Re: Searchable behavior on two models

2010-03-11 Thread Delberto
If you are talking about saving to more than one model with a saveAll
there is a patch here. I haven't tried it myself but you can check it

On Mar 10, 4:16 pm, Foroct wrote:
 Well it looks like this behaviour can't successfully index two
 different models. Moving back to an old fashioned 'find'.

 Thanks all.

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Re: Searchable behavior on two models

2010-03-11 Thread Delberto
Sorry, here is the link --

On Mar 10, 4:16 pm, Foroct wrote:
 Well it looks like this behaviour can't successfully index two
 different models. Moving back to an old fashioned 'find'.

 Thanks all.

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Re: Searchable behavior on two models

2010-03-10 Thread Foroct
Well it looks like this behaviour can't successfully index two
different models. Moving back to an old fashioned 'find'.

Thanks all.

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Re: Searchable behavior on two models

2010-03-10 Thread Jon Bennett

 Well it looks like this behaviour can't successfully index two
 different models. Moving back to an old fashioned 'find'.

I have the behaviour attached to multiple models, with no issues at
all, not with saving or with retrieving.

There's something amiss elsewhere.



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Re: Searchable behavior on two models

2010-03-08 Thread Foroct
All three models have the same $actAs array var $actsAs =

Each model saves its data properly using if ($this-Model-save($this-
data)) {

Where it falls apart is after the model data save and prior to the
search_index save.

I have tracked the issue down to something in my model.  I think I am
not setting up my associations correctly particularly in my Comment

User - hasMany Post and hasMany Comment

Post - belongsTo User and hasMany Comment

Comment - belongsTo User and belongsTo Post and hasOne User

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Re: Searchable behavior on two models

2010-03-08 Thread Jon Bennett
 User - hasMany Post and hasMany Comment

 Post - belongsTo User and hasMany Comment

 Comment - belongsTo User and belongsTo Post and hasOne User

Last one looks wrong to me, I'd expect:

Comment belongsTo Post, User
Post belongsTo User
Post hasMany Comment
User hasMany Comment, Post



jon bennett - -

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Re: Searchable behavior on two models

2010-03-08 Thread Foroct
I thought so after I wrote it out, but when I removed the hasOne
association I still get the same result.  For some reason when I
create a post, the post gets added with no problem but the seachable
fails and kicks an error.

Query: INSERT INTO `search_index` (`model`, `association_key`, `data`,
`modified`, `created`) VALUES ('User', NULL, '', '2010-03-08
06:05:15', '2010-03-08 06:05:15')

For some reason even though the model I am updating is the Post model
when search_index attempts to add a record to its table the User model
always overrides Post.  Obviously since this is not the correct model
there is no association_key (the id of the post) so it again fails.

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Re: Searchable behavior on two models

2010-03-08 Thread cricket
Did you try logging $data? Or check that you're not doing $this-User-
save(...) instead of $this-Post-save(...)

This is how I have my models set up. You should ignore the 'fields'
array in the behavior settings. I made a bunch of modifications to it.


public $hasMany = array(
'Post' = array(
'className' = 'Post',
'foreignKey' = 'user_id',
'dependent' = true
'Comment' = array(
'className' = 'Comment',
'foreignKey' = 'user_id',
'dependent' = true


public $hasMany = array('Comment');

public $belongsTo = array('User');

public $actsAs = array(
'Tag' = array(
'table_label' = 'tags',
'tag_label' = 'name',
'separator' = ','
'Searchable' = array(
'fields' = array('title', 'intro', 'body', 'tags')
'Sluggable' = array(
'translation' = 'utf-8',
'separator' = '_',
'label' = 'title',
'length' = 128,
'overwrite' = true


public $belongsTo = array(

public $actsAs = array(
'Tree' = array(
'parent' = 'parent_id',
'left' = 'lft',
'right' = 'rght'
'Searchable' = array(
'fields' = array('subject', 'body')

On Mar 8, 9:09 am, Foroct wrote:
 I thought so after I wrote it out, but when I removed the hasOne
 association I still get the same result.  For some reason when I
 create a post, the post gets added with no problem but the seachable
 fails and kicks an error.

 Query: INSERT INTO `search_index` (`model`, `association_key`, `data`,
 `modified`, `created`) VALUES ('User', NULL, '', '2010-03-08
 06:05:15', '2010-03-08 06:05:15')

 For some reason even though the model I am updating is the Post model
 when search_index attempts to add a record to its table the User model
 always overrides Post.  Obviously since this is not the correct model
 there is no association_key (the id of the post) so it again fails.

