Re: [ccp4bb] question about powder diffraction

2014-07-10 Thread Colin Nave
Yes the diffraction pattern can certainly be seen as an interference phenomena. 
However, this paper disagrees that everything except the Bragg peaks vanishes 
in the noise. The (simple) Bragg condition assumes an infinite lattice whereas 
the lattice is truncated in real samples.

The original question related to how many reflections occur in a powder sample 
and where they would be. This paper addresses the issues in some detail. 
However, I haven't read the paper in detail and don't want to comment at this 
stage on whether the title A new theory of x-ray diffraction is justified.

-Original Message-
From: Tim Gruene [] 
Sent: 09 July 2014 10:49
To: Nave, Colin (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI); ccp4bb
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] question about powder diffraction

Hash: SHA1

Hi Colin,

On 07/09/2014 09:52 AM, Colin Nave wrote:
 [...] If the whole diffraction process is considered as an 
 interference problem then the contributions are not confined to the 
 Bragg condition.
Isn't this how textbooks on crystallography usually start? Drenth, e.g. starts 
with the scattering from a single electron, then builds up a molecule and the 
lattice and you find the everything except the Bragg peaks vanish in the noise. 
How does one NOT see the diffraction process as an interference 'problem'?


 -Original Message- From: Gerard Bricogne 
 [] Sent: 09 July 2014 00:38 To: ccp4bb
 Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] question about powder diffraction
 Dear all,
 The downstream end of this thread seems to have drifted into learned 
 considerations of spelling, so I am getting back to this early reply.
 I am surprised that nobody has mentioned the role of the wavelength in 
 all this: there is no way that one can directly link the first four 
 planes in a Nickel crystal to a fixed set of 2theta values. The values 
 you quote, Kianoush, must have been observed for a certain wavelength, 
 but they would be different for another wavelength. So if you want one 
 of the powder rings to come out at a 2theta of 45 degrees, adjust the 
 wavelength accordingly so that Bragg's law be satisfied for the 
 spacing between the corresponding planes.
 There also seems to be a confusion in the last question (unless I have 
 completely misunderstood it) about the orientation of a crystal and 
 the Bragg angle at which it will contribute to the ring pattern of the 
 powder it belongs to. If there is a crystal oriented with some if its 
 planes at 45 degrees from the X-ray beam, that will simply determine 
 where on each ring its diffraction spots will contribute: it will have 
 no effect on the Bragg angles of those spots, that depend purely on 
 the internal spacings between atoms within the crystal, not on the 
 orientation of the crystal. At the same wavelength at which you quote 
 the 2theta values for those four rings, the crystal at 45 degrees from 
 the beam will still have its diffraction spots contribute to the rings 
 at 44, 52, 76 and 93 degrees.
 Again, forgive me if I have completely misunderstood the initial 
 With best wishes,
 -- On Tue, Jul 08, 2014 at 04:13:59PM -0400, Edward A. Berry
 The plane will scatter, and all atoms in the plane will scatter in 
 phase if angle of incidence equals angle of reflection. this is how a 
 mirror reflects. Furthermore all the parallel planes will also 
 reflect at this angle. Trouble is the beams scattered from the 
 different parallel planes are systematically out of phase with each 
 other unless Bragg's law is met for that set of planes, so 
 interference is destructive and adds up to nothing.
 At least that's how I understand it, eab
 On 07/08/2014 03:53 PM, Kianoush Sadre-Bazzaz wrote:
 If a sample of powder crystal (say Nickel) is shot with 
 x-rays, one will observe reflections from planes that satisfy Bragg's 
 Law. For Ni the first four planes are (111, 200, 202, 311) with 2theta 
 (44, 52, 76, 93 degrees) respectively.
 Why doesn't one observe a reflection at, say, 45 degrees?
 There will be
 a grain oriented in the powder such that x-rays reflect at 45 degrees 
 and so forth. I would expect a continuum of reflections...
 thanks for the insight.

- --
- --
Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Icedove -



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Re: [ccp4bb] question about powder diffraction

2014-07-09 Thread Colin Nave
I think Gerard has answered the original question. To introduce additional 
complications (do people want complications?), there is apparently an issue 
with the ease of getting reflections in a powder pattern.  

