Replacement Date Widget

2016-03-30 Thread Justin Harrison
I would like to replace the default date widget in CakePHP3 with the HTML5 
date tag. I would have thought that was quite straight forward but have hit 
a dead end each time.
Does anyone have any example code that works here?


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Cakephp 3 SOAPclient

2016-01-29 Thread Justin Time

got this Script in PHP running and what to turn it in Capephp 3 with the 
Http Client

$client = new soapclient($url);
$arrResult = array();
$arrFilter[] = array('field'=>'id', 'operator'=>'bigger', 'value'=>20);
$arrSort = array('field'=>'customer', 'direction'=>'asc');
$arrResult = $client->getCustomers($strAPIKey, $arrFilter,$arrSort,10,0);

Is it posible with the Cakephp 3 Http Client? Thx for help :)

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Question about _setDefaults() in AuthComponent

2015-08-06 Thread Justin Thomas
 * Attempts to introspect the correct values for object properties.
 * @return boolean
protected function _setDefaults() {
$defaults = array(
'logoutRedirect' = $this-loginAction,
'authError' = __d('cake', 'You are not authorized to access 
that location.')
foreach ($defaults as $key = $value) {
if (empty($this-{$key})) {
$this-{$key} = $value;
return true;

Enter code here...

My question is about the above method.  I've run IBM AppScan and it's 
raised an issue with my login page (I believe it to be a false positive), 
but after looking at the response the auth message on the page is coming 
from here.  Can someone explain what this method does and why it might have 
been thrown?  Just trying to understand why an attempt to login in on my 
page might throw this authError.  I don't know how to replicate the issue 
myself, but AppScan is doing it.

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First Name, Last Name Order of Translation

2014-08-21 Thread Justin Atack
Hi All,

As we know in some languages (Chinese) the order of a persons name is 
family name, first name.

How do we handle this for translation of strings. I need to be able to 
allow translators to switch the order depending on language.

Here is a way I have found to do it but I don't really like it. I would 
prefer if there was a Cake way I could use.

$first_name = $student['Student']['first_name'];
$last_name = $student['Student']['last_name'];
h1?php echo __($first_name $last_name); ?/h1

I came across the String::insert feature but I don't think it can be used 
in views and with the __() function?

I look forward to your input

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Sessions Lost Oauth Debug Kit

2014-06-17 Thread Justin Harrison

Cake 2.4

I have a very strange problem and I am lost even though I have been working 
with Cake a number of years.

I have an app that I am integrating with XERO (An online accounting app) 
using OAuth.

Xero provided sample code that 
works fine on my server.

I messed with the sample code and using their libraries created the 
attached Controller. I have a dev area on my server and it works fine 
there. The user is directed to xero puts in their credentials and comes 
back with data from xero.

Cool. Demo to client, All good. Copy to production. No worky:(.

I eventually worked out that the test server has DebugKit and debug flag on 
but not in production notice in my controller I can turn debug on in line 
8. It works but this is not a good solution.

With debugging and DebugKit disabled the session is lost when it returns 
from the Xero server but with it enabled it does not!?!! 

Does anyone have any suggestions on where I can start looking? 

Any help appreciated.

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attachment: ApisController.php

Re: Sessions Lost Oauth Debug Kit

2014-06-17 Thread Justin Harrison

On Tuesday, June 17, 2014 7:43:25 PM UTC+12, Justin Harrison wrote:


 Cake 2.4

 I have a very strange problem and I am lost even though I have been 
 working with Cake a number of years.

 I have an app that I am integrating with XERO (An online accounting app) 
 using OAuth.

 Xero provided sample code that 
 works fine on my server.

 I messed with the sample code and using their libraries created the 
 attached Controller. I have a dev area on my server and it works fine 
 there. The user is directed to xero puts in their credentials and comes 
 back with data from xero.

 Cool. Demo to client, All good. Copy to production. No worky:(.

 I eventually worked out that the test server has DebugKit and debug flag 
 on but not in production notice in my controller I can turn debug on in 
 line 8. It works but this is not a good solution.

 With debugging and DebugKit disabled the session is lost when it returns 
 from the Xero server but with it enabled it does not!?!! 

 Does anyone have any suggestions on where I can start looking? 

 Any help appreciated.

Solution ?!

I found that adding 

var $components = array('Filter.Filter'); 
var $filters = array(); 

To the top of my ApiController class fixed it dont know how but it works 
now. I know that is not a neat solution but I'm out of time.

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Re: Custom MM:SS Time Validation with Regex

2014-03-14 Thread Justin Atack
Hmmm thanks for that code you've given me something to think about.

Would I implement that in my model and the call it before my save in the 

On Tuesday, 11 March 2014 19:44:14 UTC+11, AD7six wrote:

 If regular expressions aren't your thing - don't use regular expressions =)

 e.g. write a validation function like so:

 function validateTime($check) {
 $string = current($check);
 list($mins, $seconds) = expode(':', $string);

 $validMins = is_numeric($mins);
 $validSeconds = is_numeric($seconds)  ($seconds  60);

 return $validMins  $validSeconds;

 Alternatively since a regex is not cakephp specific - ask in an 
 appropriate place (stack overflow) with appropriate context i.e. how can I 
 check that a string matches the format xx:yy where it's time? Or - check 
 for existing questions asking exactly that, like this one: and 
 modify to your needs


 On Tuesday, 11 March 2014 05:03:28 UTC+1, Justin Atack wrote:


 On Friday, 7 March 2014 22:14:03 UTC+11, Justin Atack wrote:

 Hi All,

 I need to validate a field that will store a time instance MM:SS e.g. 
 04:32 would represent 4 minutes and 32 seconds.

 I have created the code in my model to validate the time field but I 
 really don't know much about regex. Here are a few that work ok...



 but neither causes an error if the time is 99:99. This is ok for the MM 
 part as 99 minutes is valid but the SS part should only ever have a max of 
 59 (seconds).

 I hope that makes sense!

 This is the code in my model this far

 'time' = array(
 'custom' = array(
 'rule' = array('custom', '/([0-9]\d|60):([0-9]\d|60)/'), //MM:SS
 //'rule' = array('custom', '^([0-5]?[0-9]):([0-5]?[0-9])^'), //MM:SS
 'message' = 'Time must be entered as MM:SS. e.g. 04:32 representing 4 
 minutes and 32 seconds.',
 'allowEmpty' = true,
 //'required' = false,
 //'last' = false, // Stop validation after this rule
 //'on' = 'create', // Limit validation to 'create' or 'update' 
 'maxLength' = array(
 'rule' = array('maxLength', '5'),
 'message' = 'Maximum length of time input is five characters. e.g. 
 //'allowEmpty' = true,
 //'required' = false,
 //'last' = false, // Stop validation after this rule
 //'on' = 'create', // Limit validation to 'create' or 'update' 

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CONCAT in Join

2014-03-14 Thread Justin Atack
Hi All,

I think I have found a bug in CakePHP... but I could be wrong as I'm a 
CakePHP newbie... The code can be seen here if you prefer it colour 

Heres some code from my AssignmentsStudentSController.php. It should pull a 
list of names from the students DB who are registered as an Assistant in 
a joining table two models away.

$assistantOptions = array(
'joins' = array(
'table' = 'schools_students',
 'alias' = 'SchoolsStudent',
 'type' = 'INNER',
 'conditions' = array(' = SchoolsStudent.student_id')
'fields' = array(
'CONCAT(Assistant.given_name,  , Assistant.family_name) AS 
'conditions' = array(
'' = 1,
'Assistant.role_id' = array(4, 5, 6),
'SchoolsStudent.assistant' = 1,
'SchoolsStudent.school_id' = 1
'order' = array(
'Assistant__assistant_fullname' = 'ASC'
$assistants = $this-AssignmentsStudent-Assistant-find('list', 

The above code actually produces SQL that works correctly when I paste it 
into SequelPro and run it... this is the bit that's very strange to me... 
why does it work perfectly in SequelPro but not in CakePHP? Even stranger 
is that CakePHP actually produced the correct SQL query.

SELECT `Assistant`.`id`, CONCAT(Assistant.given_name,  , 
Assistant.family_name) AS Assistant__assistant_fullname FROM 
`jwtalks_tms`.`students` AS `Assistant` INNER JOIN 
`jwtalks_tms`.`schools_students` AS `SchoolsStudent` ON (`Assistant`.`id` = 
`SchoolsStudent`.`student_id`) WHERE `Assistant`.`active` = '1' AND 
`Assistant`.`role_id` IN (4, 5, 6) AND `SchoolsStudent`.`assistant` = '1' 
AND `SchoolsStudent`.`school_id` = 1 ORDER BY 
`Assistant__assistant_fullname` ASC

However when I look at my AssistantsStudent:add view I get the following 

[100] = 
[41] = 
[39] = 
[44] = 
[67] = 
[90] = 
[76] = 
[49] = 
[30] = 
[98] = 
[102] = 
[71] = 
[112] = 
[57] = 
[116] = 
[50] = 
[17] = 
[107] = 
[52] = 
[92] = 
[31] = 
[24] = 
[18] = 
[42] = 
[2] = 
[56] = 
[38] = 
[109] = 
[83] = 
[87] = 
[75] = 
[68] = 
[7] = 
[105] = 
[85] = 
[5] = 
[59] = 
[69] = 
[22] = 
[114] = 

This produces a list with no names because as you can see they are missing 
from the array however the ID's are present so the list is still filled but 
with blanks.

Now before you say just use a VirtualField... I know about these and how 
to use them. However what I need to do is produce lists with data from 
various models, so I need to join and CONCAT this information. If I do this 
using a VirtualField I get SQL errors because the field doesn't exist... 
that's because it's in another model.

I hope I have explained the issue well enough.

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Re: Custom MM:SS Time Validation with Regex

2014-03-10 Thread Justin Atack

On Friday, 7 March 2014 22:14:03 UTC+11, Justin Atack wrote:

 Hi All,

 I need to validate a field that will store a time instance MM:SS e.g. 
 04:32 would represent 4 minutes and 32 seconds.

 I have created the code in my model to validate the time field but I 
 really don't know much about regex. Here are a few that work ok...



 but neither causes an error if the time is 99:99. This is ok for the MM 
 part as 99 minutes is valid but the SS part should only ever have a max of 
 59 (seconds).

 I hope that makes sense!

 This is the code in my model this far

 'time' = array(
 'custom' = array(
 'rule' = array('custom', '/([0-9]\d|60):([0-9]\d|60)/'), //MM:SS
 //'rule' = array('custom', '^([0-5]?[0-9]):([0-5]?[0-9])^'), //MM:SS
 'message' = 'Time must be entered as MM:SS. e.g. 04:32 representing 4 
 minutes and 32 seconds.',
 'allowEmpty' = true,
 //'required' = false,
 //'last' = false, // Stop validation after this rule
 //'on' = 'create', // Limit validation to 'create' or 'update' operations
 'maxLength' = array(
 'rule' = array('maxLength', '5'),
 'message' = 'Maximum length of time input is five characters. e.g. MM:SS',
 //'allowEmpty' = true,
 //'required' = false,
 //'last' = false, // Stop validation after this rule
 //'on' = 'create', // Limit validation to 'create' or 'update' operations

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Custom MM:SS Time Validation with Regex

2014-03-07 Thread Justin Atack
Hi All,

I need to validate a field that will store a time instance MM:SS e.g. 04:32 
would represent 4 minutes and 32 seconds.

I have created the code in my model to validate the time field but I really 
don't know much about regex. Here are a few that work ok...



but neither causes an error if the time is 99:99. This is ok for the MM 
part as 99 minutes is valid but the SS part should only ever have a max of 
59 (seconds).

I hope that makes sense!

This is the code in my model this far

'time' = array(
'custom' = array(
'rule' = array('custom', '/([0-9]\d|60):([0-9]\d|60)/'), //MM:SS
//'rule' = array('custom', '^([0-5]?[0-9]):([0-5]?[0-9])^'), //MM:SS
'message' = 'Time must be entered as MM:SS. e.g. 04:32 representing 4 
minutes and 32 seconds.',
'allowEmpty' = true,
//'required' = false,
//'last' = false, // Stop validation after this rule
//'on' = 'create', // Limit validation to 'create' or 'update' operations
'maxLength' = array(
'rule' = array('maxLength', '5'),
'message' = 'Maximum length of time input is five characters. e.g. MM:SS',
//'allowEmpty' = true,
//'required' = false,
//'last' = false, // Stop validation after this rule
//'on' = 'create', // Limit validation to 'create' or 'update' operations

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CakePhP Views

2014-03-04 Thread Justin Masse
I'm trying to speed-learn cakePHP since we are using it for a project and I 
have NO previous experience with MVC or CakePHP framework. I understand 
scripting in HTML/CSS/PHP but this just seems to go way over my head.

HOW do you design views in cakePHP?! I have all of the HTML/CSS written for 
how I want the website to look but I don't seem to be able to grasp the MVC 
model or something.

Does ALL of the HTML go into the view?

