Re: Cakephp 2.0.3: Troubles with Sessions...

2011-12-02 Thread ava
SOLVED: removing the ?  at the end of the controller solved the
problem. Weird.

On Nov 27, 7:30 pm, ava wrote:

 how is the test case set up? Well, I call it several times by clicking
 on the link in the view.  I don't know if this answers your

 Anyway, I tried to get aSessionID, but this doesn't return a value:

 function testsession() {
       if ($scounter = $this-Session-read('scounter')) {
       } else {
           $scounter = 1;
       $this-Session-write('scounter', $scounter);
       $this-set('scounter', $scounter);

       $this-log('SessionID: ' . $this-Session-id());      // no
 SessionID is outputed...


 On Nov 27, 1:57 pm, euromark wrote:

  you can simplify the condition to
  if ($scounter = $this-Session-read('scounter')) {}

  but besides that
  how is the test case set up?
  because it is possible that it resets itself after each run
  therefore thesessionwould always be emptied afterwards...

  On 27 Nov., 11:38, wrote:


   I'm struggling with sessions in cakephp 2.0.3.

   In this testcase the counter should be incremented with each click on
   the link.  The counter always remains 1.

   class Test01sController extends AppController {

      public $components = array('Session');

      function testsession() {
         $scounter = 1;
         if ($this-Session-check('scounter')) {
             $scounter = $this-Session-read('scounter');
         $this-Session-write('scounter', $scounter);
         $this-set('scounter', $scounter);


   class Test01 extends AppModel {
      var $name = 'Test01';
      var $useTable = false;}


   // VIEW
   echo $scounter;
   br/a href=/test01s/testsessiontestsession/a

   // CORE
   Configure::write('Session', array(
       'defaults' = 'php',
       'cookie' = 'vportal',
       'ini' = array('session.gc_divisor' =
   1000,'session.cookie_httponly' = true),
       'timeout' = 4320  //3 days

   I also dumped the $_SESSION array. This array is always empty.

   Any help or hints are appreciated.

   -- Andre

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Cakephp 2.0.3: Troubles with Sessions...

2011-11-27 Thread ava

I'm struggling with sessions in cakephp 2.0.3.

In this testcase the counter should be incremented with each click on
the link.  The counter always remains 1.

class Test01sController extends AppController {

   public $components = array('Session');

   function testsession() {
  $scounter = 1;
  if ($this-Session-check('scounter')) {
  $scounter = $this-Session-read('scounter');
  $this-Session-write('scounter', $scounter);
  $this-set('scounter', $scounter);

class Test01 extends AppModel {
   var $name = 'Test01';
   var $useTable = false;

echo $scounter;
br/a href=/test01s/testsessiontestsession/a

Configure::write('Session', array(
'defaults' = 'php',
'cookie' = 'vportal',
'ini' = array('session.gc_divisor' =
1000,'session.cookie_httponly' = true),
'timeout' = 4320  //3 days

I also dumped the $_SESSION array. This array is always empty.

Any help or hints are appreciated.

-- Andre

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Re: Cakephp 2.0.3: Troubles with Sessions...

2011-11-27 Thread ava

how is the test case set up? Well, I call it several times by clicking
on the link in the view.  I don't know if this answers your

Anyway, I tried to get a Session ID, but this doesn't return a value:

function testsession() {
  if ($scounter = $this-Session-read('scounter')) {
  } else {
  $scounter = 1;
  $this-Session-write('scounter', $scounter);
  $this-set('scounter', $scounter);

  $this-log('SessionID: ' . $this-Session-id());  // no
SessionID is outputed...

On Nov 27, 1:57 pm, euromark wrote:
 you can simplify the condition to
 if ($scounter = $this-Session-read('scounter')) {}

 but besides that
 how is the test case set up?
 because it is possible that it resets itself after each run
 therefore the session would always be emptied afterwards...

 On 27 Nov., 11:38, ava wrote:


  I'm struggling with sessions in cakephp 2.0.3.

