Re: requestAction (v1.22) - User input being returned to calling action, preventing form validation

2009-03-23 Thread Max Granados

Well, I think I don't undestand very well what are you trying to do,
I use requestAction in an proyect Im working.

$results = $this-requestAction('/diferentController/function/'.

and in that function I validate and work with the info, as a tip
requestAction doesn't accept or return arrays without numeric indexes,
so keep in mind that.

hope this come handly for you.

On Mar 23, 11:55 am, Hoddy wrote:

 version 1.22

 I am trying the run a form using requestAction, however the user input
 ($this-data) is being returned to the calling action when i submit
 the form, which is preventing the form validation from running in the
 requested action.

 I call requestAction like this ..

 $this-requestAction( array('controller'   = $controller,  'action'
 = $action),

 I want the user input to be validated in the requested Action instaed
 of being returned to the calling action

 Incase you are wondering, I am trying to build a wordpress like
 application with a central catch all controller for
 easier routing of non admin pages.

 Many thanks in advance


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Re: What do you develop in (ide, text editor, etc.)?

2009-03-05 Thread Max Granados

I use Komodo edit too, it's a great editor I recommend it ;D

On Mar 4, 5:43 pm, uristar wrote:
 Komodo :)

 On Mar 1, 10:35 pm, Samuel DeVore wrote:

  a tutu and go go boots

  On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 12:34 PM, Tomás Laureano Peralta Tormey wrote:
    Currently using NetBeans 6.5. The hints from this bakery article [1] were
   really useful.
    Hopefully, better support for CakePHP could be available in the near 
   (if this issue [2] get enough votes).


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Re: Call Functions of another controller.

2009-03-05 Thread Max Granados

well, what exactly Im trying to do is make a function that registers
every movement of my application;
I tried make a component but because depending of the parameters its
the table that I extract the information;
the component doesn't work
so I tried the metod above cause was the one someone suggest me

So I used requestAction in this way
$results = $this-requestAction('/iptelpm_logs/bitacora/'.
$numTables .'/'.$idTable .'/'.$keys .'/'.$mov.'/'.$model1 .'/'.

And the only problem I had with it is that doesn't send and return
arrays; but I controlled the function bitacora to prevent
performance problems.

Thanks everyone for your replys, and I want to know why don't use
requestAction(), it's good know every point of view.

On Mar 4, 1:34 pm, keymaster wrote:
 You have these options:
 1. put the common function in a component.
 2. put  the common function in appController.
 3. use requestAction() - (not good practise)
 4. combine all the actions of both controllers into a single
 5. put the function in a model (if applicable) and have both
 controllers access the model.
 6. put the common function in a file and include it in both
 controllers (not good practise).

 Option #1 is recommended if it is only a few controllers sharing the
 function. If all or most controllers need the function, option #2 is
 best. The other options are not usually recommended.

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Call Functions of another controller.

2009-03-04 Thread Max Granados

Hello Everyone!
I want to now if someone knows how to call a function from another
controller,  I have already tried

$results = $this-WhateverModelIs-TheModelIWantToCall-

but cake sends me this notice:

Notice: Undefined property:  WhateverModelIs::$TheModelIWantToCall

And I really don´t know what else can I do, I'll apreciate your help.

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