Re: how to access other models from non parent controller

2008-07-14 Thread duRqoo

Well usually in controller you work only with default model for the
controller binded by conventions and its related models, but  in some
situation you would like to create a dummy controller which is not
using any model, or attach a non-related models for using in the
controller. There is where a $uses variable comes handy.


On 14. Júl, 03:18 h., ビシャルfrom Nepal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank You very much for your help. It really worked for me. Anyways I
 was thinking why was cakephp using this $uses when other similar
 frameworks like Rails doesnt impose such syntax.

 On Jul 13, 3:18 am, duRqoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  you need to tell C1 to use M2 model using the $uses public attribute
  of controller, which is an array of class names of models that a
  certain controller will use. So in this case just add var $uses =
  array('M2'); to your C1 controller.

  If Models are somehow related to each other you dont need to include
  them using $uses variable, just touch the related model through
  default controller model. Like $this-M1-M2-find(...);

  Hope that helps.

  On 12. Júl, 05:08 h., ビシャルfrom Nepal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Suppose we have two controllers C1 and C2, Similarly M2 is the
   corresponding models to controller C2.Controller C1 is not using any
   models. How should I fetch table rows from M2 remaining in controller
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Re: how to access other models from non parent controller

2008-07-12 Thread duRqoo


you need to tell C1 to use M2 model using the $uses public attribute
of controller, which is an array of class names of models that a
certain controller will use. So in this case just add var $uses =
array('M2'); to your C1 controller.

If Models are somehow related to each other you dont need to include
them using $uses variable, just touch the related model through
default controller model. Like $this-M1-M2-find(...);

Hope that helps.

On 12. Júl, 05:08 h., ビシャルfrom Nepal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Suppose we have two controllers C1 and C2, Similarly M2 is the
 corresponding models to controller C2.Controller C1 is not using any
 models. How should I fetch table rows from M2 remaining in controller
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Re: HABTM Relations and additional info in the rlation table

2008-07-11 Thread duRqoo

Hey XuMiX,

with cake u are able to save meta data within join table, but it's
somehow a tricky part. I suggest you to read (
to get the point.

First of all when saving habtm related data the join-table is auto-
modelized for you. If you aim to save meta data in the join table, you
will surely like to validate it as well, so good start is to create
model for your join table (in your case GroupsPerson, note: convention
is person = people), where you can define belongsTo associations to
habtm related models so as validation for the meta-data and one more
important thing which i will cover later.

Now when you have your join-table model i assume you are familiar with
saving habtm data without meta data in join table (reminder: $this-
data['RelatedModel'] = array of associated ids). In case of meta-data
thing you just have to format that passed array other way so for your
example if you are saving new Group and it's associated people it
would be like this:

0 = array(
person_id = XYZ,
year = 123541,
amount = 123123

1 = array(
person_id = ABC,
year = 1212,
amount = 123


Last and most important thing is when workin with meta data in join
table. You have to change the database structure of it. Basicaly join-
table is a weak entity type consisting of foreign keys of related
tables which are together creating primary key of the join table.
Unfortunatelly cake don't know how to handle multicolumn primary keys
so you have to create a autoincrementing ID primary key for your join
table, and the associated foreign keys, well they just stay FKs. For
your case it will be

groups_people ( PK(id), FKs(group_id, person_id) )

This way everything will work ok and cakes sqls will be generated

Remember the one important thing i've noticed up there ? Ya you now
have to ensure that the changed join-table still works as it should,
that means it have correct data. The fact the primary key is now ID it
allows you to save multiple same associations which is not good. You
can avoid this by adding a beforeSave callback to the join-table model
and aborting the save process if you find already existing combination
of FKs in the join table.

Hope that helps.

On 11. Júl, 09:19 h., XuMiX [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 and one more thing according to this code in model.php
 if (!empty($newValues)) {
 $fields = join(',', array(
 $fields, $newValues);
 there is no way to save additional data

 On 2 июл, 23:23, James K [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  CakePHP has no problem reading extra fields in your join table. As
  long as you're naming your join table correctly and have a
  hasAndBelongsToMany relationship to the model on the other side of the
  join table, it'll pull the extra fields from a find automatically.