  In this testcase the counter should be incremented with each click on
  the link.  The counter always remains 1.

  class Test01sController extends AppController {

     public $components = array('Session');

     function testsession() {
        $scounter = 1;
        if ($this-Session-check('scounter')) {
            $scounter = $this-Session-read('scounter');
        $this-Session-write('scounter', $scounter);
        $this-set('scounter', $scounter);


  class Test01 extends AppModel {
     var $name = 'Test01';
     var $useTable = false;}


  // VIEW
  echo $scounter;
  br/a href=/test01s/testsessiontestsession/a

  // CORE
  Configure::write('Session', array(
      'defaults' = 'php',
      'cookie' = 'vportal',
      'ini' = array('session.gc_divisor' =
  1000,'session.cookie_httponly' = true),
      'timeout' = 4320  //3 days

  I also dumped the $_SESSION array. This array is always empty.

  Any help or hints are appreciated.

  -- Andre

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Re: cache action not working

2011-03-23 Thread ava
debug   0
Cache.check 1

Cache.disable was set to false. However, I reading it returns empty

On Mar 22, 11:26 pm, gremlin wrote:
 Do you have debug set to 0? If you are seeing the query log then you
 likely don't and with a setting of anything higher than 0 the cache is
 cleared on each call to the action.

 On Mar 22, 2:27 pm, André von Arx wrote:

  I've tried to cache a controller action without success.

  Here are the settings I've used for cakephp 1.3.7:

  === core.php:

  Cache::config('default', array(
          'engine' = 'File',  // required
          'duration'= 3600,   // optional
          'probability'= 100, // opt
          'path' = '/usr/local/www/',
          'prefix' = 'cake_',  // optional
          'lock' = false,      // optional
          'serialize' = true   // optional

  // path direcotory is writable

  Configure::write('Cache.check', true);
  Configure::write('Cache.disable', false);

  === controller

  var $helpers = array('Form','Formhint','Time','Cache');

  var $cacheAction = array(
     'getRandomImagesG24' = '48000'

  function getRandomImagesG24() {
     $this-cacheAction = true;
     return $this-Image-getRandomImagesG24();


  According to the SQL-Log the Image-getRandomImagesG24 being called
  for each controller action call (getRandomInagesG24).

  Any hints or suggestions?
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Re: create .po file from database table (multilingual, l10n I18n)

2009-08-25 Thread ava

Here's my prototype: feedback is appreciated!

(Part1):  Model and DDL

class Translation extends AppModel {
   var $name = 'Translation';
   var $useTable = 'ax_translation';

   function import($filename) {
  // set the filename to read from
  if (empty($filename)) $filename='default.pot';
  $filename = ROOT . DS . 'app' . DS. 'locale' . DS . $filename;
  $filename= '/usr/local/www/

  // open the file
  $filehandle = fopen($filename, r);
  while (($row = fgets($filehandle)) !== FALSE) {
 if (substr($row,0,7) == 'msgid ') {
// parse string in hochkomma:
$msgid = substr($row, 7 ,(strpos($row,'',6)-8));
if (!empty($msgid)) {
   $row = fgets($filehandle);
   if (substr($row,0,8) == 'msgstr ') {
  $msgstr = substr($row, 8 ,(strpos($row,'',7)-9));
   // check if exists
   $trec = $this-find(array(Translation.msgid =
$msgid, locale=en));
   if (empty($trec)) {
  $this-data['Translation']['msgid'] = $msgid;
  $this-data['Translation']['msgstr'] = $msgstr;
  $this-data['Translation']['locale'] = 'en';
  $this-data['Translation']['status'] = 'n';
   } else {

   function setLastUsed($id) {
  $ret = $this-query(update ax_translation ax set last_used =
current_timestamp where id =  . $id);
  return $ret;


CREATE TABLE ax_translation (
id serial,
msgid varchar(255) not null ,
locale char(2) default 'en',
created timestamp with time zone,
last_used timestamp with time zone,
status char(1),-- (t:translated, n: new, needs translation, r:
to be reviewed, u: updated, needs translation
msgstr text

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ax_translation_msgid ON ax_translation USING btree
(msgid, locale);


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Re: create .po file from database table (multilingual, l10n I18n)

2009-08-25 Thread ava

Part 2: Controller

class TranslationsController extends AppController {
   var $name = 'Translation';
   var $components = array('Axtranslate');
   var $langarr = array

   function import() {
   // Step 1: import default.pot File

   function export() {
  // Step 3: export default.po file to the relevant directory
  $filename= 'f' . gmdate('YmdHis');
  foreach ($this-langarr as $k = $v):

