Re: Child model fields

2007-12-31 Thread soytuny


I think, and I've had a bit to drink, should be $this-Game-Score-

DaveM wrote:
 Hi all,

 I am trying to build a page that uses a parent model (Game) and child
 models (Score).  Game has the following fields:  id, game_number, and
 date.  Score has the following fields:  player_id, player_finish,
 player_points, and game_id.  In my scenario, there should always be 10
 Score(s) per Game.  I'd like to have the player_id, player_finish, and
 player_points rendered on the page when the Add New Game link is
 clicked.  I've defined my Score fields as follows:

 td?php echo $html-input('Score/player_id', array('size' = '4'))?
 td?php echo $html-input('Score/player_points', array('size' =
 '4','value' = $valueOne))?
 /?php echo $html-hidden('Score/player_finish', array('value' =
 '1')); ?
 td?php echo $html-input('Score/player_id', array('size' = '4'))?
 td?php echo $html-input('Score/player_points', array('size' =
 '4','value' = $valueTwo))?/td
 ?php echo $html-hidden('Score/player_finish', array('value' =
 '2')); ?

 I don't think this is correct.  In the save, the Game array ($this-
 data['Game']) does not contain ANY of the score domains.  The last
 Score model defined on my view is being saved.  The manual says:

 These same basic techniques will work if you're saving multiple child
 models, just place those save() calls in a loop (and remember to clear
 the model information using Model::create()).

 I tried this code thinking it would save two Score models, but it
 simply inserts one record and then updates the same record:

 $gameID = $this-Game-getLastInsertId();
 $this-data['Score']['game_id'] = $gameID;


 $gameID = $this-Game-getLastInsertId();
 $this-data['Score']['game_id'] = $gameID;

 I'm stuck.  Any thoughts would be awesome.
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Re: Hidden field update using Ajax

2007-06-25 Thread soytuny

The content that loads into the div could have some javascript that
updates the hidden field value.

On Jun 25, 3:19 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hello guys,

 I'm new on Ajax, actually I'm developing my first project using it via
 cake's ajax helper ... that's why I'm little confused on how to
 implement this functionality:

 I have a form which ask for a date, once you select a date it has an
 observeField for an input field which shows me in a div how many
 events I have for selected date. This is already done, now I want to
 pass to a hidden tag the id of the selected date once you choose one
 date, how can I update a div and a hidden tag at the same time?

 I hope you can help me ...

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Re: Simple association problem

2007-06-22 Thread soytuny

Maybe set DEBUG to 2 and look at the SQL being generated.



return the same thing?

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Re: simple relation

2007-05-24 Thread soytuny

Set up a belongsTo relationship in your Project model.

var $belongsTo = array('Status');

should be enough.

On May 24, 2:27 pm, pete [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i still play around with creating a simple relation, and i don't get
 it to run.



   $this-set('projects', $this-Project-findAll());

 every project has one status.
 how do i create a relation between these 2 tables so i can print the
 status.description and not only the

 project_title: Test
 status: Open ??

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Re: Why do I have to define this?

2007-05-18 Thread soytuny

Moaning scripts, eh?  The list can't hear it.  The error message would
help us diagnose.

Maybe your query returned no results.

And I think findBySql is old skool, cuz.

By that, I mean it's deprecated, use $this-Model-query() instead.

On May 18, 9:22 am, Enchy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 $this-set('telephone',$this-Order-findBySql(SELECT tel FROM
 suppliers WHERE id='$id'));

 echo $telephone[0][suppliers][tel];

 When I do this it moans that I have to define suppliers and tel

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Re: URL problems

2007-05-18 Thread soytuny

How are you setting the action of the form?

You might try

form action=?php echo $html-url('/users/register')? ...

if your not already using a helper function

On May 18, 2:03 pm, chrisdaems [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I installed CAKEPHP yesterday. The installation went OK and I can
 connect to a database. I also tried to follow the manual provided by
 IBM. The first example explained a registration form, but I can't get
 it to work. I don't have a problem with accessing the application by
 The registration form appears and I can start fill in the form. But
 whenever I fill in the form and try to submit, the program tries to
 access localhost/users/register and a message file not found

 My OS is windows XP prof
 I installed WAMP
 the mod_rewrite module is enabled
 directory is as follows
 Directory /
 Options FollowSymLinks
 AllowOverride all
 Order deny,allow
 allow from all
 Satisfy all

 Did I missed something or does anyone know how to do a proper
 installation on Windows XP.

