Best Practices for multiple cake apps sharing tables?

2008-10-15 Thread comb

For example, I would like to build one app to manage the users and
groups for all my other apps. Single sign on if you will.

How do I name tables?
I've noticed I run into trouble attempting to use tablePrefixes in
either project, particularly with HABTM joinTables:
Accessing the groups+users relationship and join table is problematic.
But maybe that's because I'm trying to create models in the project
app too.

What's the best strategy for not repeating work?
So far, I've tried re-creating the User and Group model in the
project, but that has problems mentioned above. Aside from the table
naming, do I need to also redefine all the methods I already wrote in
the Master User/Group app? Is this something that I need to wrap into
a behavior of some sort?

I've tried explicitly defining my join tables, but from within
Project1, cake tries to attach the Project1_ prefix to the
groups_users join table. Even when I specify the table name in the
habtm relationship, it still appends the prefix.

The hack as I see it is to just explicitly define each table, but that
feels very un-cake-like and hackish.
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Re: Best Practices for multiple cake apps sharing tables?

2008-10-15 Thread comb

I looked at the plugin docs again and it wasn't clear whether I would
be able to create relationships between the main app and models from
the plugin and that's what I'm looking for. e.g. Users + Posts, etc

In my work environment, I am looking to establish common master apps
(like User  Group management, higher level reporting functionality,
etc) for use within other cake apps as well as possibly non-cake apps
which I can slightly adapt. Aside from creating One Monster
Application (eww), what are my options? Just plug ins?

I'm devouring books and articles but haven't come across something
that addressed it or provided a solution
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Core Unit Tests Failing for me

2008-10-13 Thread comb

I'm new to unit testing and especially cakephp unit testing, so I've
come across a few confusing things. Please excuse me if I'm
overlooking something obvious. To simplify things, I dropped fresh
installs of cake on two different php servers at the office. One runs
PHP 5.2.1 and the other 5.0.4. Both point to the same mysql db.

On the PHP 5.0.4 install, I get this error when trying to run all

Fatal error: Call to undefined method ReflectionClass::hasMethod()
in /Library/WebServer/Documents/cake1.2.tests/vendors/simpletest/
reflection_php5.php on line 223

On the PHP 5.2.1 install, This is the result:

All Core Tests

* Failed
  Expected false, got [Boolean: true] at [/var/www/html/
cake1.2.tests/cake/tests/cases/basics.test.php line 70]
  /var/www/html/cake1.2.tests/cake/tests/cases/basics.test.php -
BasicsTest - testUses
* Failed
  Expected false, got [Boolean: true] at [/var/www/html/
cake1.2.tests/cake/tests/cases/basics.test.php line 71]
  /var/www/html/cake1.2.tests/cake/tests/cases/basics.test.php -
BasicsTest - testUses
* Skipped Memcache is not installed or configured properly at [/
memcache.test.php line 55]
* Skipped Xcache is not installed or configured properly at [/var/
line 50]
* Skipped Apc is not installed or configured properly at [/var/www/
html/cake1.2.tests/cake/tests/cases/libs/cache/apc.test.php line 50]
* Skipped OverloadableTest not implemented at [/var/www/html/
cake1.2.tests/cake/tests/cases/libs/overloadable.test.php line 44]
* Failed
  Equal expectation fails with member [singularized] as key list
[] does not match key list [SomePages, Pages, Timesheets,
TestDispatchPages, OtherPages, MyPlugin, ArticlesTest, Tests,
SomePosts, TestCachedPages] at [/var/www/html/cake1.2.tests/cake/tests/
cases/libs/inflector.test.php line 61]
inflector.test.php - InflectorTest - testInstantiation

  Fatal error: Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency? in /
var/www/html/cake1.2.tests/vendors/simpletest/expectation.php on line

I assume first that a release isn't supposed to fail test suites
included with the source on two different php installs. Is there
something I should be checking for?

Additionally, I've noticed some failures leave test_suite tables. Even
worse, when re-running the test, it assumes takes aren't there that
are and vice versa. Again, is this something errant on my end?

Thanks in advance for pointing me in the right direction.
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HABTM, tablePrefix, joinTable issues

2008-10-09 Thread comb

I've seen variants of issues involving these topics posted, but not
this particular one.

I use a master _users table and _groups table in my projects. A
given project will have tablePrefix set to projectname_ and all the
tables specific to that project are correctly named

Unfortunately if I try to establish HABTM between _users and
_groups or either of those tables and a table from a specific
project, it gets ugly.

My goal is to have my tables look like this:
- _groups
- _users
- _groups_users (join table)
- projectprefix_comments
- projectprefix_comments_users (join table)
- projectprefix_posts
- projectprefix_posts_users (join table)
- projectprefix_comments_posts (join table)

I have currently resorted to specifying every single table in each
model and removing any tablePrefix settings. I cannot specify a
tablePrefix when defining the habtm relationship, and the useTable
value is automatically appended by the project level tablePrefix,
ignoring any Model level tablePrefix. Admittedly, sorting out which
prefixes should automagically be used may be debatable, but I think I
should have the ability to clear tablePrefix and set joinTable to
explicitly point to any given table in my habtm definition.

