Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-30 Thread LunarDraco
I'm curious why your blaming CakePHP for MySql allowing connections
outside of the webserver?

I made this error once on a live site. Someone hacked my sight
connected to the db and deleted everything in the tables.
When this happened I didn't go off and blame CakePHP or even MySql. I
knew I was the one responsible for the security of that site.
You could just as easily blame MySql for allowing you to configure a
connection from outside your network.

I changed the user credentials to a specific user (not root) and
password to the db and restricted Mysql to only accept connections
from the webserver for that user. I added a sandbox.php to my
configurations. My app/config/sandbox.php is NOT checked into the
repository and it holds custom configuration for the local system. So
on my dev machine I have some specific settings and for the live
deployment I have a different set of settings. It also enables
multiple developers to have completely separate configurations and not
effect the structure in source repository. This sandbox file is loaded
via Configure::load('sandbox'); at the top of core.php and used as in
Configure::write('debug', Configure::read('Sandbox.debug'));

I don't remember exactly where the concept of using a sandbox.php file
and Configure::load() came from (I think it was in one of the many
articles from one of the core devs) but the credit for this technique
belongs to them and is probably why the function is already in the
Configure class in the first place.

I've thought about using getReferer or $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] as part
of the sandbox file name which would allow me to do local testing on
the live server but have yet to implement that. You would create
multiple sandbox files as in mysite_com_sandbox.php and

Overall I'm with Mark. If we as a community want those changes we need
to strengthen our understanding of that code and submit a patch. As
for me I've learned my lesson, I have a great solution that works
great with the current code base and solves a few additional problems
I was having with multiple developers and deploying new changes to the
server. These are very simple to setup and make a part of your
deployment process.


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Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-24 Thread Walther
On Jun 23, 9:22 pm, majna wrote:
 - enable code and context only for dev host (

Great idea, until you realise that most large development houses have
separate dev hosts. Even for my personal projects at home I have a
separate dev host.

It is simple, production sites should not be running in debug mode. In
the case of CakePHP systems it is as simple as setting debug = 0, for
standard php systems you wouldn't set error_reporting to 0. It should
not be the responsibility of the CakePHP core team, or any members of
the community to ensure that the developer makes their application
secure. The responsibility for coding secure sites lies solely on the
shoulders of the developer(s) coding that site.

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Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-24 Thread timstermatic
My dos centimos:

This certainly isn't a bug. It's a marmite featured insofar as you
either like it or you don't.

This happened to me once on a dev site that somehow got cached by
Google. It was a shock, but it also gave me a slap on the wrists and I
was lucky - Lesson: never push anything public unless debug is 0.

I personally don't agree with sensitive information like passwords
appearing in debug - but I can live with it if I am aware it can
happen.  As the trace is generally collapsed, it can be difficult to
spot any highly sensitive information is public for the more naive

I think a warning (prominent) in the docs that this can happen would
suffice. In this case, if you don't read the manual, you have no one
else to blame.

On Jun 23, 7:03 am, euromark wrote:
 i always do it the other way around
 in core debug=0 and if on localhost, raise it afterwards to 1/2
 this way there should be no flaws

 On 23 Jun., 06:50, oceanguy wrote:

  I've been baking for over 3 years, and while I know leaving debug 0
  is not kosher, I often leave it temporarily at 1 for quasi-production
  sites, as it is a heck of a lot easier to debug run-time issues.

  But I had no idea that database info would ever be exposed.  And why
  would I?  Seems like only a peculiar set of circumstances would have
  lead me to this error.  If there's one piece of config information
  that shouldn't be exposed at all by an application, it's the db
  connection info.  (Salt keys are probably a close second.)

  If something is a bad practice, then it's up to the community to find
  the best way to inhibit it automatically.  It's really a question of
  the community's integrity as a whole.  If it's common for end user
  developers to make a mistake, then that speaks to an issue that needs
  to be addressed at the core level, otherwise everyone's reputation

  CakePHP is a complex application and there is *a lot* to learn about
  it.  Verbal notes hidden in forums (or even the docs) won't cut it,
  nor will saying, if you followed best practice X, you wouldn't have
  exposed yourself to Y.  End user developers do not know the details
  of how things might work under all circumstances, so we must trust the
  core developers to insure that best practices are in place to protect
  us from ourselves.

  If it's a question of encouraging developers to maintain separate
  core.php files on dev and production machines, I think an alternative
  distribution model might be helpful.  For example, maybe core.php
  should be distributed like database.php.default, which encourages devs
  to make a specific customized copy for each machine, which also
  implies not including it under version control.

  Aside from this quibble, thanks for an awesome framework (and Mark,
  for a great blog).


  On Jun 22, 1:02 pm, mark_story wrote:

   It is the developer's fault, for deploying a system in a way it should
   never be deployed.

   Since, I was working under the pre-tense that any developer who
   actually cared about these kinds of things wouldn't make a stupid
   mistake like this. And combined with the fact that removing the
   passwords is a non-trivial problem, I punted on the issue.  The place
   where this error gets displayed from is inside Debugger, and its more
   than non-trivial to filter through the various parts of output,
   looking for things that follow password, and cutting them out.  While
   this is probably doable it will affect all the messages that Debugger
   will create.

   I guess I underestimated the ability of people to screw up basic
   deployment.  If someone want's to prepare a patch, I'd be happy to
   apply it so people who can't be bothered to properly deploy their
   applications, can sleep better at night.


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Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-24 Thread LipeDjow
AD7six has already 'fixed' it on 2.0 branch at Github.

Thanks AD7six.. and thanks all members from this topic.
Case closed.

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Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-24 Thread LipeDjow
... and on other branches too. =)

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Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-24 Thread Maury
Optimal solution to the problem AD7six. Good work.

I know it is the responsibility of the developer, but it is good to
see that by the CakePHP core, developers are concerned and help create
Thank you.

On 23 jun, 02:03, euromark wrote:
 i always do it the other way around
 in core debug=0 and if on localhost, raise it afterwards to 1/2
 this way there should be no flaws

 On 23 Jun., 06:50, oceanguy wrote:

  I've been baking for over 3 years, and while I know leaving debug 0
  is not kosher, I often leave it temporarily at 1 for quasi-production
  sites, as it is a heck of a lot easier to debug run-time issues.

  But I had no idea that database info would ever be exposed.  And why
  would I?  Seems like only a peculiar set of circumstances would have
  lead me to this error.  If there's one piece of config information
  that shouldn't be exposed at all by an application, it's the db
  connection info.  (Salt keys are probably a close second.)

  If something is a bad practice, then it's up to the community to find
  the best way to inhibit it automatically.  It's really a question of
  the community's integrity as a whole.  If it's common for end user
  developers to make a mistake, then that speaks to an issue that needs
  to be addressed at the core level, otherwise everyone's reputation

  CakePHP is a complex application and there is *a lot* to learn about
  it.  Verbal notes hidden in forums (or even the docs) won't cut it,
  nor will saying, if you followed best practice X, you wouldn't have
  exposed yourself to Y.  End user developers do not know the details
  of how things might work under all circumstances, so we must trust the
  core developers to insure that best practices are in place to protect
  us from ourselves.

  If it's a question of encouraging developers to maintain separate
  core.php files on dev and production machines, I think an alternative
  distribution model might be helpful.  For example, maybe core.php
  should be distributed like database.php.default, which encourages devs
  to make a specific customized copy for each machine, which also
  implies not including it under version control.

  Aside from this quibble, thanks for an awesome framework (and Mark,
  for a great blog).


  On Jun 22, 1:02 pm, mark_story wrote:

   It is the developer's fault, for deploying a system in a way it should
   never be deployed.

   Since, I was working under the pre-tense that any developer who
   actually cared about these kinds of things wouldn't make a stupid
   mistake like this. And combined with the fact that removing the
   passwords is a non-trivial problem, I punted on the issue.  The place
   where this error gets displayed from is inside Debugger, and its more
   than non-trivial to filter through the various parts of output,
   looking for things that follow password, and cutting them out.  While
   this is probably doable it will affect all the messages that Debugger
   will create.

   I guess I underestimated the ability of people to screw up basic
   deployment.  If someone want's to prepare a patch, I'd be happy to
   apply it so people who can't be bothered to properly deploy their
   applications, can sleep better at night.


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Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-24 Thread Maury
Optimal solution to the problem AD7six. Good work.

I know it is the responsibility of the developer, but it is good to
see that by the CakePHP core, developers are concerned and help create
Thank you.

