Re: [ccp4bb] Summary: Phasing statistics

2010-04-16 Thread Marc SCHILTZ
Since it is suggested to run SHARP in order to obtain the phasing 
statistics, I take the liberty to provide a link where the expressions 
for relevant quantities are specified :

As a general problem, all these statistical indicators were defined in 
the early days of protein crystallography, in the context of the Blow  
Crick (1959) framework (i.e. assuming error-free native measurements) 
using MIR data (i.e. essentially yielding unimodal phase probability 
distributions). The R-Cullis was initially defined for centric 
reflections only.

Modern maximum-likelihood phasing methods have abandoned the Blow  
Crick concept of error-free native measurements and use a full 
2-dimensional probability distribution for acentric structure factors on 
the complex plane. The methods are therefore capable of adequately 
dealing with highly bimodal probability distributions (e.g. SIR, SAD) 
and with data where there is no native (or otherwise special) data set 
(e.g. MAD).

It is not entirely evident how the Blow  Crick Phasing-Power, 
R-Cullis and FOM can be extended and generalized. The approach adopted 
in SHARP is described in the page whose link is given above.

Concerning the FOM, it is not strictly true that the FOM, evaluated on a 
2-dimensional probability distribution is equal to the cosine of the 
phase error., This is only the case if one assumes the native 
amplitude to be error-free. However, the cases discussed by Ian (bimodal 
distributions in SIR or SAD) will be correctly dealt with by SHARP.

Things become also more tricky when computing and using 
Hendrickson-Lattman (1970) coefficients since, in the general case, 
these can not be calculated in a meaningful way for the native phase 
probability distribution (see the discussion in section 8 of Bricogne et 
al. (2003) [Acta Cryst D.59, 2023-2030]. This is a very important issue 
in connection with the subsequent use of density-modification 
techniques, but it is often overlooked.


Harmer, Nicholas wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

I am very grateful to everyone who contributed to the discussion regarding 
phasing statistics that I initiated. I certainly found it very informative. 
Below is a summary of the technical responses that I regarding this problem.

1) Use some of the statistics that SHELXD and SHELXE do provide (e.g. CC/CCfree 
for SHELXD, CCfree and connectivity for SHELXE). These could be compared to 
statistics produced for well determined structures (e.g. see Debreczeni et al. 
2003 Acta Cryst. D., D59, 688-696).

2) Take the results from SHELX and put them into SHARP to generate the 

3) Take the results from SHELX and put them into phaser_er, CRANK, or MLPHARE 
(perhaps with more difficulty) to generate the statistics.

Thanks to Rick Lewis, Boaz Shaanan, Ed Lowe and Eleanor Dodson for suggestions.


Nic Harmer

[For anyone interested, I took approaches 1 and 2. I got a good figures for 
phasing power from SHARP (somehow I failed to find the Rcullis, never mind), 
quoted the FOM at the end of SHELX, and the values for CC/CCfree from SHELXD, 
and the map contrast in the original and inverted hands from SHELXE. These all 
looked quite convincing, so hopefully my referees will be happy.]


Re: [ccp4bb] units of f0, f', f''

2010-02-27 Thread marc . schiltz

Quoting Dale Tronrud

P.S. to respond out-of-band to Dr. Schiltz: On the US flag I see 7  
red stripes,

6 white stripes, and 50 stars.  If I state I see 7 I have conveyed no
useful information.

Yes, but cast in a mathematical equations one would write :

Number of red stripes = 7
Number of white stripes = 6
Number of stars = 50

i.e. without units

one would not write :

Number = 7 red stripes
Number = 6 white stripes
Number = 50 stars


Re: [ccp4bb] units of f0, f', f''

2010-02-26 Thread Marc SCHILTZ

James Holton wrote:
Anyway, the structure factor is a ratio, and therefore is technically a 
dimensionless quantity, but even a dimensionless quantity has a unit 

Like the index of refraction, which is also a ratio and therefore a 
dimensionless quantity whose unit is...what again ?


Re: [ccp4bb] units of f0, f', f''

2010-02-26 Thread marc . schiltz
I fully agree with Ian and would again point to the authoritative  
documentation :

The quantities f^0, f' and f are unitless, i.e. simply numbers (or  
rather: their unit is the number one, which is usually omitted).

The unit of the electron density is really just 1/Å^3. To see this,  
consider that the electron density is defined to be

\rho = (Number of electrons)/volume

The numerator is simply a count, and thus unitless (or rather: its  
unit is the number one).

In practice, we like to a remind ourselves that these values refer to  
electrons and therefore like to think of e/Å^3 as the unit of electron  
density, but this is somewhat incoherent, if not incorrect. The fact  
that we are dealing with electrons (as opposed to apples) is contained  
in the definition of the quantity electron density. It does not need  
to be explicitly specified in the unit.


Quoting Bernhard Rupp


f0: atomic scattering factor for normal scattering, defined as the ratio
of scattered amplitude to that for a free electron.

Hmmm...where does the 'electron' in electron density then come from after
integration/summation over the structure factors?


Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread Marc SCHILTZ

This is absolutely correct. Radian is in fact just another symbol for 1.

Thus : 1 rad = 1

From the official SI documentation
( 2.2 - table 3) :

The radian and steradian are special names for the number one that
may be used to convey information about the quantity concerned. In
practice the symbols rad and sr are used where appropriate, but the
symbol for the derived unit one is generally omitted in specifying the
values of dimensionless quantities.


Quoting Ian Tickle

 Back to the original problem: what are the units of B and

u_x^2?  I haven't been able to work that out.  The first
wack is to say the B occurs in the term

 Exp( -B (Sin(theta)/lambda)^2)

and we've learned that the unit of Sin(theta)/lamda is 1/Angstrom
and the argument of Exp, like Sin, must be radian.  This means
that the units of B must be A^2 radian.  Since B = 8 Pi^2 u_x^2
the units of 8 Pi^2 u_x^2 must also be A^2 radian, but the
units of u_x^2 are determined by the units of 8 Pi^2.  I
can't figure out the units of that without understanding the
defining equation, which is in the OPDXr somewhere.  I suspect
there are additional, hidden, units in that definition.  The
basic definition would start with the deviation of scattering
points from the Miller planes and those deviations are probably
defined in cycle or radian and later converted to Angstrom so
there are conversion factors present from the beginning.

I'm sure that if the MS sits down with the OPDXr and follows
all these units through he will uncover the units of B, 8 Pi^2,
and u_x^2 and the mystery will be solved.  If he doesn't do
it, I'll have to sit down with the book myself, and that will
make my head hurt.

Hi Dale

A nice entertaining read for a Sunday afternoon, but I think you can
only get so far with this argument and then it breaks down, as evidenced
by the fact that eventually you got stuck!  I think the problem arises
in your assertion that the argument of 'exp' must be in units of
radians.  IMO it can also be in units of radians^2 (or radians^n where n
is any unitless number, integer or real, including zero for that
matter!) - and this seems to be precisely what happens here.  Having a
function whose argument can apparently have any one of an infinite
number of units is somewhat of an embarrassment! - of course that must
mean that the argument actually has no units.  So in essence I'm saying
that quantities in radians have to be treated as unitless, contrary to
your earlier assertions.

So the 'units' (accepting for the moment that the radian is a valid
unit) of B are actually A^2 radian^2, and so the 'units' of 8pi^2 (it
comes from 2(2pi)^2) are radian^2 as expected.  However since I think
I've demonstrated that the radian is not a valid unit, then the units of
B are indeed A^2!


-- Ian

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Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread Marc SCHILTZ
 steradians pop
up in the Fourier domain (spatial frequencies).  In the case of B it is
(4*pi)^2/2 because the second coefficient of a Taylor series is 1/2.
Along these lines, quoting B in A^2 is almost precisely analogous to
quoting an angular frequency in Hz.  Yes, the dimensions are the same
(s^-1), but how does one interpret the statement: the angular frequency
was 1 Hz.  Is that cycles per second or radians per second?

