Re: Plugin architecture and plugin limitations

2009-04-15 Thread unimatrixZxero

Out of lack of time and some frustration I've come to the same stall.
We had a similar situation to yours about three weeks back. We fiddled
a lot and tried to work around the limitations given by Cake and PHP.
I say and PHP because classes are inherently closed in PHP vs. Ruby
where a plugin can re-open classes and add (to use your example) a bark
() method/action to the DogsController.

Our lame but necessarily practical/quick solution was to give up on
plugins. For everything that really has to hook into the core; seeing
our system will stay in-house and new modules/plugins are mostly one
off edge cases for customer requests we'll just take our core system
and add to it.

Not exactly an answer to your question but maybe a bit of our
experience will bring up some ideas or nourish the discussion here.
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Re: made with CakePHP

2007-06-28 Thread unimatrixZxero

  Ok, so let's move on and get creative
 -- Felix


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Re: made with CakePHP

2007-06-26 Thread unimatrixZxero

Taking this slightly off-topic: Why do people do clones of highly
successful sites? I mean is it really worth it? In dukudu's case I can
see the point Twitter isn't localized.  But in general why should it
be a good idea?

On Jun 24, 6:25 pm, Jonathan Langevin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 sharp looking site, shame it's in german :-)

 On 6/24/07, xhoch2 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Maybe this is interesting for someone. - a german twitter clone - was made with CakePHP.
  The service was mentioned on TechCrunch because it is listed for sale
  on ebay:

  In my opinion a very good reference for CakePHP.

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Re: Which editor you use for views ?

2007-06-22 Thread unimatrixZxero

TextMate ( ) + CakePHP Bundle for .php
and .thtml

CSSEdit( )  for CSS unless I'm just
making a tiny edit, that I'll just do in TextMate

BTW those are both for Mac OS X

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Re: CakePHP Book

2007-06-13 Thread unimatrixZxero

There is a PDF version in the repository I downloaded before.

On Jun 12, 11:33 pm, John David Anderson (_psychic_)
 On Jun 12, 2007, at 3:18 PM, Jonathan Langevin wrote:

  would be simpler to just have a PDF or HTML export of the docs from  
  the doc site :-)

 We're working on it, people. Stay tuned.

 -- John

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Re: Member Methods in Views

2007-06-06 Thread unimatrixZxero

This is IMHO a total mix up of terms. Yes, MVC preaches that view and
business logic shall be separated for all eternity. But what Craig was
saying is totally valid. You should be able to call methods on your
model. MVC says the business logic should be in the model. Exactly!

He only wants to CALL the methods from the view, which is perfectly
fine. This does not contradict MVC in any way. In Ruby on Rails you
can do this. The reason this doesn't work in Cake PHP is simply one of
it's shortcomings. The ActiveRecord pattern is not done
'correctly' (i.e. not all aspects are implemented). A row should
correspond to an object. (

So Craig, yes you should be able to do this but its not possible in
cake PHP. Coming from the Java world you might want to check out Ruby
on Rails, to not make your head hurt so much when you come across
PHP's limited ability of OO.

On Jun 5, 2:32 pm, Chris Hartjes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This isn't Java... :)

 MVC supercedes typical OO practices because the goal is to separate
 business logic from display logic, right?

 On 6/5/07, Craig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  thanks cook,

  after find worked I find it interesting that it is discouraged to
  access model form view.. I have been working in Java for many many
  years (More than I want to remember a dinosaur like me goes back
  before J2EE)..

  In general OO methodology object behaviour should be programmed in the
  object... NOt externally then stored in the model... either way after
  find works Thanks Again.


  On Jun 5, 12:12 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Firstly, $event['event']-registerDate() will not work because
   $event['event'] is an array, not an object.

   Secondly, the MVC methodology used by the cakePHP developers
   discourages you from directly accessing the model from the view.
   Instead you should call canRegister and registerDate from the
   controller and then pass the information onto the view, or use a
   helper. Read the manul for more info about helpers.

   That said, many people are not satisfied with that degree of
   separation. There are several threads about this topic. Here is a
   The entry by Felix Geisendörfer (IMHO) describes the best route for
   accessing model functions from the view. Do some searching and you
   will find many other related threads.