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Re: Searchable behavior on two models

2010-03-08 Thread Foroct
I've looked at the array I am passing when the post gets entered and
its fine. I am saving correctly using $this-Post and the post data
saves to the post table fine.

My models look like this.

var $actsAs = array('Searchable' = array(
'fields' = array('username', 'first_name',
'last_name', 'location', 'email')

var $hasMany = array(
'Post' = array(
'className' = 'Post',
'foreignKey' = 'user_id',
'dependent' = true,
'conditions' = '',
'fields' = '',
'order' = Post.created DESC',
'limit' = '',
'offset' = '',
'exclusive' = '',
'finderQuery' = '',
'counterQuery' = ''
'Comment' = array(
'className' = 'Comment',
'foreignKey' = 'user_id',
'dependent' = true,
'conditions' = '',
'fields' = '',
'order' = '',
'limit' = '',
'offset' = '',
'exclusive' = '',
'finderQuery' = '',
'counterQuery' = ''


var $actsAs = array('Searchable');

var $belongsTo = array(
'User' = array(
'className' = 'User',
'foreignKey' = 'user_id',
'conditions' = '',
'fields' = '',
'order' = ''

var $hasMany = array(
'Comment' = array(
'className' = 'Comment',
'foreignKey' = 'post_id',
'dependent' = false,
'conditions' = '',
'fields' = '',
'order' = '',
'limit' = '',
'offset' = '',
'exclusive' = '',
'finderQuery' = '',
'counterQuery' = ''

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Re: Searchable behavior on two models

2010-03-07 Thread cricket
What do the models look like? Especially the $actsAs arrays.

What does the data look like before you save it? Are you using

Try adding some debugging calls in the behavior's beforeSave() 
afterSave() methods.

On Mar 6, 4:05 pm, Foroct wrote:
 Continuing to work on this I have found that when I comment out my
 var $hasMany = array( in my User model, then this searchable plugin
 works fine.

  I tried to comment out the individual keys for this array but that
 did not help.  When I remove the hasMany array then I am able to
 successfully add content however, any queries that rely on that
 hasMany now fail.

 Still working on this, still holding out hope that someone can help...

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Re: Searchable behavior on two models

2010-03-06 Thread Foroct
Continuing to work on this I have found that when I comment out my
var $hasMany = array( in my User model, then this searchable plugin
works fine.

 I tried to comment out the individual keys for this array but that
did not help.  When I remove the hasMany array then I am able to
successfully add content however, any queries that rely on that
hasMany now fail.

Still working on this, still holding out hope that someone can help...

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Re: Searchable behavior on two models

2010-03-03 Thread Foroct
I am continuing to work on this as I want more than one model on my
site searchable.

It looks like the problem is occurring in the Searchable Behavior
setup function.

function setup($model, $settings = array()) {
$settings = array_merge($this-_defaults, $settings);
$this-settings[$model-name] = $settings;
$this-model = $model;

For some reason regardless of what model I am using it always gets
returned at the Users model.  Because of this the the id will only
populate correctly when adding a User and not when adding a Post (as
there is no new Post id to return).

Since I didn't hear back from anyone, I'm guessing not many people use
this searchable behavior. But as a n00b I would still appreciate any
insight people have as to why this may be failing.


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Searchable behavior on two models

2010-03-01 Thread Foroct
I am using this behavior (
behaviour-for-cakephp/) on two different models (User and Post).
Searchable is working fine when I add a new user and search for a
user.  I manually populated a few rows of Post data and my search for
a post function works fine. However when I try to add a new post I get
the following errors.

Undefined index: User [APP/models/behaviors/searchable.php, line 77]
Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [APP/models/behaviors/
searchable.php, line 78] SQL Error: 1048: Column 'association_key'
cannot be null [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line
525] Query: INSERT INTO `search_index` (`model`, `association_key`,
`data`, `modified`, `created`) VALUES ('User', NULL, '', '2010-02-28
12:04:11', '2010-02-28 12:04:11')

Query: INSERT INTO `search_index` (`model`, `association_key`, `data`,
`modified`, `created`) VALUES ('User', NULL, '', '2010-02-28
12:04:11', '2010-02-28 12:04:11')

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output
started at /home/xxx/ [CORE/cake/libs/
controller/controller.php, line 644]

So from what I can tell when I add a post something with the user
model is conflicting with my add posts function, as the Query stats
the model value is user and not post.  I would expect to see the
query values start with the 'Post' model then the post id and then
some data.

Is there something I need to do when using this behavior on two
different models?  Is there any reason that the behavior thinks I am
inserting User data when in fact I am inserting Post data?

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.


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