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Re: Containable with Pagination

2014-02-21 Thread Justin Atack
Hi Andras,

I'm keen to try and find the error in my code so that I can learn. I have 
fixed the code so that's its like the manual but it's still not working. I 
have kept a copy of the working code :)

$this-paginate['Schedule'] = array(
'contain' = array(
'Assignment' = array(
'fields' = array(),
'AssignmentsStudent' = array(
'fields' = array(),
'School' = array('fields' = array('id', 'name')),
'Student' = array(
'fields' = array('id', 'given_name', 'family_name')
'fields' = array('id', 'name', 'date'),
'limit' = 20,
'conditions' = array(),
'order' = array()

$schedules = $this-paginate('Schedule');
$this-set('schedules', $this-Paginator-paginate());

On Friday, 21 February 2014 10:49:00 UTC+11, Justin Atack wrote:

 Hi All,

 I'm having a problem getting Containable behaviour working with the 
 Pagination component. I'm following the suggested code in the manual Using 
 Containable with Pagination -

 My code is as follows (SchedulesController.php)

 public function show() {

 $this-paginate['contain'] = array(
 'Assignment' = array(
 'AssignmentsStudent' = array(
 'School' = array('fields' = array('name')),
 'Student' = array('fields' = array('given_name', 'family_name'))
 'Type' = array('fields' = array('name', 'acronym')),
 'fields' = array('theme', 'source')
 'fields' = array(

 $this-set('schedules', $this-Paginator-paginate());

 However running this code gives me the following error

 Notice (8): Indirect modification of overloaded property 
 SchedulesController::$paginate has no effect 
 [APP/Controller/SchedulesController.php, line 35]

 I have double checked the I have public $actsAs = array('Containable'); 
 in my Schedule.php model file. The output array doesn't contain any of the 
 deep associations and I guess this is because of what the error says 
 $paginate has no effect.

 I have containable working in some other controllers (not with pagination) 
 so I'm fairly confident that my array nesting is ok but I could be 

 Any assistance would be welcome!

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Re: Containable with Pagination

2014-02-21 Thread Justin Atack
Gives me the same error: Notice (8): Indirect modification of overloaded 
property SchedulesController::$paginate has no effect 
[APP/Controller/SchedulesController.php, line 35]

On Friday, 21 February 2014 10:49:00 UTC+11, Justin Atack wrote:

 Hi All,

 I'm having a problem getting Containable behaviour working with the 
 Pagination component. I'm following the suggested code in the manual Using 
 Containable with Pagination -

 My code is as follows (SchedulesController.php)

 public function show() {

 $this-paginate['contain'] = array(
 'Assignment' = array(
 'AssignmentsStudent' = array(
 'School' = array('fields' = array('name')),
 'Student' = array('fields' = array('given_name', 'family_name'))
 'Type' = array('fields' = array('name', 'acronym')),
 'fields' = array('theme', 'source')
 'fields' = array(

 $this-set('schedules', $this-Paginator-paginate());

 However running this code gives me the following error

 Notice (8): Indirect modification of overloaded property 
 SchedulesController::$paginate has no effect 
 [APP/Controller/SchedulesController.php, line 35]

 I have double checked the I have public $actsAs = array('Containable'); 
 in my Schedule.php model file. The output array doesn't contain any of the 
 deep associations and I guess this is because of what the error says 
 $paginate has no effect.

 I have containable working in some other controllers (not with pagination) 
 so I'm fairly confident that my array nesting is ok but I could be 

 Any assistance would be welcome!

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Containable with Pagination

2014-02-20 Thread Justin Atack
Hi All,

I'm having a problem getting Containable behaviour working with the 
Pagination component. I'm following the suggested code in the manual Using 
Containable with Pagination 

My code is as follows (SchedulesController.php)

public function show() {

$this-paginate['contain'] = array(
'Assignment' = array(
'AssignmentsStudent' = array(
'School' = array('fields' = array('name')),
'Student' = array('fields' = array('given_name', 'family_name'))
'Type' = array('fields' = array('name', 'acronym')),
'fields' = array('theme', 'source')
'fields' = array(

$this-set('schedules', $this-Paginator-paginate());

However running this code gives me the following error

Notice (8): Indirect modification of overloaded property 
SchedulesController::$paginate has no effect 
[APP/Controller/SchedulesController.php, line 35]

I have double checked the I have public $actsAs = array('Containable'); in 
my Schedule.php model file. The output array doesn't contain any of the 
deep associations and I guess this is because of what the error says 
$paginate has no effect.

I have containable working in some other controllers (not with pagination) 
so I'm fairly confident that my array nesting is ok but I could be 

Any assistance would be welcome!

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Re: Containable with Pagination

2014-02-20 Thread Justin Atack
Haha that works! You're a genius!

Thank you so much.

So is the CakePHP manual incorrect?

On Friday, 21 February 2014 10:49:00 UTC+11, Justin Atack wrote:

 Hi All,

 I'm having a problem getting Containable behaviour working with the 
 Pagination component. I'm following the suggested code in the manual Using 
 Containable with Pagination -

 My code is as follows (SchedulesController.php)

 public function show() {

 $this-paginate['contain'] = array(
 'Assignment' = array(
 'AssignmentsStudent' = array(
 'School' = array('fields' = array('name')),
 'Student' = array('fields' = array('given_name', 'family_name'))
 'Type' = array('fields' = array('name', 'acronym')),
 'fields' = array('theme', 'source')
 'fields' = array(

 $this-set('schedules', $this-Paginator-paginate());

 However running this code gives me the following error

 Notice (8): Indirect modification of overloaded property 
 SchedulesController::$paginate has no effect 
 [APP/Controller/SchedulesController.php, line 35]

 I have double checked the I have public $actsAs = array('Containable'); 
 in my Schedule.php model file. The output array doesn't contain any of the 
 deep associations and I guess this is because of what the error says 
 $paginate has no effect.

 I have containable working in some other controllers (not with pagination) 
 so I'm fairly confident that my array nesting is ok but I could be 

 Any assistance would be welcome!

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Re: Error: Class 'SimplePasswordHasher' not found

2014-01-17 Thread Justin Atack
Make sure your loading the Auth component in the AppController.php

public $components = array(
'Auth' = array(
'loginRedirect' = array(
'controller' = 'posts',
'action' = 'index'
'logoutRedirect' = array(
'controller' = 'pages',
'action' = 'display',

I have this in the top of my AppModel

App::uses('AppModel', 'Model');
App::uses('AuthComponent', 'Controller/Component');
App::uses('SimplePasswordHasher', 'Controller/Component/Auth');

On Friday, 17 January 2014 05:17:40 UTC+11, jose cavazos wrote:

 Hi all,
 I am receiving this message

 * Error:Class 'SimplePasswordHasher' not found *I am following the 
  Simple Authentication and Authorization.  I found this thread!topic/cake-php/wL6f3MG_M8c but it 
 doesn't have an answer for me . Any suggestions?

 I have this at top of User.php is models 

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Re: CakePHP 2.4.4 Pagoda Box Quickstart

2014-01-15 Thread Justin Atack
I changed the URL.

I have decided to keep this repo up to date with the CakePHP version 
releases at least for version 2.x.x. Then I 'll create a new one for when 
CakePHP 3 becomes stable.

This will make it easy for anyone using this repo to keep their CakePHP app 
up to date with a simple GitHub deploy that can be done in the PagodaBox 
admin panel.

On Wednesday, 15 January 2014 13:59:38 UTC+11, Justin Atack wrote:

 Hi All,

 If your a user of Pagoda Box this might save you a little bit of time if 
 you want a quick development platform to work with. I have created a free 
 Pagoda Box Quickstart (launcher) for CakePHP 2.4.4. Up until now there has 
 only been an older version (v2.1.3) available.

 It's now available for free and ready for launch:


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CakePHP 2.4.4 Pagoda Box Quickstart

2014-01-14 Thread Justin Atack
Hi All,

If your a user of Pagoda Box this might save you a little bit of time if 
you want a quick development platform to work with. I have created a free 
Pagoda Box Quickstart (launcher) for CakePHP 2.4.4. Up until now there has 
only been an older version (v2.1.3) available.

It's now available for free and ready for launch:


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Re: Error: Class 'SimplePasswordHasher' not found

2014-01-14 Thread Justin Atack
Yes i meant User model.

I fixed the problem.

The following does not work
App::uses('AppModel', 'Model', 'SimplePasswordHasher', 

The following does
App::uses('AppModel', 'Model');
App::uses('SimplePasswordHasher', 'Controller/Component/Auth');

On Saturday, 4 January 2014 00:47:35 UTC+11, Gerben Wartena wrote:

 I had exactly the same issue when I did the tutorial, but it had to do 
 with caching/refreshing because suddenly it worked.
 In your case: you do mean the 'User' model; it should not be 'Users'.
 I only have 'App::uses('SimplePasswordHasher', 
 'Controller/Component/Auth');' and it works just fine.

 Op vrijdag 3 januari 2014 06:49:28 UTC+1 schreef Justin Atack:

 Hi All,

 I hope you can point me in the right direction.

 I'm following the guide at:

 I'm using CakePHP 2.4.3 and have followed the guide to the letter of the 
 law. It mostly works correctly. If I try to access a controller/action it 
 redirects as it should to the users/login action... so that's seems fine.

 The issue is when I try to add a new user at users/add. It throws this 
 error: Error: Class 'SimplePasswordHasher' not found

 I have made sure that the following is pasted in the top of the Users 
 model: App::uses('AppModel', 'Model', 'SimplePasswordHasher', 

 I then thought that perhaps this SimplePasswordHasher class was a new 
 thing part of 2.4.4 so I set up another test project to test it and went 
 through the entire Auth tutorial again with exactly the same results.

 Where am I going wrong? It there some code missing? 

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Error: Class 'SimplePasswordHasher' not found

2014-01-03 Thread Justin Atack
Hi All,

I hope you can point me in the right direction.

I'm following the guide at:

I'm using CakePHP 2.4.3 and have followed the guide to the letter of the 
law. It mostly works correctly. If I try to access a controller/action it 
redirects as it should to the users/login action... so that's seems fine.

The issue is when I try to add a new user at users/add. It throws this 
error: Error: Class 'SimplePasswordHasher' not found

I have made sure that the following is pasted in the top of the Users 
model: App::uses('AppModel', 'Model', 'SimplePasswordHasher', 

I then thought that perhaps this SimplePasswordHasher class was a new 
thing part of 2.4.4 so I set up another test project to test it and went 
through the entire Auth tutorial again with exactly the same results.

Where am I going wrong? It there some code missing? 

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Posting to the top of the tree using the Tree Behavior

2013-12-03 Thread Justin Thomas
I'm using the Tree Behavior in one of my models.  When a new record is 
added by default it post the new record at the bottom of the tree.  What I 
need it to do is post the new record at the top of the tree.  I've looked 
at the documentation and I don't see anything to change that default 
behavior.  I also looked at the reorder method, but I'm unsure how to use 
that to move a new record to the top of the tree.

If I pass the lft and rght parameters as 1 and 2 will the other records 
update automatically?  Any ideas on how to achieve this?

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Re: Posting to the top of the tree using the Tree Behavior

2013-12-03 Thread Justin Thomas
Of course, sorting it DESC makes perfect sense.  Just needed someone to get 
me out of the box.  Now I just need to reorder the data that's already 
there so when I do a DESC sort it stays the way it is now (only new records 
will be put at the top of the tree).  I think that's easily done.


On Tuesday, December 3, 2013 5:38:20 AM UTC-6, AD7six wrote:

 On Monday, 2 December 2013 19:22:14 UTC+1, Justin Thomas wrote:

 I'm using the Tree Behavior in one of my models.  When a new record is 
 added by default it post the new record at the bottom of the tree.  What I 
 need it to do is post the new record at the top of the tree.  

 That will require updating every existing record in the table.

 I've looked at the documentation and I don't see anything to change that 
 default behavior.  


 I also looked at the reorder method, but I'm unsure how to use that to 
 move a new record to the top of the tree.

 Reorder is not the method you need - 

 If I pass the lft and rght parameters as 1 and 2 will the other records 
 update automatically?  


 Any ideas on how to achieve this?

 Try something =). Alternatively treat the tree inverted - i.e. don't do 
 what you're asking but instead query the tree sorted by lft desc - the last 
 created record would be first.


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How to test exception renderer with testAction?

2013-05-14 Thread Justin Miller
My controller actions purposely throw exceptions. These are caught by a 
custom exception renderer, which outputs the exception as JSON. This is all 
working correctly in the browser. However, I am trying to write unit tests 
for these actions, but testAction() throws an exception and does not get 
rendered by the exception renderer. I've tried setting the 'return' to 
'contents' but it still throws the exception. How can I test for the true 
output of a controller action, with the exceptions caught and rendered the 
way they would in a browser, under non-test conditions?

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PhpBB3 API Bridge

2013-04-22 Thread Justin B
I spent some time trying to find a way to integrate phpBB accounts with 
CakePHP. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything that was up to date. I did 
stumble across this WONDERFUL article here

All credits go to the original author, I'm simply providing an update as it 
is rather dated.

The first thing we should do is rename some of the classes in phpBB, so 
that they do not conflict with Cake.

