Re: CakePHP memcache Cache engine questions.

2009-10-29 Thread jitka (poLK)

You probably want to call


in controller, right? ;)
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Re: What's going on with

2009-10-28 Thread jitka (poLK)

When I saw some public reactions on recent team fork, first of all, I
was surprised people thinks CakePHP aims to its grave. Then, I was
surprised by amount of blogs who actually thinks CakePHP will die.
Well, not just core developers, all tens of thousands of monthly cake
downloaders and users, we all can just laugh. CakePHP doesn't need to
draw an attention in any way; we just thought you will enjoy undead
cake, because every single body from this community is very important
to us and when we saw you're sad, we had to do something asap to put a
smile on your face.

Here you go - something to laugh at, but then BACK TO WORK, it is just
funny design and one .po file. Although, made by 2 front CakePHP
developers for you. That doesn't happen often to have them working on
a joke to comfort you and wipe your tears out, you know ;)
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Re: Is it possible to put the vendors folder outside of cake?

2009-08-15 Thread jitka (poLK)

# app/config/bootstrap.php (CakePHP >= 1.2)

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Re: Auth problem with '/' and "You are not authorized to access that location."

2009-06-27 Thread jitka (poLK)

Url '/' points by default routes to PagesController::display(), so you
should call either

a) in PagesController::beforeFilter():
b) in AppController::beforeFilter():
if ($this->name == 'Pages') {

Your usage $this->Auth->allow('/') is wrong, this is not valid
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Re: Poll: what do you hate about CakePHP?

2009-06-11 Thread jitka (poLK)

> A bug, is a bug, is a bug.

Feel free to repeat it indefinitely. To me, bug is a bug only if
a) others are able to reproduce it and
b) it is not a feature.

I think you are bug, a  bug, a bug, because you don't work for me. Now
decide if you'll close it as wontfix, worksforme or needmoreinfo.
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2009-06-10 Thread jitka (poLK)

At least urls /pages/home and /test.php would deserve little
something ;)
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Re: Related Models are an instance of AppModel

2009-06-10 Thread jitka (poLK)

Well, debugging of it is not so hard. Start here

If I was you, I would double check filesystem permissions first - to
be sure webserver can access model classes, AND is able to write to
all subfolders of app/tmp and all existing files in there.
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Re: Translation issue

2009-06-09 Thread jitka (poLK)

See my comment here
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Re: Related Models are an instance of AppModel

2009-06-09 Thread jitka (poLK)

Instances of AppModel are created when cake can not find model class
(feature for fast prototyping or access to tables without need of
model). That could be caused by several things - improper filesystem
permissions for model files, mispelled filenames or class names,
disabled debug and improper cached info about paths to classes in app/
tmp/cache/persistent folder after playing with bootstrap.php:
$modelPaths, after removing some symlink if used...
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Re: Feedback from TranslateBehavior creator needed

2009-06-05 Thread jitka (poLK)

> If so - why it's like that? Is it some backward compatibility? Because
> it's seems a little bit weird.

I am not The One who rules whole world, my friend. And I don't like
general 'why' questions too :) because I am not mindreader to be sure
why it seems weird to you.

Names of subfolders in app/locale folder are also not language
shortcuts. If you will read my previous post carefully, you will
notice word localeFallback in there - one of things which will be
adressed by future releases of CakePHP, so stay tuned.

> > > $pages = $this->ArticleVersion->ArticlePage->find('all',
> >
> > It sounds to me like you are doing it in ArticleVersion::beforeFind()
> > instead of AppModel::beforeFind(), or your custom
> > ArticlePage::beforeFind() is not calling parent::beforeFind(). Could
> > you confirm that?
> I definitely have this AppModel::beforeFilter and have no beforeFilter
> in ArticleVersion now (tried with explicit call parent::beforeFilter
> in ArticleVersion::beforeFilter but it was no difference).

Please, read my answer thoroughly. You are calling find() method of
ArticlePage model, but still talking about changes in ArticleVersion
model. And even worse: about not existing model's callback.
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Re: Feedback from TranslateBehavior creator needed

2009-06-04 Thread jitka (poLK)

> Question: Why App.locales is better place for locales? I get it why
> Config.language is a bad place. But is App.locales because there's
> some convention I don't know about? Or maybe just Your ideaof place to
> store this stuff?

App.locales is not used by CakePHP core and just sounds reasonable/
self-explainable to me.

> Now I did sth. like this:
> ...
>   Configure::write('App.locales',
> array_unique(
> ('Config.language') )
>  )
> );
> It's not to elegant but does what I need to be done: App.locales is an
> array for sure, firs locale in App.localse array is the same as
> Config.language (language which is current application language)

Once again: language and locale are different things and you should
not mix language and locale codes together like that. Language is 2
characters string from Configure/Session 'Config.language',
initialized by autodetection or forced by application code. Locale
identifier used by TranslateBehavior is longer, see L10n::
$__l10nCatalog (keys locale/localeFallback) and

> > In AppModel::beforeFind() would be useful to check
> > $this->Behaviors->attached('Translate') &&
> > $this->Behaviors->enabled('Translate')
> Can You tell me why I should do that?