 $path = ROOT.DS.'app'.DS.'locale'.DS.$v;
 if (!file_exists($path)) mkdir($path);
 $path .= DS.'LC_MESSAGES';
 if (!file_exists($path)) mkdir($path);
 $file = $path.DS.$filename;
 if (!file_exists($path)) touch($file);

 $file = new File($path.DS.$filename);
 $tmprec = $this-Translation-find('all',
array('conditions' = array('Translation.locale' = $k)));
 foreach ($tmprec as $rec):
$file-write('msgid ' .$rec['Translation']
['msgid'] .''.\n);
$file-write('msgstr '.$rec['Translation']

 if (file_exists($path.DS.'default.po'))
 rename ($path.DS.'default.po',
 rename ($path.DS.$filename,$path.DS.'default.po');

   function trans() {
  // Step 2: translate to all languages defined in $langarr

  $trec = $this-Translation-findAllByLocale('en');
  foreach ($trec as $rec):
 foreach ($this-langarr as $k = $v):
$tmprec = $this-Translation-find('all',
   array('conditions' = array('Translation.locale' =
$k,'Translation.msgid'= $rec['Translation']['msgid'])));
if (count($tmprec) == 0) {
   $this-data['Translation']['msgstr'] = $this-
Axtranslate-translate($rec['Translation']['msgid'], 'en', $k);
   $this-data['Translation']['msgid'] = $rec
   $this-data['Translation']['locale'] = $k;
   $this-data['Translation']['status'] = 'm';

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Re: create .po file from database table (multilingual, l10n I18n)

2009-08-25 Thread ava

Part 3: Axtranslate

//  copy code from
class AxtranslateComponent extends Object {

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Re: create .po file from database table (multilingual, l10n I18n)

2009-08-25 Thread ava


the above solution does the following:
- extract msgid and msgstr from file 'default.po'
- automatic translation all messages using google translation (it's a
good starting point anyway)
- export msgid and msgstr to the relevant directories (default.po)

still to to: an edit function to manually edit the translations.

feedback is welcome.

regards,  Andy
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Re: create .po file from database table (multilingual, l10n I18n)

2009-08-20 Thread ava

Hi Marc,

as for multilingual I suggest the following procedure:

1. create po file by bake  (cake.php i18n extract)
2. load po file into translation table:
   - flag new records as new (status: n)
   - set current date for existing records if msgid matches.

3. translation can now take place in the web application: user
(translator) flags translated records as translated (status: t)

4. create a new po file for each language, source is the translation
   - take not translated text if the item is not translated.

Translation Table:

CREATE TABLE `translations` (
  `id` int(7) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `msgid` varchar(100) ,
  `locale` char(2) default 'en',
  created timestamp,
  last_used timestamp,
  status char(1),-- (t:translated, n: new, needs translation, r:
to be reviewed, u: updated, needs translation
  `msgstr` text ,

create unique index on msgid,locale

- delete translations that are not used for 18 months.

..text extract from pot file:

#: /views/feedback/add.ctp:44
#: /views/feedback/bytag.ctp:62
#: /views/feedback/main.ctp:101
#: /views/feedback/view.ctp:29
#: /views/person/contact.ctp:22
msgid your Email

On 15 Aug., 12:46, euromark (munich)
 your gmx address does not seem to work
 i tried to contact you but got a delivery failure (not exists)
 maybe you want to drop me a line instead


 On 15 Aug., 09:23, ava wrote:

  Hi Mark,

  how can I help (testing, reviewing, developing)?  Can you provide the

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Re: create .po file from database table (multilingual, l10n I18n)

2009-08-15 Thread ava

Hi Mark,

how can I help (testing, reviewing, developing)?  Can you provide the

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create .po file from database table (multilingual, l10n I18n)

2009-08-12 Thread ava


building multilingual websites is an ongoing process because content
of websites often change.
Therefore translations have to be done for every new release.

Instead of extracting the po files and then translation the file
content I wish to do something smarter.
- keep translations in a db table
- translate only new content
- generate .po file from db table
- keep translation effort to a minimum.

I would still use the console extract and merge the new content in the
db table.

Has anybody done something similar and could provide some examples?

-- Andy

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