[ccp4bb] Post-doc position - Biophysics and RNA virus proteins

2012-07-26 Thread Olve Peersen
Post-doc in Peersen Laboratory
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Colorado State University

Post-doctoral fellow position in structural biology and biophysical studies of 
RNA virus replication. The projects are focused on the structures of viral 
RNA-dependent RNA polymerases, functional complexes involved in RNA synthesis, 
and the assembly of membrane anchored replication centers formed by single 
stranded RNA viruses.

The project will build on recent studies of viral elongation complexes to 
further our understanding of polymerase function and replication fidelity. 
Prior studies are described in Gong & Peersen, PNAS 107:22505, Hobdey et al., 
J. Virology 84:8072, and Nadig et al., PNAS+ (in press).  Previous experience 
in X-ray crystallography, RNA biochemistry, and/or fluorescence methods would 
be advantageous.

Job Requirements:
The position requires a Ph.D. at time of hire with prior experience in protein 
biochemistry, molecular biology, and/or biophysical methods.

Applications should be received by August 20, 2012 for full consideration.  
Interested individuals should submit a CV, statement of research and career 
interests, and contact information for three references at 


CSU is an EO/EA/AA employer.  CSU conducts background checks on all final 

Re: [ccp4bb] Zalman displays and Macs?

2011-09-23 Thread Olve Peersen
Here are the SwitchResX settings for the ZM-M220W that I alluded to in last 
night's reply - these get it work via a Thunderbolt port using a DisplayPort to 
VGA adapter cable on a new 27" iMac.  I'm not sure if all these settings need 
to be entered and even after entering the frequency specs the software could 
not quite figure out the 1680x1050 resolution right.  I thus configured it as a 
Custom Resolution and got it to work.

Display Information Panel:  (gleaned from manual)
   V. freq   56 - 75 Hz
   H. freq  31.50 - 80.00 kHz
  Pixel Clock   28.32 - 135 MHz

  Default Resolution1680 x 1050 @ 60 Hz

Current Resolutions Panel:
 Set to 1680 x 1050, 60 Hz   (likely only available after setting custom 
resolution in next panel)

Custom Resolutions:
 Created a new one by clicking "+" button  
 Check the "Use simplified settings" button and selected CVT-RB from popup 
 Set Active area as 1680 and 1050
 Set Scan rate Vertical to 56.632 Hz
  Selected Positive sync for Horizontal only.

Then saved and rebooted.  Finally, it looks like you have to set the resolution 
in the Displays panel for each use of the system (I use the Displays Menu bar 
icon). And SwitchResX will set you back  14 € (~$18) after a ten day demo 




 Final (auto-calculated) result was the following:

  Pixel Clock118.75 MHz
  Active 1680   1050
  Front Porch483
  Sync width  32   6
  Back porch  8021
 Blanking   160   30  (not editable)
  Total   1840 1080   (not editable)
Scan Rate  64.538 kHz   59.757 Hz
 Selected Positive sync for Horizontal only

  Final config became "1680 x 1050, 56.76 Hz"

Re: [ccp4bb] Zalman displays and Macs?

2011-09-22 Thread Olve Peersen
I've been having the same issues and appreciate the update in this thread about 
pins 15/16 being swapped - likely explains why the DVI port seems "dead" when 
connecting to a new Mac but works fine on older systems.

   On the VGA side, I did get the MZ-M220W to work correctly with a 
DisplayPort-->VGA adapter, but to get the native 1680 x 1050 resolution needed 
for the stereo to work I had to patch the system with the utility "SwitchResX" 
(http://www.madrau.com/indexSRX4.html).  It basically lets you supplement the 
OSX equivalent of modeline and thus define new monitor resolutions.  The exact 
settings I used are in the lab at the moment, but I'll do my best to remember 
to post them tomorrow.  It was not as straightforward as I had thought, but 
then again I did not bother to read the manual before playing with it and still 
solved the problem in about ten minutes.


[ccp4bb] Post-doc positions at Colorado State

2011-07-29 Thread Olve Peersen
This is a reposting of Post-doc ad with the full-consideration application 
deadline next week.  Note that there are multiple independent post-docs with 
projects involving mostly crystallography or mostly biochemistry.