Nothing important, just to initialize $locale property on models only
if necessary by this snippet of code. One never knows when things like
that could start biting in large applications.

> I don't think that beforeFind is a good place to set the locale field,
> because ...
> $pages = $this->ArticleVersion->ArticlePage->find('all',
> array( 'conditions' => array
> ( 'ArticlePage.article_version_id'=> $article_version_id ),
>'order' => '')
> );
> ArticlePage seemed to have string in a locale field and no translation
> problem occured once again.
> Does it have something to do with model chain?

It sounds to me like you are doing it in ArticleVersion::beforeFind()
instead of AppModel::beforeFind(), or your custom
ArticlePage::beforeFind() is not calling parent::beforeFind(). Could
you confirm that?
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Re: Translating static pages

2009-06-04 Thread jitka (poLK)

Depends on your needs. If you need to translate whole static pages and
your translators are able to translate them (means: not going to break
some code in these views), then I would vote for using Controller::
$viewPath, like:

class PagesController extends AppController {

function beforeRender() {
$this->viewPath .= '-' . Configure::read('Config.language');

and manage separate set of static pages in app/views/pages-en like
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Re: Feedback from TranslateBehavior creator needed

2009-05-31 Thread jitka (poLK)

In AppModel::beforeFind() would be useful to check

$this->Behaviors->attached('Translate') &&
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Re: Feedback from TranslateBehavior creator needed

2009-05-31 Thread jitka (poLK)

Instead of AppModel contructor, I would vote for AppModel::beforeFind
() - and one thing to keep in mind: locale for translation you're
looking for should be first in locale array.
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Re: Feedback from TranslateBehavior creator needed

2009-05-31 Thread jitka (poLK)

> > > There's ArticleVersion model, which have this fields: id, name:
> > > varchar, introduction:text, created:datetime.
> > > I've defined to name and introduction fields to be translatable:
> > > var $actsAs = array('Translate' => array('name', 'introduction'));
> > Table for ArticleVersion model should not contain fields 'name' and
> > 'introduction', these fields are virtual.
> I'd love too. But I'm not creating new App with i18n, I'm trying to
> make existing App to be i18n'ed,
> So I need to leave this fields because they suppose to be my default
> translation as long, as translations are not present.

I can imagine some solution where you will name these virtual fields
like 'tr_name', but it will require to go through whole app and alter
all find's called with option 'fields'... But it is Hic Sunt Leones
area - TranslateBehavior was not supposed to work that way. Good news
for you is that features lists for CakePHP 1.3 and 2.0 are not closed
yet, so everyone is welcome open enhancement ticket at or
express himself at

Migration of existing data to i18n table is easy in shell, like

var $uses = array('ArticleVersion');
function main() {
if ($this->ArticleVersion->hasField('name') && $this-
>ArticleVersion->hasField('introduction')) {
$I18n =& $this->ArticleVersion->translateModel();
$data = $this->ArticleVersion->find('all', array('fields' =>
array('id', 'name', 'introduction')));
//use either foreach, or saveAll() somehow to save data
through $I18n model
//drop name and introduction fields in schema and clear tmp/
cache/models content

> > Fastest possible way is save introduction as empty string in Quick add
> > operation.
> I wanted to avoid that. When I add another field to be translatable -
> need to update the Quick add operation, and
> supply those translations to all elements (like I described in comment
> above).

Real problem is that in 1.2, behaviors are still pretty limited in
sense what they can do with model, like changes in schema property. So
handling default values for virtual fields, if can not be generalized
in behavior to satisfy everyone, is still work for some simple
beforeSave() implementation in model or AppModel.

> > From controller, $this->ArticleVersion->locale = array('pol') should
> > do the trick,
> I think my question should have been "But I don't know how to make
> $locale variable an array globally?" ;)
> Yes, It seems to be the only way.
> But It's rather $this->ArticleVersion->locale = array( Configure::read
> ('Config.language') );

No, that's wrong.
a) 'Config.language' in Configure singleton or session is not supposed
to hold locale, it is for language (see maps in L10n class).
b) 'Config.language' has to be string, it is used by i18n functions __*

> Do you think overriding the constructor in AppModel like this:
>function __construct($id=null, $table=null, $ds=null) {
>   parent::__construct($id, $table, $ds);
>   $this->locale = array( Configure::read('Config.language') );
> Is save?

Yes, but see my previous note. Call Configure::write('App.locales',
array('pol', 'eng')); in bootstrap.php and use 'App.locales' in
AppModel constructor.

>  and as a bonus: it reads those original
> fields (that which should be virtual, but can't be in my case) when
> there's no translation. But I don't feel comfortable when messing with
> modules Ii don't completely understand :S

I am just saying how is 'default translation' supposed to work
currently. Usage by some way not covered in test cases is on your own
risc now, and for future too :-)
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Re: Feedback from TranslateBehavior creator needed

2009-05-29 Thread jitka (poLK)

> There's ArticleVersion model, which have this fields: id, name:
> varchar, introduction:text, created:datetime.
> I've defined to name and introduction fields to be translatable:
> var $actsAs = array('Translate' => array('name', 'introduction'));

Table for ArticleVersion model should not contain fields 'name' and
'introduction', these fields are virtual.