 Many thanks,

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Re: session serialize handler

2007-05-15 Thread soytuny

Maybe you could add a session_id column to your users table. When a
user logs in you can store their session_id in the table.  Now every
time a user requests a page, check the session_id in the table against
the current value returned by PHP's session_id().  If it is not the
same, log the user out because someone else logged in with their name.

I'm not very experienced with sessions, so I could be way off.

Russell Austin

On May 15, 2:49 pm, jyrgen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hm. do you mean i should rather store the login state
 somewhere else, in another table... ?

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Re: Associations to reduce # of queries

2007-05-09 Thread soytuny

1. Don't store your results in $this-Product.  That is confusing.

2. To expose data to the view use $this-set('variable_name',

3. I have never used loadModel.  Instead, at the top of the controller
I would add the unassociated model to the $uses  array.

For example in CategoriesController:

var $uses = array('Category', 'Product');  /* Product is a
unassociated model that we want to access */

4. Then your code would like like

$this-set('catProds', $this-Product-getProductsByCategory($id,
$start, $limit, $sort));
$this-set('category', $this-Category-read());

5. To organize the results of the getProductsByCategory function, loop
through and organize the data inside the getProductByCategory before
you return.

6. I think you are slightly misunderstanding the concept of a Model.
You might read over the manual section again.

On May 9, 5:44 am, johnvv [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok, I was able to get around the error messages with this:

 // CategoryController
 function view($id){
$p = new Product();
$this-Product = $p-getProductsByCategory($id, $start, $limit,
$this-set('category', $this-Category-read());


 Would show that the Category['Product'] object was populated with an
 array of products.  For example
 ['Category']['Product'][0]['Product'][0]['product_name'] = 'Acme
 ['Category']['Product'][1]['Product'][0]['product_name'] = 'Acme
 However the view.thtml output did not show any recognition of a
 Product object and I could not find a way to access it.  Do I need to
 do a Save() call or something?
 I didn't even get into trying to build the ProductImage model which
 brings up an important question...

 With 1 query, can I build 2 or more Models??

 For instance, if I call a function in the Product model that joins the
 product_image table, can I use the output to build both the Product
 and ProductImage models?

 On May 9, 12:19 pm, Jon Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hmm... ok, I understand setting up the function in the Product model
   to run the query but I'm confused about the CategoryController.
   If I try to run:

  $catProds = $this-Category-Product-getCategoryProducts($categoryId);

  you have to traverse the associations tree back. If you're working
  within CategoriesController, then Product is an associated table to

  try pr($this-Category); // pr is cake shorthand for print_r



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Re: redirection, rendering, or manually setting a view?

2007-05-09 Thread soytuny

You can render the home view with


If you would like to set an error message and redirect you can use

$this-Session-setFlash('You ain't no user!');

To display the flash message, you need this line in your layout (or

if($session-check('Message.flash')) $session-flash();


Russell Austin

On May 9, 2:23 pm, Greg Cerveny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've created my default home page (/views/pages/home.thmtl) to include
 a login form for my application.  This works fine, but if the login
 fails, I am unsure how to handle it.  I would like to send the user
 back to the front page and display an appropriate error message.

 Here is my existing logic (mostly from the tutorial):

 function login()
 $this-set('error', false);
 if (!empty($this-data))
 $someone =
 $someone['User']['password'] == md5($this-data['User']['password']))
 $this-Session-write('User', $someone['User']);

 So, in the else statement...

 Should (Can?) I tell the controller to display the home.thtml view?
 Should I redirect with a url param of the error message?
 Should I render an action?



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Re: Using styles with ajax-link

2007-05-08 Thread soytuny

If I'm understanding your question you can use

$ajax-link('User Profile', '/users/profile/',


$ajax-link('User Profile', '/users/profile/', array('style'='border:
8px dotted green'))

On May 8, 4:49 pm, BigBee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a site that I'm migrating to cakephp. I've successfully used
 ajax-link for all async, non-stylized links, but I have a number of
 links that require various css classes for their proper layout. I've
 almost spent the past day reading posts and the helper document, but
 no luck. Can someone point me in the direction of some prose to help
 allow me to continue to stylize my ajax links? Thanks!

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Re: Associations to reduce # of queries

2007-05-08 Thread soytuny

I don't think you will have much luck getting cake to produce a
similar query.

