Re: [ccp4bb] @Ian:Death of Rmerge

2012-06-04 Thread aaleshin
Wow, it is quite a lecture here! It is very appreciated.

I admit some (most?) of my statements were questionable. Thus, I did not know 
how sigI would be calculated in case of multiple observations, and, indeed, its 
proper handling should make sigI/I similar to Rmerge. Consequently,  I/sigI 
substitutes Rmerge fairly well. 

Now, where the metric Rmerge=0.5 came from? If I remember correctly, It was 
proposed here at ccp4bb. Also, one reviewer suggested to use it. I admit that 
this is quite an arbitrary value, but when everyone follows it, structures 
become comparable by this metric. If there is a better approach to estimate the 
resolution, lets use it, but the common rule should be enforced, otherwise the 
resolution becomes another venue for cheating. 

Once again, I was talking about metric for the resolution, it does not need to 
be equal to metric for the data cutoff. 


On Jun 3, 2012, at 2:55 PM, Ian Tickle wrote:

 Hi Alex
 On 3 June 2012 07:00, aaleshin wrote:
 I was also taught that under normal conditions this would occur when the 
 data are collected up to the shell, in which Rmerge = 0.5.
 Do you have a reference for that?  I have not seen a demonstration of
 such an exact relationship between Rmerge and resolution, even for
 'normal' data, and I don't think everyone uses 0.5 as the cut-off
 anyway (e.g. some people use 0.4, some 0.8 etc - though I agree with
 Phil that we shouldn't get too hung up about the exact number!).
 Certainly having used the other suggested criteria for resolution
 cut-off (I/sigma(I)  CC(1/2)), the corresponding Rmerge (and Rpim
 etc) seems to vary a lot (or maybe my data weren't 'normal').
 One can collect more data (up to Rmerge=1.0 or even 100) but the resolution 
 of the electron density map will not change significantly.
 I think we are all at least agreed that beyond some resolution
 cut-off, adding further higher resolution 'data' will not result in
 any further improvement in the map (because the weights will become
 negligible).  So it would appear prudent at least to err on the high
 resolution side!
 I solved several structures of my own, and this simple rule worked every 
 In what sense do you mean it 'worked'?  Do you mean you tried
 different cut-offs in Rmerge (e.g. 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00 ...) and
 then used some metric to judge when there was no further significant
 change in the map and you noted that the optimal value of your chosen
 metric always occurs around Rmerge 0.5?; and if so how did you judge a
 'significant change'?  Personally I go along with Dale's suggestion to
 use the optical resolution of the map to judge when no further
 improvement occurs.  This would need to be done with the completely
 refined structure because presumably optical resolution will be
 reduced by phase errors.  Note that it wouldn't be necessary to
 actually quote the optical resolution in place of the X-ray resolution
 (that would confuse everyone!), you just need to know the value of the
 X-ray resolution cut-off where the optical resolution no longer
 changes (it should be clear from a plot of X-ray vs. optical
 I is measured as a number of detector counts in the reflection minus 
 background counts.
 sigI is measured as sq. root of I plus standard deviation (SD) for the 
 background plus various deviations from ideal experiment (like noise from 
 satellite crystals).
 The most important contribution to the sigma(I)'s, except maybe for
 the weak reflections, actually comes from differences between the
 intensities of equivalent reflections, due to variations in absorption
 and illuminated volume, and other errors in image scale factors
 (though these are all highly correlated).  These are of course exactly
 the same differences that contribute to Rmerge.  E.g. in Scala the
 SDFAC  SDADD parameters are automatically adjusted to fit the
 observed QQ plot to the expected one, in order to account for such
 Obviously, sigI cannot be measured accurately. Moreover, the 'resolution' is 
 related to errors in the structural factors, which are  average from several 
 Errors in their scaling would affect the 'resolution', and I/sigI does not 
 detect them, but Rmerge does!
 Sorry you've lost me here, I don't see why I/sigI should not detect
 scaling errors: as indicated above if there are errors in the scale
 factors this will inflate the sigma(I) values via increased SDFAC
 and/or SDADD, which will increase the sigma(I) values which will in
 turn reduce the I/sigma(I) values exactly as expected.  I see no
 difference in the behaviour of Rmerge and I/sigma(I) (or indeed in
 CC(1/2)) in this respect, since they all depend on the differences
 between equivalents.
 Rmerge, it means that the symmetry related reflections did not merge well. 
 Under those conditions, Rmerge becomes a much better criterion for 
 estimation of the 'resolution'  than sigi/I.
 As indicated 

Re: [ccp4bb] How to know if ADP exists in the ATP-binding site of bacterial expressed proteins