===  Post-doctoral fellow positions in ubiquitin signaling and RNA virus 

The Peersen and Cohen laboratories at Colorado State University in Fort Collins 
are recruiting up to three post-doc positions for studies of macromolecular 
interactions and structure. The positions require a Ph.D. at time of hire with 
prior experience in protein biochemistry, molecular biology, or biophysical 

The Peersen lab projects are focused on the structures of viral RNA-dependent 
RNA polymerases and the assembly of membrane anchored replication centers 
formed by single stranded RNA viruses.  The projects will build on recent 
studies of viral elongation complexes (Gong & Peersen, PNAS 107:22505, Hobdey 
et al., J. Virology 84:8072) to further our understanding of polymerase 
function, replication fidelity, and higher order assemblies.  Previous 
experience in X-ray crystallography, RNA biochemistry, membrane systems, or 
fluorescence methods would be advantageous.

The Cohen laboratory position is to study mechanisms of signaling by 
polyubiquitin.  Recent work defined the linkage-specific avidity mechanism for 
polyubiquitin binding (Sims & Cohen, Mol Cell 33:775-783; Sims et al., Nat. 
Struct. Mol. Biol. 16:883-889).  Available projects include studies of 
polyubiquitin receptor proteins, development of linkage-specific polyubiquitin 
sensors, and investigation of the role of linkage-specificity in signaling by 
polyubiquitin in vivo. Candidates should have prior experience in protein 
biochemistry and molecular biology; familiarity with biophysical methods or 
mammalian cell culture is desirable.

Applications should be received by August 5, 2011 for full consideration.  
Interested individuals should submit a CV, statement of research and career 
interests, and contact information for three references at 


CSU is an EO/EA/AA employer.  CSU conducts background checks on all final 

[ccp4bb] Multiple post-doc positions at Colorado State University

2011-07-05 Thread Olve Peersen
Post-doctoral Fellows
Peersen and Cohen Laboratories
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Colorado State University

Post-doctoral fellow positions in ubiquitin signaling and RNA virus replication 
biochemistry / structural biology

The Peersen and Cohen laboratories at Colorado State University in Fort Collins 
are recruiting up to three post-doc positions for studies of macromolecular 
interactions and structure. The positions require a Ph.D. at time of hire with 
prior experience in protein biochemistry, molecular biology, or biophysical 

The Peersen lab projects are focused on the structures of viral RNA-dependent 
RNA polymerases and the assembly of membrane anchored replication centers 
formed by single stranded RNA viruses.  The projects will build on recent 
studies of viral elongation complexes (Gong & Peersen, PNAS 107:22505, Hobdey 
et al., J. Virology 84:8072) to further our understanding of polymerase 
function, replication fidelity, and higher order assemblies.  Previous 
experience in X-ray crystallography, RNA biochemistry, membrane systems, or 
fluorescence methods would be advantageous.

The Cohen laboratory position is to study mechanisms of signaling by 
polyubiquitin.  Recent work defined the linkage-specific avidity mechanism for 
polyubiquitin binding (Sims & Cohen, Mol Cell 33:775-783; Sims et al., Nat. 
Struct. Mol. Biol. 16:883-889).  Available projects include studies of 
polyubiquitin receptor proteins, development of linkage-specific polyubiquitin 
sensors, and investigation of the role of linkage-specificity in signaling by 
polyubiquitin in vivo. Candidates should have prior experience in protein 
biochemistry and molecular biology; familiarity with biophysical methods or 
mammalian cell culture is desirable.

Applications should be received by August 5, 2011 for full consideration.  
Interested individuals should submit a CV, statement of research and career 
interests, and contact information for three references at 


CSU is an EO/EA/AA employer.  CSU conducts background checks on all final 

Re: [ccp4bb] rmsd calculation

2007-05-11 Thread Olve Peersen
I would highly recommend Doug Theobald's program Theseus for this -  
the pictures at www.theseus3d.org say it all.  Theseus does maximum  
likely hood superimpositions of multiple structures (i.e. NOT  
pairwise against a "master" copy), and the real beauty of it is that  
you don't have to pick which residues you want to superimpose.   
Places where the whole set of structures show divergence are  
effectively down-weighted and don't contribute much to the final  
solution vs. least squares where every atom position has equal weight  
and the "bad" parts screw up the alignment of the "good" parts.  For  
this, I would do a Theseus superposition of all the structures and  
then analyze the set of superimposed structures by whatever method  
you want (e.g. rmsd of variances in important sections of the  

