Re: [ccp4bb] The importance of USING our validation tools

2007-08-27 Thread Mark J. van Raaij
In general, I think we should be careful about too strong statements,  
while in general structures with high solvent diffract to low-res,  
there are a few examples where they diffract to high res. Obviously,  
high solvent content means fewer crystal contacts, but if these few  
are very stable?
Similarly, there are probably a few structures with a high percentage  
of Ramachandran outliers which are real and similarly for all other  
structural quality indicators. However, combinations of various of  
these probably do not exist and in any case, every unusual feature  
like this should be described and an attempt made to explain/analyse  
it, which in the case of the Nature paper that started this thread  
was apparently not done, apart from the rebuttal later (and perhaps  
in unpublished replies to the referees?).

With regards to our structures 1H6W (1.9A) and 1OCY (1.5A), rather  
than faith, I think the structure is held together by a real  
mechanism, which however I can't explain. Like in the structure Axel  
Brunger mentioned, there is appreciable diffuse scatter, which imo  
deserves to be analysed by someone expert in the matter (to whom, or  
anyone else, I would gladly supply the images which I should still  
have on a tape or CD in the cupboard...). For low-res version of one  
image see
two possibilities I have been thinking about:
1. only a few of the tails are ordered, rather like a stack of  
identical tables in which four legs hold the table surfaces stably  
together, but the few ordered tails/legs do not contribute much to  
the diffraction. This raises the question why some tails should be  
stiff and others not; perhaps traces of a metal or other small  
molecule stabilise some tails (although crystal optimisation trials  
did not show up such a molecule)?
2. three-fold disorder, either individually or in microdomains too  
small to have been resolved by the beam used. For this I have been  
told to expect better density than observed, but maybe this is not true.
we did try integrating in lower space groups P3, P2 instead of P321  
with no improvement of the density, we tried a RT dataset to see if  
freezing caused the disorder and we tried improving the phases by MAD  
on the mercury derivative, but with no improvement in the density for  
the tail.

Mark J. van Raaij
Unidad de Bioquímica Estructural
Dpto de Bioquímica, Facultad de Farmacia
Unidad de Rayos X, Edificio CACTUS
Universidad de Santiago
15782 Santiago de Compostela

On 24 Aug 2007, at 03:01, Petr Leiman wrote:

- Original Message - From: Jenny Martin  

Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] The importance of USING our validation tools

My question is, how could crystals with 80% or more solvent  
diffract  so well? The best of the three is 1.9A resolution with I/ 
sigI 48 (top  shell 2.5). My experience is that such crystals  
diffract very weakly.

You must be thinking about Mark van Raaij's T4 short tail fibre  
structures. Yes, the disorder in those crystals is extreme. There  
are ~100-150 A thick disordered layers between the ~200 A thick  
layers of ordered structure. The diffraction pattern does not show  
any anomalies (as far as I can remember from 6 years ago). The  
spots are round, there are virtually no spots not covered by  
predictions, and the crystals diffract to 1.5A resolution. The  
disordered layers are perpendicular to the threefold axis of the  
crystal. The molecule is a trimer and sits on the threefold axis.  
It appears that the ordered layers somehow know how to position  
themselves across the disordered layers.  I agree here with Michael  
Rossmann that in these crystals the ordered layers are held  
together by faith.
Mark integrated the dataset in lower space groups, but the  
disordered stuff was not visible anyway. He will probably add more  
to the discussion.


Any thoughts?


[ccp4bb] alternating strong/weak intensities in reciprocal planes - P622

2007-08-27 Thread Jorge Iulek

Dear all,

Please, maybe you could give some suggestions to the problem below.

1) Images show smeared spots, but xds did a good job integrating them. The 
cell is 229, 229, 72, trigonal, and we see alternating strong and weak rows 
of spots in the images (spots near each other, but rows more separated, must 
be by c*). They were scaled with xscale, P622 (no systematic abscences), 
R_symm = 5.3 (15.1), I/sigI = 34 (14) and redundancy = 7.3 (6.8), resolution 
2.8 A. Reciprocal space show strong spots at h, k, l=2n and weak spots at h, 
k, l=2n+1 (I mean, l=2n intensities are practically all higher than l=2n+1 
intensities, as expected from visual inspection of the images). Within 
planes h, k, l=2n+1, the average intensity is clearly and much *higher at 
high resolution than at low resolution*. Also, within planes h, k, l=2n, a 
subjective observation is that average intensity apparently does not decay 
much from low to high resolution. The data were trucated with truncate, 
which calculated Wilson B factor to be 35 A**2.

2) Xtriage points a high (66 % of the origin) off-origin Patterson peak. 
Also, ML estimate of overall B value of F,SIGF = 25.26 A**2.

3) I suspect to have a 2-fold NCS parallel to a (or b), halfway the c 
parameter, which is almost crystallographic.

4) I submitted the data to the Balbes server which using 
pseudo-translational symmetry suggested some solutions, one with a good 
contrast to others, with a 222 tetramer, built from a structure with 40 % 
identity and 58% positives, of a well conserved fold.

