Re: Need picture of power supply mounted in 11/40 cabinet

2021-12-08 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Marc Howard  

> I've got an 11/40 I'm going to start working on. Problem is that there
> are two power supplies (H742 and H7420) that came with it but neither
> was mounted in the rack.

-11/40's in general only have one of those large H742x suppplies in a rack.
The documentation and prints all show only a single one - in fact, the 11/40
power harness (which is specific to the KD11-A backplane, at the CPU end) can
only attach to one. The KB11 machines (-11/45 and /70) use two, but their
harness has provision for two.

I don't know of a DEC document that lists the difference between the H742 and
H7420, but my CHWiki page for them:

gives what I think is a pretty good list; any errors or missing details would
be appreciated.

> Also how is the power cabling routed (I think I'm missing this part)?

That's going to be a hassle, replacing the main harness! Especially since
production of the 8-pin MATE-N-LOK connector shells used to interface to the
H744/etc 'bricks' - part numbers here:

are out of production, although some vendors have residual stocks. Hoard them
while they last!

The "PDP-11/40, -11/35 (21 inch chassis) system manual" (EK-11040-TM-002):

has pretty good coverage of the harness; the back end of Chapter 6 covers it
in detail. That's a lot easier to understand than the FMPS:

so read that before you tackle the prints.

Note that there are two different kinds of harness, depending on whether the
machine has MM11-L (-15V) or MM11-U (+20V) core memory. Unless you're
planning on using one of those, you can probably ignore that, though.

Any questions, ask here right off; we have a lot of expertise! :-) ('My'
first -11 - as in, one I was in charge of - was a -11/40. Fond mempries!)


Re: RK11-C indicator panel inlays?

2021-12-08 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Rod Smallwood

> Let me see what artwork I have

I'm curious as to what you'd be able to find. Like I said, I'm pretty sure
DEC never did an RK11-C inlay; the engineering drawings for the 19" indicator
panel (included in the RF11 engineering drawings:

on pp. 187-188) list many inlays, but not an RK11 one. Also, I've looked
through the RK11-C manual:

but it contains no mention of an indicator panel, which it surely would if
there was one.

> From: Henk Gooijen

> I have *two* DX11 front panels with the 144 lamps & 4 'paddle'
> connections boards. ... Given you have 144 lamps panel with the RK11-C
> front, what would you do to light up the lamps?

Uhhh... plug the paddle boards on the end of the flat cables from the
indicator panel into the pre-wired slots in the RK11-C backplane (see the
RK11-C engineering drawings:

pg. 36)? :-)

Hence my comment that to make use of the _inlay_ I proposed to produce, one
had to have an RK11-C _and_ a spare DEC indicator panel...


Re: Reproduction DEC 144-lamp indicator panels

2021-12-09 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk

> From: Jay Jaeger

> Also, if someone (else, presumably) does up a replica of the indicator
> panel board (perhaps with the option to use LEDs, with some resistor
> packs that could be bypassed for lamps

Two points.

First,there's the question 'are you trying to produce something that just
_looks_ alike, or do you want something that's electrically compatible (i.e.
can be swapped in in place of an original'?

If the latter, it might be going to take a little work; it might not be just
'wire up some LEDs and go'. If you look at the indicator panel prints (pg.
190 of the RF11 prints), the incoming lines are tied to the base of a
transistor; its emitter is tied to ground, and the light bulb is wired
between the collector and +6.5V. This means, I think (I'm basicaly a software
guy :-), that one turns the bulb on by putting a voltage on the input, which
turns the transistor on, and current flows through the bulb to ground. (If I
have that wrong, will someone please orrect me?)

Given that the way TTL works is that 'logic' outputs actually sink currect
when their output is '0' (i.e. current goes _in_ the 'output' pin), it might
take a little work to make the right thing happen. Although maybe not;
looking at the RK11-C prints, it seem to drive the indicator panel straight
from the output of normal gates. I _think_ what happens is that when a gate's
output is '1', the output's voltage floats high, and that's enough to turn on
the transistor (above) driving the bulb. (Ditto the request for correction!)

But the real issue with 'electrically compatible indicator panels' is the
wiring. In the originals, the flat cables that drive them are soldered directly
to the indicator panel board, and also to the paddle boards. So the _only_
standard interface location is the paddle boards.

I suppose one could put Berg headers on both the indicator panel board and
the paddle boards, and use a standard IDC cable betweenthe two...

Mention of the paddle board interface brings me to the second point: even if
one did produce electrically-compatible indicator panels - where are you
going to use them in a PDP-11 system? Not in the CPUs - those all had their
own front panels. The only PDP-11 devices which used indicator panels which I
know of were:

- the DX11 (I don't think anyone's got one of those)
- the RF11 (ditto - although Guy was discussing emulating one at one point)
- the RP11 (but the indicator panel is built into the controller rack there,
  so if one has an RP11, one already has the indicator panel)
- the RK11-C (and several people who have those already have indicator panels)

I agree, the indicator panels look cool - but where are you going to use one
in a historical PDP-11 system?

