Re: Dynamically change data source of models

2009-08-13 Thread CobaltShark

I use Ad-hoc joins to LEFT JOIN data from different databases using
the same default db config and it works well. Just specify table =
'common_db_name.table_name' . You will obviously need to ensure that
the db user specified in your config has at least SELECT privs to both
databases. I usually give Any user on localhost SELECT privs on my
common database, but you could just as easily grant database specific
as well.

On Aug 13, 5:11 am, Fritsie wrote:
 I'm developing an application which will be used by multiple companies
 and I want to use a shared database for common information like users,
 companies, permissions etc, but I want to use a separate database for
 each company for their own (private) information. The reason to give
 every company an own database is for speed, security en taking
 advantage of the caching from the database.

 I've read the article by Anssi Rajakallio (doze) at the 
 And also the comments of the cakephp team, but I still have a few

 I don't want to initialize a connection to 1 company-database (the
 solution of Anssi) at the start, but I want to be able to change from
 data source while making one request, for instance when I want to
 benchmark multiple companies I need to make one request, and multiple
 database requests on different databases (depending on the companies I
 want to benchmark).

 The question is how I can change dynamically the data source of all
 the models who don't use the 'shared' data source.

 Thanks in advance.
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Re: Function Find - problem

2009-08-11 Thread CobaltShark

It would be helpful if you posted the actual code of your find(), but
it would appear that you are not forming your conditions array
correctly. I haven't had any issues using LIKE, and maybe this link
will help :
.Book.title LIKE = A% should give you the results your looking

On Aug 11, 5:40 am, boobalan wrote:
 i found some difficulties using function find(),
 SELECT `Book`.`isbn`, `Book`.`title`, `Book`.`author_name` FROM
 `books` AS `Book` WHERE `Book`.`title` = 'LIKE 'A%' ORDER BY
 `Book`.`title` ASC
 In this query,  i can't retrieve data because the conditions pasted in
 this query is wrong
 WHILE using LIKE in a query we can't use '=' symbol so suggest a
 solution for this.

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Re: Access non CakePHP session from within CakePHP

2009-08-11 Thread CobaltShark

The $_SESSION array should have what your looking for.

On Aug 11, 12:15 am, Fabs wrote:
 G'day all

 I'm integrating CakePHP into a legacy CMS. The CMS stores all of its
 session data in the generic php session (it never calls session_name
 ()). I need to retrieve this session data to prevent requiring users
 to log in twice to use the old and the new functions. Is there a way
 to do this?

 Thanks everyone.
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Re: PDF reader in view without new header

2009-08-11 Thread CobaltShark

Have you tried removing /app/webroot from the $html-url call? Not
sure if that will fix all your issues but that is where I would start.

On Aug 11, 7:54 am, RugerJ wrote:
 How can you show a pdf file within a view without setting the header
 to pdf.

 I tried to embed it like this:

 EMBED SRC=?php echo $html-url('/app/webroot/files/userfile/'.
 HEIGHT=450 WIDTH=555 NOEMBED Your browser does not support embedded

 But that doesn't work because of the routing  says controller not
 Is there a way around?

 Thnx in advance
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Re: Storing arrays in the database (one field many values)

2009-08-10 Thread CobaltShark

It is always a bad idea to try and squeeze lists into a single field.
It will inevitably lead to you pulling your hair out in the future.
Anyone who is tempted to store comma separated lists in a field
because its 'easier' should spend a few minutes reading about database
is a great place to start. Following a few simple 'rules' when
developing your tables will save you the headache of trying to write
overly complex SELECT queries in the future.

On Aug 6, 2:19 am, Rawna wrote:
 How do I store an array into the database?
 Here's the view:
                 echo $form-input('name');
                 echo $form-input('bio');
                 echo $form-input('book_id', array('multiple' = true));

 What if I got multiple books? How do I store them in the database?
 Whenever I tried saving the entry I get these errors:

 Notice (8): Array to string conversion
 Warning (512): SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column 'Array' in 'field list'
 Query: INSERT INTO `authors` (`name`, `bio`, `book_id`) VALUES ('Chuck
 Palahniuk', 'Great writer', Array)

 I created the BookController using bake BTW.

 Thanks in advance!
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2009-08-10 Thread CobaltShark

I am not sure if this is what you are looking for, but wouldn't you
get what your looking for (and avoid the subquery) by WHERE'ing IS NULL? Maybe I am misunderstanding what data you are trying
to pull as the where user_id = 3 in the subquery is a bit confusing
to me, are you running that query for each user_id ?

On Aug 9, 2:46 pm, euromark (munich)
 does anybody know if there is a cake function for the WHERE NOT EXISTS

 i have users who have many roles in the join table role_users -
 and i want to display the ones not having any roles yet

 id user_id role_id
 1  2  3
 2  3  3
 (user 1 not in the list yet, so does not have any role)

 with mysql itself if would say:
 select * from users left join role_users where not exists (select *
 from role_users where user_id = 3)
 for example

 i could do some complex reversing - but was looking for some more
 convinient way to do it :)

 thx, mark
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AuthComponent using two tables

2009-08-01 Thread CobaltShark

I have a users table that stores a contact_id as well as a password. I
would like AuthComponent to use ['Contact']['email'] for the username
field and ['User']['pass'] for passwords. User hasOne Contact. These
are the methods I have tried without success:

Method #1 - Try and use in both Controller  View
Controller (beforeFilter()):
$this-Auth-fields = array('username' =,'password'
= pass);
Login View:
echo $form-create('User', array('action' = 'login'));

echo $form-input('');

echo $form-input('pass',array('type' = 'password'));
Returns invalid user/pass error. Debug SQL output shows that no query
was sent, simply failing without even querying DB.

Method #2 - Try using in View but simply email in
Controller (beforeFilter()):
$this-Auth-fields = array('username' = email,'password' =
Login View:
echo $form-create('User', array('action' = 'login'));
echo $form-input('');
echo $form-input('pass',array('type' = 'password'));
Same as Method #1, it fails yet still does not generate a query.

Method #3
Controller (beforeFilter()):
$this-Auth-fields = array('username' = email,'password' =
Login View:
echo $form-create('User', array('action' = 'login'));
echo $form-input('email');
echo $form-input('pass',array('type' = 'password'));
This was the only method that actually produced a SQL query. The SQL
it generates is mostly correct, LEFT JOIN'ing the contact table to the
user table, however it is trying to pull rather than , resulting in a MySQL error.

It would appear that the underlying issue here is that $this-Auth-
fields is unwilling to accept I am not willing to
simply move the email field to the users table since storing the same
data twice is obviously not good DB design.

Is there any way to still use the core AuthComponent with this DB
schema? Thanks for the help.

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