[ccp4bb] Job opening for a structural biologist to join the Structural Motility team at the Curie Institute Paris, France.

2014-04-09 Thread Houdusse-Juille Anne
Job opening for a structural biologist to join the Structural Motility team at 
the Curie Institute Paris, France.

We are looking for a post-doctoral fellow to join the team Structural Motility 
at the Curie Institute (Paris Center) directed by Anne Houdusse. The position 
is immediately available (preference for a start in September 2014).

The Structural Motility group at the Institut Curie uses structural biology 
approaches combined with cell and biochemical approaches to understand how 
molecular motors produce force, how their activity is regulated and how they 
are recruited to their cellular targets. Many of these motors are also involved 
in human pathologies and they are thus good targets for new therapies which we 
are helping to develop.
The research project of the new candidate aims at a better understanding of how 
molecular motors coordinate their action in the cell and what adaptation 
acquired by some of these motors allow specific functions to be performed. It 
consists of a biochemical, crystallogenesis and structural determination study 
of several complexes that involve molecular motors. Coupled with functional and 
cellular studies, this project will elucidate how these motors are regulated 
and what role they play in the context of a cell.
A solid experience in crystallization and X-ray structural determination is 
required. Experience in the production and purification of recombinant proteins 
is a plus but we are ready to train a dynamic and motivated candidate.

If you are interested, please send a CV and a letter of motivation as well as 
letters of recommendation of your previous employers.

Contact : Anne Houdusse (anne.houdu...@curie.fr)

Some recent publications
1- Pylypenko O, Attanda W, Gauquelin C, Lahmani M, Coulibaly D, Baron B, Hoos 
S, Titus MA, England P, Houdusse A. Structural basis of human Myosin V 
Rab-dependent cargo recognition. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA  110:20443-8, 2013.
2- Ménétrey J*, Isabet T*, Ropars V, Mukherjea M, Pylypenko O, Liu X, Perez J, 
Vachette P, Sweeney HL, Houdusse AM. Processive steps in the reverse direction 
require uncoupling of the lead head lever arm of myosin VI. Mol Cell. 48,75-86, 
3- Mukherjea M, Llinas P, Kim H-J, Travaglia M, Safer D, Zong AB, Ménétrey J, 
Franzini-Armstrong C, Selvin PR, Houdusse A and Sweeney HL. Myosin VI 
dimerization triggers an unfolding of a 3-helix bundle in order to extend its 
reach.  Molecular Cell, 35:305-15, 2009.
4- Houdusse A, Carter AP. Dynein swings into action. Cell, 136:395-6, 2009.
5- Ménétrey J*, Llinas P*, Mukherjea M, Sweeney HL and Houdusse A. The 
structural basis for the large powerstroke of myosin VI. Cell 131:300-308, 2007.
6- Ménétrey J, Bahloul A, Wells AL, Yengo CM, Morris CA, Sweeney HL, Houdusse 
A. The structure of the myosin VI motor reveals the mechanism of directionality 
reversal. Nature (London) 435, 779-85, 2005.
7- Sweeney HL and Houdusse A, Myosin VI rewrites the rules for myosin motors, 
Cell, 141:573-82, 2010.

Anne Houdusse-Juillé, Directeur de Recherche CNRS
Institut Curie - UMR 144
Team Leader of the Structural motility Team
26 rue  d'Ulm
F-75248 Paris cedex 05

Tel: +33-1-5624-6395
FAX: +33-1-5624-6319
E-mail: anne.houdu...@curie.fr

[ccp4bb] Post-doctoral position in structural biology - Institut Curie - Paris

2020-07-02 Thread Houdusse-Juille Anne
Job opening for a structural biologist to join the Structural Motility team at 
the Curie Institute Paris, France.
We are looking for a post-doctoral fellow to join the Structural Motility team 
at the Curie Institute (Paris Center) directed by Anne Houdusse.
The Structural Motility team at the Institut Curie has gathered important 
structural insights on how force generated by molecular motors can power 
cellular processes in human health and disease. We develop chemical biology and 
cell biology approaches to test these insights and understand how molecular 
motors produce force, how their activity is regulated and how they are 
recruited to their cellular targets. One of our goals is to develop specific 
modulators of the force they can produce. Many of these motors are also 
involved in human pathologies and their modulation could lead to new therapies.
We are looking for an expert in biochemical, crystallogenesis and structural 
determination studies. The post-doctoral fellow will also gain expertise in 
functional and cellular studies.
Energy and a strong will to quickly gain autonomy in the lead of exciting 
scientific projects are essential.
Experience in cryo-electron microscopy or cell biology, is a plus. Experience 
in cloning, expression and purification of recombinant proteins, protein 
biophysics and/or biochemical assays are also welcome, and we are ready to 
train a dynamic and motivated candidate.
If you are interested, please send a CV and a letter of motivation as well as 
letters of recommendation of your previous employers.
Contact : Anne Houdusse (anne.houdu...@curie.fr)
Key publications
Julien Robert-Paganin, Olena Pylypenko, Carlos Kikuti, H Lee Sweeney, Anne 
Houdusse (2019 Nov 6)
Force Generation by Myosin Motors: A Structural Perspective.
Chemical reviews : 5-35 : DOI : 

