[Callers] Alternate Role Terms

2012-12-30 Thread William Loving
Hi everyone, 

Tavi Merrill and I have started a very active discussion on the Facebook 
"Contra Dancers" Group ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/2204574738 ) about 
finding a new pair of neutral, logical, easily assimilated terms for the 
traditional Gents/Ladies terms as well as their variants, men/women, 
lead/follow, bands bares, etc., all of which have various issues for various 
people within the dance community. As Linda Leslie has already noted in the 

"Larry Jennings once said that the person who came up with just the right 
terminology was going to be responsible for the next evolutionary leap in 
contra dancing. A great challenge that has been around for several decades! 
Wonderful to see the suggestions! And debate the merits….."

There is another thread on the same group about the issue of gender or role 
balancing at weekend events and some of the issues with the existing terms are 
addressed there, but the main thread is about brainstorming new possibilities 
and I'd like to invite you all to join in on FB or to develop an additional 
discussion here. There have been many interesting as well as highly amusing 
suggestions but there is a consensus I think that agrees on the need for 

1. Matches the one/two syllable form of gents/ladies, men/women, etc.
2. Sounds distinctly different for easy recognition
3. References Left and Right (for left-hand person and right hand person)
4. Is gender and connotatively neutral without a lot of referential baggage

So far, I think the best one we've come up with so far is "Port/Starboard", 
which seems to meet all those requirements.



Will Loving
Downtown Amherst Contra Dance

[Callers] Callers Companion on the iPad

2013-01-14 Thread William Loving
Dear friends,

First, I'd like to thank the over 50 callers who have purchased Caller's 
Companion in the last three years. It's fun seeing you out there calling and I 
really appreciate both the support and invaluable feedback that you've given so 
I can improve this tool. Special thanks to Linda Leslie, Nils Fredland and Bev 
Bernbaum, my early adopters and beta testers.

Second, I'd like to let those of you who have or are planning to get iPads know 
that I've finally posted a new version of Caller's Companion that works with 
the recent Free version of "FileMaker Go for iPad" (which is needed to run CC 
on the iPad). The previous version of FileMaker Go cost $40 so I know this is a 
big help. I'll be adding a special iPad page to the website soon.

Finally, for those of you who would like to know more about CC or try it out, 
just download the current demo at http://callerscompanion.com. You can enter up 
to 50 dances in demo mode and use it as long as you like. For current CC users, 
I've also posted a Convertor that will allow you to convert your existing file 
to the new format at http://callerscompanion.com/ConvertHelp.html



Will Loving

Callers' Companion - The Dance Callers Assistant

Downtown Amherst Contra Dance

[Callers] "Techno" / "Crossover" (etc) Musician & Callers Alert

2013-07-24 Thread William Loving
Hi everyone - CDSS will be reprinting my Facebook article about organizing 
techno/crossover dances. It will be published in both in print and online.


The article includes a list of musical groups that perform in the 
"techno/crossover" mode, along with a list of callers who have experience 
calling such dances which generally requires some additional skills, effort and 
awareness (see the article for more thoughts on that).

If you know of anyone - musician or caller who should be on the list at the end 
of the article, please email or message me directly, meaning don't just reply 
through SharedWeight. Deadline is fairly soon.



Will Loving
Founder & Artistic Director
Downtown Amherst Contra Dance

Re: [Callers] Creating a CDSS dance depository

2014-04-07 Thread William Loving
"First Time Dancers get in Free" Promotion Results:

For five weeks this winter we ran a special promotion at the Downtown Amherst 
dance that all First Time Contra dancers get in free. The results were 

Jan 29 -12
Feb 26 - 10
Mar 5  - 20
Mar 19 - 8
Mar 29 - 9

Total new dancers: 59  Avg: 11.8   Median: 10
Overall attendance was normal meaning the variations in "Free" numbers was not 
affected by the band as far as I could tell.

Many of the new dancers said they would be back and in fact I saw quite a few 
of them both at subsequent dances in Amherst and at Greenfield. Some came early 
in the promotion and then brought friends the following week. Our organizing 
committee has discussed various options to draw new dancers, primarily "First 
Time Free" and "Second Time Free". The "Second Time Free" option gives you more 
feedback about how many returnees you are actually getting; the "First Time 
Free" simply lowers the bar to the ground and is harder to resist (friend to 
friend). (We also included the option for anyone who might have tried contra 
once or twice a long time ago to be considered "First Time" but I don't know 
that anyone came in saying that.)

