Re: [ccp4bb] Refmac5 site?

2007-01-30 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
Yes, I believe York were going to be off-line for a couple
of days following some computer problems.

The Refmac 5.3 source code is also available from our pre-release

As it happens, I updated it on Monday, so it is up-to-date.


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Paul Paukstelis
Sent: Tue 1/30/2007 9:55 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] Refmac5 site?
I'm in need of the source code for Refmac5 (latest version) to recompile 
with an increased number of atoms. It seems the refmac site is down. 
Does anyone know another location of the latest source, or the status of 
the refmac site?

Paul Paukstelis, Ph.D.
Research Associate
Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology
The University of Texas at Austin
P: 512-471-4778, F: 512-232-3420

Re: [ccp4bb] TLSANL: negative mean-sq displacements?

2007-02-26 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
I'd also comment that the absolute values are quite large. Well, I have no
knowledge what groups you've chosen, but for domain-sized groups, typical
values are 1-10 deg**2. Values can be larger for smaller TLS groups. This is
just a rule-of-thumb, but would make me suspicious whether the TLS refinement
was really stable in this case. 


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Richard Gillilan
Sent: Sun 2/25/2007 1:10 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] TLSANL: negative mean-sq displacements?
After TLS refinement (which seemed to be stable and produced nice  
R_free values), I have analyzed the rigid body results with TLSANL.
I get negative mean-square displacements along the axes of libration  
WRT to orthogonal axes!   Am I misunderstanding something here? The  
units are (deg^2). I see this with two different structures. Here is  
the output from TLSANL:

 0.842   0.197   0.502   -53.97532.66   78.63   59.85
-0.494   0.657   0.570   193.421   119.60   48.97   55.24
-0.217  -0.728   0.650   -12.276   102.55  136.73   49.45


Anyone seen this happen before?

Richard Gillilan

Re: [ccp4bb] search-and-replace

2007-04-29 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
If I understand you correctly, the CCP4 program Chainsaw would do

It uses an alignment file, which you could hand-craft to select
mutate or conserve.

Keyword "MODE MIXA" to select the truncate-to-beta option.


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sun 4/29/2007 3:41 AM
Subject: [ccp4bb] search-and-replace
Hello everyone,

I have two pdb files for molecule A (A.pdb and A_polyala.pdb) from  
which I would like to make a hybrid file A_semi.pdb.  A_semi.pdb will  
have some residues with full sidechains (so derived from A.pdb) and  
some residues with only a C-beta atom for a sidechain (so derived from  
A_polyala.pdb).  The residues I would like mutated are listed in file  
B.txt (in total about 250 residues to be mutated).  I could do this by  
hand but I figure there must be a fater way to do it.  Does anyone  
have any suggestions on how I might be able to do this?  Is there some  
unix search-and-replace command line I could use to replace all lines  
of text in A.pdb containing ### (spaced appropriately) with those  
lines of text in A_polyala.pdb containing the same ###, and then have  
it repeat this for all ~250 residues listed in the file B.txt?

Many thanks in advance,


Re: [ccp4bb] CCP4 GUI

2007-05-10 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
That kind of thing has been suggested a few times, and in principle is 
a better way of doing things. 
One problem we face, is that we're a collaboration rather than a single
project, and it is not always possible to adopt neat solutions across the 
suite. Which is partly why ccp4i was designed to be totally separate from
the underlying programs.

I should stress that I'm not offering to do all the ideas raised today ;-)  
(I'm already behind on enough projects). But we'll try to fix a few things soon 
within the current ccp4i design. The other suggestions from today will go into 
the melting pot for longer term development (my plan b from earlier).

But we do appreciate the ideas and feedback.


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Peter Adrian Meyer
Sent: Thu 5/10/2007 5:37 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] CCP4 GUI
Hopefully my offhand remark wasn't taken as a criticism of ccp4i (it
wasn't meant as such); but seeing as I don't use it, it's not a place
where I could tell someone how to find an option.

> As developers, we also have to think about long-term maintainability.
> Options, in particular little-used options, can soon become out-of-date.

This is might be a bad idea*, but I'll throw it out there anyhow:  What
about the storing program keywords in a grammer file (something along the
lines of yacc/lex), reading gui options from the grammer, and generating a
parser subroutine from the grammer for the data-processing programs?
This would mean changes to the parser library (and to a large number of
existing programs which already work), but would eliminate the issue of
keeping the gui options in sync with the program options.


*specifically, bad idea type #2 - probably more trouble than it's worth

Pete Meyer
Fu Lab
BMCB grad student
Cornell University

Re: [ccp4bb] problem with Mr Bump?

2007-08-21 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
We sometimes find that a local fasta search against the pdb sequence datafile
(for which you need to install fasta package) works better than OCA at EBI, i.e.
finds more matches. We have never tracked down why. 

But not sure what you mean by using local OCA server. How have you specified 
server? And how does it fail? 


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Harry M. Greenblatt
Sent: Tue 8/21/2007 10:59 AM
Subject: [ccp4bb] problem with Mr Bump?

Dear All,

   While trying to run Mr. Bump, the program fails just after the FASTA step 
saying it can't find a file, which should contain the search results.  This 
same job got past this point last week, but fails now.  

In trying to check out what is going wrong, I used the sequence with our local 
OCA server, and it works, and even finds four matches.  Using the EBI's web 
site for OCA (used by Mr. Bump), it finds only two matches (same last week), 
but it *does* succeed.  

Have other people used Mr. Bump today, or this week?




Harry M. Greenblatt

Staff Scientist

Dept of Structural Biology   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Weizmann Institute of SciencePhone:  972-8-934-3625

Rehovot, 76100   Facsimile:   972-8-934-4159


Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] CCP4i and modeller integration

2007-11-03 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
Thanks Ben,

Yes, I am acutely aware that our interface has got out-of-date. 

I can add in these little fixes.

If there is sufficient interest, we could talk about updating to 
the python version.


