[ccp4bb] Reminder : GTBIO 2007 Lille Announcement

2007-06-04 Thread Prakash Rucktooa

GTBIO 2007 Lille Announcement

We are glad to welcome the french-speaking community of 
biocrystallographers to Lille (France) for
the GTBIO 2007 Meeting (8-11 October 2007). This meeting will be 
organised by the
Laboratoire de Cristallographie Macromoléculaire and will be hosted by 
the Institut de

Biologie de Lille, on the campus of the Institut Pasteur de Lille.
For further details and applications, please visit :


Best wishes!

The GTBIO 2007 organizing committee.

Laboratoire de Cristallographie Macromoléculaire
Institut de Biologie de Lille - UMR 8161 CNRS
1 Rue du Pr Calmette
59021 Lille Cedex
fn:Prakash Rucktooa
org:UMR 8161 CNRS;Groupe de Cristallographie
adr:1 Rue du Pr. Calmette;;Institut de Biologie de Lille;Lille;;59021;France
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:PhD Student
tel;work:+ 33 3 20 87 10 63
tel;cell:+ 33 6 74 74 22 65

[ccp4bb] ERROR: can't read array(ef2ccp4): no such element in array

2007-06-04 Thread Tiancen Hu
Dear all,

I got this error message in three circumstances:

1) when creating/modifying the project directory in DirectoriesProjDirets and 
clicking APPLY or APPLYEXIT  
2) when changing to another project
3) when running ccp4mg, and ccp4mg even refused to start.

I can't remember clearly, but the event triggering this error seems to be that 
I deleted a specific task while another task was running.

Here is the error message: 

can't read array(ef2ccp4): no such element in array
can't read array(ef2ccp4): no such element in array
while executing
set value $array($var)
(default arm line 2)
invoked from within
switch -regexp -- $type  menu {
set value [GetMenuValue $arrayname $var ]
  } default {
set value $array($var)
(procedure SaveArray line 104)
invoked from within
SaveArray $taskname $filename $arrayname -save_types
(procedure SavePreferences line 29)
invoked from within
SavePreferences directories directories -lock
(procedure SwitchProject line 16)
invoked from within
SwitchProject fabz .module.mesbar.switchProj.m
(menu invoke)

Could anyone tell me how to fix it?

Thanks in advance!

Tiancen Hu
Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica

Re: [ccp4bb] Conservation of momentum - was Is anomalous signal a different wavelength?

2007-06-04 Thread Nave, C (Colin)
Apologies for the late posting (been away). Interesting question from James and 
an interesting answer from Ian!

There should be a radiation pressure effect here resulting in a transfer of 
energy and momentum to the sample. The effect is very small (the term includes 
flux density divided by speed of light). Although this will not make your 
crystal fly away, the effect is proposed for space travel (using large solar 
sails). A very small change in energy of the photon results. This can be 
explained by quantum or more classical theory.

The question referred to elastically scattered photons. In fact the Compton 
effect could also be considered an elastic scattering phenomena as the total 
energy and momentum of the particles (photon plus electron) is conserved. There 
is confusion about the terminology here between different disciplines. The 
difference is that a significant amount of the photons energy is transferred to 
the electron.


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ian
Sent: 31 May 2007 10:53
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Is anomalous signal a different wavelength?

I think it's to do with the Uncertainty Principle.  You can't say for
sure that a particular X-ray photon has gone off in that direction (if
you could you would know both its position and momentum accurately which
is not allowed).  If you integrated the momentum over all possible
outcomes I'm sure you would find that it's conserved (it has to be in an
elastic collision).

-- Ian

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Murray, James W
 Sent: 31 May 2007 10:30
 Subject: RE: [ccp4bb] Is anomalous signal a different wavelength?
 Dear All,
 While we are talking about X-ray scattering, I have another 
 question. If an X-ray is elastically scattered from an 
 electron at an angle theta, its energy is the same is the 
 incoming X-ray. However, the momentum is not the same, as it 
 now has a component in a perpendicular direction (see fig 
 below). As I don't believe that the conservation of momentum 
 really is violated, what is the source of the discrepancy?
 Contrast this with most textbook descriptions of Compton 
 scattering, where the X-ray loses energy and the electron 
 gains kinetic energy.
 best wishes
 X-ray  e-
 Dr. James Murray
 Biochemistry Building
 Department of Biological Sciences
 Imperial College London
 London, SW7 2AZ
 Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 5276

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[ccp4bb] B-factor Space gr questions!