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
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with their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-24 Thread yodi
Glad to hear that. Finally, i get my question answered.

Yes, the right people to be contacted in CakePHP is all people involved
in this forum.

Thanks AD7six :)


On Fri, 2011-06-24 at 18:15 -0700, Maury wrote:
 Optimal solution to the problem AD7six. Good work.
 I know it is the responsibility of the developer, but it is good to
 see that by the CakePHP core, developers are concerned and help create
 Thank you.

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Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-24 Thread oceanguy

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Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-23 Thread AD7six

On Jun 22, 11:35 pm, Miles J wrote:
 Thats my point, no?

No. The point is you don't use debug in production _ever_.

You implemented default-allow with your debug setting - it boggles the
mind you still think you did nothing (immensely) wrong.


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Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-23 Thread chris
Couldn't agree more with the message from oceanguy.

I've only just developed my first live site with CakePHP. The live URL
is allways running with debug level 0, so I am not at risk.

However, I do run a staging site, which can have the debug level set
differently. I did not realise until this thread that there is a
potential that this could lead to the staging site outputing the
passwords for the database (again, only the passwords for staging. not
live, but still not great)

To be honest, its still not entirely clear when this would actually
happen. It seems that it will be if there is an issue with connection
to the DB, but again, no clear details on this.

Thank you to the thread starter for alterting to this issue. I can
understand why it is maybe not something the cakePHP team want to
change, but I do think it needs to be made clear to developers that
debug leves greater than 0 can expose passwords.

On Jun 23, 6:03 am, euromark wrote:
 i always do it the other way around
 in core debug=0 and if on localhost, raise it afterwards to 1/2
 this way there should be no flaws

 On 23 Jun., 06:50, oceanguy wrote:

  I've been baking for over 3 years, and while I know leaving debug 0
  is not kosher, I often leave it temporarily at 1 for quasi-production
  sites, as it is a heck of a lot easier to debug run-time issues.

  But I had no idea that database info would ever be exposed.  And why
  would I?  Seems like only a peculiar set of circumstances would have
  lead me to this error.  If there's one piece of config information
  that shouldn't be exposed at all by an application, it's the db
  connection info.  (Salt keys are probably a close second.)

  If something is a bad practice, then it's up to the community to find
  the best way to inhibit it automatically.  It's really a question of
  the community's integrity as a whole.  If it's common for end user
  developers to make a mistake, then that speaks to an issue that needs
  to be addressed at the core level, otherwise everyone's reputation

  CakePHP is a complex application and there is *a lot* to learn about
  it.  Verbal notes hidden in forums (or even the docs) won't cut it,
  nor will saying, if you followed best practice X, you wouldn't have
  exposed yourself to Y.  End user developers do not know the details
  of how things might work under all circumstances, so we must trust the
  core developers to insure that best practices are in place to protect
  us from ourselves.

  If it's a question of encouraging developers to maintain separate
  core.php files on dev and production machines, I think an alternative
  distribution model might be helpful.  For example, maybe core.php
  should be distributed like database.php.default, which encourages devs
  to make a specific customized copy for each machine, which also
  implies not including it under version control.

  Aside from this quibble, thanks for an awesome framework (and Mark,
  for a great blog).


  On Jun 22, 1:02 pm, mark_story wrote:

   It is the developer's fault, for deploying a system in a way it should
   never be deployed.

   Since, I was working under the pre-tense that any developer who
   actually cared about these kinds of things wouldn't make a stupid
   mistake like this. And combined with the fact that removing the
   passwords is a non-trivial problem, I punted on the issue.  The place
   where this error gets displayed from is inside Debugger, and its more
   than non-trivial to filter through the various parts of output,
   looking for things that follow password, and cutting them out.  While
   this is probably doable it will affect all the messages that Debugger
   will create.

   I guess I underestimated the ability of people to screw up basic
   deployment.  If someone want's to prepare a patch, I'd be happy to
   apply it so people who can't be bothered to properly deploy their
   applications, can sleep better at night.


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Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-23 Thread mark_story
On Jun 22, 9:50 pm, oceanguy wrote:
 I've been baking for over 3 years, and while I know leaving debug 0
 is not kosher, I often leave it temporarily at 1 for quasi-production
 sites, as it is a heck of a lot easier to debug run-time issues.

Usually its a good idea to protect these staging apps with HTTP basic/
digest auth or put them on internal networks.  I'm guessing this step
is not a 'standard' either though.

 But I had no idea that database info would ever be exposed.  And why
 would I?  Seems like only a peculiar set of circumstances would have
 lead me to this error.  If there's one piece of config information
 that shouldn't be exposed at all by an application, it's the db
 connection info.  (Salt keys are probably a close second.)

 If something is a bad practice, then it's up to the community to find
 the best way to inhibit it automatically.  It's really a question of
 the community's integrity as a whole.  If it's common for end user
 developers to make a mistake, then that speaks to an issue that needs
 to be addressed at the core level, otherwise everyone's reputation

 CakePHP is a complex application and there is *a lot* to learn about
 it.  Verbal notes hidden in forums (or even the docs) won't cut it,
 nor will saying, if you followed best practice X, you wouldn't have
 exposed yourself to Y.  End user developers do not know the details
 of how things might work under all circumstances, so we must trust the
 core developers to insure that best practices are in place to protect
 us from ourselves.

 If it's a question of encouraging developers to maintain separate
 core.php files on dev and production machines, I think an alternative
 distribution model might be helpful.  For example, maybe core.php
 should be distributed like database.php.default, which encourages devs
 to make a specific customized copy for each machine, which also
 implies not including it under version control.

This is an option, I've considered it adds an additional setup step
for new users.  I personally never put any environment specific
configuration files in version control, and put .default files
instead.  One possibility is to create a better system for environment
configuration, and a good way to manage it.  I'm not really sure any
solution would prevent people from doing the wrong thing.

No matter what obstacles we put in the way, people are still going to
be able to deploy sites in development mode, and have them expose
information or be more vulnerable than they need to be.


 Aside from this quibble, thanks for an awesome framework (and Mark,
 for a great blog).


 On Jun 22, 1:02 pm, mark_story wrote:

  It is the developer's fault, for deploying a system in a way it should
  never be deployed.

  Since, I was working under the pre-tense that any developer who
  actually cared about these kinds of things wouldn't make a stupid
  mistake like this. And combined with the fact that removing the
  passwords is a non-trivial problem, I punted on the issue.  The place
  where this error gets displayed from is inside Debugger, and its more
  than non-trivial to filter through the various parts of output,
  looking for things that follow password, and cutting them out.  While
  this is probably doable it will affect all the messages that Debugger
  will create.

  I guess I underestimated the ability of people to screw up basic
  deployment.  If someone want's to prepare a patch, I'd be happy to
  apply it so people who can't be bothered to properly deploy their
  applications, can sleep better at night.


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Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-23 Thread Miles J
What are you talking about, stop trolling. I know that was incorrect,
but that's my point. How are developers supposed to know *which* is
the correct way until they encounter the problem? Its not stated in
the docs, and a new Cake developer isn't going to know any better.
Database credentials, regardless of who's fault it is, should *never*
be displayed in plain text, who's smart idea was that?

Get off your high I know everything horse.

On Jun 23, 1:00 am, AD7six wrote:
 On Jun 22, 11:35 pm, Miles J wrote:

  Thats my point, no?

 No. The point is you don't use debug in production _ever_.

 You implemented default-allow with your debug setting - it boggles the
 mind you still think you did nothing (immensely) wrong.


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Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-23 Thread AD7six

On Jun 23, 7:41 pm, Miles J wrote:
 What are you talking about, stop trolling. I know that was incorrect,
 but that's my point. How are developers supposed to know *which* is
 the correct way until they encounter the problem? Its not stated in
 the docs, and a new Cake developer isn't going to know any better.
 Database credentials, regardless of who's fault it is, should *never*
 be displayed in plain text, who's smart idea was that?


Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
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with their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-23 Thread majna
It's not just database.php credentials issue,
debugger code and context can output any code excerpt.
For example, you may have API_KEY just above some code that produce
PHP notice,
and debugger will show your key.

- add notice in docs and cake core.php config
- enable code and context only for dev host ( or remove it
(not very useful)
- stop arguing and be polite :)

On Jun 23, 8:47 pm, AD7six wrote:
 On Jun 23, 7:41 pm, Miles J wrote:

  What are you talking about, stop trolling. I know that was incorrect,
  but that's my point. How are developers supposed to know *which* is
  the correct way until they encounter the problem? Its not stated in
  the docs, and a new Cake developer isn't going to know any better.
  Database credentials, regardless of who's fault it is, should *never*
  be displayed in plain text, who's smart idea was that?


Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-23 Thread Ma'moon
On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 3:22 PM, majna wrote:

 It's not just database.php credentials issue,
 debugger code and context can output any code excerpt.
 For example, you may have API_KEY just above some code that produce
 PHP notice,
 and debugger will show your key.

 - add notice in docs and cake core.php config
 - enable code and context only for dev host ( or remove it
 (not very useful)


 - stop arguing and be polite :)

 On Jun 23, 8:47 pm, AD7six wrote:
  On Jun 23, 7:41 pm, Miles J wrote:
   What are you talking about, stop trolling. I know that was incorrect,
   but that's my point. How are developers supposed to know *which* is
   the correct way until they encounter the problem? Its not stated in
   the docs, and a new Cake developer isn't going to know any better.
   Database credentials, regardless of who's fault it is, should *never*
   be displayed in plain text, who's smart idea was that?

 Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
 Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help
 others with their CakePHP related questions.

 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at

Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-23 Thread 0x20h
Am 23.06.2011 21:22, schrieb majna:

 - add notice in docs and cake core.php config
 - enable code and context only for dev host ( or remove it
 (not very useful)
+1, never used context.
 - stop arguing and be polite :)
 On Jun 23, 8:47 pm, AD7six wrote:
 On Jun 23, 7:41 pm, Miles J wrote:

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-23 Thread Miles J
What a helpful member of the CakePHP community you are.

The consensus seems to be against you on this one.

On Jun 23, 11:47 am, AD7six wrote:
 On Jun 23, 7:41 pm, Miles J wrote:

  What are you talking about, stop trolling. I know that was incorrect,
  but that's my point. How are developers supposed to know *which* is
  the correct way until they encounter the problem? Its not stated in
  the docs, and a new Cake developer isn't going to know any better.
  Database credentials, regardless of who's fault it is, should *never*
  be displayed in plain text, who's smart idea was that?


Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-22 Thread chris
Can someone confirm the circustances this ouput will appear?

Does it happen if the debug level is set to 1 as well?


On Jun 21, 6:48 pm, looklook look wrote:
 Sad to hear that, Miles.

 I hope cake devs not blaming developers fault again.
 Otherwise, cake devs make it more safer way to new developer in learning
 Which always have many mistakes as progress of learning.


 On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 12:22 AM, Miles J wrote:
  I have brought this problem up before. Last time, the Cake devs said
  it was the developers fault and it will stay in.


  On Jun 21, 8:23 am, looklook look wrote:
   Now you got my point ;)

   I have tried with google query to show database connection on Drupal,
   Codeigniter, Wordpress and many else.
   But yes, they can handle this database error carefully.

   So, i think this is critical issue that should fixed immediatelly.



   On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 9:36 PM, Thomas Ploch


I certainly could connect to __several__ mysql servers found with this
google query.

Although I agree that this is a developer's mistake, I am sure that
there are a lot of unskilled developers that are doing this because
just dont know it better. So removing those values from the output
be a +1 from me.


Am Dienstag, den 21.06.2011, 06:02 -0700 schrieb chris:
 I'm intrigued by this issue.

 Can someone explain what situations would the whole config var be
 output? Is it only when an error occurs, and only when at a certain
 debug level? I've never seen it displayed at all whilst developing
 with cakePHP.

 Out of interested I googled the first part of the output, i.e.

 $config = array( persistent = false,

 and it certaintly suprised me how many sites this brings back with
 passwords on show.

 On Jun 21, 12:46 pm, yodi wrote:
  Sorry, it was on random site build by CakePHP.

  To Euromark, i found more than 100 website affected with this
  and i don't have much time to email them all.

  I think, whether it debug  0, Cakephp should'nt throw real
  into CONTEXT.

  I try searching another CMS and Framework. Using same method, i
  nothing of them show real password where database error connection

  Yes, this is security issued for me. Which there are many developer
  using CakePHP.

  To Larry, i can send you some message to show how much it's
  can be consideration.


  On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 06:13 -0500, Larry E. Masters wrote:
   Are you saying this was on the CakePHP website or a random site
   where visiting?

   Larry E. Masters

   On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 2:18 PM, yoodey
           Hello all,

           I'm randomly browsing and get a website with Database
           It gave me error page : Warning (2): mysql_connect()
           connect]: Access denied for user ...

           So i click on Context option and got this information.

           $config =       array(
                  persistent = false,
                  host = xxx,
                  login = dbx,
                  password = dbtxxx,
                  database = dbx,
                  port = 3306,
                  driver = mysql,
                  prefix = ,
                  encoding = UTF8

           To avoid other people doing bad thing, i'm not showing

           I'm doing mysql command based on that information and
           what? I
           got full access!
           Curious with this error, i'm doing little research and
           more than
           1000 website mysql root access. (there many others, but i
           tired to
           check it one by one ).

           This is very dangerous things which i'm big fans of
           on 50K/day visitors website powered by CakePHP which i
           this thing happen to me.

           So, please tell me, which people in should
           because this issue. Opening ticket will leaked real
           information for
           the victim website.



           Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video

           Check out the new 

Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-22 Thread AD7six

On Jun 22, 12:49 pm, chris wrote:
 Can someone confirm the circustances this ouput will appear?

On tuesdays.

 Does it happen if the debug level is set to 1 as well?


Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at

Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-22 Thread Jamie
Wow, seriously? That's very irresponsible of the developers. If you
can install a stock CakePHP and expose database login credentials just
by turning on debug, that needs to be addressed in the core.

On Jun 21, 10:22 am, Miles J wrote:
 I have brought this problem up before. Last time, the Cake devs said
 it was the developers fault and it will stay in.


 On Jun 21, 8:23 am, looklook look wrote:

  Now you got my point ;)

  I have tried with google query to show database connection on Drupal,
  Codeigniter, Wordpress and many else.
  But yes, they can handle this database error carefully.

  So, i think this is critical issue that should fixed immediatelly.



  On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 9:36 PM, Thomas Ploch 


   I certainly could connect to __several__ mysql servers found with this
   google query.

   Although I agree that this is a developer's mistake, I am sure that
   there are a lot of unskilled developers that are doing this because they
   just dont know it better. So removing those values from the output would
   be a +1 from me.


   Am Dienstag, den 21.06.2011, 06:02 -0700 schrieb chris:
I'm intrigued by this issue.

Can someone explain what situations would the whole config var be
output? Is it only when an error occurs, and only when at a certain
debug level? I've never seen it displayed at all whilst developing
with cakePHP.

Out of interested I googled the first part of the output, i.e.

$config = array( persistent = false,

and it certaintly suprised me how many sites this brings back with
passwords on show.

On Jun 21, 12:46 pm, yodi wrote:
 Sorry, it was on random site build by CakePHP.

 To Euromark, i found more than 100 website affected with this problem
 and i don't have much time to email them all.

 I think, whether it debug  0, Cakephp should'nt throw real password
 into CONTEXT.

 I try searching another CMS and Framework. Using same method, i found
 nothing of them show real password where database error connection

 Yes, this is security issued for me. Which there are many developer
 using CakePHP.

 To Larry, i can send you some message to show how much it's affected.
 can be consideration.


 On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 06:13 -0500, Larry E. Masters wrote:
  Are you saying this was on the CakePHP website or a random site you
  where visiting?

  Larry E. Masters

  On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 2:18 PM, yoodey wrote:
          Hello all,

          I'm randomly browsing and get a website with Database error
          It gave me error page : Warning (2): mysql_connect()
          connect]: Access denied for user ...

          So i click on Context option and got this information.

          $config =       array(
                 persistent = false,
                 host = xxx,
                 login = dbx,
                 password = dbtxxx,
                 database = dbx,
                 port = 3306,
                 driver = mysql,
                 prefix = ,
                 encoding = UTF8

          To avoid other people doing bad thing, i'm not showing real

          I'm doing mysql command based on that information and guest
          what? I
          got full access!
          Curious with this error, i'm doing little research and found
          more than
          1000 website mysql root access. (there many others, but i 
          tired to
          check it one by one ).

          This is very dangerous things which i'm big fans of CakePHP.
          on 50K/day visitors website powered by CakePHP which i don't
          this thing happen to me.

          So, please tell me, which people in should be
          because this issue. Opening ticket will leaked real
          information for
          the victim website.



          Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
          Check out the new CakePHP Questions site
         http://ask.cakephp.organdhelpothers with their CakePHP
          related questions.

