Remove tag wrapping around prev and next pagination

2012-09-01 Thread Raisen
How can I completely remove tag wrapping around prev and next
pagination links? According to Cake's manual:

tag The tag wrapping tag you want to use, defaults to 'span'

I have tried to set the tag attribute to false and all I got was some
bizarre behavior as below:


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Re: Se Ya Cake..bake a dick cake frosting on your face...............

2011-09-11 Thread Raisen
Why are you comparing Cake to Drupal? Shouldn't you be comparing Cake to 
Django? Or Ruby on Rails? I don't see the point in your troll at all. Maybe 
you should had posted your message in the Joomla group.

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Re: Facts

2011-09-11 Thread Raisen
The reason that Drupal/WP/etc... has more job posts is because most 
employers want to hire offshore people to make shitty sites in a short time 
for cheap. Like I said before, you comparison of a PHP framework with a CMS 
is irrelevant... they serve for different purposes.

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Re: $_POST is populated with the form data, but $this-data is always empty

2010-12-01 Thread Raisen
Did you try to check for the value of the data attribute from a method
invoked after the beforeFilter method? I would guess that the data
attribute is not set when beforeFilter is being called. Also, are you
calling the parent method on your method before reading the data?


On Nov 29, 10:56 am, amfriedman wrote:
 Hey folks

 This is a very strange issue indeed, and at its root it is NOT related
 to this post that declares a similar 

 I have a form in /users/view/.  When I submit it and check $_POST and
 $this-data at the very beginning of AppController-beforeFilter(),
 the form data appears in the $_POST array but $this-data does not
 have any data.  In fact, $this-data is not even set by Cake!

 The Auth component is removed from the $components list, so I know
 that Auth is not the culprit.  I've also tried to test this form in
 different controllers/views, and I get the same problem.  Pretty
 scary, huh?

 Here is the view code (I've also tried setting the form-create()
 first argument with a model of 'User' and used full Model.field dot
 notation for my inputs):

     ?php echo $form-create(NULL,
                                   'default' = true,
                                   'inputDefaults' = array(
                                         'label' = false,
                                         'div' = false

                   ); // default = onsubmit true/false  ?

                          ?php echo $form-input('username', array('size'= 
 20, 'maxlength'
 = 50)); ?

                          ?php echo $form-input('pw', array('type' = 
 'size'= 20, 'maxlength' = 50)); ?

                         ?php echo $form-submit('Log In raquo;', 
 array('class' =
 'submit', 'name' = 'submit',  'title' = 'Enter your username and
 password for access.', 'class' = 'button', 'escape' = false)); ?

         ?php echo $form-end(); ?

 Here is the app_controller:
         function beforeFilter() {


                 pr('POST data: ');

                 if(isset($this-data)) {
                         pr('this-data: ');
                 } else { pr('this-data not set!'); }
        // ...

 Here is the browser output:

 POST data:

     [_method] = POST
     [data] = Array
             [User] = Array
                     [username] = testuser
                     [pw] = 12345


     [submit] = Log In »

 this-data not set!

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Re: Phone Number Validation

2010-12-01 Thread Raisen
You can try to use a virtual field:

Or you can validate those fields before you save and errors are found,
use the session flash variable to show the error message.

On Nov 29, 9:18 am, Dave Maharaj wrote:
 I am taking a single and breaking the input up into 3 inputs
 (area_code) - (prefix) - (suffix) so my question is how do I validate that?
 I can merge the data to get my and run standard validation on
 that but how to get the message on error back to the view since
 is not on the page?

 My guess is validate each 3 if valid merge the data to get my,
 but if any of the 3 are not valid (area_code) - (prefix) - (suffix) I only
 want 1 error message.

 I do not want individual error messages for the 3 inputs since everyone
 knows a phone number is NUMBER if they want to waste their time putting in
 letters and junk well then go ahead, I only want to return 1 error message
 for the full (wrong length, not empty stuff like that

 Any ideas how to do this? Standard submit no js checking.



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Session not saved before redirect

2010-11-25 Thread Raisen
I googled about this problem and found some people with the same
issues, but I could not find a resolution. This simple code doesn't

$user_id = $this-User-getLastInsertID();
$this-Session-write('user_id', $user_id);

$user_id is being correctly set, but I am trying to grab the user_id
session inside the profiles method with no success - it returns 0.
Any idea on how to solve this without any crazy hacking? :)


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Re: Loading a cookie inside a model's constructor

2010-10-15 Thread Raisen
But I need to access the cookie in the model because that model uses a
dbconfig that relies in what the cookie is set to.

On Oct 14, 4:15 pm, cricket wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Raisen wrote:
  So I want to read a cookie using the Cakephp's Cookie class. First, I
  tried to import only the cookie class and read the cookie, but I was
  getting an error stating that the cipher key cannot be null. So I
  imported the Configure class, set the key property of the cookie
  instance to the respective cipher key, but the cookie is returning a
  different result from what it's set to. Any ideas?\
  The override constructor class looks like:

  class Member extends AppModel {
         function __construct( $id = false, $table = NULL, $ds = NULL ) {

                 $conf = new Configure();
                 $cookie = new CookieComponent();

                 $cookie-key = $conf-read(Security.cipherSeed);


 You should read  write to cookies in the controller (or component)
 not the model.

