[cctalk] Re: Qume 842 8" Disk Drive Question

2024-02-01 Thread Wouter de Waal via cctalk

The drive works perfectly for double sided disks (using the 
appropriate index hole).

Yea, 8" drives are a bit funny like that.

You know this, because context. Some future google-ologist might not.

So. 8" drives have a different index position for SS and DS.

In your case I suspect either the emitter LED or the receiver 
phototransistor ro maybe the wiring or what ever conditioning on the 
PCB is b0rken for the SS sensor.

Assuming of course your drive has two sensors -- I have not yet owned 
an 8" drive like that, the ones I have had were dedicated SS or DS.


[cctalk] Re: VCF SoCal

2024-01-31 Thread Wouter de Waal via cctalk

I have found that computers are much like motorcycles: many of the 
most interesting were never available in the US.

Computers are much like motorcycles: many of the most interesting 
ones were TERRIBLE!


[cctalk] Re: Vmebus

2024-01-31 Thread Wouter de Waal via cctalk

Anyone have a VMEbus system they use at least occasionally? If so, what

I still use a couple of PPC VME boards (DY4 / Curtiss Wright 182/183/184, both
Conduction-Cooled and Air-Cooled) to test the tail end of hardware that we are
still shipping (by now EOL and basically NOS).

But it's work, I don't find them interesting.

If someone here has the warm fuzzies for PPC VME, we can talk :-)


[cctalk] Re: Computhink Eagle 32 - software, docs, info?

2024-01-10 Thread Wouter de Waal via cctalk

Hi all

Oops that went off before I was finished with it.

I suspect that I can figure out from the pattern of I/O accesses 
which devices are at which address in the memory map, at least if I 
bring up an emulation in MAME. That should at least allow writing 
new code for it, and _maybe_ even figuring out which CRT controller 
the video hardware uses and where in the memory map it is. (I 
suspect the 6845 and/or 6847 just from the time period, but who 
knows? Gotta see what it actually do when trying to show the “IPL 
IN PROGRESS” string contained in the ROM, or one of the couple 
error strings…)

As far as I can tell this is where a character gets displayed.

; character in +1(A6)
00FFCE0C : 48E7 C000MOVEM.L  D0,D1,-(A7)
00FFCE10 : 302B 06ACMOVE.W   +1708(A3),D0  ; get something
00FFCE14 : 6122 BSR  $00FFCE38 ; do something
00FFCE16 : 0040 8000ORI.W#$8000,D0
00FFCE1A : 11C0 8001MOVE.B   D0,$00FF8001  ; Low byte
00FFCE1E : E048 LSR.W#8,D0
00FFCE20 : 11C0 8003MOVE.B   D0,$00FF8003  ; High byte
00FFCE24 : 11EE 0001 8005   MOVE.B   +1(A6),$00FF8005  ; Character
00FFCE2A : 0838 0006 801B   BTST #6,$00FF801B  ; Wait 
for a flag

00FFCE30 : 66F8 BNE  $00FFCE2A
00FFCE32 : 4CDF 0003MOVEM.L  (A7)+,D0,D1
00FFCE36 : 4E75 RTS

; Here with something (from $06AC(A3)) in D0
; current guess, it's the cursor position, which then gets translated
; to an X and a Y byte in D0.w

00FFCE38 : 0C2B 0050 06B7   CMPI.B   #$50,+1719(A3)
00FFCE3E : 6628 BNE  $00FFCE68 ; Return
00FFCE40 : 48C0 EXT.LD0
00FFCE42 : 81FC 0050DIVS #$0050,D0
00FFCE46 : 4840 SWAP D0
00FFCE48 : 3200 MOVE.W   D0,D1
00FFCE4A : 4840 SWAP D0
00FFCE4C : ED48 LSL.W#6,D0
00FFCE4E : 0C01 0040CMPI.B   #$40,D1
00FFCE52 : 6C08 BGE  $00FFCE5C
00FFCE54 : 11FC  8013   MOVE.B   #$00,$00FF8013
00FFCE5A : 600A BRA  $00FFCE66
00FFCE5C : 0441 0040SUBI.W   #$0040,D1
00FFCE60 : 11FC 0001 8013   MOVE.B   #$01,$00FF8013
00FFCE66 : 8041 OR.W D1,D0
00FFCE68 : 4E75 RTS

Or maybe it's talking to a chip (not 6845 which is memory mapped or 
7220 which has two registers only) and someone recognises it?


[cctalk] Re: Computhink Eagle 32 - software, docs, info?

2024-01-10 Thread Wouter de Waal via cctalk

Hi all

Chris gave me a copy of the boot ROM and I played around with it a bit.

