Re: Having to redeclare conditions in generateList()

2007-08-16 Thread cdomigan

Thanks Grant, that makes sense.

Is there any way then to define the Model such that it has it's own
built-in conditions? i.e. not reliant on an association?


class Designer extends AppModel {
  var $name = 'Designer';
  var $useTable = 'employees';
  var $condition = 'Employee.is_designer = 1';

The model then only models a certain view on the database.

On Aug 17, 12:10 pm, Grant Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Because the conditions on your association are only on the association
> - so only used when Cake automatically retrieves associated records.
> When you call $this->Job->Designer you are accessing a Designer model
> instance - you are NOT accessing an "associated" Designer model
> instance.  It's just a clean new instance, so has no idea of any
> conditions on other models' associations.

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Having to redeclare conditions in generateList()

2007-08-16 Thread cdomigan

Hi there.

I have an association defined in a model with a condition set. Eg in
my Job model:

var $belongsTo = array(
'Designer' => array(
'className' => 'Employee',
'foreignKey' => 'designer_id',
'conditions' => 'Employee.is_designer = 1'

However when I access the associated model with generateList, I have
to again specify the condition, or else I get an entire listing of

$this->Job->Designer->generateList('Employee.is_designer = 1',
'Employee.first_name ASC', null, '{n}',

Why doesn't it remember how I first set up the association?

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Re: Multiple field values in select box?

2007-08-13 Thread cdomigan

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Re: BeforeFilter in Model

2007-08-06 Thread cdomigan

Have you used some debug statements to check if you're getting what
you think you're getting from that loop?


On Aug 7, 4:48 am, Mike Digital Egg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Samuel,
> Thanks for your reply, I'm sure this is the right solution, I just
> can't seem to get it to work:
> function afterFind( $results ) {
> foreach ($results as $key => $val) {
> if ( isset($val["Product"]["list_price"]) ) {
> $results[$key]["Product"]["list_price"] = 
> $val["Product"]
> ["list_price"] - 1.99;
> }
> }
> return $results;
> }
> It is just not applying the discount, is the code correct? Am I
> missing something?
> Thanks
> Mike
> On Aug 6, 6:06 pm, "Samuel DeVore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > function afterFind($results) {
> > foreach ($results as $key => $val) {
> >// do your thing
> > }
> > }
> >   return $results;
> > }
> > On 8/6/07, Mike Digital Egg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi Tulio,
> > > Thanks for the tip, I think that might have been what I was thinking
> > > of :)
> > > I have tried it in the model though and it doesn't seem to work:
> > > function afterFind( $results ) {
> > > $results->list_price = $results->list_price - 1.99;
> > > return $results;
> > > }
> > > Am I using the correct code here?
> > > I would expect all the prices throughout the site to be - 1.99 but
> > > they are still the same.
> > > Any ideas?
> > > Cheers
> > > Mike
> > > On Aug 6, 5:57 pm, Tulio Faria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > you could use: afterFind($results) where $results is the result of the
> > > > find, like findAll...
> > > > []'s
> > > > On Aug 6, 12:52 pm, Mike Digital Egg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > Hi,
> > > > > I would like to adjust a price coming out of the database at the model
> > > > > level so that it is consistent throughout the site.
> > > > > I thought I had done something like this before:
> > > > > class Product extends AppModel {
> > > > > var $name = 'Product';
> > > > > function beforeFilter() {
> > > > > $this->list_price = $this->list_price - $discount;
> > > > > return $this;
> > > > > }
> > > > > }
> > > > > but I can't find any documentation about the beforeFilter function in
> > > > > a model, maybe I did it before in Ruby on Rails? Can this be done in
> > > > > Cake?
> > > > > Thanks
> > > > > Mike
> > --
> > (the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you
> > - its a fine line between a real question and an idiot
> >

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Intermittently no-response to ajax request

2007-07-19 Thread cdomigan


I'm having an intermittent problem (ie very difficult to debug :-)
with CakePHP seemingly not returning anything in response to a

My app is largely ajax-driven. About 1 in 20 times, when an ajax
request is made there is no response received from the server, and
Firebug just displays "Loading...". This is happening both on my dev
localhost box (Windows) and my live box (Linux).

Part of the frustration is not knowing if this is a CakePHP problem,
an Apache problem, or something else. Has anyone else encountered a
problem like this and are there any pointers as to where one might
start in debugging such an issue?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: CakePHP session lost when using Java Applet

2007-07-17 Thread cdomigan

Yes I've run into this problem too.