> Quick adding a new ArticleVersion is made by filling just name field
> and submitting, and introduction doesn't need to be fulfilled.
> ...
> It returns no rows, because there's `I18n__introduction`.`locale` =
> 'pol' in where statement, and the introtuction field is't saved in
> Quick add operation.

Fastest possible way is save introduction as empty string in Quick add

> But I don't know how to make $locale variable an array?

>From controller, $this->ArticleVersion->locale = array('pol') should
do the trick, although purpose of possibility to pass array of locales
is - handle cases, where one wants record(s) preferrably in some
locale, but if this translation doesn't exist, provide fallback locale
(s) to use.
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Re: CakePHP validates invalid data

2009-05-16 Thread jitka (poLK)

or $form->create('Users' instead of 'User'
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Re: CakePHP validates invalid data

2009-05-16 Thread jitka (poLK)

> Array
> (
> [Users] => Array

It should be 'User', so it tells me you're using $form->input
('' instead of '' etc in view.
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Re: Poll: what do you hate about CakePHP?

2009-05-14 Thread jitka (poLK)

 'field' => 'title'

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Re: Poll: what do you hate about CakePHP?

2009-05-14 Thread jitka (poLK)

> To get all the translations for all the languages is a nightmare.

Solution exists.

$this->Article->Behaviors->attach('Translate', array('title' =>
$article = $this->Article->find('first');

You'll get title for returned article in current locale, and also
result of 'hasMany Title' association without condition on locale
(therefore all existing titles of this article).

Another approach would be (using the same sql queries):

$this->Article->Behaviors->attach('Translate', array('title'));
$I18nModel =& $this->Article->translateModel();
$article = $this->Article->find('first');
$titles = $I18nModel->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
'model' => 'Article',
'foreign_key' => $article['Article']['id']
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Re: Translate Behavior

2009-04-24 Thread jitka (poLK)

$label = __('Title', true);
echo $form->input('Post.title.cze', array('type' => 'text', 'label' =>
$label . ' (cze)'));
echo $form->input('Post.title.eng', array('type' => 'text', 'label' =>
$label . ' (eng)'));

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Re: Translate Behaviour and associations models

2009-04-01 Thread jitka (poLK)

Reason is - behavior callbacks are not called on associated models.
For possible solution see

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Re: Problems with Translate Behaviour in Firefox and Internet Explorer (country code)

2009-03-27 Thread jitka (poLK)

If following code at top of app/config/bootstrap.php doesn't show same
results in both your browsers, it could be some bug in l10n
autodetection - could you check that?

App::import('Core', 'i18n');
$I18n =& I18n::getInstance();

If it shows same locale all the time, then confirm you are not setting
Configure::write('Config.language', ...) or $this->SomeModel->locale
= ... somewhere in your code, please.
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Re: and "Undefined variable: html"

2009-03-20 Thread jitka (poLK)

> class TestController extends Controller {

Guess what is wrong in this line.
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Re: Little performance trick on cake 1.1.x

2009-03-19 Thread jitka (poLK)

In short, you are looking for places where PHP5 constant and functions
get_class(), get_class_vars() and get_class_methods() are used (php5
is case sensitive in their result, php4 not).
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Re: Little performance trick on cake 1.1.x

2009-03-18 Thread jitka (poLK)

You discovered one of many workarounds which are necessary for PHP4.
It is just one of many things which will make PHP5 only CakePHP much
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Re: Performance different between cakephp 1.1 and 1.2

2009-03-18 Thread jitka (poLK)

First of all, get rid of PHP Warnings

>   2009-04-12 09:15:46   Warning: Warning (2): unlink(E:\AppServ\www
> \project\workspace\jkchem\app\tmp\cache\persistent
> \cake_core_core_paths) [function.unlink]: Permission denied in [CORE
> \cake\libs\file.php, line 279]

because it seems webserver doesn't have enough permissions to delete
file in cache you probably copied over manually.
Then resolve your mistake in code

>   2009-04-12 09:25:16   Debug: Notice (8): Undefined variable:
> title in [APP\views\elements\breadcrumb.ctp, line 27]

and then come back to confirm if that helped, please.
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Re: l10n in cakephp > can't get app to switch language

2009-03-09 Thread jitka (poLK)

> I have created two test languages in:
> /app/locale/eng/LC_MESSAGES/default.php
> /app/locale/fre/LC_MESSAGES/default.php

php extension is reason. CakePHP assumes there plaintext .po (or
preferrable binary .mo) files.
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Re: L18n Showing and editing all available languages at the same time

2009-03-04 Thread jitka (poLK)

Yes, you can use TranslateBehavior, if you don't mind that callbacks
are not fired on associated models. It means - any behavior's
callbacks can work correctly only on primary model, so it does not
translate virtual fields for associated models.