I threw the 4KB of boot ROM in Ghidra and confirmed a couple things:

- At boot, ROM is mapped to 0, and then remapped either by a write 
to the location or by a cycle counter: The initial stack pointer at 
0x0 is 0x0001fffe and the initial program counter at 0x4 is 
0x00ffc026, indicating the ROM is normally located at 0x00ffc000.
- The ROM freely interchanges addresses in the 
0x00ffc000..0x00ff range and addresses in the 
0xc000..0x range, which is annoying to deal with in Ghidra.

The code takes advantage of the 68000 sign-extend on absolute short 
addressing mode, like move.b #$00, $8011. IDA correctly disassembles 
this to  "move.b  #0,($FF8011).w". I assume Ghidra if sign-extending 
it all the way to 8011?

- I/O devices appear to be in the 0x00ff8000..0x00ffbfff range, all 
of the devices accessed via the bootstrap seem to be barely above 0x00ff8000.
- Only NMI, bus error, interrupt 2, and interrupt 5 are set up by 
the bootstrap.


- The bootstrap is very bare-bones but still has a bunch of 
indirection in it; it’s obviously written in assembly, but it does 
seem to have parameterization so it may support both console and serial I/O.

I suspect either some low-level high-level language, or massive use 
of macros (which is in effect a low-level high-level language :-) Code like:

; Called with A6 pointing to a length and a string address

00FFCA4C : 48E7 8080MOVEM.L  D0,A0,-(A7)
00FFCA50 : 3016 MOVE.W   (A6),D0  ; length
00FFCA52 : 48C0 EXT.LD0
00FFCA54 : 206E 0002MOVEA.L  +2(A6),A0; 
pointer to string

00FFCA58 : 508E ADDQ.L   #8,A6; clear stack
00FFCA5A : 5380 SUBQ.L   #1,D0
00FFCA5C : 6B0E BMI  $00FFCA6C; done
00FFCA5E : 518E SUBQ.L   #8,A6; 
make space on stack again
00FFCA60 : 1D58 0001MOVE.B   (A0)+,+1(A6) ; 
one character on stack

00FFCA64 : 4EB8 C566JSR  $00FFC566
00FFCA68 : 51C8 FFF4DBF  D0,$00FFCA5E ; loop
00FFCA6C : 4CDF 0101MOVEM.L  (A7)+,D0,A0
00FFCA70 : 4E75 RTS

I suspect that I can figure out from the pattern of I/O accesses 
which devices are at which address in the memory map, at least if I 
bring up an emulation in MAME. That should at least allow writing 
new code for it, and _maybe_ even figuring out which CRT controller 
the video hardware uses and where in the memory map it is. (I 
suspect the 6845 and/or 6847 just from the time period, but who 
knows? Gotta see what it actually do when trying to show the “IPL 
IN PROGRESS” string contained in the ROM, or one of the couple 
error strings…)

  — Chris

[cctalk] Re: Computhink Eagle 32 - software, docs, info?

2024-01-05 Thread Wouter de Waal via cctalk

Hi Chris and all

- No video board, whether text or graphics

Since there’s no video board in the system, and a couple of cables 
internally that aren’t attached to anything, I expect it was 
removed by a previous caretaker. This is sad because without one 
it’s unlikely to come up, not that anyone has found any software 
for it. On the other hand, there are zero PALs, so both full reverse 
engineering and maintenance should be straightforward.

I've scanned the press releases and adverts that come up on Google 
and I'm going to wager it was meant
to be used with one or two terminals. Nowhere do they mention a 
display, and the adverts show a box

sitting next to a terminal.

Send me a copy of the ROM binary please?


[cctalk] Re: Microcom S-64 8085 system

2023-10-01 Thread Wouter de Waal via cctalk

Hi Tony and all

It might have run CP/M (which will run on an 8080, and therefore on an
8085). That needs RAM at location  [1].

I know of CP/M, I even used CP/M (on my Apple) but I did not know it
needs RAM at . That's kind of strange, since everything that ran
CP/M (OK, everything -80) has vectors at 0. I guess there was a reason
behind it.

I see the CPU board has a jumper "F000/F800" so I guess it does something
to map that address to 0 after reset.


[cctalk] Microcom S-64 8085 system

2023-10-01 Thread Wouter de Waal via cctalk

Hi all

I re-discovered some eurocards I found in a box at a swapmeet long ago.

It looks like a complete 8085 system. Lots of RAM, 2K EPROM, I/O, FDC.

The strange thing is that the EPROM is mapped at F800, the code in there
looks like 8085 code, and looks like it wants to live at F800. And there's
RAM at .

The DIN41612 A/C 64 pin bus has provision for 16 bits data.

Pics here http://retro.co.za/8085/Microcom/

Anyone maybe have more information on this? I'm curious.


[cctalk] Re: PT-68K

2023-01-07 Thread Wouter de Waal via cctalk

Hi all

I get the digest so I lag.

From: skogkatt...@yahoo.com

It's a IBM PC form factor 68000 based project that was featured in 
Radio Electronics. Anyone remember it or even know what I'm talking 
about? It would be a fun prokect.

