Re: bake.php errors

2006-12-12 Thread j o e l

gwoo wrote:
> how about you try to debug the problem and submit a patch. Before you
> do that make sure you have the latest nightly download.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Development/cake/dev/core/cake/scripts$ php
Gwoo, I apologize, but I haven't used Cake in awhile, as I haven't done
much programming lately.  It seems like things have changed quite a
bit, since I last used it (around 1.1.2).  I found your screencast and
discovered how to correctly use the "new" bake.php script now, and it
works pefectly.

I am still experiencing some issues with Cake overall, however, and I
was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction?  I used
to use the alternate configuration, with the app, cake, and webroot in
separate folders.  I have successfully setup the latest version of Cake
(svn) utilizing this setup, as well as the development setup. Here's my
current setup...

CAKE SETUP: alternate
/home/joel/Development/cake/dev/apps/Test -> /cake_install/app
/home/joel/Development/cake/dev/www/Test -> /cake_install/app/webroot
/home/joel/Development/cake/dev/core -> /cake_install/cake

index.php under /home/joel/Development/cake/www/Test is configured as
  define('APP_DIR', 'Test');

This setup displays the default home page with debug showing the
database file was found and cake successfully connected to the
database.  All of the CSS and images were missing until I read a thread
on this mailing list about uncommenting the BASE_URL definition in the
core.php file.  However, the mod_rewrite or the .htaccess files don't
seem to be working properly.  The only path which works after baking
now, looks like...


How can I get the "pretty cake url's", ie

I've followed the steps in the install section of the manual, but I
don't have a real clear understanding of how it all works together.
FWIW, I have apache2 installed on Ubuntu 6.10.  The apache2 structure
is split up quite a bit:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/apache2$ ls -a
. conf.d  magic   ports.conf
..envvars mods-available  README   ssl
apache2.conf  httpd.conf  mods-enabledsites-available

httpd.conf is pretty much a blank file, while apache2.conf has the main
config in it.  I guess httpd.conf is to allow further configuration of
the apache2.conf file.  In the mods-available, I have rewrite.load, and
it is enabled in the mods-enabled directory.  In a thread on the Ubuntu
forums, I read where proxy.load must also be enabled in order for the
rewrite to work, and I have done that.  BTW, I added the "LoadModule"
line in the httpd.conf file as the install section in the CakePHP
manual states (just in case it was different), but I was given an
message that mod_rewrite was already loaded.  So, I assume the
apache2.conf file is parsed first, then the httpd.conf file is parsed
after.  So, the mod_rewrite is supposedly installed and loaded, but I'm
not sure given these results?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/apache2$ apache2ctl -l
Compiled in modules:

Also, can you add a DocumentRoot to your .htaccess, or must it be done
in the httpd.conf file?  If only in the httpd.conf file, can I have
more than one DocumentRoot like for each VirtualHost or something?

I apologize, I'm just not very experienced in all of this.  I
definitely am learning, though. :-)

Thanks in advance, gang!  I appreciate ya!


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Re: bake.php errors

2006-12-01 Thread DJ Spark

 i got it working by setting the whole app path (on a standard install):

 D:\webroot\mf\_final\cake\scripts>php bake.php -app D:\webroot\mf\_final\app


On 12/1/06, gwoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> how about you try to debug the problem and submit a patch. Before you
> do that make sure you have the latest nightly download.
> >


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Re: bake.php errors

2006-12-01 Thread gwoo

how about you try to debug the problem and submit a patch. Before you
do that make sure you have the latest nightly download.

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Re: bake.php errors

2006-11-30 Thread j o e l

Thanks, hydra12, for the tip.  Unfortunately, it didn't work.  I guess
I'll just try using rdBaker.  That's what I used to use, anyway.

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Re: bake.php errors

2006-11-30 Thread hydra12

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Development/cakeSettings/cakeCore/cake/scripts$ php
> bake.php -help

I had some problems with bake, and here's how I got it to work (I found
this very far down on a tread, but I don't remember which one).  I have
cake installed at c:\web\projects\cake.  If I do this:

c:\web\projects\cake\cake\scripts>php bake.php -app app

it tells me that the directory already exists and to choose another
directory.  If I do this:

c:\web\projects\cake>php cake\scripts\bake.php -app app

it works.  Weird, huh?  Anyway, I don't know if that will help with
your problem, but I hope it helps.


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bake.php errors

2006-11-30 Thread j o e l


I've been looking through the list here, and have not seen anything on
this.  Please forgive me, if it was posted, and I've missed it.

I recently downloaded the new version of Cake (1.10), but there seem to
be some issues with the bake.php script, unless something has changed?
The script only runs the app portion of the script whether using the -a
or -app arguments (runs with no arguments passed, also).  The -project
argument works (not the -p argument), but again - only a complete app
directory is created.  The -h and -help arguments work, and show what
arguments to use, but these do not work.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Development/cakeSettings/cakeCore/cake/scripts$ php
bake.php -help

 ___  __  _  _  ___  __  _  _  __  __   __  _  _  ___
||__| |_/  |__  |__] |__| |__]|__] |__| |_/  |__
|___ |  | | \_ |___ ||  | |   |__] |  | | \_ |___

CakePHP Bake:
The Bake script generates controllers, views and models for your
If run with no command line arguments, Bake guides the user through the
creation process. You can customize the generation process by telling
where different parts of your application are using command line

usage: php bake.php [command] [path...]