5) I cannot refine below 49 % with either refmac5, phenix.refine or CNS. 
Maps are messy, except for rather few residues and short stretches near the 
active site, almost impossible for rebuilding from thereby. Strange, to me, 
is that all programs freeze all B-factors, taking them the program minimum 
(CNS lowers to almost its minimum). Might this be due to by what I observed 
in the reciprocal space as related in 1 ? If so, might my (intensity) 
scaling procedure have messed the intensities due to their intrinsic 
property to be stronger in alternating planes ? How to overcome this ?

6) I tried some different scaling strategies *in the refinement step*, no 
success at all.

7) A Patterson of the solution from Balbes also shows an off-origin Patteron 
at the same position of the native data, although a little lower.

8) Processed in P6, P312 and P321, all of course suggest twinning.

I would thank suggestions, point to similar cases, etc... In fact, currently 
I wondered why refinement programs take B-factor to such low values

Many thanks,


[ccp4bb] Strange diffraction images

2007-08-27 Thread Jacob Keller
What a beautiful and interesting diffraction pattern!

To me, it seems that there is a blurred set of spots with different cell 
dimensions, although
nearly the same, underlying the ordered diffraction pattern. A possible 
interpretation occurred to
me, that the ordered part of the crystal is supported by a less-ordered lattice 
of slightly
different dimensions, which, because the crystal is a like a layer-cake of 2-d 
crystals, need not
be commensurable in the short range with the ordered lattice. The 
nicely-ordered cake part of the 
crystal you solved, but the frosting between is of a different, less ordered 
nature, giving rise
to the diffuse pattern which has slightly different lattice spacing. I would 
have to see more
images to know whether this apparent lattice-spacing phenomenon is consistent, 
but it at least
seems that way to me from the images you put on the web. I would shudder to 
think of indexing it,

All the best,

Jacob Keller

ps I wonder whether a crystal was ever solved which had two interpenetrating, 
lattices in it. That would be pretty fantastic.

==Original message text===
On Mon, 27 Aug 2007 5:57:45 am CDT Mark J. van Raaij wrote:

In general, I think we should be careful about too strong statements,  
while in general structures with high solvent diffract to low-res,  
there are a few examples where they diffract to high res. Obviously,  
high solvent content means fewer crystal contacts, but if these few  
are very stable?
Similarly, there are probably a few structures with a high percentage  
of Ramachandran outliers which are real and similarly for all other  
structural quality indicators. However, combinations of various of  
these probably do not exist and in any case, every unusual feature  
like this should be described and an attempt made to explain/analyse  
it, which in the case of the Nature paper that started this thread  
was apparently not done, apart from the rebuttal later (and perhaps  
in unpublished replies to the referees?).

With regards to our structures 1H6W (1.9A) and 1OCY (1.5A), rather  
than faith, I think the structure is held together by a real  
mechanism, which however I can't explain. Like in the structure Axel  
Brunger mentioned, there is appreciable diffuse scatter, which imo  
deserves to be analysed by someone expert in the matter (to whom, or  
anyone else, I would gladly supply the images which I should still  
have on a tape or CD in the cupboard...). For low-res version of one  
image see possibilities I have been 
thinking about:
1. only a few of the tails are ordered, rather like a stack of  
identical tables in which four legs hold the table surfaces stably  
together, but the few ordered tails/legs do not contribute much to  
the diffraction. This raises the question why some tails should be  
stiff and others not; perhaps traces of a metal or other small  
molecule stabilise some tails (although crystal optimisation trials  
did not show up such a molecule)?
2. three-fold disorder, either individually or in microdomains too  
small to have been resolved by the beam used. For this I have been  
told to expect better density than observed, but maybe this is not true.
we did try integrating in lower space groups P3, P2 instead of P321  
with no improvement of the density, we tried a RT dataset to see if  
freezing caused the disorder and we tried improving the phases by MAD  
on the mercury derivative, but with no improvement in the density for  
the tail.

Mark J. van Raaij
Unidad de Bioquímica Estructural
Dpto de Bioquímica, Facultad de Farmacia
Unidad de Rayos X, Edificio CACTUS
Universidad de Santiago
15782 Santiago de Compostela

On 24 Aug 2007, at 03:01, Petr Leiman wrote:

 - Original Message - From: Jenny Martin  
 Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 5:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] The importance of USING our validation tools

 My question is, how could crystals with 80% or more solvent  
 diffract  so well? The best of the three is 1.9A resolution with I/ 
 sigI 48 (top  shell 2.5). My experience is that such crystals  
 diffract very weakly.