A new theory for X-ray diffraction
Fewster, P. F. (2014). Acta Cryst. A70, 257-282.

A couple of quotes (I don't think they are out of context)
For powder diffraction, this theory  explains why diffraction peaks are 
obtained from samples with very few crystallites, which cannot be explained 
with the conventional theory.
If the whole diffraction process is considered as an interference problem then 
the contributions are not confined to the Bragg condition.


-Original Message-
From: Gerard Bricogne [] 
Sent: 09 July 2014 00:38
To: ccp4bb
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] question about powder diffraction

Dear all,

 The downstream end of this thread seems to have drifted into learned 
considerations of spelling, so I am getting back to this early reply.

 I am surprised that nobody has mentioned the role of the wavelength in all 
this: there is no way that one can directly link the first four planes in a 
Nickel crystal to a fixed set of 2theta values. The values you quote, Kianoush, 
must have been observed for a certain wavelength, but they would be different 
for another wavelength. So if you want one of the powder rings to come out at a 
2theta of 45 degrees, adjust the wavelength accordingly so that Bragg's law be 
satisfied for the spacing between the corresponding planes.

 There also seems to be a confusion in the last question (unless I have 
completely misunderstood it) about the orientation of a crystal and the Bragg 
angle at which it will contribute to the ring pattern of the powder it belongs 
to. If there is a crystal oriented with some if its planes at 45 degrees from 
the X-ray beam, that will simply determine where on each ring its diffraction 
spots will contribute: it will have no effect on the Bragg angles of those 
spots, that depend purely on the internal spacings between atoms within the 
crystal, not on the orientation of the crystal. At the same wavelength at which 
you quote the 2theta values for those four rings, the crystal at 45 degrees 
from the beam will still have its diffraction spots contribute to the rings at 
44, 52, 76 and 93 degrees.

 Again, forgive me if I have completely misunderstood the initial question.

 With best wishes,

On Tue, Jul 08, 2014 at 04:13:59PM -0400, Edward A. Berry wrote:
 The plane will scatter, and all atoms in the plane will scatter in 
 phase if angle of incidence equals angle of reflection. this is how a 
 mirror reflects. Furthermore all the parallel planes will also reflect at 
 this angle.
 Trouble is the beams scattered from the different parallel planes are 
 systematically out of phase with each other unless Bragg's law is met 
 for that set of planes, so interference is destructive and adds up to nothing.
 At least that's how I understand it,
 On 07/08/2014 03:53 PM, Kianoush Sadre-Bazzaz wrote:
 If a sample of powder crystal (say Nickel) is shot with monochromatic
x-rays, one will observe reflections from planes that satisfy Bragg's Law.
For Ni the first four planes are (111, 200, 202, 311) with 2theta (44, 52, 76, 
93 degrees) respectively. 
   Why doesn't one observe a reflection at, say, 45 degrees? There 
  will be
a grain oriented in the powder such that x-rays reflect at 45 degrees and so
forth. I would expect a continuum of reflections...   
 thanks for the insight.


 * *
 * Gerard Bricogne  *
 * *
 * Global Phasing Ltd. *
 * Sheraton House, Castle Park Tel: +44-(0)1223-353033 *
 * Cambridge CB3 0AX, UK   Fax: +44-(0)1223-366889 *
 * *


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Any opinions expressed within this e-mail are those of the individual and not 
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Diamond Light Source Ltd. cannot guarantee that this e-mail or any attachments 
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Re: [ccp4bb] question about powder diffraction

2014-07-09 Thread Ian Tickle
According to the Online Etymology dictionary (
reflection (n.)
Look up reflection at] 14c., reflexion,
in reference to surfaces throwing back light or heat, from Late Latin
reflexionem (nominative reflexio) a reflection, literally a bending
back, noun of action from past participle stem of Latin reflectere to
bend back, bend backwards, turn away, from re- back (see re- +
flectere to bend (see flexible Of
the mind, from 1670s. Meaning remark made after turning back one's thought
on some subject is from 1640s. Spelling with -ct- recorded from late 14c.,
established 18c., by influence of the verb.