Our series averages 75-85 total each week with a range of 60-160 depending on 
the band. The median is definitely under 100 but has gradually increased over 
the last almost four years.

I think the promotion was a tremendous success and we're having an ongoing 
discussion about whether to try "Second Time Free" for a while or just 
implement "First Time Free" periodically. For programming reasons, I don't 
think it makes sense to have it for every dance, especially dances that will be 
extremely full, such as if Elixir or PeM play or if it's a techno contra (which 
has other issues for beginning dancers). However, we might pick a month or a 
block of dates and do it again periodically.



Will Loving
Founder & Programming Director
Downtown Amherst Contra Dance

[Callers] "First Time Dancers Get in Free" Promotion

2014-04-07 Thread William Loving
"First Time Dancers get in Free" Promotion Results:

For five weeks this winter we ran a special promotion at the Downtown Amherst 
dance that all First Time Contra dancers get in free. The results were 

Jan 29 -12
Feb 26 - 10
Mar 5  - 20
Mar 19 - 8
Mar 29 - 9

Total new dancers: 59  Avg: 11.8   Median: 10
Overall attendance was normal meaning the variations in "Free" numbers was not 
affected by the band as far as I could tell.

Many of the new dancers said they would be back and in fact I saw quite a few 
of them both at subsequent dances in Amherst and at Greenfield. Some came early 
in the promotion and then brought friends the following week. Our organizing 
committee has discussed various options to draw new dancers, primarily "First 
Time Free" and "Second Time Free". The "Second Time Free" option gives you more 
feedback about how many returnees you are actually getting; the "First Time 
Free" simply lowers the bar to the ground and is harder to resist (friend to 
friend). (We also included the option for anyone who might have tried contra 
once or twice a long time ago to be considered "First Time" but I don't know 
that anyone came in saying that.)

Our series averages 75-85 total each week with a range of 60-160 depending on 
the band. The median is definitely under 100 but has gradually increased over 
the last almost four years.

I think the promotion was a tremendous success and we're having an ongoing 
discussion about whether to try "Second Time Free" for a while or just 
implement "First Time Free" periodically. For programming reasons, I don't 
think it makes sense to have it for every dance, especially dances that will be 
extremely full, such as if Elixir or PeM play or if it's a techno contra (which 
has other issues for beginning dancers). However, we might pick a month or a 
block of dates and do it again periodically.



Will Loving
Founder & Programming Director
Downtown Amherst Contra Dance

[Callers] Contra Dance Birthday Round

2015-05-05 Thread William Loving via Callers
Dear Contra friends, 

With the help of a number of contributors I believe I finally have a good 
accounting of the origins of the now rapidly spreading “Contra Dance Birthday 
Round”. You can read all I’ve put together here on the Downtown Amherst Contra 
Dance website, with more details, links to recordings and sheet music: 


We’ve known for a long time that the song was composed in the 1950s or early 
60s by Dorothy Dushkin, co-founder of the Kinhaven Music School & Camp in 
Weston, Vermont, but the origins of the tune have remained a mystery until 
recently. Some years ago, long-time contra dance caller Ralph Sweet came across 
an out-of-print Girl Scout songbook at a flea market, and in it he recognized a 
song that had the same melody as the birthday round. He bought the book, took 
it home and then, misplaced it for a time. 

In today’s mail, I received from Ralph a photocopy from that book with the song 
“Whene’er You Make a Promise”, written in 1828 by English composer William 
Shield, who also composed the tune to “Auld Lang Syne” (to lyrics from Robert 
Burns). The original lyrics are lovely and may also be familiar to anyone who 
was in the Girl Scouts or Girl Guides, this apparently having been sung as a 
campfire song for generations.

 When e're you make a promise,
 Consider well its importance
 Engrave it upon your heart.


Will Loving
Northampton, Massachusetts

[Callers] Proactive Management of “Problem Dancers” — Creating a Dance Environment Safe for All

2015-12-14 Thread William Loving via Callers
Country Dance and Song Society (CDSS)​ has just published my article: 
"Proactive Management of “Problem Dancers”—Creating a Dance Environment Safe 
for All" in the Winter "CDSS News"

If you are involved in community dance organizing in any form, I encourage you 
to take a look.


Will Loving

• Downtown Amherst Contra Dance (most Wednesdays)
• Greenfield Challenging Contras (4th Fridays)