   -app [path...] Absolute path to Cake's app Folder.
   -core [path...] Absolute path to Cake's cake Folder.
   -help Shows this help message.
   -project [path...]  Generates a new app folder in the path supplied.
   -root [path...] Absolute path to Cake's \app\webroot Folder.

Is there something wrong with the script after the changes to Cake in
this latest version, or am I missing something?

FWIW, I have the app, core, and webroot directories in different paths,
and they are defined properly in the config file.  The home page after
the cake install displays with the message stating the config is
present and able to connect to the database.  Just to be sure, I just
ran the script after untar'ing the cake app into one base folder with
the same results.

I've been able to use this in past versions of cake, so I'm a little
perplexed as to what is happening.

Thanks in advance for your help!

j o e l

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Re: Bake.php errors when generating models - connecting to mysql

2006-06-20 Thread Jonas Pedro

Thanks to Carlos Mauricio Samour

This solved the problem:

 I use Linux with php5 and had a similar problem. What I did to correct
 it is modified the file
 /etc/php5/cli/php.ini and uncommented :
 Hope that helps you. Good Luck!

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Re: Bake.php errors when generating models - connecting to mysql

2006-06-18 Thread Carlos Mauricio Samour

I use Linux with php5 and had a similar problem. What I did to correct
it is modified the file
/etc/php5/cli/php.ini and uncommented :
Hope that helps you. Good Luck!

> Thanks again everyone-
> Two things-
> 1./usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini is where my php config file is located
> when i do phpinfo() in my browser.
> 2./Users/milk/php.ini is where my config file is when i do php -i in
> the terminal.
> So i copied the php.ini from 1. to 2. and did php -i again and im still
> getting nothing.
> another thing to mention is that mysql is not showing up at all when i
> do php -i - but sqlite is?
> Thanks again
> >

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Re: Bake.php errors when generating models - connecting to mysql

2006-06-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks again everyone-

Two things-

1./usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini is where my php config file is located
when i do phpinfo() in my browser.

2./Users/milk/php.ini is where my config file is when i do php -i in
the terminal.

So i copied the php.ini from 1. to 2. and did php -i again and im still
getting nothing.

another thing to mention is that mysql is not showing up at all when i
do php -i - but sqlite is?

Thanks again

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Re: Bake.php errors when generating models - connecting to mysql

2006-06-17 Thread Jon Baer

You can try typing this in shell:

php -m | grep mysql

To see if the CLI is picking up the MySQL modules ...

- Jon

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Re: Bake.php errors when generating models - connecting to mysql

2006-06-17 Thread Gustavo Carreno

> I know mysql is working fine on the cgi/apache side-
> The CLI is a diffrent story i guess, any ideas?

It shouldn't at all differ...
Do you have multiple PHP install ??
cuz both the CGI and the CLI read the same php.ini and are both
compiled at the same time. Or should be...
Look for multiple install of PHP.

Gustavo Carreno
< If you know Red Hat you know Red Hat,
If you know Slackware you know Linux >

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Re: Bake.php errors when generating models - connecting to mysql

2006-06-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for your help-

I know mysql is working fine on the cgi/apache side-

The CLI is a diffrent story i guess, any ideas?

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Re: Bake.php errors when generating models - connecting to mysql

2006-06-17 Thread Gustavo Carreno

> PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function mysql_pconnect() in
> /Library/WebServer/Documents/cake/libs/model/dbo/dbo_mysql.php on line
> 101

Looks like your PHP install does not have MySQL in.
If it's a 5.x, MySQL no longer comes in by default, you have to add it
either by compiling it in or adding it via an external *.so

Gustavo Carreno
< If you know Red Hat you know Red Hat,
If you know Slackware you know Linux >

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Re: Bake.php errors when generating models - connecting to mysql

2006-06-17 Thread Felix Geisendörfer

Seems like you need to configure your app/config/database.php in order
to make use of mysql_connect and not mysql_pconnect.

Just a guess so.


  Thanks to everyone in advance - I am on OS X 10.4.

/Library/WebServer/Documents/cake/scripts root# php bake.php -project

 ___  __  _  _  ___  __  _  _  __  __   __  _  _  ___
||__| |_/  |__  |__] |__| |__]|__] |__| |_/  |__
|___ |  | | \_ |___ ||  | |   |__] |  | | \_ |___


Please select a class to Bake: (M/V/C)

Model Bake:
PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function mysql_pconnect() in
/Library/WebServer/Documents/cake/libs/model/dbo/dbo_mysql.php on line
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.1.4
Content-type: text/html

Fatal error:  Call to undefined function mysql_pconnect() in
on line 101


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Bake.php errors when generating models - connecting to mysql

2006-06-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks to everyone in advance - I am on OS X 10.4.

/Library/WebServer/Documents/cake/scripts root# php bake.php -project

 ___  __  _  _  ___  __  _  _  __  __   __  _  _  ___
||__| |_/  |__  |__] |__| |__]|__] |__| |_/  |__
|___ |  | | \_ |___ ||  | |   |__] |  | | \_ |___


Please select a class to Bake: (M/V/C)
> M
Model Bake:
PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function mysql_pconnect() in
/Library/WebServer/Documents/cake/libs/model/dbo/dbo_mysql.php on line
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.1.4
Content-type: text/html

Fatal error:  Call to undefined function mysql_pconnect() in
on line 101

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