Association help

2008-07-08 Thread Schuchert

Hello, I am associating a couple of models and have hit a snag on how
to associate the last piece.  I have a "users" model, a "tournaments"
model, a "signups" model. Signups is a HABTM association of the users
and tournaments using "with". So far everything works great. The
"signups" model has id, tournament_id, and user_id fields. I now need
a way to enter scores for the user if the they signed up (paid) to be
in the tournament. I currently have a scores model that belongs to the
signups model. The scores table consists of id, signup_id, day and
score. The tournament may be 1-3 days which is why I have to have a
'day' field. I planned on using the signup id along with the day of
the score and the score. The issue I am having is how I now show the
user & tournament (not just the signup id) that goes with the score

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Security Component

2008-05-12 Thread Schuchert

I am in the process of rewriting my site from 1.1 to 1.2 and trying to
utilize the built in components whenever possible but I am unsure
about the security component.   In my first app I built my own
functions to do this -- authenticate user, hash passwords, etc. Is
that pretty much all the security component gives me? What are the
benefits versus using my own functions? Is the security component
required to use any other components? I guess my biggest hang up is
how I salted and hashed my passwords versus how the security component
seems to do it which is just slightly different. If I switch I am
going to have to get users to recreate their passwords.
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Re: Email Component 1.2 -- Problems with HTML and SMTP

2008-04-22 Thread Schuchert

Should "MIME-Version: 1.0" be included when using "both" but without
attachments? I looked at the source for most of the html emails I have
gotten lately and they all had "MIME-Version: 1.0" in their header

Could this be the reason that my html messages only come in as text?
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Re: Email Component 1.2 -- Problems with HTML and SMTP

2008-04-22 Thread Schuchert

I spoke too soon. The SMTP issue is fixed but my html formatted
messages still come through as text.
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Re: Email Component 1.2 -- Problems with HTML and SMTP

2008-04-22 Thread Schuchert

You sir, are a savior.

It wasn't on line 750 for the version I had but it did work

Now, I have to get my messages to pass the SPAM filters of my ISP.

Thanks again Jonathan.
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Re: Email Component 1.2 -- Problems with HTML and SMTP

2008-04-21 Thread Schuchert

I tried specifying the template and it was a no go. It still sends in
text format.

I also switched back to smtp and everything is being jammed into the
TO field.
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Re: Email Component uses SMTP not sending...

2008-04-21 Thread Schuchert

I would like to add that I am having the exact same issue. I am
actively looking for a fix also.
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Re: Email Component 1.2 -- Problems with HTML and SMTP

2008-04-21 Thread Schuchert

>You on Windows? This seems like a newline problem.

Nope, not on Windows.

> I had a similar problem when I was sending the email with $this->Email->send
> ('Body of my email').The email was sent in text format. But then I
> changed to the template way.
> $this->Email->template = 'myTemplate';
> $this->set('someValue', 'Body of my email');
> And it started sending emails in HTML format. Hope this helps!

I will try specifying the template. I thought that it would know to
use the html one if i chose html as the 'sendAs'
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Email Component 1.2 -- Problems with HTML and SMTP

2008-04-20 Thread Schuchert

I am having trouble with the email component in 1.2. I have tried both and I tried

I followed the example here:
and everytime I try and send an html email I only get the html source
and not a render html message. From what I understand if I set "$this-
>Email->sendAs = 'html' " it should automatically use the html version
of my layout and email element, is that correct? It appears to pick
the html element but again, I only see the html as source code.

My second issue is anytime I try and send a message using smtp the
to,from, reply-to, subject, etc are all in the "TO" field when it
arrives in my mailbox. The actual subject comes in blank. The message
has the same issues as described above.

Has anyone gotten the email component to work correctly with html
emails and/or smtp?


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Re: Leadership issues....

2008-04-16 Thread Schuchert

> * _nate_: still having ego problems?

Lecter, I also used to think nate had an ego issue until I met him at
CakeFest and found him (and the rest of the guys) to actually be very
cool and helpful. I think he, phpnut and gwoo are all very passionate
about the project and their place in it so that passion probably comes
across the wrong way sometimes.

I "attended" the live irc session last night when a lot of this played
out and everyone kept a pretty level head so I don't feel that anyone
was trying to just make some kind of power play -- I felt it to be
more of an intervention.

It does suck to see them argue but it was probably for the best. If
anyone does leave, and I hope really they don't, then all the cards
are out on the table. I really just want to see progress being made

Thanks guys.

BTW, Gwoo, that letter was awesome.
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