          To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options,
          this group at

  Our newest site for the 

Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-22 Thread mark_story
If you can turn on debug, you can probably just read the database file
as well.  The only way you should be able to toggle debug is by
editing files on the server.  If you have access to those files, you
can easily get the database passwords from disk.

While I understand that people think this should be fixed, no one is
really coming forward with a patch.  Also, expecting people to have
some basic understanding of the tools they are using and what the hell
they are doing, is not really a high bar.  CakePHP unlike drupal and
wordpress is not really usable by people who aren't developers.  I
personally expect _developers_ to care about the security of their
applications.  Maybe I'm crazy though.


On Jun 22, 9:44 am, Jamie wrote:
 Wow, seriously? That's very irresponsible of the developers. If you
 can install a stock CakePHP and expose database login credentials just
 by turning on debug, that needs to be addressed in the core.

 On Jun 21, 10:22 am, Miles J wrote:

  I have brought this problem up before. Last time, the Cake devs said
  it was the developers fault and it will stay in.


  On Jun 21, 8:23 am, looklook look wrote:

   Now you got my point ;)

   I have tried with google query to show database connection on Drupal,
   Codeigniter, Wordpress and many else.
   But yes, they can handle this database error carefully.

   So, i think this is critical issue that should fixed immediatelly.



   On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 9:36 PM, Thomas Ploch 


I certainly could connect to __several__ mysql servers found with this
google query.

Although I agree that this is a developer's mistake, I am sure that
there are a lot of unskilled developers that are doing this because they
just dont know it better. So removing those values from the output would
be a +1 from me.


Am Dienstag, den 21.06.2011, 06:02 -0700 schrieb chris:
 I'm intrigued by this issue.

 Can someone explain what situations would the whole config var be
 output? Is it only when an error occurs, and only when at a certain
 debug level? I've never seen it displayed at all whilst developing
 with cakePHP.

 Out of interested I googled the first part of the output, i.e.

 $config = array( persistent = false,

 and it certaintly suprised me how many sites this brings back with
 passwords on show.

 On Jun 21, 12:46 pm, yodi wrote:
  Sorry, it was on random site build by CakePHP.

  To Euromark, i found more than 100 website affected with this 
  and i don't have much time to email them all.

  I think, whether it debug  0, Cakephp should'nt throw real password
  into CONTEXT.

  I try searching another CMS and Framework. Using same method, i 
  nothing of them show real password where database error connection

  Yes, this is security issued for me. Which there are many developer
  using CakePHP.

  To Larry, i can send you some message to show how much it's 
  can be consideration.


  On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 06:13 -0500, Larry E. Masters wrote:
   Are you saying this was on the CakePHP website or a random site 
   where visiting?

   Larry E. Masters

   On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 2:18 PM, yoodey 
           Hello all,

           I'm randomly browsing and get a website with Database 
           It gave me error page : Warning (2): mysql_connect()
           connect]: Access denied for user ...

           So i click on Context option and got this information.

           $config =       array(
                  persistent = false,
                  host = xxx,
                  login = dbx,
                  password = dbtxxx,
                  database = dbx,
                  port = 3306,
                  driver = mysql,
                  prefix = ,
                  encoding = UTF8

           To avoid other people doing bad thing, i'm not showing 

           I'm doing mysql command based on that information and 
           what? I
           got full access!
           Curious with this error, i'm doing little research and 
           more than
           1000 website mysql root access. (there many others, but i 
           tired to
           check it one by one ).

           This is very dangerous things which i'm big fans of 

Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-22 Thread mark_story
It is the developer's fault, for deploying a system in a way it should
never be deployed.

Since, I was working under the pre-tense that any developer who
actually cared about these kinds of things wouldn't make a stupid
mistake like this. And combined with the fact that removing the
passwords is a non-trivial problem, I punted on the issue.  The place
where this error gets displayed from is inside Debugger, and its more
than non-trivial to filter through the various parts of output,
looking for things that follow password, and cutting them out.  While
this is probably doable it will affect all the messages that Debugger
will create.

I guess I underestimated the ability of people to screw up basic
deployment.  If someone want's to prepare a patch, I'd be happy to
apply it so people who can't be bothered to properly deploy their
applications, can sleep better at night.


On Jun 21, 10:22 am, Miles J wrote:
 I have brought this problem up before. Last time, the Cake devs said
 it was the developers fault and it will stay in.


 On Jun 21, 8:23 am, looklook look wrote:

  Now you got my point ;)

  I have tried with google query to show database connection on Drupal,
  Codeigniter, Wordpress and many else.
  But yes, they can handle this database error carefully.

  So, i think this is critical issue that should fixed immediatelly.



  On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 9:36 PM, Thomas Ploch 


   I certainly could connect to __several__ mysql servers found with this
   google query.

   Although I agree that this is a developer's mistake, I am sure that
   there are a lot of unskilled developers that are doing this because they
   just dont know it better. So removing those values from the output would
   be a +1 from me.


   Am Dienstag, den 21.06.2011, 06:02 -0700 schrieb chris:
I'm intrigued by this issue.

Can someone explain what situations would the whole config var be
output? Is it only when an error occurs, and only when at a certain
debug level? I've never seen it displayed at all whilst developing
with cakePHP.

Out of interested I googled the first part of the output, i.e.

$config = array( persistent = false,

and it certaintly suprised me how many sites this brings back with
passwords on show.

On Jun 21, 12:46 pm, yodi wrote:
 Sorry, it was on random site build by CakePHP.

 To Euromark, i found more than 100 website affected with this problem
 and i don't have much time to email them all.

 I think, whether it debug  0, Cakephp should'nt throw real password
 into CONTEXT.

 I try searching another CMS and Framework. Using same method, i found
 nothing of them show real password where database error connection

 Yes, this is security issued for me. Which there are many developer
 using CakePHP.

 To Larry, i can send you some message to show how much it's affected.
 can be consideration.


 On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 06:13 -0500, Larry E. Masters wrote:
  Are you saying this was on the CakePHP website or a random site you
  where visiting?

  Larry E. Masters

  On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 2:18 PM, yoodey wrote:
          Hello all,

          I'm randomly browsing and get a website with Database error
          It gave me error page : Warning (2): mysql_connect()
          connect]: Access denied for user ...

          So i click on Context option and got this information.

          $config =       array(
                 persistent = false,
                 host = xxx,
                 login = dbx,
                 password = dbtxxx,
                 database = dbx,
                 port = 3306,
                 driver = mysql,
                 prefix = ,
                 encoding = UTF8

          To avoid other people doing bad thing, i'm not showing real

          I'm doing mysql command based on that information and guest
          what? I
          got full access!
          Curious with this error, i'm doing little research and found
          more than
          1000 website mysql root access. (there many others, but i 
          tired to
          check it one by one ).

          This is very dangerous things which i'm big fans of CakePHP.
          on 50K/day visitors website powered by CakePHP which i don't
          this thing happen to me.

          So, please tell me, which people in should be

Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-22 Thread majna
How about to output debugger Context only for ?

On Jun 22, 7:02 pm, mark_story wrote:
 It is the developer's fault, for deploying a system in a way it should
 never be deployed.

 Since, I was working under the pre-tense that any developer who
 actually cared about these kinds of things wouldn't make a stupid
 mistake like this. And combined with the fact that removing the
 passwords is a non-trivial problem, I punted on the issue.  The place
 where this error gets displayed from is inside Debugger, and its more
 than non-trivial to filter through the various parts of output,
 looking for things that follow password, and cutting them out.  While
 this is probably doable it will affect all the messages that Debugger
 will create.

 I guess I underestimated the ability of people to screw up basic
 deployment.  If someone want's to prepare a patch, I'd be happy to
 apply it so people who can't be bothered to properly deploy their
 applications, can sleep better at night.


 On Jun 21, 10:22 am, Miles J wrote:

  I have brought this problem up before. Last time, the Cake devs said
  it was the developers fault and it will stay in.


  On Jun 21, 8:23 am, looklook look wrote:

   Now you got my point ;)

   I have tried with google query to show database connection on Drupal,
   Codeigniter, Wordpress and many else.
   But yes, they can handle this database error carefully.

   So, i think this is critical issue that should fixed immediatelly.



   On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 9:36 PM, Thomas Ploch 


I certainly could connect to __several__ mysql servers found with this
google query.

Although I agree that this is a developer's mistake, I am sure that
there are a lot of unskilled developers that are doing this because they
just dont know it better. So removing those values from the output would
be a +1 from me.


