Caching + Component Logic

2011-04-21 Thread SquidLiberty
Hi all! I'm trying to implement view caching for the first time and
having a bit of trouble. My sites use DarkAuth (,
a handy little authentication component. The problem is that in my
cached layout, cake:nocache has no effect when wrapped around
DarkAuth variables because the component logic is being skipped.

Can I get access to a component while using cacheAction? If not, what
is the best way for me to implement caching?

Any advice appreciated!

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Re: Recursive find()

2008-10-13 Thread squidliberty

That worked! The only problem is that it creates a ton of queries...
instead of just LEFT JOIN ing the Shift table into the select query,
CakePHP is issuing a separate query for each related Shift record. In
addition to being inefficient, this means that I can't use Shift
fields in my condition, fields, or order values :(

I guess I should just write a custom query and skip bypass Cake's
database abstraction.

Thanks for all your help!

- Scott

On Oct 13, 6:11 am, francky06l [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I faced the same problem. It seems there is a (recent bug) bug in
 containable (I use the SVN branch). It does not adjust the recursive
 Try you query adding 'recursive' =  3 and that should do it..


 On Oct 13, 7:58 am, francky06l [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Did you check the generated query ? Does it contain the shifts table?

  On Oct 13, 4:43 am, squidliberty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   As an experiment, I downloaded a fresh copy of Cake 1.2 and added only
   the scripts above. I wanted to confirm that this was not a problem
   caused by my existing site's configuration. The new installation
   produced identical results, so there must be something wrong with the
   approach. Maybe I'm just overlooking something obvious...
   - Scott

   On Oct 12, 5:44 pm, francky06l [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

After reading again the post

$this-find('all', array(
        'contain' = array(
                'Department', 'Sale' = 'Shift(closed)'),
        'fields' = array('Log.cost')

Hope this works, I did not catch all relations at first glance, you
might also use the containable behaviors in the Sale / Departement
model ..
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Recursive find()

2008-10-12 Thread squidliberty

I have three models: Shift, Sale and Log that are related using
CakePHP associations (see model definitions below). I want to find
logs and return their associated sale and the sale's associated shift.
But I'm having a hard time with this...

$this-find('all', array(
'contain' = array(
'Sale' = array('Shift')
'fields' = array('Shift.closed', 'Log.cost'),

Any idea why this produces SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column
'Shift.closed' in 'field list'? Where am I going wring? Any advice
would be appreciated! I've also tried using recursive instead of
contain, but had similar results.

class Log extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Log';
var $belongsTo = array('Department', 'Sale');
var $actsAs = array('Containable');
class Sale extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Sale';
var $belongsTo = array('Shift');
var $hasMany = array('Log');
class Shift extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Shift';
var $hasMany = array('Sale');

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Re: Recursive find()

2008-10-12 Thread squidliberty

Thanks for the speedy response! Unfortunately, that doesn't return any
data from the Shift model. I guess 'fields' overrides 'contain'?
- Scott

On Oct 12, 4:20 pm, francky06l [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 $this-find('all', array(
         'contain' = array(
                 'Sale' = array('Shift(closed)')
         'fields' = array('Log.cost'),


 On Oct 12, 9:50 pm, squidliberty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have three models: Shift, Sale and Log that are related using
  CakePHP associations (see model definitions below). I want to find
  logs and return their associated sale and the sale's associated shift.
  But I'm having a hard time with this...

  $this-find('all', array(
          'contain' = array(
                  'Sale' = array('Shift')
          'fields' = array('Shift.closed', 'Log.cost'),

  Any idea why this produces SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column
  'Shift.closed' in 'field list'? Where am I going wring? Any advice
  would be appreciated! I've also tried using recursive instead of
  contain, but had similar results.

  class Log extends AppModel {
          var $name = 'Log';
          var $belongsTo = array('Department', 'Sale');
          var $actsAs = array('Containable');}

  class Sale extends AppModel {
          var $name = 'Sale';
          var $belongsTo = array('Shift');
          var $hasMany = array('Log');}

  class Shift extends AppModel {
          var $name = 'Shift';
          var $hasMany = array('Sale');

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Re: Recursive find()

2008-10-12 Thread squidliberty

Hmmm... that seems to yield the same results (no Shift data). Also I
tried adding containable to the Sale and Shift models but that didn't
seem to make any difference. Any other ideas? Is there some other
method to achieve the desired result?