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Ben Webb
Sent: Fri 11/2/2007 10:57 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] CCP4i and modeller integration
Jayashankar wrote:
> Dear friends and scientists,
>   I want to ask about  for an integration of modeller in the ccp4i
>  interface. The interface in ccp4i is designed for modeller Version 6.2,
>  we have by now modeller 9.2 , which is a lot different.
>  Nevertheless I tried to enter the necessary data in ccp4i. I could not
>  try the integration myself because I got no suitable test data set.
>  Please can anybody inform me whether it is possible and the way to do that.

I am not especially familiar with ccp4i, but I am the lead developer for 
Modeller, so can hopefully say something useful about that. ;)

True, the latest version of Modeller is 9v2, which is very different 
from 6v2. However, if you are using 'old style' TOP scripts (which ccp4i 
generates) then 9v2 will quite happily work with the same scripts that 
work in 6v2.

I just tried this out with ccp4i (6.0.2) using the 'simple' modeling 
example from the Modeller distribution (alignment.ali from 
examples/automodel/). For the configure window for CCP4i, I just filled 
in MODINSTALL to the same value as when I installed Modeller, left the 
install key blank (not needed for 9v2) and filled in the program name as 
'bin/mod9v2'. (The bin prefix is needed because CCP4i looks in the 
MODINSTALL directory for the 9v2 script, not in the bin subdirectory 
which is where it lives in Modeller 7 and later.)

To actually run Modeller, I put alignment.ali and pdb5fd1.ent in my 
CCP4i project directory, pulled up the 'run Modeller' CCP4i window, 
selected 'alignment file' for 'input sequence for structure to build 
as', selected 'define TOP file' (seems not to work properly without 
that, although I can't tell from the docs what it's supposed to do), put 
in 'alignment.ali' for 'Align in', left 'Top in' blank, then added two 
PDB files - one with code name '5fd1' and 'known in' 'pdb5fd1.ent', and 
another with code name '1fdx' and a blank value for 'known in'. The Run 
button should then run Modeller normally.

This should all be fine for 'no' refinement. For the 'fast' and 'full' 
settings, you must edit ccp4-6.0.2/ccp4i/templates/, and add 
the line
1 SET PDB_EXT = ' '
immediately after the
line. (This is because by default Modeller 7 and later write out files 
with a .pdb extension, while ccp4i expects them to have no extension.) 
The CCP4 guys may want to put this into the main CCP4 distribution, 
since it will also work for Modeller 6 (where it is a no-op).

P.S. In at least one place in the CCP4 docs, the user is pointed to the 
old Modeller page at Rockefeller, which no longer exists. That link 
should go to instead.

P.P.S. If there is interest from CCP4 users or developers in improving 
the CCP4i/Modeller integration, I can certainly help out. For example, 
TOP scripts are deprecated in Modeller 9 in favor of Python scripts, and 
it would not be especially hard to change the script template to Python 
(although of course this would then break backwards compatibility with 
Modeller 4 and 6).

"It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Re: [ccp4bb] converting structure factor files to mtz files

2007-11-06 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
You need to update to CCP4 6.0.2, these items are now recognised.

We try to keep up with the latest cif definitions, but there is a lag.
The documentation for cif2mtz lists the column labels recognised. These are
only labels, so if the worst comes to the worst, you can edit these
in the cif file to something that cif2mtz recognises (as long as it is the 
same type of column!!)


-Original Message-
From:  Björn Kauppi  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue 11/6/2007 10:16 AM
To: Winn, MD (Martyn); CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK
Subject: RE: [ccp4bb] converting structure factor files to mtz files
I also have problems running cif2mtz using ccp4i (5.99) interface with several 
mmCIF files downloaded from the pdb (e.g., 2pip, ) on my linux box.
Problems with the _refln.pdbx_F_plus etc cards it seems:
Files without anomalous data work.

--snip from log file:
Line 58:data name "_refln.pdbx_F_plus" not present in dictionary

Line 59:data name "_refln.pdbx_F_plus_sigma" not present in dictionary

Line 60:data name "_refln.pdbx_F_minus" not present in dictionary

Line 61:data name "_refln.pdbx_F_minus_sigma" not present in dictionary

Line 62:data name "_refln.pdbx_anom_difference" not present in 

Line 63:data name "_refln.pdbx_anom_difference_sigma" not present in 

Line 64:data name "_refln.pdbx_I_plus" not present in dictionary

Line 65:data name "_refln.pdbx_I_plus_sigma" not present in dictionary

Line 66:data name "_refln.pdbx_I_minus" not present in dictionary

Line 67:data name "_refln.pdbx_I_minus_sigma" not present in dictionary

 --- CIF opened read-only for input ---
The file contains the following data blocks:
 data_r2piusf (at line 1)

>>>> CCIF signal CCIF_CATNOTCOMPLETE (severity: Warning) <<<<
(Raised in new_context)
Could not open context on category 'refln'; item '_refln.pdbx_F_plus' not 
defined in dictionary!

 cif2mtz:   Error in ccp4ccif_setup_context: Unexpected context type for 
category REFLN
Times: User:   0.6s System:0.0s Elapsed: 0:00

Björn Kauppi

> -Original Message-
> From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Martyn Winn
> Sent: den 1 november 2007 10:14
> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] converting structure factor files to mtz files
> The first 3 cif columns are not the problem. cif2mtz will happily skip
> these along with any other items it doesn't explicitly deal with.
> The problem is simply the extra columns F(+) etc, yes?
> This bug has been seen on Windows. The same job should work fine on
> Linux or Macs. Or you should be able to simply delete these spurious
> columns with cad, sftools, etc
> I'm sure this will be easier than playing with Fortran formatting 
> The bug is somewhere in the depths of the cif library, and we don't have
> a fix yet.
> Martyn
> On Wed, 2007-10-31 at 19:49 -0400, Zheng Zhou wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Could anyone give a quick hint for the Fortran format for the
> > following structure factor mmCIF file? or Is there any easy program or
> > better way to convert it? I think I need to skip first 3 columns.
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> > Joe
> >
> > loop_
> > _refln.crystal_id
> > _refln.wavelength_id
> > _refln.scale_group_code
> > _refln.index_h
> > _refln.index_k
> > _refln.index_l
> > _refln.F_meas_au
> > _refln.F_meas_sigma_au
> > _refln.status
> > 1 1 1200 617.50   5.41  o
> > 1 1 1400 773.50   6.92  o
> > 1 1 1600  62.30   3.19  o
> >
> > I am trying to view the electron density of a published structure. I
> > downloaded the file from pdb and used cif2mtz in ccp4. I think the
> > following output mtz is wrong.
> >
> > * Column Labels :
> >
> >  H K L FREE FP SIGFP F(+) SIGF(+) F(-) SIGF(-) DP SIGDP I(+) SIGI(+)
> > I(-) SIGI(-)
> >
> >  * Column Types :
> >
> >  H H H I F Q G L G L D Q K M K M
> >
> >  * Associated datasets :
> >
> >  0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
> >
> >  * Cell Dimensions : (obsolete - refer to dataset cell dimensions
> > above)
> >
> >88.0800   86.3600   80.7700   90.   95.7100   90.
> >
> >  *  Resolution Range :
> >
> > 0.000450.29217 ( 47.298 -  1.850 A )
> >
> >  * Sort Order :
> >
> >   1 2 3 0 0
> >
> >  * Space group = 'C 1 2 1'