Sure, one could use either a electrically-compatible or
non-electrically-compatible indicator panel anywhere you want, plugging into
some non-historical hardware, but.. (The non-electrically-compatible
indicator panel Dave did for the QSIC is initially being used in something
which emulates an RK11 and/or RP11, so there's some rationale for it.)


Re: RC11 controller (Was: Reproduction DEC 144-lamp indicator panels)

2021-12-09 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Steven Malikoff

> Was there ever an indicator panel for the RC11? .. I have a set of RC11
> modules .. No backplane though. I've not found any docs for these, I 
> they're probably on bitsavers and have overlooked them.

Looking at the manual and engineering drawings (at BitSavers, as you guessed), 
no lights.

I've added links to those to the CHWiki RC11 page:

The engineering drawings have the wirelist for the backplane, so it would be
possible to wire a new one. (I'm in the process of doing that for my KE11-A.)
Not sure it would be much use without an RS64 drive, though.


Re: Reproduction DEC 144-lamp indicator panels

2021-12-10 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Tony Duell

> I have _two_. But alas nothing to connect them to.

Well, there are still a good flock of machines with IBM channels around, but
_you_ don't have one (I can't blame you :-). I wonder if any of the people
with IBM channel machines have any need to connect to an -11?

Speaking of extant dinosaurs, I wonder if any RF11's still exist?


Cheap PDP-8 boards on eBait

2021-12-11 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
This guy:

has a couple of PDP-8 boards for sale that at the moment are going _really_ 


VAX 780 on eBay

2022-01-01 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk

The starting price is expensive, but probably not utterly unreasonable,
given that:

- the 780 was the first VAX, and thus historically important

- 780's are incredibly rare; this is the first one I recall seeing for sale
  in the classic computer era (versus several -11/70's, /40s, etc)

- this one appears to be reasonably complete; no idea if all the key CPU
  boards are included, but it's things like the backplane, etc (all of which
  seem to be there) which would be completely impossible to find now - if any
  boards _are_ missing, there's at least the _hope_ that they can be located
  (780 boards seem to come by every so often on eBait), since people seem to
  keep boards, not realizing that without the other bits they are useless

Anyway I fully expect it to go (because of those, especially i and ii) for a
_lot_ more than the opening price.

I've sent the seller info on the complete 780 board set, and a suggestion
that it's in their own best interest (maximize bidding) to check to see if
it's complete.


Re: What is a BC01-R

2022-01-02 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Chris Zach

> a M857 board with a RS232 cable on it and BC01R-25 on it.

Anyone know what an M857 is? I guess it might be a DF11 async answer mode? I
found this:

but I think the number there is wrong; I'm not sure exactly which KL10 board
is an 'MBOX Control 3' - it might be the M9537.

> From:Ethan Dicks

> Sounds like it was a generic cable that probably worked with several
> devices.

Yeah, the BC01-R was used with an M957/M970 header card (not sure what the
difference between them is) in the DF11:

Not sure where else.


Re: VAX 780 on eBay

2022-01-02 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Jonathan Chapman

> Last one that went auction-style on eBay went for $1,178.00

When was that?

Do you have any details of the machine's config?

That's a pretty good deal for a 780 (IMO).


Re: What is a BC01-R

2022-01-02 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Chris Zach

>> Anyone know what an M857 is? I guess it might be a DF11 async answer
>> mode? 

> No, it's a single width full height M series board from the early
> 1970's.

Argh, digit swappping on my part.

The _M587_ is in the DN87 FMPS:

(pg. 98); it's a dual-width card, an "Async answer modem" (the DF11-BB).

The BC01-R cable is in there (pg. 89), but I don't see the M857. (Web
searches don't turn it up either.)


Re: 11/785 on ebay (2018) - was Re: VAX 780 on eBay

2022-01-03 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Grant Taylor

> From that last picture, it looks like one of the plugs is five pronged,
> and looks very similar to the 120/208V 30A 3? plug in one of the
> pictures about the current 780 auction.

Not too surprising; the /780 and /785 are basically the same machine. (In
fact, one could convert a /780 to a /785 by pulling out the /780 CPU cards
and replacing them with a set of /785 cards; basically the same cards, with
the 74S chips replaced with 74AS.)


Re: 3-phase power

2022-01-04 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Scott Quinn

> I have seen some roads where the utility has 2 of the phases plus
> neutral going down them, not true 2-phase power, but 2 phases 120/240
> degrees apart with the third phase just not present.

My street has that. The subdivision as a whole has all 3 phases (down the
main road through it), but individual streets off of it have only 1 or 2.
(The whole subdivision is on poles, so it's easy to see.) On the ones with 2,
some houses are connected to one, some to the other.

> I guess they figure twice the loads for only one more wire.

No, because most homes are only connected to one phase. I think the main
reason to do it is that it allows the total load (of the entire subdivision)
to be somewhat balanced across all 3 phases.

