[Catalyst] More Application or More Controllers

2010-04-08 Thread Amit Jha

Can any body help me on finding out a best way:
I am planning to build an application on catalyst. I have 3 different module 
1. Admin Utility. 
2. Search Utility.
3. Index List Utility.

All modules have lots of jobs to perform.

My question is to create a separate catalyst app for each and put them under a 
in single app with different controllers to perform the job.

I am much concern about performance and scalability,



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[Catalyst] Catalys App Structure

2010-03-09 Thread Amit Jha
Hi All,

I am planning to start development with Catalyst and planning to deploy  the 
app on mod_perl, cgi and fastcgi.  I have following concern:
1. I am planning to put 4 catalyst app under a directory and some app will run 
on mod_perl and one on cgi and other one on Fastcgi. Will it be a approach?
2. All apps with share the same DB. How can we achieve it?
3. How to include the templates, if templates are outside from the catalyst 
apps(Under main dir)?

Here is the Directory structure what I am planning for:

Hope I can be able explain my concern well. Looking forward for yor reply.



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[Catalyst] Direct Web Remoting(DWR) in catalyst

2010-02-23 Thread Amit Jha

Is there any plug-in for catalyst which supports what DWR does for JAVA. 


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Re: [Catalyst] Authentication Using Catalyst::Authentication::Store::LDAP

2010-02-18 Thread Amit Jha
Can anyone help me?

Genius at work   

--- On Mon, 15/2/10, Amit Jha  wrote:

From: Amit Jha 
Subject: [Catalyst] Authentication Using Catalyst::Authentication::Store::LDAP
To: Catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk
Date: Monday, 15 February, 2010, 1:41 PM

Hi All,

In my authentication module I am trying to add  DBIC and LDAP authentication 
via Catalyst::Authentication::Store::LDAP. DBIC is working fine but LDAP is 
not. Following is app configuration file:

    'Plugin::ConfigLoader' => {
    driver => {
    'General' => {
         -LowerCaseNames => 1,
    file => __PACKAGE__->path_to('conf'),
    'Plugin::Session' =>
    expires => 3600,
    storage => '/home/amit/GISTFIND/tmp/session',
 'Plugin::Authentication' => {
     default_realm => 'general',     
    general => {
        credential => {
        class => 'Password',
    password_field => 'login_password',
    password_type =>
    store => {
        class => 'DBIx::Class',
    user_model => 'DB::Login',
    role_column => 'roles',
    ldap => {
     credential => {
        class =>
    password_field => 'password',
    password_type => 'clear'
    store => {
                binddn  => "cn=Manager, dc=example, dc=com",
    bindpw  => "secret",
 class   => "LDAP",
    ldap_server => "",
    ldap_server_options => { timeout => 30, port => '389', },
    user_basedn => "dc=example,dc=com",
    user_field  => "uid",
    user_results_filter => sub { return shift->pop_entry

When I search LDAP using Net::LDAP It authenticate the user and return the DN 
for that. 

 uid: shanu
userPassword: shanu
 objectClass: account
uid=shanu,dc=example,dc=com checks out!

But when I try the same from catalyst I won't show any thing. Can anyone point 
me what to do and how to debug it.

if ($c->authenticate({ id => $username, password => $password  }, 'ldap')) {
 $c->stash->{auth}-> "asa";



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[Catalyst] Context Object ($c)

2010-02-18 Thread Amit Jha

I have the following 2 class structure. I am unable to access the $c in 
get_name subroutine called from subroutine site_name of  
Myapp::Controller::Sites::Configuration. Can anyone help, how can I access the 
$c if I am call a subroutine directly not by dispatching the call

!ackage Myapp::Controller::Sites;
use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;

    BEGIN {extends 'Catalyst::Controller'; }

has 'id' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Int'

sub get_name {
 my ($self, $c) = @_;
 my $rs = $c->model(DB::Sites)->find($self->id);
 return $rs->name;

package Myapp::Controller::Sites::Configuration;

use Moose;

use namespace::autoclean;


    extends 'GISTFIND::Controller::Site';


sub site_name : Local {
 my($self, $c) = @_;
 my $obj = Site->new({id => 3});
 $name = $obj->get_name;

Genius at work   

  Your Mail works best with the New Yahoo Optimized IE8. Get it NOW! 
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[Catalyst] Authentication Using Catalyst::Authentication::Store::LDAP

2010-02-15 Thread Amit Jha
Hi All,

In my authentication module I am trying to add  DBIC and LDAP authentication 
via Catalyst::Authentication::Store::LDAP. DBIC is working fine but LDAP is 
not. Following is app configuration file:

    'Plugin::ConfigLoader' => {
    driver => {
    'General' => {
         -LowerCaseNames => 1,
    file => __PACKAGE__->path_to('conf'),
    'Plugin::Session' => {
    expires => 3600,
    storage => '/home/amit/GISTFIND/tmp/session',
 'Plugin::Authentication' => {
     default_realm => 'general',     
    general => {
        credential => {
        class => 'Password',
    password_field => 'login_password',
    password_type => 'clear'
    store => {
        class => 'DBIx::Class',
    user_model => 'DB::Login',
    role_column => 'roles',
    ldap => {
     credential => {
        class => 'Password',
    password_field => 'password',
    password_type => 'clear'
    store => {
                binddn  => "cn=Manager, dc=example, dc=com",
    bindpw  => "secret",
    class   => "LDAP",
    ldap_server => "",
    ldap_server_options => { timeout => 30, port => '389', },
    user_basedn => "dc=example,dc=com",
    user_field  => "uid",
    user_results_filter => sub { return shift->pop_entry },    

When I search LDAP using Net::LDAP It authenticate the user and return the DN 
for that. 

 uid: shanu
userPassword: shanu
 objectClass: account
uid=shanu,dc=example,dc=com checks out!

