up on it in the manual... you should also rename the join table
> > > (if you'd like to keep consistent with conventions).
> > > On Nov 24, 2:40 pm, Antônio Marco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi folks!
> > > > I created 3 tables as shown bellow:
> > > > CREATE TABLE geo.plots
> > > > (
> > > >   id  serial   NOT NULL,
> > > >   created timestamp,
> > > >   modifiedtimestamp,
> > > >   the_geomvarchar(255),
> > > >   inscricao_imobiliaria   varchar(14) NOT NULL,
> > > >   quadra  varchar(10),
> > > >   lotesmallint,
> > > >   numero_residencial_previo   smallint,
> > > >   PRIMARY KEY (id)
> > > > )
> > > > WITH OIDS;
> > > > CREATE TABLE geo.plot_addresses
> > > > (
> > > >   id  serial   NOT NULL,
> > > >   created timestamp,
> > > >   modifiedtimestamp,
> > > >   plot_id int  NOT NULL,
> > > >   address_id  int  NOT NULL,
> > > >   endereco_principal  bool NOT NULL DEFAULT true,
> > > >   PRIMARY KEY (id),
> > > >   FOREIGN KEY (plot_id) REFERENCES geo.plots (id),
> > > >   FOREIGN KEY (address_id) REFERENCES dme.addresses (id)
> > > > )
> > > > WITH OIDS;
> > > > CREATE TABLE dme.addresses
> > > > (
> > > >   idserial   NOT NULL,
> > > >   created   timestamp,
> > > >   modified  timestamp,
> > > >   habilitadobool NOT NULL DEFAULT true,
> > > >   street_postal_code_id int  NOT NULL,
> > > >   parent_id int,
> > > >   complemento   bool NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
> > > >   numerosmallint,
> > > >   bloco varchar(10),
> > > >   andar smallint,
> > > >   unidade   smallint,
> > > >   posicao   smallint,
> > > >   caixa_postal  smallint,
> > > >   complemento_livre varchar(255),
> > > >   PRIMARY KEY (id),
> > > >   FOREIGN KEY (street_postal_code_id) REFERENCES
> > > > dme.street_postal_codes (id),
> > > >   FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES dme.addresses (id)
> > > > )
> > > > WITH OIDS;
> > > > They are associated as shown bellow:
> > > > //
> > > > class Plot extends AppModel {
> > > > var $name = 'Plot';
> > > > var $useDbConfig = 'geo';
> > > > var $hasMany = array(
> > > > 'PlotAddresses' => array(
> > > > 'className'  => 'PlotAddress',
> > > > 'foreignKey' => 'plot_id'

Re: How should I associate these tables?

2008-11-25 Thread Antônio Marco

Thanks, teknoid!

But now I'm having a new problem... My applications uses tables
separated in different schemas. These tables are related one each
other as shown above.

I'm trying the HBTM association between "geo.plots" and
"dme.addresses" tables. I created the "geo.addresses_plots" table but
when I run my application I receives the message bellow:

Warning (2): pg_query() []: Query failed: ERRO:
relation "addresses_plots" do not exists [CORE.rc2/libs/model/
datasources/dbo/dbo_postgres.php, line 152]

Can you help me once more?

I hope so.