  On Jul 2, 5:35 am,XuMiX[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   i have a habtm relation, persons, groups, and a relation table
   i need to add some more info into the relation table, for instance
   year of presence, role, etc.
   how do i get that info within cake ? Or how do i organize my tables
   and models?
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Re: Saving multiple associations in HABTM

2008-07-01 Thread duRqoo


in your case try setting $this-data['Group']['Group'] = (array of
ids), before save.
That should work, there is an explanation about how to save related
model data (HABTM) in the cake cookbook. (


On 1. Júl, 11:15 h., lysd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This has probably been asked before, but I couldn't find any docs or
 posting on how to save multiple associations in a HABTM setup.

 I have Groups HABTM Users.

 When I create a new user, I want to be able to associate multiple
 groups with this new user, but I can't seem to get it.

 The association is created properly if I assign 1 group with 1 user...

 $this-data['User']['id'] = 11;
 $this-data['User']['username'] = 'beth';
 $this-data['User']['password'] = $this-Auth-password('beth');
 $this-data['Group']['id'] = 3;

 The corresponding record will appear properly in groups_users table.
 But what about multiple groups? I've tried

 $this-data['Group']['id'] = array(2,3) to associate with groups 2 and
 3, but it didn't work.

 any help please


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Re: Sending Newsletter problems

2008-05-06 Thread duRqoo

Hello, i've was solving similar functionality not so far ago, but it
worked without problems.

It's really strange that your emails size is growing, but one thing
i've noticed from your code is that you are sending mails to each
address separately. Try using $cc or $bcc attribute, so u can send
same mail to more then one address at once. So get all addresses to an
array assign them to $cc or $bcc variable and execute the send method
just once, maybe that will help solve your issues in case you don't
have any crazy text stacking loop in mail template :).

Note: You will have to split mail addresses to smaller array parts and
send those through loop anyway. Depends on mail server restrictions
how many CC or BCC addresses are allowed for one mail, otherwise you
will get 'to many recipients' error.

Cheers, hope it helps.

On 6. Máj, 15:55 h., mbavio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi bakers, I have a little problem and I cant fint a decent solution,
 so I thought that here someone would delight me with some brilliant

 I´m sending massive mails (Newsletter) to about 300 people. After the
 first sent, some users complained that the mail was producing an
 Outlook error of memory, and they cant open the email.  After that, I
 tested the app sending the Newsletter to my email boxes, in a massive
 way. After doing that, I´ve seen that the email size increases after
 every sent. First I have mails of 18kb, and the last mails are about
 50kb. I´m going to show my code now:

 function sendEmails(){
 $this-edition = $this-Mail-whatNewsIs();
 $this-newsData = 

 $sends = $this-Mail-find('all', array('order' = 
 ' ASC',
 'limit' = $this-limit, 'restrict' = array('Mail')));
 $this-Email-replyTo = 'Acep News [EMAIL 
 $this-Email-from = Acep News [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 $this-Email-sendAs = 'html';
 $this-Email-template = 'newsletter';
 $this-Email-layout = 'newsletter';
 $this-set('edition', $this-edition);
 $this-set('narticles', $this-newsData);
 foreach ($sends as $send):
 if ($send['Mail']['newsletter_id'] != 
 $this-edition) {
 $this-Email-subject = 'Newsletter Edición ' 
 . $this-edition;
 $this-Email-to = $send['Mail']['email'];



 $this-Email-to = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 $this-Email-subject = Tiempo tardado;
 $this-Email-from = AcepNews [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 $this-Email-template = null;
 $this-Email-sendAs = 'text';
 $content = date('d-m-Y H:i:s');
 $this-Email-send($content, null, null);


 As you can see, I´m using template and layout, and no, I havent proved
 yet to send the mail without the use of template and layout.

 Well, anybody has been in some similar situation? Any kind of help is

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modRewrite issues on subdomain

2008-02-24 Thread duRqoo


I've finished project( for a client and now i'm trying to
run it on production host(shared-server). Unfortunately after setting
all up  i'm not able to make the site working. On the development
server everything works perfectly, but the production server is giving
me some unexpected errors.

If i try to load root page i get an error that there is no webroot
action in app controller, because it's trying to load app/webroot
extracted from REQUEST_URI as controller/action. If i add a parameter
to the URL, i get expected site and results (see below).