Thanks again!

On Oct 12, 5:44 pm, francky06l [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 After reading again the post

 $this-find('all', array(
         'contain' = array(
                 'Department', 'Sale' = 'Shift(closed)'),
         'fields' = array('Log.cost')

 Hope this works, I did not catch all relations at first glance, you
 might also use the containable behaviors in the Sale / Departement
 model ..
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Re: Recursive find()

2008-10-12 Thread squidliberty

As an experiment, I downloaded a fresh copy of Cake 1.2 and added only
the scripts above. I wanted to confirm that this was not a problem
caused by my existing site's configuration. The new installation
produced identical results, so there must be something wrong with the
approach. Maybe I'm just overlooking something obvious...
- Scott

On Oct 12, 5:44 pm, francky06l [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 After reading again the post

 $this-find('all', array(
         'contain' = array(
                 'Department', 'Sale' = 'Shift(closed)'),
         'fields' = array('Log.cost')

 Hope this works, I did not catch all relations at first glance, you
 might also use the containable behaviors in the Sale / Departement
 model ..
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Re: Stopping Contact Form Injection?

2008-01-16 Thread squidliberty

Well, I can't move to 1.2 on production sites, but I did take a look
at its API and got some ideas. Here is what I added to my PHPMailer
component, in case anyone else needs something similar.

function cleanArray($toClean) {
$sanitize = new Sanitize();
$header_bits = array('/%0a/i', '/%0d/i', '/Content-Type\:/i', '/
Content\-Transfer\-Encoding\:/i', '/charset\=/i', '/mime-version\:/i',
'/multipart\/mixed/i', '/bcc\:.*/i','/to\:.*/i','/cc\:.*/i', '/from\:/
i', '/\\r/i', '/\\n/i');

if (is_array($toClean)) {
while (list($k, $v) = each($toClean)) {
if (is_array($toClean[$k])) 
else {
$v = $sanitize-cleanValue($v);
$toClean[$k] = preg_replace($header_bits, '', 
} else return null;

Now, I can just use $this-Email-cleanArray() instead of $sanitize-
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Stopping Contact Form Injection?

2008-01-15 Thread squidliberty

I have reason to believe that my contact form is being used to send
bulk spam via an injection exploit. I'm using the PHPMailer component
outlined at

Can anyone tell me whether or not a simple cleanArray() is sufficient
sanitization for posted data? My headers are all hard-coded, so
everything submitted is going into the email body.

Any advice would be appreciated!
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Re: Creating a Site down error page?

2007-12-23 Thread squidliberty

Yep, adding a redirect to AppController was my inclination as well.
However, the tricky part is testing for a database connection. Anyone
have any idea how best to do this? Seems like it shouldn't be very
difficult - I just don't have a grasp on the esoteric inner-workings
of the framework. Thanks!

On Dec 17, 12:29 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 It may not be the best place but I would probably put that check in my
 AppController, in the constructor or a before filter. THat way you
 have access to all of Cake and can check the connection. I don't know
 the best way to do this either but two possibilities would be either
 something like loadInfo() in a model or directly calling
 ConnectionManager::getDataSource(). You could probably make use of
 ConnectionManager from bootstrap too.

 I'd love to hear some other ideas that may be better suited.

 (my vauge answers can in part be attributed to not having any cake-app
 in front of me at the moment)

 On Dec 17, 6:12 pm, RichardAtHome [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   It's called 'write code that actually checks for errors'.  This is an
   issue for any application, and I cannot think of any framework that
   automatically gives you that kind of functionality.  What you call
   'automatic' is the result of a forward-thinking developer who made a
   commitment to proper error handling.

  Yup, true. But, how *would* you configure cake to redirect to a site
  down page if the database connection failed?

  Some code in bootstrap.php that checks for a connection and then
  redirect to pages/site_down for example?

  On Dec 17, 3:41 pm, Chris Hartjes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   On Dec 17, 2007 10:28 AM, squidliberty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have on occasion had problems with my hosting during which MySQL is
not accessible. The result is that CakePHP renders a malformed page
and (if Debug is in use) throws a number of errors (such as Too many
connections). In this sort of situation, some CMS (eg. Joomla!) will
automatically throw up a This site is down page. Can anyone tell me
how this might be done with CakePHP? I assume that there is some way
to check for a proper database connection and generate an error
message if one cannot be established. Any advice appreciated!