 You must be thinking about Mark van Raaij's T4 short tail fibre  
 structures. Yes, the disorder in those crystals is extreme. There  
 are ~100-150 A thick disordered layers between the ~200 A thick  
 layers of ordered structure. The diffraction pattern does not show  
 any anomalies (as far as I can remember from 6 years ago). The  
 spots are round, there are virtually no spots not covered by  
 predictions, and the crystals diffract to 1.5A resolution. The  
 disordered layers are perpendicular to the threefold axis of the  
 crystal. The molecule is a trimer and sits on the threefold axis.  
 It appears that the ordered layers somehow know how to 

Re: [ccp4bb] Strange diffraction images

2007-08-27 Thread George M. Sheldrick
Some small molecule crystallographers have specialized in solving and 
refining structures that, exactly as you describe it, consist of two (or 
more) interpenetrating, non-commensurable lattices. The usual approach is 
to decribe the crystal in up to six dimensional space. The programs SAINT 
and EVALCCD are able to integrate such diffraction patterns and
SADABS is able to scale them. However the case in point is probably 


Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry, 
University of Goettingen,
Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
Fax. +49-551-39-2582

On Mon, 27 Aug 2007, Jacob Keller wrote:

 What a beautiful and interesting diffraction pattern!
 To me, it seems that there is a blurred set of spots with different cell 
 dimensions, although
 nearly the same, underlying the ordered diffraction pattern. A possible 
 interpretation occurred to
 me, that the ordered part of the crystal is supported by a less-ordered 
 lattice of slightly
 different dimensions, which, because the crystal is a like a layer-cake of 
 2-d crystals, need not
 be commensurable in the short range with the ordered lattice. The 
 nicely-ordered cake part of the 
 crystal you solved, but the frosting between is of a different, less 
 ordered nature, giving rise
 to the diffuse pattern which has slightly different lattice spacing. I would 
 have to see more
 images to know whether this apparent lattice-spacing phenomenon is 
 consistent, but it at least
 seems that way to me from the images you put on the web. I would shudder to 
 think of indexing it,
 All the best,
 Jacob Keller
 ps I wonder whether a crystal was ever solved which had two interpenetrating, 
 lattices in it. That would be pretty fantastic.


Some small molecule crystallographers have specialized in solving and
refining structures that, exactly as you describe it, consist of two
interpenetrating, non-commensurate lattices. The usual approach is
to index the diffraction pattern in multiple dimensional space 
('superspace'). The programs SAINT and EVALCCD are able to integrate 
diffraction patterns in up to six dimensions, SADABS is able to scale 
them and the refinement is almost always performed with Petricek's 
program JANA2000: 

However the case in point is probably commensurate.


Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry,
University of Goettingen,
Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
Fax. +49-551-39-2582

Re: [ccp4bb] Strange diffraction images

2007-08-27 Thread Jacob Keller
I am still eagerly awaiting a biomacromolecular quasicrystal with a five-fold 
symmetric diffraction 
pattern. It seems that this is entirely possible, if one gets roughly 
Penrose-tile shaped oligomers 
somehow. But wow, how would you solve that thing? I guess one would have to 
modify software from
the small molecule or matsci folks.


==Original message text===
On Mon, 27 Aug 2007 11:19:15 am CDT George M. Sheldrick wrote:

Some small molecule crystallographers have specialized in solving and 
refining structures that, exactly as you describe it, consist of two (or 
more) interpenetrating, non-commensurable lattices. The usual approach is 
to decribe the crystal in up to six dimensional space. The programs SAINT 
and EVALCCD are able to integrate such diffraction patterns and
SADABS is able to scale them. However the case in point is probably 


Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry, 
University of Goettingen,
Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
Fax. +49-551-39-2582

On Mon, 27 Aug 2007, Jacob Keller wrote:

 What a beautiful and interesting diffraction pattern!
 To me, it seems that there is a blurred set of spots with different cell 
 dimensions, although
 nearly the same, underlying the ordered diffraction pattern. A possible 
 interpretation occurred to
 me, that the ordered part of the crystal is supported by a less-ordered 
 lattice of slightly
 different dimensions, which, because the crystal is a like a layer-cake of 
 2-d crystals, need not
 be commensurable in the short range with the ordered lattice. The 
 nicely-ordered cake part of the 
 crystal you solved, but the frosting between is of a different, less 
 ordered nature, giving rise
 to the diffuse pattern which has slightly different lattice spacing. I would 
 have to see more
 images to know whether this apparent lattice-spacing phenomenon is 
 consistent, but it at least
 seems that way to me from the images you put on the web. I would shudder to 
 think of indexing it,
 All the best,
 Jacob Keller
 ps I wonder whether a crystal was ever solved which had two interpenetrating, 
 lattices in it. That would be pretty fantastic.


Some small molecule crystallographers have specialized in solving and
refining structures that, exactly as you describe it, consist of two
interpenetrating, non-commensurate lattices. The usual approach is
to index the diffraction pattern in multiple dimensional space 
('superspace'). The programs SAINT and EVALCCD are able to integrate 
diffraction patterns in up to six dimensions, SADABS is able to scale 
them and the refinement is almost always performed with Petricek's 
program JANA2000: 
However the case in point is probably commensurate.


Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry,
University of Goettingen,
Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
Fax. +49-551-39-2582
===End of original message text===

Jacob Keller
Northwestern University
6541 N. Francisco #3
Chicago IL 60645

Re: [ccp4bb] Strange diffraction images - PS

2007-08-27 Thread George M. Sheldrick
Apologies, part of my previous message was missing and part 
appeared twice. Here is another try:


Some small molecule crystallographers have specialized in solving and
refining structures that, exactly as you describe it, consist of two
interpenetrating, non-commensurate lattices. The usual approach is
to index the diffraction pattern in multiple dimensional space
('superspace'). The programs SAINT and EVALCCD are able to integrate
diffraction patterns in up to six dimensions, SADABS is able to scale
them and the refinement is almost always performed with Petricek's
program JANA2000:

However the case in point is probably commensurate.


Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry, 
University of Goettingen,
Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
Fax. +49-551-39-2582

Re: [ccp4bb] Strange diffraction images

2007-08-27 Thread Raji Edayathumangalam
Very dumb question perhaps:

If there were two interpenetrating lattices of slightly different cell 
dimensions, would we not
expect that the indexing program would leave out a lot of the spots as 
unpredicted or uncovered?

Could someone clarify with respect to the diffraction pattern that has just 
been posted (diff45..png)?


-Included Message--
Some small molecule crystallographers have specialized in solving and 
refining structures that, exactly as you describe it, consist of two (or 
more) interpenetrating, non-commensurable lattices. The usual approach is 
to decribe the crystal in up to six dimensional space. The programs SAINT 
and EVALCCD are able to integrate such diffraction patterns and
SADABS is able to scale them. However the case in point is probably 


Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry, 
University of Goettingen,
Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
Fax. +49-551-39-2582

On Mon, 27 Aug 2007, Jacob Keller wrote:

 What a beautiful and interesting diffraction pattern!
 To me, it seems that there is a blurred set of spots with different cell 
 dimensions, although
 nearly the same, underlying the ordered diffraction pattern. A possible 
 interpretation occurred to
 me, that the ordered part of the crystal is supported by a less-ordered 
 lattice of slightly
 different dimensions, which, because the crystal is a like a layer-cake of 
 2-d crystals, need not
 be commensurable in the short range with the ordered lattice. The 
 nicely-ordered cake part of the 
 crystal you solved, but the frosting between is of a different, less 
 ordered nature, giving rise
 to the diffuse pattern which has slightly different lattice spacing. I would 
 have to see more
 images to know whether this apparent lattice-spacing phenomenon is 
 consistent, but it at least
 seems that way to me from the images you put on the web. I would shudder to 
 think of indexing it,
 All the best,
 Jacob Keller
 ps I wonder whether a crystal was ever solved which had two 
 interpenetrating, non-commensurable
 lattices in it. That would be pretty fantastic.


Some small molecule crystallographers have specialized in solving and
refining structures that, exactly as you describe it, consist of two
interpenetrating, non-commensurate lattices. The usual approach is
to index the diffraction pattern in multiple dimensional space 
('superspace'). The programs SAINT and EVALCCD are able to integrate 
diffraction patterns in up to six dimensions, SADABS is able to scale 
them and the refinement is almost always performed with Petricek's 
program JANA2000: 

However the case in point is probably commensurate.


Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry,
University of Goettingen,
Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
Fax. +49-551-39-2582

-End of Included Message--

Re: [ccp4bb] Strange diffraction images

2007-08-27 Thread Jacob Keller
The left-out spots would be the diffuse spots, which I assume were not 
indexed/integrated. The
sharp spots were presumably used to solve the structure.


==Original message text===
On Mon, 27 Aug 2007 11:36:08 am CDT Raji Edayathumangalam wrote:

Very dumb question perhaps:

If there were two interpenetrating lattices of slightly different cell 
dimensions, would we not
expect that the indexing program would leave out a lot of the spots as 
unpredicted or uncovered?

Could someone clarify with respect to the diffraction pattern that has just 
been posted (diff45..png)?


-Included Message--
Some small molecule crystallographers have specialized in solving and 
refining structures that, exactly as you describe it, consist of two (or 
more) interpenetrating, non-commensurable lattices. The usual approach is 
to decribe the crystal in up to six dimensional space. The programs SAINT 
and EVALCCD are able to integrate such diffraction patterns and
SADABS is able to scale them. However the case in point is probably 


Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry, 
University of Goettingen,
Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
Fax. +49-551-39-2582

On Mon, 27 Aug 2007, Jacob Keller wrote:

 What a beautiful and interesting diffraction pattern!
 To me, it seems that there is a blurred set of spots with different cell 
 dimensions, although
 nearly the same, underlying the ordered diffraction pattern. A possible 
 interpretation occurred to
 me, that the ordered part of the crystal is supported by a less-ordered 
 lattice of slightly
 different dimensions, which, because the crystal is a like a layer-cake of 
 2-d crystals, need not
 be commensurable in the short range with the ordered lattice. The 
 nicely-ordered cake part of the 
 crystal you solved, but the frosting between is of a different, less 
 ordered nature, giving rise
 to the diffuse pattern which has slightly different lattice spacing. I would 
 have to see more
 images to know whether this apparent lattice-spacing phenomenon is 
 consistent, but it at least
 seems that way to me from the images you put on the web. I would shudder to 
 think of indexing it,
 All the best,
 Jacob Keller
 ps I wonder whether a crystal was ever solved which had two 
 interpenetrating, non-commensurable
 lattices in it. That would be pretty fantastic.


Some small molecule crystallographers have specialized in solving and
refining structures that, exactly as you describe it, consist of two
interpenetrating, non-commensurate lattices. The usual approach is
to index the diffraction pattern in multiple dimensional space 
('superspace'). The programs SAINT and EVALCCD are able to integrate 
diffraction patterns in up to six dimensions, SADABS is able to scale 
them and the refinement is almost always performed with Petricek's 
program JANA2000: 
However the case in point is probably commensurate.


Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry,
University of Goettingen,
Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
Fax. +49-551-39-2582

-End of Included Message--
===End of original message text===

Jacob Keller
Northwestern University
6541 N. Francisco #3
Chicago IL 60645

[ccp4bb] Applying NCS Edits in Coot

2007-08-27 Thread xmjose
Dear all,
I am trying to use the NCS Edits in Coot to be able to move a range of
residues from a molecule to the NCS related ones and the command
(copy-residue-range-from-ncs-master-to others ) is not working.
The fragment that I want to add to the NCS related molecules is at the
N-terminus. When I type the order Coot says: ABORT: (unbound variable).
Hope I have been clear enough!
Thanks in advance,


Re: [ccp4bb] Strange diffraction images

2007-08-27 Thread Peter Zwart
 As a side note, Xtriage
 doesn't think things are twinned as was suggested for one some of the other
 diffraction patterns discussed earlier today.

Hi Todd,

Detection of twinning in the presence of pseudo translations / and or
NCS parallel to the twin law is difficult and using model based
techniques (RvsR statistic) could be usefull.

Furthermore, I would like to point to Acta D 63, 926-930 with some
pointers to literature regaring other 'weird' pathologies.



Re: [ccp4bb] alternating strong/weak intensities in reciprocal planes - P622

2007-08-27 Thread Dale Tronrud

   On possibility for #5, the B factors all dropping to the lower limit
during refinement.  If you are including all of your low resolution data
(which you should) but have not used a model for the bulk solvent scattering
of X-rays (which would be bad) then you will observe this result.  The
refinement program will attempt to overestimate the amplitudes of the
high resolution Fc's to match the overestimated low resolution Fc's.

   Check you log files to ensure you bulk solvent correction is operating

Dale Tronrud

Jorge Iulek wrote:

Dear all,

Please, maybe you could give some suggestions to the problem below.

1) Images show smeared spots, but xds did a good job integrating them. 
The cell is 229, 229, 72, trigonal, and we see alternating strong and 
weak rows of spots in the images (spots near each other, but rows more 
separated, must be by c*). They were scaled with xscale, P622 (no 
systematic abscences), R_symm = 5.3 (15.1), I/sigI = 34 (14) and 
redundancy = 7.3 (6.8), resolution 2.8 A. Reciprocal space show strong 
spots at h, k, l=2n and weak spots at h, k, l=2n+1 (I mean, l=2n 
intensities are practically all higher than l=2n+1 intensities, as 
expected from visual inspection of the images). Within planes h, k, 
l=2n+1, the average intensity is clearly and much *higher at high 
resolution than at low resolution*. Also, within planes h, k, l=2n, a 
subjective observation is that average intensity apparently does not 
decay much from low to high resolution. The data were trucated with 
truncate, which calculated Wilson B factor to be 35 A**2.

2) Xtriage points a high (66 % of the origin) off-origin Patterson peak. 
Also, ML estimate of overall B value of F,SIGF = 25.26 A**2.

3) I suspect to have a 2-fold NCS parallel to a (or b), halfway the c 
parameter, which is almost crystallographic.

4) I submitted the data to the Balbes server which using 
pseudo-translational symmetry suggested some solutions, one with a good 
contrast to others, with a 222 tetramer, built from a structure with 40 
% identity and 58% positives, of a well conserved fold.

5) I cannot refine below 49 % with either refmac5, phenix.refine or CNS. 
Maps are messy, except for rather few residues and short stretches near 
the active site, almost impossible for rebuilding from thereby. Strange, 
to me, is that all programs freeze all B-factors, taking them the 
program minimum (CNS lowers to almost its minimum). Might this be due to 
by what I observed in the reciprocal space as related in 1 ? If so, 
might my (intensity) scaling procedure have messed the intensities due 
to their intrinsic property to be stronger in alternating planes ? How 
to overcome this ?

6) I tried some different scaling strategies *in the refinement step*, 
no success at all.

7) A Patterson of the solution from Balbes also shows an off-origin 
Patteron at the same position of the native data, although a little lower.

8) Processed in P6, P312 and P321, all of course suggest twinning.

I would thank suggestions, point to similar cases, etc... In fact, 
currently I wondered why refinement programs take B-factor to such low 

Many thanks,


Re: [ccp4bb] Strange diffraction images

2007-08-27 Thread Bart Hazes
I believe Wayne Hendrickson's lab has had such a case with a 10-fold 
symmetric mollusc hemocyanin crystal. This must have been in the early 
90's and to my knowlwedge they were never able to solve the structure 
even though it diffracted beyond 2 Anstrom.

I'm not sure if this work has been published but you can check the paper 
describing a single domain of this protein complex or contact one of its 


J Mol Biol. 1998 May 15;278(4):855-70.

Crystal structure of a functional unit from Octopus hemocyanin.
Cuff ME, Miller KI, van Holde KE, Hendrickson WA.

Jacob Keller wrote:
I am still eagerly awaiting a biomacromolecular quasicrystal with a five-fold symmetric diffraction 
pattern. It seems that this is entirely possible, if one gets roughly Penrose-tile shaped oligomers 
somehow. But wow, how would you solve that thing? I guess one would have to modify software from

the small molecule or matsci folks.