Am Dienstag, den 21.06.2011, 06:02 -0700 schrieb chris:
 I'm intrigued by this issue.

 Can someone explain what situations would the whole config var be
 output? Is it only when an error occurs, and only when at a certain
 debug level? I've never seen it displayed at all whilst developing
 with cakePHP.

 Out of interested I googled the first part of the output, i.e.

 $config = array( persistent = false,

 and it certaintly suprised me how many sites this brings back with
 passwords on show.

 On Jun 21, 12:46 pm, yodi wrote:
  Sorry, it was on random site build by CakePHP.

  To Euromark, i found more than 100 website affected with this 
  and i don't have much time to email them all.

  I think, whether it debug  0, Cakephp should'nt throw real password
  into CONTEXT.

  I try searching another CMS and Framework. Using same method, i 
  nothing of them show real password where database error connection

  Yes, this is security issued for me. Which there are many developer
  using CakePHP.

  To Larry, i can send you some message to show how much it's 
  can be consideration.


  On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 06:13 -0500, Larry E. Masters wrote:
   Are you saying this was on the CakePHP website or a random site 
   where visiting?

   Larry E. Masters

   On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 2:18 PM, yoodey 
           Hello all,

           I'm randomly browsing and get a website with Database 
           It gave me error page : Warning (2): mysql_connect()
           connect]: Access denied for user ...

           So i click on Context option and got this information.

           $config =       array(
                  persistent = false,
                  host = xxx,
                  login = dbx,
                  password = dbtxxx,
                  database = dbx,
                  port = 3306,
                  driver = mysql,
                  prefix = ,
                  encoding = UTF8

           To avoid other people doing bad thing, i'm not showing 

           I'm doing mysql command based on that information and 
           what? I
           got full access!
           Curious with this error, i'm doing little research and 
           more than
           1000 website mysql root access. (there many others, but i 
           tired to
           check it one by one ).

           This is very dangerous things which i'm big fans of 

Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-22 Thread Miles J
The problem is, its unclear when this error is thrown. I developed in
Cake for over a year and still had this debug show in production. Its
not a problem of being a good developer, it was a problem of debug
being enabled at a certain point in the dispatch cycle and then turned
off at another point, but the error being thrown while debug was still
on. It was a problem with the order of operation, and the only way a
good developer will know this process is when it happens to them, and
that just might happen in prod. No developer will know about this
unless they reverse engineered the whole dispatch cycle to see how and
when this error is thrown.

On Jun 22, 10:08 am, majna wrote:
 How about to output debugger Context only for ?

 On Jun 22, 7:02 pm, mark_story wrote:

  It is the developer's fault, for deploying a system in a way it should
  never be deployed.

  Since, I was working under the pre-tense that any developer who
  actually cared about these kinds of things wouldn't make a stupid
  mistake like this. And combined with the fact that removing the
  passwords is a non-trivial problem, I punted on the issue.  The place
  where this error gets displayed from is inside Debugger, and its more
  than non-trivial to filter through the various parts of output,
  looking for things that follow password, and cutting them out.  While
  this is probably doable it will affect all the messages that Debugger
  will create.

  I guess I underestimated the ability of people to screw up basic
  deployment.  If someone want's to prepare a patch, I'd be happy to
  apply it so people who can't be bothered to properly deploy their
  applications, can sleep better at night.


  On Jun 21, 10:22 am, Miles J wrote:

   I have brought this problem up before. Last time, the Cake devs said
   it was the developers fault and it will stay in.


   On Jun 21, 8:23 am, looklook look wrote:

Now you got my point ;)

I have tried with google query to show database connection on Drupal,
Codeigniter, Wordpress and many else.
But yes, they can handle this database error carefully.

So, i think this is critical issue that should fixed immediatelly.



On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 9:36 PM, Thomas Ploch 


 I certainly could connect to __several__ mysql servers found with this
 google query.

 Although I agree that this is a developer's mistake, I am sure that
 there are a lot of unskilled developers that are doing this because 
 just dont know it better. So removing those values from the output 
 be a +1 from me.


 Am Dienstag, den 21.06.2011, 06:02 -0700 schrieb chris:
  I'm intrigued by this issue.

  Can someone explain what situations would the whole config var be
  output? Is it only when an error occurs, and only when at a certain
  debug level? I've never seen it displayed at all whilst developing
  with cakePHP.

  Out of interested I googled the first part of the output, i.e.

  $config = array( persistent = false,

  and it certaintly suprised me how many sites this brings back with
  passwords on show.

  On Jun 21, 12:46 pm, yodi wrote:
   Sorry, it was on random site build by CakePHP.

   To Euromark, i found more than 100 website affected with this 
   and i don't have much time to email them all.

   I think, whether it debug  0, Cakephp should'nt throw real 
   into CONTEXT.

   I try searching another CMS and Framework. Using same method, i 
   nothing of them show real password where database error connection

   Yes, this is security issued for me. Which there are many 
   using CakePHP.

   To Larry, i can send you some message to show how much it's 
   can be consideration.


   On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 06:13 -0500, Larry E. Masters wrote:
Are you saying this was on the CakePHP website or a random site 
where visiting?

Larry E. Masters

On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 2:18 PM, yoodey 
        Hello all,

        I'm randomly browsing and get a website with Database 
        It gave me error page : Warning (2): mysql_connect()
        connect]: Access denied for user ...

        So i click on Context option and got this information.

        $config =       array(
               persistent = false,
               host = xxx,

Aw: Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-22 Thread Jens Dittrich
I can not agree that this is a bug that should be fixed in cake itself. 
This is definitely a bug in the release cycle or is the responsibility of 
the developer. 
Comparing cakes debug messages with messages in wordpress seems absurd to 
me. One is a CMS for beginners and the other is a development framework. A 
development framework targets at people who know about the context and the 
effects that their actions have. You can not and should not stop beginners 
from using a development framework but it is not the responsibility of the 
framework to protect them from doing very irresponsible things.

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at

Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-22 Thread AD7six

On Jun 22, 7:20 pm, Miles J wrote:
 The problem is, its unclear when this error is thrown. I developed in
 Cake for over a year and still had this debug show in production.

From your blog post:

debug in core.php was set to 2, and then disabled to 0 in

with hindsight you can see the problem with that - but it should be
obvious: That means any thing which happens generating a warning/error/
notice inbetween loading core.php, and bootstrap.php will be sent to
users - and failing to connect to the db is one of those things in
cake 1.2/3.

IMO what you describe in your blog post is a manufactured problem
_purely_ because you are sharing the same core.php file on your local
machine and your deployed site - don't do that.


Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at

Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-22 Thread bujanga
This should be fixed in core. A developer who actually needed the
password would be able to get it easily enough. We developers are
often rushed and do occasionally make stupid mistakes but a simple
mistake should not reveal passwords. Great and effective effort has
been put into the code to make it easy to deploy a secure application.
The same care and effort should insure that simple mistakes by a
developer do not break the secure application.


Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at

Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-22 Thread mark_story
Deploying an application with debug on is not a secure application.


On Jun 22, 1:11 pm, bujanga wrote:
 This should be fixed in core. A developer who actually needed the
 password would be able to get it easily enough. We developers are
 often rushed and do occasionally make stupid mistakes but a simple
 mistake should not reveal passwords. Great and effective effort has
 been put into the code to make it easy to deploy a secure application.
 The same care and effort should insure that simple mistakes by a
 developer do not break the secure application.


Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at

Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-22 Thread Miles J
Thats my point, no? How is a developer supposed to know which step
core.php is loaded in the bootstrap process, in that it will cause
problems. No ones going to know this unless they dig into the core
files and discover it.

On Jun 22, 12:17 pm, AD7six wrote:
 On Jun 22, 7:20 pm, Miles J wrote:

  The problem is, its unclear when this error is thrown. I developed in
  Cake for over a year and still had this debug show in production.

 From your blog post:

 debug in core.php was set to 2, and then disabled to 0 in

 with hindsight you can see the problem with that - but it should be
 obvious: That means any thing which happens generating a warning/error/
 notice inbetween loading core.php, and bootstrap.php will be sent to
 users - and failing to connect to the db is one of those things in
 cake 1.2/3.

 IMO what you describe in your blog post is a manufactured problem
 _purely_ because you are sharing the same core.php file on your local
 machine and your deployed site - don't do that.


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Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-22 Thread rchavik
On Wednesday, June 22, 2011 11:52:45 PM UTC+7, mark_story wrote:

 While I understand that people think this should be fixed, no one is 
 really coming forward with a patch.