Possible workaround for this issue is here:

As of displaying or editing multiple translations at once, yes it is
possible - by default it picks up locale from your Config.language
setting, but you can set YourModel->locale to array of locales and
then ;) you know, read test case of TranslateBehavior.
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Re: What do you develop in (ide, text editor, etc.)?

2009-02-28 Thread jitka (poLK)

I switched from Eclipse 3.4 and PDT2 to Netbeans 6.5 this week as well.
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Re: how to set current time for local computer

2009-02-28 Thread jitka (poLK)

TimeHelper methods can use $userOffset.
Another option (not proper/smart in your case, because it would affect
time/date php functions globally, therefore also created/modified
stored in db) would be date_default_timezone_set() for php >= 5.2 or
date.timezone in php.ini
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Re: Cake core is throwing unlink warnings

2009-02-28 Thread jitka (poLK)

On Feb 28, 6:05 pm, RyOnLife  wrote:
> Lovely... I went to try this out and the warnings have vanished as
> mysteriously as they first appeared. I've got this thread bookmarked and
> will update again as they come back.


If anyone will see this issue again, join us in #cake...@freenode
please so we can chat about it in realtime.
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Re: Cake core is throwing unlink warnings

2009-02-27 Thread jitka (poLK)

I've never seen this issue before, and it is hard to reproduce it in
test case if it misbehaves randomly...
Try one thing, please: in cake/libs/file.php in File::delete() replace
and let us know if that helps.
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Re: translate behavior

2009-02-18 Thread jitka (poLK)

In doubts how to use something, read test cases - they're not only
proving that old bugs are away, but also showing how are things
supposed to be used.
Read this method - it deletes few translations first, and then reads
translated db content using array $locale.
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Re: translate behavior

2009-02-18 Thread jitka (poLK)

For 'fallback' translations, set model's $locale property to array of
locales instead of string - if translation for field(s) and 1st locale
in array will not be found, other ones will be tried.
As of notice that returned data are using fallback locale (means - not
first one in $locale array), there is currently no way how you can
determine this fact (except for asking model for data with string
$locale first and if it fails, try it again with array $locale), but
we will probably remove this limitation in future.
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Re: Rendering a view without layout

2009-02-14 Thread jitka (poLK)

$this->autoLayout = false;
(in controller)
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Re: AuthComponent doesn't work with scaffolding!

2009-01-30 Thread jitka (poLK)

Well, and what exactly is 'not pretty' at your solution? Except for
fact that it doesn't care about value in var $scaffold of current
controller, off course...
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Re: New Cake site

2009-01-24 Thread jitka (poLK)

If SecurityComponent is used by controller (include it in var
$components is everything you need to do), security tokens are added
by FormHelper automatically.
Usage of SecurityComponent is highly proposed, because it blackholes
request when some hidden field was modified or some fields were added/
removed in browser.
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Re: New Cake site

2009-01-24 Thread jitka (poLK)

With SecurityComponent, forms contains hidden fields with security
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Re: New Cake site

2009-01-24 Thread jitka (poLK)

a) use SecurityComponent
b) turn debug off
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Re: Auth Redirect

2009-01-22 Thread jitka (poLK)

AppController extends Controller {
function beforeFilter() {
$this->Auth->autoRedirect = false;

UsersController extends AppController {
function login() {
if ($user = $this->Auth->user()) {
$url = ...
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Re: Timezone

2009-01-07 Thread jitka (poLK)

Answer for display of correct date/time is here:

Scaffolding doesn't use TimeHelper.
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Re: Auth Broken.

2009-01-06 Thread jitka (poLK)

Are you using scaffolding?
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Re: showing error after installation

2008-12-30 Thread jitka (poLK)

I wonder why are you uploading content of app/tmp folders from your
winblows development machine to unix server...
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Re: CakePHP error after uploading to server

2008-12-30 Thread jitka (poLK)

First of all, 1.2 stable is out of kitchen. Second, read either these
error messages, or documentation about installation of CakePHP. I
think if you will make your app/tmp and subfolders writable for
webserver, you will be just fine.
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Re: the Gift of 1.2 Final

2008-12-25 Thread jitka (poLK)

Congratulations, CakePHP core team!
I feel like Christmas started right now, and I really can't stop
smiling :)
Merry Christmas, CakePHP community!
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Re: Thoughts on this blog post?

2008-12-23 Thread jitka (poLK)

I think he just likes ZF over CakePHP, don't panic.
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Re: More then 1 .po file for i18n/l10n

2008-12-10 Thread jitka (poLK) (or xxx.po) and (or yyy.po)

__d('xxx', 'blabla'); or __d('yyy', 'blabla');

instead of

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Re: store i18n data in database

2008-12-07 Thread jitka (poLK)

So, you are looking for web based editor of gettext files.
I am not aware of anything what can be easily used in cake app, but
fast googling told me there are some projects which one could learn
from, like GGTT, phpTranslator, PHPTrans, Pootle... Do not blame me,
if they will not suit your needs ;)
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Re: multiple custom error messages for a single validation rule - is it possible ?