I've made a test code which i uploaded to both servers (development
and also production), to see how the rewrite engine handles url
requests. Both are running as subdomain, php5, modRewrite working,
everything is in it's place. I use these .htaccess files:

in /

   RewriteEngine on
   RewriteBase /
   RewriteRule^$ app/webroot/[L]
   RewriteRule(.*) app/webroot/$1 [L]

in /app

   RewriteEngine on
   RewriteBase /
   RewriteRule(.*) webroot/$1[L]

in /app/webroot

   RewriteEngine On
   RewriteBase /
   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
   RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1 [QSA,L]

I've run two URL requests for both servers. First withou parameters,
just to load root page, and Second with paramater so i'll be accessing
some inner page. And here are the results:

 Without Parameter = Root page 


[DOCUMENT_ROOT] = /services/www/
[SCRIPT_NAME] = /app/webroot/index.php


[DOCUMENT_ROOT] = /data/web/
[REQUEST_URI] = /app/webroot/
[SCRIPT_NAME] = /app/webroot/index.php

 With Parameter = Inner page 


[DOCUMENT_ROOT] = /services/www/
[QUERY_STRING] = url=skuska
[REQUEST_URI] = /skuska
[SCRIPT_NAME] = /app/webroot/index.php


[DOCUMENT_ROOT] = /data/web/
[QUERY_STRING] = url=skuska
[REQUEST_URI] = /app/webroot/skuska
[SCRIPT_NAME] = /app/webroot/index.php

As you can see production server is always prepending /app/webroot to
the [REQUEST_URI], which is smth that causes error described at the
beginning. I think i know the reason why it ends like this. When i
request root page, rewriteRule in /.htaccess sends me to /app/webroot.
The [REQUEST_URI] already contains /app/webroot which don't pass the
rewriteCond in /app/webroot/.htaccess, because it will treat the URL
request as directory and the rewriteRule in there is skipped. After
that dispatcher parse the [REQUEST_URI] and i'm getting my error.

Any1 knows what could cause this? or better to ask how can i get rid
of that /app/webroot prefix on production server. Must be smth with
configuration mod_rewrite or doc_root or vhost or apache i don't know.
I've deployed 3 other cakephp projects without problems, but here i'm

Thanks for advice,
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Re: Image as Title in Paginator prev and next

2008-02-11 Thread duRqoo

Sure u can do that, just add 'escape'=false to the options array.

On 11. Feb, 00:08 h., Tomka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm using Version 1.2.

 Is it somehow possible to use an image or another html-content as
 title in the paginator's prev- and next-methods? Unfortunately my html
 is escaped.
 I'm looking for a parameter like in
 link ($title, $url=null, $htmlAttributes=array(),
 $confirmMessage=false, $escapeTitle=true)
 the last one.

 Thanks for answers.
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Re: user authentication example...login redirects

2008-02-09 Thread duRqoo

var $validate = array(
'name' = array(
'rule' = array('custom', VALID_NOT_EMPTY),
'message' = 'Can\'t be empty'

This is how i deal with not empty values. VALID_NOT_EMPTY may be
deprecated, but still it's just a constat so i can replace it with
whatever regexp i want. AFAIK 'allowEmpty' is false by default and
it's checked before rule description, and if u dont specify rule key
in field validation array it will default to 'blank'. In your example
Zoe field name will always invalidate because it can't be empty,
thanks to 'allowEmpty', but rule defaulted to 'blank' expecting it to
be empty.

On 9. Feb, 09:36 h., MonkeyGirl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The 'allowEmpty' key should be assigned a boolean value.

 Ah, thank you. That makes sense. So I've replaced this:

   var $validate = array(
 'name' = array(
   'required' = VALID_NOT_EMPTY

 With this now:

   var $validate = array(
 'name' = array(
 'message' = 'required',
 'allowEmpty' = FALSE

 Is that right? (I know it technically works, I just want to make sure
 I'm doing it the proper way).

 Thank you,
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Re: Is there a good solution for this?

2008-02-09 Thread duRqoo

AFAIK you can't use variable after LIMIT so u can't get your result
set in one call. I would make model function which at first will
retrieve visiblecomments number and then use it as value for 'limit'
key in options array for find function.

On 9. Feb, 03:18 h., freespac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have to tables, stories and comments.  They have a relationship

 story has many comments.
 comment belongs to story.

 In stories, I have a field named visiblecomments  (yes it's long ;)

 I want to return only a number of comments (that is defined in
 visiblecomments) in every story.


