database design help - menu, menu items and controllers within

2011-07-19 Thread elogic

I am having some issues setting up the database for my base CMS to use
for all clients. My thoughts were to have the following:

blocks table - this is simply the html, title, description etc for
each page (i.e. home, about us)
menus table - simply contains the menu name (i.e. top navigation or
footer links etc)
menu_items table - this would contain the menu_id, the parent_id (from
this same table), the title of the link in the menu and then there
would be a controller field which would contain the name of the
controller i.e. blocks and then the next field to contain the actual
block id such as the home id for the link.

This is how I can see that I can easily add additional controllers
such as galleries, pdfs, blogs etc and they could be within the menus
quite easily by adding in contoller = pdfs, controller_id = 3 (the
pdf id or whatever)

Below is the SQL I have come up with, I wanted to get some advise to
see if there was an easy way or better way to do this. Ideally I want
to be able to generate the list of controllers on the add/edit field
and then their assigning ids when adding menu_items.


  `name` varchar(150) NOT NULL,
  `title` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL,
  `show_title` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1',
  `content` longtext,
  `metadescription` text,
  `metakeywords` text,
  `stepback` longtext,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

# Data exporting was unselected.

# Dumping structure for table siteadmin.menus
  `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

# Data exporting was unselected.

# Dumping structure for table siteadmin.menu_items
  `menu_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `parent_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `controller` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `controller_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `published` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)


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CakePHP Application Design Help

2009-11-02 Thread toneee

Hi Guys,

I am creating an application that hold user names / passwords and

So I have 2 tables in a DB, users and settings

They have a hasOne relationship.

I have come up to a little problem, When a new user is created i want
to have a row in the settings table created too. is this possible
through cake? or do I have to code a new class for it? I have enabled
the dependant in the model so if the user is deleted the associate
settings row gets removed, is there a setting that does the opposite
so when a user is created it creates a blank settings row?

Hope someone can help.

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Re: CakePHP Application Design Help

2009-11-02 Thread robustsolution

you dont need to create a controller class for the settings table
just create a model for the settings table

In case user is not created with its settings (in the same add form),
do the following

in the User  model put this
function afterSave($created) {

have a nice baking day
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Re: CakePHP Application Design Help

2009-11-02 Thread toneee

A very cool, didnt even think about doing it that way, had even
started to look at mysql triggers to do it.

Thankyou robustsolution!

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Re: Image Gallery Design Help

2009-10-07 Thread KevinM2k

Doesn't anyone have anything to add? I dont' know the best way of
doing this so any help would be great!


On 5 Oct, 11:18, KevinM2k wrote:

 I am creating a custom image gallery, I have categories and sub
 categories, then images within each one.

 I am pretty new to cakephp and I am trying to find out how is the best
 way of dealing with the administration area.

 For example lets say I create my new photo album under a category of
 Holidays/Greece, I then want an ability to put information in about my
 photo album, so i have a photo_album_controller.php, which allows me
 to enter all the information about the photo album.

 However I then want to upload images for this photo gallery (as many
 as i want), I know I can create image_controller however this will
 only handle one image at a time and would be a seperate page to the
 photo album.

 I want an ability to edit a photo album (so a admin_edit() function),
 then at the bottom of that page show all the photos that are
 associated with this album (which I can do), but then with an ability
 to add more photos or remove existing ones so I dont have any seperate
 image controller page (as it wouldn't make sense without an album)

 What would be the best way to do this and can anyone give me any
 examples or tutorials on how as I seem to find it easier to learn when
 I see something in action.

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Image Gallery Design Help

2009-10-05 Thread KevinM2k


I am creating a custom image gallery, I have categories and sub
categories, then images within each one.

I am pretty new to cakephp and I am trying to find out how is the best
way of dealing with the administration area.

For example lets say I create my new photo album under a category of
Holidays/Greece, I then want an ability to put information in about my
photo album, so i have a photo_album_controller.php, which allows me
to enter all the information about the photo album.

However I then want to upload images for this photo gallery (as many
as i want), I know I can create image_controller however this will
only handle one image at a time and would be a seperate page to the
photo album.

I want an ability to edit a photo album (so a admin_edit() function),
then at the bottom of that page show all the photos that are
associated with this album (which I can do), but then with an ability
to add more photos or remove existing ones so I dont have any seperate
image controller page (as it wouldn't make sense without an album)

What would be the best way to do this and can anyone give me any
examples or tutorials on how as I seem to find it easier to learn when
I see something in action.


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Database Relationship and Design Help

2009-02-09 Thread ramonmaruko
I'm have a problem on how I should 'design' my database for my current  

This is my current design:
(In the image it shows member_int, but the actual field name is member_id  
with a data type of int)

Here is what I want it to be:
Each member can apply for zero or more short term loan(s)
A short term loan must have 1 or up to 3 comakers
A comaker must also be a member.
A member could be a comaker.
It matters to know which member is the main 'loaner' and which member is  
the comaker for each loan.