2008-11-24 Thread jitka (poLK)

> P.S as an added note can you please post an example with custom
> validation where the error message is in the VIEWS and NOt in the

Or even better
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Re: multiple custom error messages for a single validation rule - is it possible ?

2008-11-24 Thread jitka (poLK)

> Yes several rules per field was the way to go
> But my custom validation would contact a remote server and then
> display an error message appropriately
> So I thought I would save on those remote calls if for single
> validation rule I had the facility for displaying different error
> messages
> Also I tried $this->invalidate('field', 'Error message') in my custom
> validation function but only the default error message still displays

If you will invalidate field val1 from inside validation method val1()
AND return false, your custom message will be overwritten with default
one, specified in your validation rule. You might want to implement
beforeValidate() callback in your model instead of validation rule,

function beforeValidate() {
if (your condition) {
$this->invalidate('val1', 'Custom error message');
return false;

return true;

With this code, and
echo $form->input('val1'); // field input and error
echo $form->error('val1'); // field error
in view, your custom error message will be displayed.

> P.S as an added note can you please post an example with custom
> validation where the error message is in the VIEWS and NOt in the
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Re: multiple custom error messages for a single validation rule - is it possible ?

2008-11-24 Thread jitka (poLK)

Why not have several validation rules for one field?

var $validate = array(
'val1' => array(
'required' => array(
'rule' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY,
'required' => true,
'allowEmpty' => false,
'last' => true,
'message' => ''
'format' => array(
'rule' => array('val1'),
'last' => true,
'message' => 'yyy'
'is_unique' => array(
'rule' => array('isUnique'),
'message' => 'z'

If this 'generic' and proposed approach is not good for you, you can
allways (from model) call $this->invalidate('field', 'Error message'),
but keep in mind that error messages are better to keep in views, then
in models ('M' layer doesn't need to know about messages for humans,
they are supposed to live in human interface - 'V' layer of MVC app).
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Re: clear cache

2008-11-11 Thread jitka (poLK)

You can achieve same effect by

function admin_clear_cache() {
$cachePaths = array('js', 'css', 'menus', 'views', 'persistent',
foreach($cachePaths as $config) {
clearCache(null, $config);

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Re: clear cache

2008-11-10 Thread jitka (poLK)

> Cache::clear();

Above command clears content cached by selected cache engine.
If you want to clear view cache, call
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Re: Difference between read and find

2008-11-06 Thread jitka (poLK)

David C. Zentgraf is right.

Besides other things, it allows things like

if ($this->ModelName->read(..., $id)) {

instead of usual

$this->ModelName->id = $id;
if ($this->ModelName->exists(true)) {
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Re: Helpers specific to certain themes

2008-10-07 Thread jitka (poLK)

App::import('View', 'Theme');
class AdvancedThemeView extends ThemeView {
function __construct(&$controller) {
switch ($this->theme) {
$this->helpers[] = ...
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Re: Custom views based on action parameters?

2008-10-06 Thread jitka (poLK)

$this->render('view_name') is correct way and it is up to you which
view name you will pass to render() method. Another way would be
override render() action in your controller (and call parent method
with an argument from it).
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Re: Getting global variables from Database in cakePHP

2008-10-06 Thread jitka (poLK)

For example, you can
- load necessary settings from db when you need them
- load all settings once and use Configure::store() (also called from
afterSave callback of this model), Configure::load() (called from
bootstrap) and then Configure::read() where necessary
- same approach as 2nd one, but with Cache::write()/read()
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Re: cannot inherit from undefined class appcontroller

2008-10-05 Thread jitka (poLK)

If you have beforeFilter() method in your GroupsController (extending
AppController), do you call parent::beforeFilter() from it?
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Re: internazionalization | gettext not working on production server: any idea?

2008-10-04 Thread jitka (poLK)

Not enough info to tell you what is wrong there - turn debug on for a
moment, there is more then a chance cake will report what is wrong.
Btw - cake does not use gettext, it just uses same .po and .mo file
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Re: Passing arguments to "add" action

2008-10-02 Thread jitka (poLK)


My point is - I do not think it is necessary to use named argument for
your need.
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Re: Passing arguments to "add" action

2008-10-02 Thread jitka (poLK)


function add($patient_id = null) {
if (empty($this->data))  {
if (!empty($patient_id)) {
$this->data['YourModelName']['patient_id'] = $patient_id;
} else {

echo $form->create('YourModelName');
echo $form->hidden('patient_id');

LINK calling add() action for first time:
echo $html->link('New record', array(
'controller' => 'your_controller',
'action' => 'add',
 // <- patient id passed as an argument to add() action

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Re: Behaviours and Parent/Child Self-Joins

2008-10-01 Thread jitka (poLK)


Note #1: you are off topic
Note #2: see
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Re: Help with TranslateBehavior needed.

2008-09-29 Thread jitka (poLK)

Nice hint :-)
It is not intended behavior by design, it is just way how current
implementation works. Anyway - you're not first one who brought this
question up, so I think we will keep it working this way (related test
case will be added soon), so you can rely on it without worries.
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Re: Help with TranslateBehavior needed.

