Re: OthAuth session disappearing

2007-03-04 Thread Dusty

Okay, so I am not a server expert but all of my problems stem from a
incorrect setting in the php.ini file. Here is a reference to a thread
that was helped me solve it.

I had to set the session.auto_start=1

I hope if anyone sees this it will save them hours of headaches.

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OthAuth session disappearing

2007-02-27 Thread Dusty

I have looked all over this group and I have a question I think is
similar to some but I have never seen a real answer I don't think. At
least not one I understand anyway.

I have cake 1.1 and othAuth 0.5.3. I have set up the tables, the
models, the views the controllers, and the components.

Something is happening that blows my mind. The session seems to be
disappearing after a successful login. Which is not really a
successful login. When I log in I see that the last_visited field is
updated in the users table. I can throw a print_r in the _saveSession
function after it writes the session in the othAuth component and it
prints out the othAuth session information. I can open the session
file on the server and see that the othAuth session information is in
the file. I have tried setting the cake_security to high, medium ,
low. I have managed the sessions with the database, php and cake. I
see a new session everytime I refresh the page. The session info seems
to be there temporarily yet the $othAuth->sessionValid() does not
believe it. The only time anything seems to act like it is logged in
is when I check the "remember me" box and even then id does not show
me as being logged in on every page. Plus, I can't seem to log out.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions to help me with my issue. I
would be happy to provide more information. I might even give you a
great big hug.

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Re: Cake Nightly 10_05 problems

2006-05-11 Thread Dusty


Thanks, you were correct,  I was overwriting the new
/app/config/inflector.php with the old


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Re: Cake Nightly 10_05 problems

2006-05-11 Thread Dusty


I was wrong, there is still a problem.  As I said in my first post
everything works with the stable build.  Here is my current
error.  I have not change any code whatsoever in the app directly from
the stable to the cake_nightly_10_05.  1.xx

Notice: Undefined variable: uninflectedSingular in
/var/www/html/maxmympg/cake/libs/inflector.php on line 251

Notice: Undefined variable: irregularSingular in
/var/www/html/maxmympg/cake/libs/inflector.php on line 252

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already
sent by (output started at
/var/www/html/maxmympg/cake/libs/inflector.php:251) in
/var/www/html/maxmympg/cake/libs/session.php on line 134

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers
already sent (output started at
/var/www/html/maxmympg/cake/libs/inflector.php:251) in
/var/www/html/maxmympg/cake/libs/session.php on line 134

Notice: Undefined variable: uninflectedSingular in
/var/www/html/maxmympg/cake/libs/inflector.php on line 251

Notice: Undefined variable: irregularSingular in
/var/www/html/maxmympg/cake/libs/inflector.php on line 252

Any help or advice would be appreciated !!


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Re: Cake Nightly 10_05 problems

2006-05-11 Thread Dusty


Yep, thats it thanks !!
So what is the 2.x.x.x. build for ??


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Cake Nightly 10_05 problems

2006-05-11 Thread Dusty


I am getting errors from initial install of the cake_nightly builds.
These same errors do not occur from the current stable version
posted a few days ago.  My configuration/file permissions are
exactly the same. Can some please give me some adivce as to what is
wrong ??

Warning: file(cake/config/tags.ini.php): failed to open stream: No such
file or directory in /var/www/html/maxmympg/cake/libs/view/helper.php
on line 284

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
/var/www/html/maxmympg/cake/libs/view/helper.php on line 286

Notice: Undefined variable: iniSetting in
/var/www/html/maxmympg/cake/libs/view/helper.php on line 323

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already
sent by (output started at
/var/www/html/maxmympg/cake/libs/view/helper.php:284) in
/var/www/html/maxmympg/cake/libs/session.php on line 134

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers
already sent (output started at
/var/www/html/maxmympg/cake/libs/view/helper.php:284) in
/var/www/html/maxmympg/cake/libs/session.php on line 134

Warning: file(cake/config/tags.ini.php): failed to open stream: No such
file or directory in /var/www/html/maxmympg/cake/libs/view/helper.php
on line 284

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
/var/www/html/maxmympg/cake/libs/view/helper.php on line 286

Notice: Undefined variable: iniSetting in
/var/www/html/maxmympg/cake/libs/view/helper.php on line 323

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Re: Need help passing "id" between controllers

2006-05-09 Thread Dusty

Yes it is making it that far !!
As I showed in my 1st post
is what is seen in the browser URL.
The problem seems to be from what you told
me is that the "4" is not getting passed to the
vlogs_controller "add" action when the /vlogs/add
page is viewed or submitted.  I have checked everything
I know to check and am not sure what to investigate
from here.  I will paste the appropriate code from "vehicles"
the vlogs_controller, and vlogs add.thtml below.  If you
or anyone else has the time it would be appreciated
if they could sift through it and show me the errors of my ways.
Or possibly give me other avenues to investigate.