> Can't remember what it was called but I do remember seeing in some book
> somewhere about a "phantom 3rd leg" or something

My house has something like that; the previous owner wanted '3-phase service'
for machine tools (I think - could have been a compressor, or something) in
his basement workshop, so they sold him a pseudo-3-phase service. I forget
the exact details of how it works, but the 3rd phase is at 170V to neutral,
or something like that. (So I can't power any 110V outlets off the third

I think the way it works is that the two 'main' phases are 220V to each
other, 110V to neutral (I think from the usual center-tapped transformer off
one of the three main feed phases, i.e. 180 degrees to each other). The third
'pase' is generated by a second, smaller transformer connected to the other
feed phase in some arcane way I forget the details of. So it's 120 degrees
away from the other two.


Re: 3-phase power

2022-01-04 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Jon Elson

> It should be 208V

Oh, right you are. It's been a long time, and I had a distinct memory that it
was less than that, but I looked, and I think that's it. The term for my
flavour of 3-phase is apparently "open wye/open delta"; each leg is 240V to
the others, but only two are 110V to neutral - the "hi leg" (normally
colour-coded orange; normal 3-phase uses black/red/blue) is 208V.

The page Jonathan Chapman sent had a good diagram of how it is wired:

When they were doing some work on the pole decades back, I asked the foreman
how it worked, and he drew a diagram to show me; I had forgotten it, but
seeing that, that is it. The A and C are produced off one feed phase, but the
B comes from the second feed phase.


Re: Mate-n-lok connector for H744 Regulator

2022-01-08 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Rob Jarratt

> Does anyone know what the correct one is?


has all the details.

(If anyone knows of any PDP-11 hardware or UNIX information which is not on
the CHWiki - I'm not interested in DEC PDP-11 software, but if someone would
like to take that on, that would be great - please let me know.)


Re: VAX 780 on eBay

2022-01-09 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> This:
> ...
> Anyway I fully expect it to go ... for a _lot_ more than the opening 

Much to my surprise, it didn't sell at all (although a number of other lots,
likely from this machine, did.)

I'm rather puzzled that an -11/70 will sell for north of $10K, while a /780
can't fetch $5K. I can only guess that PDP-11'S are seen as more important in
the collector world (even though the BSD work, which had such a huge impact on
UNIX, which has now - in the form of Linux - taken over the world, was
centered on the VAX).


Re: The Portable C Compiler (pcc)

2022-01-09 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Tom Hunter

> The original "Portable C Compiler" by S. C. Johnson (also known as
> "pcc") had functional support for the Data General Nova. Could somebody
> please point me to this original implementation?
> ...
> I am looking for the original implementation - not any recent work.

Of PCC, or the Nova version?

The _oriinal_ PCC, released to the world in V7, is there:

That one is dated 1979. I have a slightly later version, from 1982 or so,
which is the 68K one done at MIT. Not sure if either of those is any use to
you, though.


Re: Plessy core memory

2022-01-09 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Chris Zach

> the secondary memory (a Plessy 700101-100) may be shorting the -15 line
> for some reason. Working on it, but does anyone have a manual or
> anything like that for this kind of memory board?

I've got a Plessey core memory manual somewhere, but I can't find it, so I
don't know if it's the one you are looking for. I got it from Paul Birkel; it
was a duplicate, and he scanned his and sent the scan off, but I don't think
it made it online.

> Alternately, what kind of Unibus 16k memory board exists to get a 11/10
> from 16kw to 32kw of memory?

It all depends on what kind of -11/10 you have.

If yours is in a 5-1/4" box, you can't plug a DEC memory card into the SPC
slots that some of the CPU-holding backplane versions have because DEC
memories (other than the ones like the MM11-L and -U, which are multi-board
core systems that require custom backplanes) all require MUD slots, not SPC.

All of the CPU backplanes on that machine are for a _specific_ kind of core
memory (MM11-L or MM11-U), see here:

There are I think some third-party memories which can be used (Dataram,
maybe?) but I don't have time to go into them.

If you have a 10-1/2" box, you can mount a MUD backplane - but you might
still have an issue because the older BA11-D boxes use the old 9-pin power
connectors, and the MUD backplanes (DD11-C, -D, etc) all use the newer 15-pin

(Again, there are some oddball ones, and again, I don't have time to go into

If you're lucky enough to have one of the ones that will take a MUD backplane,
an MS11-E/F/H/J:

would be an option.

  > On a related note, where did +20 come from for Unibus and which systems
  > even supported it? Was it an 11/45,11/70 thing?

The later /05's, /40's and /45's were the first ones to provide +20V, for the
then-new MM11-U. On machines which took H744 'brick's, the _later_ harnesses
could take a H754 +20V, -5V regulator 'brick'. Alternatively, _some_ BA11-L's
(used for the /04 and /34) had the right version of H777:

to provide +20V.