Step 1) Modify phpBB to remove class name conflicts -

*In phpBB3/includes/cache.php change:*
*class cache extends acm*
*class phpbb3_cache extends acm*

*In 'phpBB3/common.php', 'phpBB3/style.php', and 'phpBB3/download/file.php' 
[code]$cache = new cache()[/code]
[code]$cache = new phpbb3_cache()[/code]

*The following change only needs to be made if you have a 'User' model or 
class defined...*

*In phpBB3/includes/session.php change:*
*class user extends session*
*class phpbb3_user extends session*

*function user()*
*function phpbb3_user()*

Step 2) Loading the component
*In your controller class, you can load the component as you normally would.
*public $components = array('PhpBB3');*

Step 3) Modify your login function
*Inside your function for user logins, you'll use the following code*
$this-data['Member']['password'], $this-data['Member']['email']);*

If your user model is named something other than 'Member' then use that 
instead. Mine was called 'User' rather than 'Member'.

Step 4) Create the component
*Component file name will be: app/controllers/components/PhpBB3Component.php
*?php  *
*class PhpBB3Component extends Component { *
*function startup(Controller $controller) { *
*$this-controller = $controller; *
*define('IN_PHPBB', true); *
*global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $db, $config, $user, $auth, 
$cache, $template; *
*$phpbb_root_path = WWW_ROOT . 'phpBB3/'; *
*$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1); *
*require_once($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx); *
*$this-table_prefix = $table_prefix; *
*$this-auth = $auth; *
*$this-user = $user; *
* *
*// Start session management *
*$this-user-session_begin(); *
*$this-auth-acl($user-data); *
*$this-user-setup(); *
* *
*require_once($phpbb_root_path .'includes/functions_user.php'); *
*} *
* *
*private function checkUserExists($username, $isFalse = false) { *
* *
*if (user_get_id_name($isFalse, $username) == 'NO_USERS') { *
*return false; *
*} else { *
*return true; *
*} *
*} *
*// Helper Methods *
* *
*/** *
* * Generate salt for hash generation *
* */ *
*private function 
_hash_gensalt_private($input,$itoa64,$iteration_count_log2 = 6) { *
*if ($iteration_count_log2  4 || $iteration_count_log2  31) { *
*$iteration_count_log2 = 8; *
*} *
* *
*$output = '$H$'; *
*$output .= $itoa64 [min($iteration_count_log2 + ((PHP_VERSION = 
5) ? 5 : 3), 30)]; *
*$output .= $this-_hash_encode64($input, 6, $itoa64); *
* *
*return $output; *
*} *
* *
*/** *
* * Encode hash *
* */ *
*private function _hash_encode64($input,$count,$itoa64) { *
* *
*$output = ''; *
*$i = 0; *
* *
*do { *
*$value = ord ( $input [$i ++] ); *
*$output .= $itoa64 [$value  0x3f]; *
* *
*if ($i  $count) { *
*$value |= ord ( $input [$i] )  8; *
*} *
* *
*$output .= $itoa64 [($value  6)  0x3f]; *
* *
*if ($i ++ = $count) { *
*break; *
*} *
* *
*if ($i  $count) { *
*$value |= ord ( $input [$i] )  16; *
*} *
* *
*$output .= $itoa64 [($value  12)  0x3f]; *
* *
*if ($i ++ = $count) { *
*break; *
*} *
* *
*$output .= $itoa64 [($value  18)  0x3f]; *
*} while ( $i  $count ); *
* *
*return $output; *
*} *
* *
*/** *
* * The crypt function/replacement *
* */ *
*private function _hash_crypt_private($password,$setting,$itoa64) { *
*$output = '*'; *
* *
*// Check for correct hash *
*if (substr ( $setting, 0, 3 ) != '$H$') { *
*return $output; *
*} *
* *
*$count_log2 = strpos ( $itoa64, $setting [3] ); *
* *
*if ($count_log2  7 || $count_log2  30) { *
*return $output; *
*} *
* *
*$count = 1  $count_log2; *
*$salt = substr ( $setting, 4, 8 ); *
* *
*if (strlen ( $salt ) != 


2012-07-16 Thread Justin Edwards

On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 11:15 AM, Lboogie lindamichellewat...@gmail.comwrote:

 Are you able to help or not...isn't this what is group for? Excuse me if
 i'm wrong

 On Monday, July 16, 2012 10:20:12 AM UTC-4, euromark wrote:

 how i hate those non-sense for-crying-out-loud thread titles^^

 Am Montag, 16. Juli 2012 15:40:06 UTC+2 schrieb Lboogie:

 Hello, i am trying to install a project manager created with cake php
 but can't seem to trigger the install option when there is no install
 folder or files to do so...can anyone help me?

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Re: Which the preview to release the version CakePHP 2.2?

2012-06-26 Thread Justin Edwards

On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 8:58 AM, Lucas Simon Rodrigues Magalhaes wrote:

 Hello there!

 I have a system in CakePHP 1.2.7, and I wanna migrate to the new version.

 So I prefer waiting the new release, than migrate to CakePHP 2.1

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Re: Which the preview to release the version CakePHP 2.2?

2012-06-26 Thread Justin Edwards

It is very stable.  It's technically in beta, but that doesn't mean much.

On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 10:24 AM, Lucas Simon Rodrigues Magalhaes wrote:

 and the 2.2 stable?

 Em terça-feira, 26 de junho de 2012 12h17min41s UTC-3, Justin Edwards

 On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 8:58 AM, Lucas Simon Rodrigues Magalhaes wrote:

 Hello there!

 I have a system in CakePHP 1.2.7, and I wanna migrate to the new

 So I prefer waiting the new release, than migrate to CakePHP 2.1

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 help others with their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Send XML as parameter on a POST request

2012-06-22 Thread Justin Edwards

On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 5:24 PM, darkangel wrote:

 I already made the POST request but I dont know how to catch it and save
 it to the database.

 I intend to save an XML content to a TEXT column. Could you guide me

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Re: Send XML as parameter on a POST request

2012-06-22 Thread Justin Edwards

$data = $this-request-input('Xml::build', array('return' = 'domdocument'));

On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 8:42 PM, Justin Edwards justinledwa...@gmail.comwrote:


 On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 5:24 PM, darkangel wrote:

 I already made the POST request but I dont know how to catch it and
 save it to the database.

 I intend to save an XML content to a TEXT column. Could you guide me

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Re: Cakephp and Asterisk

2012-06-07 Thread Justin Edwards
If you look at the progress of asterisk systems with web based management
interfaces in the past few years you'll almost no progress since ~2008.
I've seen companies waste hundreds of thousands of dollars in development
trying to reinvent the wheel on this particular area.Freeswitch was
made because of the many problems with asterisk, and has asterisk
compatibility.   I would suggest looking at the options that exist already.
  SipXecs is nice too, but it's built on java.

On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 12:28 AM, luca capra wrote:

  I used it with ajam and phpsip

 Il 07/06/2012 06:06, hamed hosseini ha scritto:

 thanks,but i must use cakephp for create some  project like *FusionPBX*
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Re: Looking for MVC CakePHP Best practice doc, examples for Med to large sites

2012-06-07 Thread Justin Edwards
If you take a look at bakingplate, they have lots of submodules from
various people that you cans see their work.  You can also click on Network
on a project on github and see other people's forks and additions.

On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 7:59 AM, bs28723

 On 6/6/2012 10:19 PM, Justin Edwards [via CakePHP] wrote:
  For development as you go along,  you'd naturally take your controller
  methods and turn them into components where you'd see they'd need to
  be reused, the same with helpers.
 exactly. I have already started doing this on my project.  Looks like
 this is a natural progression. Good to know.
  You'll naturally have lots of DUH moments and feel like a moron as you
  learn, that's what learning is all about.   A man isn't worth his salt
  unless he doesn't appreciate the grind and the discipline.
 I like learning, I just get frustrated when I want to know more, and I
 can't find the information quickly.  But I think your idea of getting
 code from github may be a great idea.  Is there an easy way to search
 and see what is out there?  Seems pretty random.


 View this message in context: Re: Looking for MVC  CakePHP Best practice
 doc, examples for Med to large 
 Sent from the CakePHP mailing list 

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Re: Cakephp and Asterisk

2012-06-06 Thread Justin Edwards
IMHO it'd be better to look at freeswitch.  If you are intent on
asterisk though,  I would suggest not using PHP, and using ruby instead.

If you're looking for actual public switched telephony over actual phone
lines, I might recommend other things as well.

If you are intent on PHP because of familiarity I'd use twilio and check
out openvbx

On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 9:33 AM, hoss7 wrote:

 *hi i am new in  Asterisk ,i need some tutorial or some sample code or
 some source for learn how can i join Cakephp and  **Asterisk.*

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Re: Looking for MVC CakePHP Best practice doc, examples for Med to large sites

2012-06-06 Thread Justin Edwards
I've managed heavy sites too.  The young ones don't learn the things as
fast as you'd think.  They can google examples and copy and paste things,
but they make a lot of mistakes because they don't learn the why or how
software and hardware systems interact.

You'll get your pace up once you have lots of your own examples that you've
figured out how to do on your own, and then can glance back at.I read
cake's code, read everyone else's code on github, and tinker with other
frameworks.   There are so many good things out there that others have
done, and if what someone else made isn't quite what you need, take their
code as inspiration.To me the only thing that's really lacking is very
many good (more advanced) examples of ajax scenarios with 2.x.

For development as you go along,  you'd naturally take your controller
methods and turn them into components where you'd see they'd need to be
reused, the same with helpers.   For scaling to larger sites you'd really
want to debug and see where your bottle necks are and design appropriately
for the bottleneck.If you've been around that block enough times you
can foresee all of the bottlenecks you will have.

You'll naturally have lots of DUH moments and feel like a moron as you
learn, that's what learning is all about.   A man isn't worth his salt
unless he doesn't appreciate the grind and the discipline.

On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 8:46 PM, bs28723

 Thanks John. I am familiar with the mythical man month - good stuff!

 You, Michael and Steve, got me to re-look at what I was really trying to
 ask. I think my questions are really more about really understanding MVC
 and ORM than cake.  Cake is just the code that implements MVC.  While I
 understand what MVC is and does. I can define it, and I can write simple
 applications using it. (fat model, skinny controller) - I am not  confident
 in all my architecture decisions and able explain all my choices. I feel
 like I am still guessing, testing, and reworking things all the time.  To
 me, there is a big difference between good code architecture and well
 written code.  right now, I am trying to make sure that I am putting the
 code in the right spot.  It may be crappy code, but at least it is in the
 model or controller where it belongs.  Maybe some day I can fix the crappy
 code.  But I want to avoid putting  great code in the wrong place and end
 up with a crappy system. I am not sure that I am explaining this any
 better, but my knowledge gap is the MVC architecture. The data model is
 probably good for now. I am sure someone could improve it, I don't claim to
 be perfect, it will probably grow and change over time anyway. But it is
 some of the MVC expertise that I am looking to learn.

 An analogy that I can came up with is, that I think I am walking in terms
 of MVC and Cake, and I want to start jogging or running.  But maybe, I am
 really still crawling and I need to keep working, and coding, and testing,
 and reworking, to learn to walk, before I can run. I think I am a fast
 learner and I have learned everything that I can get my hands on, but I
 need more.  I feel like a young Jedi wanting to learn more and more, so I
 can become a Master sooner.  Or maybe it is because I am 53, I have been
 designing projects and the last real programming I did was on an Unix
 System V device driver 20 years ago and this ORM stuff is a little Greek.
 Not to mention that all these young kids are picking this up in seconds,
 and I just want to keep up. LOL

 John, you should be very proud of the system you built below.  I spent 5
 years doing system architecture for ATT, helping people design
 architectures like the one you describe below. For us it was standard, but
 a lot of people probably don't understand the capability or the complexity
 behind a scalable DB architecture with clustered servers with masters and
 slaves.  This is a great testament to you and your team, and to Cake that
 it can handle this large project.

 Thanks again to you, Michael  Steve. I think I am going to try to learn
 more about MVC and ORB.  Hopefully, I can find some things to help be learn
 to run, but if not, I will just keep writing coded, learning, rewriting and
 learn it over time.


 On 6/6/2012 11:41 AM, John Hardy [via CakePHP] wrote:

 A computer architect should just look at what cake does.

  It bootstraps request into and MVC architecture. It has a built in ORM,
 and some injection points to customize and manipulate data throughout the

  Cake is not gonna make you or break you, if your site it built shitty,
 it's not because of the framework.

  It can handle a large infrastructure. You've already searched, there are
 no best practices for cake, it's not needed, it's MVC, ORM etc. It's
 computer science and software engineering.

  My site serves over 1 Million pages a day, over 600k in videos.

  I have over 90 models shared between two domains ( admin and site 

Re: Geocoding

2012-05-24 Thread Justin Edwards
Might have some luck with this one.

On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 12:57 AM, Justin Edwards

 On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 1:09 PM, euromark dereurom...@googlemail.comwrote:

 I still use google maps.
 but there the only evolution is going to not free anymore - so for high
 traffic sites this might not be the most suitable approach (or it might
 again if the money is not the issue).