Re: [ccp4bb] ncs phased refinement

2007-12-08 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
This is standard gotcha number 17, you are picking up "ncsmask" from XtalView 
than the CCP4 one, see

Basically, you need to fix the path in some way so that the CCP4 one comes 
check with "which -a ncsmask"


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Raja Dey
Sent: Sat 12/8/2007 12:39 AM
Subject: [ccp4bb] ncs phased refinement
Hi All,
I was trying to run NCS Phased refinement in the gui of CCP4
  (Refmac_5.2.0005) and getting the following error. I just 
pasted below the last part of the log file. Any help is greatly appreciated.


 -0.567-0.405 0.717
  0.728-0.654 0.206
  CROWTHER ALPHA BETA GAMMA137.15697   -78.1103841.90139
   SPHERICAL POLARS OMEGA PHI CHI 39.04911   -42.37222   179.26884
   DIRECTION COSINES OF ROTATION AXIS  0.46554-0.42468 0.77661
  Angle between rotation axis and Centroid vector87.88194
  * Note: Since this angle between rotation axis and Centroid vector is  
near to 90.0 this may represent a pure rotation ***  
  LSQKAB:   Normal Termination
 Times: User:   0.0s System:0.0s Elapsed: 0:00   
 - NCS Mask ---
 unable to open phase file
 * Information from CCP4Interface script
 The program run with command: ncsmask XYZIN 
/home/raja/liang/native/p6522/b-sharpen/b-sharpen_1_12_chainI_pdb.tmp MSKOUT 
 has failed with error message
 child process exited abnormally
 #CCP4I TERMINATION STATUS 0 "child process exited abnormally"
 #CCP4I TERMINATION TIME 07 Dec 2007  16:13:00
 #CCP4I MESSAGE Task failed

Raja Dey, Ph.D.
Research Associate 
Molecular and Computational Biology
University of Southern California
1050 Childs Way, Los Angeles, CA 90089

 Forgot the famous last words? Access your message archive online. Click here.

Re: [ccp4bb] cannot read .mtz in ccp4i

2008-02-02 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
Yes, it might be the old quotes problem.
Later versions of ccp4i add in quotes around the filenames (to deal with
WIndows paths with spaces) and later versions of Phaser interpret quoted
arguments correctly. But a new gui with an old phaser will cause problems.


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Tim Gruene
Sent: Sat 2/2/2008 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] cannot read .mtz in ccp4i
Is it possible that you have phenix (or some old version of phenix) 
installed and that the PATH variable from the CCP4i gui finds that phenix 

Check if ccp4_first_in_path is set to 1 in your $CCP4/include/ccp4.setup 


Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


On Fri, 1 Feb 2008, C.Ainsley Davis wrote:

> Hello all
> I've recently redone a computer system using Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon as the OS. 
> We've had success using Feisty Fawn in the past and using the ccp4i suite 
> downloaded from wgscott's page (the debian files used in ubuntu).  For 
> whatever reason we cannot use PHASER in the ccp4i suite. The error we 
> continuously get is "cannot read .mtz file" FAILURE..etc.
> If i use a small script file (for example or with the 
> following lines
> phaser << eof
> HKLIN "./p3.mtz"
> ENSEMBLE ensemble1 &
>   PDBFILE "x.pdb" &
>   IDENT 40.0
> SEARCH ENSEMBLE ensemble1 &
>   NUMBER 2
> RESOLUTION 4.0 30.0
> ROOT p3
> end
> and it works, but the ccp4i GUI cannot read it in PHASER. It works for REFMAC 
> when doing refinements.
> what the heck!
> thanks all
> Ainsley Davis

Re: [ccp4bb] Calculating R-factor and maps from a Refmac model containing TLS downloaded from the PDB

2008-03-12 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
Clearly a few interesting entries .

2) in the context of PX, only the total "B factor" contribution to Fcalc needs 
to be positive definite, the TLS component might not be (though it is 
satisfying if it is)

3) how do you calculate the "TLS origin" ?  The PDB entries should contain the 
origin of the coordinate system to which the TLS parameters refer, and thus it 
is something you choose not something you calculate. You are perhaps comparing 
the origin used by refmac with the centre of reaction ??


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Pavel Afonine
Sent: Wed 3/12/2008 10:48 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Calculating R-factor and maps from a Refmac model 
containing TLS downloaded from the PDB
Hi Dale,

a few of my observations regarding this issue:

1) A quick run over all TLS containing models in PDB results in this 
list of models with incorrect TLS selections or other artifacts (see 
"errors1" file, attached).

2) A lot of reported TLS matrices in PDB are not positive definite. You 
can easily verify it (I did).

3) Reported TLS origins are not always the same if you compute them 
yourself (see "errors2" file, attached). This file shows the distance 
between reported and re-computed TLS origin for each group.

4) Some files contain residual B-factors (Btotal-Btls), and some files 
contain total B-factors (Bresidual + Btls).

...  I have a *very* long list. I re-refine all PDB models (for which 
data are available) from time to time -:). Let me know if interested.

And finally, how you like the anisotropic B-factors in this file -:)

Without some prior re-refinement you have almost no chances to reproduce 
the R-factors for most of these structures.