On 24 nov, 18:50, teknoid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is a basic HABTM (hasAndBelongsToMany) relationship.
> Read up on it in the manual... you should also rename the join table
> (if you'd like to keep consistent with conventions).
> On Nov 24, 2:40 pm, Antônio Marco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi folks!
> > I created 3 tables as shown bellow:
> > CREATE TABLE geo.plots
> > (
> >   id  serial   NOT NULL,
> >   created timestamp,
> >   modifiedtimestamp,
> >   the_geomvarchar(255),
> >   inscricao_imobiliaria   varchar(14) NOT NULL,
> >   quadra  varchar(10),
> >   lotesmallint,
> >   numero_residencial_previo   smallint,
> >   PRIMARY KEY (id)
> > )
> > CREATE TABLE geo.plot_addresses
> > (
> >   id  serial   NOT NULL,
> >   created timestamp,
> >   modifiedtimestamp,
> >   plot_id int  NOT NULL,
> >   address_id  int  NOT NULL,
> >   endereco_principal  bool NOT NULL DEFAULT true,
> >   PRIMARY KEY (id),
> >   FOREIGN KEY (plot_id) REFERENCES geo.plots (id),
> >   FOREIGN KEY (address_id) REFERENCES dme.addresses (id)
> > )
> > CREATE TABLE dme.addresses
> > (
> >   idserial   NOT NULL,
> >   created   timestamp,
> >   modified  timestamp,
> >   habilitadobool NOT NULL DEFAULT true,
> >   street_postal_code_id int  NOT NULL,
> >   parent_id int,
> >   complemento   bool NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
> >   numerosmallint,
> >   bloco varchar(10),
> >   andar smallint,
> >   unidade   smallint,
> >   posicao   smallint,
> >   caixa_postal  smallint,
> >   complemento_livre varchar(255),
> >   PRIMARY KEY (id),
> >   FOREIGN KEY (street_postal_code_id) REFERENCES
> > dme.street_postal_codes (id),
> >   FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES dme.addresses (id)
> > )
> > They are associated as shown bellow:
> > //
> > class Plot extends AppModel {
> > var $name = 'Plot';
> > var $useDbConfig = 'geo';
> > var $hasMany = array(
> > 'PlotAddresses' => array(
> > 'className'  => 'PlotAddress',
> > 'foreignKey' => 'plot_id'
> > )
> > );
> > }
> > //
> > class PlotAddress extends AppModel {
> > var $name = 'PlotAddress';
> > var $useDbConfig = 'geo';
> > var $belongsTo = array(
> > 'Plot' => array(
> > 'className'  => 'Plot',
> > 'foreignKey' => 'plot_id'
> > ),
> > 'Address' => array(
> > 'className'  => 'Address',
> > 'foreignKey' => 'address_id'
> > )
> > );
> > }
> > //
> > class Address extends AppModel {
> > var $name = 'Address';
> > var $useDbConfig = 'dme';
> > var $hasOne = array(
> > 'PlotAddress' => array(
> > 'className' => 'PlotAddress',
> > 'foreignKey' => 'address_id'
> > )
> > );
> > }
> > I have used Scaffolding in this application but when I run the index
> > of PlotAddresses, I receive the message bellow:
> > Notice (8): Undefined index:  Address [CORE.rc2/libs/view/scaffolds/
> > index.ctp, line 81]
> > Verifing the line, I saw that the problem is related to "belongTo"
> > association.
> > Can anybody help me to solve this problem? Is my association
> > incorrect?
> > Thanks a lot.
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How should I associate these tables?

2008-11-24 Thread Antônio Marco

Hi folks!

I created 3 tables as shown bellow:

CREATE TABLE geo.plots
  id  serial   NOT NULL,
  created timestamp,


  inscricao_imobiliaria   varchar(14) NOT NULL,

  quadra  varchar(10),

  numero_residencial_previo   smallint,


CREATE TABLE geo.plot_addresses
  id  serial   NOT NULL,
  created timestamp,

  plot_id int  NOT NULL,
  address_id  int  NOT NULL,

  endereco_principal  bool NOT NULL DEFAULT true,

  FOREIGN KEY (plot_id) REFERENCES geo.plots (id),
  FOREIGN KEY (address_id) REFERENCES dme.addresses (id)

CREATE TABLE dme.addresses
  idserial   NOT NULL,
  created   timestamp,
  modified  timestamp,

  habilitadobool NOT NULL DEFAULT true,

  street_postal_code_id int  NOT NULL,
  parent_id int,

  complemento   bool NOT NULL DEFAULT false,


  bloco varchar(10),
  andar smallint,
  unidade   smallint,

  posicao   smallint,

  caixa_postal  smallint,

  complemento_livre varchar(255),


  FOREIGN KEY (street_postal_code_id) REFERENCES
dme.street_postal_codes (id),
  FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES dme.addresses (id)

They are associated as shown bellow:

class Plot extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Plot';

var $useDbConfig = 'geo';

var $hasMany = array(
'PlotAddresses' => array(
'className'  => 'PlotAddress',
'foreignKey' => 'plot_id'

class PlotAddress extends AppModel {
var $name = 'PlotAddress';

var $useDbConfig = 'geo';

var $belongsTo = array(
'Plot' => array(
'className'  => 'Plot',
'foreignKey' => 'plot_id'

'Address' => array(
'className'  => 'Address',
'foreignKey' => 'address_id'

class Address extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Address';

var $useDbConfig = 'dme';

var $hasOne = array(
'PlotAddress' => array(
'className' => 'PlotAddress',
'foreignKey' => 'address_id'

I have used Scaffolding in this application but when I run the index
of PlotAddresses, I receive the message bellow:

Notice (8): Undefined index:  Address [CORE.rc2/libs/view/scaffolds/
index.ctp, line 81]

Verifing the line, I saw that the problem is related to "belongTo"

Can anybody help me to solve this problem? Is my association

Thanks a lot.
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Reserved words

2008-10-10 Thread Antônio Marco

Hi, there!

Is "Plot" a CakePHP reserved word?

I'm receiving the message below:

Notice (8): Undefined index:  Plot [CORE/libs/view/scaffolds/
index.ctp, line 56]

When I change the "Plot" to another one the message goes out.

Thanks a lot.

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