Hi Mark,

Here's a quick patch:
I think it would handle at least the case reported by thread starter.

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Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-22 Thread oceanguy
I've been baking for over 3 years, and while I know leaving debug 0
is not kosher, I often leave it temporarily at 1 for quasi-production
sites, as it is a heck of a lot easier to debug run-time issues.

But I had no idea that database info would ever be exposed.  And why
would I?  Seems like only a peculiar set of circumstances would have
lead me to this error.  If there's one piece of config information
that shouldn't be exposed at all by an application, it's the db
connection info.  (Salt keys are probably a close second.)

If something is a bad practice, then it's up to the community to find
the best way to inhibit it automatically.  It's really a question of
the community's integrity as a whole.  If it's common for end user
developers to make a mistake, then that speaks to an issue that needs
to be addressed at the core level, otherwise everyone's reputation

CakePHP is a complex application and there is *a lot* to learn about
it.  Verbal notes hidden in forums (or even the docs) won't cut it,
nor will saying, if you followed best practice X, you wouldn't have
exposed yourself to Y.  End user developers do not know the details
of how things might work under all circumstances, so we must trust the
core developers to insure that best practices are in place to protect
us from ourselves.

If it's a question of encouraging developers to maintain separate
core.php files on dev and production machines, I think an alternative
distribution model might be helpful.  For example, maybe core.php
should be distributed like database.php.default, which encourages devs
to make a specific customized copy for each machine, which also
implies not including it under version control.

Aside from this quibble, thanks for an awesome framework (and Mark,
for a great blog).


On Jun 22, 1:02 pm, mark_story wrote:
 It is the developer's fault, for deploying a system in a way it should
 never be deployed.

 Since, I was working under the pre-tense that any developer who
 actually cared about these kinds of things wouldn't make a stupid
 mistake like this. And combined with the fact that removing the
 passwords is a non-trivial problem, I punted on the issue.  The place
 where this error gets displayed from is inside Debugger, and its more
 than non-trivial to filter through the various parts of output,
 looking for things that follow password, and cutting them out.  While
 this is probably doable it will affect all the messages that Debugger
 will create.

 I guess I underestimated the ability of people to screw up basic
 deployment.  If someone want's to prepare a patch, I'd be happy to
 apply it so people who can't be bothered to properly deploy their
 applications, can sleep better at night.


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with their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-22 Thread euromark
i always do it the other way around
in core debug=0 and if on localhost, raise it afterwards to 1/2
this way there should be no flaws

On 23 Jun., 06:50, oceanguy wrote:
 I've been baking for over 3 years, and while I know leaving debug 0
 is not kosher, I often leave it temporarily at 1 for quasi-production
 sites, as it is a heck of a lot easier to debug run-time issues.

 But I had no idea that database info would ever be exposed.  And why
 would I?  Seems like only a peculiar set of circumstances would have
 lead me to this error.  If there's one piece of config information
 that shouldn't be exposed at all by an application, it's the db
 connection info.  (Salt keys are probably a close second.)

 If something is a bad practice, then it's up to the community to find
 the best way to inhibit it automatically.  It's really a question of
 the community's integrity as a whole.  If it's common for end user
 developers to make a mistake, then that speaks to an issue that needs
 to be addressed at the core level, otherwise everyone's reputation

 CakePHP is a complex application and there is *a lot* to learn about
 it.  Verbal notes hidden in forums (or even the docs) won't cut it,
 nor will saying, if you followed best practice X, you wouldn't have
 exposed yourself to Y.  End user developers do not know the details
 of how things might work under all circumstances, so we must trust the
 core developers to insure that best practices are in place to protect
 us from ourselves.

 If it's a question of encouraging developers to maintain separate
 core.php files on dev and production machines, I think an alternative
 distribution model might be helpful.  For example, maybe core.php
 should be distributed like database.php.default, which encourages devs
 to make a specific customized copy for each machine, which also
 implies not including it under version control.

 Aside from this quibble, thanks for an awesome framework (and Mark,
 for a great blog).


 On Jun 22, 1:02 pm, mark_story wrote:

  It is the developer's fault, for deploying a system in a way it should
  never be deployed.

  Since, I was working under the pre-tense that any developer who
  actually cared about these kinds of things wouldn't make a stupid
  mistake like this. And combined with the fact that removing the
  passwords is a non-trivial problem, I punted on the issue.  The place
  where this error gets displayed from is inside Debugger, and its more
  than non-trivial to filter through the various parts of output,
  looking for things that follow password, and cutting them out.  While
  this is probably doable it will affect all the messages that Debugger
  will create.

  I guess I underestimated the ability of people to screw up basic
  deployment.  If someone want's to prepare a patch, I'd be happy to
  apply it so people who can't be bothered to properly deploy their
  applications, can sleep better at night.


Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
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with their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-21 Thread euromark
this is not really a security issue!
if you hung up your door key on the front porch it would be your fault
if you get robbed, too.

it's the responsibility of the (cake) developer to turn debug of in
production mode.
non productive pages should be behind htaccess protection etc.

simply write those developers (email can be obtained by domain
usually) an email.
this has nothing to do with cake itself - at least if debug is  0

i did open a related ticket:
this would throw an app error right away in those situations instead
of continuing with above warnings.

On 20 Jun., 21:18, yoodey wrote:
 Hello all,

 I'm randomly browsing and get a website with Database error
 It gave me error page : Warning (2): mysql_connect() [function.mysql-
 connect]: Access denied for user ...

 So i click on Context option and got this information.

 $config =       array(
         persistent = false,
         host = xxx,
         login = dbx,
         password = dbtxxx,
         database = dbx,
         port = 3306,
         driver = mysql,
         prefix = ,
         encoding = UTF8

 To avoid other people doing bad thing, i'm not showing real error

 I'm doing mysql command based on that information and guest what? I
 got full access!
 Curious with this error, i'm doing little research and found more than
 1000 website mysql root access. (there many others, but i too tired to
 check it one by one ).

 This is very dangerous things which i'm big fans of CakePHP. I working
 on 50K/day visitors website powered by CakePHP which i don't wanna
 this thing happen to me.

 So, please tell me, which people in should be contacted
 because this issue. Opening ticket will leaked real information for
 the victim website.



Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at

Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-21 Thread Larry E. Masters
Are you saying this was on the CakePHP website or a random site you where

Larry E. Masters

On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 2:18 PM, yoodey wrote:

 Hello all,

 I'm randomly browsing and get a website with Database error
 It gave me error page : Warning (2): mysql_connect() [function.mysql-
 connect]: Access denied for user ...

 So i click on Context option and got this information.

 $config =   array(
persistent = false,
host = xxx,
login = dbx,
password = dbtxxx,
database = dbx,
port = 3306,
driver = mysql,
prefix = ,
encoding = UTF8

 To avoid other people doing bad thing, i'm not showing real error

 I'm doing mysql command based on that information and guest what? I
 got full access!
 Curious with this error, i'm doing little research and found more than
 1000 website mysql root access. (there many others, but i too tired to
 check it one by one ).

 This is very dangerous things which i'm big fans of CakePHP. I working
 on 50K/day visitors website powered by CakePHP which i don't wanna
 this thing happen to me.

 So, please tell me, which people in should be contacted
 because this issue. Opening ticket will leaked real information for
 the victim website.



 Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
 Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help
 others with their CakePHP related questions.

 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at

Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-21 Thread yodi
Sorry, it was on random site build by CakePHP.

To Euromark, i found more than 100 website affected with this problem
and i don't have much time to email them all.

I think, whether it debug  0, Cakephp should'nt throw real password

I try searching another CMS and Framework. Using same method, i found
nothing of them show real password where database error connection

Yes, this is security issued for me. Which there are many developer
using CakePHP.

To Larry, i can send you some message to show how much it's affected. It
can be consideration.


