Kevin Cowtan wrote:
This is absolutely correct - in the analysis you present, the non-anomalous scattering drops with resolution, but the anomalous part does not. And since counting noise varies with intensity, we should actually be better off at high resolution, since there is less non-anomalous scattering to contribute to the noise! (This is somewhat masked by the background, however).

So why don't we see this in practice?

The reason is that you've missed out one important term: the atomic displacement parameters (B-factors), which describe a combination of thermal motion and positional disorder between unit cells. This motion and disorder applies equally to the core and outer electrons, and so causes a drop-off in both the anomalous and non-anomalous scattering, over and above that caused by the atomic scattering factors.

I agree with everything but would like to add the following: if we assume an overall atomic displacement parameter, the drop-off in both the anomalous and non-anomalous scattering is the same. Therefore, the ratio of anomalous differences over mean intensity (which is what comes closest to R_{ano} - in whichever way this is defined) is essentially unaffected by atomic displacements and should still go up at high resolution, irrespective of the values of the atomic displacement parameter !

Things are more complicated if individual isotropic atomic displacements are considered, because the anomalously scattering atoms (e.g. the Se atoms) may have significantly larger or smaller displacement parameters than the average.

All this is discussed in section 4.4. of Flack & Shmueli (2007) Acta Cryst. A63, 257--265.


But your reasoning was sound as far as it went, and it is a point which many people haven't recognised!


Raja Dey wrote:
Dear James,

I don't understand why measuring anomalous differences has nothing to do with resolution.
Heavy atoms

scatter anomalously because the inner shell electrons

of the heavy atom cannot be considered to be free anymore

as was assumed for normal Thomson scattering. As a result

the atomic scattering factor of the heavy atom becomes

complex and this compex contribution to the structure

factor leads to non-equality of Friedel pairs in non-centro

symmetric systems(excluding centric zone). This feature is taken advantage in

phase  determination. Since the inner shell electrons

being relatively more strongly bound in heavy atoms

 contribute to anomalous scattering and  its effect

is more discernable for high angle reflections . Here

the anomalous component of the scattering do not

decrease much because of the effectively small atomic

radii (only inner shell being effective). FOR  HIGH




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