[Catalyst] Session timeout and re-Authentication from a Frame

2007-05-15 Thread Steve H

> A couple of Login/authentication questions:
> As expected, when using frames, when a session times out and displays 

> Login page, it does so in the frame that is the target for that request.
> Is there any easy trick to be able to get that Login screen to use 
> as the target? perhaps an intermediary Login response page that can set 

> target then request the proper Login page... although I'd have to play
> around to make such a thing work, and was wondering is anyone else 

> had a solution/code I could leverage?

window.parent.location =

Given the response already has it's target window, the Login screen will 
just get rendered there.  I was thinking of a solution that maybe writes an 
intermediary response page that onLoad() sets the location and target to 
_TOP then calls the real Login page.
In asking the mailing list, I was wondering whether anyone else has already 
covered that ground rather all of us busting out new stuff.

As an evolution to the Authentication mechanism, I was wondering whether 
anyone had broached

maybe? I stopped using frames a long time ago :)

The use of Frames in this situation seemed to have merit.  Its a Shopping 
Cart component... that has a JavaScript-driven expandable menu with quite a 
few hundred possible nodes.  I wanted to avoid the latency dealing with the 
menu every time the consumer expanded/collapsed a node... or viewed the 
asssociated products.  Still, any other thoughts on that sort of thing would 
also be welcome.

As an evolution to the Authentication mechanism, I was wondering whether 
anyone had tackled the below.

> On a further note, with re-authentication after session timeout, it'd be
> good to be able to 'park' the original request while the 
> occurs, then continue to process it. Assume in this context that all 

> would be persisted against the User (as opposed to the session-id).
> ...maybe a response that then pops a temporary window to re-authenticate 

> - thus helping to preserve the underlying targets for the parked then
> subsequently executed request.  Any ideas or code that can be leveraged?

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[Catalyst] Session timeout and re-Authentication from a Frame

2007-05-14 Thread Steve H


A couple of Login/authentication questions:

As expected, when using frames, when a session times out and displays the 
Login page, it does so in the frame that is the target for that request.
Is there any easy trick to be able to get that Login screen to use '_top' as 
the target? perhaps an intermediary Login response page that can set the 
target then request the proper Login page... although I'd have to play 
around to make such a thing work, and was wondering is anyone else already 
had a solution/code I could leverage.

On a further note, with re-authentication after session timeout, it'd be 
good to be able to 'park' the original request while the re-authentication 
occurs, then continue to process it. Assume in this context that all state 
would be persisted against the User (as opposed to the session-id).  
...maybe a response that then pops a temporary window to re-authenticate in 
- thus helping to preserve the underlying targets for the parked then 
subsequently executed request.  Any ideas or code that can be leveraged?


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[Catalyst] How do I have Catalyst access a Controller based on only part of the PATH_INFO

2007-05-11 Thread Steve H


I'm used to (albeit a recent Catalyst convert) creating a Controller based 
on the whole name of the PATH_INFO, e.g.

 package my_app::Controller::some::structure::like::this
In a file my_app/lib/my_app/Controller/some/structure/like/this.pm
How would I have a Controller like:
 package my_app::Controller::some::structure
In a file my_app/lib/my_app/Controller/some/structure.pm
and be able to access the remaining "like/this" via PATH_INFO.

In case you are wondering why... I was wanting to have a catalogue menu hit 
back into the app at a common point, and use the remaining PATH_INFO to 
indicate the specifics of selection made.

This seems like it'd be pretty ordinary to be able to do... just that I 
can't see how to from the Catalyst documentation.  It's probably a case of 
me not being able to see the wood for the trees ... or it being something 
obvious yet documented in an implicit way dunno

going nuts

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Re: [Catalyst] FOREACH problem

2007-05-06 Thread Steve H


In answer to your:

What am I doing wrong?

Cast the hash assignment as an array, otherwise it's scalar and you'd get 
the number of elements in the array instead of the array contents.

@someArray = qw/ 1 2 3 4 /;
%someHash = ();
of the array
@{$someHash{key}} = @someArray;
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper(\%someHash);

...nothing wrong with the other solution offerred of using an array ref i.e.

$c->stash->{categoriesToDelete} = [EMAIL PROTECTED];

...although, best if you know what was causing your actual problem.

Message: 6
Date: Sun, 6 May 2007 16:39:23 +0200
From: "Dmitri Pissarenko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Catalyst] FOREACH problem
To: catalyst@lists.rawmode.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed


I have an action, which should do following:

It reads from the GET parameter a string with record IDs, i. e. "1,2,3,".

Then, this action should fetch from the database the records with these 

Finally, it should pass the resulting array to another page, in which
these records are displayed using

[% FOREACH cat IN categoriesToDelete -%]
  [% cat.name %]
[% END -%]

Now I have the problem that in the page with FOREACH nothing is
displayed, even though categoriesToDelete contains some data.