Come on over to "List: " there are people 
still running those.

Peter Stark passed away September last year.

There's also Ingo Cyliax' 68030 box, also PC form-factor and ISA.


[cctalk] UK members: Mushroom Components

2022-08-24 Thread Wouter de Waal via cctalk

Hi all

I have before obtained obsolete 8-bit chips from Paul at 
mushroom.co.uk. But now my emails are not answered and their phone 
also doesn't seem to work.

Does anyone know what happened and whether they're still around, or 
whether someone else took over their stock?



Re: Mystery chip SCM44506L

2019-10-10 Thread Wouter de Waal via cctalk

Very likely a semi custom or custom memory device, due to the prefix.

Armed with that and the fact that pin 1 connects to the leadframe I 
figured maybe it's something like the 6830 Mikbug prom -- 0V on 1, 5V 
on 12, data on the left, address on the right. Tried reading it like 
that (for all 16 combinations of chip selects) but 0xFF throughout.

So I popped the lid, stuck it under a microscope. The chip says 
"MCM6816" which is in fact a 1k ROM.

Anyone have more information on the 6816 ROM?



Mystery chip SCM44506L

2019-10-06 Thread Wouter de Waal via cctalk

Hi all

From a friend's estate I have a Motorola 24-pin 0.6" purple ceramic DIP.

7610 B

Any idea what this can be?


Re: Eudora email client source code released

2018-05-24 Thread Wouter de Waal via cctalk

For the last five years I've been working with Qualcomm and others to
allow the Computer History Museum to release the source code of what
was, in my opinion, the finest email client ever written: Eudora.
It's finally done!

Yay! Now someone can fix the bugs :-) (6.2 here. Massive archive of 
emails. The search function is superb).


TRS-80 bits

2018-04-19 Thread Wouter de Waal via cctalk

Hi all

I have a TRS-80 Model 2000 B/W Graphics board and a TRS-80 Card Cage 
kit (upgrade model 12 to model 16B)

Are either of these worth shipping from the antipodes to anyone?


Re: Oki 3305 disk drives

2017-03-15 Thread Wouter de Waal via cctalk

Hi all

OK, following up on my own post here.

I have a couple of Oki 3305BU 1/3 height 5 1/4" drives.

On startup the motor spins and the heads load, but the heads don't
move. Also, my BIOS tells me I have a drive failure.

On taking them apart for a bit of a lube I noticed they have EPROM
8748s inside. Could this be the problem, EPROMs lost data? This would
be a first for me, I have EPROMs from the seventies which are still fine.

I caused (I have people working for me who are really good at this) 
the 8748 to be removed from the one PCB. Reading it in my Expro gives 
me sort-of random results. Looks like some bits are high, some are 
low, and some float all over the place. No two reads return the same 
data, but some bytes are constant over two or three reads and other 
bytes are constant over two or three other reads.

Is this the way an EPROM would fail? Seems reasonable to me.

Anyway, I guess I'm SOL unless I can find a working drive. As far as 
I can tell these were used in the Heath / Zenith 170/170 luggables, 
also in the Morrow Pivot maybe.

Tony would probably just rewrite the firmware. It's only 1024 bytes, 
how hard can it be? :-) Seriously, I am thinking of reading each byte 
say 100 times, averaging that, and then sticking the whole thing 
through a disassembler. But it seems a bit of a mammoth task.


Oki 3305 disk drives

2017-03-08 Thread Wouter de Waal via cctalk

Hi all

I have a couple of Oki 3305BU 1/3 height 5 1/4" drives.

On startup the motor spins and the heads load, but the heads don't 
move. Also, my BIOS tells me I have a drive failure.

On taking them apart for a bit of a lube I noticed they have EPROM 
8748s inside. Could this be the problem, EPROMs lost data? This would 
be a first for me, I have EPROMs from the seventies which are still fine.

Anybody familiar with these drives?




2016-07-13 Thread Wouter de Waal

Hi all

Does anyone have a mirror of bode.ee.ualberta.ca or know where I can find one?

Sheesh the internet's supposed to be a repository but stuff is 
disappearing off of it like there's a black hole somewhere.


Re: Odd disk image format... .552?

2015-12-23 Thread Wouter de Waal

Recently found some long-lost images of 5 1/4" floppies that were sent
to me...  10-15 years ago. Here's one of them:


Looks like a straight image for a 1.44 what we call "stiffy". The 522 
is the version of RP06.

Google leads me to http://www.corestore.org/rp12.htm so you already 
know what it's for :-)


Re: Multitech MicroProfessor

2015-09-03 Thread Wouter de Waal

Possibly a long shot since I think the MPF was only a UK/Europe thing but

At least one made it to South Africa.

But no, I have neither the expansion board nor the manual I'm afraid.