The dimension of an angular frequency can not be cycles per second, 
because that contradicts the definition of this quantity, which is 
defined to be an angle per time. Again, there is no need to specifically 
pack this information into the unit (although it can be done by 
specifying rad/s as unit - but this is not strictly necessary).


That's all I'm saying...

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

Marc SCHILTZ wrote:

Frank von Delft wrote:

Hi Marc

Not at all, one uses units that are convenient.  By your reasoning we
should get rid of Å, atmospheres, AU, light years...  They exist not
to be obnoxious, but because they're handy for a large number of
people in their specific situations.

Hi Frank,

I think that you misunderstood me. Å and atmospheres are units which
really refer to physical quantities of different dimensions. So, of
course, there must be different units for them (by the way: atmosphere
is not an accepted unit in the SI system - not even a tolerated non SI
unit, so a conscientious editor of an IUCr journal would not let it go
through. On the other hand, the Å is a tolerated non SI unit).

But in the case of B and U, the situation is different. These two
quantities have the same dimension (square of a length). They are
related by the dimensionless factor 8*pi^2. Why would one want to
incorporate this factor into the unit ? What advantage would it have ?

The physics literature is full of quantities that are related by
multiples of pi. The frequency f of an oscillation (e.g. a sound wave)
can be expressed in s^-1 (or Hz). The same oscillation can also be
charcterized by its angular frequency \omega, which is related to the
former by a factor 2*pi. Yet, no one has ever come up to suggest that
this quantity should be given a new unit. Planck's constant h can be
expressed in J*s. The related (and often more useful) constant h-bar =
h/(2*pi) is also expressed in J*s. No one has ever suggested that this
should be given a different unit.

The SI system (and other systems as well) has been specially crafted
to avoid the proliferation of units. So I don't think that we can
(should) invent new units whenever it appears convenient. It would
bring us back to times anterior to the French revolution.

Please note: I am not saying that the SI system is the definite choice
for every purpose. The nautical system of units (nautical mile, knot,
etc.) is used for navigation on sea and in the air and it works fine
for this purpose. However, within a system of units (whichever is
adopted), the number of different units should be kept reasonably small.



Sounds familiar...

Marc SCHILTZ wrote:

Hi James,

James Holton wrote:

Many textbooks describe the B factor as having units of square
Angstrom (A^2), but then again, so does the mean square atomic
displacement u^2, and B = 8*pi^2*u^2.  This can become confusing if
one starts to look at derived units that have started to come out
of the radiation damage field like A^2/MGy, which relates how much
the B factor of a crystal changes after absorbing a given dose.  Or
is it the atomic displacement after a given dose?  Depends on which
paper you are looking at.

There is nothing wrong with this. In the case of derived units,
there is almost never a univocal relation between the unit and the
physical quantity that it refers to. As an example: from the unit
kg/m^3, you can not tell what the physical quantity is that it
refers to: it could be the density of a material, but it could also
be the mass concentration of a compound in a solution. Therefore,
one always has to specify exactly what physical quantity one is
talking about, i.e. B/dose or u^2/dose, but this is not something
that should be packed into the unit (otherwise, we will need
hundreds of different units)

It simply has to be made clear by the author of a paper whether the
quantity he is referring to is B or u^2.

It seems to me that the units of B and u^2 cannot both be A^2
any more than 1 radian can be equated to 1 degree.  You need a
scale factor.  Kind of like trying to express something in terms of
1/100 cm^2 without the benefit of mm^2.  Yes, mm^2 have the
dimensions of cm^2, but you can't just say 1 cm^2 when you really
mean 1 mm^2! That would be silly.  However, we often say B = 80
A^2, when we really mean is 1 A^2 of square atomic displacements.

This is like claiming that the radius and the circumference of a
circle would need different units because they are related by the
scale factor 2*pi.

What matters is the dimension. Both radius and circumference

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread marc . schiltz
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Astex Therapeutics Ltd., Registered in England at 436 Cambridge Science
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Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread marc . schiltz


I don't think that you are re-phrasing me correctly. At least I can  
not understand how your statement relates to mine.

You simply have to tell us whether a value of 27.34 read from the last  
column of a PDB file means :

(1) B = 27.34 Å^2 , as I (and hopefully some others) think, or
(2) B = 27.34 A^2/(8*pi^2) = 0.346 Å^2 , as you seem to suggest

Once you have settled for one of the two options, you can convert your  
B to U and you will get for either choice :

(1) U = 0.346 Å^2
(2) U = 0.00438 Å^2

Even small-molecule crystallographers (who almost always compute and  
refine U's) rarely see values as low as U = 0.00438 Å^2.



Quoting James Holton

Marc SCHILTZ wrote:

Hi James

I must confess that I do not understand your point. If you read a
value from the last column of a PDB file, say 27.34, then this really
means :

B = 27.34 Å^2

for this atom. And, since B=8*pi^2*U, it also means that this atom's
mean square atomic displacement is U = 0.346 Å^2.

It does NOT mean :

B = 27.34 Born = 27.34 A^2/(8*pi^2) = 27.34/(8*pi^2) A^2 = 0.346 Å^2

as you seem to suggest.


Allow me to re-phrase your argument in a slightly different way:

If we replace the definition B=8*pi^2*U, with the easier-to-write C =
100*M, then your above statement becomes:

It does NOT mean :

C = 27.34 millimeters^2 = 27.34 centimeter^2/100 = 27.34/100
centimeter^2 = 0.2734 centimeter^2

Why is this not true?

If it was like this, the mean square atomic displacement of this atom
would be U = 0.00438 Å^2 (which would enable one to do ultra-high
resolution studies).

I feel I should also point out that B = 0 is not all that different from
B = 2 (U = 0.03 A^2) if you are trying to do ultra-high resolution
studies.  This is because the form factor of carbon and other light
atoms are essentially Gaussians with full-width at half-max (FWHM) ~0.8
A (you can plot the form factors listed in ITC Vol C to verify this),
and blurring atoms with a B factor of 2 Borns increases this width to
only ~0.9 A.  This is because the real-space blurring kernel of a B
factor is a Gaussian function with FWHM = sqrt(B*log(2))/pi Angstrom.
The root-mean-square RMS width of this real-space blurring function is
sqrt(B/8*pi^2) Angstrom, or sqrt(U) Angstrom.  This is the real-space
size of a B factor Gaussian, and I, for one, find this a much more
intuitive way to think about B factors.  I note, however, that the
real-space manifestation of the B factor is an object that can be
measured in units of Angstrom with no funny scale factors.  It is only
in reciprocal space (which is really angle space) that we see all
these factors of pi popping up.

More on that when I find my copy of James...

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread marc . schiltz

Not at all !

If I want to compute the sinus of 15 degrees, using the series  
expansion, I write

X = 15 degrees = 15 * pi/180 = 0.2618

because, 1 degree is just a symbol for the unitless, dimensionless  
number pi/180.

I plug this X into the series expansion and get the right result.


Quoting Clemens Grimm

Zitat von

Dale Tronrud wrote:

   While it is true that angles are defined by ratios which result in
their values being independent of the units those lengths were measured,
common sense says that a number is an insufficient description of an
angle.  If I tell you I measured an angle and its value is 1.5 you
cannot perform any useful calculation with that knowledge.

I disagree: you can, for instance, put this number x = 1.5 (without
units) into the series expansion for sin X :

x - x^3/(3!) + x^5/(5!) - x^7/(7!) + ...

and compute the value of sin(1.5) to any desired degree of accuracy
(four terms will be enough to get an accuracy of 0.0001). Note that
the x in the series expansion is just a real number (no dimension, no

... However you get this Taylor expansion under the assumption that
sin'(0)=1 sin''(0)=0, sin'''(0)=-1, ...
this only holds true under the assumption that the sin function has a
period of 2pi and this 'angle' is treated as unitless. Taking e. g.
the sine function with a 'degree' argument treated properly as 'unit'
will result in a Taylor expansion showing terms with this unit
sticking to them.