==Original message text===
On Mon, 27 Aug 2007 11:19:15 am CDT George M. Sheldrick wrote:

Some small molecule crystallographers have specialized in solving and 
refining structures that, exactly as you describe it, consist of two (or 
more) interpenetrating, non-commensurable lattices. The usual approach is 
to decribe the crystal in up to six dimensional space. The programs SAINT 
and EVALCCD are able to integrate such diffraction patterns and
SADABS is able to scale them. However the case in point is probably 


Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry, 
University of Goettingen,

Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
Fax. +49-551-39-2582

On Mon, 27 Aug 2007, Jacob Keller wrote:

What a beautiful and interesting diffraction pattern!

To me, it seems that there is a blurred set of spots with different cell 
dimensions, although
nearly the same, underlying the ordered diffraction pattern. A possible 
interpretation occurred to
me, that the ordered part of the crystal is supported by a less-ordered lattice 
of slightly
different dimensions, which, because the crystal is a like a layer-cake of 2-d 
crystals, need not
be commensurable in the short range with the ordered lattice. The nicely-ordered cake part of the 
crystal you solved, but the frosting between is of a different, less ordered nature, giving rise

to the diffuse pattern which has slightly different lattice spacing. I would 
have to see more
images to know whether this apparent lattice-spacing phenomenon is consistent, 
but it at least
seems that way to me from the images you put on the web. I would shudder to 
think of indexing it,

All the best,

Jacob Keller

ps I wonder whether a crystal was ever solved which had two interpenetrating, 
lattices in it. That would be pretty fantastic.


Some small molecule crystallographers have specialized in solving and
refining structures that, exactly as you describe it, consist of two
interpenetrating, non-commensurate lattices. The usual approach is
to index the diffraction pattern in multiple dimensional space 
('superspace'). The programs SAINT and EVALCCD are able to integrate 
diffraction patterns in up to six dimensions, SADABS is able to scale 
them and the refinement is almost always performed with Petricek's 
program JANA2000: 
However the case in point is probably commensurate.


Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry,
University of Goettingen,
Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
Fax. +49-551-39-2582
===End of original message text===

Jacob Keller
Northwestern University
6541 N. Francisco #3
Chicago IL 60645



Bart Hazes (Assistant Professor)
Dept. of Medical Microbiology  Immunology
University of Alberta
1-15 Medical Sciences Building
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada, T6G 2H7
phone:  1-780-492-0042


Re: [ccp4bb] Strange diffraction images

2007-08-27 Thread Jacob Keller
I think if there had been a case of a protein quasicrystal, it would have made 
the cover of Nature

Here are some papers about quasicrystals:

1: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1996 Dec 10;93(25):14267-70.

New perspectives on forbidden symmetries, quasicrystals, and Penrose 
Steinhardt PJ.

Quasicrystals are solids with quasiperiodic atomic structures and 
symmetries forbidden to
ordinary periodic crystals-e.g., 5-fold symmetry axes. A powerful model for 
understanding their
structure and properties has been the two-dimensional Penrose tiling. Recently 
properties of Penrose tilings suggest a simple picture of the structure of 
quasicrystals and shed
new light on why they form. The results show that quasicrystals can be 
constructed from a single
repeating cluster of atoms and that the rigid matching rules of Penrose tilings 
can be replaced by
more physically plausible cluster energetics. The new concepts make the 
conditions for forming
quasicrystals appear to be closely related to the conditions for forming 
periodic crystals.

2: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1996 Dec 10;93(25):14271-8.

Five-fold symmetry in crystalline quasicrystal lattices.
Caspar DL, Fontano E.

Institute of Molecular Biophysics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, 
32306-3015, USA.

To demonstrate that crystallographic methods can be applied to index and 
interpret diffraction
patterns from well-ordered quasicrystals that display non-crystallographic 
5-fold symmetry, we have 
characterized the properties of a series of periodic two-dimensional lattices 
built from pentagons, 
called Fibonacci pentilings, which resemble aperiodic Penrose tilings. The 
computed diffraction
patterns from periodic pentilings with moderate size unit cells show decagonal 
symmetry and are
virtually indistinguishable from that of the infinite aperiodic pentiling. We 
identify the vertices 
and centers of the pentagons forming the pentiling with the positions of 
transition metal atoms
projected on the plane perpendicular to the decagonal axis of quasicrystals 
whose structure is
related to crystalline eta phase alloys. The characteristic length scale of the 
pentiling lattices, 
evident from the Patterson (autocorrelation) function, is approximately tau 2 
times the pentagon
edge length, where tau is the golden ratio. Within this distance there are a 
finite number of local 
atomic motifs whose structure can be crystallographically refined against the 
measured diffraction data.


==Original message text===
On Mon, 27 Aug 2007 2:02:36 pm CDT Bart Hazes wrote:

I believe Wayne Hendrickson's lab has had such a case with a 10-fold 
symmetric mollusc hemocyanin crystal. This must have been in the early 
90's and to my knowlwedge they were never able to solve the structure 
even though it diffracted beyond 2 Anstrom.