Pavel V. Afonine, Ph.D.
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley CA, USA (
CCI: Computational Crystallography Initiative (

On 3/12/2008 2:20 PM, Dale Tronrud wrote:
> Hi,
>I am looking over a number of models from the PDB but have been
> unable to reproduce the R-factors for any model that was refined
> with Refmac and contains TLS parameters.  I usually can't get within
> 5% of the reported value.  On the other hand, I usually do pretty
> well for models w/o TLS.
>An example is the model 1nkz.  The PDB header gives an R value
> of 17% but even when I use tlsanal in CCP4i to generate a PDB with
> anisotropic B's that mimic the TLS parameters I get an R value of
> 22.4% using SFCheck.  (I'm not implying that I suspect any problem
> with 1nkz, in fact I have every reason to believe this is the great
> model its published stats indicate.)
>I've found a CCP4 BB letter that stated that SFCheck does not
> pay attention to anisotropic B's but that letter was dated 2002.
> I hope this limitation has been removed, or at least the output
> would mention this limitation.
>Setting up a refinement in Refmac involves a large overhead,
> since even for zero cycles of refinement the program insists on
> a complete stereochemical definition for the strange and wondrous
> groups in this model.  I would just like to verify the R factor
> and calculate a proper map for inspection in Coot.  Since I have
> many models I would like to look at, I would like a simple procedure.
>I did set up a Refmac run for another model, for which I do
> have all the .cif's required, but even after refinement I was not
> close to the reported R.
>I see that the models I'm interested in are not present in the
> Electron Density Server, so I suspect I'm not alone in fighting
> this battle.
> Any advice would be appreciated,
> Dale Tronrud

Re: [ccp4bb] Summary: Calculating R-factor and maps from a Refmac model containing TLS downloaded from the PDB

2008-03-18 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
Refmac (at least 5.2) and TLSANL write a line into the PDB header specifying 
what is in the B column:


Looking at 2qua which used Refmac 5.3, that line isn't there. I don't know at 
what stage it has been lost.

Of course, it would be nice if all the TLS stuff was in dedicated header 

Note that you can use TLSANL to recover residual B from combined B (given TLS 
parameters), see keywords BRESID and ISOOUT.

Note also you would need ANISOU records to reproduce R factors - combined B 
would not be enough.


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Pavel Afonine
Sent: Tue 3/18/2008 1:25 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Summary: Calculating R-factor and maps from a Refmac 
model containing TLS downloaded from the PDB

>> 2) Some files list in the ATOM "B" column the residual B after TLS
>>has been accounted for while others list the total B (TLS and
>>residual).  There is no clear indication in the PDB file which
>>interpretation is being used.
> That is a fundamental deficiency in the existing PDB standard.  It simply
> doesn't specify how to present this critical information.  A draft change
> covering this was circulated at the PDB get-together of last summer's ACA
> meeting, and I discussed with Garib and Eleanor that we should as a community
> decide how we would like it handled.  The consensus as I understand it is
> that people would prefer that the B field of individual ATOM records contain
> the *net* B rather than the residual B, so that old programs will continue
> to work as expected.  However, this puts even more importance on the TLS
> description in the header being correct, since the information is otherwise
> not recoverable.  We were going to circulate a letter, but I plead guilty
> to letting the matter slide.

This is exactly what phenix.refine does (since 2005, I guess): it always 
prints out the total B-factor for each atom (Bindividual+Btls+Boverall). 
The TLS information (TLS matrices, origin coordinates and TLS group 
selections) are reported as well in PDB file header, so if necessary one 
can always extract the information about individual contributions.

This makes it more straightforward to reproduce the R-factor statistics 
without any prior manipulations with the model.

> Another notable omission is
> the lack of scattering factors.  If you have refined a SAS data set,
> e.g. a Se-edge dataset of a SeMet metallo-protein, then the R factors may
> vary by >1% just because of incorrectly reproduced f' terms for the
> Se and metal atoms.
>   Ethan Merritt

phenix.refine also always reports f' and f'' in output PDB file if they 
were used in refinement. I hope they don't get stripped off when 
deposited with PDB.


Re: [ccp4bb] PRODRG?

2008-03-19 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
Yes, it is down at the moment, due to a hacking event apparently. Don't know 
any more.


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Harry M. Greenblatt
Sent: Wed 3/19/2008 1:28 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] PRODRG?

Hi all,

  Does anybody know what happened to the PRODRG server web site?



Harry M. Greenblatt
Staff Scientist
Dept of Structural Biology   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Weizmann Institute of SciencePhone:  972-8-934-3625
Rehovot, 76100   Facsimile:   972-8-934-4159

Re: [ccp4bb] [phenixbb] Rant: B vs TLS, anisou, and PDB headers

2008-03-29 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
> 2) All you need to reproduce the R-factors are the ATOM records and 
> structure factor formula (and not ATOM records, PDB header with TLS 
> records that sometimes may be lost or manipulated and specific 
> converting programs to add TLS contribution). Also note, that not all 
> programs extract TLS information from PDB header to compute R-factors, 
> but ALL programs can read ATOM records.

As you have stated this, it is not true. The big plus with TLS is that it 
models anisotropic displacements, which are not described in ATOM lines. You 
would need to include the (derived) ANISOU lines to reproduce R-factors. I 
bring this up again, because I feel undue respect is given to the total B 
factor (I have heard it called the "true" B factor - I have no idea what kind 
of truth that is!).

Anyway, these are all different representations of the same thing, and should 
work equally well so long as you know which you are using. The scariest thing 
from the last thread was that our attempt to document it with a REMARK 3 line 
is being stripped by the RCSB. 


Re: [ccp4bb] 3D structure based alignment

2008-03-29 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
Just to point out that the CCP4 wrapper to SSM "superpose" allows you to 
specify residue ranges to consider - very useful for multi-domain proteins.
See the -s switches in

I'm not clear if this was your issue.


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Tânia Oliveira
Sent: Fri 3/28/2008 5:20 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] 3D structure based alignment

I´m having a problem that I would like to know if someone could help me.