Re: Plessy core memory

2022-01-09 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Chris Zach

> the DD11-B is a MUD backplane

No, it's SPC; other sources, e.g.


So if you have a DD11-B, you must have a BA11-D, with the 9-pin power

The best thing to do is get a DD11-C or -D, and build an adapter cable to go
from a 9-pin male (shell; female pins) to a 15-pin female (shell; male pins),
so you don't have to mess with the harness. Part numbers here:

Then you can plug in any memory you've got the right voltages for; the MS11-E
takes + and -15V (in addition to +5V, of course).


Re: Plessy core memory

2022-01-09 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> an adapter cable to go from a 9-pin male (shell; female pins) to a
> 15-pin female (shell; male pins)

Sigh, shouldn't try to type when I'm this tired. Female 9-pin (to plug into
the BA11-D) to male 15-pin (for the DD11-C/D to plug into).


Re: Plessy core memory

2022-01-10 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Chris Zach

> I'm guessing that the DD11-F is significantly different from the DD11-B?

I assume theat "DD11-F" is a typo; there is, AFAIK, no DD11-F, and a Web
search revealeddidn't turn anything up. (There are DD11-CF and -CK
backplanes, as well as -DF and -DK, but the -CF and -CK differ only in power
harness length.)

> the 11/24 used +12 on the +15 lines. No idea what was wrong with DEC


I'm guessing it used the parts that the IC vendors could provide.

> Don't know what would happen if you plugged a RL11 or other hex height
> card into one of those slots, probably blow everything up.

Not sure. Per:

These are _some_ of the MUD/EUB pin clashes:

  Pin   EUB MUD
  AN1 - A21 - Parity P1
  AP1 - A20 - Parity P0
  BE1 - A19 - Internal SSYN
  BE2 - A18 - Parity Detect

I don't think those would harm anything. Not sure about power pins - and have
no incentive to research it, as I have no need/interest in trying it.

  > I know I ran it with two of these Plessy cards and a RX01 controller but
  > now that I look at it that would be impossible as both were hex cards

Maybe Plessey designed them to go in a DD11-B? I know I've seen other
third-party cards that would go in oddball slots.

> and both could never fit in a 4 slot backplane with enough space for a
> quad spc

Why not? The two hexes in slots 2&3, the quad in 1 or 4.

> a DA11-F Unibus window

Wow; never heard of those. I'll have to do a CHWiki page for them. Luckily,
the maint manual is online. There's also a DA11-B.

> what would happen if I enabled the KT24 Unibus memory map.

All that does is allow DMA devices on the -11/24's UNIBUS access to the
entire main memory:

So if you hooked up an -11/10 to an -11/24 with a DA11-F, then with the UNIBUS
Map on, the -11/10's CPU and/or DMA devices would have access to the entire
EUB memory via the 24's UNIBUS Map, is all.

> This is so much fun!

That _is_ why we collect old computers! ;-)


PDF of FP11-A FMPS available

2022-01-12 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
Just ran across this:

which isn't available online in this form. (This appears to be a different scan
from the one on the Maine Coon site, split up into several TIFF's, as it has
the cover which that one doesn't show.)

As always, history shows that the best way not to lose things is to have
multiple independent copies! So download often!


Re: 8" Floppy Drives needed

2022-01-12 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 12:16 PM Mike Katz wrote:

> I am looking to make a RX01 (and hopefully RX02) disk formatter

Something that can format floppies for the RX01 can effectively format RX02 
floppies, too.

An RX02 drive can convert RX01-formatted floppies to RX02-formatted floppies.

Given how arcane the RX02 format is (sector _headers_ are written in single
density; sector _data_ is written in double) I'd be pretty surprised if
anything except an RX02 can do it.


PDP-11/34 FP11-A on eBait

2022-01-13 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
Speaking of FP11-A's:

I wouldn't mind having one, but not for that much! I wonder how much it
will go for?


Re: Typing in lost code

2022-01-23 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Gavin Scott

> I think if I had a whole lot of old faded greenbar etc. ... Someone may
> even have done this already 


Someone's already done the specialist OCR to deal with faded program listings.


Re: Question about DECtape formulation

2022-01-23 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Gary Oliver

> I've always thought the physical tape wound on a DECtape spool was a
> fairly conventional 'sandwich' of mylar/oxide/mylar ...
> Was there some kind of 'lubricating' coat on the data side? It makes
> sense, but none of my DEC documents or Googling has any mention of
> lubrication ...
> If someone has some detail information on the tape construction, I'd am
> curious to see it.

Dunno if you know of this:

but it doesn't mention any lubrication, just a "Protective Overlay" layer,
over the "Coating" (which I assume is the oxide). I'm a bit surprised that
"some of the data side of the tape came off on the wipe", though, unless the
"various concentrations of isopropanol/water" dissolved the Protective


Re: Question about DECtape formulation

2022-01-24 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Gary Oliver

> Paul - thanks for the bitsavers reference.


In any case, it's Al who really deserves the credit, for finding that document, 
putting it up.


