loading fixtures to a different test datasource

2012-07-27 Thread Sheetal

I have 2 datasources defined $test and $test_new in my database.php file.
In my fixture files I need the table 'x_new' to be loaded in $test_new 
datasource, to accomplish this, with in the fixture file of the table 
'x_new' I specified
var $useDbConfig = 'new'; (since cakePHP automatically substitues 'test_' 
as a prefix)
But, when I run the test case, this table is always created in the 
datasource defined for $test

I tried cakephp manual to search for answers, but did not find any.

I am using cakePHP 1.3

Could somebody point out what is the step I am missing here or is there an 
error in what I am doing?

Please reply.

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AJAX callback function "complete" - how to access the XMLHttpRequest response text?

2012-06-21 Thread Sheetal
I see that this question was asked before in this group, but I do not
see any answers for it?
Could somebody help me how to do this?
I want the response from the controller function to be passed to call
back function .

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Moving TinyMCE into vendors folder...Need Help.....

2009-08-27 Thread Sheetal

when TinyMCE was placed inside webroot/js folder, everything worked
fine. But when i placed it inside vendor folder (more apps can use it)
TinyMCE run and display their window in place of textarea, but icons
don't load. When I move the mouse over, button gets highlighted but
icons are not displayed.
Is there some way how to put TinyMCE into vendor folder with 100%
Thanks for tips
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Need help with ACL

2009-07-27 Thread Sheetal

I am implementing ACL for an existing site.
There is a view file , the name of the view file is edit.ctp it is
under the folder  acl_aros.
This view file contains a single text box, and this value is used for
the 'alias' column in 'aros' table.

The name of the controller that has the 'save' function is

The name of the model file in which I have written the validation for
the field is 'acl_aro.php'.
The validation says the text field cannot be empty and has to be min.
of 4 char.

But the problem here is data's are getting inserted, but it never uses
the validation in the model file. In simple words, it doesn't uses
that model file at all.  If I submit a form with empty text box, an
empty record is getting inserted.

What am I missing here? How should I tell the system to use this model
file so that validation check is done.

Please help me with this.
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How to make use of the error method for one controller with different modules

2009-07-16 Thread Sheetal

My scenario is :

Keep for example there is a view file and it has 2 input fields for
entering name.
First field belong to model_1 which is the primary model of the view
Second field belongs to another model model_2.
Both fields are mandatory and has an error msg. if left blank.

If I use $this->model->invalidFields() in my controller, I am getting
the errors as an array. --> No issues here.

But when I try to use $form->error(...) function, errors get displayed
for the first field which belongs to the primary model but for the
second field though I leave it blank no error msg. are getting

I understand we have to tell cakePHP that second field belongs to
another model, So I declared it in following way:

echo $form->input('model_2.NAME', array('class' => 'input_edit'));
echo $form->error('model_2.NAME', 'error msg');

What is wrong with the above? Am I not addressing something here?
Please help me to solve this issue.
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How to use $form->error

2009-07-15 Thread Sheetal

My scenario is :

Keep for example there is a view file and it has 2 input fields for
entering name.
First field belong to model_1 which is the primary model of the view
Second field belongs to another model model_2.
Both fields are mandatory and has an error msg. if left blank.

If I use $this->model->invalidFields() in my controller, I am getting
the errors as an array. --> No issues here.

But when I try to use $form->error(...) function, errors get displayed
for the first field which belongs to the primary model but for the
second field though I leave it blank no error msg. are getting

I understand we have to tell cakePHP that second field belongs to
another model, So I declared it in following way:

echo $form->input('model_2.NAME', array('class' => 'input_edit'));
echo $form->error('model_2.NAME', 'error msg');

What is wrong with the above? Am I not addressing something here?
Please help me to solve this issue.
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Single controller file to access multiple model files

2009-07-13 Thread Sheetal

Hi Friends
My scenario is :
I have a single controller file, lets keep its name as
This controller file saves the details that are submitted from a form.
But the form details needs to be saved in 3 different table.
The thing here is I am saving it in 3 different tables. But when it
comes to validation it becomes a problem for me.

Lets keep in the form i have 6 fields.
The validation of first 2 fields is done in condition.php (primary
The validation of second 2 fields is done in condition_two.php
(different model file becoz it is for a diff. table)
The validation of third 2 fields is done in condition_three.php
( different model file becoz it is for a diff. table)

The validation for first 2 fields happen, msg. gets displayed if user
does not fill in the form. But for the other two tables, the
validation messages do not get displayed. Though the fields are set as
mandatory, even when user submits a form without entering those fields
the form is getting submitted.

Now I want to display the validation msgs. from the other 2 model
files too...
How to achieve this?
I read something abt $uses array... but I don't understand as to how
to put it to my use?
Please help me in solving this problem.

Thanks in advance.

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How to display 'star symbol' next to a input box

2009-07-11 Thread Sheetal

Hi Friends
My problem is..
I have a input box  with an image tag following it
echo $form->input('NAME', array('class' => 'input_edit', 'label' =>
'Name', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => '']));
echo $html->image('star.jpg', array('title' => 'hai'));

As the input box is wrapped inside a  tag, the star symbol is
getting displayed in the next line. What should I do, so that the star
symbol gets displayed next to the textbox.
Please give me a simple solution.
Thanks in Advance

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How to capture value from the drop down list

2009-07-02 Thread Sheetal

I have a drop down list consisting of 'status' values. Each city has
its own id and  and a set of colors for it.
Below is my requirement :
1. If a user selects a 'status' value from the drop down, I have to
ask the user "if he/she is confirmed with the selected status".
2. If 'no' nothing should happen
3. If "yes", I should get the values of colors associated with that
particular status.
4. All the above should happen WITHOUT reloading the page.

color values are stored in mysql database.

How to acheive this using cakePHP?
Please help me in this.

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