But an easy solution is to wrap your query inside a function in your
Product model.  Say

function getCategoryProducts($categoryId)
  return $this-query(/*that query you've written*/);

Then you can use that in your controllers:

$catProds = $this-Product-getCategoryProducts($categoryId);

Just be sure to use table aliases like FROM products AS Product to
make the array nicer.

Russell Austin

On May 8, 3:04 pm, johnvv [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm to new using cake so file this question under 'newbies'...

 I have the following models:
 - Product (contains reference to manufacturer_id... and other
 - ProductImage (id,product_id,type [thumbnail,medium,large],
 - Manufacturer
 - Category
 - CategoryProduct (category_id, product_id)

 Each Category has many Products
 Each Product has 3 ProductImages (thumbnail, medium, large) - maybe
 could be 3 separate hasOne associations with conditions for each
 Each Product has 0 or 1 Manufacturer

 I'd like to minimize the number of queries when viewing the products
 in a category.
 I've tried many different associations but each time cake has
 generated separate queries to obtain the images and manufacturers.

 Without cake, this can be accomplished with 1 query.  It would look
 something like this:
 SELECT product.*,product_image.*,manufacturer.*
 FROM category_product
 INNER JOIN category ON category.category_id =
 INNER JOIN product ON products.product_id =
 INNER JOIN product_image ON product_image.product_id =
 product.product_id AND product_image.type = 'thumbnail'
 LEFT JOIN manufacturer ON manufacturer.manufacturer_id =
 WHERE category_product.category_id = $id
 ORDER BY $sort
 LIMIT $start, $limit

 But everything I have tried in cake has resulted in 40-some queries to
 accomplish the same result.
 Any ideas?

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Re: Benefits of Admin Routing

2007-05-07 Thread soytuny

Much better than my line!

As far beforeFilter and beforeRender, you can look at the API for the
differences, but I think either would work for this purpose.

On May 7, 1:00 pm, jitka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  and that one line of code just changed my entire outlook on admin


 if (!empty($this-params[CAKE_ADMIN])) 

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Re: views (layouts and menus)

2007-05-07 Thread soytuny


In which action are you setting the variable?  In general, it will
only be available for the view of that action.


I would put the menu in an element.  Or if the structure of your pages
allows, put it in the layout file. (no extra data passing)

Russell Austin

On May 7, 1:20 pm, Greg Cerveny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm creating a sample cakephp app just to play with.

 Question 1: Layouts

 I want to greet the user and keep that at the top of every page (ie Hi
 Greg), however none of the variables I set seem to be available to my
 layout file.  Are we able to pass more than the pagetitle into the
 layout files?

 Question 2: Menus

 I want to include a navigational menu for the users.  Is this best
 included in an element or view?

 I noticed the elements seem to be called from directly views, with
 arrays passed in.  Seems like a bit of extra data pushing to send
 information to a view, and then into an element, but on the other
 hand, it seems like a highly reusable component best suited for an

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Re: Benefits of Admin Routing

2007-05-06 Thread soytuny

From what I know, admin routing is mostly an organizational tool.

However, if you are using othAuth, it does simplify access control.
You only have to add 'admin' to the $othAuthRestrictions array, and
all your admin routes are covered.

And as far as layouts go, you could put the following line in
beforeFilter() in app_controller.php

if(substr($this-params['action'], 0, 6) == 'admin_') $this-layout =

Russell Austin

On May 6, 4:35 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all -
 Cake newbie, first post.

 Can somebody simply explain the advantages of using Cake's built-in
 admin routing?

 I have it enabled and understand the base functionality and it seems
 to me that it just generates a lot of duplicate code and doesn't
 necessarily help out with auth or acl.  I feel like I'm missing the

 In a nutshell I want to use a different layout, auth and acl for the
 admin section. I'm just getting the impression that I'm going to have
 to write my own admin controller... is this the case, or what am I

 Thanks for the help!
 gushingLoving Cake so far.  Wish I would have realized the power a
 year ago./gushing

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Re: Convert img html tags to cake $html-image code

2007-05-04 Thread soytuny

In the find and replace dialog of Textpad I use

Find what: src=images/\(.*\.gif\)
Replace with: src=?php echo $html-url('/img/\1')?

It assumes your images were in a directory called images, and now
you have moved them to img in the cakePHP directory structure.

The regular expression is greedy, so you will run into trouble if
there is more than one image on a line.

Also, you will have to run it again for jpg images.

I'm sure some more competent regex users could improve on this.