Re: What was a Terminal Concentration Device in DEC's products?

2022-01-29 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Paul Koning

> DH-11 is unusual in that it has DMA in both directions

McNamara's DH11? (I don't know of another DECdevice of that name.) Per:

it's DMA on output only; the input side has a FIFO that has to be emptied by 
the CPU.


PS: I am familiar with the term 'terminal concentrator' from the networking
world, but as a generic term, not the name of a particular product. (Although
Cisco's first boxes may have included a terminal concentrator, so named.)


Re: What was a Terminal Concentration Device in DEC's products?

2022-01-30 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
   > From: Chris Zach

   > Maybe that is the dhv11.

The DH11, DHV11 and DHU11 are all very similar, although not 100.00% program 
(The DHQ11 can be set to exactly emulate either the DHV11 or DHU11.) So, all 
DMA output, but not DMA input.

Differences with the DH11 include two full word registers for DMA address,
hardware ^S/^Q support, built-in diagnostics, etc. The DHV11 and DHU11 differ
in hardware echo, output FIFO, a fix for the infamous DH11 input silo level
bug, etc.


Re: What was a Terminal Concentration Device in DEC's products?

2022-01-31 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Bob Smith

> the original UART was designed by DEC, Vince Bastiani was the project
> lead and designer, Gordon Bell was behind the project, and it may have
> been his idea.

"Computer Engineering: A DEC View of Hardware Systems Design" covers this, in
a footnote on pg. 73.

I seem to recall reading that Ken Olsen was involved in doing early modem
work (presumably on Whirlwind), but maybe my memory is failing, and it was
someone else (like Bell, or someone). Too busy to research it at the moment...


Re: Origin of "partition" in storage devices

2022-01-31 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Paul Koning

> When did Unix first get partitions?

'Partitions' the mechanism, or partitions the term for the mechanism?

The former appeared about V5:

when an RP03 was added; pre-V7, UNIX filesystems were limited to 2^16 blocks,
so the 406*10*20 blocks of an RP03 had to be split up into partitions (called
'sections' or 'pseudo-disks' in the documentation) to make all of it useable.

The latter? No idea...

Partitions may have appeared in DOS/Windows for much the same reason; with 32
KB clusters, FAT16 filesystems were limited to 2GB. I distinctly recall
having to use partitions when I bought a 13GB hard drive for my Windows 95
machine (FAT32 only came in with Windows 95 OSR2).


Re: Origin of "partition" in storage devices

2022-01-31 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Tom Gardner

>  You define logical disks by assigning a logical disk unit number to a
>  file on a physical disk. You can then use the logical disk as though it
>  were a physical disk.

To me, 'partition' implies a contiguous are of the disk; "a file" to me
implies that it might not be contiguous? Or are files contiguous in the RT-11
filesystem? (I know there were filesystems which supported contiguous files.)

This reminds me of the swapping/paging area in Windows 95/98 (maybe other
versions too), which was kept in a file, and therefore might be scattered all
over the physical disk. (Norton disk optimizer would coalesce the swap/paging
area to a contiguous area of the disk.)


KW11-L ON eBait

2022-02-07 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk

I've already got one for my machines that take one!


Re: Anyone live in Minneapolis?

2022-02-08 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Steve at

> There are some vintage tablets in Minneapolis (Eden Prarire) that would
> like, but the seller will not ship.
> Any help?

When dealing with eBaiters who can't/won't ship, I have had good luck with
PakMail (; for a usually reasonable fee, they will go
pick something up, package it properly, and ship it.

In my experience with them, the shipping cost may not have been the absolute
lowest possible I could have secured had I been on the spot, looking around,
but.. I wasn't on the spot, looking around. And they went to the person's
house, picked the thing up, and shipped it.



2022-02-09 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
>>> On Tue, Feb 8, 2022 at 6:18 PM Rod Smallwood wrote:

>>> On the M8266 CPU control board a defective 7404 (E111) has killed a
>>> bunch of the PROMs holding the microcode.

That's pretty astonishing; I've heard of PROMs dropping bits over time, but
I'm a bit amazed to hear of a failure in a TTL gate (the 74S04 is a hex
inverter; its gates are on pg. 7 of the M8266 prints - they produce uPC03-08)
taking out a bunch of other gates connected to it.

>> On Tue, Feb 8, 2022 at 7:04 PM Warner Losh  wrote:

>> I found
>> which has the source code...
>> But I couldn't find the tools to use these files to create microcode
>> images.

Actually, the "m8266_ucode.v.txt" there seems to actually be the program that
produced the symbolic dump (which is also available at:

It looks like the program is in VHDL or something like that, but it doesn't
seem to have the actual microcode (was it stored/defined in another VHDL
file?); that raises the question of where the actual microcode that it was
dumping was.

It might be worth inquiring of Mike Douglas (he runs the DeRamp site) to find
out where the files in "mfe_archive" came from; perhaps the source has, or
knows of, the file which "m8266_ucode.out.txt" was a symbolic dump of - maybe
from a complete KD11-EA simulation in VHDL?