I hope that was clear. Does anyone have any clean fixes for this?
Thanks in advance for any advice

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Re: Filemaker and CakePHP

2008-07-18 Thread comb

My workgroup also uses filemaker for some existing projects so I've
had interest in this as well.

I'm new to filemaker, but recently started using the Filemaker API
(not FX) and while it seems kind of clunky, it worked. I have not used
the API inside the cakephp framework, but I imagine if you drop
Filemaker API into the vendors folder and load it appropriately, you
can just use the API as you would in 'normal' php code that utilized
the API.

In the worst case, you will be back to a non-cake existence when
asking the model to provide data as the nice 'automagic' functions
obviously won't work.

Potentially, you can roll up your sleeves and extend(?) the existing
find() function and others to go through filemaker. Unfortunately,
you'll likely run into trouble with existing filemaker apps because
they were probably created in the 'usual' way - in large flat
denormalized tables. This will wreck a lot of the automagic so you'll
need to evaluate the existing data first and assess whether or not
normalizing it will mess up existing apps.

Good luck

On Jul 17, 10:49 am, Eric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The database is going to be updated primarily from an existing
 Filemaker application. However, there will be some changes from the
 web site that will need to be added to the database, ie. new user
 registration, new posts from the users. I would expect there to be
 daily modifications of existing data from the filemaker client, and a
 large influx of new data from the FileMaker client about once a month.

 The database is relational and is being run on the latest version of
 Filemaker. There is not a huge amount of data currently, but the site
 is expected to grow.


 On Jul 16, 9:44 pm, GravyFace [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Is the data on the website going to be read-only?  How often is the
  data going to change?  How much data?  Is the data relational?  What
  version if Filemaker? Can't really expect us to give you advice
  without knowing what it is you're trying to do.

  On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 8:19 PM, Grant Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   A few years ago I had to work with Cake and Filemaker - but thankfully
   I convinced them that the website could use it's own database, and
   their internal Filemaker database would just synchronise from this
   live site with a Filemaker script (one way synch only).  There was
   just a cake action that output appropriate data as an XML file
   suitable for Filemaker, and the Filemaker script updated from this
   (with a recorded macro, as I recall).

   But the final solution is quite limited (one way, not automatic), and
   it was a pain to work with - I really didn't like FileMaker after

   Admittedly, this was back when Filemaker was not relational either (FM
   6 or 7 as I recall), so maybe things have improved.  But if it still
   doesn't support SQL, maybe not.

   On Jul 17, 5:24 am, Eric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Has anyone had success using Filemaker as a repository for Cake? There
   have been a few posts here on the issue, but nothing for quite some

   I realize it is quite a task since Filemaker does not really handle
   SQL. Filemaker does have a PHP API and there is something called
   FX.php which is another way of accessing the data.

   The problem that I am facing is that a customer has an internal
   Filemaker database which they would like users of their website to
   have access to some of the data. They are moving their site's hosting
   internally to facilitate this change. If anyone has any other ideas of
   how to get the filemaker data into Cake, I am all ears. I was thinking
   some sort of database synchronization, but I think that will be more
   trouble then it is worth, if it is even possible.


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Re: What happens with CakePHP Cookbook?

2008-07-18 Thread comb

Truly a step in the right direction. I am one of those in desperate
need of the docs and hope they continue to improve daily. Thanks
everyone involved for all contributions big and small.

On Jul 18, 6:43 am, villas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm sorry about misinterpreting your post.  I guess it was difficult
 for me to imagine that people being 'desperate' could ever be an
 endorsement.  Thanks for clarifying.
 Best wishes.

 On Jul 18, 12:08 pm, keymaster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  You completely misread my post.

  The intent is 180 degrees opposite what you understood.

  I am praising John Anderson and team for the incredible effort they
  have put out over the last few months, to take the 1.2 docs from a
  state where the docs added almost no value,  to the point where people
  are now desperate for the book (because it adds so much value).

  I would say that is quite an accomplishment.

  Forget the glitch, I and everyone else knows it's only temporary.

  Hope I stand clarified.

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Re: What happens with CakePHP Cookbook?

2008-07-17 Thread comb

You're right, I thought it disappeared completely, but looks like it's
simply lost its navigation. For example, this works: (thank you history!)

On Jul 17, 4:27 pm, august.gresens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, I'm noticing this as well - makes it very hard to navigate the
 docs.  A

 On Jul 17, 2:54 pm, itsnotvalid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I don't know if it is just me or not,http://book.cakephp.orgseemsto
  have some problems with table of contents. Individual pages could be
  reached, but the indexes are all messed up and went missing.

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Cookbook disappeared?

2008-07-17 Thread comb

Did the cookbook disappear for anyone else? I was in the middle of
reading it when all content vanished.

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