Re: [ccp4bb] How to generate two molecules of proteins and two chains of RNA in CNS 1.2

2008-05-09 Thread Stuart Endo-Streeter
Is this a copy-paste error in the e-mail text, or what is in actually the 
input file?

{* separate chains by segid - a new segid starts a new chain *}
{+ choice: true false +}
{===>} n{= water files 

I do not see a value entered for the separate chains by segid line, which you 
have for the protein entry.

Secondly, have you looked at the output for error messages and whether or not 
the first RNA chain is being loaded at all?  The input only lines are not 
very useful without seeing the output messages.  Also, it is much easier to 
examine the script/output if they are attached as files, rather than pasted 
into the e-mail text as that tends to disrupt formating, which is vital in 
scripts running properly.  I suggest repeating the generate run and making 
sure to pass the output to a log file, ie;

cns < generate.inp > generate.log

and attaching both.

Stuart Endo-Streeter

On Friday 09 May 2008 10:49, you wrote:
> Hi Stuart,
> Thank you very much for your reply. Here are parts of the input files and
> input pdb files for protein and RNA.
> { protein files
> }
> {* Multiple coordinate files of the same type can be defined by duplicating
>all of the entries below and incrementing the file number *}
> {* protein coordinate file *}
> {===>} prot_coordinate_infile_1="pro1.pdb";
> {* protein coordinate file *}
> {===>} prot_coordinate_infile_1="";
> {* rename segid *}
> {+ choice: true false +}
> {===>} prot_rename_1=false;
> {* new segid *}
> {===>} prot_segid_1="";
> {* convert chainid to segid if chainid is non-blank *}
> {+ choice: true false +}
> {===>} prot_convert_1=false;
> {* separate chains by segid - a new segid starts a new chain *}
> {+ choice: true false +}
> {===>} prot_separate_1=true;
> {= nucleic acid  files
> ==}
> {* Multiple coordinate files of the same type can be defined by duplicating
>all of the entries below and incrementing the file number *}
> {* nucleic acid coordinate file *}
> {===>} nucl_coordinate_infile_1="rna1_fix1.pdb";
> {* rename segid *}
> {+ choice: true false +}
> {===>} nucl_rename_1=false;
> {* new segid *}
> {===>} nucl_segid_1="";
> {* convert chainid to segid if chainid is non-blank *}
> {+ choice: true false +}
> {===>} nucl_convert_1=false;
> {* separate chains by segid - a new segid starts a new chain *}
> {+ choice: true false +}
> {===>} n{= water files
> =}
> {* Multiple coordinate files of the same type can be defined by duplicating
>all of the entries below and incrementing the file number *}
> {* water coordinate file *}
> {===>}  water_coordinate_infile_1="wat1.pdb";
> {* rename segid *}
> {+ choice: true false +}
> {===>} water_rename_1=false;
> {* new segid *}
> {===>} water_segid_1="";
> {* convert chainid to segid if chainid is non-blank *}
> {+ choice: true false +}
> {===>} water_convert_1=false;
> ucl_separate_1=true;
> Protein file (in ccp4 format, chain id A and B, I tried TER in between two
> chains but I only got one chain without chain id in the output file):
> ATOM   3648  N   MET A 441 -23.689  56.526  -2.956  1.00 44.50 
>  N ATOM   3649  CA  MET A 441 -24.310  57.384  -1.938  1.00 44.45  
> C ATOM   3650  CB  MET A 441 -25.149  58.499  -2.579  1.00  44.50  
> C ATOM   3651  CG  MET A 441 -24.501  59.879  -2.532  1.00
> 44.46   C ATOM   3652  SD  MET A 441 -22.874  59.965  -3.311 
> 1.00 44.56   S ATOM   3653  CE  MET A 441 -22.269  61.536 
> -2.683  1.00 44.75   C ATOM   3654  C   MET A 441 -25.123 
> 56.631  -0.897  1.00 44.48   C ATOM   3655  O   MET A 441
> -24.696  56.498   0.246  1.00  44.45   O ATOM   3656  N   MET B   1
> -45.555  -9.417 -57.617  1.00113.93   N ATOM   3657  CA  MET B 
>  1 -45.130 -10.808 -57.279  1.00113.94   C ATOM   3658  CB  MET
> B   1 -43.612 -10.967 -57.423  1.00113.96   C ATOM   3659  CG 
> MET B   1 -43.090 -10.777 -58.844  1.00114.01   C ATOM   3660 
> SD  MET B   1 -41.347 -11.208 -59.036   1.00114.04   S ATOM  
> 3661  CE  MET B   1 -41.442 -12.983 -59.254  1.00113.94   C
> ATOM   3662  C   MET B   1 -45.569 -11.200 -55.870  1.00113.87 
>  C ATOM   3663  O   MET B   1 -45.526 -10.384 -54.946  1.00113.85  
> O ATOM   8004  O3' CYT C  34 -52.544  55.320   4.307  1.00 19.69   
> ATOM   8005  P   GUA D   1  -6.118  -6.004 -20.448  0.00  70.19
>   P
> RNA file:
> ATOM   8003  C3' CYT C  24 -53.327  54.167   4.053  1.00 19.76 
>  C ATOM   8004  O3' CYT C  24 -52.544  55.320   4.307  1.00 19.69  
> ATOM   8005  P   GUA D   1  -6.118  -6.004 -20.448  0.00 70.19 

Re: [ccp4bb] How to generate two molecules of proteins and two chains of RNA in CNS 1.2

2008-05-09 Thread Stuart Endo-Streeter
Does the log from generate show it reading in both RNA chains and do you have 
enough loading statements?

Stuart Endo-Streeter

On Thursday 08 May 2008 22:38, Sun Tang wrote:
> Dear All,
>   When I used CNS 1.2 to generate the pdb file for two molecules of
> proteins and two chains of RNA (with different chain ids in format of
> CCP4), only one RNA chain is generated. Can anyone tell me how to correctly
> generate the files used for refinement with CNS 1.2?
>   I downloaded the input files from the CNS website and I tried true and
> false for the renaming segid but all did not work.
>   Thank you very much!
>   Best,
>   Sun Tang
> -
> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it
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Stuart T. Endo-Streeter
Structural Biology and Biophysics
Dept. Biochemistry
Duke University

[ccp4bb] How to generate two molecules of proteins and two chains of RNA in CNS 1.2

2008-05-08 Thread Sun Tang
Dear All,
  When I used CNS 1.2 to generate the pdb file for two molecules of proteins 
and two chains of RNA (with different chain ids in format of CCP4), only one 
RNA chain is generated. Can anyone tell me how to correctly generate the files 
used for refinement with CNS 1.2? 
  I downloaded the input files from the CNS website and I tried true and false 
for the renaming segid but all did not work.
  Thank you very much!
  Sun Tang  

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