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Re: Loading a cookie inside a model's constructor

2010-10-15 Thread Raisen
Thank you!! I was missing the initialize method. Also, I don't think I
can pass from the controller because it needs to be set at the
constructor method otherwise cake will thrown an exception saying that
it cannot find the table.

On Oct 14, 6:22 pm, Miles J wrote:
 You should be passing the cookie from the controller to the model.

 $this-Model-cookie = $this-Cookie-read('cookieName');

 But to answer your question, you need to initialize the cookie

 $cookie = new CookieComponent();
 $cookie-initialize($this, array());

 On Oct 14, 4:15 pm, cricket wrote:

  On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Raisen wrote:
   So I want to read a cookie using the Cakephp's Cookie class. First, I
   tried to import only the cookie class and read the cookie, but I was
   getting an error stating that the cipher key cannot be null. So I
   imported the Configure class, set the key property of the cookie
   instance to the respective cipher key, but the cookie is returning a
   different result from what it's set to. Any ideas?\
   The override constructor class looks like:

   class Member extends AppModel {
          function __construct( $id = false, $table = NULL, $ds = NULL ) {

                  $conf = new Configure();
                  $cookie = new CookieComponent();

                  $cookie-key = $conf-read(Security.cipherSeed);


  You should read  write to cookies in the controller (or component)
  not the model.

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Re: Loading a cookie inside a model's constructor

2010-10-15 Thread Raisen
Maybe... :) This model is a plugin model though, so it relies on the
cookie set by the main application's controller to find out which
database configuration to connect to.

Thanks all for the replies, the code is working now.

On Oct 15, 10:08 am, Dr. Tarique Sani wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 9:56 PM, Raisen wrote:
  But I need to access the cookie in the model because that model uses a
  dbconfig that relies in what the cookie is set to.

 Like said above pass the cookie from the controller to the model, in fact
 just pass the needed value from within the cookie to the model.

 If your model is dependent on a cookie then it is time to refactor :-)


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Re: Possible to create a gzip xml file?

2010-10-15 Thread Raisen
You can use the Zlip functions:

On Oct 15, 8:42 am, 5942marine wrote:
 I've been doing some reading and so far, haven't found a solid answer.
 My question lies around gzip and xml. Is it possible to create a xml
 file using cakephp that is compressed? like /sitemap.xml.gz

 I have it working just fine if you hit /sitemap.xml, but I'd really
 like that ability to take that dynamic file, compress it, and store it
 as sitemap.xml.gz

 Thanks for all your suggestions!

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Re: log function inside a component

2010-10-15 Thread Raisen

On Oct 13, 11:22 am, cricket wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 1:15 PM, Raisen wrote:
  Is there a way to use the log function inside a component?

 log() is a method of Object, so: $this-log(...) as with controllers.

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Re: Custom router question

2010-10-14 Thread Raisen
I created the report plugin using the cake command line:

cake bake plugin report

The folder structure for the plugin looks just like the main
application's one - views, controllers, models, etc.

So I created a view/controller for each report I want.

It's very simple. Be sure to read

Once a plugin has been installed in /app/plugins, you can access it
at the URL /pluginname/controllername/action. In our pizza ordering
plugin example, we'd access our PizzaOrdersController at /pizza/

That's what triggered me to use plugins - the url format.

On Oct 13, 1:49 pm, Michael Tokar wrote:
 Interesting. Do you think you could post some sample code of your report

 On 14 October 2010 09:41, Raisen wrote:

  I did find a way to make a reports section the way I want - plugins!
  Just create a reports plugin and then you can add the sales,
  customers, etc... controllers/views. The url will look like:

  On Oct 13, 1:15 pm, Michael Tokar wrote:
   On 14 October 2010 07:17, cricket wrote:

But let's back up a bit--do you have Sale  Customer models? What I
was getting at in my earlier suggestion was that you could declare
options in each model for how its reporting would be conducted.

   For my situation at least, that doesn't seem like a great solution, as I
   don't have a one-to-one relationship with Models and Reports. Several of
   reports use multiple models, and several models have different reports
   associated to them.

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Loading a cookie inside a model's constructor

2010-10-14 Thread Raisen
So I want to read a cookie using the Cakephp's Cookie class. First, I
tried to import only the cookie class and read the cookie, but I was
getting an error stating that the cipher key cannot be null. So I
imported the Configure class, set the key property of the cookie
instance to the respective cipher key, but the cookie is returning a
different result from what it's set to. Any ideas?\
The override constructor class looks like:

class Member extends AppModel {
function __construct( $id = false, $table = NULL, $ds = NULL ) {

$conf = new Configure();
$cookie = new CookieComponent();

$cookie-key = $conf-read(Security.cipherSeed);


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Re: Custom router question

2010-10-13 Thread Raisen
I've looked at the profiles routing before, and the reason I didn't
like was because I couldn't use the reports name for the top folder
hierarchy. So basically I have to create a sales_controller.php
instead of reports_sales_controller.php
But it looks like it's the only viable solution so far. Thanks :)

On Oct 13, 7:23 am, gremlin wrote:
 What about a custom routing prefix ( ie. admin routing ) - just add
 'reports' to the prefix array and then in the sales controller do a
 reports_index function and in the customers controller define a
 reports_index function and cakes default routing will give you the 2
 urls you used as an example.

