[ccp4bb] ESRF Users' Meeting 2013 Associated Structural Biology Workshop

2013-01-10 Thread Gordon LEONARD

Hello Everybody,

The ESRF Users' Meeting, to be held in Grenoble from 4-6 February 2013, 
will focus on plans for Phase II of the ESRF Upgrade Programe. Current 
proposals include a major upgrade of the existing ESRF storage ring 
which will boost brilliance by a factor of 30 or more, providing access 
to flux densities in excess of 10^14 photon/s/micron^2 .

In parallel with this year's Users' Meeting we are organising a workshop 
'Seeing is believing: the future of Structural Biology'. The aims of the 
workshop are to present technical details of the proposed upgrade, to 
outline ideas for new scientific opportunities that will arise, to 
explore the limits of Structural Biology at a synchrotron source and to 
promote meaningful discussions between the ESRF and its User Community 
that will help formulate the scientific case for the future of 
Structural Biology at the ESRF.

The program for the Workshop along with details of how to register for 
both the workshop and the Users' Meeting can be found at: 

I encourage as many of our current and future users to attend.

With very best wishes for 2013.



Re: [ccp4bb] Collecting small-molecule diffraction on a Macromolecular xtallography beam line

2012-02-09 Thread Gordon Leonard

Hi Giorgo,

Just to say that we routinely, and often, do these sorts of 
experiments on ID29 and ID23-1 at the ESRF using  an energy of 20 keV 
(~0.62 Angstrom wavelength) and detector distances that allow 
collection of data to a resolution of better than 0.7A. Mini-kappa 
goniometers also allow for the collection of data in more than one 
crystal orientation in the case of completeness problems.

As has already been pointed out by others who have replied to your 
posting,  the processing of the images with MOSFLM or XDS is usually 
pretty straightforward as is structure solution using direct methods.

Hope this helps


At 12:41 08/02/2012, Giorgio Giardina wrote:

I have some interesting small molecule xtals.
I was wondering if it is possible to collect a small molecule 
data-set using a sincrotron macromolecular  xtallography beam line, 
maybe with a very low beam intensity and moving the detector as 
close as possible?

Has anybody experienced that?
And if I get the images back home,  can I process them using 
standard macromolecular software or do I need ab-initio special programs?

Will MR work for phasing?

Thanks in advance,

[ccp4bb] 4th Winter School on soft X-rays in Macromolecular Crystallography

2011-12-05 Thread Gordon Leonard

Hi Everyone,
just a reminder about this.
4th Winter School on soft X-rays in Macromolecular

We are pleased to announce that the 4th Winter school on soft X-rays in
Macromolecular Crystallography will take place at the European
Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France 6th – 8th February 2012.

An increasing number of new crystal structures of biological
macromolecules structures are solved exploiting anomalous signals
available at longer wavelengths. The main advantage of using longer
wavelengths is that the anomalous signal from innate sulphur, phosphorous
or other light atoms (e.g. Ca, K, Cl) can be used to obtain phasing
information, thus obviating the need to prepare the derivative crystals
usually used in macromolecular crystal structure solution. However, at
longer wavelengths currently routinely accessible, such anomalous signals
are rather small (usually ~ 1%). Special care must thus be given to
experimental setups and data collection protocols. The Winter School
brings together experts in the hardware and software required to
successfully perform such experiments. The following topics will be

• Optimised experimental setups for diffraction data collection at longer
• Advanced data collection strategies, taking into account radiation
• Optimised protocols of data processing for longer wavelength
• Anomalous scattering substructure determination using longer wavelength

The Winter School will being held under the auspices of the ESRF Users’
Meeting and the number of participants limited to 20. Confirmed speakers
at the workshop (see

 ) for provisional program) include:

 M. Cianci, EMBL Hamburg, Germany
 K. Djinovic-Carugo, Vienna Biocenter, Austria
 D. de Sanctis, ESRF, Grenoble, France
 P. Johansson, AstraZeneca Structural Chemistry
Laboratory, Molndal, Sweden
 J. Liu, National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules,
Beijing, China
 R. Giordano, ESRF, Grenoble, France
 G. Leonard, ESRF, Grenoble, France
 C. Mueller-Dieckmann, ESRF Grenoble
 J. Pflugrath, Rigaku, USA
 A. Popov, ESRF, Grenoble, France
 I. Uson, IBMB-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain
 A. Wagner, Diamond Light Source, UK
 B.C. Wang, University of Georgia, USA
 M. Wang, Swiss Light Source Villigen, Switzerland
 M.S. Weiss, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Materialien und
Energie, Germany

The Winter School registration fee of 150 € includes all meals, 4 nights’
accommodation in the ESRF Guesthouse as well as registration for the ESRF
Users' Meeting (


Applications for participation in the Winter School should include a
C.V., a letter of motivation, a poster abstract and (where appropriate) a
recommendation letter from a PhD supervisor and be sent by Monday 12th
December to the Winter School organisers at

Further information concerning the workshop and application procedures
can be found at


On behalf of the organizers,

Gordon Leonard 

[ccp4bb] 4th Winter School on soft X-rays in Macromolecular Crystallography

2011-11-08 Thread Gordon Leonard

4th Winter School on soft X-rays in Macromolecular

We are pleased to announce that the 4th Winter school on soft X-rays in
Macromolecular Crystallography will take place at the European
Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France 6th – 8th February 2012.