I want to do a 3D structure based alignment of my protein with another one.
The problem is that my protein has 2 domains, and the structure that I want
to superimpose just have one. I can do the structure superimposition by
hand, but I´m not being able to do the sequence alignment based on the 3D
structure, because the program that I´m using (SSM) starts to superimpose
the sequence of my second domain in the beginning of the sequence of my
reference model (exactly the same thing that it does with the sequence of
the first domain).

Do you know if there is any program where I can do this.

Thanks in advance,



Tânia Oliveira, PhD Student

Membrane Protein Crystallography and Microbial Biochemistry Laboratory -


Re: [ccp4bb] Rant: B vs TLS, anisou, and PDB headers

2008-03-29 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
Yep, agree completely! 
My point was that if you try to bypass the TLS parameters, then you still need 
to retain the
anisotropic component somehow. But I wasn't advocating it.

I believe the simplest and most honest thing to deposit are the parameters of 
your model,
viz the TLS parameters and the residual B factors. 
Derived quantities should be calculated as and when you need them.

But I recognise there are genuine concerns about the lack of software support 
for new (?) model
parameterisations. There is software for inter-converting but it is not always 
used, and you don't 
always know what you are starting with.


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Robbie Joosten
Sent: Sat 3/29/2008 8:25 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] Rant: B vs TLS, anisou, and PDB headers
ANISOU records imply that individual anisotropic B-factors were refined. 
This will cause problems when you try to redo the final refinement: you add 
loads of parameters all of a sudden. Using ANISOU records may give you more 
reliable information about the B-factors, but not about the refinement.

Robbie Joosten

From: "Winn, MD (Martyn)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2008 20:57
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] [phenixbb] Rant: B vs TLS, anisou, and PDB headers

>> 2) All you need to reproduce the R-factors are the ATOM records and
>> structure factor formula (and not ATOM records, PDB header with TLS
>> records that sometimes may be lost or manipulated and specific
>> converting programs to add TLS contribution). Also note, that not all
>> programs extract TLS information from PDB header to compute R-factors,
>> but ALL programs can read ATOM records.
> As you have stated this, it is not true. The big plus with TLS is that it 
> models anisotropic displacements, which are not described in ATOM lines. 
> You would need to include the (derived) ANISOU lines to reproduce 
> R-factors. I bring this up again, because I feel undue respect is given to 
> the total B factor (I have heard it called the "true" B factor - I have no 
> idea what kind of truth that is!).
> Anyway, these are all different representations of the same thing, and 
> should work equally well so long as you know which you are using. The 
> scariest thing from the last thread was that our attempt to document it 
> with a REMARK 3 line is being stripped by the RCSB.
> Cheers
> Martyn

Re: [ccp4bb] Scala summary and log file- sometimes shortened

2008-04-25 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
Note the appearance of "Normal Termination" in the middle of the table.
So I think it is this problem:



-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of hari jayaram
Sent: Thu 4/24/2008 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Scala summary and log file- sometimes shortened
Hello everyone,
It seems that the reason I get "short summaries" in scala is because the
"Show Summary button" is affected by a possible intermitently appearing
change in  scala log file formatting.

When I looked for the text "Summary" in the log file I did find the entire
table -intact.

SO just for completeness - here is what the "Show summary" gave . And below
this I have the intact summary in the log file. It seems like ccp4i  "Show
summary" button for scala log file viewing does not include the entire table
in the window everytime.

Summary data for Project: cy Crystal: P10_2 Dataset: P10_2

   Overall  InnerShell OuterShell

  Low resolution limit  102.06102.06  2.11
  High resolution limit   2.00  6.34  2.00

  Rmerge 0.252 0.112 5.247
  Rmeas (within I+/I-)   0.269 0.118 6.982
 Scala:  ** Normal termination **
Times: User: 403.8s System:7.8s Elapsed: 6:52


INTACT summary:
When I do Full log file view : I get the entire summary

Summary data for Project: cy Crystal: P10_2 Dataset: P10_2

   Overall  InnerShell OuterShell

  Low resolution limit  102.06102.06  2.11
  High resolution limit   2.00  6.34  2.00

  Rmerge 0.252 0.112 5.247
  Rmeas (within I+/I-)   0.269 0.118 6.982
 Scala:  ** Normal termination **
Times: User: 403.8s System:7.8s Elapsed: 6:52

  Rmeas (all I+ & I-)0.269 0.118 6.982
  Rpim (within I+/I-)0.091 0.036 4.552
  Rpim (all I+ & I-) 0.091 0.036 4.552
  Fractional partial bias   -0.113-0.122-1.163
  Total number of observations 1458009111004  8307
  Total number unique   212719  9864  4327
  Mean((I)/sd(I))  6.4  16.6   0.3
  Completeness67.9  99.6   9.4
  Multiplicity 6.9  11.3   1.9


 User: hari  Run date: 22/ 4/2008 Run time: 16:39:47
On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 4:14 PM, hari jayaram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For some reason scala does not output the same log file for me everytime. I
> got used to looking at the summary for my scala run, using the Show summary
> button in ccp4i after picking view log file.
> In most cases I get a detailed summary. For this particular dataset ,
> despite not changing any parameters in the GUI  I get a very shortened
> summary.
> Is it that I clicked some button by mistake, that shortens the log-summary.
> I am using the latest version of ccp4 6.2.2 and fink installed ccp4 on OSX
> Leopard.
> I am reproducing the short and long summary here.
> Thanks for your help
> Hari Jayaram
> BAD Case:
> Summary data for Project: cy Crystal: P10_2 Dataset: P10_2
>Overall  InnerShell OuterShell
>   Low resolution limit  102.06102.06  2.11
>   High resolution limit   2.00  6.34  2.00
>   Rmerge 0.252 0.112 5.247
>   Rmeas (within I+/I-)   0.269 0.118 6.982
>  Scala:  ** Normal termination **
> Times: User: 404.5s System:8.0s Elapsed: 6:53
> GOOD case:
> Summary data for Project: cy Crystal: p10_1 Dataset: p10_1
>Overall  InnerShell OuterShell
>   Low resolution limit  102.60102.60  2.12
>   High resolution limit   2.01  6.35  2.01
>   Rmerge 0.164 0.053 3.283
>   Rmeas (within I+/I-)   0.183 0.058 4.363
>   Rmeas (all I+ & I-)0.183 0.058 4.363
>   Rpim (within I+/I-)0.080 0.021 2.835

Re: [ccp4bb] [Re: [ccp4bb] warp/arp 7.0.1 to really use the Free R flag] - Summary

2008-05-18 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
Yes, the Rfreeflag column should be of type I, see e.g. "Output:" section of
And this is what ccp4i expects, see $CCP4/etc/types.def
But not all programs will check it.