Julien Robert-Paganin, Daniel Auguin, Anne Houdusse (2018 Oct 3)
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy disease results from disparate impairments of 
cardiac myosin function and auto-inhibition.
Nature communications : 4019 : DOI : 

Florian Blanc, Tatiana Isabet, Hannah Benisty, H Lee Sweeney, Marco Cecchini, 
Anne Houdusse (2018 May 31)
An intermediate along the recovery stroke of myosin VI revealed by X-ray 
crystallography and molecular dynamics.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 
: 6213-6218 : DOI : 

Vicente J Planelles-Herrero, James J Hartman, Julien Robert-Paganin, Fady I 
Malik, Anne Houdusse (2017 Aug 5)
Mechanistic and structural basis for activation of cardiac myosin force 
production by omecamtiv mecarbil.
Nature communications : 190 : DOI : 

I-Mei Yu, Vicente J Planelles-Herrero, Yannick Sourigues, Dihia Moussaoui, 
Helena Sirkia, Carlos Kikuti, David Stroebel, Margaret A Titus, Anne Houdusse 
(2017 Jun 30)
Myosin 7 and its adaptors link cadherins to actin.
Nature communications : 15864 : DOI : 

Sirigu S, Hartman J, Planelles-Herrero VJ, Ropars V, Clancy S, Wang X, Chuang 
G, Qian X, Lu P-P, Barrett E, Rudolph K, Royer C, Morgan B, Stura EA, Malik FI, 
Houdusse A (2016 Nov 4)
Highly selective inhibition of myosin motors provides the basis of potential 
therapeutic application.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 
: 201609342 : DOI : 

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[ccp4bb] Job opening for a crystallographer to join the Structural Motility team at the Curie Institute Paris, France.

2011-10-19 Thread Houdusse-Juille Anne
Job opening for a crystallographer to join the Structural Motility team at the 
Curie Institute Paris, France.

We are looking for a post-doctoral fellow to join the team Structural Motility 
at the Curie Institute (Paris 5e) directed by Anne Houdusse. The position is 
immediately available (preference for a start in January 2012).

The Structural Motility group at the Institut Curie uses X-ray crystallography 
to solve atomic structures that are essential for the understanding of how 
molecular motors produce force, how their activity is regulated and how they 
are recruited to their cellular targets. Many of these motors are also involved 
in human pathologies and they are thus good targets for new therapies which we 
are helping to develop.
The research project of the new candidate aims at a better understanding of how 
molecular motors coordinate their action in the cell and what adaptation 
acquired by some of these motors allow specific functions to be performed. It 
consists of a biochemical, crystallogenesis and structural determination study 
of several complexes that involve molecular motors. Coupled with functional and 
cellular studies, this project will elucidate how these motors are regulated 
and what role they play in the context of a cell.
A solid experience in crystallization and X-ray structural determination is 
absolutely required.
Experience in the production and purification of recombinant proteins is a plus 
but we are ready to train a dynamic and motivated candidate.

If you are interested, please send a CV and a letter of motivation as well as a 
letter of recommendation of your previous employer.

Contact : Anne Houdusse (anne.houdu...@curie.fr)

Some publications
1- Mukherjea M, Llinas P, Kim H-J, Travaglia M, Safer D, Zong AB, Ménétrey J, 
Franzini-Armstrong C, Selvin PR, Houdusse A and Sweeney HL. Myosin VI 
dimerization triggers an unfolding of a 3-helix bundle in order to extend its 
reach.  Molecular Cell, 35:305-15, 2009.
2- Houdusse A, Carter AP. Dynein swings into action. Cell, 136:395-6, 2009.
3- Ménétrey J*, Llinas P*, Mukherjea M, Sweeney HL and Houdusse A. The 
structural basis for the large powerstroke of myosin VI. Cell 131:300-308, 2007.
4- Ménétrey J, Bahloul A, Wells AL, Yengo CM, Morris CA, Sweeney HL, Houdusse 
A. The structure of the myosin VI motor reveals the mechanism of directionality 
reversal. Nature (London) 435, 779-85, 2005.
5- Sweeney HL and Houdusse A, Myosin VI rewrites the rules for myosin motors, 
Cell, 141:573-82, 2010.