 Am Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2012 19:53:07 UTC+2 schrieb Alex Bovey:

 Hi all,

 What behavior / component / plugin is everyone using for geocoding these

 I want to use either Yahoo or Google Maps and I've found a bakery
 article from Nate in 2007 but can't find the actual behavior anywhere:**articles/nate/2007/04/13/**

 As that was 5 years ago I guess there might be a more evolved solution
 now anyway?



 Alex Bovey
 Web Developer | Alex Bovey Consultancy Ltd
 Registered in England  Wales no. 6471391 | VAT no. 934 8959 65 | t 0844 567 8995 | m 07828 649386 | f 0870 288 9533
 PHP | CakePHP | MySQL | jQuery | HTML5 | CSS3 | Drupal | Wordpress

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Re: CakePHP

2012-05-23 Thread Justin Edwards
This is an example assuming you'd want this to work for adding a user.
 This could work perfectly, but I typed it by hand into this email so you
may need to debug some.



?php foreach ($ajaxFunctions as $key = $value): ?
option value=?php echo $key; ??php echo $value; ?/option
?php endforeach; ?


), array(
'async' = true,
'method' = 'post',
'data'= $this-Js-serializeForm(array(
'isForm' = true,
'inline' = true




 * ajax_list method
 * @return void
public function ajax_list() {
$this-State-recursive = 0;
$country_id = $this-request-data['User']['country_id'];
$ajaxFunctions = $this-AclFunction-find('list', array(
'conditions' = array('State.country_id' = $country_id)

$this-set('ajaxFunctions', $ajaxFunctions);
$this-layout = 'ajax';

On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 5:52 PM, Kennix wrote:

 I need a tutotial on how to implement chain select with CakePHP

 example, on selecting a Country from Countries drop down option, the
 State in the selected should populated

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Re: Geocoding

2012-05-23 Thread Justin Edwards

On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 1:09 PM, euromark dereurom...@googlemail.comwrote:

 I still use google maps.
 but there the only evolution is going to not free anymore - so for high
 traffic sites this might not be the most suitable approach (or it might
 again if the money is not the issue).

 Am Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2012 19:53:07 UTC+2 schrieb Alex Bovey:

 Hi all,

 What behavior / component / plugin is everyone using for geocoding these

 I want to use either Yahoo or Google Maps and I've found a bakery article
 from Nate in 2007 but can't find the actual behavior anywhere:**articles/nate/2007/04/13/**

 As that was 5 years ago I guess there might be a more evolved solution
 now anyway?



 Alex Bovey
 Web Developer | Alex Bovey Consultancy Ltd
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Re: ImageMagick Cake Ver 2.0.4

2012-05-21 Thread Justin Edwards

// read page 1
$im = new imagick( 'test.pdf[ 0]' );

// convert to jpg

$im-resizeImage(290, 375, imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);

//write image on server

On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 10:14 AM, Blues Clues wrote:


 Thanks. Very encouraging start. Would you be kind to provide some sample
 code to use this in my controller? I am losing my mind on this to convert
 PDF to PNG file in my cakephp 1.3 controller.


 On Monday, May 21, 2012 10:30:36 AM UTC-4, ibejohn818 wrote:

 Use the pecl library imagick. It is more than capable and has a very good
 On May 21, 2012 7:25 AM, bluesclues9 wrote:

 Just curious about this question as I have a similar need. Did you ever
 an answer or figured out yourself?


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Re: Many-to-many ACL

2012-05-17 Thread Justin Edwards
I've never tried to make the User model be named anything else.  I have
users and roles many to many on both sides though.

On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 6:50 AM, rahajiyev wrote:

 Nope it doesn't work :(
 authorize() in TinyAuthorize receives $user that lacks any joins to
 roles table:

'id' = (int) 6,
'username' = 'rihad',
 'created' = '2012-05-15 16:30:10',
 'modified' = '2012-05-17 16:36:24',

 so of course it can't find $user['Role']
 Here's my user class:
 class Milli extends AppModel {
public $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'Role' = array(
'className' = 'Role',
'joinTable' =
'foreignKey'= 'user_id',
'assosciationForeignKey'= 'role_id',

 class Role is empty.

 class MilliController extends AppController
public $components = array(
'Auth' = array(
'loginRedirect' = array('controller' =
 'milli', 'action' = 'index'),
'logoutRedirect' = array('controller' =
 'milli', 'action' = 'index'),
 'authenticate' = array('Form' =
 array('userModel' = 'Milli')),
 'authorize' = array('Tiny' =
 array('aclModel' = 'Role')),
 'loginAction' = array('controller' =
 'milli', 'action' = 'login')));

public function beforeFilter() {
 $this-Auth-allow('login', 'logout');

 Please help...

 On May 17, 11:53 am, rahajiyev wrote:
  OK, so I changed 'Role' to 'role' in Configure::write and it seems to
  work. I'm able to log in, and access an action that my role is
  permitted to access (as per acl.ini).
  But a strange thing happens when I attempt to access an action that
  I'm not permitted to. Instead of redirecting me to the /login page due
  to inappropriate permissions, I get silently redirected to / which I
  AM permitted to access. What's going on?

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Re: Many-to-many ACL

2012-05-16 Thread Justin Edwards

On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 11:29 AM, rihad wrote:

 On May 16, 1:23 am, Justin Edwards wrote:
  To DB
 I'm having a hard time choosing the right place for this code. Where
 do I put it cleanly? I tried dropping it off in Plugin/ but Cake won't
 find it.

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Re: Has one

2012-05-16 Thread Justin Edwards
foreign key with constraint UQ (unique)

On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 12:43 PM, Andrés Manikis andresmani...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hello. I have the following problem.
 I have two model which share some data.

 Suppose I have a cat and a dog. Both of them are animals.
 So I would like to extract all the common fields to a table named for
 example common.

 I wanted to implement that using a hasOne relation but cake makes me put
 the foreign key in the common table. I don't want that because I would have
 to put a cat_id and a dog_id in the common table.

 Is there a way to create a hasOne relation putting the foreign key in the
 current table?

 Thank you!

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Re: Has one

2012-05-16 Thread Justin Edwards
It forces a has one relationship regardless.  You can't have multiple
relationships if the column has to be unique.

On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 1:39 PM, Andrés Manikis andresmani...@gmail.comwrote:

 And that will enable cake to create a has one relation with the foreign
 key in the origin table?

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Re: cake 2.0 manual with pdf format

2012-05-16 Thread Justin Edwards readme

On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 1:31 PM, Mohammad Razzaghi 1razza...@gmail.comwrote:

 hi guys
 i want cakephp 2.0 manual in pdf format for printing and reading it
 i hav download epub format of that and converted to pdf but the result
 is not pretty good.
 the code example and so other not seen good
 any helps?

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Re: Many-to-many ACL

2012-05-15 Thread Justin Edwards


On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 1:47 PM, rihad wrote:

 Hi. I need users to belong to more than one role. Like Can-do-this,
 Can-do-that, etc. I think a many-to-many relationship fits this
 need. Like this (in pseudo-sql)

 table users:
 id int primary key;
 name varchar;

 table roles:
 id int primary key;
 name varchar;

 table roles_users:
 id int primary key;
 user_id foreign key users(id);
 role_id foreign key roles(id);

 So each user can have multiple roles listed in roles_users. I looked
 at the ACL tutorial:
 but it only makes use of a single group_id. Cake's Auth subsystem
 looks fine to me. Can I use it with multiple roles described above?

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Re: Bake in Cakephp 2.0 give me a code of previus version?!!

2012-05-11 Thread Justin Edwards
Enter the command which cake
On May 11, 2012 1:53 AM, gabrielem wrote:

 @José Lorenzo and How to this?

 @cricket the path is correct! I have specified the path of console in a
 cakephp 2.0

 Il giorno giovedì 10 maggio 2012 03:16:18 UTC+2, cricket ha scritto:

 Make sure your PATH is updated (eg. in ~/.bashrc) or call the 2.0
 version with the entire path: /path/to/lib/Cake/Console/cake

 On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 5:46 PM, José Lorenzo wrote:
  Obviously because you have executed the 'cake' command for a previous
  version, make sure you call the shell for 2.0 instead
  On Tuesday, May 8, 2012 1:09:24 PM UTC-4:30, gabrielem wrote:
  I have downloaded cakephp 2.0
  I'm learning cakephp, and try to bake model, controller and views...
  I have bake a project to..
  But then I have see that the code generated by the bake script is
  following previulsy convention...
  The app_controller file is located in  the main directory and is not
  the Controllers directory...
  all the file for controller have the name: nome_controller.php but in
  cakephp 2.0 must be NameController.php...
  Before of this i did not download previous version of cakephp...
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Re: Layer images

2012-05-10 Thread Justin Edwards
Unfortunately none of those techniques really work.   One of the best
methods is watermarking.

On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 1:28 PM, Sean wrote:

 Hello all,

 I am working in 2.1.

 I have a couple of images that I want to stack on top of each other. One
 is the image that everyone will see, and a transparent image that will sit
 on top of the main image.

 I have seen that it can be done using CSS and HTML, but I was wondering if
 there is a way to do it theCakePHP way.

 This is a concept that I would like to use as these images are from an
 artist and I don't want people to just download the images. This way, when
 they click on the image, what they will get is my transparent image instead
 of the real one.

 Does anyone have any ideas?


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Re: How to avoid extra php code in views

2012-05-07 Thread Justin Edwards
I think you may need to question if everyone needs to be able to open edit,
or if there should be more than just a generic edit.  ACL takes care of
that.  You may need to make your controller methods smaller and have
smaller pages, because overly large pages can definitely complicate and
confuse users and developers.

When you add layers of complexity, often you'll have exponential more code.
 Types of admins can be different prefixes.   Organization Admin, User
Admin, etc.Just some things to consider.

I'm in a similar boat.

On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 12:03 PM, bs28723 wrote:

 Thanks for taking the time to respond.  This would be a good time to fix
 some things in my application if needed.  So, I appreciate your help and

 Based on your feedback, I feel like I need take your lead and explore a
 few things.  These are topics I have been wondering about.

 Based on your comments, I still could use your advise on a few things.
 First, I simplified my question before posting the first time. It is
 actually much more complicated, so let me explain.

 To answer your question, at a high level it is to restrict who can edit
 what. But unfortunately it is not that simple.   I have looked at the
 prefix routing, but I am not sure this works for me as I will try to

 First, I have

 $hasMany = array( OrganizationRoles, MemberRelationship);
$belongsTo = array(User);

 $hasMany = array(OrganizationPermissions, MemberRelationship);
 $belongsTo = array(Organization);

 $belongsTo = array(OrganizationsRole);

 $belongsTo = array(OrganizationRole, Organization, User);

 $hasMany = array(Organization, MemberRelationship

 Each Organization has roles.  There are 3 default roles per Organization
 (Admin, Owner, member), but an Owner or Admin can create more roles as
 needed for their Organizations, thus dynamic roles.
 A User can belong to Multiple Organizations.
 A User can have a different Role depending on the organization.  Owner in
 Org1. member in Org2. no relationship with Org 3.
 The MemberRelationship Table is a join table that links Users to
 Organizations and Roles.

 So, I felt prefixes would not work, because 1) an admin prefix is
 different depending on the Org. 2) there could be Prefixes created on the
 fly. 3) it seemed complicated to had all these different prefixes that do
 basically the same things, just the Org may be different.

 So, I have gone more toward the authorization route and have created a
 Authorization component. I also plan to add the security component to
 handle the CSRF stuff, but that is not implemented yet.  What I have
 implemented is CRUD permissions per role per organization for different
 pieces of information.

 My issue is that in the view I need to use  $this-Form-input();   to
 allow the user to update the field.
 So, while the controller has gotten authorization that this user has
 either Read or Update permission for some or all of the data, The question

 Is it better to
 1) send all the data  permissions to the view and let it decide when to
 use input()  or just display the text?
 2) filter the data and send field lists to the view or which are display
 only and which allow input?

 I have started down the #1 path, but this is seeming complicated with all
 the views and if things change, I could have 20 views to update.  So, I am
 thinking that option #2 may be a better long term solution.  I think I can
 centralize more stuff in the controller.  I will just have to make the
 views handle display fields and input fields.

 Thoughts?  Suggestions?

 On 5/7/2012 9:18 AM, Thom Seddon [via CakePHP] wrote:

 Hi Bill,

  Not exactly sure if you just asking how to hide specific elements or
 restrict who can edit what.

  For the former, I would suggest you filter the list in the controller to
 create separate editable viewable arrays that you can use in the
 controller. This would both remove your repeated logic (that's what
 the controllers is for!) and would also therefore mean changes wouldn't
 have to be repeated (or forgotten about) in each instance in each view

  For the latter, In my opinion this is probably best solved with separate
 views and controller methods for each role, after all it is this type
 of privilege restriction for which prefix routing was primarily designed

  Whilst your current solution restricts what form fields are visible, it
 is still trivial for a user (of any privilege) to create requests you are
 trying to restrict, for example posting to /users/delete/1, the requests
 are still possible, you are just hiding them. It if for this reason that it
 would be necessary to perform the same type of role filtering in the
 controller, are you also doing this? (Note: The CSRF protection 

Re: Cakephp SSN Encryption

2012-05-02 Thread Justin Edwards
You can do it in batches.  You can also set the timeout.

