Re: sqlite3 connection problem

2009-06-09 Thread Eric Mill
Are the permissions on the file set right? What happens if you try to
access the file with rhe sqlite3 command line tool and run the query

-- Eric

On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 6:35 AM, Dave wrote:
 Any feedback appreciated on the following. My most recent attempt to
 identify the issue is a minimal Ruby/SQLite/ActiveRecord script, Pastied
 here: which brings up the following when
 run from the command line (an empty database file already exists):

 $ ./simple_db.rbx
 `table_structure': Could not find table 'users'
        from ./simple_db.rbx:10:in `new'
        from ./simple_db.rbx:10

 The adapted blog example code I want to run for my students as an example is
 Pastied at: so I'd appreciate the identification of
 any glaring errors (currently Camping 1.5 under plain CGI):

 The errors in the server log read:
 `log': SQLite3::SQLException: unable to open database file: CREATE TABLE
 version float)  (ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid)
        from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/benchmark.rb:293:in `measure'
        from (eval):71:in `create_schema'
        from (eval):70:in `create_schema'
        from /Users/deveritt/Sites/cgi-bin/camping/blogtiny.rbx:71:in
        from /Users/deveritt/Sites/cgi-bin/camping/blogtiny.rbx:77
 [Thu May 28 12:18:13 2009] [error] [client] malformed header from
 script. Bad header=-- create_table(blogtiny_sche:

 Note the odd truncation of 'blogtiny_sche' in the final line.

 And one dumb question:
 I don't have to 'require sqlite3-ruby', right?


 Camping-list mailing list

Camping-list mailing list

Re: Camping tutorials for education?

2009-06-09 Thread Magnus Holm
2. Stable version
The current version is 1.5 and is available from RubyForge. This is
however a *really* old release, and there have been plenty of bug fixes in
the repo. There's a 1.5.180 from _why's gem server which fixes some of them.

The 1.9-version I have at is just a rake gem ran from the
latest why/camping (once in a while). This should be stable enough. In fact,
as soon as I finish this little cleanup of the documentation (and get some
more feedback from you guys) I will most probably release it as 2.0. (1.9 is
the preview release of 2.0)

3. Rack

Camping started depending on Rack when the work on 2.0 started. Right now,
Camping uses Rack::Utils so it's currently not possible to run Camping
without Rack. This should hopefully not cause any problems.

4. Servers

At the moment I think the easiest solution is Phusion Passenger, which is an
Apache or Nginx modules which can serve any Rack app.

5. Documentation

Yes, we really need some documentation! This is actually what's blocking the
2.0 release. I have some
suggestions (will try to post these as soon as possible, aka few
hours). I'm not very god writing documentation, so if you want to help
out we
can agree on how to organize it.

6. Picnic

While I haven't been to take a proper look at it, I think it's a very cool
idea. Keep up the good work :-)

//Magnus Holm

On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 12:35, Dave Everitt wrote:

 I'm planning to use Camping to teach the basics of frameworks, and
 encourage new arrivals from web design to take up Ruby instead of (say)
 defaulting to PHP. To do this, I need a foolproof set of instructions for
 both the technicians (who have to install on all the studio machines) and
 the students.

 To go further, I'd like to get an opinion on the following:

 1. SQLIte/ActiveRecord
 I've had some trouble getting Camping to write to an SQLite database as it
 should (post 'sqlite3 connection problem' has the details). To prepare
 instructions, I need to understand exactly why this is happening (in case it
 happens on a student's machine), so I'll persist and get it solved, somehow.

 2. Obtaining the definitive current stable version
 What's the consensus on the definitive stable version? And where is it? The
 bleeding edge download from is at 1.9.316, yet
 Picnic includes Camping 2.0 (which I thought didn't exist yet), but if I
 'gem update' my 1.5 version, Camping remains at 1.5? I hope you can
 understand the confusion (on behalf of my future students) here.

 3. Rack
 At which version (see [2]) did Camping start depending on Rack (as stated
 at: Just out of interest, is
 it still possible to run a Camping app without it?

 4. Comparing servers
 Is there any consensus on running Camping with: Apache, Mongrel, fast_cgi,
 plain old CGI, etc.? Which is the most efficient, future-proof,
 quickest/easiest to set up, and is there any information that charts the
 methods and differences? In a production environment, the URLs are obviously
 an issue here, so some mod_rewrite (or -like) examples would also be good.

 With all this I also want to lower the entry bar to Camping for new users
 by attempting some nice, simple documentation just to get people going,
 which is the thing I've been struggling to do myself.