   It's called 'write code that actually checks for errors'.  This is an
   issue for any application, and I cannot think of any framework that
   automatically gives you that kind of functionality.  What you call
   'automatic' is the result of a forward-thinking developer who made a
   commitment to proper error handling.

   Chris Hartjes

   My motto for 2007:  Just build it, damnit!

   @TheKeyboard -
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Creating a Site down error page?

2007-12-17 Thread squidliberty

I have on occasion had problems with my hosting during which MySQL is
not accessible. The result is that CakePHP renders a malformed page
and (if Debug is in use) throws a number of errors (such as Too many
connections). In this sort of situation, some CMS (eg. Joomla!) will
automatically throw up a This site is down page. Can anyone tell me
how this might be done with CakePHP? I assume that there is some way
to check for a proper database connection and generate an error
message if one cannot be established. Any advice appreciated!
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Simple Question - Return only entries for which associated data exists

2007-09-08 Thread squidliberty

I am using hasMany to associate posts with members. How can I craft my
findAll query so that it returns only members for which posts exist
(ie. members who have made one or more posts)? It seems inefficient to
return every member and then throw out a large amount of the data.

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Re: Complex SQL Conditions (multiple ORs)

2007-05-30 Thread squidliberty

I believe that is how I am currently structuring my $conditions. The
following code doesn't work for me...

$conditions['NOT'] = array(blah);
$conditions[0]['OR'] = array(blah, blah);
$conditions[1]['OR'] = array(blah, blah);

Is it just me?

On May 28, 6:46 pm, Grant Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not sure if this was an intended change, so we'll see what happens
 to your ticket.  But to get the query you want just put the 'or' keys
 inside another array.

 $conditions = array(
   'NOT' = array(..expiration...),
   array( 'OR' = array( $term...) ),
   array( 'OR' = array( $term2...) )

 To me this makes sense, as in the query you want each of these three
 conditions joined by AND, but the latter two conditions to have OR
 inside brackets.

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Re: Complex SQL Conditions (multiple ORs)

2007-05-28 Thread squidliberty

Ok, I tried the latest nightly build and it has the same issue, so
I've created a new ticket (#2663) addressing the problem. Hopefully
this isn't just some quirk on my machine...

Thanks for all your help! I will utilize a SQL formatter in the
future :)

On May 28, 3:10 am, AD7six [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 27 mayo, 23:32, squidliberty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Sorry, I didn't understand what you wanted me to do with those links.
  I see that I can post public code at CakeBin, but what are the Google

 Who knows, maybe they are links to format your sql online. Perhaps
 it's just me but for anything above and beyond playschool sql the
 below (example) format is a lot easier to read:
 FROM   atable
 WHERE  (NOT (`listing`.`expiration` BETWEEN '1'
 AND '1180320723'))
AND (((`listing`.`title` LIKE '%cat%')
   OR (`listing`.`description` LIKE '%cat%')))
AND (((`listing`.`title` LIKE '%dog%')
   OR (`listing`.`description` LIKE '%dog%')))

 It makes it a lot easier to see what is inside what bracket - I just
 used the first google result to format the above.

  So is this a bug in 1.1.15 or is something wrong with my installation?

 Try the latest nightly, if you are missing brackets create a ticket.
 Make it easy to read :)!


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Re: Complex SQL Conditions (multiple ORs)

2007-05-27 Thread squidliberty

Sorry, I didn't understand what you wanted me to do with those links.
I see that I can post public code at CakeBin, but what are the Google

I am using under PHP 4. The problem may have started after
I upgraded from, but I don't see anything listed under
bugs at Should I roll back to 1.1.14 and see if
the problems go away? (groan...)


On May 27, 6:50 am, AD7six [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On May 27, 4:21 am, squidliberty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The $conditions I specify above create the following sql bit:
  WHERE NOT (`Listing`.`expiration` BETWEEN '1' AND '1180232564') AND
  (`Listing`.`title` LIKE '%cat%') OR (`Listing`.`description` LIKE '%cat
  %') AND (`Listing`.`title` LIKE '%dog%') OR (`Listing`.`description`
  LIKE '%dog%')

  I believe that what I need would be this:
  WHERE NOT (`Listing`.`expiration` BETWEEN '1' AND '1180232564') AND
  ((`Listing`.`title` LIKE '%cat%') OR (`Listing`.`description` LIKE
  '%cat%')) AND ((`Listing`.`title` LIKE '%dog%') OR
  (`Listing`.`description` LIKE '%dog%'))

  Note the extra parenthesis, creating the logic X and (A or B) and (M
  or N). How do I create groups like this?

