Re: [ccp4bb] A postdoctoral position in structural biology is available at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas

2018-10-18 Thread Sheemei Lok

CryoEM post-doctoral positions are available at the Duke-NUSGraduate Medical 
School, Singapore.


Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School is a global partnership betweenDuke University 
in the US and the National University of Singapore. Two post-doctoralpositions 
with competitive salary packages are available at the laboratory ofShee-Mei Lok 
( in the Emerging Infectious Diseaseprogram of 
the Duke-NUS.  Projectsundertaken by the post-doc will lead to further 
understanding of the neutralizationmechanism of various antiviral therapeutics 
against flavivirus/alphaviruses viruses.Individuals with experience in x-ray 
crystallography and/or cryoEM imagereconstruction are highly desirable.

    Our lab uses the cryoEM facility atthe National University of 
Singapore (NUS), which houses a Titan Krios. We alsocollaborate extensively 
with other biophysical groups in Singapore that usetechniques such as Deuterium 
Hydrogen Exchange Mass Spectrometry (DHXMS) andMolecular Dynamic Simulations 
(MDS). Successful applicants will haveopportunities to learn across multiple 
disciplines for studying virus structures:virology, immunology, x-ray 
crystallography, cryoEM single particle analysis,CryoEM tomography, DHXMS and 

    Singapore is a modern city state andwith easy access to nearby 
exotic destinations in South East Asia. We also haveexcellent Asian cuisines. 


Anthony Bourdain on Singapore’s food scene: “Singapore is possibly the most 
food-centric place on Earth, with themost enthusiastic diners, the most varied 
and abundant, affordable dishes —available for cheap — on a per-square-mile 
basis. The hawker centers(basically, food courts where individually-owned mom 
and pop operations servestreet food from tiny shops and booths) are wonderlands 
of Chinese, Indian, andMalay specialties. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel 
making food porn inSingapore.”


Interestedindividuals should send their CV, experience, research interest, and 
a list ofthree referees to Dr Shee-mei Lok at this email:




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[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral positions available in Duke-NUS, Singapore

2018-09-25 Thread Sheemei Lok
CryoEM post-doctoral positions are available at the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical 
School, Singapore. Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School is a global partnership 
between Duke University in the US and the National University of Singapore. Two 
post-doctoral positions with competitive salary packages are available at the 
laboratory of Shee-Mei Lok ( in the Emerging 
Infectious Disease program of the Duke-NUS.  Projects undertaken by the 
post-doc will lead to further understanding of the neutralization mechanism of 
various antiviral therapeutics against flavivirus/alphaviruses viruses. 
Individuals with experience in x-ray crystallography and/or cryoEM image 
reconstruction are highly desirable.Interested individuals should send their 
CV, experience, research interest, and a list of three referees to Dr Shee-mei 
Lok at this  Regards, Shee-Mei LokAssociate 
Professor/National Research Foundation InvestigatorProgram in Emerging 
Infectious DiseasesDuke-NUS Medical SchoolKTP BuildingLevel 9 8 college 
RoadSingapore 169857Ph:65-65165840 Associate Professor/Principal 
InvestigatorCenter for BioImaging SciencesDepartment of Biological 
SciencesNational University of SingaporeSingapore 

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[ccp4bb] Two postdoctoral positions available at Duke-NUS Singapore working on cryoEM

2017-02-27 Thread Sheemei Lok
Crystallography or cryoEM post-doctoralpositions are available at the Duke-NUS 
Graduate Medical School, Singapore. Duke-NUSGraduate Medical School is a global 
partnership between Duke University in theUS and the National University of 
Singapore. Two post-doctoral positions with competitive salary packages are 
availableat the laboratory of Shee-Mei Lok ( in 
theEmerging Infectious Disease program of the Duke-NUS.  Projects undertaken by 
the post-doc will leadto further understanding of the neutralization mechanism 
of various antiviraltherapeutics against flavivirus viruses. Individuals with 
experience in x-ray crystallographyand/or cryoEM image reconstruction are 
highly desirable.Interested individuals should send their CV,experience, 
research interest, and a list of three referees to Dr Shee-mei Lok atthis 


[ccp4bb] postdoctoral position available in Singapore, Duke-NUS

2014-08-03 Thread Sheemei Lok
Post-doctoral position in Singapore at the Duke-NUS is
A post-doctoral position is available at the laboratory of Shee-Mei
Lok ( in the emerging infectious disease program
of the Duke-NUS. Duke-NUS graduate medical school situated in Singapore, is a
global partnership between Duke University and the National University of
Singapore. We have the state of the art facility for both x-ray crystallography
and also cryoelectron microscopy (Titan Krios with Falcon II detector, Jeol
microscope with phase plate, energy filter and DE camera). Projects
undertaken by the post-doc will mainly investigate the structure and function
of important proteins contributing to the longevity and low rates of cancer in
bats. He/she will also take part in dengue virus research. In addition to
crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy will also be used to determine the
structures. Individuals with experience in electron microscopy and/or 
protein expression and purification are highly desirable. 
Interested individuals should send their CV, experience, research
interest, and a list of three referees to Shee-mei Lok 