If that's not possible,it would be trivial to extract the PROM contents
(well, partial contents - see below) from the "m8266_ucode.out.txt" file;
each uword entry starts with the lines:

  * PDP-11/34a micro code word for MPC = 000 *
  (MSB is left, indented fields generated by expansion ROMs)
  micro word =  0111 1100  1100 1000 1010 0001   1110 

   from ROM: E105 E103 E104 E100 E98  E97  E99  E106 E107 E108 E109 E110

The address of each uword is the "MPC = xxx" line; the contents of the 12
PROMs, at that address, are given on the "micro word = " line (the
PROMs are 4 bits wide).

If someone explained what format they needed as input for burning new PROMs,
I could easily (like an hour) write a small portable program (using StdIO
only, so it could be compiled and run on _anything_) that read that file in,
and spat out the 12 PROM files. (Most of the dump could be ignored - all the
data that's needed is in that one line.)

BUT (and this is why it would be good to get back to the source of that file),
that's not a complete M8266 ucode PROM dump.

The KD11-EA has a uword address space 1 bit larger than the KD11-E - almost
certainly to support floating point instructions; the KD11-EA adds 'uPC 09'
(although looking its source at the top of pg. 7 of the prints, I don't quite
grok how it is generated - maybe it's fed back through J2 from the FP11-A when
one is plugged in). Anyway, uword addresses run up to 02000 in the KD11-EA,
and the last uword in that dump is 0777.

Interestingly, according to the flow charts of the 'basic' KD11-E/EA ucode in
the prints (indexed and annotated here:

in full), they stop at 0757 - but the dump (in "m8266_ucode.out.txt")
contains uwords that are 'supposed' to be blank (per the flow charts),
as well as above 0757.

So that dump must have been prepared from a copy of the 'new' KD11-EA PROMs -
the ones including the floating point ucode. (Note that the FP11-A _also_
contains ucode, intended to control the stuff on the FP11-A; but the floating
point instructions _also_ use the KD11-A for some stuff - e.g. fetching
operands from main memory. Only the ucode address space is shared.)

> From: Warner Losh

> There's a small chance that the tools.tar.gz link on
> has these, but that's for a
> different module so who knows.

Right, a _completely_ different card - a boot PROM, not a CPU; totally
un-related - and by a different person (Don North).

But just for completeness, I looked in "tools.tar.gz", and it's just
bootstrap PROM stuff.



2022-02-10 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Warner Losh

> Do those chips have ROM numbers on them?

I have updated the:

articles with the DEC part numbers for the i) microcode and ii) instruction
decode PROms.

That's not all the PROMs on the Control card - there are effing bazillions of
the damned things (I suspect they used them to reduce the amount of random
logic, so the CPU'd fit on two boards) - but it's most of them.

I have yet to triple-check them, so there might still be transcription error
or two.

> From: Rod Smallwood

> I am sure somebody will come up with the actual images either the
> original files or derived from what we have.

I wouldn't be too sure of that; silence so far. I have reached out to Mike
Douglas, to ask where the microcode dump on DeRamp came from: perhaps the
originator can help with the missing bits. (Although perhaps I should ask Al
K; BitSavers also has the dump, and it's older, so perhaps that copy came
from the originator.)

> We have narrowed the problem down.
> Its the instruction decode ROM's that are the issue.
> The images of those are whats needed.

All of them? Or is just one failed?

I'm wondering if you've just had a single one lose a bit or two; that's
somewhat common in old PROMs. The chip you reported as failing (E111) almost
certainly couldn't have taken out an instruction decode PROM, it's nowhere
near them.

I ask because we have absolutely nothing on those PROM's contents. With the
microcode PROMs, we at least have the contents in symbolic form (see pg. 15
of MP00082; alas, we don't seem to have the KD11-EA equivalent of Table 7-15
from EK-FP11A-TM-002), but for all the instruction decode PROMs - nada.
Absolutely nothing.

But if they're _mostly_ there, with the partial contents, and a description
of the failure mode (e.g. 'SETC doesn't set the C bit'), we might be able to
work out what bit got dropped.

Failing that, someone's going to have to volunteer to unsolder a set, and
read them out - at least, I assume that's what would have to be done. Perhaps
a logic analyzer could be attached to an instruction decode ROMwhile the CPU
ran diagnostics, and eventually a complete readout of the contents


Re: Is The M9312 Boot Module Essential?

2022-02-19 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Rob Jarratt

> is the M9312 essential to ever get this machine to boot up an operating
> system?

Interesting question. I don't have my -11/24 running yet, so this reply is
theoretical, not tried in practice (and as we all know, the difference
between theory and practice is even larger in practice than it is in theory),
but here goes.

The M9312 basically provides two things: 1) UNIBUS termination, and 2)
boostrap ROM.