2012-06-04 Thread George Kontopidis
At 280nm absorbs Trp but Tyr and Phe (much less) as well. So your protein
sample even without Trp will absorb. A mass spect experiment should show a
presence of molecule with MW 507 (ATP) or MW 427 (ADP)







From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of
Xinghua Qin
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 7:52 AM
Subject: [ccp4bb] How to know if ADP exists in the ATP-binding site of
bacterial expressed proteins


Deer CCP4ers,


How to know if ADP exists in the ATP-binding site of bacterial expressed
proteins? Check the UV spectrum at 280 nm is one way, but there is no Trp in
my protein.  Is there any other conveniet way to find out? 

Thanks in advance


Best wishes


Xinghua Qin

Xinghua Qin 

State Key Laboratory of Plant Physiology and biochemistry 
College of Biological Sciences
China Agricultural University
No.2, Yuan Ming Yuan West Road
Haidian District, Beijing, China 100193
Tel: +86-10-62732672


[ccp4bb] Position for post-doc and graduate student in Amsterdam

2012-06-04 Thread Titia K. Sixma
Post-doctoral and PhD positions available in the group of Titia K. Sixma, 
Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam

We are looking for motivated enthousiastic researchers with strong experience 
in X-ray crystallography and protein biochemistry. Projects are focussing on 
ubiquitin conjugation processes in DNA regulation, where we study the roles of 
E3 ligases and deubiquitinating enzymes. Aims are to reconstitute larger 
complexes in vitro and study structural and functional aspects of the basic 
enzymatic activities and correlate these to cellular function.

The NKI is well-established as a center of excellence for cancer research, with 
strong genetics, cell biology and structural biology. The institute is highly 
interactive and is well set up with strong core facilities. For structural 
biology we share equipment between the Sixma and Perrakis labs and the protein 
facility . Setup is excellent for biochemistry, biophysics (ITC, Malls, stopped 
flow, SPR, fluorescence etc) and X-ray crystallography.

Amsterdam is a very livable city with many cultural amenities. The institute is 
located within a 20 minute tram or bicycle ride from the center of Amsterdam 
and within 20 minutes from Schiphol airport by car, bus or bicycle.

Titia K. Sixma
Division of Biochemistry
Nederlands Kanker Instituut
Plesmanlaan 121
1066 CX Amsterdam

Tel: +31-20-5121959

Re: [ccp4bb] @Ian:Death of Rmerge

2012-06-04 Thread Tommi Kajander
well, actually i recommend having a look at the old but good scalepack manual 
for why Rmerge is inferior..

(i thought this was clear long ago.. so i am bit amazed that this discussio is 
still alive and kicking..)

question of where to cut, is a different one and thats where the recent papers 
and developments start to come in.

short quote...(scalepack manual):
From a statistical point of view, I/σ is a superior criterion, for two 
reasons. First, it defines a resolution “limit” since by definition I/σ is the 
signal to noise of your measurements. In contrast, Rmerge is not directly 
related to signal to noise.
Second, the σ assigned to each intensity derives its validity from the χ2’s, 
which represent the weighted ratio of the difference between the observed and 
average value of I, 〈I〉, squared, divided by the square of the error model, the 
whole thing times a factor correcting for the correlation between I and 〈I〉. 
Since it depends on an explicit declaration of the expected error in the 
measurement, the user of the program is part of the Bayesian reasoning process 
behind the error estimation.
..In short, I/σ is the preferred way of assessing the quality of 
diffraction data because it derives its validity from the χ2 (likelihood) 

credits to  Otwinowski et al. 

end of story, i believe. so R-merge died long back.


On Jun 4, 2012, at 9:00 AM, aaleshin wrote:

 Wow, it is quite a lecture here! It is very appreciated.
 I admit some (most?) of my statements were questionable. Thus, I did not know 
 how sigI would be calculated in case of multiple observations, and, indeed, 
 its proper handling should make sigI/I similar to Rmerge. Consequently,  
 I/sigI substitutes Rmerge fairly well. 
 Now, where the metric Rmerge=0.5 came from? If I remember correctly, It was 
 proposed here at ccp4bb. Also, one reviewer suggested to use it. I admit that 
 this is quite an arbitrary value, but when everyone follows it, structures 
 become comparable by this metric. If there is a better approach to estimate 
 the resolution, lets use it, but the common rule should be enforced, 
 otherwise the resolution becomes another venue for cheating. 
 Once again, I was talking about metric for the resolution, it does not need 
 to be equal to metric for the data cutoff. 
 On Jun 3, 2012, at 2:55 PM, Ian Tickle wrote:
 Hi Alex
 On 3 June 2012 07:00, aaleshin wrote:
 I was also taught that under normal conditions this would occur when the 
 data are collected up to the shell, in which Rmerge = 0.5.
 Do you have a reference for that?  I have not seen a demonstration of
 such an exact relationship between Rmerge and resolution, even for
 'normal' data, and I don't think everyone uses 0.5 as the cut-off
 anyway (e.g. some people use 0.4, some 0.8 etc - though I agree with
 Phil that we shouldn't get too hung up about the exact number!).
 Certainly having used the other suggested criteria for resolution
 cut-off (I/sigma(I)  CC(1/2)), the corresponding Rmerge (and Rpim
 etc) seems to vary a lot (or maybe my data weren't 'normal').
 One can collect more data (up to Rmerge=1.0 or even 100) but the resolution 
 of the electron density map will not change significantly.
 I think we are all at least agreed that beyond some resolution
 cut-off, adding further higher resolution 'data' will not result in
 any further improvement in the map (because the weights will become
 negligible).  So it would appear prudent at least to err on the high
 resolution side!
 I solved several structures of my own, and this simple rule worked every 
 In what sense do you mean it 'worked'?  Do you mean you tried
 different cut-offs in Rmerge (e.g. 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00 ...) and
 then used some metric to judge when there was no further significant
 change in the map and you noted that the optimal value of your chosen
 metric always occurs around Rmerge 0.5?; and if so how did you judge a
 'significant change'?  Personally I go along with Dale's suggestion to
 use the optical resolution of the map to judge when no further
 improvement occurs.  This would need to be done with the completely
 refined structure because presumably optical resolution will be
 reduced by phase errors.  Note that it wouldn't be necessary to
 actually quote the optical resolution in place of the X-ray resolution
 (that would confuse everyone!), you just need to know the value of the
 X-ray resolution cut-off where the optical resolution no longer
 changes (it should be clear from a plot of X-ray vs. optical
 I is measured as a number of detector counts in the reflection minus 
 background counts.
 sigI is measured as sq. root of I plus standard deviation (SD) for the 
 background plus various deviations from ideal experiment (like noise from 
 satellite crystals).
 The most important contribution to the sigma(I)'s, except maybe for
 the weak reflections, actually comes 

Re: [ccp4bb] How to know if ADP exists in the ATP-binding site of bacterial expressed proteins

2012-06-04 Thread Acoot Brett
Ion exchange chromatography, this is the published method.

From: Xinghua Qin
Sent: Monday, 4 June 2012 2:51 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] How to know if ADP exists in the ATP-binding site of 
bacterial expressed proteins

Deer CCP4ers,

How to know if ADP exists in the ATP-binding site of bacterial expressed 
proteins? Check the UV spectrum at 280 nm is one way, but there is no Trp in my 
protein.  Is there any other conveniet way to find out? 

Thanks in advance

Best wishes

Xinghua Qin

Xinghua Qin 
State Key Laboratory of Plant Physiology and biochemistry 
College of Biological Sciences
China Agricultural University
No.2, Yuan Ming Yuan West Road
Haidian District, Beijing, China 100193
Tel: +86-10-62732672


2012-06-04 Thread Ed Pozharski
 Is it reasonable to refine occupancy in phenix at 2.2 A resolution?  

Implementations may differ, but imgo refining occupancy at 2.2A
resolution is not very reasonable under most circumstances, as it will
correlate strongly with the B-factor.  A reasonable approach might be to
fix occupancy at different levels and get a series of refined models.
Then you look at (i) B-factor behavior and see at what occupancy it
matches the surrounding atoms and (ii) difference density (my
unsubstantiated theory is that if you plot it against occupancy it
should have a central flat region where B-factors are capable of
compensating and two linear regions on extreme ends which should allow
to extrapolate the true value.

Refmac does occupancy refinement.  It's quite fast, so you may try
randomizing the initial value and get some idea about convergence.



Oh, suddenly throwing a giraffe into a volcano to make water is crazy?
Julian, King of Lemurs

Re: [ccp4bb] @Ed: Death of Rmerge

2012-06-04 Thread Ed Pozharski
On Sat, 2012-06-02 at 23:32 -0700, aaleshin wrote:
 Was not Z. Otwinowski first to use it in his scalepack?

Maybe I missed something, but given the hoops I have to jump through to
get Rpim calculated after scalepack (basically take unmerged data to
either the program from Manfred Weiss or SCALA) I think that scalepack
still does not report anything but Rmerge.  Perhaps this is because HKL
team also does not consider Rmerge and its better behaving variants
worthy of the role of resolution-determining factor, but I am not a mind
reader (unfortunately).