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread marc . schiltz
I would believe that the official SI documentation has precedence over  
Wikipedia. In the SI brochure it is made quite clear that Radian is  
just another symbol for the number one and that it may or may no be  
used, as is convenient.

Therefore, stating alpha = 15 (without anything else) is perfectly  
valid for an angle.


Quoting Douglas Theobald

Argument from authority, from the omniscient Wikipedia:

Although the radian is a unit of measure, it is a dimensionless quantity.

The radian is a unit of plane angle, equal to 180/pi (or 360/(2  
pi)) degrees, or about 57.2958 degrees, It is the standard unit  
of angular measurement in all areas of mathematics beyond the  
elementary level.

… the radian is now considered an SI derived unit.

On Nov 23, 2009, at 1:31 PM, Ian Tickle wrote:

James, I think you misunderstood, no-one is suggesting that we can do
without the degree (minute, second, grad, ...), since these conversion
units have considerable practical value.  Only the radian (and
steradian) are technically redundant, and as Marc suggested we would
probably be better off without them!


-- Ian

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of James Holton
Sent: 23 November 2009 16:35
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

Just because something is dimensionless does not mean it is
The radian and the degree are very good examples of this.
Remember, the
word unit means one, and it is the quantity of something that we
give the value 1.0.  Things can only be measured relative
to something
else, and so without defining for the relevant unit, be it
a long-hand
description or a convenient abbreviation, a number by itself is not
useful.  It may have meaning in the metaphysical sense, but its not
going to help me solve my structure.

A world without units is all well and good for theoreticians
who never
have to measure anything, but for those of us who do need to
know if the
angle is 1 degree or 1 radian, units are absolutely required.

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

Artem Evdokimov wrote:

The angle value and the associated basic trigonometric

functions (sin, cos,

tan) are derived from a ratio of two lengths* and therefore are

It's trivial but important to mention that there is no

absolute requirement

of units of any kind whatsoever with respect to angles or

to the three basic

trigonometric functions. All the commonly used units come

from (arbitrary)

scaling constants that in turn are derived purely from convenience -
specific calculations are conveniently carried out using

specific units (be

they radians, points, seconds, grads, brads, or papaya

seeds) however the

units themselves are there only for our convenience (unlike

the absolutely

required units of mass, length, time etc.).


* angle - the ratio of the arc length to radius of the arc

necessary to

bring the two rays forming the angle together; trig

functions - the ratio of

the appropriate sides of a right triangle

-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On

Behalf Of Ian

Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2009 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

Back to the original problem: what are the units of B and

u_x^2?  I haven't been able to work that out.  The first
wack is to say the B occurs in the term

Exp( -B (Sin(theta)/lambda)^2)

and we've learned that the unit of Sin(theta)/lamda is 1/Angstrom
and the argument of Exp, like Sin, must be radian.  This means
that the units of B must be A^2 radian.  Since B = 8 Pi^2 u_x^2
the units of 8 Pi^2 u_x^2 must also be A^2 radian, but the
units of u_x^2 are determined by the units of 8 Pi^2.  I
can't figure out the units of that without understanding the
defining equation, which is in the OPDXr somewhere.  I suspect
there are additional, hidden, units in that definition.  The
basic definition would start with the deviation of scattering
points from the Miller planes and those deviations are probably
defined in cycle or radian and later converted to Angstrom so
there are conversion factors present from the beginning.

   I'm sure that if the MS sits down with the OPDXr and follows
all these units through he will uncover the units of B, 8 Pi^2,
and u_x^2 and the mystery will be solved.  If he doesn't do
it, I'll have to sit down with the book myself, and that will
make my head hurt.

Hi Dale

A nice entertaining read for a Sunday afternoon, but I think you can
only get so far with this argument and then it breaks down,

as evidenced

by the fact that eventually you got stuck!  I think the

problem arises

in your assertion that the argument of 'exp' must be in units of
radians.  IMO it can also be in units of radians^2 (or

radians^n where n

is any unitless number, integer or real, 

Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-23 Thread marc . schiltz

Quoting James Holton

Now the coefficients of a Taylor polynomial are themselves values of the
derivatives of the function being approximated.  Each time you take a
derivative of f(x), you divide by the units (and therefore dimensions)
of x.  So, Pete's coefficients below: 1, -1/6, and 1/120 have
dimension of [X]^-1, [X]^-2, [X]^-3, respectively.


The the factors 1, 1/6, 1/120, etc. in the Taylor series of a funcion  
f(x) do not come from the derivatives of that function. They simply  
come from the coefficients 1/(n!) that pre-multiply each term (each  
derivative) in the series. They are, of course, dimensionless (note  
that n is just an integer number).


Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-20 Thread Marc SCHILTZ

Hi James,

James Holton wrote:
Many textbooks describe the B factor as having units of square Angstrom 
(A^2), but then again, so does the mean square atomic displacement u^2, 
and B = 8*pi^2*u^2.  This can become confusing if one starts to look at 
derived units that have started to come out of the radiation damage 
field like A^2/MGy, which relates how much the B factor of a crystal 
changes after absorbing a given dose.  Or is it the atomic displacement 
after a given dose?  Depends on which paper you are looking at.

There is nothing wrong with this. In the case of derived units, there is 
almost never a univocal relation between the unit and the physical 
quantity that it refers to. As an example: from the unit kg/m^3, you can 
not tell what the physical quantity is that it refers to: it could be 
the density of a material, but it could also be the mass concentration 
of a compound in a solution. Therefore, one always has to specify 
exactly what physical quantity one is talking about, i.e. B/dose or 
u^2/dose, but this is not something that should be packed into the unit 
(otherwise, we will need hundreds of different units)

It simply has to be made clear by the author of a paper whether the 
quantity he is referring to is B or u^2.

It seems to me that the units of B and u^2 cannot both be A^2 any 
more than 1 radian can be equated to 1 degree.  You need a scale 
factor.  Kind of like trying to express something in terms of 1/100 
cm^2 without the benefit of mm^2.  Yes, mm^2 have the dimensions of 
cm^2, but you can't just say 1 cm^2 when you really mean 1 mm^2! That 
would be silly.  However, we often say B = 80 A^2, when we really mean 
is 1 A^2 of square atomic displacements. 

This is like claiming that the radius and the circumference of a circle 
would need different units because they are related by the scale 
factor 2*pi.

What matters is the dimension. Both radius and circumference have the 
dimension of a length, and therefore have the same unit. Both B and u^2 
have the dimension of the square of a length and therefoire have the 
same unit. The scalefactor 8*pi^2 is a dimensionless quantity and does 
not change the unit.

The B units, which are ~1/80th of a A^2, do not have a name.  So, I 
think we have a new unit?  It is A^2/(8pi^2) and it is the units of 
the B factor that we all know and love.  What should we call it?  I 
nominate the Born after Max Born who did so much fundamental and 
far-reaching work on the nature of disorder in crystal lattices.  The 
unit then has the symbol B, which will make it easy to say that the B 
factor was 80 B.  This might be very handy indeed if, say, you had an 
editor who insists that all reported values have units?

Anyone disagree or have a better name?

Good luck in submitting your proposal to the General Conference on 
Weights and Measures.


Re: [ccp4bb] {Spam?} Re: {Spam?} Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-20 Thread Marc SCHILTZ

Frank von Delft wrote:

Hi Marc

Not at all, one uses units that are convenient.  By your reasoning we 
should get rid of Å, atmospheres, AU, light years...  They exist not to 
be obnoxious, but because they're handy for a large number of people in 
their specific situations.

Hi Frank,

I think that you misunderstood me. Å and atmospheres are units which 
really refer to physical quantities of different dimensions. So, of 
course, there must be different units for them (by the way: atmosphere 
is not an accepted unit in the SI system - not even a tolerated non SI 
unit, so a conscientious editor of an IUCr journal would not let it go 
through. On the other hand, the Å is a tolerated non SI unit).