[ccp4bb] Postdoc position - Structural cell biology - Institut Curie Paris

2017-05-10 Thread Houdusse-Juille Anne
Job title: Postdoctoral Research Assistant (molecular motors)
Job location: Institut Curie, Paris, France
Job closes: 21-June-2017

A post-doctoral researcher position is available in the Structural Motility 
laboratory directed by Anne Houdusse to undertake research on molecular motors. 
In collaboration with cell biologists and biophysicists, the project aims at 
understanding the precise cellular role of cytoskeleton motors important for 
tumour proliferation using a combination of state-of-the-art cell biology, 
biochemistry and structural biology. The studies are a collaborative effort 
between the laboratories of the structural biologist Anne Houdusse, expert in 
molecular motors and the cell biologists Phong Tran and Bruno Goud, both from 
the same department (UMR 144) at Curie Institute.

The successful applicant is expected to employ state-of-the-art structural 
biology, cell biology and biophysical approaches to conduct molecular and 
structural studies on disease-relevant human molecular motors.

I am looking for enthusiastic, self-motivated Ph.D. graduates with a strong 
publication record and expertise in molecular biology, biochemistry, X-ray 
crystallography or electron microscopy who will welcome working in an 
interdisciplinary group with a friendly atmosphere and excellent resources. 
Experience with structure determination by crystallographic methods or EM is a 
must. Please send a CV, a one-page research experience summary and contact 
information of three references to 
anne.houdu...@curie.fr.   Please write 
"Post-doctoral position" in the subject header.

[ccp4bb] Structural biologist to join the Structural Motility team at the Curie Institute Paris, France

2019-06-20 Thread Houdusse-Juille Anne
Job opening for a structural biologist to join the Structural Motility team at 
the Curie Institute Paris, France.

We are looking for a post-doctoral fellow to join the team Structural Motility 
at the Curie Institute (Paris Center) directed by Anne Houdusse.

The Structural Motility team at the Institut Curie has gathered important 
structural insights on how force generated by molecular motors can power 
cellular processes in human health and disease. We combine chemical biology and 
optogenetics approaches to test these insights and understand how molecular 
motors produce force, how their activity is regulated and how they are 
recruited to their cellular targets. Many of these motors are also involved in 
human pathologies and they are thus good targets for new therapies which we are 
helping to develop.
The post-doctoral fellow we will hire will coordinate these approaches and 
perform research to gain more structural insights concerning a molecular motor 
that is a target against cancer. We are looking for an expert in biochemical, 
crystallogenesis and structural determination studies. The post-doctoral fellow 
will also gain expertise in functional and cellular studies.
A solid experience in crystallization and X-ray structural determination is 
required. Experience in the production and purification of recombinant proteins 
is a plus but we are ready to train a dynamic and motivated candidate.

If you are interested, please send a CV and a letter of motivation as well as 
letters of recommendation of your previous employers.

Contact : Anne Houdusse (anne.houdu...@curie.fr)

   Recent publications
Robert-Paganin et al, Nat Commun. In press.
Robert-Paganin et al, Nat Commun. 9, 4019, 2018.
Planelles-Herrero VJ, Hartman JJ, Robert-Paganin J, Malik FI, Houdusse A. 
Mechanistic and Structural Basis for Activation of Cardiac Myosin Force 
Production by Omecamtiv Mecarbil. Nat. Commun. 8, 190, 2017.
Yu I-M*, Planelles-Herrero VJ*, Sourigues Y, Moussaoui D, Sirkia H, Kikuti C, 
Stroebel D, Titus MA, Houdusse A. Myosin 7 and its Adaptors Link Cadherins to 
Actin. Nat Commun. 8, 15864, 2017.
Houdusse A, Sweeney HL. How myosin generates force on actin filaments. Trends 
Biochem Sci. 41, 989-97, 2016.
Sweeney HL and Houdusse A, Myosin VI rewrites the rules for myosin motors, 
Cell, 141, 573-82, 2010.
Sweeney HL and Houdusse A. Structural and Functional Insights into the Myosin 
Motor Mechanism, Annu Rev Biophys. 39, 539-57, 2010.

Anne Houdusse-Juillé, Directeur de Recherche CNRS
Institut Curie - UMR 144
Group Leader -- Structural Motility Team
26 rue  d'Ulm
F-75248 Paris cedex 05

Tel: +33-1-5624-6395
FAX: +33-1-5624-6319
E-mail: anne.houdu...@curie.fr

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[ccp4bb] Job opening to join the Structural Motility team at the Curie Institute Paris, France.