[ccp4bb] REMINDER - BIOCRYS 2012

2012-06-04 Thread Colin McVey

Dear colleagues,

This is a reminder that applications are still open for BIOCRYS 2012 
Fundamentals of Modern Methods in Biocrystallography

organised by Maria Armenia Carrondo and Thomas R. Schneider

Course sponsored by : FEBS, BioStruct-X, IUCr, and IUBMB

*Date  Location*
*20th - 27th October 2012 at the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e 
Biológica, Oeiras, Portugal. *

Topics of the course will run from fundamentals such as symmetry, point 
groups and crystal systems, basic diffraction physics, reciprocal space 
and the Ewalds sphere, radiation damage, data processing, symmetry in 
the diffraction pattern, structure factors, Patterson function to modern 
methodologies including molecular replacement, SAD, MAD, MIR and maximum 
likelihood phasing, direct methods, density modification, refinement, 
model building, twinning and structure validation. Main challenges on 
sample preparation and crystallization of proteins will also be covered.

The course will be organized with lectures in the mornings and 
interactive practicals and tutorials in the afternoons. Evening lectures 
will address two main important topics within Structural Biology, one 
covering studies of membrane proteins and the other the beginning of the 
use of free electron lasers in Macromolecular Crystallography.

Participants will be limited to *36*, aimed primarily at people at the 
beginning of their crystallographic research activity as PhD students or 
others. Selected applicants are invited to present a poster during the 

*Speakers and tutors: *

*Margarida Archer, Isabel Bento, Gabor Bunkoczi, Kevin Cowtan*
*Zbigniew Dauter, Carlos Frazão, Elspeth Garman, Christoph Hermes*
*Edward Hough, Gordon Leonard, Andrew Leslie, Bernhard Lohkamp, Adrian 

Pedro Matias, Rob Meijers, Poul Nissen, Anastassis Perrakis, Célia Romão*
*Thomas Schneider, Clemens Vonrhein*

A registration fee of*600 Euros* for academic and *1000 Euros *for 
non-academic applicants is requested for full board and accommodation.
Selected applicants will have to pay the registration fee by bank 
transfer before arrival.

A limited number of grants is available from *FEBS*and from *IUCr*. How 
to apply

For an application, please fill the form on the web page by the 31th of 

For more information visit the course web page

*Colin E. McVey, DPhil*

Auxilliary Researcher
Structural Genomics Lab
Macromolecular Crystallography Unit
Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica
Av. da Republica, EAN  | Phone:(351)214469663
Apartado 127  | Fax :(351)214433644
2781-901 Oeiras  |

Re: [ccp4bb] @Tommi:Death of Rmerge

2012-06-04 Thread aaleshin
 i thought this was clear long ago.. so i am bit amazed that this discussio is 
 still alive and kicking..
Even though it does not relate to me, but the explanation may come from the 
fact that new people start using crystallography, and they do not like reading 
old papers. So, there is nothing wrong in bringing such fundamental discussions 
up to life periodically. I had some misconception about accuracy of sigI, which 
I explained earlier. It is obvious that I/σ is the signal to noise of your 
measurements at a local point of the reciprocal space, but it is not obvious 
that it would work as well for the merged data. Thanks to Ian and others, I now 
understand that there is no problem with it.

I am also glad to stumble on the referenced papers about the resolution and 
data quality (Ed Pozharski's post). I missed them because at the time when they 
published, I was learning molecular biology, enzymology, virology... A modern 
crystallographer needs to be a good biologist, and this applies some 
limitations on how much we know about each technique that we use.


On Jun 4, 2012, at 1:48 AM, Tommi Kajander wrote:

 well, actually i recommend having a look at the old but good scalepack manual 
 for why Rmerge is inferior..
 (i thought this was clear long ago.. so i am bit amazed that this discussio 
 is still alive and kicking..)
 question of where to cut, is a different one and thats where the recent 
 papers and developments start to come in.
 short quote...(scalepack manual):
 From a statistical point of view, I/σ is a superior criterion, for two 
 reasons. First, it defines a resolution “limit” since by definition I/σ is 
 the signal to noise of your measurements. In contrast, Rmerge is not directly 
 related to signal to noise.
 Second, the σ assigned to each intensity derives its validity from the χ2’s, 
 which represent the weighted ratio of the difference between the observed and 
 average value of I, 〈I〉, squared, divided by the square of the error model, 
 the whole thing times a factor correcting for the correlation between I and 
 〈I〉. Since it depends on an explicit declaration of the expected error in the 
 measurement, the user of the program is part of the Bayesian reasoning 
 process behind the error estimation.
 ..In short, I/σ is the preferred way of assessing the quality of 
 diffraction data because it derives its validity from the χ2 (likelihood) 
 credits to  Otwinowski et al. 
 end of story, i believe. so R-merge died long back.
 On Jun 4, 2012, at 9:00 AM, aaleshin wrote:
 Wow, it is quite a lecture here! It is very appreciated.
 I admit some (most?) of my statements were questionable. Thus, I did not 
 know how sigI would be calculated in case of multiple observations, and, 
 indeed, its proper handling should make sigI/I similar to Rmerge. 
 Consequently,  I/sigI substitutes Rmerge fairly well. 
 Now, where the metric Rmerge=0.5 came from? If I remember correctly, It was 
 proposed here at ccp4bb. Also, one reviewer suggested to use it. I admit 
 that this is quite an arbitrary value, but when everyone follows it, 
 structures become comparable by this metric. If there is a better approach 
 to estimate the resolution, lets use it, but the common rule should be 
 enforced, otherwise the resolution becomes another venue for cheating. 
 Once again, I was talking about metric for the resolution, it does not need 
 to be equal to metric for the data cutoff. 
 On Jun 3, 2012, at 2:55 PM, Ian Tickle wrote:
 Hi Alex
 On 3 June 2012 07:00, aaleshin wrote:
 I was also taught that under normal conditions this would occur when the 
 data are collected up to the shell, in which Rmerge = 0.5.
 Do you have a reference for that?  I have not seen a demonstration of
 such an exact relationship between Rmerge and resolution, even for
 'normal' data, and I don't think everyone uses 0.5 as the cut-off
 anyway (e.g. some people use 0.4, some 0.8 etc - though I agree with
 Phil that we shouldn't get too hung up about the exact number!).
 Certainly having used the other suggested criteria for resolution
 cut-off (I/sigma(I)  CC(1/2)), the corresponding Rmerge (and Rpim
 etc) seems to vary a lot (or maybe my data weren't 'normal').
 One can collect more data (up to Rmerge=1.0 or even 100) but the 
 resolution of the electron density map will not change significantly.
 I think we are all at least agreed that beyond some resolution
 cut-off, adding further higher resolution 'data' will not result in
 any further improvement in the map (because the weights will become
 negligible).  So it would appear prudent at least to err on the high
 resolution side!
 I solved several structures of my own, and this simple rule worked every 
 In what sense do you mean it 'worked'?  Do you mean you tried
 different cut-offs in Rmerge (e.g. 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00 ...) and
 then used some metric to 


2012-06-04 Thread Katherine Sippel
Hi Ed,

I've actually run that exact test in phenix as an exercise to prove to my
PI the validity of occupancy refinement. Though as a disclaimer it was a
1.2 angstrom data set and this was an alternate conformation situation. I
ran different input occupancies without occupancy refinement and measure
the difference density peak values and average B-factors and ended up with
the same occupancy ratio that the program's occupancy refinement spit out.
Of course this might not hold true if someone is refining the occupancy of
a ligand that is partially bound without an alternate option (i.e. total
occupancy 1). I haven't tested that one systematically yet though I
suspect Pavel has probably already done this at some point.



On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 7:35 AM, Ed Pozharski wrote:

  Is it reasonable to refine occupancy in phenix at 2.2 A resolution?

 Implementations may differ, but imgo refining occupancy at 2.2A
 resolution is not very reasonable under most circumstances, as it will
 correlate strongly with the B-factor.  A reasonable approach might be to
 fix occupancy at different levels and get a series of refined models.
 Then you look at (i) B-factor behavior and see at what occupancy it
 matches the surrounding atoms and (ii) difference density (my
 unsubstantiated theory is that if you plot it against occupancy it
 should have a central flat region where B-factors are capable of
 compensating and two linear regions on extreme ends which should allow
 to extrapolate the true value.

 Refmac does occupancy refinement.  It's quite fast, so you may try
 randomizing the initial value and get some idea about convergence.



 Oh, suddenly throwing a giraffe into a volcano to make water is crazy?
Julian, King of Lemurs


2012-06-04 Thread Ed Pozharski
On Mon, 2012-06-04 at 13:11 -0500, Katherine Sippel wrote:
 Though as a disclaimer it was a 1.2 angstrom data set

Which is about 6x more data than 2.2A...  Certainly, at atomic
resolution the results of occupancy refinement will be more robust.  To
be fair, even at 2.2A such refinement may succeed sometimes, e.g. for
heavy atoms.