[ccp4bb] Post-doctoral position in Singapore at the Duke-NUS is available

2014-07-23 Thread Sheemei Lok
Post-doctoral position in Singapore at the Duke-NUS is
A post-doctoral position is available at the laboratory of Shee-Mei
Lok ( in the emerging infectious disease program
of the Duke-NUS. Duke-NUS graduate medical school situated in Singapore, is a
global partnership between Duke University and the National University of
Singapore. Projects undertaken by the post-doc will investigate the structure
and function of important proteins contributing to the longevity and low rates
of cancer in bats. Individuals with experience in crystallography, protein
expression and purification are highly desirable. 
Interested individuals should send their CV, experience, research
interest, and a list of three referees to Shee-mei Lok 

[ccp4bb] PhD and Postdoctoral positions in structural virology at the Duke-NUS GMS

2013-04-28 Thread Sheemei Lok

A PhD student and a
postdoctoral position are available at The Duke-NUS GMS (Singapore) under the 
supervision of Dr Shee-Mei Lok. In our laboratory, we use a combination of 
techniques such as x-ray crystallography and cryo electron microscopy to 
investigate dengue virus complexes and its structural changeduring viral 
infection.We have the state-of-the-art facilities in cryoEM such as The FEI 
Titan Krios, phase plate, liquid cell system to investigate both frozen and 
liquid forms of the sample. 

For the postdoctoral position, candidates
with a Ph.D in structural biology such as x-ray crystallography and cryoEM 
within 2-3 years of their
graduation are encouraged to apply. 
Interested candidates are requested to send their CV, summary of research
interests and names of 3 references to


Shee-Mei Lok
Assistant Professor
Program in Emerging Infectious Diseases,
Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School,
KTP Building
Level 9 Room 19
8 college Road,
Singapore 169857
Ph: 65-65165840

[ccp4bb] postdoc position in Singapore

2011-03-17 Thread Sheemei Lok
A postdoctoral position is available at the Laboratory of Virus Structure and 
Function in the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore.
The Laboratory of Shee-Mei Lok 
( is looking for a 
post-doctoral fellow to work on the structural studies of dengue viruses and 
complexes. Her laboratory uses a combination of techniques such as x-ray 
crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy (CryoEM) including single particle 
analysis and cryotomography. Facilities such as in-house x-ray machines and 
cryoelectron microscope (Titan Krios, FEI) are available in the National 
University of Singapore.
The post-doctoral fellow will mainly participate in the 
computational side of structure solving and should preferentially have prior 
experience in solving either cryoEM or x-ray structures. Training in 
crystallography or cryoEM data collection and image processing however, will 
also be available if necessary.
   Interested individuals are invited to send cover letter, cv and 
list of referees to Dr Shee-Mei Lok by email (

[ccp4bb] postdoctoral fellow position in Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School

2011-03-10 Thread Sheemei Lok
A postdoctoral position is available at the Laboratory of Virus Structure and 
Function in the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore.
The Laboratory of Shee-Mei Lok 
( is looking for a 
post-doctoral fellow to work on the structural studies of dengue viruses and 
complexes. Her laboratory uses a combination of techniques such as x-ray 
crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy (CryoEM) including single particle 
analysis and cryotomography. Facilities such as in-house x-ray machines and 
cryoelectron microscope (Titan Krios, FEI) are available in the National 
University of Singapore.
The post-doctoral fellow will mainly participate in the 
computational side of structure solving and thus should have prior experience 
solving either cryoEM or x-ray structures. Training in crystallography or 
data collection and image processing however, will also be available if 
   Interested individuals are invited to send cover letter, cv and 
list of referees to Dr Shee-Mei Lok by email (

Re: [ccp4bb] Singapore Research, facts and comments?

2011-01-30 Thread Sheemei Lok
Dear all,
  I work in Duke-NUS in Singapore. Overall the funding climate in Singapore 
is very good compared to most places in the world and the research quality has 
improved significantly to a world class standard in the past 10 years.
  Duke-NUS, NUS and NTU are Universities and we are used to writing grants 
to support all our research, like most Universities in the world. The complains 
by people working in A-star agency is because, they did not use to need to 
for any money. But now the government decides that it is time to wean people 
the the easy money and compete for grant. 



Sent: Sunday, 30 January 2011 07:58:18
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Singapore Research, facts and comments?

Have a look at A* (

Pr. Nadir T. Mrabet
Structural  Molecular Biochemistry
UHP - Nancy 1, School of Medicine
54505 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy Cedex
Tel : +33 (0)
Fax : +33 (0)
E-mail :

Selon Jacob Wong

 Thanks to those who has responded to me and asked for more specifics. I am
 interested in some most up-to-date (and published) facts/comments about the
 Biopolis, something that may follow up the article below that was published
 back in 2003.