But in the case of B and U, the situation is different. These two 
quantities have the same dimension (square of a length). They are 
related by the dimensionless factor 8*pi^2. Why would one want to 
incorporate this factor into the unit ? What advantage would it have ?

The physics literature is full of quantities that are related by 
multiples of pi. The frequency f of an oscillation (e.g. a sound wave) 
can be expressed in s^-1 (or Hz). The same oscillation can also be 
charcterized by its angular frequency \omega, which is related to the 
former by a factor 2*pi. Yet, no one has ever come up to suggest that 
this quantity should be given a new unit. Planck's constant h can be 
expressed in J*s. The related (and often more useful) constant h-bar = 
h/(2*pi) is also expressed in J*s. No one has ever suggested that this 
should be given a different unit.

The SI system (and other systems as well) has been specially crafted to 
avoid the proliferation of units. So I don't think that we can (should) 
invent new units whenever it appears convenient. It would bring us 
back to times anterior to the French revolution.

Please note: I am not saying that the SI system is the definite choice 
for every purpose. The nautical system of units (nautical mile, knot, 
etc.) is used for navigation on sea and in the air and it works fine for 
this purpose. However, within a system of units (whichever is adopted), 
the number of different units should be kept reasonably small.



Sounds familiar...

Marc SCHILTZ wrote:

Hi James,

James Holton wrote:
Many textbooks describe the B factor as having units of square 
Angstrom (A^2), but then again, so does the mean square atomic 
displacement u^2, and B = 8*pi^2*u^2.  This can become confusing if 
one starts to look at derived units that have started to come out of 
the radiation damage field like A^2/MGy, which relates how much the B 
factor of a crystal changes after absorbing a given dose.  Or is it 
the atomic displacement after a given dose?  Depends on which paper 
you are looking at.

There is nothing wrong with this. In the case of derived units, there 
is almost never a univocal relation between the unit and the physical 
quantity that it refers to. As an example: from the unit kg/m^3, you 
can not tell what the physical quantity is that it refers to: it could 
be the density of a material, but it could also be the mass 
concentration of a compound in a solution. Therefore, one always has 
to specify exactly what physical quantity one is talking about, i.e. 
B/dose or u^2/dose, but this is not something that should be packed 
into the unit (otherwise, we will need hundreds of different units)

It simply has to be made clear by the author of a paper whether the 
quantity he is referring to is B or u^2.

It seems to me that the units of B and u^2 cannot both be A^2 any 
more than 1 radian can be equated to 1 degree.  You need a scale 
factor.  Kind of like trying to express something in terms of 1/100 
cm^2 without the benefit of mm^2.  Yes, mm^2 have the dimensions 
of cm^2, but you can't just say 1 cm^2 when you really mean 1 mm^2! 
That would be silly.  However, we often say B = 80 A^2, when we 
really mean is 1 A^2 of square atomic displacements. 

This is like claiming that the radius and the circumference of a 
circle would need different units because they are related by the 
scale factor 2*pi.

What matters is the dimension. Both radius and circumference have the 
dimension of a length, and therefore have the same unit. Both B and 
u^2 have the dimension of the square of a length and therefoire have 
the same unit. The scalefactor 8*pi^2 is a dimensionless quantity and 
does not change the unit.

The B units, which are ~1/80th of a A^2, do not have a name.  So, I 
think we have a new unit?  It is A^2/(8pi^2) and it is the units 
of the B factor that we all know and love.  What should we call 
it?  I nominate the Born after Max Born who did so much fundamental 
and far-reaching work on the nature of disorder in crystal lattices.  
The unit then has the symbol B, which will make it easy to say that 
the B factor was 80 B.  This might be very handy indeed if, say, 
you had an editor who insists that all reported values have

Re: [ccp4bb] {Spam?} Re: {Spam?} Re: [ccp4bb] {Spam?} Re: {Spam?} Re: [ccp4bb] units of the B factor

2009-11-20 Thread Marc SCHILTZ

Yes, but Å is really only just tolerated.
It has evaded the Guillotine - for the time being ;-)

Frank von Delft wrote:
Eh?  m and Å are related by the dimensionless quantity 10,000,000,000. 

Vive la révolution!

Marc SCHILTZ wrote:

Frank von Delft wrote:

Hi Marc

Not at all, one uses units that are convenient.  By your reasoning we 
should get rid of Å, atmospheres, AU, light years...  They exist not 
to be obnoxious, but because they're handy for a large number of 
people in their specific situations.

Hi Frank,

I think that you misunderstood me. Å and atmospheres are units which 
really refer to physical quantities of different dimensions. So, of 
course, there must be different units for them (by the way: atmosphere 
is not an accepted unit in the SI system - not even a tolerated non SI 
unit, so a conscientious editor of an IUCr journal would not let it go 
through. On the other hand, the Å is a tolerated non SI unit).

But in the case of B and U, the situation is different. These two 
quantities have the same dimension (square of a length). They are 
related by the dimensionless factor 8*pi^2. Why would one want to 
incorporate this factor into the unit ? What advantage would it have ?

The physics literature is full of quantities that are related by 
multiples of pi. The frequency f of an oscillation (e.g. a sound wave) 
can be expressed in s^-1 (or Hz). The same oscillation can also be 
charcterized by its angular frequency \omega, which is related to the 
former by a factor 2*pi. Yet, no one has ever come up to suggest that 
this quantity should be given a new unit. Planck's constant h can be 
expressed in J*s. The related (and often more useful) constant h-bar = 
h/(2*pi) is also expressed in J*s. No one has ever suggested that this 
should be given a different unit.

The SI system (and other systems as well) has been specially crafted 
to avoid the proliferation of units. So I don't think that we can 
(should) invent new units whenever it appears convenient. It would 
bring us back to times anterior to the French revolution.

Please note: I am not saying that the SI system is the definite choice 
for every purpose. The nautical system of units (nautical mile, knot, 
etc.) is used for navigation on sea and in the air and it works fine 
for this purpose. However, within a system of units (whichever is 
adopted), the number of different units should be kept reasonably small.



Sounds familiar...

Marc SCHILTZ wrote:

Hi James,

James Holton wrote:
Many textbooks describe the B factor as having units of square 
Angstrom (A^2), but then again, so does the mean square atomic 
displacement u^2, and B = 8*pi^2*u^2.  This can become confusing if 
one starts to look at derived units that have started to come out 
of the radiation damage field like A^2/MGy, which relates how much 
the B factor of a crystal changes after absorbing a given dose.  Or 
is it the atomic displacement after a given dose?  Depends on which 
paper you are looking at.
There is nothing wrong with this. In the case of derived units, 
there is almost never a univocal relation between the unit and the 
physical quantity that it refers to. As an example: from the unit 
kg/m^3, you can not tell what the physical quantity is that it 
refers to: it could be the density of a material, but it could also 
be the mass concentration of a compound in a solution. Therefore, 
one always has to specify exactly what physical quantity one is 
talking about, i.e. B/dose or u^2/dose, but this is not something 
that should be packed into the unit (otherwise, we will need 
hundreds of different units)

It simply has to be made clear by the author of a paper whether the 
quantity he is referring to is B or u^2.

It seems to me that the units of B and u^2 cannot both be A^2 
any more than 1 radian can be equated to 1 degree.  You need a 
scale factor.  Kind of like trying to express something in terms of 
1/100 cm^2 without the benefit of mm^2.  Yes, mm^2 have the 
dimensions of cm^2, but you can't just say 1 cm^2 when you really 
mean 1 mm^2! That would be silly.  However, we often say B = 80 
A^2, when we really mean is 1 A^2 of square atomic displacements. 
This is like claiming that the radius and the circumference of a 
circle would need different units because they are related by the 
scale factor 2*pi.

What matters is the dimension. Both radius and circumference have 
the dimension of a length, and therefore have the same unit. Both B 
and u^2 have the dimension of the square of a length and therefoire 
have the same unit. The scalefactor 8*pi^2 is a dimensionless 
quantity and does not change the unit.