 It should do that anyway, since thats pretty much the point of an OR.
 What revision are you using and If you use the latest code, does that
 still happen?

 I guess you didn´t like this bit: 
  readable output.



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Re: Complex SQL Conditions (multiple ORs)

2007-05-27 Thread squidliberty

Err... actually, I was previously on v and I just did a
rollback and everything works properly now. The same $conditions
WHERE (NOT (`Listing`.`expiration` BETWEEN '1' AND '1180320723')) AND
(((`Listing`.`title` LIKE '%cat%') OR (`Listing`.`description` LIKE
'%cat%'))) AND (((`Listing`.`title` LIKE '%dog%') OR
(`Listing`.`description` LIKE '%dog%')))

So is this a bug in 1.1.15 or is something wrong with my installation?
I am even more baffled now!

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Re: Complex SQL Conditions (multiple ORs)

2007-05-26 Thread squidliberty

The $conditions I specify above create the following sql bit:
WHERE NOT (`Listing`.`expiration` BETWEEN '1' AND '1180232564') AND
(`Listing`.`title` LIKE '%cat%') OR (`Listing`.`description` LIKE '%cat
%') AND (`Listing`.`title` LIKE '%dog%') OR (`Listing`.`description`
LIKE '%dog%')

I believe that what I need would be this:
WHERE NOT (`Listing`.`expiration` BETWEEN '1' AND '1180232564') AND
((`Listing`.`title` LIKE '%cat%') OR (`Listing`.`description` LIKE
'%cat%')) AND ((`Listing`.`title` LIKE '%dog%') OR
(`Listing`.`description` LIKE '%dog%'))

Note the extra parenthesis, creating the logic X and (A or B) and (M
or N). How do I create groups like this?

Thanks again for your expertise!

On May 25, 4:02 am, AD7six [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On May 24, 10:21 pm, squidliberty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Fabulous! That works perfectly for most of my queries. But why won't
  it work in the following?

  $conditions['NOT'] = array('Listing.expiration' = BETWEEN 1 AND
  $conditions[0]['OR'] = array(Listing.title = LIKE %.$term.%,
  Listing.description = LIKE
  $conditions[1]['OR'] = array(Listing.title = LIKE %.$term_2.%,
  Listing.description = LIKE

  Based on the examples given in other discussions, I'd expect this to
  return all listings between the timestamps given that include both
  term 1 and term 2 in either the title or description. But instead, the
  expiration requirement is ignored entirely.

 What sql is that generating, and what sql do you need to get it to
 work as you want.
 = readable output.



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Re: Complex SQL Conditions (multiple ORs)

2007-05-24 Thread squidliberty

Fabulous! That works perfectly for most of my queries. But why won't
it work in the following?

$conditions['NOT'] = array('Listing.expiration' = BETWEEN 1 AND
$conditions[0]['OR'] = array(Listing.title = LIKE %.$term.%,
Listing.description = LIKE
$conditions[1]['OR'] = array(Listing.title = LIKE %.$term_2.%,
Listing.description = LIKE

Based on the examples given in other discussions, I'd expect this to
return all listings between the timestamps given that include both
term 1 and term 2 in either the title or description. But instead, the
expiration requirement is ignored entirely.

My apologies if these questions are answered elsewhere. I have
searched both the CakePHP site and this group. A robust conditions
tutorial would be an excellent endeavor!

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Complex SQL Conditions (multiple ORs)

2007-05-23 Thread squidliberty

I need to query database entries that are (A OR B) AND (X OR Y). My
$conditions currently looks like this:

$conditions[0]['OR'] = array('Listing.expiration' = 0,
'Listing.expiration' =  .mktime());
$conditions[1]['OR'] = array(Listing.title = LIKE %.$term.%,
Listing.description = LIKE 

The problem, of course, is that I am overriding 'Listing.expiration'
= 0 with 'Listing.expiration' =  .mktime(). How can I
restructure this?

Thanks for any suggestions!