   For you particular case, I would recommend using the afterFind method
   in your model. That way the registration data will always be available
   to you.
   class Event extends AppModel{
  function afterFind($results) {
  foreach ($results as $result) {
 //add code here to add your registration data to the output
  return $results;


   Look at the afterFind method in the manual (
   chapter/models) and in the api (

   Good luck,

   On Jun 4, 9:00 am, Craig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,

I have searched and I can't find an answer anywhere so I ask the

I would like to display and use derived values in a view

The model knows how to calculate these values form it's own data.. but
how do I call these methods in a view..

For example I have a model called event I have defined 2 methods
canRegister and regsiterDate

Can register returns true if a user can register for the event and
registerDate returns the date that registrations open...

I would like the list (index.thtml) to display the regiser date if you
can't register and a link if you can...

however I can't see to call these methods from the view??

I tried echo $event['event']-registerDate()  but it didn't work...
I don't want to store the register date in the database as in the
event of a rule change I want to update the model and not have to
patch all the data for existing events.
an y help would be greatly appreciated.


 Chris Hartjes

 My motto for 2007:  Just build it, damnit!

 @TheBallpark -
 @TheKeyboard -

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Re: AppController

2007-06-04 Thread unimatrixZxero

It happend to all of once. Until we read the comment in cake/
app_controller.php :)

On Jun 3, 6:33 pm, Oscar Burgos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 oh my god !!! i have been so stupid !!! my app_controller.php was in
 app/controllers and again, again, again...

 thank you

 On 3 jun, 17:51, francky06l [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  On Jun 3, 2:04 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Is AppController.php in the right location? I believe it should be:

   On Jun 2, 10:47 pm, Oscar Burgos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

hi, (again)

I have a little trouble

I´m trying to redefine the AppController but it´s not being executed
and I don´t know why???

it is in the correct place..

it´s as simple as this...

class AppController extends Controller {
  function beforeRender() {


but it doesn´t diewhy??


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Re: GoDaddy Subdomain Woes

2007-05-30 Thread unimatrixZxero

That all sounds pretty much correct to me. Where is your problem? If
you are confused where that url is created take a look at your
'.htaccess' files

On May 30, 12:12 am, Ronald Chaplin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OK. Here's my issue if anyone can help.
 I have created a subdomain, adcamp that relates to the url
 The host is GoDaddy. I have pointed the root directory to
 /adcamp/app/webroot and the full directory structure is
 If you view the source of the css tag is
 href=/app/webroot/css/default.css .
 I am using the default core files for 1.12 and have only adjusted the core
 file to disable mod_rewrite.
 I am using echo $html-css('default'); in my default layout.
 Also, ?php echo $this-webroot . 'favicon.ico';? equates to
 href=/app/webroot/favicon.ico .Any suggestions?

 Ron Chaplin
 T73 Software
 We'll make all of your wildest
 e-Commerce dreams come true!

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Re: Interactive Console screencast

2007-05-27 Thread unimatrixZxero

  Other features I find usefull
  * create new instances of models by inputing information

 Are you talking about creating brand new models, or adding info to a
 model via a save() method?
Talking about adding info to a model via save.  new Post(array('title'
= 'example post', 'body' = 'example post body'))

  * assign variables to models  e.g. $a = Foo-findById(3)
 I doubt that will happen since it increases the amount of work I need
 to do in parsing input.  If you've ever look at PHP token parsing,
 you'd understand.
I thought you just might be bored :) Just poped into my head because I
saw that the console in Ruby on Rails did something like that.

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Re: Interactive Console screencast

2007-05-26 Thread unimatrixZxero

Hey Chris, I think it would be very usefull to have the fetching
methods e.g. findAll() give an output how log it took to fetch. That
might be usefull when optimizing my models. And maybe help confirming
a bottleneck in my application.(Yes, I know there are profiling tools
out there as well).

Other features I find usefull
* create new instances of models by inputing information
* assign variables to models  e.g. $a = Foo-findById(3)

On May 25, 11:01 pm, Chris Hartjes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Check it out, let me know what you think and any suggestions for
 things you'd like to see in the console.  

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