'conditions' = array(' ' = '200')

On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 3:39 PM, Steven Scaffidi wrote:

 I created SSN through using regular sql and just literally copying whats
 in the ssn field to the ssn_temp field. And then, this would work if it
 didn't time out on me. How can I change the timeout time? There has to be a
 better way to do this though.

 public function encryptssn() {
 $ssns = $this-User-find('list', array('fields' = array('id',
  $j = 1;
 foreach ($ssns as $i) {
 $this-User-id = $j;
  $this-User-saveField('ssn', $i);
  $this-redirect(array('action' = 'index'));

 On Wednesday, May 2, 2012 3:03:46 PM UTC-5, Steven Scaffidi wrote:

 Can you give me a specific example of how to use saveMany? I have 4000
 clients in my database. Can I create another encrypted field in the
 database (say ssn_temp) then do something like this:

 $this-User-saveMany(array(**array('ssn_temp' = array('User' =

 Would something like that work? I'm really confused by the documentation
 on saveMany

 On Tuesday, May 1, 2012 2:51:50 PM UTC-5, Justin Edwards wrote:

 Sorry temp table* not temp folder

 On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 7:51 PM, Justin Edwards


 Create a controller method.

 Find the data from the temp folder set it to a variable, and then
 saveMany from the variable to the encrypted table.**en/models/saving-your-data.**

 On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 7:18 PM, Steven Scaffidi ssca...@gmail.comwrote:

 Ok I have the data migrated already (I probably should have used
 something like pentaho instead of writing my own queries but oh well). How
 do I use cake's encryption function on the data?

 On Tuesday, May 1, 2012 2:07:56 PM UTC-5, Justin Edwards wrote:

 I would migrate it using pentaho.  Then you can run cake's encryption
 function on the data.   You could make a temporary table /model and then
 append it to the production table.

 On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 7:01 PM, Steven Scaffidi ssca...@gmail.comwrote:

 Thanks for the plugin that worked great. I still don't understand how
 to use pentaho though to encrypt social security numbers listed in
 access database.

 On Apr 30, 5:28 pm, Justin Edwards wrote:
  On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 4:46 PM, Steven Scaffidi wrote:
   Hi - I'm looking for information on how to encrypt data in
 Cakephp. My
   employer had a client management system built in Microsoft
 Access, and
   I recently took that application and put it on a web-based space
   in cake. I need to now two things:
   #1 How can I encrypt social security numbers from new clients
   into the system? I'm encrypting passwords right now, but I'm not
   how to do social security numbers.
   #2 How do I take social security numbers that are currently
 listed in
   Microsoft Access with no encryption and put them into the MySQL
   database encrypted?
   Thanks for the help,
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   Check out the new CakePHP Questions
 sitehttp://ask.cakephp.organd help
   others with their CakePHP related questions.
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more options, visit this group

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 On Wednesday, May 2, 2012 3:03:46 PM UTC-5

Re: Cakephp SSN Encryption

2012-05-01 Thread Justin Edwards
I would migrate it using pentaho.  Then you can run cake's encryption
function on the data.   You could make a temporary table /model and then
append it to the production table.

On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 7:01 PM, Steven Scaffidi wrote:

 Thanks for the plugin that worked great. I still don't understand how
 to use pentaho though to encrypt social security numbers listed in the
 access database.

 On Apr 30, 5:28 pm, Justin Edwards wrote:
  On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 4:46 PM, Steven Scaffidi
   Hi - I'm looking for information on how to encrypt data in Cakephp. My
   employer had a client management system built in Microsoft Access, and
   I recently took that application and put it on a web-based space built
   in cake. I need to now two things:
   #1 How can I encrypt social security numbers from new clients coming
   into the system? I'm encrypting passwords right now, but I'm not sure
   how to do social security numbers.
   #2 How do I take social security numbers that are currently listed in
   Microsoft Access with no encryption and put them into the MySQL
   database encrypted?
   Thanks for the help,
   Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
   Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://ask.cakephp.organd help
   others with their CakePHP related questions.
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Re: Cakephp SSN Encryption

2012-05-01 Thread Justin Edwards

Create a controller method.

Find the data from the temp folder set it to a variable, and then saveMany
from the variable to the encrypted table.

On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 7:18 PM, Steven Scaffidi wrote:

 Ok I have the data migrated already (I probably should have used something
 like pentaho instead of writing my own queries but oh well). How do I use
 cake's encryption function on the data?

 On Tuesday, May 1, 2012 2:07:56 PM UTC-5, Justin Edwards wrote:

 I would migrate it using pentaho.  Then you can run cake's encryption
 function on the data.   You could make a temporary table /model and then
 append it to the production table.

 On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 7:01 PM, Steven Scaffidi ssca...@gmail.comwrote:

 Thanks for the plugin that worked great. I still don't understand how
 to use pentaho though to encrypt social security numbers listed in the
 access database.

 On Apr 30, 5:28 pm, Justin Edwards wrote:
  On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 4:46 PM, Steven Scaffidi
   Hi - I'm looking for information on how to encrypt data in Cakephp.
   employer had a client management system built in Microsoft Access,
   I recently took that application and put it on a web-based space
   in cake. I need to now two things:
   #1 How can I encrypt social security numbers from new clients coming
   into the system? I'm encrypting passwords right now, but I'm not sure
   how to do social security numbers.
   #2 How do I take social security numbers that are currently listed in
   Microsoft Access with no encryption and put them into the MySQL
   database encrypted?
   Thanks for the help,
   Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
   Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://ask.cakephp.organd
   others with their CakePHP related questions.
   To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
more options, visit this group

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 Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and
 help others with their CakePHP related questions.

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with their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Cakephp SSN Encryption

2012-05-01 Thread Justin Edwards
Sorry temp table* not temp folder

On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 7:51 PM, Justin Edwards justinledwa...@gmail.comwrote:


 Create a controller method.

 Find the data from the temp folder set it to a variable, and then saveMany
 from the variable to the encrypted table.

 On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 7:18 PM, Steven Scaffidi wrote:

 Ok I have the data migrated already (I probably should have used
 something like pentaho instead of writing my own queries but oh well). How
 do I use cake's encryption function on the data?

 On Tuesday, May 1, 2012 2:07:56 PM UTC-5, Justin Edwards wrote:

 I would migrate it using pentaho.  Then you can run cake's encryption
 function on the data.   You could make a temporary table /model and then
 append it to the production table.

 On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 7:01 PM, Steven Scaffidi ssca...@gmail.comwrote:

 Thanks for the plugin that worked great. I still don't understand how
 to use pentaho though to encrypt social security numbers listed in the
 access database.

 On Apr 30, 5:28 pm, Justin Edwards wrote:
  On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 4:46 PM, Steven Scaffidi
   Hi - I'm looking for information on how to encrypt data in Cakephp.
   employer had a client management system built in Microsoft Access,
   I recently took that application and put it on a web-based space
   in cake. I need to now two things:
   #1 How can I encrypt social security numbers from new clients coming
   into the system? I'm encrypting passwords right now, but I'm not
   how to do social security numbers.
   #2 How do I take social security numbers that are currently listed
   Microsoft Access with no encryption and put them into the MySQL
   database encrypted?
   Thanks for the help,
   Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
   Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://ask.cakephp.organd
   others with their CakePHP related questions.
   To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
more options, visit this group

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Re: Cakephp SSN Encryption

2012-04-30 Thread Justin Edwards

On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 4:46 PM, Steven Scaffidi wrote:

 Hi - I'm looking for information on how to encrypt data in Cakephp. My
 employer had a client management system built in Microsoft Access, and
 I recently took that application and put it on a web-based space built
 in cake. I need to now two things:

 #1 How can I encrypt social security numbers from new clients coming
 into the system? I'm encrypting passwords right now, but I'm not sure
 how to do social security numbers.

 #2 How do I take social security numbers that are currently listed in
 Microsoft Access with no encryption and put them into the MySQL
 database encrypted?

 Thanks for the help,


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Re: CakePHP 2.1.1 Performance

2012-04-27 Thread Justin Edwards

On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 12:16 AM, Thiago Belem

 Can you provide more information about you server like os, versions, cache
 setup and etc?


 Thiago Belem

 Enviado do meu Android (e sujeito a erros do corretor automático)
 Em 27/04/2012 20:17, Mika escreveu:

 Since we upgraded our web application to Cake 2.1.1 it has literally
 killed our server several times. In WHM the Server load (4 CPUs)
 under Service Status runs above 15 the entire time, and spikes up to
 50 and as high as 70, at which point the server basically dies.

 The same application under exactly the same load running on Cake
 1.3.15 does not have near the same effect on the server. On 1.3.15 the
 server load in WHM never exceeds 2.

 It is exactly the same application. The only changes we made were ones
 required to make the application run on Cake 2.1.1. There is nothing
 else running on the server. It's dedicated to just this one web

 We've swapped the code base back and forth (between 1.3.15 and 2.1.1)
 a few times on the live server, and the results were the same every
 time. On 1.3.15 the server hums, on 2.1.1 it dies.

 Has anyone else had similar experiences?

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Re: Does cakephp support object-relational database?

2012-04-20 Thread Justin Edwards
It uses ORM, and it normally connects to RDBMS.   What Object-Relational
database system are you referring to?

Cakephp is very flexible.  From the configuration documentation:

Examples: mysql, postgres, sqlite, pear-drivername, adodb-drivername,
mssql, oracle, or odbc. Note that for non-database sources (e.g. LDAP,
Twitter), leave this blank and use datasource.

On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 5:15 AM, Freeness Li wrote:

 I am a beginner of Cakephp,
 i want  to retrieve data from ORDB, but i don't know how to write
 cakephp-code , does it include inherent relationship?

 i didn't find answer from

 my cake version is 2.06


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Re: Android Tab IDE for CakePHP

2012-04-19 Thread Justin Edwards
I've seen some experimental stuff but nothing solid.   My solution has been
using a netbook/ultrabook instead of tablet.

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 12:48 AM, DerekGardiner derek.gardi...@gmail.comwrote:

 I'm looking for an android IDE tab application that will allow me to
 achieve the following:

 1. Edit cakephp files via my tab
 2. Deploy them to some online server to test the changes I've just

 Has anyone managed to achieve something like this efficiently?

 The other alternative is to make changes to the files directly via
 Github, download the zip, FTP to a server and unzip but i'm hoping for
 a more elegant solution

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Re: Redirect www to non-www

2012-04-13 Thread Justin Edwards
You may also create another vhost for a catchall for whatever things you
might want to redirect there, and give it a 301 to where you do want them
to go.   I do things like this to force https, or add the www

On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 5:29 PM, lowpass wrote:

 On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 9:43 AM, kdubya wrote:
  I have always made rewrite rule changes in the /site/.htacess file
  I don't really know why the  /site/app/.htaccess (or for that matter
  /site/app/webroot/.htaccess) files exist. I can't even dream up a
  where those files would ever be applied - as long as the /site/.htaccess
  file exists.

 It depends on what the DocumentRoot is set to. Of course, if one has
 the ability to set it to /path/to/site/app/webroot in the main config
 then the rewrite rules can be placed there and all .htaccess files
 removed for better performance.

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Re: Best IDE for CakePHP 2.1

2012-04-12 Thread Justin Edwards
I really like Aptana, it allows right clicking a folder to open a terminal
there, so you can easily access command line or bake if you want.   I've
personally worked with the founder of the company that currently owns it,
and he's committed to keeping it an open / excellent product.

I tweak any IDE I use no matter what though.  I have my own patterns of
working on things.  I trialed phpstorm, and it is pretty nice.

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 12:14 PM, Điển vũ wrote:

 A article about autocomplete on Eclipse ( same as Aptana )

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Re: Using $content_for_layout how :-(

2012-02-23 Thread Justin Edwards

On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 9:37 AM, jeremyharris wrote:
 To include CSS and JS, use the HtmlHelper[1]. This will include files from
 /webroot/css and /webroot/js

 $content_for_layout holds the content from the rendered view. All you need
 to do is echo it in the layout. There isn't anything more that you need to
 do with it.


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Re: CakePHP 2.1 - ACL

2012-02-22 Thread Justin Edwards

On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 3:40 AM, misfotto wrote:
 Is there a way to obtain more information about this:

 New ACL engine
 In addition to the good old database ACL engine, we have added a new
 one based on configuration files. This engine takes a php file
 containing specific variables describing AROS, ACOS and permissions to
 grant access to resources in your application. This is a great
 alternative to the database solution for those who want to get a
 speedy permissions checking system when not requiring a database to
 dynamically manage permissions.

 i'm very interested in testing and implementing a more reliable ACL
 system as in the changelog but i can't find docs about it, i know it's
 a very rely stage to find docs and/or documentation, but if is
 available somewhere please answer me back.

 thank you in advice

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Re: The Great Web Framework Shootout

2012-02-20 Thread Justin Edwards
With very minimal tweaking my install on a 256 mb of ram server gets 3000
requests per second.