In fact, the type changed from W to I in 1995, back in the days when free R was 
still new and exciting.


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of iulek
Sent: Sun 5/18/2008 12:48 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] [Re: [ccp4bb] warp/arp 7.0.1 to really use the Free R flag] - 

Concerning this point, it turned out that some scripts of mine (for 
some historical good reasons) attribute "R" as column type for my 
r-free-flag column. Changing it to "I" (which I think is more ccp4 
standard) solved the problem. According to what I talked to Anastassis, 
that must be a requirement from ccp4i. For several other programs there 
was no problem (although I must recognize that I make a very limited use 
of the ccp4 interface, ccp4i). Anyway, I will attach more to the 
conventions, now.


 Original Message 
Subject:{Spam?} Re: [ccp4bb] warp/arp 7.0.1 to really use the Free R 
Date:   Tue, 29 Apr 2008 11:01:41 +0200
From:   Anastassis Perrakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Jorge,

I was unable to reproduce the error you report with 7.0.1.

I selected an MTZ file, then chose 'use' FreeR flag and I run the job.

I get:

#CCP4I SCRIPT LOG arp_solvent
#CCP4I DATE 29 Apr 2008  10:56:28
#CCP4I USER Tassos
mtz labels taken: FP SIGFP FreeR_flag
FreeR will be used for monitoring and sigmaa calculations
Starting model:  After refmac, R = 0.162 (Rfree = 0.170)

Could you please try to do the same with first building the standard  
example (psp) and then adding waters?
It might be a problem with your mtz file.


On Apr 28, 2008, at 15:22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi all,
>We recently installed arp/warp 7.0.1 under ccp4i (CCP4_6.0.2).  
> The installation went fine. We just wanted to add water molecules to  
> the current model. We toggle to "use" in the box
> "For refmac5 refinement do -use- the Free R flag"
>Also, we choose the due flag in the box
> Determine the free R label for reflections to be escluded from  
> refinement -FreeR_flag-"
>When we ask the program to run, it does, but without using the  
> Free R-flag; it says "FreeR will not be used" in the log file and  
> the R-free is reported as 0.000. Curiously, the box where the free R  
> label is becomes blank.
>We googled and searched archive lists (both warp and CCP4).
>What the problem might be ?
> Jorge

Re: [ccp4bb] Rotation axis

2008-08-03 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
ROTMAT will also do this. But I am not sure that this is what Phil wants?

The superposition transformation includes a translation, so there is no
locus of points that are left unchanged. You can generate an axis of
rotation for polar angles from the R which will be quite different from t.
You should be able to translate the rotation axis (change the origin of
the coordinate system) to get a new transformation x' = R'x + t' which
might be better for visualisation. If Phil's last sentence is right, you
should be able to arrange it so that t' is parallel to the rotation axis
of R'

No, I don't know how to do this off the top of my head, but it sounds
very similar to the transformations done in the Schomaker and Trueblood
TLS paper.

Or maybe this is over-complicating things ;-)


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue 7/29/2008 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Rotation axis
Dear Phil,
Because question keep popping up in the bullitin board about conversion
from a rotation matrix into rotation angles, I decided to take the
relevant subroutines from an old program from Groningen and make a jiffy
to do these conversions. It is a small fortran program and does not need
any additional libraries or subroutines. The program will take a
rotation matrix and translation vector and print all kind of rotation
angles and also the component of the translation vector parallel to the
rotation axis, which is the number you want. All other components of the
translation vector can be made zero by choosing the right position of
the rotation axis.

Best regards,
Herman Schreuder


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Phil Evans
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 10:11 AM
Subject: [ccp4bb] Rotation axis

If I've go a superposition transformation (x' = Rx + t), as it happens
from a superposition in ccp4mg, how do I get the position & direction of
the rotation axis (to draw in a picture)?
I know that any (orthonormal) transformation can be represented as a
rotation about an axis + a screw translation along that axis

I'm sure I've done this before ...


Re: [ccp4bb] installing Phaser EP

2008-10-27 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
Well, in case of installation difficulties, you can always contact
the friendly and helpful staff at [EMAIL PROTECTED] . ;-)

Unfortunately, our friendly and helpful Mac expert is away at the
moment, but I can try to help. If you follow through to the Mac
download page, you have a few choices. Which ones did you try?
The ftp site also has a few combinations which are not linked on the
downloads page. 

If you do have the right package, it may be that the update of ccp4i
went wrong for some reason. You may need to do a manual 
System Administration -> Install/uninstall Tasks


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of James Whittle
Sent: Sun 10/26/2008 4:04 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] installing Phaser EP
Hi all-

I'm trying to get Phaser EP working through ccp4i on an intel Mac.  
I've tried re-installing both ccp4 and phaser from the automatic  
downloads section of the website, but Phaser EP still does not appear  
in the program list.

Can anyone suggest how to fix this?


Re: [ccp4bb] 6.1 release date

2008-11-10 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
At a recent developers' meeting we predicted a release date 2 weeks 
from now.*

Meanwhile, the previously announced test release series is pretty stable, 
and much better than 6.0.2, so it is worth a try.


* Calculation done assuming: 1) testing reveals 0 problems, 2) none
of our collaborators talk to us, 3) we get invited to no meetings.
For more details of the reliability, see Supplementary Information.

-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Bernhard Rupp
Sent: Mon 11/10/2008 6:25 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] 6.1 release date
Dear Developers,

is there a more or less reliable release date/target for 6.1?  

Thx, BR
Bernhard Rupp
001 (925) 209-7429
+43 (676) 571-0536 
The hard part about playing chicken
is to know when to flinch

Re: [ccp4bb] Restrictions in ccp4-6.1 ?