 Camping-list mailing list

Camping-list mailing list

The D-word

2009-06-09 Thread Magnus Holm
Oh, yes. Let's (once again) try to clean the documentation up a bit :-)

I have no facts behind me, but I assume there would be two kinds of people
who would like to browse

1. Beginners who want to know what it's all about, how to get started and
how to get help.
2. Campers who don't quite remember which method to use, or where the
mailing-list was located, or how you did X etc.

So here's a little proposal: What if we split the documentation into three

- README.txt should be the first you see and should contain basic info and

- API-reference. A one-page reference to the whole Camping API which gives
you short descriptions/explanations and might also give a link to the book
(see below) for more detailed thoughts.

- A book or tutorial which guides the user from A-Z, starting with
installation and how to use The Camping Server, through basic MVC and
HTTP/REST to how to use service-overrides or middlewares. It would be really
nice if this could be a clean, short and concise guide to both Ruby and web

What'd you think? What do you miss most from the current (almost
non-existing) documentation?

//Magnus Holm
Camping-list mailing list

Re: The D-word

2009-06-09 Thread Magnus Holm
Oh, that would be very nice!

Right now there is an example at showing a blog
skeleton (with controllers, models and views). It might be better to rather
have a tiny, fully functional one (to get the feel of Camping), and a link
to blog.rb (which should be simplified even more, and actually work). The
book could then take it from there and slightly expand into the blog.rb (or
maybe even totally different; we should at least end up with something)

You know, I remember stumbling on Camping after trying out Rails, and it was
a horrible feeling ending up at page 3 of the tutorial (on the old wiki)
where a giant TODO screamed at me. I think many newcomers would have a
look at alternatives to Rails, and it would be great if we could guide them
not only through Camping, but also on the way you have to think when you're
developing on the web. Without boring them too much. At the same time, there
will probably be some Rubyists/webdevs who just want to learn about Camping

What if we start easy with lots of code and introduce them to Camping, then
(if we bother to) more in-depth about the web, HTTP, GET/POST/PUT/DELETE,
limitations? You could follow the book right through and will end up with
basic understanding of the web, or just skip after the quickstart (and three
months later, after you've experimented a bit, you take the trouble to
trouble to read the rest).

Maybe book is the wrong word for this too. A book is so formal and strict.
This should be light, simple and something you just can dive right into
whenever you want. Let's keep it simple and precise, yet informal!

The API as a cheat is a great idea too, let's not forget that :-)

When it comes to the dependency on Rack, I'm not that worried. You almost
can't do any webdev in Ruby today without meeting on Rack. And you only need
to have the Rack-library somewhere where Camping can find it (just download
and unzip it to vendor/rack for instance), even though using the gem is

Anyone else want to chime in? (Yes, you do!)

I currently have some RDoc templates which renders the book/readme/api. It
definitely needs to be cleaned up a lot, but I guess I can push it out at a
branch when I get back to my computer.

//Magnus Holm

On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 19:30, Dave Everitt wrote:

 I'm quite good at clear an understandable English (and editing the work of
 others) so would be glad to help make the documentation as usable as

 I reckon we need two starting examples somewhere (a download link in the

 1. 'It worked - you are now Camping!' (without a DB);
 2. a foolproof version of the minimal blog.

 I think you're dead right about the two kinds of users and three parts of
 documentation. As for the book (WebDev with Ruby, using Camping as an
 example?), it would be good to follow the spirit of Camping and keep it
 under... well, not 4k, but you get the point. The Camping philosophy needs
 to pervade the docs too - there's cultural capital in it, which could become
 a real attraction.

 I also suggest putting up the '1-page API' on 'cheat'.

 I have one slight concern for those on shared hosting: that it's 'not
 possible to run Camping without Rack'. It might take some thinking about how
 best to do this without root (or how to ask your provider to add the
 necessary). Many prospective Campers won't change servers just to try
 something out. Not necessarily an obstacle, but it needs some thought (a
 cleaned up pre-rack version? Camping 'classic'?).


  Oh, yes. Let's (once again) try to clean the documentation up a bit :-)

 I have no facts behind me, but I assume there would be two kinds of people
 who would like to browse

 1. Beginners who want to know what it's all about, how to get started and
 how to get help.
 2. Campers who don't quite remember which method to use, or where the
 mailing-list was located, or how you did X etc.

 So here's a little proposal: What if we split the documentation into three

 - README.txt should be the first you see and should contain basic info and

 - API-reference. A one-page reference to the whole Camping API which gives
 you short descriptions/explanations and might also give a link to the book
 (see below) for more detailed thoughts.

 - A book or tutorial which guides the user from A-Z, starting with
 installation and how to use The Camping Server, through basic MVC and
 HTTP/REST to how to use service-overrides or middlewares. It would be really
 nice if this could be a clean, short and concise guide to both Ruby and web

 What'd you think? What do you miss most from the current (almost
 non-existing) documentation?

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