So it seems not to be an American/British spelling divergence in this case
since both the original reflexion and the variant reflection have
co-existed on this side of the pond since the late 14th c. (and I don't
think there were any American English speakers around then!).  Both forms
were in use in British English well before the European colonisation of
N.America in the early 17th c. .
Also Wiktionary ( says:

reflexion (n.)
  From the Late Latin *reflexionem*, from *reflexio*; the variant
spelling *reflection* is due to influence from *correction*.


-- Ian

On 8 July 2014 22:53, Boaz Shaanan wrote:

  I thought (I think I was told that way early during my PhD studies) that
 reflexion/reflection is a matter of British/American spelling. In fact
 Merriam-Webster Dictionary says just that:
  Definition of REFLEXION
 *chiefly British variant of* reflection

   and the American Heritage and Oxford dictionaries agree on that too.


 *Boaz Shaanan, Ph.D. Dept. of Life
 Sciences  Ben-Gurion University of the
 Negev  Beer-Sheva
 E-mail: Phone: 972-8-647-2220  Skype:
 boaz.shaanan  Fax:   972-8-647-2992 or 972-8-646-1710*

 *From:* CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] on behalf of Ian
 Tickle []
 *Sent:* Wednesday, July 09, 2014 12:19 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [ccp4bb] question about powder diffraction

   Yes, the way I like to think of it as a double condition, the

 reflection‐in‐a‐mirror condition *plus* the special condition imposed
 by Bragg’s Law. This is why I often prefer the unfashionable spelling

 Ian ◎

  Me too.  Actually reflexion (but the verb is reflect) is the
 original correct spelling (from Latin reflectere  reflexio); apparently at
 some point in its history it became misspelt due to a false analogy with
 correct  correction (Latin corrigere  correctio).

  Now back to the science!  It's important to understand that a powder
 is not amorphous which would indeed give a continuous pattern: it's a bunch
 of micro-crystals in random orientations.  Therefore a powder diffraction
 pattern is a single crystal pattern averaged over all orientations.
 Rotating the crystal does not change the Bragg angles of the spots, however
 it does change their angular positions so each diffracted beam is smeared
 out over conical surface.  Each of these cones then projects as a circle on
 a flat area detector (of course in powder diffraction one would use a
 linear detector since it's not necessary to measure a complete circle).


  -- Ian

Re: [ccp4bb] question about powder diffraction

2014-07-09 Thread Tim Gruene
Hash: SHA1

Hi Colin,

On 07/09/2014 09:52 AM, Colin Nave wrote:
 [...] If the whole diffraction process is considered as an 
 interference problem then the contributions are not confined to
 the Bragg condition.
Isn't this how textbooks on crystallography usually start? Drenth,
e.g. starts with the scattering from a single electron, then builds up
a molecule and the lattice and you find the everything except the
Bragg peaks vanish in the noise. How does one NOT see the diffraction
process as an interference 'problem'?