- Olve

Olve Peersen
Associate Professor
Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
1870 Campus Delivery
Colorado State University
Ft. Collins, CO  80523-1870
970.491-0433Office  (MRB 279)
970.491-0271Lab (MRB 149)

On May 11, 2007, at 11:15 AM, Donnie Berkholz wrote:

Eleanor Dodson wrote:
It is a bit clunky - you can use siperpose molecules - fit  
residues to
fit a selected range (1-40; 60-100 say) and write out a complete  

pdb file. Then you could use a VERY old program
compar  xyzin1 original.pdb xyzin2 fitted.pdb  (xyzin3 another.pdb)
and it will match all pairs with the same RESIDUE ID and give the  


There is documentation for it.

There's a nice (non-CCP4) program called ProFit that does a pretty  

job of superimposing with a lot of flexibility.


Re: [ccp4bb] Extraction of test set from CNS reflection file

2007-03-01 Thread Olve Peersen
A few years ago I did this by first using the solved structure to  
generate a hypothetical (FCALC) data set to some rather optimistic  
resolution limit (2A when I was stuck at 2.7), carrying out a random  
Rfree selection on this FCALC set, and then dumping the FCALCs while  
retaining the Rfree selections.  This then became a "master" Rfree  
selection set that I would merge into new data as it became  
available, ensuring that all my data retained the same Rfree  
selections (and the percentage Rfree generally stayed pretty  
constant).   For some reason (probably patience), I only figuring out  
how to do the merging-in of the Rfree set using XPLOR rather than CNS  
- the script is below.

These days we've largely gone to running a simulated annealing job to  
uncouple new random Rfree sets, and also using dtcell (from d*TREK)  
to rotate new data into the same orientation as the master dataset/ 
molecular orientation.

- Olve

Olve Peersen
Associate Professor
Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
1870 Campus Delivery
Colorado State University
Ft. Collins, CO  80523-1870
970.491-0433Office  (MRB 279)
970.491-0271Lab (MRB 149)

{+ file: F432master.inp +}
{+ directory: xtal_util +}
{+ description: Make a master TEST set in F432 for the alpha-8mer  
data by
inheriting the old TEST room temparature TEST set  
from the
file na03a.cvi and then declaring additional TEST  
by taking a random 10% of the HKLs NOT PRESENT in  
ARRAY   +}

{+ authors: Olve Peersen +}

{- begin block parameter definition -} define(

{== files ===}

{* reflection file - which contains a previously used test *}
{===>} reflection_old="na03a.cvi";

{* reflection file - to which test set array will be added *}
{===>} reflection_new="F432master.hkl";

{* percentage of reflections to be used for TEST set - ie. 10% *}
{===>} percentage=10.0;

{* output reflection file *}
{===>} reflection_outfile="F432master.cvt";

{things below this line do not normally need to be  
changed  }

) {- end block parameter definition -}

checkversion 0.9

evaluate ($log_level=quiet)


{=== Read old data
 Make a copy of the pre-existing TEST set into OLD_TEST
 Make an array to keep track of "known" (i.e. TEST = 0/1)  

 Undeclare all other likely arrays to free up memory ==}

   reflection @&reflection_old end

   declare name=old_test type=integer domain=reciprocal end
   do (old_test=test) (all)

   declare name=old_sigma type=real domain=reciprocal end
   do (old_sigma=sigma) (all)

   undeclare name=fobs domain=reciprocal end
   undeclare name=sigma domain=reciprocal end
   undeclare name=iobs domain=reciprocal end
   undeclare name=sigi domain=reciprocal end
   undeclare name=test domain=reciprocal end

{=== Read in the new data file, undeclare then redeclare TEST to  
make sure it
 exists.  Then undeclare all other likely arrays to free up  
memory ==}

   reflection @&reflection_new end

   undeclare name=test domain=reciprocal end
   declare name=test type=integer domain=reciprocal end

   undeclare name=fobs domain=reciprocal end
   undeclare name=sigma domain=reciprocal end
   undeclare name=iobs domain=reciprocal end
   undeclare name=sigi domain=reciprocal end

{== Set up an array OLD to keep track of previously known  
reflections versus
those that have never been considered for inclusion in the  
TEST set ==}

   declare name=old type=integer domain=reciprocal end
   do (old=0) (all)
   do (old=1) (old_sigma >= 0.001)  { HKL is in old data/TEST set }