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Re: Complex SQL Conditions (multiple ORs)

2007-05-23 Thread squidliberty

Looking it over, I think my question may boil down to this: how can I
set conditions that specify X is not between A and B?

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Eclipse PDT

2007-04-26 Thread squidliberty

I am migrating from Dreamweaver on WinXP and I'd like to build CakePHP
sites in Eclipse PDT. I understand that there is FTP support built
into Eclipse, but I cannot find it. I've looked in both the Server and
Synchronize views. Can anyone assist me? Thanks!

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Sanitize and hyphens

2007-03-07 Thread squidliberty

I have several areas of my site where it is necessary to sanitize
large amounts of user form data. cleanArray() makes this process a
breeze - however, I have found that it replaces hyphens ('-') with the
htmlentity equivalent ('#45;'). This is a big problem for email
addresses, which may contain hyphens.

How should I be handling this? My best solution was to create a
fixSafeChar() function to convert the hyphens back. But this seems
pretty crude.

Any suggestions? Is cleanArray() not the right function for the task?


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Case insensitive findAll?

2007-02-25 Thread squidliberty

I need to execute a complex findAll query that that is case
insensitive. I have tried using lower() and ILIKE (note sure if this
exists in MySQL) in my conditions, but neither seem to work for me.

$conditions['OR'][] = array(lower(Listing.title) = LIKE %.
$conditions['OR'][] = array(Listing.title = ILIKE %.$term.%);

What can I do? Any advice appreciated!

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Re: Case insensitive findAll?

2007-02-25 Thread squidliberty

I found a workaround. I was using BLOB columns in my database, but I
converted them to TEXT columns. TEXT columns appear to be case-
insensitive by default.

Still curious about how one would properly write lower() into a
findAll though...

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Re: Setting variables with beforeFilter()

2007-01-27 Thread squidliberty

Excellent! Thank you, that worked perfectly.

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Setting variables with beforeFilter()

2007-01-26 Thread squidliberty

I need to set a variable using beforeFilter() and then access it from
the controller (not the view). What technique should I use? Simply
declaring '$x = true' does not seem to transfer into controller
functions when my pages load. set() transfers variables to the view but
not controller functions.

Please advise! Thanks.  :)

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Re: Multiple hasMany / belongsTo

2007-01-20 Thread squidliberty

Oh, those are specific to my application. The transaction table in my
database has from and to fields to help keep track of which user is
the receiver and which user is the sender.

Barton wrote:
 Interesting, but what I don't get are the classNames From' and 'To'.
 What do you do with it? Did you create for 'From' and 'To' a model?

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Re: Multiple hasMany / belongsTo

2007-01-16 Thread squidliberty

A-ha! I have no idea what I was thinking :) Thanks! It seems to be
working properly now.

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Multiple hasMany / belongsTo

2007-01-15 Thread squidliberty

Hi, I am still pretty new to CakePHP and I am having trouble doing
something relatively simple... I have a database of members and I need
to record transactions between members. At its most simple, each
transaction entry needs an amount, a sender id and a receiver id. So my
database looks something like this:

Table 'members'
- id

Table 'transactions'
- id
- member_to
- member_from
- amount

It is important to differentiate between the sending member and the
receiving member. I am new to hasMany, but I surmise that my
controllers should look something like this:

class MembersController extends AppController {
var $name = 'Members';
var $hasMany = array('Credit' = array('className' = 'Transaction',
'conditions' = '', 'order' = '', 'limit' = '', 'foreignKey' =
'member_to', 'dependent' = false, 'exclusive' = false, 'finderQuery'
= ''),
'Debit' = array('className' = 
'Transaction', 'conditions' = '',
'order' = '', 'limit' = '', 'foreignKey' = 'member_from',
'dependent' = false, 'exclusive' = false, 'finderQuery' = ''));

class TransactionsController extends AppController {
var $name = 'Transactions';
var $scaffold;
var $belongsTo = array('From' = array('className' = 'Member',
'conditions' = '', 'order' = '', 'foreignKey' = 'member_from'),
'To' = array('className' = 'Member', 
'conditions' = '', 'order'
= '', 'foreignKey' = 'member_to'));

So, although this makes sense to me, when I load a member (using
$this-Member-findById) and print out the array (using print_r()), I
only see the 'Member' array... no 'Debit' or 'Credit' arrays... What am
I doing wrong? Are my hasMany/belongsTo statements wrong? I get no


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