The B units, which are ~1/80th of a A^2, do not have a name.  So, 
I think we have a new unit?  It is A^2/(8pi^2) and it is the 
units of the B factor that we all know and love.  What should we 
call it?  I nominate the Born after Max Born who did so much 
fundamental and far-reaching work on the nature

Re: [ccp4bb] phasing with se-met at low resolution

2009-05-13 Thread Marc SCHILTZ

Kevin Cowtan wrote:
This is absolutely correct - in the analysis you present, the 
non-anomalous scattering drops with resolution, but the anomalous part 
does not. And since counting noise varies with intensity, we should 
actually be better off at high resolution, since there is less 
non-anomalous scattering to contribute to the noise! (This is somewhat 
masked by the background, however).

So why don't we see this in practice?

The reason is that you've missed out one important term: the atomic 
displacement parameters (B-factors), which describe a combination of 
thermal motion and positional disorder between unit cells. This motion 
and disorder applies equally to the core and outer electrons, and so 
causes a drop-off in both the anomalous and non-anomalous scattering, 
over and above that caused by the atomic scattering factors.

I agree with everything but would like to add the following: if we 
assume an overall atomic displacement parameter, the drop-off in both 
the anomalous and non-anomalous scattering is the same. Therefore, the 
ratio of anomalous differences over mean intensity (which is what comes 
closest to R_{ano} - in whichever way this is defined) is essentially 
unaffected by atomic displacements and should still go up at high 
resolution, irrespective of the values of the atomic displacement 
parameter !

Things are more complicated if individual isotropic atomic displacements 
are considered, because the anomalously scattering atoms (e.g. the Se 
atoms) may have significantly larger or smaller displacement parameters 
than the average.

All this is discussed in section 4.4. of Flack  Shmueli (2007) Acta 
Cryst. A63, 257--265.


But your reasoning was sound as far as it went, and it is a point which 
many people haven't recognised!


Raja Dey wrote:

Dear James,

I don't understand why measuring anomalous differences has nothing to do 
with resolution. 

Heavy atoms

scatter anomalously because the inner shell electrons

of the heavy atom cannot be considered to be free anymore

as was assumed for normal Thomson scattering. As a result

the atomic scattering factor of the heavy atom becomes

complex and this compex contribution to the structure

factor leads to non-equality of Friedel pairs in non-centro

symmetric systems(excluding centric zone).  This feature is taken 
advantage in

phase  determination. Since the inner shell electrons

being relatively more strongly bound in heavy atoms

 contribute to anomalous scattering and  its effect

is more discernable for high angle reflections . Here

the anomalous component of the scattering do not

decrease much because of the effectively small atomic

radii (only inner shell being effective). FOR  HIGH





Re: [ccp4bb] phasing with se-met at low resolution

2009-05-13 Thread Marc SCHILTZ

Kevin Cowtan wrote:

Marc SCHILTZ wrote:
I agree with everything but would like to add the following: if we 
assume an overall atomic displacement parameter, the drop-off in both 
the anomalous and non-anomalous scattering is the same. Therefore, the 
ratio of anomalous differences over mean intensity (which is what comes 
closest to R_{ano} - in whichever way this is defined) is essentially 
unaffected by atomic displacements and should still go up at high 
resolution, irrespective of the values of the atomic displacement 
parameter !

OK, that's new to me. My understanding was that f does not drop off 
with resolution in the stationary atom case, since the anomalous 
scattering arises from the core atoms. Can you elaborate?

Yes, this is correct. And if there are atomic displacements, we would 
have to multiply f by an overall Debye-Waller factor (t) to get an 
effective f which then would drop off with resolution. But the 
Debye-Waller factor also affects the normal scattering factors in the 
same way. So the ratio of rms Friedel differences over mean intensities 
remains essentially unaffected by an overall atomic displacement parameter.

Interpreting the Flack  Shmueli (2007) paper :

D = F^2(+) - F^2(-)  is the Friedel difference of a reflection and A = 
0.5 * [F^2(+) + F^2(-)] is its Friedel average

Then  D^2 = t^4 D^2(static) and A = t ^2 A(static)

So the ratio SQRT(D^2) / A is independent of t (i.e. the same as for 
the static case).



Re: [ccp4bb] Reason for Neglected X-ray Fluorescence

2009-04-25 Thread marc . schiltz

Quoting Jacob Keller

Aha, so I have re-invented the wheel! But I never made sense of why f' is
negative--this is beautiful! Just to make sure: you are saying that the real
part of the anomalous scattering goes negative because those photons are
sneaking out of the diffraction pattern through absorption--fluorescence?

I doubt that this is a correct interpretation. It is f which is  
related to absorption (and therefore to fluorescence) not f' !  In  
fact f' can be positive, even if there is absorption (and  
fluorescence). Examples: the f' factors of C, O, S, Cl and most other  
lighter elements are positive at the Cu K-alpha wavelength, but they  
are still absorbing.

The optical theorem relates \mu, the macroscopic absorption  
coefficient, to f, NOT to f' ! The amount that any material absorbs  
is in no way related to the f' factors of the atoms of which it is  
build up. But it is directly related to their f factors. When you  
collect a fluorescence scan, you get a quantity which is directly  
related to f and NOT to f' (the raw scan resembles already very much  
the spectral curve of f). To get f', you have to perform a  
Kramers-Kronig transform.

The macroscopic counterpart of f' is dispersion, i.e. a change of  
phase velocity.


Re: [ccp4bb] Reason for Neglected X-ray Fluorescence

2009-04-25 Thread marc . schiltz

Quoting Jacob Keller

Also, in your selenium crystal example, I think there would still be an
anomalous signal, because there would always be regular scattering as well
as the anomalous effect. Isn't that true?

It is certainly not correct to state that there is no anomalous  
scattering in elemental Se. There is anomalous scattering: the atomic  
form factors f' and f have the specific wavelength-dependence, which  
can be measured from the diffraction data (by collecting data at  
different wavelengths); you can collect a fluorescence scan over the  
absorption edge etc. However, because there is only one type of  
scatterer (the f' + if for all atoms are the same), Friedel's law  
remains valid, i.e. I(+h) and I(-h) remain the same. And even this is  
only true as long as we consider that the atoms are spherical and  
neglect anisotropy of anomalous scattering etc.


Re: [ccp4bb] Reason for Neglected X-ray Fluorescence

2009-04-23 Thread Marc SCHILTZ

James Holton wrote: wrote:
The elastically scattered photons (which make up the Bragg peaks) also 
do not not retain the momentum of the incident photon.

Although technically true to say that photons traveling in different 
directions have different momenta, all elastically scattered photons 
have the same wavelength (momentum) as the incident photon.  Otherwise, 

I would definitely avoid to amalgamate wavelength and momentum, as is 
more-or-less suggested in the final part of this statement. Momentum is 
a vector quantity, although it is true that the NORM of the momentum 
vector of a particle is related to its energy (by the De Broglie 
wavelength relation). In X-ray diffraction, the momentum of the 
elastically scattered photon does change, while its energy does not. In 
X-ray physics, the change in momentum is actually called the momentum 
transfer : \vec{Q} = \vec{k'} - \vec{k}. The word says it all.

they would not interfere constructively to form Bragg peaks and they 
would be called Compton-scattered photons.  The small change in energy 
required to preserve wavelength upon a change in direction during 
elastic scattering is contributed by the entire crystal as a recoil 
phonon.  Arthur Compton wrote a paper about this:

Very interesting paper, but I see no mention of a recoil phonon and I 
would be surprised if that is what Compton really meant. No mention 
about lattice dynamics (phonons) can be found in this paper. The crystal 
is implicitly assumed to be a rigid body. In fact, what the paper nicely 
demonstrates is that the conservation of wavelength (i.e. photon energy) 
between incident and diffracted rays is achieved in the limiting case 
when the total mass of the crystal is very large with respect to the 
mass of one photon - a condition which, I presume, is always satisfied 
in X-ray crystallography, even when going towards microcrystals.