{== Set up TEST=1 for percentage of data }

   do (test=0) (all){ Reset all to working set }

   do (test=1) (old_test=1) { Inherit old TEST values  
for knowns }

   do (test=1*int(random()+&percentage/100.)){ Randomly assign  
TEST = 1 for }
 (old=0) { percentage of new  
HKLs   }

   write reflection { Output new file with TEST  
flag only }




On Mar 1, 2007, at 11:55 AM, Axel Brunger wrote:

Actually, the merge script will create the superset of both reflection
data sets, so it won't delete reflections from one data set that are
not present in the other data s

Re: [ccp4bb] journals with on-hold policy

2007-02-19 Thread Olve Peersen
However, be warned that your structure needs to be very sexy to get  
into Cosmo, and then there might be better choices.  If it is not,  
but has a few stacked beta sheets, you may be able to color the  
figures in plaid designs and get into American Rifleman  (I assume  
there is no European Rifleman).

On Feb 16, 2007, at 8:17 AM, William Scott wrote:

I would like to find out which journals (that publish structural  
work) are
OK with placing structures on hold for the full year permitted by  
the PDB.

American Rifleman, Cosmopolitan, and Dog World

[ccp4bb] REPOST: Post-doc at Colorado State

2007-02-13 Thread Olve Peersen
This is merely a second posting of a message from about 10 days ago -  
there is no need to reply if you have already expressed interest


A post-doctoral position is available in Dr. Olve Peersen’s  
laboratory at Colorado State University to study protein–protein and  
protein–nucleic acid interactions in positive strand RNA virus  
replication proteins.  A wide range of projects ranging from X-ray  
crystallography to dynamics studies to biochemical and biophysical  
characterization of macromolecular complexes can be pursued,  
depending on the interests and qualifications of the applicant.

Interested individuals should send a CV and contact information for  
2-3 references to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Further details about  
post-doctoral positions in the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular  
Biology at Colorado State University can be found at http:// 

Colorado State University is located in Fort Collins, a city just  
ranked one of the “Best Places to Live” by Money magazine based on  
numerous (and probably highly correlated) quality of life  
indicators.  The University is an equal opportunity/affirmative  
action employer and complies with all Federal and Colorado State  
laws, regulations, and executive orders regarding affirmative action  
requirements for all programs. The Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO)  
is located in 101 Student Services Building. In order to assist  
Colorado State University in meeting its affirmative action  
responsibilities, ethnic minorities, women, and other protected class  
members are encouraged to apply and to so identify themselves.

Olve Peersen
Associate Professor
Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
1870 Campus Delivery
Colorado State University
Ft. Collins, CO  80523-1870
970.491-0433Office  (MRB 279)
970.491-0271Lab (MRB 149)

[ccp4bb] Post-doc at Colorado State studying RNA virus replication complexes

2007-02-01 Thread Olve Peersen
There is a post-doctoral position is available in Dr. Olve Peersen’s  
laboratory at Colorado State University to study protein–protein and  
protein–nucleic acid interactions in positive strand RNA virus  
replication complexes.  A wide range of projects ranging from X-ray  
crystallography to dynamics studies to biochemical and biophysical  
characterization of macromolecular complexes can be pursued,  
depending on the interests and qualifications of the applicant.

Interested individuals should send a CV and contact information for  
2-3 references to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Further details about  
post-doctoral positions in the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular  
Biology at Colorado State University can be found at http:// 

Colorado State University is located in Fort Collins, a city just  
ranked one of the “Best Places to Live” by Money magazine based on  
numerous (and probably highly correlated) quality of life  
indicators.  The University is an equal opportunity/affirmative  
action employer and complies with all Federal and Colorado State  
laws, regulations, and executive orders regarding affirmative action  
requirements for all programs. The Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO)  
is located in 101 Student Services Building. In order to assist  
Colorado State University in meeting its affirmative action  
responsibilities, ethnic minorities, women, and other protected class  
members are encouraged to apply and to so identify themselves.

Olve Peersen
Associate Professor
Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
1870 Campus Delivery
Colorado State University
Ft. Collins, CO  80523-1870
970.491-0433Office  (MRB 279)
970.491-0271Lab (MRB 149)