But when I try the same from catalyst I won't show any thing. Can anyone point 
me what to do and how to debug it.

if ($c->authenticate({ id => $username, password => $password  }, 'ldap')) {
 $c->stash->{auth}-> "asa";



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Re: [Catalyst] Using Catalyst with mod_per or FastCGI on heavy traffic web application

2010-01-31 Thread Amit Jha
Let me tell you that I am going to deploy 3-tire architecture and
inbuilt application load balancer for my production environment. And In
future I may have h/w load balancer as well. So Its clear thal I am looking at
very fast and stable environment to deliver my content. So Please help me to 
identify the best better


--- On Sat, 30/1/10, Adam Mackler  wrote:

From: Adam Mackler 
Subject: Re: [Catalyst] Using Catalyst with mod_per or FastCGI on heavy traffic 
web application
To: shanu_...@yahoo.co.in, "The elegant MVC web framework" 

Date: Saturday, 30 January, 2010, 6:02 AM

Well, I'm sure no expert, but that doesn't stop me from having opinions.

The reasons I stopped using mod_perl are: safer when perl encounters
errors, easier for learning, easier for development, better error
messages when restarting production applications, and the ability to
have each application run as a different system user.

Perhaps the most compelling reason that I stopped using mod_perl is
because with both perl and the web server combined in one executable,
a problem with perl can cause not only the whole website to go down,
but also all the other websites handled by that same webserver to go
down as well.

Second, setting up staging servers so you can develop without touching
your production site is easier using fastcgi.  Even having one staging
server with mod_perl is difficult.  Will you run two whole apaches
simultaneously?  What if you want to have more than one staging
server?  Adding more staging servers gets ridiculous fast.

(BTW, I know the Catalyst Book says that you're supposed to use the
myapp_server.pl for development, but I want to have SSL turned on all
the time.)

With fastcgi, I literally had dozens of different applications running
at once, and they can all crash and burn and the webserver keeps
running.  In fact, that's how I learned to use Catalyst.  For every
tutorial I found, I made its own fastcgi process, and then I set up
the web server to know about each one.  http://myhost.com/alpha was
the authorization tutorial, /beta was the CRUD totorial, etc.  I could
look at and play with any or all of them running at once; it made
learning from examples much easier.

In addition to making it easier to learn and to development, in the
production environment fastcgi has significant advantages as relates
to error messages, restarting, and security: I can have two levels of
error messages: one is the replacement for the "Internal Server Error"
that results from a problem with perl running--the same error you
arleady have, for example if your database server crashes, generated
by the perl application.  But with fastcgi I have another, separate
error page that is a nice-looking static page served by the web server
when the fasccgi server is not there.  So during the time when I am
restarting my fastcgi application, visitors see that nice static page
rather than getting a browser error message, which is what happens
when you restart a server with mod_perl.  And as your application(s)
grow in size (and number), restarting them takes longer and longer, so
that feature becomes more important.

Finally, a wonderful benefit of using fastcgi is that each one of my
fastcgi applications runs as a separate user, and none of those
fastcgi users is the user that the web server runs as.  I sleep that
much better at night knowing that the web server cannot read the files
that have database passwords in them, and so on.

Anyway, that's my conclusion after doing things both ways.  My current
setup is similar to yours:  FreeBSD, lighttpd, Catalyst, and


PS, I'm curious why you're using mysql.  Is there a way in which its
better than Postgres?

On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 04:35:10PM +0530, Amit Jha wrote:
> Does anyone have any advice on what will the best option mod_perl or
> FastCGI or something else. if I have the following
> development/production environment for my web application which is a
> search engine.
> 1. Linux(RHEL5)
> 2. Apache 2.2.x
> 3. Perl 5.10
> 4. mod_perl 2.0.x
> 5. mysql 5.1.x
> 6. Catalyst 5.8.x
> ___
> List: Catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk
> Listinfo: http://lists.scsys.co.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/catalyst
> Searchable archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk/
> Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

  Your Mail works best with the New Yahoo Optimized IE8. Get it NOW! 
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Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

[Catalyst] Using Catalyst with mod_per or FastCGI on heavy traffic web application

2010-01-29 Thread Amit Jha
Does anyone have any advice on what will the best option mod_perl or FastCGI or 
something else. if I have the following development/production environment for 
my web application which is a search engine. 
1. Linux(RHEL5)
2. Apache 2.2.x
3. Perl 5.10
4. mod_perl 2.0.x
5. mysql 5.1.x
6. Catalyst 5.8.x

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  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 
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