Completely useless results.
On Feb 20, 2012 8:00 AM, euromark wrote:

 without cake2.x it will not be very representative
 you cant compare the cutting edge of one framework with something
 years old at another framework branch

 so, yes, I think 2.0 will be better off

 also note, that none of the usual optimization is applied (opcode
 cache, ...)
 so in real life the difference will be less visible.
 add to this what cake offers compared to ALL others, it will then at
 least level with them - more or less.

 On 20 Feb., 14:50, Lucho Molina wrote:
  Hi – Have you seen the results of The Great Web Framework Shootout
  It's a benchmark test comparing the performance of a few of the most
  popular web frameworks.
  Our beloved framework doesn't look so good there. Although they tested it
  with version 1.3.11, I don't think the results will be much better with
  (or will it?). Anyway, why do you think that is? Do you think the problem
  is the language? Is it time to move on to a Python framework?
  I would like to read your opinions.
  – Lucho

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Re: The Great Web Framework Shootout

2012-02-20 Thread Justin Edwards

By default advanced debugging /logging features are enabled and
caching is set to most minimal.  I don't know what others ship with.
  Just disabling the debugging speeds it up dramatically, and it's a
one line configuration.  We're talking about programming frameworks,
doing a hello world example and not looking at the framework is not
really taking anything into consideration.

Sure cake can ship with features disabled, but they're features I use,
and would enable immediately.  The author admitted the test wasn't
real world.  In the real world you're looking for a programming
framework that saves you time, and is easy to scale and get
performance out of.   You'd be hard pressed to find anyone starting up
needing more than 50 requests per second out of their application.

On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 10:20 AM, Lucho Molina wrote:
 @euromark: Point taken.
 @Justin: That's cool! But any of the other frameworks could be minimally
 tweaked and improve their results, no? The point of these tests is to leave
 the technologies as they're brought to you, out of the box.

 Now don't get me wrong, I love CakePHP, know its benefits, and would like
 the results to be different. But they make me wonder if we're missing
 something or are too biased. There must be something real behind this, and
 we may be able to fix it.

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Cakephp 2.1 Data Views

2012-02-17 Thread Justin Edwards
I was under the assumption from the documentation that extensions json and
xml when setup properly would automatically render when using _serialize.
No matter what I was doing, using it would not
render without a layout if I had an index.ctp.   It didn't even touch

I finally was able to get some progress, realizing that I could use
$this-viewClass = 'Json';

The problem with this is that I would have to write a lot more code if I
wanted the .json extension to output properly using if statements.   And
I'd really like a solution where I could use minimal code and use REST on
my controllers wherever I wanted.

In previous versions of cake the .json extension was working properly with
$subDir, but the latest 2.1 doesn't seem to be doing so.

I don't know if I'm not understanding something, or there is a problem in


  $posts = $this-Post-find('all');

  $data = array('posts' = $posts);

  $this-viewClass = 'Json';


  $this-set('_serialize', 'posts');

Any help / input would be appreciated.

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Re: Cakephp 2.1 Data Views

2012-02-17 Thread Justin Edwards
I figured out the problem.

I put this inside my controller and it started working.

public $components = array('RequestHandler');
I previously only had it here App::uses('RequestHandler');

On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 6:46 PM, Justin Edwards justinledwa...@gmail.comwrote:

 I was under the assumption from the documentation that extensions json and
 xml when setup properly would automatically render when using _serialize.
 No matter what I was doing, using it would not
 render without a layout if I had an index.ctp.   It didn't even touch

 I finally was able to get some progress, realizing that I could use
 $this-viewClass = 'Json';

 The problem with this is that I would have to write a lot more code if I
 wanted the .json extension to output properly using if statements.   And
 I'd really like a solution where I could use minimal code and use REST on
 my controllers wherever I wanted.

 In previous versions of cake the .json extension was working properly with
 $subDir, but the latest 2.1 doesn't seem to be doing so.

 I don't know if I'm not understanding something, or there is a problem in


   $posts = $this-Post-find('all');

   $data = array('posts' = $posts);

   $this-viewClass = 'Json';


   $this-set('_serialize', 'posts');

 Any help / input would be appreciated.

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Re: High scalability with CakePHP

2012-02-09 Thread Justin Edwards
 what the field of scalability has to offer for your
 underlying technologies is key to being successful in solving your

 On Feb 9, 1:57 am, 

 Many Thanks for your answers.
 It seems to me that you have experience with how scale a cakephp

 About DB : I have find this to configure Master and Slaveshttp://
 But it seems very simple perhaps there is some hidden complications.
 Another question about this : What is the best practise to replicate
 the data instantly from Master to Slaves when there is a write

 About CakePHP : What is the best practise to deploy the cakephp code
 updates on many servers instantly? Rsync?
 Exists a configurable automatic tool to do this?

 Many Thanks

 On 8 Feb, 17:05, Justin 

  If your concern is bandwidth, host all of your static files on a CDN.
 If your concern is processing power, distribute your load through many
 servers (you can use a load balancer, apache, lighttpd, nginx or
 and use mysql or a cache backend for your session storage.
 If your concern is database usage (IO), cache most of your data
 would be the best here).  You can also use a master and slave database
 setup.  Make all of your reads from your slave and your writes to your
 If you distribute your load between servers, you will need to make sure
 files are synchronized,  If you have file upload you need to make sure
 you force users to upload to one server and then rsync your data out
 that server to your others.
 You can also host your data off of an NFS mount so that you don't need
 synchronize your data.
 On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 9:03 AM, 

 I have a web application where users can uplaod file,images and work
 with some datas in db
 I use CakePHP ,MySQL,Memcache.
 I have a server with Apache and for the file's uploading ( I use Media
 Plugin of David Persson).
 I have another server with MySQL
 For the moment I have 500 users and all works fine.
 My problem is that in the next months I can have a very fast increment
 of users and this configuration is not  sufficient for me.
 I have tried to search on Google about how scaling a web app with
 CakePHP with scaling of MySql and scaling CDN  but I didn't find
 anything really concrete I would ask if someone with experience about
 this if he can suggest to me something resources (books,articles,code
 suggestions) ffrom which I can begin  to work.
 Many Thanks
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Re: High scalability with CakePHP

2012-02-08 Thread Justin Edwards
If your concern is bandwidth, host all of your static files on a CDN.

If your concern is processing power, distribute your load through many
servers (you can use a load balancer, apache, lighttpd, nginx or cherokee)
and use mysql or a cache backend for your session storage.

If your concern is database usage (IO), cache most of your data (memcached
would be the best here).  You can also use a master and slave database
setup.  Make all of your reads from your slave and your writes to your

If you distribute your load between servers, you will need to make sure
files are synchronized,  If you have file upload you need to make sure that
you force users to upload to one server and then rsync your data out from
that server to your others.

You can also host your data off of an NFS mount so that you don't need to
synchronize your data.

On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 9:03 AM, byqsri wrote:

 I have a web application where users can uplaod file,images and work
 with some datas in db
 I use CakePHP ,MySQL,Memcache.
 I have a server with Apache and for the file's uploading ( I use Media
 Plugin of David Persson).
 I have another server with MySQL
 For the moment I have 500 users and all works fine.
 My problem is that in the next months I can have a very fast increment
 of users and this configuration is not  sufficient for me.
 I have tried to search on Google about how scaling a web app with
 CakePHP with scaling of MySql and scaling CDN  but I didn't find
 anything really concrete I would ask if someone with experience about
 this if he can suggest to me something resources (books,articles,code
 suggestions) ffrom which I can begin  to work.
 Many Thanks

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Re: How to send a fax

2012-02-07 Thread Justin Edwards
A person could spend a year on making something work with an asterisk
server. Asterisk is nice for simple pbx things, but beyond that I
normally do not recommend it.   Adhearsion makes it quite a bit easier to
work with, but not with faxes.

On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 4:00 PM, Mark Walls wrote:

 I would suggest looking at an Asterisk server. They have a fax server
 implementation that would mix well with a full telephony line:
 It would also be useful for tracking the full communication line on an
 idea - fax, video conference etc...

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Re: SQL Server, Linux and CakePHP 2

2012-02-07 Thread Justin Edwards
I've spent a whole day trying to make this work with 2.x,  no luck from

On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 8:51 AM, Gianluca Gentile

 Hi all,
  I need to connect my linux server (Debian 6) to Microsoft SQL Server
 2005 with CakePHP 2.0.6 but the PDO driver Sqlserver not exist for
 Linux...How it's possible!?

 Sorry for my english... :)

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Re: SQL Server, Linux and CakePHP 2

2012-02-07 Thread Justin Edwards

Thanks for this.  I will try to see if I can get this going.  I can grab
things using php manually, but would love to have it be fully functional,
and I don't mind disabling transactions.

On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 6:02 PM, rchavik wrote:

 I have the 1.3.x driver ported to datasources plugin for 2.x.  It's still
 missing some functionality, but might be useful.

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Re: How to send a fax

2012-02-06 Thread Justin Edwards

On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 10:29 AM, Yves S. Garret

 Anyone know how I can send a fax with CakePHP?  Bonus points if I can do
 it with straight PHP.  And no, I cannot use a service such as interfax or
 the like.  This will include sending company sensitive info and I'd prefer
 to keep this within the bounds of the intranet of my organization.

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Re: How to send a fax

2012-02-06 Thread Justin Edwards
PHP doesn't have telephony hardware drivers, fax over SIP drivers, or
anything else like that.   You will need to interface using fax to email,
fax to print, or store to a database and extend hylafax.

On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 10:40 AM, Yves S. Garret

 I take it that this is impossible through PHP alone?

 On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 11:38 AM, Justin Edwards 


 On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 10:29 AM, Yves S. Garret wrote:

 Anyone know how I can send a fax with CakePHP?  Bonus points if I can do
 it with straight PHP.  And no, I cannot use a service such as interfax or
 the like.  This will include sending company sensitive info and I'd prefer
 to keep this within the bounds of the intranet of my organization.

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Re: How to send a fax

2012-02-06 Thread Justin Edwards
If you use an outside api, I highly recommend this.

For all other telephonic based things I recommend twilio or tropo.   Tropo
/ Phono are great products and both opensource.   Adhearsion is nice if you
want to host your own stuff on a budget.

On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 10:44 AM, euromark dereurom...@googlemail.comwrote:

 its easiest to use some API to connect to

 its pretty similar to sending SMS etc via php

 On 6 Feb., 17:43, Justin Edwards wrote:
  PHP doesn't have telephony hardware drivers, fax over SIP drivers, or
  anything else like that.   You will need to interface using fax to email,
  fax to print, or store to a database and extend hylafax.
  On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 10:40 AM, Yves S. Garret
   I take it that this is impossible through PHP alone?
   On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 11:38 AM, Justin Edwards 
   On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 10:29 AM, Yves S. Garret wrote:
   Anyone know how I can send a fax with CakePHP?  Bonus points if I
 can do
   it with straight PHP.  And no, I cannot use a service such as
 interfax or
   the like.  This will include sending company sensitive info and I'd
   to keep this within the bounds of the intranet of my organization.
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   help others with their CakePHP related questions.
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   group at
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Re: How to send a fax

2012-02-06 Thread Justin Edwards
Hylafax allows you to roll your own service and send out on your own lines,
but you have to have the line(s) available on premises and a fax modem.

On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 12:46 PM, Stephen Speakman wrote:

 If you don't sign up for a service I don't think you can send a fax using

 I'd suggest using an API or service, have a great fax service (I
 only know of incoming) but I'm sure they do outgoing as well - it's usually
 linked to email.

 Kind Regards

 On 06/02/2012 16:29, Yves S. Garret wrote:

 Anyone know how I can send a fax with CakePHP?  Bonus points if I can do
 it with straight PHP.  And no, I cannot use a service such as interfax or
 the like.  This will include sending company sensitive info and I'd prefer
 to keep this within the bounds of the intranet of my organization. --
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Re: Using Join Tables in Cakephp - result in view.ctp

2012-02-05 Thread Justin Edwards
There is a typo here. Do you have a table named port_groups_entity,
sport_groups_entities?  The errors should be followable.
   'table' = 'port_groups_entity',

You also seem to be  using some odd names on your tables.  I try to always
avoid using two plurals unless that table is a join table (habtm) for two
other tables.   If I do has association through tables, I name that table
logically for the relationship that it has.   Such as students, classrooms,
has a join table enrollments that has extra data based the many to many.

You should debug($var) on all of your variables to see what is actually

On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 1:41 PM, Team Kemster

 Hi Stephen,

 Thank you for your answer.

 Well I would say you are right, if it wasn't for that I am able to
 use both the tables for it's self. But joining them gives the problems.

 I also tried to use some examples on binding the tables with a model for
 both tables, but no luck.

 Yes, the table has name for a column (tables shown in first mail).

 Is the pull out in the ctp files correct?