 -Original Message- From: Gerard Bricogne 
 [] Sent: 09 July 2014 00:38 To: ccp4bb
 Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] question about powder diffraction
 Dear all,
 The downstream end of this thread seems to have drifted into 
 learned considerations of spelling, so I am getting back to this 
 early reply.
 I am surprised that nobody has mentioned the role of the
 wavelength in all this: there is no way that one can directly link
 the first four planes in a Nickel crystal to a fixed set of 2theta
 values. The values you quote, Kianoush, must have been observed for
 a certain wavelength, but they would be different for another 
 wavelength. So if you want one of the powder rings to come out at
 a 2theta of 45 degrees, adjust the wavelength accordingly so that 
 Bragg's law be satisfied for the spacing between the corresponding 
 There also seems to be a confusion in the last question (unless I 
 have completely misunderstood it) about the orientation of a 
 crystal and the Bragg angle at which it will contribute to the
 ring pattern of the powder it belongs to. If there is a crystal
 oriented with some if its planes at 45 degrees from the X-ray beam,
 that will simply determine where on each ring its diffraction spots
 will contribute: it will have no effect on the Bragg angles of
 those spots, that depend purely on the internal spacings between
 atoms within the crystal, not on the orientation of the crystal. At
 the same wavelength at which you quote the 2theta values for those
 four rings, the crystal at 45 degrees from the beam will still have
 its diffraction spots contribute to the rings at 44, 52, 76 and 93 
 Again, forgive me if I have completely misunderstood the initial 
 With best wishes,
 -- On Tue, Jul 08, 2014 at 04:13:59PM -0400, Edward A. Berry 
 The plane will scatter, and all atoms in the plane will scatter 
 in phase if angle of incidence equals angle of reflection. this 
 is how a mirror reflects. Furthermore all the parallel planes 
 will also reflect at this angle. Trouble is the beams scattered 
 from the different parallel planes are systematically out of 
 phase with each other unless Bragg's law is met for that set of 
 planes, so interference is destructive and adds up to nothing.
 At least that's how I understand it, eab
 On 07/08/2014 03:53 PM, Kianoush Sadre-Bazzaz wrote:
 If a sample of powder crystal (say Nickel) is shot with 
 x-rays, one will observe reflections from planes that satisfy 
 Bragg's Law. For Ni the first four planes are (111, 200, 202, 311) 
 with 2theta (44, 52, 76, 93 degrees) respectively.
 Why doesn't one observe a reflection at, say, 45 degrees?
 There will be
 a grain oriented in the powder such that x-rays reflect at 45 
 degrees and so forth. I would expect a continuum of reflections...
 thanks for the insight.

- -- 
- --
Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Icedove -


Re: [ccp4bb] question about powder diffraction

2014-07-09 Thread Kianoush Sadre-Bazzaz
Thank you all for the helpful discussions.


On Jul 9, 2014, at 2:49 AM, Tim Gruene wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 Hi Colin,
 On 07/09/2014 09:52 AM, Colin Nave wrote:
 [...] If the whole diffraction process is considered as an 
 interference problem then the contributions are not confined to
 the Bragg condition.
 Isn't this how textbooks on crystallography usually start? Drenth,
 e.g. starts with the scattering from a single electron, then builds up
 a molecule and the lattice and you find the everything except the
 Bragg peaks vanish in the noise. How does one NOT see the diffraction
 process as an interference 'problem'?
 -Original Message- From: Gerard Bricogne 
 [] Sent: 09 July 2014 00:38 To: ccp4bb
 Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] question about powder diffraction
 Dear all,
 The downstream end of this thread seems to have drifted into 
 learned considerations of spelling, so I am getting back to this 
 early reply.
 I am surprised that nobody has mentioned the role of the
 wavelength in all this: there is no way that one can directly link
 the first four planes in a Nickel crystal to a fixed set of 2theta
 values. The values you quote, Kianoush, must have been observed for
 a certain wavelength, but they would be different for another 
 wavelength. So if you want one of the powder rings to come out at
 a 2theta of 45 degrees, adjust the wavelength accordingly so that 
 Bragg's law be satisfied for the spacing between the corresponding 
 There also seems to be a confusion in the last question (unless I 
 have completely misunderstood it) about the orientation of a 
 crystal and the Bragg angle at which it will contribute to the
 ring pattern of the powder it belongs to. If there is a crystal
 oriented with some if its planes at 45 degrees from the X-ray beam,
 that will simply determine where on each ring its diffraction spots
 will contribute: it will have no effect on the Bragg angles of
 those spots, that depend purely on the internal spacings between
 atoms within the crystal, not on the orientation of the crystal. At
 the same wavelength at which you quote the 2theta values for those
 four rings, the crystal at 45 degrees from the beam will still have
 its diffraction spots contribute to the rings at 44, 52, 76 and 93 
 Again, forgive me if I have completely misunderstood the initial 
 With best wishes,
 -- On Tue, Jul 08, 2014 at 04:13:59PM -0400, Edward A. Berry 
 The plane will scatter, and all atoms in the plane will scatter 
 in phase if angle of incidence equals angle of reflection. this 
 is how a mirror reflects. Furthermore all the parallel planes 
 will also reflect at this angle. Trouble is the beams scattered 
 from the different parallel planes are systematically out of 
 phase with each other unless Bragg's law is met for that set of 
 planes, so interference is destructive and adds up to nothing.
 At least that's how I understand it, eab
 On 07/08/2014 03:53 PM, Kianoush Sadre-Bazzaz wrote:
 If a sample of powder crystal (say Nickel) is shot with 
 x-rays, one will observe reflections from planes that satisfy 
 Bragg's Law. For Ni the first four planes are (111, 200, 202, 311) 
 with 2theta (44, 52, 76, 93 degrees) respectively.
 Why doesn't one observe a reflection at, say, 45 degrees?
 There will be
 a grain oriented in the powder such that x-rays reflect at 45 
 degrees and so forth. I would expect a continuum of reflections...
 thanks for the insight.
 - -- 
 - --
 Dr Tim Gruene
 Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
 Tammannstr. 4
 D-37077 Goettingen
 GPG Key ID = A46BEE1A
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Icedove -