2007-06-04 Thread Ibrahim M. Moustafa

Hi all,

   While reading a crystallographic paper describing the structure 
of an apo-protein and its complex I noticed that

  the authors described the space goup as P6122 for the unit cell: 
a=141.9, b=143.9, c=380.4 !

 Could this be considered as a typo or I'm missing something here! 
the requirement for the hexagonal is a = b # Cright?

Another observation in that paper too: the B-factors for the 2.4 A 
and 3.2 A structures are 39 and 40?? Does this make sense to anyone??

The last question: In the same paper, for the complex structure R and 
Rfree are equal (30%) is that an indication for improper refinement 
in these published structure? I'd love to hear your comments on that too.


Ibrahim M. Moustafa, Ph.D.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dept.
201 Althouse Lab., Uinversity Park
Pennsylvania State University, PA16802

Tel.  (814)863-8703
Fax. (814)865-7927

[ccp4bb] error using NCS in dm

2007-06-04 Thread Jay Thompson


I'm having a problem with running dm with ncs averaging.

I have a trimer and am inputting in 3 domains using euler angles calculated
using the profess:

Domain 1 should be the identity matrix, if I'm understanding things
correctly, so I put 0.0 0.0 0.0 for the three angles and  0.0 0.0 0.0 for
the x,y,z translations

For Domain 2 + 3 I put in the appropriate euler angles.  However, when I run
dm, it gives me an error message:

dm:   (RCARDS) AVER: enter indentity matrix first

I would have guessed that putting in all zeros for Domain 1 would be the
identity matrix??  Am I doing something wrong here?  I can't seem to figure
out what is going wrong?  Has anyone seen this problem before?  Any advice
or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Re: [ccp4bb] B-factor Space gr questions!

2007-06-04 Thread Edward A Berry

Ibrahim M. Moustafa wrote:
The last question: In the same paper, for the complex structure R and 
Rfree are equal (30%) is that an indication for improper refinement in 
these published structure? I'd love to hear your comments on that too.

Several times I solved low resolution structures using high resolution
models, and noticed that R-free increased during atomic positional
refinement.  This could be expected from the assertion that after
refinement to convergence, the final values should not depend on
the starting point: If I had started with a crude model and refined
against low resolution data, Rfree would not have gone as low as the
high-resolution model, so if I start with the high resolution model
and refine, Rfree should worsen to the same value as the structure
converges to the same point.

Thinking about the main purpose of the Rfree statistic, in a very
real way this tells me that the model was better before this step
of refinement, and it would be better to omit the minimization step.
Perhaps this is what the authors did.

   On the other hand it does not seem quite right submit a model that
has simply been rigid-body-refined against the data- I would prefer to
refine to convergence and submit the best model that can be supported
by the data alone, rather than a better model which is really the model
from a better dataset repositioned in the new crystal.


[ccp4bb] Error/Bug in Pirate?

2007-06-04 Thread Jeff Lee

Hi All,

I've having some problems running the program Pirate and was  
wondering if any wonderful ccp4er could help.

I'm trying to run Pirate v 0.4.9 using the ccp4 6.0.2 GUI.  However,  
whenever I run Pirate with NCS symmetry, I get an error message stating:

The program run with command: cpirate -stdin
has failed with error message
child killed: segmentation violation

Unfortunately, the error message is quite vague.  It looks from the  
log file that the mtz didn't even load.  But if I run the exact same  
job but without NCS symmetry the job runs fine.  So it seems that my  
mtz file is fine.  I checked the heavy atom pdb used to determine the  
NCS symmetry and the pdb looks okay in terms of formats.  I'm puzzled  
as to why I'm having trouble with the NCS feature in Pirate.  Has  
anyone also seen this problem with Pirate?