 Den 05/02/2012 kl. 18.54 skrev Stephen Speakman

  I may not know the answer to your question but shouldn't your model be
  sport_group.php and SportGroup extends AppModel ?
  port_groups_entity table should be named port_group_entities  
  I would personally correct all the filenames, class names and
 $this-Model lines etc to represent proper CakePHP conventions, then I
 would use pr($this-SportGroup-findByUrl($url)); etc to view the results
 retrieved from the query...
  If name isn't in there maybe it's an error with your MySQL table? Maybe
 check recursive? (Apologies if I missed any info, my thunderbird client
 isn't threading mail list topics =/)
  Kind Regards
  On 05/02/2012 17:18, TheMuller wrote:
  I have looked, search and founded, but not the answer to my questions:
  How do I get the result of my join table in my view.ctp? Am I doing
  something wrong?
  I have followed some guides from bakery and other blogs, and created a
  setup like shown below. But why does the error in view.ctp say:
  Notice (8): Undefined index:  name
  class SportsGroup extends Appmodel {
  var $name = 'SportsGroup';
  class SportsGroupsController extends AppController {
  var $helpers = array ('Html', 'Form', 'Js' =  array('Jquery'),
  'Javascript', 'GoogleMapView');
  var $name = 'SportsGroups';
  function index() {
$this-SportsGroup-recursive = 0;
$this-set('sportsgroups', $this-SportsGroup-find('all',
  array('joins' =  array(
  'table' =  'port_groups_entity',
  'alias' =  'GroupsEntity',
  'type' =  'inner',
  'conditions'=  array('SportsGroup.group_id =
$this-set('title_for_layout', 'Sportsclubs online');
  function view($url = null) {
  if (!$url) {
  $this-Session-setFlash('Invalid id for Post.');
  $this-set('post', $this-SportsGroup-findByUrl($url));
  view/sportsgroups/index.ctp (or view.ctp)
  ?php foreach ($sportsgroups as $post): ?
  ?php echo $post['SportsGroup']['title']?  (it catches this one)
  ?php echo $post['SportsGroup']['name']?  (but not this one)
  ?php endforeach; ?
  ?php echo $post['SportsGroup']['title']?  (it catches this one)
  ?php echo $post['SportsGroup']['name']?  (but not this one)
  The database table are like:
  sports_groups: id | group_id | title
  groups_entity: guid | name
  Please help me, I used 2-3 days on this one..
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ACL manager plugin

2012-01-29 Thread Justin Edwards
Hello all!

I am currently managing ACL by hand, and have seen a couple of projects
that do some ACL management (croogo and quickapps I believe).   I am
developing a framework for all of my SaaS cakephp applications that allows
for unification of applications and centralized billing / accounting for
the subscriber.  I've come across a few good plugins so far, and was
wondering if there was anything already created for 2.0+ for ACL management
as far as a GUI.

What I plan on doing will be a little beyond the normal ACL.  I intend on
creating another table (roles), which will be many to many with users, and
each role will be linked to an array of aco ids, each record will also be
assigned to a particular application_id so that the subscriber of the
software for their organization (subscriber admin from the normal ACL
related groups table) can assign roles within applications.If a user is
assigned to that role, I plan on adding entries for that user's ARO id into
the normal cakephp aros_acos table for the related acos.

Is there anything like this already in existence, or will I have to write
it all out completely from scratch?I haven't had time to look over
croogo or quickapps code yet to see how they handled it, I wanted to see
their code to get an idea of how best to get started.

All of the best information I've learned so far is by looking at how other
people were doing it.   I'm planning on releasing my code so that others
who might want to be making business applications or software as a service
applications can put it to good use, and maybe get some good contributions

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Re: issue with CSS in Cake 2.1

2012-01-24 Thread Justin Edwards
I believe you have a problem with your base in your .htaccess file
On Jan 24, 2012 7:17 AM, Ernesto wrote:

 Ops sry i pasted the wrong layout

 ?php echo $this-Html-docType(); ?
 html xmlns=;
 echo $this-Html-charset();
 echo title. $this-fetch(title) ./title;
 $this-Html-css(generic, null, array(inline = false));
 $this-Html-css(common/form, null, array(inline = false));
 $this-Html-css(common/menu, null, array(inline = false));
 echo $this-fetch(css);
 div id='wrapper'
 div id='top'?php echo $this-fetch(top); ?/div
 div id='menu'?php echo $this-fetch(menu); ?/div
 div id='content'?php echo $this-fetch(content); ?/div

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Re: Cake 2: Very confusing docs/tutorials... Is there another foolproof source?

2012-01-12 Thread Justin Edwards
A couple of months ago I was new to cakephp and php in general.   The book
was fine for documentation, but what I really lacked were concrete examples
of how many things were used, or options of things that could be used for
scenarios.   I spent a LOT of time looking at other peoples code from
github and various other places from google searches.   Sometimes the only
examples I could find were from older versions that didn't apply in an easy
way for my mind to understand for 2.0+.

I'm not new to programming at all, but I have to admit, I'd have rather
paid a hundred dollars for a couple of books that were filled with examples
using the latest versions.

Currently with php / cakephp I am non profitable, hoping to at some point
in the not too distant future make some money.   I wouldn't mind paying a
little to have some functionality explained or created for me, but  it's
hard to justify spending my hard earned day job money to hire a contract
developer, when I'm not making a profit and should be able to learn it

I'm truly grateful to everyone on this list who has helped me, and to
everyone who has contributed (I hope I can too in the future), but I have
definitely struggled to do some things the cake way vs the way I did things
before using other languages and frameworks.

On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 9:33 PM, Sam Sherlock sam.sherl...@gmail.comwrote:

 the 2.0 section of book notes which features are 2.1 specific what is
 phased out too
  - S

 On 13 January 2012 02:19, 100rk wrote:

  - the $this-fetch('content') line is in the 2.0 docs?

 Probably some mistake ( updated too soon, or missing
 node for 2.1.x docs, I don't know) - View::fetch() is 2.1 feature.

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Re: How can I run some code only once per day?

2012-01-10 Thread Justin Edwards

On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 7:51 PM, andrewperk wrote:


 I would like to be able to run a database query, but I only want the
 query ran once per day. Then store the results from that query maybe
 in a session or a cookie?

 I want to do this in order to reduce the amount of database calls when
 the page is refreshed.

 Does anyone have any tips on how I could go about doing this? Here's
 what I was thinking of doing:

 When a user comes to the page for the first time I store the current
 date and time and run the db query. Then if they try to access the
 page again I compare that stored date and time to 24 hours ahead, if
 its less I don't do the query I just run return the previous results,
 if it's greater, then I run the query again and return the new
 results. Is this a proper way to do it? Or is this check essentially
 doing the same thing as running a new query anyways since it has to
 check dates in the session/cookie?


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Re: How To Write Programme In PHP?

2011-12-28 Thread Justin Edwards
I'll chime in with my recommendation again.  I feel like a lobbyist now :).
  Along with learning cakephp, it would be good to understand the basic php
functions too.  Here is a link to a simple and well formed site.

On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 1:06 PM, euromark dereurom...@googlemail.comwrote:

 good thing you found CAKE(C A K E)php^^

 On 28 Dez., 17:10, nir neerav wrote:
  Hello Guyz,
  I am new to PHP. I dont know how to start developing website in PHP.
  Please I need a Step by Step Guidence From you.
  Including which Tools I  need To Write Programnsme In PHP.

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Re: CakePHP 2.X

2011-12-21 Thread Justin Edwards
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to see it, do all of the
other trees make fun of it?

On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 7:38 PM, M Kaufman (Gmail) mkfmn...@gmail.comwrote:

 What about one with a 42u rack in his random location without Internet,
 operating quite securely, and avoiding theft or notice?

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Dec 21, 2011, at 4:50 PM, euromark wrote:

  a (web)programmer that doesnt have internet? :)
  On 21 Dez., 23:56, Ucha19871 wrote:
  ooh thx.. I know this documentation,but .. do you have a PDF version
  of this documentation .. or .CHM file..
  so i can use it locally, without Internet..
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Compass (SASS) with 2.0

2011-12-20 Thread Justin Edwards
Has anyone created a compass (sass) layout version of the cakephp generic

I have been creating my own templates using compass, and they work, but I
can't bake views with the template I've created without having  to do a lot
of work to change the view.If anyone else has already created a
template based off of generic css, I don't want to spend a lot of time
doing the same.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Re: CakePHP 2.0 and SqlServer

2011-12-15 Thread Justin Edwards
I have attempted to use this under linux, even made a lot of
modifications, but nothing works.   I spent a whole day in
frustration.  I was able to connect to sqlserver using basic php using
freetds and another driver, but couldn't make them work with cakephp's

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 4:01 PM, Geoff Douglas wrote:
 The driver is the problem. The PHP extension requires the driver to be
 installed on the windows box.

 Check the requirements for the linux box at the above link. (Says you need
 the FreeTDS library built...)

 I use it on a Windows box, so I can't help you any further... sorry.

 Let us know what you find out.

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Re: CakePHP 2.0 and SqlServer

2011-12-15 Thread Justin Edwards
I don't have any issues using the windows way, but I host the majority
of my sites on linux, and don't want to host on windows.  I'm
relatively new to php, and really had to give up on figuring it out
myself.  I may take a look at it later and report the errors I had.

There is a lighthouse ticket open for the issue.

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 4:54 PM, Geoff Douglas wrote:
 Take a look at the connect() method in the dbo_sqlsrv.php file. Make sure
 that it is using the appropriate formatting for the connection string.

 If you can use it from straight PHP, then it's probably a formatting issue.
 And you'll be able to see that from the connect() method.

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Re: Cakephp 1.3 or 2.0, what should I use

2011-12-14 Thread Justin Edwards
If your needs are that basic, I would stay with 2.0.   If you needed
to leverage a lot of existing plugins and needed it developed very
quickly, I would go with 1.3.  I have been struggling with 2.0 being
an early adopter.

I'm trying to work with Bancha (extjs integration), REST, registration
wizards, ACLs, integrating sass, and integrating one of the CMSs
available.   I sort of wished I would have used 1.3 for this project.
If one of the forks of the rest plugin starts working well with 2.0,
I'll be happy to stay on track with 2.0.

On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 12:32 PM, denisr wrote:
 I am working on a simple app with Cakephp2.0

 Apart from the general CRUD actions, I need to do a bit of paypal
 integration and basic access levels. I am a bit stucked with
 Cakephp2.0 and the Paypal_IPN plugin.

 Should I bake everything again in Cakephp 1.3? Or do I run the risk to
 need to upgrade to 2.0 later?

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Re: ACL + Auth = Headache

2011-12-07 Thread Justin Edwards
I did the same thing at first.

On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 10:33 AM, Geoff Douglas wrote:
 When I was a newb, totally did the same thing. :) We live and we learn.

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ACL schema problem with baking

2011-11-29 Thread Justin Edwards
I have an app that uses the ACL tables, aro, aro_aco, and aco.   When using
cake bake to generate anything it errors out if those tables aren't on a
skiplist.  The model skiplist is currently implemented for i18n, so I just
added these tables to that to get baking working.   I added the skiplist
code to my controller, and that worked as well.  But it didn't work when I
added the same code to the view tast code.It doesn't spit out any
errors, it just doesn't create the code.

I'm not sure how to contribute back to cakephp to implement the skip list
on the controller and view as well, but I think this would be something
good to have on all bake tasks, not just the model.

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Re: CakeEmail Invalid email

2011-11-28 Thread Justin Edwards
I would rather fix your exchange rules to follow a standard.  Microsoft
could fix their product (stop allowing invalid addresses) and you could
have problems in the future.

On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 3:42 PM, localhost wrote:


 If you try to send email using CakeEmail in cakephp 2, CakeEmail will
 check the To email and give you error for invalid emails.

 my question is how to disable this validation, I actually want to send
 wrong email format :)  I have my SMTP (MS Exchange) configured to
 forward any email with predefined format (not correct email format) to
 some internal application.

 So currently I'm trying to send email to [fax:NAME@456789098]   ,
 any idea how to disable CakeEmail email validation ?

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Re: Troubleshooting the CakeDC TinyMCE helper plugin.

2011-11-17 Thread Justin Edwards
I have seen xml start with ? cause these type of problems if short tags
are on.  If an application ever requires short tags it is best to just do a
global search and replace.

Short tags don't make life easier.
On Nov 17, 2011 4:37 AM, Paul Vaughan wrote:

 Quite! My opinion too.

 I'll do my best to locate it. It was older, around 2009 IIRC, but I've
 seen **so many** chunks of code and tutorials on Cake recently that I'm not
 sure I'll be able to find it.

 FWIW, I recently read (but misplaced) a blog post by someone who forked
 PHP and added in some useful features, an example of which was get rid of
 ? completely, but use ?php= as a shortcut to ?php echo.


 On 17 November 2011 10:25, phpMagpie wrote:

 I've never read anyone extolling the virtues of short commands.  Can you
 dig out a link to the tutorial in question?

 To create portable code you should always use the 'verbose' commands so
 it will work on any server setup.

 HTH, Paul.