2008-12-10 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
The current value of maxbat in scala_/parameters.fh is 5000
Mind you, according to CVS this was increased from 1000 to 5000 in 1999!

sortmtz and reindex also have MBATCH=5000. There's no restriction in
the library itself.


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Mueller, Juergen-Joachim
Sent: Tue 12/9/2008 7:28 AM
Subject: [ccp4bb] Restrictions in ccp4-6.1 ?

Dear developers,
I wonder if the restrictions for MBATCH=1000 in CCP4-v6.0.2 and for scala
(maxbat=1000,maxpmr=2000,maxmat=1000, maxrun=3) hold also in V6.1?
Otherwise I cannot use the precompiled versions and have to recompile!?
Thank you,

Re: [ccp4bb] NCS restraints of domains

2009-01-08 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
Sounds like a good candidate for (domain-level) TLS to me.


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Nicholas Keep
Sent: Thu 1/8/2009 10:54 AM
Subject: [ccp4bb] NCS restraints of domains
I am refining a low (3A) resolution structure of a 3 domain protein. 
There are 4 copies in the ASU.  I have been applying tight NCS 
restraints by domain in refmac and have pulled the weak MR solution down 
to Rfree below 30 (just).

However my question is that in 2 of the 4 copies one of the domains is 
very poorly resolved.  I can lower Rfree by around 0.5% by omitting the 
domains from the PDB entirely or not applying the NCS restraints to 
these copies of the domain.  Clearly they are there and should resemble 
the moderately well resolved copies by coordinates but the way Bfactor 
restraints are applied between NCS copies seems to be the issue.  If 
tight restraints are included the B factors are much lower (30-40) 
rather than 60-80 for the poor domains.

I was wondering if there is a theoretically correct way to treat this?

Would applying TLS scaling to each domain lead to the residual B factors 
being more balanced?
Can a B factor offset be applied to the NCS restraints or could I only 
apply a coordinate restraint not a B factor restraint between certain 

Comments welcomed especially from Garib.

Happy New Year


Dr Nicholas H. Keep
Dean of Faculty of Science
Reader in Structural Biology
School of Crystallography,
Birkbeck,  University of London,
Malet Street,

Telephone 020-7631-6852  (Room G57 Office)
   020-7631-6868  (Rosalind Franklin Laboratory)
   020-7631-6800  (Department Office)
Fax   020-7631-6803
If you want to access me in person you have to come to the 
crystallography entrance
and ring me or the department office from the internal phone by the door

Re: [ccp4bb] Replacement for arp_waters?

2009-01-20 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
Part of the reasoning was that arp_waters corresponded to a very old version
of arp/warp   It was felt that up-to-date arp/warp and/or findwaters covered
the functionality.

Of course, every implementation does things in a slightly different way, and
each has their fans. Which means it is hard to deprecate anything. Which means
the suite bloats ...


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Roger Rowlett
Sent: Tue 1/20/2009 7:39 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Replacement for arp_waters?
I will second noting the loss of arp_waters in CCP4 6.1. I know there is a 
"find waters" option in Coot 0.5.2 under "Calculate...Other modeling tools", 
and perhaps this is adequate, but it doesn't seem to have as many options for 
fine-tuning as arp_waters did. Coot allows for finding waters above a certain 
sigma value; arp_waters allowed this option plus setting minimum and maximum 
hydrogen bonding distances between heavy atoms.

At any rate, it was very handy to have this option for refmac for both Windows 
and Linux platforms, especially for teaching new users or undergraduates 
working in the CCP4i environment. I suppose I can always add ARP/WARP to CCP4i 
in the Linux environment, but that leave Windows users out in the cold.

Just my 2 cents.



Roger S. Rowlett
Colgate University Presidential Scholar
Department of Chemistry
Colgate University
13 Oak Drive
Hamilton, NY 13346

tel: (315)-228-7245
ofc: (315)-228-7395
fax: (315)-228-7935

David J. Schuller wrote: 

I note that in CCP4 6.1.0, arp_waters has been deprecated. Is there a
program in the suite which fills the role formerly filled by arp_waters,
of automatically adding waters?

You can't possibly be a scientist if you mind people
thinking that you're a fool. - Wonko the Sane
   David J. Schuller
   modern man in a post-modern world
   MacCHESS, Cornell University

Re: [ccp4bb] TLS Create/Edit module error erases project folder

2009-02-07 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
Well, I am sure this is not meant to happen. It doesn't seem to happen
with my 6.1 version  

First question: are you sure that the project directory really has gone?
Rather than it no longer showing in ccp4i. Check for the directory in a
terminal window.

If it has really gone, then you have to rely on your disk backup. If it
is still there, then you should be able to reload it via Directories&ProjectDir


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Michael Jackson
Sent: Fri 2/6/2009 3:30 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] TLS Create/Edit module error erases project folder
  I was using the TLS Create/Edit module to create a TLS file from scratch. In 
the module I ran it once but wanted to change some parameters.  While I had the 
module interface still open, I selected to delete the TLS project entry just 
made in the list of jobs.  When I did this I did not realize it was going to 
erase the entire project directory I was currently in.  There was a warning 
that it was going to erase a directory but I thought it was some created 
subdirectory in the project folder when I had ran the TLS module intially.  I 
did not have any trace back or log file to recover to send with this message.   
 I am using the ccp4 6.0.2 with the interface versions on a linux intel 
dual core PC using Fedora 9 OS. 


Re: [ccp4bb] Low-level disable ccp4i database...?

2009-04-20 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
Well, the guys may have distributed a phx-specific configure file, but
otherwise, I think it is USE_DBCCP4I_ON_STARTUP in ~/.CCP4/unix/configure.def
At least it worked for me after the briefest of tests of the Windows equivalent.


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Frank Von Delft
Sent: Mon 4/20/2009 11:04 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] Low-level disable ccp4i database...?
Panic, I'm trying to configure ccp4i for a tutorial (i.e. multiple clueless 
students about to descend on the same user account), but the DB handler is 
somehow not responding, nor will it let me get to System Administration to turn 
it off.  ("I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.")

(Ref Ronan Keegan's reply on 18 March 09 on the BB.)