2008-09-29 Thread jitka (poLK)

It is price for performance and as simple db query as possible.
If you need to know (with multiple preferred locales set) which
translatios are missed, you will have to bind hasMany associations for
translated fields, like

var $actsAs = array('Translate' => array(
'title' => 'Titles',
'abstract' => 'Abstracts',
'text' => 'Texts'


'title' => 'Titles',
'abstract' => 'Abstracts',
'text' => 'Texts'
), false);

and then explore returned data for these associations.

Better would be validate translated data before saving (to have all
fields translated, or saved with empty|default string), off course.
Fact that record with missed translation is not returned (when single
locale is set) is intended behavior.
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Re: Problems with translations and related models

2008-09-22 Thread jitka (poLK)

It is not fault of TranslateBehavior - usage of behaviors on
associated models is tricky a little bit. Let me show you one of
solutions (requires CakePHP 1.2 revision > 7644) which as an addition
implements golden rule of good cakes: fat model.

I will follow your solution with 2 tables, although it is solvable by
self-relations in one table. Note that I'll not bind hasMany
association 'Names' for translated field 'name', I will set recursive
to -1 and request only necessary subset of fields. Queries
optimization is generally smart and with Translatebehavior, this rule
should be printed as bold and gold.

Model Subcategory is pretty obvious:

class Subcategory extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Subcategory';

var $belongsTo = 'Category';

var $actsAs = array('Translate' => 'name');

Model Category will define new find method, which will:

- optimize query for categories
- fetch subcategories (hasMany records are fetched in extra query
  and this way we will have them translated)
- reindex categories array with
- reindex subcategories array and group it by Subcategory.category_id
- merge both arrays

class Category extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Category';

var $hasMany = 'Subcategory';

var $actsAs = array('Translate' => 'name');

var $_findMethods = array('translated' => true);

function _findTranslated($state, $query, $results = array()) {
if ($state == 'before') {
return array_merge($query, array(
'fields' => array('id', 'name'),
'recursive' => -1
} elseif ($state == 'after') {
if (empty($results)) {
return $results;

$ids = Set::extract($results, '{n}');

$data = $this->Subcategory->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
'Subcategory.category_id' => $ids
'fields' => array('id', 'category_id', 'name'),
'recursive' => -1

if (empty($data)) {
return $results;

$data = Set::combine(

$insert = array();
foreach ($data as $category_id => $subcategories) {
$insert[$category_id] = array('Subcategory' =>

$results = Set::combine($results, '{n}',
$results = Set::pushDiff($results, $insert);

return $results;

In your CategoriesController:

$this->set('categories', $this->Category->find('translated));

And that's all. If you will debug($categories) in view, you will find
out that numeric indexes of arrays will contain PK values - it is
necessary for merging them by Set::pushDiff(), like:

[1] => Array
[Category] => Array
[id] => 1
[modified] => 2008-09-22 12:19:06
[created] => 2008-09-22 12:18:51
[locale] => en
[name] => English category
[Subcategory] => Array
[1] => Array
[id] => 1
[category_id] => 1
[modified] => 2008-09-22 12:19:32
[created] => 2008-09-22 12:19:32
[locale] => en
[name] => English SUBcategory 1
[2] => Array
[id] => 2
[category_id] => 1
[modified] => 2008-09-22 12:19:32
[created] => 2008-09-22 12:19:32
[locale] => en
[name] => English SUBcategory 2

For iteration in views it doesn't matter imho... Now you can replace
view code

foreach ($categories as $category) {

if ($category['Subcategory']) {

with new version ('Subcategory' will be set only for categories with
some subcategories)

foreach ($categories as $category) {

if (isset($category['Subcategory'])) {

and you should be fine. Enjoy your cake!
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Re: Getting the session user_id, when login

2008-09-22 Thread jitka (poLK)

Correct way how to obtain id of logged-in user (in controller) is
Btw, correct way how to access session variables is through
SessionComponent or SessionHelper.
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Re: Alternatives path for elements, components...

2008-09-03 Thread jitka (poLK)

Little warning:
paths to PHP classes (controllers, components, models...) are cached
in tmp/cache folder, so cake have to traverse over all (app, custom
and core) dirs only once. This rule doesn't apply for views/elements/
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Re: Alternatives path for elements, components...

2008-09-03 Thread jitka (poLK)

Try set $viewPaths to folder with subdir 'elements'.
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Re: How do I Dynamically Create a Model?

2008-09-03 Thread jitka (poLK)

or even better:

$Model =& new AppModel(array('name' => 'TimeSheet', 'table' =>
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Re: How do I Dynamically Create a Model?

2008-09-03 Thread jitka (poLK)

$Model =& new AppModel(false, '2008_time_sheets');
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Re: Alternatives path for elements, components...

2008-09-03 Thread jitka (poLK)

>   So I ask me if this feature if only limited to models, controllers
> and views? If really it's limited to these three folders, could it be
> extended to components, elements...?