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Re: 2.0 Cheat Sheet pdf

2011-11-10 Thread Justin Edwards
That is very cool.  If someone makes a personal one for 2.0, I would be

On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 9:06 AM, Yves S. Garret

 Yup, it's right here.

 Where is the one for 1.3 and 2.0?

 amykhar, you're better off using the old one as a template and building on
 top of that for 2.0

 On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 9:41 AM, Benni Graf wrote:


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Re: User registration

2011-11-10 Thread Justin Edwards

On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 9:04 AM, centralizeme cen.tralize...@gmail.comwrote:

 I'm new to cake php, so I would have liked to know where I could get a
 tutorial to create a user registration page for my website.

 Thanks a lot.

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Re: i didnt understund ajax and jquery

2011-11-08 Thread Justin Edwards
You will really want to learn javascript.   It should only be a day of
learning to get through this free course.

You can do tests with javascript libraries (including with ajax) here  You can see what goes on and easily test there.

On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 7:06 PM, pedro rojo wrote:

 Hello everyone!

  at the beginning I posted my question before but none could give me the
  my problem had the choice lists:
 I want to make two lists of choices that are related:
  when I change the option from the first the second will automatically
 change with ajax in cakephp.
 so far I have not found a good solution by cons I found a tutorial that
 explains this by all retailers but nothing will happen
 I beg you
 help me
  because I never used cakephp and  ajax or( json)   together in a project.
  thank you again for your attention!

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Re: HasMany Through Association

2011-11-07 Thread Justin Edwards
I wanted to add an example.

Freelancers as one table
Companies as another table

They would have a many to many relationship because a company could have
many freelancers working for them, and a freelancer could work for many
customers.   The tricky part is companies/freelancers could have a
different pay rate, and pay type(percentage of profits, hourly, per
contract pay, etc) for each relationship, so I wanted to add this data in
the join table, and wasn't sure if it was okay to leave the table named
companies_freelancers .

I have other HABTM relationships that would stay normal many to many joins.

Just wanted to bump this and put in more information.

On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 8:14 PM, Justin Edwards justinledwa...@gmail.comwrote:

 Is there a good naming convention for the tablenames for these
 associations?   I have a few tables that I want to convert from HABTM to
 hasmany through, and haven't used hasmany through yet.   Also does bake
 auto generate hasmany through assocations?

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Re: HasMany Through Association

2011-11-07 Thread Justin Edwards
I meant a freelancer could work for many companies*.

On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 10:24 AM, Justin Edwards justinledwa...@gmail.comwrote:

 I wanted to add an example.

 Freelancers as one table
 Companies as another table

 They would have a many to many relationship because a company could have
 many freelancers working for them, and a freelancer could work for many
 customers.   The tricky part is companies/freelancers could have a
 different pay rate, and pay type(percentage of profits, hourly, per
 contract pay, etc) for each relationship, so I wanted to add this data in
 the join table, and wasn't sure if it was okay to leave the table named
 companies_freelancers .

 I have other HABTM relationships that would stay normal many to many

 Just wanted to bump this and put in more information.

 On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 8:14 PM, Justin Edwards 

 Is there a good naming convention for the tablenames for these
 associations?   I have a few tables that I want to convert from HABTM to
 hasmany through, and haven't used hasmany through yet.   Also does bake
 auto generate hasmany through assocations?

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Re: how can i protect my code from the duplicaters

2011-11-06 Thread Justin Edwards
My vote is for a virtual machine, hosting the whole environment, that only
you have access to login to.

On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 10:34 PM, John wrote:

 On Nov 6, 1:18 am, WebbedIT wrote:
  But as I said in my earlier post, could you not place in the remotely
  hosted application a call to your servers to check for a valid
  license?  I know a lot of games are now going this way where you have
  to be online to be able to play them as the game polls there servers
  to check your have a valid license.

 Well if you give access to source anyone can bypass the check quite
 easily. In fact no license checking has stopped unwanted use of
 software (games included).

 The only way to not worry is if you have a self controlled API based
 service that your client code will be depending upon. Then you can
 check for the license validity in your trusted server and if it's
 expired or illegal you just block access so the client side is

 I have used a couple of zen encrypted applications, it's not always
 that easy to set up in the server environment for all the PHP/zen
 versions available. The question is whether your application is
 costing more than the cost of encrypting/setting up.

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HasMany Through Association

2011-11-06 Thread Justin Edwards
Is there a good naming convention for the tablenames for these
associations?   I have a few tables that I want to convert from HABTM to
hasmany through, and haven't used hasmany through yet.   Also does bake
auto generate hasmany through assocations?

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Re: Using javascript

2011-10-30 Thread Justin Edwards
There are many ways to handle that, and there are many javascript libraries
with different ways of doing it.  Unless you were using something like there is nothing cakephp has to do with it.
Here is my recommendation on learning javascript, the DOM, and events.

On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 4:18 AM, arti grover wrote:

 thanks a lot..but plz considr this question
 I have made a function chat() in my users_controller and I want to add
 certain conditions like if a user cancels session before chat starts
 than a button should appear naming CANCEL_SESSION.but the moment
 session starts that button should dissapear and anothr button naming
 end session should appear..How can I achieve these things with conditions
 mentioned in controller??I am stuck
 at this problem since last 1 day..somebody plz guide ASAP.

 On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 2:41 PM, WebbedIT wrote:

 This is not a CakePHP question.  CakePHP is a PHP framework which
 produces HTML, so anything you can do with HTML and javascript can be
 done in CakePHP.

 Go find a javascript tutorial that matches your requirements and give
 it a go, you will feel better for being able to find the answer to
 such a simple task yourself!

 But just to whet your whistle, here's a little tip from me:

 HTH, Paul.

 On Oct 29, 6:16 am, arti grover wrote:
  Hi all,
  I want to call a javascript alert box the moment A user clicks on CANCEL
  SESSION link.where should i put the javascript alert box in view and
  how to code that javascript function inside view??
  Arti Grover

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 Arti Grover

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Re: How to Paginate Search Results?

2011-10-29 Thread Justin Edwards
I am also interested in this answer.   I just started learning cakephp, and
2.0 is what I'm starting on.  If there is an example app I can download with
a database and browse it's code, I would be appreciative of that as well.
I had the same complication as andrew, and I did it another way, and it was
creating two queries, one with the search filter and one without it.

On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 1:27 PM, andrewperk wrote:


 I've implemented a user model and I have a simple search form for
 searching by gender, age, location. I'm using the paginator to
 paginate the results. The problem is that it's only remembering the
 search criteria on the first page. When I click on page 2, or next
 etc.. It defaults back to searching all users.

 Here's my dirty search code in my controller, basically it just checks
 the submitted form fields and does a query on the matching field in
 the Users table and then paginates the results:

 if (!empty($this-data)) {
// by name
if (!empty($this-data['User']['search_name'])) {
$this-paginate = array('conditions' = array('visible'=1,
'User.username LIKE' =
'User.firstname LIKE' =
'User.lastname LIKE' =
 ), 'limit'='10', 'order'='User.username');
   // by gender
   else if (!empty($this-data['User']['search_gender'])) {
$this-paginate = array('conditions' = array(
'User.gender' = $this-data['User']['search_gender']
), 'limit'='10', 'order'='User.username');
  // by state
  else if (!empty($this-data['User']['search_state'])) {
$this-paginate = array('conditions' = array(
'User.state' = $this-data['User']['search_state']
), 'limit'='10', 'order'='User.username');

   // Send the results for the above criteria to the view
   $results = $this-paginate('User');
   $this-set('users', $results);

 // Default retrieval of all users
else {
$this-paginate = array('conditions'=array('visible'=1),
 'limit'='10', 'order'='User.username');
$this-set('users', $this-paginate('User'));

 I'm trying to figure out how to make subsequent pages of the
 pagination remember my search criteria. Thanks for any help.

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Re: Having a hard time with getting overwrite to work

2011-10-28 Thread Justin Edwards
My advice, make sure the first Directory tag has AllowOveride ALL.   Also
make sure the correct user (maybe www-data, apache, or nobody) has ownership
of your cake directory.  You may need to do a chown -R
username:groupname /home/ats/Documents/Development/CakePHP . If your user
ats is not the apache httpd user, then you will want to add yourself to the
group of that user using sudo adduser ats www-data(or correct group), and
make sure you give group permissions using chmod -R
g+swX /home/ats/Documents/Development/CakePHP .  Then restart everything and
cross your fingers.

You may want to clear your browser cache too.

On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 12:46 PM, Yves S. Garret

 Yeah, I'm using XAMPP.  The only command in that sequence that I didn't run

 sudo a2enmod rewrite

 Still doesn't work...

 2011/10/28 Stephen Latham

 I have just done this about 2 days ago only ubuntu 11.10 I followed this:

 Worked No problems.

 On 28 Oct 2011, at 18:11, Yves S. Garret

 I was mucking around with httpd.conf, trying to get it to work, so it's
 likely some of the info has changed and I'll repost the file.

 On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 1:10 PM, Yves S. Garret wrote:

 I have Ubuntu 11.04.  I don't have SELinux installed.  And since I have
 yet to see that as an issue in the past, I'm inclined to believe that this
 is not the problem at this moment.

 2011/10/28 Roberto Carlos Rubio Rodríguez

 Try to disable SELinux.


  *---Mensaje original---*

  *De:* Yves S. Garret
 *Fecha:* 28/10/2011 11:37:41 a.m.
 *Para:* CakePHP
 *Asunto:* Re: Having a hard time with getting overwrite to work

 If you look at line #120 in my post of httpd.conf, it's displayed
 there.  And here is the contents of my /opt/lampp/modules directory:   - on line 64

 On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Yves S. Garret wrote:
 Ok, so I'm trying to setup cake on a linux machine (Ubuntu 11.04).  I
 got the database connection to work fine, tmp is readable/writable, etc.

 But there is still no CSS in the default cake page.  I looked at what
 the book said and I'm pretty sure that I set the correct settings, but no
 go.  Here is my httpd.conf:

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Re: Can Cake support sqllite for PHP4?

2011-10-25 Thread Justin Edwards
Amazon AWS has one year of free tier hosting, and you can setup your own
environment.   There's no way I'd stick with someone who refused to update.

2011/10/25 euromark

 you do realize that you are digging yourself a hole you will never
 come out of again?
 it might be worth changing the hosting...

 On 25 Okt., 15:24, 玮成 叶 wrote:
  The reason why I choose PHP4 is because the project is deployed at a
  web space that only support PHP4, an embarrassing situation~~~
  On 10月24日, 上午11时16分, euromark wrote:
   may I ask why you will use a prehistoric PHP4 for a new website?
   this makes no sense at all - for me, anyway...
   usually you only develop on PHP4 (nowadays) if you have to maintain an
   already build app.
   but even then you should port it to PHP5 asap.
   please elaborate.
   On 24 Okt., 15:14, 玮成 叶 wrote:
   My team and I are going to develop a small Web app with PHP4
and Sqllite3.x.x. We have decided to use CakePhp1.3. We wanted to
configurate the database configurations as follow:
var $default = array(
'driver' = 'sqllite',
'persistent' = false,
'host' = 'localhost',
'port' = '',
'schema' = '',
'prefix' = '',
'encoding' = ''
   However,we found a annotation wrote as:
   SQLlite  (Only for PHP5)
   Does it mean Cake doesn't support sqllite driver for PHP4?If
can ,how?- 隐藏被引用文字 -
   - 显示引用的文字 -

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Re: Auth password encryption

2011-10-21 Thread Justin Edwards
The mdcrack utility only tries to crack md5 hashes with salt up to

On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 1:03 PM, Matt Kaufman wrote:

 It is very fast to crack MD5 hashed with any Nvidia Video card with a GPU
 chip on it or FPGA.

 Matthew M. Kaufman


 Sent from my iPhone

 On Oct 21, 2011, at 10:49 AM, Nate wrote:

  MD5 is only one way.  It cannot be reversed...However, it has been
  cracked and is considered insecure by itself.
  Why? Rainbow tables have billions of hashes. They contain any and
  every password combination you can come up with. All an attacker has
  to do is take an MD5 hash and compare it to what's in a rainbow table
  - and that table will show you the original value (a password).
  Here's a great analogy I learned:
  You're a chef and you make spaghetti and sauce. You serve the meal to
  5 people. Those 5 people then add salt to their spaghetti.  No matter
  how hard you try, you will never re-create their modification to the
  meal. You don't know how much or how little they put on.
  Hope that kinda clears things up :)
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Re: Send SMS in Bulk

2011-10-20 Thread Justin Edwards
You will need a shortcode for that kind of volume in the us.  the best rates
i've seen are from
 On Oct 20, 2011 5:54 AM, AD7six wrote:

 On Oct 20, 12:45 pm, andy_the ultimate baker wrote:
  How does it work? Please clarify this..

 Try reading the aptly named README.


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Database associations

2010-07-08 Thread Justin Beeler
I'm working with two tables:  Contacts and Calls.

I want to join the calls with the contacts on a field called
number (the phone number).  Is there not a way in cake to manually
join tables and not have it join on a field like [model]_id ?

If you need any further details, let me know.

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