On Jul 16, 4:49 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey All,
> I thought I would post this here since it caused me so much grief.
> I am using a java jar file to allow uploading of multiple files using
> drag and drop ( This is an awsome file
> uploader and I highly recommend it.
> Anyway, my application ran fine (I am using session variables) until I
> load the page with the applet. Once I load the page the session
> completely dies. If I move to other pages in my app the session has
> been started again. (CAKEPHP cookie is different and no session
> varaibles exist).
> I found this post which put me in the right direction:
> Basically, the applet is trying to access its own "web space" which
> falls outside of the current session with PHP. Cake thinks that a
> "Session Hijack" is in place and kills the session.
> As the post above stated, I had to remove the hijack check in the /
> cake/libs/session.php file. You find the function isValid() or valid()
> in that file and have it return true all the time.
> This solved the problem.
> Anyone else experience this? Is there a way to *not* modify a cake
> file to do this?
> Thanks!
> Phil

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Re: Use php in js files?

2007-05-10 Thread cdomigan

I think you can just rename the .js file to .php.

Or you could just assign it to a js var before you include your js

On May 11, 7:27 am, hydra12 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm using jquery and ext.js to build a user interface.  When a page
> loads, I have a ext.js menu loading at the top with new, edit and
> delete options.  I want to click edit on the menu and have my page
> reload in editable form via ajax.  Here's my problem:  the new button
> works fine, but I can't get my edit button to work.  How can I pass
> the page's id from php to javascript?  Here's what I have, and it
> won't work since it's being loaded from a js file:
> $("#center1").load('/transportation/tickets/edit/id;?
> >');
> Any ideas?

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Re: In-depth Model Tutorials

2007-05-06 Thread cdomigan

A friend of mine who uses RoR extensively saw some of my controllers
the other day and remarked that they looked way too bloated. A
tutorial on using Models to their full potential would be awesome!


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Re: jQuery question!

2007-03-12 Thread cdomigan

Kjell, I completely agree. JQuery in particular is so powerful and
easy to use that you're really limiting yourself by sticking with
helpers. And yes, I am a jQuery fanboy :)


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Re: How to avoid duplicating afterFind() logic?

2007-02-13 Thread cdomigan

Brilliant, thank you nate.

Are there plans for a more "cake"ish way to do this in the future? :)


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How to avoid duplicating afterFind() logic?

2007-02-13 Thread cdomigan

Hello all,

I have a question re Model::afterFind($results).

If $results is from a "model" find it will be of structure $results[$i]
[Model][Field], but if it is from an "association" find it will be of
structure $results[$i][Model][$j][Field].

I end up having to duplicate my afterFind logic for each of these
eventualities. Is there a better way?



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1.2 Pagination forgetting conditions?

2007-02-07 Thread cdomigan

Hi there,

I've read all the posts I can find on this subject, but I'm sure
there's something very simple I'm doing wrong. I'm aware no
documentation yet exists for the pagination functionality in 1.2, so
sorry if I'm jumping the gun a bit.

I have an index view that displays a paginated table of results. On
the view I have a filter form that lets me filter the result set. On
form submission, the specified filters are parsed into a conditions
array for use in $this->paginate($conditions) in the controller.

The problem is that when I click on Next, Prev, or any of the sort
links, all my conditions are lost. Is there any way to make the
paginator remember the conditions that were used to filter the
paginated results?

I'm aware I can use the var $paginate to set "concrete" conditions for
the paginator, but I want this functionality to be dynamic so that I
can pass different conditions into $this->paginate() and have it
remember the results on sorting and paginating.

Any help would be most appreciated.

Chris Domigan

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Re: A Super Release

2007-02-04 Thread cdomigan

Thanks to the team for all their hard work.

One question I have is what is the easiest way to upgrade to the
latest version. Can I just copy my whole app folder across? Or do I
need to just copy the user files I have created?



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Re: Insert multiple related records

2007-02-04 Thread cdomigan

Thanks Mikee

I did some more tinkering and ended up doing something like you
suggested. Cheers for the tip!


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Insert multiple related records

2007-02-03 Thread cdomigan

Hi there,

I've done a search and can't find anything that answers this question,
so am hoping someone can help.

Basically I have an Order model that hasMany OrderLine's in it. I have
a view that lets me specify the Order and 'n' number of OrderLines all
on one page (with a little help from some javascript).

For eg,

// My view
Order info
Date required 

Products to order

So what I want is to save the Order (no problem) and then save 'n'
number of OrderLines as well. As you can see  I've named my OrderLines
with a [] at the end, so that I get an array of values to pass to my

What I'm wondering is if CakePHP will let me do something like this:

// In my controller

function placeOrder() {
  if (!empty($this->data)) {
if ($this->Order->save($this->data)) {
  $order_id = $this->Order->getLastInsertId();
  $this->data['OrderLine']['order_id'] = $order_id;

On the last line of that code I want it to loop through all my
submitted OrderLine's and save them with an order_id of $order_id.
Anyone know how I can do this, and what the required syntax is?



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Re: Helpers in default.thtml

2007-02-02 Thread cdomigan

So you have $helpers = array('Javascript') in your AppController?


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