Read Configure::__loadBootstrap() - don't be afraid to read code, it
is just piece of cake :)
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Re: Trouble with the translate function "__()"

2007-08-19 Thread jitka (poLK)

- if you have your translations in several files like users.po/mo,
posts.po/mo etc, just use proper 'text domain' as 1st argument of
__d() function
- if you have them in one file default.po/mo, allways use
__d('default', ...

Split translated texts to several files is not best solution for every
project - I would propose to execute 'cake extract', select option
'save to one file', then create binary file with PoEdit,
and see size of this binary file. I'm pretty sure that it's a way
better to load one few_kB file, instead of seek and load 2-3 files (I
doubt that your view will use translations from one text domain only).

Also - from my perspective, usage of __() function is quite expensive
- it uses debug_backtrace() inside (so cake knows where it was called
from and can determine proper text domain). I would suggest to use
__d() instead - if you know text domain used for this text idiom, off

Also - in production, allways use binary files .mo instead of
plaintext .po - they are smaller, faster, and for example - if text
domain is 'users', it looks for translation files in order (until one
of them is found):

>From above - if you're calling __('Username') from app/views/users/
login.ctp and you're using plaintext users.po file, EVERY call __()
uses debug_backtrace() inside, and in first occurence of __() in this
view seeks for, and THEN it finds && loads
users.po (any later attempt to translate something from text domain
'users' - if translation is found in already parsed translations for
proper text domain - will not cause searching of translation files,
off course, cake reuses them).

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Re: setting the base url for url language support

2007-08-18 Thread jitka (poLK)

Chowsapal is right. Just little advice for you: read test case for
router, it is an excellent source for learning.

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Re: Trouble with the translate function "__()"

2007-08-18 Thread jitka (poLK)

It is not cake issue, it is Zend problem with debug_backtrace() used
so deep.

echo $form->input('username',array('label' =>
__d('users', 'Username',true)));

'users' means that this translation should be searched in,
so if you have one file with all translations named default.po/mo,
replace 'users' with 'default' and you should be fine.

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Re: i18n translation in db tables - how to do this like Symfony?

2007-07-10 Thread jitka (poLK)

> I tried to set ['Article']=>['locale'] in my form in the view and in
> $this->data but it did not work.

You have to change (in controller) $this->Article->locale property. It
defaults to null (autodetection), but you can set it to any locale
string - see L10n::$__l10nMap   ($locale => $language)

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Re: /~username/ installation

2007-06-21 Thread jitka (poLK)

> can anyone tell me if this has been there all along?

Come on Tarique, you don't need anybody for exploring cakedocs

I am sure that you and your programmers are not reading manual (or
watching changes in it) 'so often', but this part was in there when
you created post in your blog, so from my perspective there is no
excuse for you ;)

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Re: /~username/ installation

2007-06-21 Thread jitka (poLK)

Regards to your programmers! ;)

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Re: /~username/ installation

2007-06-21 Thread jitka (poLK)

RewriteBase /~username/

(btw described in manual) was not a solution?

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Re: Using generateFieldNames with $actsAs (1.2 version)

2007-06-20 Thread jitka (poLK)

'manually' means (for example):

echo $form->inputs(array(
'title' => array('type' => 'string'),
'body' => array('type' => 'text')

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Re: Using generateFieldNames with $actsAs (1.2 version)

2007-06-20 Thread jitka (poLK)

a) Controller::generateFieldNames() is deprecated method in 1.2
b) I agree with you that TranslateBehavior is first candidate crying
for missing callback loadInfo() or something similar

1.2 is not finished, we will see ;) Right now only way is: add inputs
for translated fields (to view) manually - you have to decide between
text and textarea anyway ;)

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Re: cakex html inside controller

2007-06-19 Thread jitka (poLK)

> i want to have only ONE code logic for addUser, thats why i use
innerHTML to add the html code within the addUser-div only if its

Do you understand what does this code?
link('Add new item', '/phases/formAdd/',
array('update' => 'add')); ?>
It renders link, which will cause that rendered content will be not
dropped, but it will be grabbed and with response->assign() assigned
to innerHTML property of element with 'add' id. So only markup you
should add (besides of this link) is 

There are other possible ways, for example create CakeX plugin, which
will utilize afterRender() callback, get content of output buffer and
'append' it somewhere (instead of 'assign')...

You're in CakePHP community now, so I think that CakeX does it's job
well - it brings new people here ;) BUT: it is better to use another
JS library with CakePHP (I prefer jQuery). I understand your position
- you're familiar with xajax already and you want to utilize this
knowledge as much as possible... But you should know that xajax
philosophy, request flow etc is in conflict with CakePHP and CakeX
code have to deal with those incompatibilities internally...

With some exceptions, I am using CakeX _only_ for simple things, where
I want to use beauty of xajaxResponse methods and xajax plugins - and
I propose to you exactly same thing.

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Re: cakex html inside controller

2007-06-19 Thread jitka (poLK)

Well, not everything what is possible is automatically right.