This is really the same situation as a tennis ball that bounces 
(elastically) off the surface of the earth. In principle, we must assume 
that some of its energy is transferred to the earth during the 
collision. But because the mass of the earth is so vastly superior to 
the mass of the tennis ball, the transfer of energy is vanishingly 
small. It certainly can not be measured. The change of momentum of the 
tennis ball, however, is not negligible and can be measured.

Back to X-ray diffraction, the reciprocal lattice is just a 
representation of momentum transfer vectors \vec{Q} = 2\pi \vec{h}. You 
may never have thought of it like this, but when we index an X-ray 
pattern, we are really measuring the change in momentum of the photons 
which were scattered into the various Bragg peaks. But we can not 
measure their change in energy, as it is practically zero.

The situation becomes somewhat different if we take into account lattice 
dynamics (phonons) as it is now possible to measure the energy transfer 
of a scattered X-ray photon upon phonon creation in the crystal. But 
these are very difficult measurements (much easier with neutrons) and 
are certainly of no relevance for macromolecular X-ray crystallography. 
It is anyway called inelastic scattering.

which probably contributed to his Nobel four years later.  This is a 
classic example of the confusion that can arise from the particle-wave 

It seems to me that the confusion here is between energy and momentum.


Re: [ccp4bb] Reason for Neglected X-ray Fluorescence

2009-04-23 Thread Marc SCHILTZ

For those who are still following this discussion...

Following a comment by James, I clarify my previous statement about

the limiting case when the total mass of the crystal is very large 
with respect to the mass of one photon

I meant of course the relativistic mass of one photon [which is given 
by  h/(\lambda c)]. The rest mass of a photon is of course zero.

A photon of \lambda = 1 Angstroem has a relativistic mass of the order 
of 10^{-32} kg. Certainly much smaller than the mass of even a  

I was really just re-phrasing what Arthur Compton wrote in the quoted 
paper [read the sentence just after his equation (9)].


Re: [ccp4bb] Reason for Neglected X-ray Fluorescence

2009-04-22 Thread marc . schiltz

Quoting Ethan Merritt

On Wednesday 22 April 2009 09:23:19 Jacob Keller wrote:

Hello All,

What is the reason that x-ray fluorescence is neglected in our experiments?
Obviously it is measureable, as in EXAFS experiments to determine   
anomalous edges,

but should it not play a role in the intensities as well? What am I missing?

Fluorescence is directly proportional to f, so in one sense we do account
for it in any calculation that includes the anomalous scattering terms.

If you were thinking of direct contribution of the fluorescent X-rays to the
measured Bragg peak - that is negligible.  Those photons do not retain the
momentum vector of the original incident photon, and are emitted in all

I am not sure whether this is a good explanation. The elastically  
scattered photons (which make up the Bragg peaks) also do not not  
retain the momentum of the incident photon.

directions. I.e., they contribute even less to the diffraction image than
air-scatter from the direct beam or from the diffracted beam.

Well, this clearly depends on the sample content and on the X-ray  
wavelength. There are many examples of data collected at an absorption  
edge, where fluorescence is the dominating contributor to the  
background, i.e. it is much larger than air-scatter from the direct  
beam or from the diffracted beams. For an extreme case, see fig. 4 in  
Shepard et al.(2000). Acta Cryst. D56, 1288-1303.




Jacob Pearson Keller
Northwestern University
Medical Scientist Training Program
Dallos Laboratory
F. Searle 1-240
2240 Campus Drive
Evanston IL 60208
lab: 847.491.2438
cel: 773.608.9185

  - Original Message -
  From: rui
  Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 11:06 AM
  Subject: [ccp4bb] microbatch vs hanging drop


  I have a question about the method for crystallization. With   
traditional hanging drop(24 wells), one slide can also hold for   
multiple drops but it requires the buffer quite a lot,  600uL?   
Microbatch can save buffers,only 100uL is required, and also  can   
hold up to three samples in the sitting well. Other than saving the  
 buffer, what's the advantage of microbatch? Which method will be   
easier to get crystals or no big difference? Thanks for sharing.


Ethan A Merritt
Biomolecular Structure Center
University of Washington, Seattle 98195-7742

Re: [ccp4bb] Crick-Magdoff and anomalous

2009-03-24 Thread Marc SCHILTZ

Ethan Merritt wrote:

Please also have a look at

A Olczak, M Cianci, Q Hao, PJ Rizkallah, J Raferty,  JR Helliwell (2003). 
S-SWAT (softer single-wavelength anomalous technique) 
Acta Cryst. A59, 327-334.

in which the authors show several derivations for the estimated 
anomalous signal, based on slightly different assumptions.

And the generalization of their formulae is given in :

Flack, H. D.  Shmueli, U. (2007). Acta Cryst. A63, 257-265.

In a follow-up paper, their derivations were extended to all 
spacegroups, also taking account of special reflections.


Re: [ccp4bb] structure (factor) amplitude

2009-01-12 Thread Marc SCHILTZ

Ian Tickle wrote:

I think there's a confusion here between the name of an object (what you
call it) and its description (i.e. its properties).  The name of the
object is structure amplitude and it's description is amplitude of
the structure factor, or if you prefer the shortened form structure
factor amplitude. 

But one does not name the modulus of a complex number a complex 
modulus; one does not name the amplitude of a molecular vibration a 
molecular amplitude; and one does not name the trace of a rotation 
matrix a rotation trace.

Mal nommer les choses, c'est ajouter au malheur des hommes. A.Camus.


Re: [ccp4bb] structure (factor) amplitude

2009-01-12 Thread marc . schiltz

Ian Tickle wrote:

OK, limiting the vote to people whom I think we can assume know what
vaguely they're talking about, i.e. Acta Cryst. / J. Appl. Cryst.
authors, and using the IUCr search engine we get 553 hits for structure
amplitude and 256 for structure factor amplitude

But be warned that not all Acta Cryst. authors give the term  
structure amplitude  the meaning that you think they do, i.e. a  
shortcut version for structure factor amplitude !

In particular, P.P. Ewald (no less an authority than the ones you  
quote), uses the term structure amplitude for the complex number  
F(hkl). See e.g. Acta Cryst. A35 (1979), page 8.

To my surprise, M. von Laue in his treatise  
Rontgenstrahlinterferenzen also uses the term structure amplitude  
(Strukturamplitude) for the complex quantity F. He defines the  
structure factor (Strukturfaktor) as the square-modulus of F. This  
seems to go back to early papers by P.P. Ewald. Both of these  
quantities are also defined in exactly the same way by Hosemann   
Bagchi in their 1962 textbook on X-ray diffraction. In optics it makes  
perfect sense to speak about complex amplitudes.

We thus have the historic definitions :

structure amplitude = complex F

structure factor = square-modulus of F

This comes from the fact that the intensity formulae which these  
authors derive, and which remain valid for finite crystals and for  
paracrystals, there is a neat factorization into a lattice-factor  
(Gitterfaktor) on one hand and a structure factor (Strukturfaktor)  
on the other hand. The lattice factor only depends on the number and  
spatial arrangement of unit cells within the crystal, whereas the  
structure factor only depends on the atomic structure of one unit  
cell. The latter is of course equal to the square-modulus of F.

To add to the confusion: Current-day small-angle scattering (SAXS)  
specialists call structure factor the quantity which von Laue would  
have called lattice factor (and they call formfactor the quantity  
which von Laue called structure factor) .

Seems that there will be little agreement


Ian Tickle wrote:

OK, limiting the vote to people whom I think we can assume know what
vaguely they're talking about, i.e. Acta Cryst. / J. Appl. Cryst.
authors, and using the IUCr search engine we get 553 hits for structure
amplitude and 256 for structure factor amplitude

But be warned that not all Acta Cryst. authors give the term structure 
amplitude  the meaning that you think they do, i.e. a shortcut version for 
structure factor amplitude !

In particular, P.P. Ewald (no less an authority than the ones you quote), uses 
the term structure amplitude for the complex number F(hkl). See e.g. Acta 
Cryst. A35 (1979), page 8.