 On Oct 13, 2:22 am, Michael T wrote:

  I have to do a similar thing in my Cake app, so I'm very interested to
  hear how you go about it in the end. For the time being I've taken
  your first approach of having a report-per-action in the one

  I was thinking about defining each report in the Model layer however
  (similar to what cricket was saying) by parameterising each report
  into the necessary fields and then defining them in the app itself or
  in the database. Hadn't thought about the routing issues yet however.

  On Oct 13, 12:44 pm, cricket wrote:

   Why not just use a single controller that $uses each of the models in 

           'controller' = 'reports',
           'action' = 'view'
           'type' = '[a-z]+',
           'pass' = array('type')

   public function view($type = null)
       if (!$type)
           // ...

       $model = Inflector::modelize($type);
       // ...

   On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 7:27 PM, Raisen wrote:
Assume that I have a reports page where there would be multiple sub-
reports. I want the urls to look like:


One way I managed to do that was to create actions inside the reports
controller for each subreport, but I am trying to do something
different. I want each subreport to have its own controller,view.
Basically I would have a controller named:


and views


Is that possible?

I was trying to do something like:

       Router::connect('/reports/(.*)/*', array('controller'='$1',

which probably it's way off what I want.

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Re: Custom router question

2010-10-13 Thread Raisen
Oh yes, another question. According to the manual:

You can configure the Router to use multiple prefixes too:
Plain Text View

Router::connect('/profiles/:controller/:action/*', array('prefix' =
'profiles', 'profiles' = true));

   1. Router::connect('/profiles/:controller/:action/*',
array('prefix' = 'profiles', 'profiles' = true));

I don't understand what that boolean assignment is for.

On Oct 13, 7:23 am, gremlin wrote:
 What about a custom routing prefix ( ie. admin routing ) - just add
 'reports' to the prefix array and then in the sales controller do a
 reports_index function and in the customers controller define a
 reports_index function and cakes default routing will give you the 2
 urls you used as an example.

 On Oct 13, 2:22 am, Michael T wrote:

  I have to do a similar thing in my Cake app, so I'm very interested to
  hear how you go about it in the end. For the time being I've taken
  your first approach of having a report-per-action in the one

  I was thinking about defining each report in the Model layer however
  (similar to what cricket was saying) by parameterising each report
  into the necessary fields and then defining them in the app itself or
  in the database. Hadn't thought about the routing issues yet however.

  On Oct 13, 12:44 pm, cricket wrote:

   Why not just use a single controller that $uses each of the models in 

           'controller' = 'reports',
           'action' = 'view'
           'type' = '[a-z]+',
           'pass' = array('type')

   public function view($type = null)
       if (!$type)
           // ...

       $model = Inflector::modelize($type);
       // ...

   On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 7:27 PM, Raisen wrote:
Assume that I have a reports page where there would be multiple sub-
reports. I want the urls to look like:


One way I managed to do that was to create actions inside the reports
controller for each subreport, but I am trying to do something
different. I want each subreport to have its own controller,view.
Basically I would have a controller named:


and views


Is that possible?

I was trying to do something like:

       Router::connect('/reports/(.*)/*', array('controller'='$1',

which probably it's way off what I want.

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with their CakePHP related questions.

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log function inside a component

2010-10-13 Thread Raisen
Is there a way to use the log function inside a component?

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Re: Custom router question

2010-10-13 Thread Raisen
I did find a way to make a reports section the way I want - plugins!
Just create a reports plugin and then you can add the sales,
customers, etc... controllers/views. The url will look like:

On Oct 13, 1:15 pm, Michael Tokar wrote:
 On 14 October 2010 07:17, cricket wrote:

  But let's back up a bit--do you have Sale  Customer models? What I
  was getting at in my earlier suggestion was that you could declare
  options in each model for how its reporting would be conducted.

 For my situation at least, that doesn't seem like a great solution, as I
 don't have a one-to-one relationship with Models and Reports. Several of my
 reports use multiple models, and several models have different reports
 associated to them.

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Custom router question

2010-10-12 Thread Raisen
Assume that I have a reports page where there would be multiple sub-
reports. I want the urls to look like:


One way I managed to do that was to create actions inside the reports
controller for each subreport, but I am trying to do something
different. I want each subreport to have its own controller,view.
Basically I would have a controller named:


and views


Is that possible?

I was trying to do something like:

Router::connect('/reports/(.*)/*', array('controller'='$1',

which probably it's way off what I want.

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