- from the vehicles/index.html this creates a button that points to
 /vlogs/add/$id !! --

 Submit('Add Log') ?>

- This is my vlogs "add.thtml" view !!

Add Log


tagErrorMsg('Vlog/odometer_reading', 'Odometer
Reading is required.')  ?>
Odometer: input('Vlog/odometer_reading',
array('size'=>'30'))  ?>

tagErrorMsg('Vlog/mpg', 'Miles per Gallon is
required.')  ?>
MPG: input('Vlog/mpg', array('size'=>'30'))  ?>

tagErrorMsg('Vlog/additives', 'Additives is Not is
required.')  ?>
Additives: input('Vlog/additives',
array('size'=>'40'))  ?>

tagErrorMsg('Vlog/conditions', 'Conditions not is
required.')  ?>
Conditions: input('Vlog/conditions',
array('size'=>'80'))  ?>

tagErrorMsg('Vlog/notes', 'Notes are Not required.')
textarea('Vlog/notes',array('columns'=>'5','rows'=>'10'))  ?>

submit('Save')  ?>

 This is my VlogsController add action
!! --

function add($id)
if (empty($this->params['data']))
$this->params['data']['Vlog']['vehicle_id'] = $id  ;


if ($this->Vlog->save($this->params['data']))
$this->flash('Your log has been 
$this->set('data', $this->params['data']);

--Any help is appreciated.  I am very NEW to cakePHP

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Re: Need help passing "id" between controllers

2006-05-09 Thread Dusty


Thanks for the help !!  Basically I have already tried that
and for some reason I get the warning "missing argument for add()
in /vlogs_controller.php.  So I must be doing something wrong
or not have something set up correctly.  For some reason it doesn't
see the $id variable being passed to it.  I have pasted the code for
vlogs_controller.php below.  If I un-comment the line:
 //$this->params['data']['Vlog']['vehicle_id'] = '2'  ;
everything works ok and a record is inserted with the vehicle id = "2".

function add($id)
if (empty($this->params['data']))
$this->params['data']['Vlog']['vehicle_id'] = $id  ;
//$this->params['data']['Vlog']['vehicle_id'] = '2'  ;


if ($this->Vlog->save($this->params['data']))
$this->flash('Your log has been 
$this->set('data', $this->params['data']);

--thanx again

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Need help passing "id" between controllers

2006-05-09 Thread Dusty


I need a little help with a simple application
I am building.  I already have most of it done
except that I cannot figure out how to pass the
right "id" from one model to another.  I have
a model "vehicles" which has a hasMany relationship
with a model "vlogs".  The model "vlogs" also has a
belongsTo relationship with the model "vehicles".
When the user logs in he is taken to the vehicles
index page which lists his vehicles.  From there he can
either edit or add another vehicle but I also want him
to be able to insert a "log" for a vehicle.  Since I know
the "id" of each vehicle from this page I have a link
for each vehicle which should allow the user to add
a log to the vehicle he choses.  The "log" link from
the vehicles page has the form:
Log',"/vlogs/add/{$vehicle['Vehicle']['id']}") ?>
and the acual link winds up having the form: with the "4"
being the "vehicle_id" needed for inserting into the "vlogs"
table.  The problem is that the vlogs page knows nothing
about the "4".  All of my relationships in my models and
controllers and tables is correct I believe.
How do I tell the "vlogs" model the right "vehicle_id"
top insert the record with.  What is the correct "cake"
way of doing this ??

Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: No scaffolding from fresh install !!

2006-04-25 Thread Dusty


Yes I do have "AllowOverride All" in the
apache httpd..conf.  I know it is not file
permissions either because I opened the
right up on the devel server I am using.
I am not sure where else to start looking.

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No scaffolding from fresh install !!

2006-04-25 Thread Dusty

Hi all,

I am testing out cakePHP and am having problems getting
scaffolding to work from a fresh install version

I have the database and tables set up correctly and I have
the model and controllers set up correctly.  The only way
I can get scaffolding to work is turn off mod rewrite
and turn on pretty Urls in core.php.  Then I can get it to
work with the link http://cake1.localhost/index.php/users
but it does not save any of the files in the view to the
filesystem, they are only generated in the browser.  All the functions
work (CRUD) but nothing is saved to the web site.  IT will not work
from the
url http://cake1.localhost/users like it is supposed to either.
If I turn on mod rewrite and un comment pretty Urls then scaffolding
will not work at at all.  According to the examples I have seen this
should be easy but for some reason its not working for me.  I suspect
the problem has something to do with either mod rewrite or a path
misconfiguration.  Can anyone offer any advice.  Has anyone had the
same problem ??


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