To my surprise, M. von Laue in his treatise Rontgenstrahlinterferenzen also 
uses the term structure amplitude (Strukturamplitude) for the complex 
quantity F. He defines the structure factor (Strukturfaktor) as the 
square-modulus of F. This seems to go back to early papers by P.P. Ewald. Both 
of these quantities are also defined in exactly the same way by Hosemann  
Bagchi in their 1962 textbook on X-ray diffraction. In optics it makes perfect 
sense to speak about complex amplitudes.

We thus have the historic definitions :

structure amplitude = complex F

structure factor = square-modulus of F

This comes from the fact that the intensity formulae which these authors 
derive, and which remain valid for finite crystals and for paracrystals, there 
is a neat factorization into a lattice-factor (Gitterfaktor) on one hand and 
a structure factor (Strukturfaktor) on the other hand. The lattice factor 
only depends on the number and spatial arrangement of unit cells within the 
crystal, whereas the structure factor only depends on the atomic structure of 
one unit cell. The latter is of course equal to the square-modulus of F.

To add to the confusion: Current-day small-angle scattering (SAXS) specialists 
call structure factor the quantity which von Laue would have called lattice 
factor (and they call formfactor the quantity which von Laue called 
structure factor) .

Seems that there will be little agreement


Ian Tickle wrote:

OK, limiting the vote to people whom I think we can assume know what
vaguely they're talking about, i.e. Acta Cryst. / J. Appl. Cryst.
authors, and using the IUCr search engine we get 553 hits for structure
amplitude and 256 for structure factor amplitude

Well, then you may be warned that not all Acta Cryst. authors give the term 
structure amplitude  the meaning that you think they do, i.e. a shortcut 
version of structure factor amplitude !

In particular, P.P. Ewald (no less an authority than the ones you quote), uses 
the term structure amplitude for the complex number F(hkl). See Acta Cryst. A35 
(1979), page 8.

To my surprise, M. von Laue in his (german) treatise

Re: [ccp4bb] Reading the old literature / truncate / refinement programs

2008-10-06 Thread marc . schiltz
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  -- Marc SCHILTZ[13]


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Hi Ian,

I did not follow up our recent discussion about the respective merits of 
various truncate procedures, in particular the comparison of the French  
Wilson (1978) and Sivia  David (1994) methods. Following your mail to the BB 
yesterday, which extends the previous simulations, I feel that I should 
relaunch the debate.

My main objection is that I can still not understand why you are so focused on 
the shell averages (i.e. intensity averages over many reflections in resolution 
shells). This is apparently the criterion that you use to claim that the FW 
method is superior to all others.

The truncate method (whichever prior is used) is a procedure to estimate 
amplitudes for individual reflections. This is the goal of the whole procedure. 
So we have an estimator E(Im,Sm) for the true intensity J (or amplitude 
sqrt(J)) of one reflection, given its measured intensity Im and sigma Sm. 
According to the usual statistical definition of bias, this estimator is 
unbiased if its expectation value (NOT its average aver many different 
reflections) is equal to the true value J (or sqrt(J)), for all values of J. We 
seem to agree that neither the estimator proposed by FW, nor the one proposed 
by SD are unbiased, and I gave a simple example in an earlier mail : for J=0, 
both estimators will return an estimate greater than 0, whatever the measured 
data are. They are thus biased.

Now, you seem to be be highly preoccupied by the reflection averages in 
resolution shells. Why ? The quantities that are used in all subsequent 
computations are individual reflection intensities/amplitudes. The shell 
averages are not used in any important crystallographic computation (apart 
maybe the Wilson plot). So what matters really is to get good estimates for 
individual reflection intensities/amplitudes.

Of course, both the FW and the SD methods also return an estimate for the 
shell averages, and your simulations seem to show that the FW estimates for 
these shell averages are unbiased. But again,  shell averages are not used in 
any crystallographic refinement: we refine against individual reflections ! 
They are not used in phasing: we phase individual reflections. So what matters 
is the bias on individual reflections, not on shell averages. I think that you 
can not simply claim that, because the FW method returns unbiased shell 
averages, it is necessarily superior to the SD method.

In that sense, your previous statement that

the average bias of J is the same as the bias of the average J

may be formally correct, but is completely irrelevant. Because even if the 
average bias is zero, this does not mean that the estimator is unbiased. 
Otherwise, I would suggest a truncate procedure where the intensities of all 
reflections are simply set equal to their shell averages. Clearly, this would 
yield unbiased estimates for the shell averages, but the estimates for 
individual reflection intensities would be highly biased.

Also, your simulations are flawed by the fact that you assume you exactly know 
S. However, this is not the case in reality. In the FW procedure, S is 
estimated in shells of resolution from the measured intensities. This turns S 
into a random variable and you will never have S=0 exactly. If you now imagine 
the case of data collected and integrated when there is no diffraction at all, 
you would get some random number for S

Re: [ccp4bb] truncate ignorance

2008-09-10 Thread Marc SCHILTZ

Well, I was pointing to the Sivia  David (1994) paper because I thought
it might be helpful in the discussion about how to convert intensities
to amplitudes. The paper is probably not so well known in the PX
community, so I decided that I would advertise it on this BB. However,
since I am not one of the authors, I feel that it is inappropriate for
me to go into a detailed defense of every sentence and equation which is
written in it.

The paper is clear and speaks for itself. I can only recommend a careful 
reading of it.

I will nevertheless make some general comments in response to the
criticism that was raised:

Quoting Ian Tickle [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

But there's a fundamental difference in approach, the authors here
assume the apparently simpler prior distribution P(I) = 0 for I  0 
P(I) = const for I = 0.  As users of Bayesian priors well know this is
an improper prior since it integrates to infinity instead of unity.

Despite of their disparaging name, improper priors can be used in
Bayesian analysis without major difficulties (at least for estimation
problems), provided that the posterior integrates to a finite value.
If you object to the use of an improper prior in the Sivia  David
paper, I suggest to use a prior where P(I) = 0 for I  0 as well as
for I  10^30 and P(I) = constant in between these two boundaries.
Technically speaking this would then be a proper prior, but for all
intents and purposes it would not make any difference at all.

This means that, unlike the case I described for the French  Wilson
formula based on the Wilson distribution which gives unbiased estimates
of the true I's and their average, the effect on the corrected
intensities of using this prior really will be to increase all
intensities (since the mean I for this prior PDF is also infinite!),
hence the intensities and their average must be biased ( I'm sure the
same goes for the corresponding F's).

Two different bias concepts in this statement : ... unbiased
estimates of the true I's and their average...

(1) Regarding unbiased estimates of the true I's:

The use of a Wilson prior does by no means guarantee that the
posterior expectation values will be unbiased estimates of the true
I's. Whether one uses the Wilson prior or the naive prior of Sivia 
David, the posterior probability distribution on I will be a truncated
normal distribution (see French  Wilson, appendix A). There is nothing
which allows us to claim that the expectation value (which is what we
use as estimate of the true intensity) over such a posterior will be
unbiased (whichever prior was used !).

Simple example: take a reflection which has true F=0. The posterior
probability distribution p_J(J|I) (here I am using the French  Wilson
notation) will be a truncated normal (see French  Wilson, appendix A)
and its expectation value E_J(J|I) will thus always be greater than 0,
even if the Wilson prior is used ! Both the the French  Wilson and the
Sivia  David procedures will yield a biased estimate of the true
intensity: the estimate will always be greater than 0 (the true value),
whatever the measured I is.

(2) Regarding intensity averages:

Here, your argument about bias seems to be about averages of
intensities computed in resolution shells, i.e. you are concerned that
the corrected I's, averaged over all reflections in a given resolution
bin, should equal the average of the uncorrected intensities in the same
resolution bin. I would like to see a proof that the French  Wilson
procedure actually achieves this goal (none is given in the French  
Wilson paper - they are actually not addressing this issue). But apart 
from this, I wonder whether this is of any relevance at all. Why would 
this be so important ? Why are you so concerned that the intensity 
averages over many different reflections in a resolution bin is a 
quantity which should at all price be conserved ?