I'm not sure if this work has been published but you can check the paper 
describing a single domain of this protein complex or contact one of its 


J Mol Biol. 1998 May 15;278(4):855-70.

Crystal structure of a functional unit from Octopus hemocyanin.
Cuff ME, Miller KI, van Holde KE, Hendrickson WA.

Jacob Keller wrote:
 I am still eagerly awaiting a biomacromolecular quasicrystal with a five-fold 
 symmetric diffraction 
 pattern. It seems that this is entirely possible, if one gets roughly 
 Penrose-tile shaped oligomers 
 somehow. But wow, how would you solve that thing? I guess one would have to 
 modify software from
 the small molecule or matsci folks.
 ==Original message text===
 On Mon, 27 Aug 2007 11:19:15 am CDT George M. Sheldrick wrote:
 Some small molecule crystallographers have specialized in solving and 
 refining structures that, exactly as you describe it, consist of two (or 
 more) interpenetrating, non-commensurable lattices. The usual approach is 
 to decribe the crystal in up to six dimensional space. The programs SAINT 
 and EVALCCD are able to integrate such diffraction patterns and
 SADABS is able to scale them. However the case in point is probably 
 Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
 Dept. Structural Chemistry, 
 University of Goettingen,
 Tammannstr. 4,
 D37077 Goettingen, Germany
 Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
 Fax. +49-551-39-2582
 On Mon, 27 Aug 2007, Jacob Keller wrote:
What a beautiful and interesting diffraction pattern!

To me, it seems that there is a blurred set of spots with different cell 
dimensions, although
nearly the same, underlying the ordered diffraction pattern. A possible 
interpretation occurred to
me, that the ordered part of the crystal is supported by a less-ordered 
lattice of slightly
different dimensions, which, because the crystal is a like a layer-cake of 
2-d crystals, need not
be commensurable in the short range with the ordered lattice. The 
nicely-ordered cake part of the 
crystal you 

Re: [ccp4bb] alternating strong/weak intensities in reciprocal planes - P622

2007-08-27 Thread Bart Hazes

Hi Jorge,

The strong h, k, l=2n and weak h, k, l=2n+1 pattern suggest pseudo body 
centering. Does the off-origin Patterson peak lie at/near 0.5 0.5 0.5?

You could get pseudo body centering if an NCS 2-fold lies parallel to a 
crystallographic 2(1) or 6(3) screw axis, with the NCS 2-fold a quarter 
(not half) of a unit cell distant from the crystallographic axis.

The fact that you get good merging statistics in P622 even at the high 
resolution limit suggests to me that you either have that space group or 
a lower symmetry subgroup with a nearly 0.5 twin fraction.

Even if you figure out completely what your pathological crystal 
conditions are it may be hard to refine the structure properly. In some 
cases crystals can snap from a pseudo- to a proper crystal by adding the 
right additive. This may be worth trying while you break your head on 
this case.

One problem is that whenever you make a model that obeys the pseudo body 
centering you are going to get a significant R-factor and correlation 
coefficient, even if the actual model is wrong. If you get a clear 
rotation function solution, which is not affected by the pseudo 
translation, it may still work but otherwise it could be hard to know if 
you got the right solution or not. Trying a whole bunch of rotation 
function solutions and see which one will refine to a significantly 
lower R-free is one thing to try.


Jorge Iulek wrote:

Dear all,

Please, maybe you could give some suggestions to the problem below.

1) Images show smeared spots, but xds did a good job integrating them. 
The cell is 229, 229, 72, trigonal, and we see alternating strong and 
weak rows of spots in the images (spots near each other, but rows more 
separated, must be by c*). They were scaled with xscale, P622 (no 
systematic abscences), R_symm = 5.3 (15.1), I/sigI = 34 (14) and 
redundancy = 7.3 (6.8), resolution 2.8 A. Reciprocal space show strong 
spots at h, k, l=2n and weak spots at h, k, l=2n+1 (I mean, l=2n 
intensities are practically all higher than l=2n+1 intensities, as 
expected from visual inspection of the images). Within planes h, k, 
l=2n+1, the average intensity is clearly and much *higher at high 
resolution than at low resolution*. Also, within planes h, k, l=2n, a 
subjective observation is that average intensity apparently does not 
decay much from low to high resolution. The data were trucated with 
truncate, which calculated Wilson B factor to be 35 A**2.

2) Xtriage points a high (66 % of the origin) off-origin Patterson peak. 
Also, ML estimate of overall B value of F,SIGF = 25.26 A**2.

3) I suspect to have a 2-fold NCS parallel to a (or b), halfway the c 
parameter, which is almost crystallographic.

4) I submitted the data to the Balbes server which using 
pseudo-translational symmetry suggested some solutions, one with a good 
contrast to others, with a 222 tetramer, built from a structure with 40 
% identity and 58% positives, of a well conserved fold.

5) I cannot refine below 49 % with either refmac5, phenix.refine or CNS. 
Maps are messy, except for rather few residues and short stretches near 
the active site, almost impossible for rebuilding from thereby. Strange, 
to me, is that all programs freeze all B-factors, taking them the 
program minimum (CNS lowers to almost its minimum). Might this be due to 
by what I observed in the reciprocal space as related in 1 ? If so, 
might my (intensity) scaling procedure have messed the intensities due 
to their intrinsic property to be stronger in alternating planes ? How 
to overcome this ?