Re: [ccp4bb] question about powder diffraction

2014-07-08 Thread Edward A. Berry

The plane will scatter, and all atoms in the plane will scatter in phase
if angle of incidence equals angle of reflection. this is how a mirror
reflects. Furthermore all the parallel planes will also reflect at this angle.
Trouble is the beams scattered from the different parallel planes are
systematically out of phase with each other unless Bragg's law is met
for that set of planes, so interference is destructive and adds up to nothing.
At least that's how I understand it,

On 07/08/2014 03:53 PM, Kianoush Sadre-Bazzaz wrote:


If a sample of powder crystal (say Nickel) is shot with monochromatic x-rays, 
one will observe reflections from planes that satisfy Bragg's Law. For Ni the 
first four planes are (111, 200, 202, 311) with 2theta (44, 52, 76, 93 degrees) 

  Why doesn't one observe a reflection at, say, 45 degrees? There will be a 
grain oriented in the powder such that x-rays reflect at 45 degrees and so 
forth. I would expect a continuum of reflections...

thanks for the insight.


Re: [ccp4bb] question about powder diffraction

2014-07-08 Thread Ian Clifton
Edward A. Berry writes:

 The plane will scatter, and all atoms in the plane will scatter in phase
 if angle of incidence equals angle of reflection. this is how a mirror
 reflects. Furthermore all the parallel planes will also reflect at this angle.
 Trouble is the beams scattered from the different parallel planes are
 systematically out of phase with each other unless Bragg's law is met
 for that set of planes, so interference is destructive and adds up to nothing.
 At least that's how I understand it,

Yes, the way I like to think of it as a double condition, the
reflection‐in‐a‐mirror condition *plus* the special condition imposed
by Bragg’s Law. This is why I often prefer the unfashionable spelling

Ian ◎

Re: [ccp4bb] question about powder diffraction

2014-07-08 Thread Ian Tickle
Yes, the way I like to think of it as a double condition, the

 reflection‐in‐a‐mirror condition *plus* the special condition imposed
 by Bragg’s Law. This is why I often prefer the unfashionable spelling

 Ian ◎

Me too.  Actually reflexion (but the verb is reflect) is the original
correct spelling (from Latin reflectere  reflexio); apparently at some
point in its history it became misspelt due to a false analogy with
correct  correction (Latin corrigere  correctio).

Now back to the science!  It's important to understand that a powder is
not amorphous which would indeed give a continuous pattern: it's a bunch of
micro-crystals in random orientations.  Therefore a powder diffraction
pattern is a single crystal pattern averaged over all orientations.
Rotating the crystal does not change the Bragg angles of the spots, however
it does change their angular positions so each diffracted beam is smeared
out over conical surface.  Each of these cones then projects as a circle on
a flat area detector (of course in powder diffraction one would use a
linear detector since it's not necessary to measure a complete circle).


-- Ian

Re: [ccp4bb] question about powder diffraction

2014-07-08 Thread Boaz Shaanan

I thought (I think I was told that way early during my PhD studies) that reflexion/reflection is a matter of British/American spelling. In fact Merriam-Webster Dictionary says just

Definition ofREFLEXION

chiefly British variant ofreflection

and the American Heritage and Oxford dictionaries agree on that too.