The code is this:

sub form_deleteSeveralCategories : Local {
my ($self, $c) = @_;

# fetch IDs as string
my $categoryIdsAsSingleString = $c->request->params->{categoryIds};

# convert string to array of individual IDs
my @categoryIds = split (/,/,  $categoryIdsAsSingleString);

# read records from the database and store them in @categoriesToDelete
my @categoriesToDelete = map
# $_ is the ID of the record
} @categoryIds;

foreach (@categoriesToDelete)
$c->log->debug('cat: ' . $_);

# pass the parameters to the page with FOREACH
$c->stash->{categoryIds} = $categoryIdsAsSingleString;

$c->stash->{categoriesToDelete} = @categoriesToDelete;


> categoriesToDelete is passed to form_deleteSeveralCategories.tt2 very
> well, since "[% categoriesToDelete %]" is displayed as "2" (number of
> elements in the array).
> But nothing in displayed in the FOREACH loop.
> What am I doing wrong?

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Re: [Catalyst] many Views that may include common display fragments

2007-04-25 Thread Steve H
Again, thanks... and it's great to see such diversity in Catalyst usage and 
help offerred.

To reiterate part of the problem..  in the final View that composes the 
(final) page, I'd want to include HTML fragments that were created by common 
functions (that could create them for other pages too).  Trouble is, things 
came unstuck when I forward('someCommonFunction' ... which fires the 
controller to fetch the data, then it's associated View to actually create 
the HTML fragment; it would normally be plugged into response body, however 
the (Seamstress) resultant Tree object is also Stash'able or returned and 
the body could get ignored... when the forward() returns, I'd have the Tree 
(html'able) fragment that I could stitch into the main doc's html tree that 
is then finally  rendered as_html().

-- that's where it comes unstuck... it can't seem to recurse that stuff.
Note that I'm using Seamstress (as opposed to TT).


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Re: [Catalyst] many Views that may include common display fragments

2007-04-25 Thread Steve H

> Ugh...   Assume that the view gets everything from controller.  Then 

> controller is the thing that should gather everything together before
> shipping it to the view.  Let the template decide the form, let the
> controller decide the content.

That's fair enough, but say you've got 20 possible page elements of which
typically 5 or 6 are included in the final page. Would you still suggest
that the Controller should initialize any data for all 20 elements onto the

What if some of those elements are relatively expensive to generate?

What Steve wants is some way of being able to decide in the View which of
those elements are included and load them accordingly.

The best solution I can come up with is passing coderefs into your view
which can then be run to retrieve the data would something like this work?

$c->stash->{'get_most_popular'} = sub {
  return $c->model('DB')->some_expensive_db_op();


Thanks all for your interest and comments.

One significant issue with this one also is that many of the things to be 
assembled on the final page could appear on many different pages.   So the 
issue is around how to generalise those common functions, to be accessible 
(optionally) from many pages.

...unfortunately, and as a stop-gap measure, the easiest and most robust way 
of handling it has been to bloat the Seamstress skeleton.pm with it -- i.e. 
lots of pre-parsed html fragments and logic that will optionally flesh them 
out and bolt them into the main doc as appropriate.
...sort of blows away some of the Controller/View separation ... but the 
final skeleton seems to be the only place that things are brought together 
Please let me know if I'm missing something fundamental here... but at face 
value, I couldn't see any intrinsic capability for that sort of thing... 
much needed in enterprise (size/complexity) applications... to avoid going 
the WebSphere/Portal route.  The app I'm working on is a CRM one... with 
various dashboard status, hot-list and other fragments that need displaying 
on many different pages.


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[Catalyst] A View that may include elements optionally returned from other funcs

2007-04-23 Thread Steve H

Hi all,

(preamble) I've been working for a couple of months now on the strategy, 
constraints and designs for using Catalyst for a portal CRM app.  I chose to 
use Seamstress rather than TT, as it seems a more contemporary approach - at 
least the notion of workig with the HTML tree compared to using another mini 
language (anyway, perhaps if the related doco was more extensive, 
example-wise, then I'm sure Seamstress would get a larger following).
Anyway the dilema I have is: With Catalyst, how do I compose a html 
document from multiple sources. For example I have many Boxes of data, the 
creation of which I'd like to generalise, and optionally include 
some/none/all in any finally composed page/document (and positioned at for 
examle, tags in any doc they could appear in)... like a menu or a hot-list 
or other things that may be common to many documents/pages.
At face value, Catalysts model of a Controller to crunch/prepare the data 
then a View to render a doc/page, seems to promote a 1-document per view 
For this sort of er, Portal app I'm working on, I'd like to when composing a 
page, identify whether or not particular common elements (say, boxes of 
data) should be included, and then merely call out to some common functoin 
to build the things which I then stitch them in at the appropriate place in 
the final doc.
Seems to me that at the point in processing I need to intervene (the final 
page's View), the doc is the compiled/hash representing the html doc tree.  
I can certainly look_down() and replace_content() in that tree how 
though can I call some other function that will return the appropriate 
structure to stitch in.  If they were their own View, they would parse a doc 
fragment (or even a larger doc with lots of common fragments) into a tree in 
it's new()... then I'd call in to some function that would build and return 
me the structure that I could push/replace/splice in to the tree I'm 
Although I'm a well experienced programmer from way back :(from the old 
top-down days though), I am still struggling to get my head around the whole 
interitence and calling model of the Catalyst OO framework... in who does 
what to who, when, for how much, and where did they meet.
Hopefully what I'm trying to do  is pretty 101 stuff, and someone with the 
right Catalyst/Seamstress stuff can 'show me the way'... as I'm going nuts 
trying out different things from Google'ing.


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