On May 4, 9:22 am, Joel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm converting my site with a lot of img src=... html tags to
 cakephp. The major problem is convert all these tags to cakephp $html-

 image helper tags.

 Is there any tool to automatize this process ou another method to do
 this without rewrite all these tags?

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Re: Redirect (location) from javascript

2007-05-04 Thread soytuny

You can get a cake friendly URL with the $html-url function, eg

window.location = '?php echo $html-url('/users/profile/')?';

On May 4, 8:32 am, Romano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 A newby question: how do I code a window.location redirect in
 javascript? I cannot seem to find the correct path to any of my views
 in the way that the $html-link helper does.

 Best regards,

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Re: two foreign keys referencing the same field in the same table

2007-04-09 Thread soytuny

In a project I'm working on, I have a messages table as well.  In the
message.php I have the following association

var $belongsTo = array(
 'Recipient' =
 array('className' = 'User',
 'foreignKey' = 'recipient_id',

 'Sender' =
  array('className' = 'User',
 'foreignKey' = 'sender_id',

The className is User for both, but the instances of the class have
unique names, ie Recipient and Sender.

Now if you want to get all the messages sent by user id 2:

$sentBy2 = $this-Message-findAll(array('' = 2));  //didn't
test this

Hope that helps,

On Apr 9, 8:41 am, erdbeerelse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a question about naming convention with foreign keys. in my
 first table (users) I have a primary key id, which is the user id
 followed by username, useradress in my second table (msgs) I save
 messages from a user to a user. So I want to reference the foreigns
 keys fromuser and touser to the table users and the field id.

 the conventions say, that the foreign key in my table msgs should be
 user_id (=table_fieldname). My problem is, that I need this foreign
 key twice just like:

 from_user_id and to_user_id

 Could anyboldy please help me to figure it out? Thanks!

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Re: Multiple databases using same app and cake core

2007-03-14 Thread soytuny


The last two items cause PHP to give a notice because those constants
are defined later on.  I had to define the APP_PATH because cake
\bootstrap.php and cake\libs\configure.php use it to find core.php and

This seems to work, and now when I need to fix bugs in my code I only
have to fix them in once place.

-- Russell

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Re: Multiple databases using same app and cake core

2007-03-14 Thread soytuny


Your approach work great!  It gets rid of the pesky notices, and it
will make it easier to do master reports about all systems.

BTW, so I didn't have to change each model, I put the line

 var $useDbConfig  =  CLIENTDB;

in app_model.php and that seems to work.



On Mar 14, 11:00 am, francky06l [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 you can use the same database.php. In this one you could define
 different database ie : 'client1', 'client2' etc config ..In your
 index.php you could define a value set to the spotted DB (ie :
 define('CLIENTDB', 'client1'); and at the end in your models you could
 set :

 var $useDbConfig  =  CLIENTDB;

 that will point your models to the desired DB.

 Hope this helps

 On Mar 14, 6:12 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hello all,

  I was hired to develop an application that is now going to be sold as
  a service.  So customers pay a fee and we install an instance of the
  application with their branding on our server.

  I am figuring out how to install and manage the instances.

  I plan is to share the cake and app folder among all the
  installations, but create a unique webroot and config folder for each
  client.  The config folder is necessary so I can use a client-specific
  database.php and define client-specific constants in the

  I was able to get a test working on my development box, but I had to
  force my will upon cake a bit, and I want to know what you fellow
  developers thought of my approach.  Is there a better way?


  For this example, I am creating an instance for a client called foo

  1. Create folder foo
  2. Copied webroot of original app to foo folder
  3. Copied config of original app to foo folder
  4. In foo/webroot/index.php:
   - i. changed ROOT to point to original app directory
   - ii. added the line: define('CONFIGS',
   - iii. added the line: define('APP_PATH',

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Re: obAuth with Cake 1.2.x

2007-03-14 Thread soytuny

I recall I similar problem that I fixed by adding

var $uses = array('User', 'LoginAttempts')

to app_controller.php.

That might be the kludge you need.

On Mar 14, 10:52 am, rtconner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has anyone used obAuth with Cake 1.2.x? I am getting an error that I'm
 having trouble fixing.

 Undefined property:  obAuthComponent::$User [CORE\app\controllers
 \components\ob_auth.php, line 46]

 It seems that the componant cannot locate a the Model User within the
 UserController. I have tried loadModel, but that does not seem to fix
 it for me. Any ideas?

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