What is the low-level way to turn it off?  It must be either in the 
installation directory, or in ~/.CCP4 somewhere, but I couldn't find it.

Hope someone's solved this before...

Re: [ccp4bb] TLSANL gives zero off-diagonal ANISOU matrix in CCP4 6.1

2009-05-21 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
Apologies, this was a bug introduced by a recent change. 
It is fixed and will be in 6.1.2


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Alejandro Buschiazzo
Sent: Thu 5/21/2009 6:26 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] TLSANL gives zero off-diagonal ANISOU matrix in CCP4 6.1
Dear all,

I have observed a strange behavior when using TLSANL (v. 3.8) under CCP4 
6.1.0 : using identical input (only coordinates have changed a bit after 
some TLS+restrained refinement) what used to work perfectly well before 
(under CCP4 6.0), now gives an evidently wrong calculation, resulting in 
writing final ANISOU matrices with U(1,2), U(2,3) and U(1,3) equal to 
zero. Otherwise the program does run and finishes properly without 
explicit errors or warnings.

the input is simple :

(seeking to end up with a B-factor column ont the ATOM cards containing 
the isotropic equivalent of the TOTAL ADP (including TLS); this 
generates ANISOU cards describing the TLS modelization for each atom 
included in TLS domains;
although I am aware that this is still matter of debate, this 'seems' to 
be the most correct way to communicate what has been done, otherwise 
REFMAC5 will just leave the residual B fac on the ATOM card, giving 
somewhat 'misleading', frequently extremely low values)

Any help on this TLSANL problem will be very much appreciated!


Alejandro Buschiazzo, PhD
Research Scientist
Laboratory of Protein Crystallography
Pasteur Institute of Montevideo
Mataojo 2020
Montevideo 11400

Phone: +5982 5220910 int. 120
Fax:   +5982 5224185

Re: [ccp4bb] mtz2various is broken [ was: Another pointless question ]

2009-06-12 Thread Winn, MD (Martyn)
I didn't mean to commit to a particular solution. That wouldn't be
wise on a Friday night with jet lag ;)

As an internal call in mtz2various, it should use symops ... but I need
to check that this works.

Spacegroup number vs name is an issue for the user interface (graphical
or otherwise). We always try to support as many "standards" as possible,
but there will always be ambiguities.


-Original Message-
From: Ian Tickle []
Sent: Fri 6/12/2009 10:45 PM
To: Winn, MD (Martyn)
Cc: CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK; Kevin Cowtan; Phil Evans; Ethan Merritt; Eleanor 
Subject: RE: [ccp4bb] mtz2various is broken   [ was: Another pointless question 

Hi Martyn

Since seeing Ethan's last posting I guessed immediately, following on
from what Kevin had said earlier, that the program in Ethan's sequence
which made the change from SG #4005 to #5 in the MTZ header (and my
tests confirm this) is ctruncate; this behaviour presumably is a feature
of the Clipper library, so I guess is common to all programs using
Clipper (though pointless appears to be an exception - presumably
because it specifically creates the 4005 code rather than simply
transferring it from input to output).  All the other programs in his
sequence copy the SG #4005 unchanged.

So essentially the problem is an incompatibility between the old
(c)symlib and the Clipper library; the former still uses the old
conventions that 1) the SG number uniquely identifies alternative
settings corresponding to a given standard setting, and 2) the SG number
takes precedence over the SG name and/or symm ops to determine the space
group, whereas the latter doesn't use unique numbers to identify
alternative settings, and assumes the reverse precedence.

You suggest changing MSYMLB3 to fix this, i.e. essentially changing it
to conform to the symlib documentation (!), so that the SG name takes
precedence over the number - I agree this ought to work.  The only issue
I see is that many programs (e.g. see several examples of this usage in
SFALL documentation) allow user input of either the SG name or number,
e.g. in SFALL, PDBSET etc:

SYMM 4005

are equivalent.  If we are going to move to the new Clipper-style
convention I wonder how this would be handled, if the SG numbers no
longer uniquely identify the setting.  I guess we would lose this rather
useful (IMO at least) feature!  I assume you would at least continue to
allow use of CCP4-style SG numbers via MSYMLB3 - all our internal
scripts rely on this feature.


-- Ian

> -Original Message-
> From: []
> Behalf Of Martyn Winn
> Sent: 12 June 2009 20:46
> To: Ethan Merritt
> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] mtz2various is broken [ was: Another pointless
> question ]
> Apologies, have been away. I hope I have extracted the relevant points
> from this thread.
> For the record, the CCP4 library also uses the symops to determine the
> spacegroup, when it can. Hence the observation below that mtzdmp and
> refmac find the right spacegroup.
> However there are plenty of cases where the symops are not available,
> PDB files with CRYST1 card only, user keywords, etc. And there is
> of independently developed application code which may not follow the
> library (bearing in mind that we are an anarcho-syndicalist commune
> etc).
> Ian is right that the surest way of checking the MTZ file is to open
> a text editor. You can also edit the SYMINF line this way, though this
> is probably classed as advanced ccp4 usage... So in my tests
> SYMINF   4  2 I  4005   'I 1 2 1'  PG2
> works fine, while
> SYMINF   4  2 I 5   'I 1 2 1'  PG2
> shows the problem. And yes, the problem is then MSYMLB3 using the 5
> rather than the spacegroup name or the operators. We should be able to
> fix that.
> 4005 is for internal usage, converting to 5 on export from the suite.
> Probably the generating program should have used 4005.
> Cheers
> Martyn
> > My mtz file contains
> >  CELL   148.6099   98.3798  251.9687   90.   90.3258   90.
> >  SORT1   2   3   0   0
> >  SYMINF   4 2 I 5 'I121'   PG2
> >  SYMM X,  Y,  Z
> >  SYMM -X,  Y,  -Z
> >  SYMM X+1/2,  Y+1/2,  Z+1/2
> >  SYMM -X+1/2,  Y+1/2,  -Z+1/2
> >  RESO 0.607290094194   0.1371708661317825
> >
> > So there is a difference, but not the expected one.
> > My mtz file has exactly the info that should go into the cif
> > including the space group number of the standard setting: 5.
> > But mtzdmp and refmac, etc, do manage to find and report the
> > as 4005 f