On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 06:13 -0500, Larry E. Masters wrote:
 Are you saying this was on the CakePHP website or a random site you
 where visiting?
 Larry E. Masters
 On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 2:18 PM, yoodey wrote:
 Hello all,
 I'm randomly browsing and get a website with Database error
 It gave me error page : Warning (2): mysql_connect()
 connect]: Access denied for user ...
 So i click on Context option and got this information.
 $config =   array(
persistent = false,
host = xxx,
login = dbx,
password = dbtxxx,
database = dbx,
port = 3306,
driver = mysql,
prefix = ,
encoding = UTF8
 To avoid other people doing bad thing, i'm not showing real
 I'm doing mysql command based on that information and guest
 what? I
 got full access!
 Curious with this error, i'm doing little research and found
 more than
 1000 website mysql root access. (there many others, but i too
 tired to
 check it one by one ).
 This is very dangerous things which i'm big fans of CakePHP. I
 on 50K/day visitors website powered by CakePHP which i don't
 this thing happen to me.
 So, please tell me, which people in should be
 because this issue. Opening ticket will leaked real
 information for
 the victim website.
 Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
 Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others with their CakePHP
 related questions.
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit
 this group at
 Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
 Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and
 help others with their CakePHP related questions.
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this
 group at

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at

Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-21 Thread chris
I'm intrigued by this issue.

Can someone explain what situations would the whole config var be
output? Is it only when an error occurs, and only when at a certain
debug level? I've never seen it displayed at all whilst developing
with cakePHP.

Out of interested I googled the first part of the output, i.e.

$config = array( persistent = false,

and it certaintly suprised me how many sites this brings back with
passwords on show.

On Jun 21, 12:46 pm, yodi wrote:
 Sorry, it was on random site build by CakePHP.

 To Euromark, i found more than 100 website affected with this problem
 and i don't have much time to email them all.

 I think, whether it debug  0, Cakephp should'nt throw real password
 into CONTEXT.

 I try searching another CMS and Framework. Using same method, i found
 nothing of them show real password where database error connection

 Yes, this is security issued for me. Which there are many developer
 using CakePHP.

 To Larry, i can send you some message to show how much it's affected. It
 can be consideration.


 On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 06:13 -0500, Larry E. Masters wrote:
  Are you saying this was on the CakePHP website or a random site you
  where visiting?

  Larry E. Masters

  On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 2:18 PM, yoodey wrote:
          Hello all,

          I'm randomly browsing and get a website with Database error
          It gave me error page : Warning (2): mysql_connect()
          connect]: Access denied for user ...

          So i click on Context option and got this information.

          $config =       array(
                 persistent = false,
                 host = xxx,
                 login = dbx,
                 password = dbtxxx,
                 database = dbx,
                 port = 3306,
                 driver = mysql,
                 prefix = ,
                 encoding = UTF8

          To avoid other people doing bad thing, i'm not showing real

          I'm doing mysql command based on that information and guest
          what? I
          got full access!
          Curious with this error, i'm doing little research and found
          more than
          1000 website mysql root access. (there many others, but i too
          tired to
          check it one by one ).

          This is very dangerous things which i'm big fans of CakePHP. I
          on 50K/day visitors website powered by CakePHP which i don't
          this thing happen to me.

          So, please tell me, which people in should be
          because this issue. Opening ticket will leaked real
          information for
          the victim website.



          Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
          Check out the new CakePHP Questions site
         http://ask.cakephp.organd help others with their CakePHP
          related questions.

          To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit
          this group at

  Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
  Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://ask.cakephp.organd
  help others with their CakePHP related questions.

  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this
  group at

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at

Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-21 Thread euromark
if debug = 0 its supposed to read..^^

and yes, its certainly alarming how careless some people are
maybe cakephp should omit the password in the error warnings' context

On 21 Jun., 15:02, chris wrote:
 I'm intrigued by this issue.

 Can someone explain what situations would the whole config var be
 output? Is it only when an error occurs, and only when at a certain
 debug level? I've never seen it displayed at all whilst developing
 with cakePHP.

 Out of interested I googled the first part of the output, i.e.

 $config = array( persistent = false,

 and it certaintly suprised me how many sites this brings back with
 passwords on show.

 On Jun 21, 12:46 pm, yodi wrote:

  Sorry, it was on random site build by CakePHP.

  To Euromark, i found more than 100 website affected with this problem
  and i don't have much time to email them all.

  I think, whether it debug  0, Cakephp should'nt throw real password
  into CONTEXT.

  I try searching another CMS and Framework. Using same method, i found
  nothing of them show real password where database error connection

  Yes, this is security issued for me. Which there are many developer
  using CakePHP.

  To Larry, i can send you some message to show how much it's affected. It
  can be consideration.


  On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 06:13 -0500, Larry E. Masters wrote:
   Are you saying this was on the CakePHP website or a random site you
   where visiting?

   Larry E. Masters

   On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 2:18 PM, yoodey wrote:
           Hello all,

           I'm randomly browsing and get a website with Database error
           It gave me error page : Warning (2): mysql_connect()
           connect]: Access denied for user ...

           So i click on Context option and got this information.

           $config =       array(
                  persistent = false,
                  host = xxx,
                  login = dbx,
                  password = dbtxxx,
                  database = dbx,
                  port = 3306,
                  driver = mysql,
                  prefix = ,
                  encoding = UTF8

           To avoid other people doing bad thing, i'm not showing real

           I'm doing mysql command based on that information and guest
           what? I
           got full access!
           Curious with this error, i'm doing little research and found
           more than
           1000 website mysql root access. (there many others, but i too
           tired to
           check it one by one ).

           This is very dangerous things which i'm big fans of CakePHP. I
           on 50K/day visitors website powered by CakePHP which i don't
           this thing happen to me.

           So, please tell me, which people in should be
           because this issue. Opening ticket will leaked real
           information for
           the victim website.



           Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials

           Check out the new CakePHP Questions site
          http://ask.cakephp.organdhelp others with their CakePHP
           related questions.

           To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
  For more options, visit
           this group at

   Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
   Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://ask.cakephp.organd
   help others with their CakePHP related questions.

   To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this
   group at

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at

Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-21 Thread Thomas Ploch

I certainly could connect to __several__ mysql servers found with this
google query.

Although I agree that this is a developer's mistake, I am sure that
there are a lot of unskilled developers that are doing this because they
just dont know it better. So removing those values from the output would
be a +1 from me.


Am Dienstag, den 21.06.2011, 06:02 -0700 schrieb chris:
 I'm intrigued by this issue.
 Can someone explain what situations would the whole config var be
 output? Is it only when an error occurs, and only when at a certain
 debug level? I've never seen it displayed at all whilst developing
 with cakePHP.
 Out of interested I googled the first part of the output, i.e.
 $config = array( persistent = false,
 and it certaintly suprised me how many sites this brings back with
 passwords on show.
 On Jun 21, 12:46 pm, yodi wrote:
  Sorry, it was on random site build by CakePHP.
  To Euromark, i found more than 100 website affected with this problem
  and i don't have much time to email them all.
  I think, whether it debug  0, Cakephp should'nt throw real password
  into CONTEXT.
  I try searching another CMS and Framework. Using same method, i found
  nothing of them show real password where database error connection
  Yes, this is security issued for me. Which there are many developer
  using CakePHP.
  To Larry, i can send you some message to show how much it's affected. It
  can be consideration.
  On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 06:13 -0500, Larry E. Masters wrote:
   Are you saying this was on the CakePHP website or a random site you
   where visiting?
   Larry E. Masters
   On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 2:18 PM, yoodey wrote:
   Hello all,
   I'm randomly browsing and get a website with Database error
   It gave me error page : Warning (2): mysql_connect()
   connect]: Access denied for user ...
   So i click on Context option and got this information.
   $config =   array(
  persistent = false,
  host = xxx,
  login = dbx,
  password = dbtxxx,
  database = dbx,
  port = 3306,
  driver = mysql,
  prefix = ,
  encoding = UTF8
   To avoid other people doing bad thing, i'm not showing real
   I'm doing mysql command based on that information and guest
   what? I
   got full access!
   Curious with this error, i'm doing little research and found
   more than
   1000 website mysql root access. (there many others, but i too
   tired to
   check it one by one ).
   This is very dangerous things which i'm big fans of CakePHP. I
   on 50K/day visitors website powered by CakePHP which i don't
   this thing happen to me.
   So, please tell me, which people in should be
   because this issue. Opening ticket will leaked real
   information for
   the victim website.
   Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
   Check out the new CakePHP Questions site
  http://ask.cakephp.organd help others with their CakePHP
   related questions.
   To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit
   this group at
   Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
   Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://ask.cakephp.organd
   help others with their CakePHP related questions.
   To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this
   group at

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at

Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-21 Thread looklook look
Now you got my point ;)

I have tried with google query to show database connection on Drupal,
Codeigniter, Wordpress and many else.
But yes, they can handle this database error carefully.

So, i think this is critical issue that should fixed immediatelly.



On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 9:36 PM, Thomas Ploch profipl...@googlemail.comwrote:


 I certainly could connect to __several__ mysql servers found with this
 google query.