An increasing number of new crystal structures of biological
macromolecules structures are solved exploiting anomalous signals
available at longer wavelengths. The main advantage of using longer
wavelengths is that the anomalous signal from innate sulphur, phosphorous
or other light atoms (e.g. Ca, K, Cl) can be used to obtain phasing
information, thus obviating the need to prepare the derivative crystals
usually used in macromolecular crystal structure solution. However, at
longer wavelengths currently routinely accessible, such anomalous signals
are rather small (usually ~ 1%). Special care must thus be given to
experimental setups and data collection protocols. The Winter School
brings together experts in the hardware and software required to
successfully perform such experiments. The following topics will be

• Optimised experimental setups for diffraction data collection at longer
• Advanced data collection strategies, taking into account radiation
• Optimised protocols of data processing for longer wavelength
• Anomalous scattering substructure determination using longer wavelength

The Winter School will being held under the auspices of the ESRF Users’
Meeting and the number of participants limited to 20. Confirmed speakers
at the workshop (see

) for provisional program) include:

 M. Cianci, EMBL Hamburg, Germany
 K. Djinovic-Carugo, Vienna Biocenter, Austria
 D. de Sanctis, ESRF, Grenoble, France
 P. Johansson, AstraZeneca Structural Chemistry
Laboratory, Molndal, Sweden
 J. Liu, National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules,
Beijing, China
 R. Giordano, ESRF, Grenoble, France
 G. Leonard, ESRF, Grenoble, France
 C. Mueller-Dieckmann, ESRF Grenoble
 J. Pflugrath, Rigaku, USA
 A. Popov, ESRF, Grenoble, France
 I. Uson, IBMB-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain
 A. Wagner, Diamond Light Source, UK
 B.C. Wang, University of Georgia, USA
 M. Wang, Swiss Light Source Villigen, Switzerland
 M.S. Weiss, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Materialien und
Energie, Germany

The Winter School registration fee of 150 € includes all meals, 4 nights’
accommodation in the ESRF Guesthouse as well as registration for the ESRF
Users' Meeting

Applications for participation in the Winter School should include a
C.V., a letter of motivation, a poster abstract and (where appropriate) a
recommendation letter from a PhD supervisor and be sent by Monday 12th
December to the Winter School organisers at

Further information concerning the workshop and application procedures
can be found at


On behalf of the organizers,

Gordon Leonard 

[ccp4bb] Scientific Coordinator for the Partnership for Structural Biology, Grenoble

2007-10-23 Thread Gordon Leonard

Apologies (once again) for the non-CCP4 nature of the advertisement
below - Gordon

The Partnership for Structural Biology (PSB) is an international
consortium comprising the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, the
European Molecular Biology Laboratory, the Institut Laue Langevin, the
Institut de Biologie Structurale and the University Joseph Fourier, in
Grenoble, France (see
http://psb.esrf.fr for more
information). The goal of the PSB is to provide a comprehensive and
integrated state-of-the-art environment to enable the study of
challenging problems in structural biology, building on the complementary
contributions of each of the Partner Institutes. To foster the
development of the PSB we are now recruiting a 

Scientific Coordinator (m/f)
for the Partnership for Structural Biology
a 3-year contract

You will be a key figure in guiding the scientific programme of PSB.
You will:
· Coordinate, promote,
stimulate and participate in the scientific activities of the PSB,
· Act as point of contact for
the PSB and ensure efficient implementation of policy decisions,
· Coordinate grant applications
and grant reporting by the PSB,
· Assist in the organisation of
the various PSB technical platforms and supervision of PSB core
· Prepare and monitor, together
with the building manager and finance officer, the annual budget for the
· Act as secretary to the
different committees of the PSB.

You should hold a PhD in molecular, structural or cell biology and
should have experience in scientific research. Experience and interest in
administration and communication related to science is also required.
Fluency in English is essential; fluency in French is a significant

You will work with all Partners to achieve the goals of the PSB, but
will be employed by the ESRF. The ESRF offers an exciting opportunity in
an international atmosphere. Installation allowances will be given to new
staff coming from outside the Grenoble area, and an expatriation
allowance can be given according to specific internal regulations.

If you are interested, please send us a fax (+33 (0)4 76 88 24 60) or
an e-mail ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) with your address, and we will provide you
with an application form. You can also print out an application form on
the World Wide Web http://www.esrf.fr/.
Further information concerning the position available can be obtained
from Prof. Sine Larsen

Ref. 2319 - Deadline for returning application
forms: 15 December 2007

Applications received after the deadline may be considered for the
selected vacancy if not filled or for future similar positions.