 Story 1:

 id: 1
 title: this is first story.
 visiblecomments: 2
 has 4 comments.

 Story 2:
 id: 2
 title: this is second story
 visiblecomments: 1
 has 5 comments.

 I want it to return the following:

 2 comments from the first story and 1 comment from the second story.

 hope that made any sense..

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Re: Issue with allowEmpty and required in multiple validation rules (1.2)

2008-02-03 Thread duRqoo

Hello Benjamin, this should work:

'password' = array(
'notNull' = array(
'rule' = array('custom', VALID_NOT_EMPTY),
'required' = true,
'message' = 'Please enter a password.'

'between' = array(
'rule' = array('between', 4, 12),
'message' = 'Please check the number of characters in your

allowEmpty defaults to false so u don't need to specify it unless u
want to change it. I think allowEmpty and required options are checked
before the rule specification. So if allowEmpty is false and u submit
no data, cake won't check the rule because validation will return
false anyway.

When you are using multiple validation rules per field, cake will
check all of those rules. That means, in your case, if your first rule
fails, your second rule will fail too and u'll get 'between' rule
error msg even when the password was empty. If you want to change this
behaviour you can simply add 'last'=true option to desired rules,
which will force cake to stop further validation for certain field if
one of them invalidates.


On 3. Feb, 11:06 h., cisbrh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everybody,
 first of all thank you for the really good work you've doing on cake.
 I've used it 2 years ago for a massive application and I had to write
 my own postgresql layer... The work done since then especially on 1.2
 is amazing.
 Anyway. I am trying to use multiple validation rules (1.2) with
 allowEmpty and required but I just can't get it working.
 I've look at the sources and it looks like the 2 keys must be included
 in their own rule declaration ie:
 'password' = array(
 'notNull' =array(
 'allowEmpty' = false,
 'required' = true,
 'message' = 'Please enter a password.'
 'between' = array(
 'rule' = array('between', 4, 12),
 'message' = 'Please check the number of 
 characters in your

 But that does not work because model will default the keywords value
 for 'rule' to 'blank' !!! So what value should I give to 'rule'.
 If I put allowEmpty and required outside a rule declaration it breaks
 completely ie:
 'password' = array(
 'allowEmpty' = false,
 'required' = true,
 'message' = 'Please enter a password.',
 'between' = array(
 'rule' = array('between', 4, 12),
 'message' = 'Please check the number of 
 characters in your

 so I am a bit stuck.
 I guess I could use a custom rule which always return true and let
 required and allowEmpty to invalidate if needed but surely there is a
 better way ?
 Thanks in advance.
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Re: Order validation check and order message error

2008-01-29 Thread duRqoo

When you use multiple rules per field you can add 'last'=true option
desired validation rule. It will force cake to stop validating other
rules for
current field if a rule with that option invalidates.

On 29. Jan, 12:56 h., Reny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have question about validation

 I have a 'email' text input field, I check in my model that this field
 isn't empty and it's unique in my db.

 It's work but I'd like that when the first rule is not satisfied it
 don't try to check the second rule.

 Now it check first rule (if blank it set required), so it check
 second rule and it overwrite my first message and it display
 ?php echo $form-input('email', array('error' = array(
 'required' = 'Please specify a valid email',
 'unique' = 'Please insert a unique email'
 ))); ?

 var $validate = array(
 'email' = array(
'required' = VALID_NOT_EMPTY,
'unique' = array( 'rule' = 'checkUnique', 'email'))

 function checkUnique($data, $fieldName) {
 $valid = false;
 if(isset($fieldName[0])  $this-hasField($fieldName[0])) {
 $valid = $this-isUnique(array($fieldName[0] = $data));
 return $valid;

 thanks all!!!

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Re: Model with no data source / database - how to do this in CakePHP 1.2?

2008-01-21 Thread duRqoo

You still have to have database.php file in your /app/config. Content
of the file is list of data sources u will use in your app. Default
one must be there, otherwise it will throw you those fatal errors. So
your database.php file should at least look like this (copied from

var $default = array(
'driver' = 'mysql',
'persistent' = false,
'host' = 'localhost',
'port' = '',
'login' = 'user',
'password' = 'password',
'database' = 'database_name',
'schema' = '',
'prefix' = '',
'encoding' = ''

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