To further subdivide the former, it provides 1A) analog termination (i.e. a
resistance at the end of a transmission line that prevents reflections of
signals passing down the otherwise un-terminated transmission lines of the
bus), 1B) pullups (so those transmission lines normally float at roughly 3V,
unless actively driven by one of the boards plugged into the bus) and 1C)
'SACK turnaround' (a start-up 'safety check' where an un-requested - and thus
'un-grabbed' by any device - bus grant from the CPU on start-up is 'turned
around' by the terminator; this verifies that the grant lines are un-broken
between the CPU and the terminator - e.g. by someone forgetting to plug in a
grant jumper).

1A is not _absolutely_ necessary; this can be seen in small QBUS systems (the
QBUS is, at the analog level, sort of identical to the UNIBUS; this an be
seen in the use of the same transceiver chips, such as 8641's, on both) which
can get away without 1A in small configurations. Whether it's needed on your
-11/24 is hard to predict, theoretically; the easiest thing is to just try
it and see. Note: it may 'work' without it, but not be as _reliable_ as with

1B _is_ necessary, but can be provided anywhere on the bus; most UNIBUS/QBUS
CPUs have it built in, and so does the KDF11-U of the -11/24: see pg.  of

1C is required by _some_ UNIBUS CPUs (ISTR that the -11/04 won't run without
it), but the KDF11's in general don't; e.g. the -11/23 definitely runs
without it. The KDF11-U might have outboard circuitry to require it, but I'm
too lazy to grovel over the prints to see. Easiest to just try it and see.

For 2, it all depends on what you're booting from. E.g. the RK11 has a simple
enough bootstrap that you can just enter it manually (although it gets old
after a while - I remember re-'programming' (think 'soldering iron' :-) a
castoff BM-792 someone gave us for our -11/40 so I wouldn't have to).

But if you're loading it over the console serial line, e.g. with PDP11GUI,
you don't need any ROM bootstrap - the built in console ODT will be enough.
You can also load a bootstrap that way; I was booting off the QSIC RK11 with
a boostrap loaded over the console serial line; that was faster than the
bootstrap in the BDV11. This requires finding - or writing - a bootstrap,
which for later DEC mass storage controllers is not trivial.


TLDR version - probably not!


Re: Is The M9312 Boot Module Essential?

2022-02-19 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Rob Jarratt

> I suspect some of the other cards that were in the machine might do the
> necessary termination stuff.

Different answers for each part of the functionality.

1A and 1C fundamentally have be at the end of the bus, physically. So,
unlikely; since _other_ cards aren't, generally, designed to go there.

1B could be anywhere, but I've basically never seen anything but a CPU or a
terminator with 1B functionality - probably in part because the same physical
components uually do both 1A and 1B. (Oddball exception: M981 UNIBUS jumper,
in the -11/40 - but that's 'sort of' part of the CPU.)

2, yes. E.g. the KT24 UNIBUS map has sockets to hold bootstrap PROMs.
(Compatible with the M9312's.) Others, too; e.g. the KTJ11-B UNIBUS adapter
(although that is not seen in an -11/24). Maybe others, but I can't recall
off the top of my head.


KK11-A cache for -11/34A on eBait

2022-02-19 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
Anyone want a KK11-A:

US$200 sounds like a lot, I know, but KK11-A'S and FP11-A's are going for that
much; an FP11-A just went for US$250. And KK11-A's are rare; this is he first
one in a while.


Re: Is The M9312 Boot Module Essential?

2022-02-19 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Jay Jaeger

> SACK turnaround capability so that the machine doesn't hang accessing
> an address that doesn't respond on the UNIBUS.

Umm, I think you're mixing up i) grant timeouts and ii) master-slave

All PDP-11 CPUs have master-slave timeout handling; after a short delay
(10usec or so) with no SSYN (UNIBUS) or BRPLY (QBUS), they resume processing,
and take an immediate trap. Most OS's (UNIX, for sure) use this when they are
sizing memory.

Grant timeouts are less well-documented. I think most CPUs deal with this (not
receiving a SACK 'fairly quickly' in response to a grant); I think they
basically just ignore t, and keep processing. (That is because there are
legitimate causes for not having a grant ackknowledged; e.g. if a device is
requesting an interrupt, and then just as the CPU sends out a grant, the
device is reset, the device won't respond to the grant, since it's no longer
trying to do an interrupt.)

The 'SACK turnaround' I think is only used with system health verification;
the system wants to make sure that the grant lines aren't broken anywhere.
(That's because _if_ a grant line is broken, devices downstream of the break
can no longer do interrupts, which generally _will_ hang the overall system,
when interrupts don't work as usual.) To do this, the CPU sends an
_un-requested_ grant out (on startup), and the SACK turnaround circuitry on
the terminator turns it around and sends it back to the CPU; when the CPU sees
that, it knows the grant line has no break.

It probably caused more problems than it caught, which is my guess as to why
no QBUS machine has/uses it.