Here is what the relationship looks like atm in my source:

Member $hasOne = array('ShortTermLoanComaker');
Member $hasMany = array('ShortTermLoan');

ShortTermLoan $belongsTo = array('Member');
ShortTermLoan $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('ShortTermLoanComaker');

ShortTermLoanComaker $belongsTo = array('Member');
ShortTermLoanComaker $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('ShortTermLoan');

I hope someone could help me with this. Thank you everyone. :D

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Re: Database Relationship and Design Help

2009-02-09 Thread mscdex

On Feb 9, 3:11 am, wrote:
 Here is what I want it to be:
 Each member can apply for zero or more short term loan(s)
 A short term loan must have 1 or up to 3 comakers
 A comaker must also be a member.
 A member could be a comaker.
 It matters to know which member is the main 'loaner' and which member is  
 the comaker for each loan.

 Here is what the relationship looks like atm in my source:

 Member $hasOne = array('ShortTermLoanComaker');
 Member $hasMany = array('ShortTermLoan');

 ShortTermLoan $belongsTo = array('Member');
 ShortTermLoan $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('ShortTermLoanComaker');

 ShortTermLoanComaker $belongsTo = array('Member');
 ShortTermLoanComaker $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('ShortTermLoan');

That looks alright to me. To meet that last requirement, maybe you can
have a column in ShortTermLoan for the main loaner member ID and
force it to be non-null. Then of course all ShortTermLoanComakers
associated with that ShortTermLoan that do not have the ID contained
in that column, would be the comakers for the loan.
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Re: Database Relationship and Design Help

2009-02-09 Thread mscdex

Also, this is just a personal design decision but I would remove the
'id' field on the join table and make both of the other two columns
primary keys. That enforces the rule (at the database level anyway)
that a member/comaker cannot be associated with the same loan multiple
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Re: Database Relationship and Design Help

2009-02-09 Thread ramonmaruko

column member_id in ShortTermLoan is the id of the applicant.

On Feb 9, 10:27 pm, mscdex wrote:
 On Feb 9, 3:11 am, wrote:

  Here is what I want it to be:
  Each member can apply for zero or more short term loan(s)
  A short term loan must have 1 or up to 3 comakers
  A comaker must also be a member.
  A member could be a comaker.
  It matters to know which member is the main 'loaner' and which member is  
  the comaker for each loan.

  Here is what the relationship looks like atm in my source:

  Member $hasOne = array('ShortTermLoanComaker');
  Member $hasMany = array('ShortTermLoan');

  ShortTermLoan $belongsTo = array('Member');
  ShortTermLoan $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('ShortTermLoanComaker');

  ShortTermLoanComaker $belongsTo = array('Member');
  ShortTermLoanComaker $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('ShortTermLoan');

 That looks alright to me. To meet that last requirement, maybe you can
 have a column in ShortTermLoan for the main loaner member ID and
 force it to be non-null. Then of course all ShortTermLoanComakers
 associated with that ShortTermLoan that do not have the ID contained
 in that column, would be the comakers for the loan.
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Re: Database Relationship and Design Help

2009-02-09 Thread ramonmaruko

I thought I read somewhere that every table has to have an 'id' column
in CakePHP. Anyway, I deleted the column and everything seems to be
working fine still. I think I got it already. Thanks.

On Feb 9, 10:40 pm, mscdex wrote:
 Also, this is just a personal design decision but I would remove the
 'id' field on the join table and make both of the other two columns
 primary keys. That enforces the rule (at the database level anyway)
 that a member/comaker cannot be associated with the same loan multiple
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Invite Application... need some design help..!

2008-12-01 Thread boomswitch

Hey all -- new here, new to CakePHP, but loving it so far. I need some
design suggestions.

I'm writing an application that involves inviting people to a page.

The invites will go out to registered users of the application
(Friends of the Invitation Owner) and to non-registered users via
email address submission.

How can I organize invitees associated with any given invitation in my
MySQL database since some will be registered (Users model), and some
un-registered (list of email addresses)...? Should I use separate
tables or models for registered invitees and un-registered invitees?

Right now, I've got a working Users model and have a self-referenced
HABTM association for Friend lists, that uses a little join table to
link Users with their Friends' user_id's.

In other words, I'm having trouble designing how my Invite model and
database should look like so that registered Users and un-registered
Users (that the app will only have email addresses for) are linked
together for any given Invite.


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design help.

2008-05-05 Thread Ithaka

Hey guys,

I've been wokring on a internet site for awhile now but i lost
interest in it near february and i want to try and get back into it.
So i'm gonna put it into CakePHP (which i did last time i was on it),
but the problem i am trying to get rid of is this.

I have a left and right side, the right being the control panel/menu,
left: the information.  So i've been thinking and i was wondering if
anyone had any suggestions on how they would do this.  1. have the
content_for_layout in the left side, and have a element or just put
the menu in the default layout. 2. have content_for_layout in both
side and have to  update both of them on every view. (doesn't sound so
efficient).  Those are 2 options i've come up with.  I'd really like
it if someone had a better idea or maybe something more effiecient.

Note: i have one page that would be using that right menu but not
statically, should that be with the options above or does anyone have
any suggestions.

Thank you in advance for any replies and/or any help.
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