Re: Problems setting up phpGACL

2007-10-29 Thread Cavallo

Same problem here. :/ When I go to localhost/phpgacl it redirects me
to phpgacl/install but then I get that phpgacl controller does not
exists :/

Best regards.

On Oct 28, 10:31 pm, ellils <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi fellas,
> I know this topic has been discussed several times on this forum...
> read through everything and tried every conceivable way to get this
> sorted out on my localhost but for some reason, I could not integrate
> phpGACL with my cake install.
> Hope someone out here could point me in the correct direction.
> These are my settings for my cake installation:-
> Cake library is located at "c:\www\cake\"
> Web document root is "c:\www\webroot\"
> App folder is located at "c:\www\webroot\app\"
> Vendor folder is located at "c:\www\webroot\app\vendor
> I downloaded phpgacl_for_cakephp-1.0.2b and copied all the folders
> into the corresponding ones.
> If I point my browser athttp://localhost/I can see the correct
> messages:
> "
> CakePHP Rapid Development
> Your database configuration file is present.
> Cake is able to connect to the database."
> According to the instructions listed here 
> -
> - I should next point my browser at "http://localhost/phpgacl/";  but
> when I do that, all I get is a 404 page not found error since phpgacl
> is not located there.
> Am I interpreting part of the install instructions wrongly?
> TIA,
> ellils

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Form helper and date field

2007-07-26 Thread Cavallo

If you use this:

input('Clients.birthday', array('type' => 'date')); ?

You get select boxes formated in MDY way. I have to change the format
in DMY so I have changed form helper a leathel bit.

In helpers dir in file form.php find   case 'date':   and change all
in case 'date' with next:
$out = $before . $out . $between . $this->dateTime($fieldName, !
empty($options['dateFormat']) ? $options['dateFormat'] : 'MDY', null,
$selected, $options, $empty);

Save it. Now you can use it like this:
input('Clients.birthday', array('type' => 'date',
'dateFormat' => 'DMY')); ?>

You can use DMY, YMD,  If you leave it empty then defualt is MDY

I hope maybe someone will helps this :)

Sorry for my eanglish :P


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Re: Thank You for CakePHP

2007-03-17 Thread Cavallo

I agree with all. Cake is awesome and I love it. I have already donate
for Cake and I will also do this every month. It's great! Thanks to
all developers and to all that are in this community.

Keep up a good work!


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Ajax editor() and wysiwyg editor

2007-03-16 Thread Cavallo


Is possible to use in $ajax->editor() a wysiwyg (tinymce, FCK,...) ?
And if it is then how ? It would be realy nice if this would be



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