My propose is NOT keep any html content in controller - it is work for
view. You're imho looking for

link('Add new item', '/phases/formAdd/',
array('update' => 'add')); ?>

BTW: xajax is a great library, but it is aiming to people without php
framework, as it does dispatching, basic sanitize etc. One of reasons
why was CakeX written and published is: take some people from xajax
community to CakePHP world ;)

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Re: Architecture point of view

2007-06-12 Thread jitka (poLK)

I am not aware of any uml -> cakephp_code conversion tool.

But talking about umbrello (, if something like is possible, then it is
just question of time and amount of people who will need it - and also
some smart person with spared time who will sit down and 'just build
it, damnit'...

Maybe just plain integration with cake's command-line shells (bake)
would be nice && quite easy way.

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Re: model validation and error messages in Cake 1.2

2007-06-12 Thread jitka (poLK)

My personal opinion is that not everything what is possible is also
automatically right. I understand benefits of error messages in model,
but those benefits are gone just in moment you will (for example):

--- let anyone else touch your code - you can be sure they will modify
messages in your models instead of adding 'error' => 'Custom message'
to your inputs/errTags (or turning 'error' => true to 'error' =>
'Custom message'. And I don't know how you, but I don't want anyone
touch my validation rules in model ;)
--- want to turn your app to multilanguage one. So you will modify
your model's code, or implement some model's behavior, or customize
some helper, or anything from above WITH i18n of custom
messages... ...or anything else just because of wrong decision, which
seemed like smart way ;)

I hope you see at least one point now. From my point of view: you may
say anything you want, but validation of data and error messages for
humans are related, but they doesn't belong to same place. It is user
who cares about stupid-proof text messages what goes wrong. With your
philosophy - I am sure that you will surely end with tootip messages
in model also, after your app will grow or be used by non-techs...

IMHO fact that mariano is not doing it in examples of multiple
validation rules in his article at bakery is for a reason.

Just my 2 cents.

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Re: Best practice - multipage Form

2007-06-11 Thread jitka (poLK)

It is matter of personal taste, off course. With FormWizardComponent
all multi-page-form-requests are calling only one public method of

Also 'ways' in FormWizard are quite usable - for example:
// ways used in InstallerController
'install' => array('
'upgrade' => array(

All of above functionality is handled by _only_ public method:
-- if app is not installed yet, controller switches way to 'install'
-- if app is installed and not current, controller uses way 'upgrade'
-- if app is installed and current, method admin_index() just renders
informational view

Sure, with FormWizard every 'step' requires implement one view and 2
methods, but you don't have to care about session at all, you can use
different models in different steps of your wizard (and obtain
collected data any time you need them), you can easily switch 'ways',
clear steps (reset wizard)... ;)

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Re: Router::parseExtensions();

2007-06-11 Thread jitka (poLK)

I just found out that doc comments on mentioned method are on 15 lines
(and implementation of this method is on 7 lines) of source code.

Many thanks to cake developers for writing _important_ things to doc
comments, even for 7-line methods.

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Re: Router::parseExtensions();

2007-06-11 Thread jitka (poLK)

Calling Router::parseExtensions() without arguments allows

Try something like Router::parseExtensions('html', 'rss', 'xml');

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Re: Switching based on browser type

2007-06-09 Thread jitka (poLK)

First of all - if you're implementing constructor in your controller,
then you have to call parent::__construct() in it.

You're right - you don't have to use theming - switching of layout is
good enough in most cases. But why are you switching layout in
constructor instead of beforeRender() callback? And also: why not use
RequestHandlerComponent::isMobile() method? ;)

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Re: Switching based on browser type

2007-06-08 Thread jitka (poLK)

Possible solution for cake 1.2 could be:

a) in AppController var $components = array('RequestHandler');

b) in AppController::beforeRender() switch theme in dependency of
result of $this->RequestHandler->isMobile()

c) let router parse extensions by call Router::parseExtensions() in

That's all. Now:

a) requests from mobile devices can be rendered with theme another
then default

b) you can call your actions like
(or any other supported or user-defined content type extension) and
browser will obtain proper headers and rendered content will use
layout and view from 'xml' subfolder (if proper views/layout exist)

For 1.1 you should use ThemeView from (in 1.2 it is in
core) and either use 1.1 cake's built-in webservices support, or parse
$this->params['url']['url'] for extension, alter $this->layoutPath and
$this->viewPath in controller and send proper headers from layouts for
non-html content types.

I am sure there are another ways how to solve your problem, but this
is way I am using.

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Re: Advice on powering a high-traffic site

2007-06-08 Thread jitka (poLK)

Fine-tuning cake app? Do You mean besides good practices in php
programming in general?

- use some opcode cache
- use view caching (and caching of data) as much as possible
- don't query db for data you don't need
- use persistent models if possible
- use only those components ('components' in general sense) of your
app you really need in during of every request

Etc etc.

Or even better: ask Cake Software Foundation for review of your

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Re: Cake php 1.2 pagination with custom query

2007-06-05 Thread jitka (poLK)

I think that
could be answer for your question.

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