 Singapore: filling biopolis.

 Thank you, Jacob Wong

 On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 12:47 AM, Jacob Wong wrote:

  Dear All, sorry for this off-topic inquiry. I am interested in knowing
  about the current scientific research in Singapore but have had hard time
  finding the most up-to-date articles/comments on this. All I could find are
  the articles a few years back in Science and Nature.
  Would appreciate a pointer. Happy Chinese New Year!
  Thanks, Jacob Wong

Re: [ccp4bb] Native Gel Theory and Practice

2010-05-19 Thread Sheemei Lok
How about using static light scattering to determine the actual molecular 
weight or dynamic light scattering to measure the diameter of the complex.


From: Jürgen Bosch
Sent: Wednesday, 19 May 2010 11:00:24
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Native Gel Theory and Practice

Here's just one example, which I quickly found from
Reisinger and Eichacker. Isolation of membrane protein complexes by blue native 
electrophoresis. Methods Mol Biol (2008) vol. 424 pp. 423-31

Now Jacob has A 22 kDa B 17 kDa, the charge can be disregarded in BN PAGE.

If we do the math for all the theoretical complexes and assume globular shape 
for all of them.78 AABB (22+22+17+17)
61 AAB (22+22+17)
56 ABB (22+17+17)
39 AB (22+17)
22 A
17 B

I'd use a higher percentage gel 10-20% then you should be able to separate the 
6 species mentioned above.

P.S. just trying to be helpful

On May 19, 2010, at 11:40 AM, Maia Cherney wrote:

Yes, you can separate by electrophoresis, that's why we use it, but we 
cannot calculate accurate mass of  complexes.

Jürgen Bosch wrote:

Not quite correct, look into Blue Native PAGE. There you can seperate 

natively by mass.



Jürgen Bosch

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Department of Biochemistry  Molecular Biology

Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute

615 North Wolfe Street, W8708

Baltimore, MD 21205

Phone: +1-410-614-4742

Lab:  +1-410-614-4894

Fax:  +1-410-955-3655

On May 19, 2010, at 1:31, Maia Cherney wrote:

Dear Jacob, I offer  you my opinion.

Are you talking about electrophoresis? As far as I know it does not work

for the mass. The velocity of a protein depends on the charge at a

particular pH, the mass and shape of molecules etc. It's very difficult

to take all these things into consideration. Otherwise this would be a

very convenient method, much easier than the analytical centrifugation

or   gel-filtration that are usually used. However, electrophoresis does

not work for mass determination. Besides, complex formation hugely

depends on the protein concentration. If you dilute your mixture, your

complexes might dissociate. There is equilibrium constant between

different types of complexes.


Jacob Keller wrote:

Dear Crystallographers,

I am trying to optimize a native gel experiment of a two-protein

complex, running the smallest-detectable amount of protein component A

with varying amounts of component B.

 MWCharge MW/Charge

A   22 -5-4308

B   17-24 -702

This experiment is partly to determine stoichiometry, but also to

determine roughly the strength of the interaction.

B definitely runs much faster than A alone, as predicted, but I am

wondering what to expect with various oligomers. Should ABB run faster

or slower than AB? What about AABB? Theoretically, AA should certainly

run slower than A, and BB slower than B, simply because the

mass/charge ratio is the same, but the overall mass is greater. But

what happens when you have AAB, for example? There must be an equation

relating the mass/charge and mass (and perhaps gel percentage) to the

speed traveled in the gel--but what is the equation?

Thanks for your consideration,



Jacob Pearson Keller

Northwestern University

Medical Scientist Training Program

Dallos Laboratory

F. Searle 1-240

2240 Campus Drive

Evanston IL 60208

lab: 847.491.2438

cel: 773.608.9185



Jürgen Bosch
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Department of Biochemistry  Molecular Biology
Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute
615 North Wolfe Street, W8708
Baltimore, MD 21205
Phone: +1-410-614-4742
Lab:  +1-410-614-4894
Fax:  +1-410-955-3655

[ccp4bb] postdoctoral positions available in Duke-NUS, Singapore

2009-04-19 Thread Sheemei Lok
Crystallography and/or cryoEM post-doctoral positions are available at the 
Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore.

Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School is a global partnership between Duke 
University in the US and the National University of Singapore. Post-doctoral 
positions with competitive salary packages are available at the laboratory of 
Shee-Mei Lok in the Emerging Infectious Disease program of the Duke-NUS.  
Projects undertaken by the post-doc will lead to further understanding of the 
neutralization mechanism of various antiviral therapeutics against flavivirus 
and influenza virus [Li et al., 2008 (Science 319:1830-4) and Lok et al., 2008 
(Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 15:312-7)]. Individuals with experience in 
crystallography and/or cryoEM image reconstruction are highly desirable.
Interested individuals should send their CV, experience, research interest, and 
a list of three referees to Dr Shee-mei Lok (