2019-09-09 Thread Houdusse-Juille Anne
Job opening for a structural biologist to join the Structural Motility team at 
the Curie Institute Paris, France.

We are looking for a post-doctoral fellow to join the team Structural Motility 
at the Curie Institute (Paris Center) directed by Anne Houdusse.

The Structural Motility team at the Institut Curie has gathered important 
structural insights on how force generated by molecular motors can power 
cellular processes in human health and disease. We combine chemical biology and 
cell biology approaches to test these insights and understand how molecular 
motors produce force, how their activity is regulated and how they are 
recruited to their cellular targets. Many of these motors are also involved in 
human pathologies and they are thus good targets for new therapies which we are 
helping to develop.
We are looking for an expert in biochemical, crystallogenesis and structural 
determination studies. The post-doctoral fellow will also gain expertise in 
functional and cellular studies.
A solid experience in crystallization and X-ray structural determination is 
required. Experience in the production and purification of recombinant proteins 
is a plus but we are ready to train a dynamic and motivated candidate.

If you are interested, please send a CV and a letter of motivation as well as 
letters of recommendation of your previous employers.

Contact : Anne Houdusse (anne.houdu...@curie.fr)

Recent publications
Robert-Paganin et al, Nat Commun. 10, 3286, 2019.
Robert-Paganin et al, Nat Commun. 9, 4019, 2018.
Planelles-Herrero VJ, Hartman JJ, Robert-Paganin J, Malik FI, Houdusse A. 
Mechanistic and Structural Basis for Activation of Cardiac Myosin Force 
Production by Omecamtiv Mecarbil. Nat. Commun. 8, 190, 2017.
Yu I-M*, Planelles-Herrero VJ*, Sourigues Y, Moussaoui D, Sirkia H, Kikuti C, 
Stroebel D, Titus MA, Houdusse A. Myosin 7 and its Adaptors Link Cadherins to 
Actin. Nat Commun. 8, 15864, 2017.
Houdusse A, Sweeney HL. How myosin generates force on actin filaments. Trends 
Biochem Sci. 41, 989-97, 2016.
Sweeney HL and Houdusse A, Myosin VI rewrites the rules for myosin motors, 
Cell, 141, 573-82, 2010.
Sweeney HL and Houdusse A. Structural and Functional Insights into the Myosin 
Motor Mechanism, Annu Rev Biophys. 39, 539-57, 2010.

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[ccp4bb] Post-doctoral position - Curie Institute - Paris

2022-06-21 Thread Houdusse-Juille Anne
Job opening for a postdoctoral position to join the Structural Motility team at 
the Curie Institute Paris, France.

The Structural Motility team is searching for a post-doctoral fellow to join a 
dynamic laboratory directed by Anne Houdusse at the Curie Institute (Paris 

We are looking for an expert in biophysics/biochemistry and structural 
determination to gain insights on how drugs in phase 3 clinical trials operate 
for novel therapies against cardiac diseases.  The position will also lead to 
the development of chemical biology tools. Our team indeed innovate to 
investigate and understand molecular mechanisms in cells. By joining our team, 
the post-doctoral fellow will also join efforts on determination of structures 
by cryoEM and will increase his/her knowledge on the cytoskeletal by functional 
and cellular studies.

Our team studies the mechanism and function of force production by molecular 
motors and has made important discoveries on how force generation can power 
cellular processes in human health and how mutations in their function lead to 
disease.  A multi-disciplinary approach that combines structural biology (x-ray 
and cryoEM), chemical biology and cell biology is being used in our studies.  
With such an approach, we decipher how molecular motors produce force by 
visualizing yet unknown structures, or by understanding how their activity is 
regulated. We use chemical biology and cell biology approaches to test insights 
from structures.  We also investigate and develop specific modulators of the 
force generated by these motors (including compounds in phase 3 clinical 
trials) to investigate how force modulation can lead to new therapies.

We are looking to recruit and train a dynamic and motivated candidate who can 
quickly gain independence and take the lead on one of our exciting scientific 
projects.  Experience in cryo-electron microscopy or cell biology is a plus.

If you are interested, please send a CV and a statement of research interests 
and goals as well as three letters of recommendation from your previous 
Contact : Anne Houdusse (anne.houdu...@curie.fr)
Website : Structural Motility Team https://institut-curie.org/team/houdusse

Anne Houdusse-Juillé
Directeur de Recherche CNRS
Institut Curie
Head of the Structural Motility Laboratory
Cell Biology & Cancer
26, Rue d'Ulm 75248 - Paris Cedex 05
TEL. +33 (0)1 56 24 63 95

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