Boaz Shaanan, Ph.D.

Dept. of Life Sciences 
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 
Beer-Sheva 84105 
Phone: 972-8-647-2220Skype: boaz.shaanan 
Fax: 972-8-647-2992 or 972-8-646-1710

From: CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] on behalf of Ian Tickle []
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2014 12:19 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] question about powder diffraction

Yes, the way I like to think of it as a double condition, the

reflection‐in‐a‐mirror condition *plus* the special condition imposed
by Bragg’s Law. This is why I often prefer the unfashionable spelling

Ian ◎

Me too. Actually reflexion (but the verb is reflect) is the original correct spelling (from Latin reflectere  reflexio); apparently at some point in its history it became misspelt due to a false analogy with correct  correction
 (Latin corrigere  correctio).

Now back to the science! It's important to understand that a powder is not amorphous which would indeed give a continuous pattern: it's a bunch of micro-crystals in random orientations. Therefore a powder diffraction pattern is
 a single crystal pattern averaged over all orientations. Rotating the crystal does not change the Bragg angles of the spots, however it does change their angular positions so each diffracted beam is smeared out over conical surface. Each of these cones then
 projects as a circle on a flat area detector (of course in powder diffraction one would use a linear detector since it's not necessary to measure a complete circle).


-- Ian

Re: [ccp4bb] question about powder diffraction

2014-07-08 Thread Gerard Bricogne
Dear all,

 The downstream end of this thread seems to have drifted into learned 
considerations of spelling, so I am getting back to this early reply.

 I am surprised that nobody has mentioned the role of the wavelength in
all this: there is no way that one can directly link the first four planes
in a Nickel crystal to a fixed set of 2theta values. The values you quote,
Kianoush, must have been observed for a certain wavelength, but they would
be different for another wavelength. So if you want one of the powder rings
to come out at a 2theta of 45 degrees, adjust the wavelength accordingly so
that Bragg's law be satisfied for the spacing between the corresponding

 There also seems to be a confusion in the last question (unless I have
completely misunderstood it) about the orientation of a crystal and the
Bragg angle at which it will contribute to the ring pattern of the powder it
belongs to. If there is a crystal oriented with some if its planes at 45
degrees from the X-ray beam, that will simply determine where on each ring
its diffraction spots will contribute: it will have no effect on the Bragg
angles of those spots, that depend purely on the internal spacings between
atoms within the crystal, not on the orientation of the crystal. At the same
wavelength at which you quote the 2theta values for those four rings, the
crystal at 45 degrees from the beam will still have its diffraction spots
contribute to the rings at 44, 52, 76 and 93 degrees.

 Again, forgive me if I have completely misunderstood the initial

 With best wishes,

On Tue, Jul 08, 2014 at 04:13:59PM -0400, Edward A. Berry wrote:
 The plane will scatter, and all atoms in the plane will scatter in phase
 if angle of incidence equals angle of reflection. this is how a mirror
 reflects. Furthermore all the parallel planes will also reflect at this angle.
 Trouble is the beams scattered from the different parallel planes are
 systematically out of phase with each other unless Bragg's law is met
 for that set of planes, so interference is destructive and adds up to nothing.
 At least that's how I understand it,
 On 07/08/2014 03:53 PM, Kianoush Sadre-Bazzaz wrote:
 If a sample of powder crystal (say Nickel) is shot with monochromatic
x-rays, one will observe reflections from planes that satisfy Bragg's Law.
For Ni the first four planes are (111, 200, 202, 311) with 2theta (44, 52,
76, 93 degrees) respectively. 
   Why doesn't one observe a reflection at, say, 45 degrees? There will be
a grain oriented in the powder such that x-rays reflect at 45 degrees and so
forth. I would expect a continuum of reflections...   
 thanks for the insight.


 * *
 * Gerard Bricogne  *
 * *
 * Global Phasing Ltd. *
 * Sheraton House, Castle Park Tel: +44-(0)1223-353033 *
 * Cambridge CB3 0AX, UK   Fax: +44-(0)1223-366889 *
 * *