 Although I agree that this is a developer's mistake, I am sure that
 there are a lot of unskilled developers that are doing this because they
 just dont know it better. So removing those values from the output would
 be a +1 from me.


 Am Dienstag, den 21.06.2011, 06:02 -0700 schrieb chris:
  I'm intrigued by this issue.
  Can someone explain what situations would the whole config var be
  output? Is it only when an error occurs, and only when at a certain
  debug level? I've never seen it displayed at all whilst developing
  with cakePHP.
  Out of interested I googled the first part of the output, i.e.
  $config = array( persistent = false,
  and it certaintly suprised me how many sites this brings back with
  passwords on show.
  On Jun 21, 12:46 pm, yodi wrote:
   Sorry, it was on random site build by CakePHP.
   To Euromark, i found more than 100 website affected with this problem
   and i don't have much time to email them all.
   I think, whether it debug  0, Cakephp should'nt throw real password
   into CONTEXT.
   I try searching another CMS and Framework. Using same method, i found
   nothing of them show real password where database error connection
   Yes, this is security issued for me. Which there are many developer
   using CakePHP.
   To Larry, i can send you some message to show how much it's affected.
   can be consideration.
   On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 06:13 -0500, Larry E. Masters wrote:
Are you saying this was on the CakePHP website or a random site you
where visiting?
Larry E. Masters
On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 2:18 PM, yoodey wrote:
Hello all,
I'm randomly browsing and get a website with Database error
It gave me error page : Warning (2): mysql_connect()
connect]: Access denied for user ...
So i click on Context option and got this information.
$config =   array(
   persistent = false,
   host = xxx,
   login = dbx,
   password = dbtxxx,
   database = dbx,
   port = 3306,
   driver = mysql,
   prefix = ,
   encoding = UTF8
To avoid other people doing bad thing, i'm not showing real
I'm doing mysql command based on that information and guest
what? I
got full access!
Curious with this error, i'm doing little research and found
more than
1000 website mysql root access. (there many others, but i too
tired to
check it one by one ).
This is very dangerous things which i'm big fans of CakePHP.
on 50K/day visitors website powered by CakePHP which i don't
this thing happen to me.
So, please tell me, which people in should be
because this issue. Opening ticket will leaked real
information for
the victim website.
Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site
   http://ask.cakephp.organd help others with their CakePHP
related questions.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options,
this group at
Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://ask.cakephp.organd
help others with their CakePHP related questions.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this
group at

 Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
 Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help
 others with their CakePHP related questions.

 To unsubscribe from this group, 

Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-21 Thread Miles J
I have brought this problem up before. Last time, the Cake devs said
it was the developers fault and it will stay in.


On Jun 21, 8:23 am, looklook look wrote:
 Now you got my point ;)

 I have tried with google query to show database connection on Drupal,
 Codeigniter, Wordpress and many else.
 But yes, they can handle this database error carefully.

 So, i think this is critical issue that should fixed immediatelly.



 On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 9:36 PM, Thomas Ploch 


  I certainly could connect to __several__ mysql servers found with this
  google query.

  Although I agree that this is a developer's mistake, I am sure that
  there are a lot of unskilled developers that are doing this because they
  just dont know it better. So removing those values from the output would
  be a +1 from me.


  Am Dienstag, den 21.06.2011, 06:02 -0700 schrieb chris:
   I'm intrigued by this issue.

   Can someone explain what situations would the whole config var be
   output? Is it only when an error occurs, and only when at a certain
   debug level? I've never seen it displayed at all whilst developing
   with cakePHP.

   Out of interested I googled the first part of the output, i.e.

   $config = array( persistent = false,

   and it certaintly suprised me how many sites this brings back with
   passwords on show.

   On Jun 21, 12:46 pm, yodi wrote:
Sorry, it was on random site build by CakePHP.

To Euromark, i found more than 100 website affected with this problem
and i don't have much time to email them all.

I think, whether it debug  0, Cakephp should'nt throw real password

I try searching another CMS and Framework. Using same method, i found
nothing of them show real password where database error connection

Yes, this is security issued for me. Which there are many developer
using CakePHP.

To Larry, i can send you some message to show how much it's affected.
can be consideration.


On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 06:13 -0500, Larry E. Masters wrote:
 Are you saying this was on the CakePHP website or a random site you
 where visiting?

 Larry E. Masters

 On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 2:18 PM, yoodey wrote:
         Hello all,

         I'm randomly browsing and get a website with Database error
         It gave me error page : Warning (2): mysql_connect()
         connect]: Access denied for user ...

         So i click on Context option and got this information.

         $config =       array(
                persistent = false,
                host = xxx,
                login = dbx,
                password = dbtxxx,
                database = dbx,
                port = 3306,
                driver = mysql,
                prefix = ,
                encoding = UTF8

         To avoid other people doing bad thing, i'm not showing real

         I'm doing mysql command based on that information and guest
         what? I
         got full access!
         Curious with this error, i'm doing little research and found
         more than
         1000 website mysql root access. (there many others, but i too
         tired to
         check it one by one ).

         This is very dangerous things which i'm big fans of CakePHP.
         on 50K/day visitors website powered by CakePHP which i don't
         this thing happen to me.

         So, please tell me, which people in should be
         because this issue. Opening ticket will leaked real
         information for
         the victim website.



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         this group at

 Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
 Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://ask.cakephp.organd
 help others with their CakePHP related questions.

 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this
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  Our newest 

Re: Where should i contact right people in because this security critical problem

2011-06-21 Thread looklook look
Sad to hear that, Miles.

I hope cake devs not blaming developers fault again.
Otherwise, cake devs make it more safer way to new developer in learning
Which always have many mistakes as progress of learning.


On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 12:22 AM, Miles J wrote:

 I have brought this problem up before. Last time, the Cake devs said
 it was the developers fault and it will stay in.


 On Jun 21, 8:23 am, looklook look wrote:
  Now you got my point ;)
  I have tried with google query to show database connection on Drupal,
  Codeigniter, Wordpress and many else.
  But yes, they can handle this database error carefully.
  So, i think this is critical issue that should fixed immediatelly.
  On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 9:36 PM, Thomas Ploch
   I certainly could connect to __several__ mysql servers found with this
   google query.
   Although I agree that this is a developer's mistake, I am sure that
   there are a lot of unskilled developers that are doing this because
   just dont know it better. So removing those values from the output
   be a +1 from me.
   Am Dienstag, den 21.06.2011, 06:02 -0700 schrieb chris:
I'm intrigued by this issue.
Can someone explain what situations would the whole config var be
output? Is it only when an error occurs, and only when at a certain
debug level? I've never seen it displayed at all whilst developing
with cakePHP.
Out of interested I googled the first part of the output, i.e.
$config = array( persistent = false,
and it certaintly suprised me how many sites this brings back with
passwords on show.
On Jun 21, 12:46 pm, yodi wrote:
 Sorry, it was on random site build by CakePHP.
 To Euromark, i found more than 100 website affected with this
 and i don't have much time to email them all.
 I think, whether it debug  0, Cakephp should'nt throw real
 into CONTEXT.
 I try searching another CMS and Framework. Using same method, i
 nothing of them show real password where database error connection
 Yes, this is security issued for me. Which there are many developer
 using CakePHP.
 To Larry, i can send you some message to show how much it's
 can be consideration.
 On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 06:13 -0500, Larry E. Masters wrote:
  Are you saying this was on the CakePHP website or a random site
  where visiting?
  Larry E. Masters
  On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 2:18 PM, yoodey
  Hello all,
  I'm randomly browsing and get a website with Database
  It gave me error page : Warning (2): mysql_connect()
  connect]: Access denied for user ...
  So i click on Context option and got this information.
  $config =   array(
 persistent = false,
 host = xxx,
 login = dbx,
 password = dbtxxx,
 database = dbx,
 port = 3306,
 driver = mysql,
 prefix = ,
 encoding = UTF8
  To avoid other people doing bad thing, i'm not showing
  I'm doing mysql command based on that information and
  what? I
  got full access!
  Curious with this error, i'm doing little research and
  more than
  1000 website mysql root access. (there many others, but i
  tired to
  check it one by one ).
  This is very dangerous things which i'm big fans of
  on 50K/day visitors website powered by CakePHP which i
  this thing happen to me.
  So, please tell me, which people in should
  because this issue. Opening ticket will leaked real
  information for
  the victim website.
  Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video
  Check out the new CakePHP Questions site
 http://ask.cakephp.organdhelp others with their CakePHP
  related questions.
  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options,