In any event, I think that the discussions about bias on corrected
intensities is a somewhat academic side-issue. The real reason why we
use the truncate procedure is not so much do get corrected I's, but
rather to get estimates of the amplitudes. In that sense, I think that
the important message conveyed in the Sivia  David paper is the
following: the awkward truncated Gaussian pdf's in intensity space
(whichever prior was used...) are transformed to well-behaved
Gaussian-like pdf's in amplitude-space. This is an argument in favouring 
F's rather than I's (even corrected I's) for subsequent crystallographic 
computations. In that regime (i.e. in the regime where we accept that 
the posterior probability distribution on F's is close to a Gaussian), 
the estimator given by equation (11) in Sivia  David is actually unbiased !

Side argument: to use the French  Wilson procedure, it is necessary to
know the crystal spacegroup (in order to apply the correct statistical
weights for the various classes of reflections). To use the Sivia 
David procedure, you don't need to know the 

Re: [ccp4bb] truncate ignorance

2008-09-08 Thread marc . schiltz

I would also recommend reading of the following paper:

D.S. Sivia  W.I.F. David (1994), Acta Cryst. A50, 703-714. A Bayesian  
Approach to Extracting Structure-Factor Amplitudes from Powder  
Diffraction Data.

Despite of the title, most of the analysis presented in this paper  
applies equally well to single-crystal data (see especially sections 3  
and 5). If you are not interested in the specific powder-diffraction  
problems (i.e. overlapping peaks), you can simply skip sections 4 and 6.

A few interesting points from this paper :

(1) The conversion from I's to F's can be done (in a Bayesian way) by  
applying two simple formula (equations 11 and 12 in the paper), which,  
for all practical purposes, are as valid as the more complicated  
French  Wilson procedure (see discussion in section 5).

(2) Re. the use of I's rather than F's : this is discussed on page 710  
(final part of section 5). The authors seem to be more in favor of  
using F's.

Marc Schiltz

Quoting Jacob Keller [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Does somebody have a .pdf of that French and Wilson paper?

Thanks in advance,


Jacob Pearson Keller
Northwestern University
Medical Scientist Training Program
Dallos Laboratory
F. Searle 1-240
2240 Campus Drive
Evanston IL 60208
lab: 847.491.2438
cel: 773.608.9185

- Original Message -
From: Ethan Merritt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2008 3:03 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] truncate ignorance

On Monday 08 September 2008 12:30:29 Phoebe Rice wrote:

Dear Experts,

At the risk of exposing excess ignorance, truncate makes me
very nervous because I don't quite get exactly what it is
doing with my data and what its assumptions are.

From the documentation:

... the truncate procedure (keyword TRUNCATE YES, the
default) calculates a best estimate of F from I, sd(I), and
the distribution of intensities in resolution shells (see
below). This has the effect of forcing all negative
observations to be positive, and inflating the weakest
reflections (less than about 3 sd), because an observation
significantly smaller than the average intensity is likely
to be underestimated.

But is it really true, with data from nice modern detectors,
that the weaklings are underestimated?

It isn't really an issue of the detector per se, although in
principle you could worry about non-linear response to the
input rate of arriving photons.

In practice the issue, now as it was in 1977 (FrenchWilson),
arises from the background estimation, profile fitting, and
rescaling that are applied to the individual pixel contents
before they are bundled up into a nice Iobs.

I will try to restate the original French  Wilson argument,
avoiding the terminology of maximum likelihood and Bayesian statistics.

1) We know the true intensity cannot be negative.
2) The existence of Iobs0 reflections in the data set means
  that whatever we are doing is producing some values of
  Iobs that are too low.
3) Assuming that all weak-ish reflections are being processed
  equivalently, then whatever we doing wrong for reflections with
  Iobs near zero on the negative side surely is also going wrong
  for their neighbors that happen to be near Iobs=0 on the positive
4) So if we correct the values of Iobs that went negative, for
  consistency we should also correct the values that are nearly
  the same but didn't quite tip over into the negative range.

Do I really want to inflate them?


Exactly what assumptions is it making about the expected

Primarily that
1) The histogram of true Iobs is smooth
2) No true Iobs are negative

How compatible are those assumptions with serious anisotropy
and the wierd Wilson plots that nucleic acids give?

Not relevant

Note the original 1978 French and Wilson paper says:
It is nevertheless important to validate this agreement for
each set of data independently, as the presence of atoms in
special positions or the existence of noncrystallographic
elements of symmetry (or pseudosymmetry) may abrogate the
application of these prior beliefs for some crystal

It is true that such things matter when you get down to the
nitty-gritty details of what to use as the expected distribution.
But *all* plausible expected distributions will be non-negative
and smooth.

Please help truncate my ignorance ...


Phoebe A. Rice
Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Biochemistry  Molecular Biology
The University of Chicago
phone 773 834 1723

RNA is really nifty
DNA is over fifty
We have put them
  both in one book
Please do take a
  really good look

Re: [ccp4bb] Is anomalous signal a different wavelength?

2007-05-31 Thread Marc SCHILTZ

Ethan A Merritt wrote:

And please note that resonant scattering is not a standard term.

Resonant Scattering is now the standard term accepted and used 
anywhere in the X-ray physics and crystallography literature, except in 
protein crystallography.

It is the more adequate term since the X-ray phenomena under discussion 
involve resonant interactions of photons with matter and are actually 
not at all 'anomalous'.


Re: [ccp4bb] Is anomalous signal a different wavelength?

2007-05-31 Thread marc . schiltz

Quoting Jacob Keller [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

The reason I called the phenomenon resonant scattering is because   
that is the term used by
Elements of Modern X-ray Physics by Jens Als-Nielsen, Des   
McMorrow. I prefer the term also
because this scattering is, as somebody has said, no longer really   
anomalous-- it fits well into

x-ray physical theory.

Let the heroes speak:

In 1994 D. H. Templeton wrote:

The index of refraction of transparent materials for visible light  
generally increases as the wavelength decreases and this dispersion is  
said to be 'normal'. Near absorption bands there are intervals of  
wavelength where the slope of n versus \lambda is positive, and the  
dispersion is 'anomalous'. According to this convention and the  
relation between n and f', x-ray dispersion is anomalous only in those  
intervals where df'/d\lambda is negative. Yet 'anomalous dispersion'  
and 'anomalous scattering' have come to be used for the effects of  
absorption on x-ray optical properties at all wavelengths, or  
sometimes perhaps only for those related to the imaginary term f.  
These effects are significant for nearly all atoms at all wavelengths  
commonly used for diffraction experiments, and therefore 'anomalous'  
is somewhat inappropriate. I prefer 'dispersion' or 'resonant  

(in 'Resonant Anomalous X-ray Scattering: Theory and Applications',  
G.Materlik, C.J.Sparks  K.Fischer (eds.), Elsevier Science,  
Amsterdam: 1994)

The editors (G.Materlik, C.J.Sparks  K.Fischer) of that same book  
wrote in the preface:

Since resonant interactions are characteristic of the interaction of  
photons with matter, we suggest that 'resonant' better describes the  
field than 'anomalous' scattering.

But note that they used the pleonasm Resonant Anomalous X-ray  
Scattering as a title for their book ;-)

More recent review articles use the term resonant scattering or  
resonant diffraction, e.g.

Hodeau JL, Favre-Nicolin V, Bos S, Renevier H, Lorenzo E, Berar JF  
(2002). Resonant diffraction. Chem Rev. 101, 1843--1867.

which includes a section on MAD phasing.

Thus, resonant scattering and anomalous scattering are synonyms  
and it is almost a matter of taste which term one prefers. Both are  
perfectly acceptable. The x-ray physics and crystallography  
communities (except protein crystallography) have shifted from the  
usage of anomalous scattering to resonant scattering.

But then, as you write, if we want to keep the MAD SAD SIRAS etc  
acronyms we are tied to anomalous.

Marc Schiltz