6) I tried some different scaling strategies *in the refinement step*, 
no success at all.

7) A Patterson of the solution from Balbes also shows an off-origin 
Patteron at the same position of the native data, although a little lower.

8) Processed in P6, P312 and P321, all of course suggest twinning.

I would thank suggestions, point to similar cases, etc... In fact, 
currently I wondered why refinement programs take B-factor to such low 

Many thanks,




Bart Hazes (Assistant Professor)
Dept. of Medical Microbiology  Immunology
University of Alberta
1-15 Medical Sciences Building
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada, T6G 2H7
phone:  1-780-492-0042


Re: [ccp4bb] alternating strong/weak intensities in reciprocal planes - P622

2007-08-27 Thread Rizkallah, PJ (Pierre)
Hi Jorge,

I imagine your 222 tetramer makes a sort of 'pancake' which fits into a
cell of 229x229x36 when you apply the 6-fold symmetry. If that was the
case in the crystal, then these would be the cell dimensions that you
would get.

But I suspect you have a situation where the cell repeat has a pancake
that is either slightly shifted in the plane normal to the 6-fold, or
rotated out of that plane by a small number of degrees. So the crystal
would have a doubled unit-cell, with the weak inter-layers. If the two
pancakes had been exactly parallel, and exactly 36A apart, the weak
layers would have disappeared completely, and the situation would reduce
to the smaller cell.

Because of the slight translation/rotation between two adjacent smaller
cells, you get the weaker layers. The perturbation must be really small
that it is much less noticeable at low res, which is where you see the
weak reflections in the l=2n+1 layers. As the res goes up, the ability
to discern the differences goes up, giving the more intense spots in the
outer part of the diffraction pattern. This situation would still occur
in the presence of systematic absences due to an unidentified screw
axis, as suggested by another contributor.

You can try for better ordered crystals, as suggested by someone else.
But to rescue this data set, I would look for one good MR solution, then
use it as a fixed solution and use the same rotation solution (or one
very close to it) to find a second translation solution. This should be
within a small fraction of 0,0,0.5. After rigid body refinement, you
might see the rotation of the 'pancake' clearly. But to get acceptable
R-factors, you must try all the screw axis combinations, 6, 6(1), 6(2),
6(3), 6(4) and 6(5). With a bit of luck, one of these will be much
better than the others.

One final remark: You seem to have cut off the res at 2.8A despite the
significant I/sig(I) statistic in the outer shell, combined with a
benign R-merge. This is understandable if it is due to geometry, but
really, you must go for higher res, and maybe you will get an even
clearer answer. If your data collection system is limiting for the above
cell dimension and res combination, you should try a different facility,
with a larger detector or shorter wavelength, or both. Synchrotrons are
usually good for this sort of thing (of course I am advertising!).

Good Luck.


Pierre Rizkallah, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, Cheshire WA4 4AD,
Phone:  (+)44 1925 603808  Fax:  (+)44 1925 603124
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] html:

-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Jorge Iulek
Sent: 27 August 2007 12:48
Subject: [ccp4bb] alternating strong/weak intensities in reciprocal
planes - P622

Dear all,

Please, maybe you could give some suggestions to the problem below.

1) Images show smeared spots, but xds did a good job integrating them.
cell is 229, 229, 72, trigonal, and we see alternating strong and weak
of spots in the images (spots near each other, but rows more separated,
be by c*). They were scaled with xscale, P622 (no systematic abscences),

R_symm = 5.3 (15.1), I/sigI = 34 (14) and redundancy = 7.3 (6.8),
2.8 A. Reciprocal space show strong spots at h, k, l=2n and weak spots
at h, 
k, l=2n+1 (I mean, l=2n intensities are practically all higher than
intensities, as expected from visual inspection of the images). Within 
planes h, k, l=2n+1, the average intensity is clearly and much *higher
high resolution than at low resolution*. Also, within planes h, k, l=2n,
subjective observation is that average intensity apparently does not
much from low to high resolution. The data were trucated with truncate, 
which calculated Wilson B factor to be 35 A**2.

2) Xtriage points a high (66 % of the origin) off-origin Patterson peak.

Also, ML estimate of overall B value of F,SIGF = 25.26 A**2.

3) I suspect to have a 2-fold NCS parallel to a (or b), halfway the c 
parameter, which is almost crystallographic.

4) I submitted the data to the Balbes server which using 
pseudo-translational symmetry suggested some solutions, one with a good 
contrast to others, with a 222 tetramer, built from a structure with 40
identity and 58% positives, of a well conserved fold.

5) I cannot refine below 49 % with either refmac5, phenix.refine or CNS.

Maps are messy, except for rather few residues and short stretches near
active site, almost impossible for rebuilding from thereby. Strange, to
is that all programs freeze all B-factors, taking them the program
(CNS lowers to almost its minimum). Might this be due to by what I
in the reciprocal space as related in 1 ? If so, might my (intensity) 
scaling procedure have messed the intensities due to their intrinsic 
property to be