The -11/34 (not the /34A) has something unusual for grant timeouts, but I
forget the details. I'll look it up.


Re: Is The M9312 Boot Module Essential?

2022-02-20 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
So, I've made what I think is a significant discovery about the -11/34:

> 1B _is_ necessary, but can be provided anywhere on the bus; most
> UNIBUS/QBUS CPU [pullups] have it built in

I was wrong. Neither the KD11-E nor the KD11-EA has built-in termination and
pull-ups (those are both done with one set of components). I haven't yet
checked, but it may be the only PDP-11 CPU of which that is true

Without _something_ doing the latter of the above, the UNIBUS won't function
at all. (The UNIBUS signal lines mostly operate as negative-logic wired-OR;
the pull-ups float it high for '0', and any board pulls it low to send a '1'.
No pull-ups, then..)

This is almost certainly the reason that the manual calls for the use of
either an M9301 ROM or M9312 ROM (which include bus termination) at the start
of their UNIBUS, in slot 3 or 4 of the CPU's backplane.

(The M7859 of the KY11-LB doesn't have pull-ups either; so in a system with a
set of KD11-E/EA cards, and a KY11-B, and nothing else, the KY11-B won't be
able to examine UNIBUS locations - even though in a system with _just_ a
KY11-B, and one of M9301/M9302/M9312, and NO KD11-E/EA, the KY11-B _can_
do UNIBUS operations.)

A system with just an M9302, and no M9301/M9312, will _probably_ work, even
though the UNIBUS is only terminated at one end (see my previous post, about
QBUS termination on one end only); the M9302 will provide the pull-ups needed
for the UNIBUS to function (above).

I have also made a number of interesting discoveries about the SACK
turnaround; I'll put them in a reply to Fritz's message.


Re: Is The M9312 Boot Module Essential?

2022-02-20 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> Neither the KD11-E nor the KD11-EA has built-in termination and pull-ups
> ... I haven't yet checked, but it may be the only PDP-11 CPU of which
> that is true

Also the KD11-D of the -11/04.


Re: rotron caravel fan used in DEC and other cabinets

2022-02-20 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Vincent Slyngstad

> I had to replace one of those recently

Where did you source the replacement? I need a few.


Re: Is The M9312 Boot Module Essential?

2022-02-21 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
>> On Feb 19, 2022, at 10:51 AM, Noel Chiappa wrote:

>> The -11/34 (not the /34A) has something unusual for grant timeouts,
>> but I forget the details. I'll look it up.

And here it is...

> From: Fritz Mueller

> I think you are thinking of the M9302, Noel: a far-side terminator card
> with integrated SACK turnaround?

No; the M8264 Sack Timeout module. What's an M8264, you say? Well, there's
next to nothing in print about them, but I think I've managed to assemble
enough distant clues to work out their story.

Start with EK-11034-OP-PRE2 (I have a hard-copy of it); it gives a clue as to
how it all started. In 3.10.2, "End-of-Bus Terminator", it says:

  "As a result of this [SACK turnaround] circuitry [on the M9302], the SACK
  timeout feature found on other processors is not required"

So if i) a device requests a grant, and then drops the request at _just_ the
right time (so a grant gets sent out when there's no device waiting to grab
it), and ii) there's a break in that grant line (maybe a missing grant
continuity card) before it gets to the M9302, which can turn it around as a
SACK , then ... the KD11-E CPU will hang!

The M8264 was apparently the first attempt to deal with this.

Like I said, there's next to nothing in print about them. EK-11034-UG-001, in
Section 1.2, "System Description", does list "M8264 SACK Timeout module
(11/34 only)" in the list of components - but says nothing else _at all_
about it!

There is one page of circuit diagram of it, in:

on pg. 149. The rest of the prints for it (e.g. the PCB layout) aren't there,
but I happen to have one - it's a quad board with only a few components on
it. Looking at the circuit diagram, it's mostly just a 9602 retriggerable,
resettable one shot. (There's also a synchronous 4-bit up/down counter, but
that's just there to count events, and display the count in some LEDs -
probably just to make sure it isn't happening too often.)

Since I'm not a real hardware type, I'm not absolutely certain just from
looking at the circuit diagram exactly what it does, or how, but
EK-KD1EA-MM-001 Section, "No-SACK Timeout Circuitry", shows a very
similar circuit, and says it "asserts BUS SACK ... [if the device] does not
assert SACK within 22 usec after a grant line has been enabled." Presumably
the M8264 does the same thing.

Interestingly, that circuit appears in the KD11-EA prints on pg. K2-10; the
KD11-E prints have a blank space on that page where this circuit is in the
KD11-EA prints.

Since the M9302 appears in EK-11034-OP-PRE2, with SACK turnaround, I deduce
that the M8264 was produced _after_ that came out, and post-dates the M9302,
to fix the potential CPU hang issue I described - and was later dropped when
the -11/34 switched to the KD11-EA, with that circuit built in.

I'll do a page on the CHWiki about the M8264, and include an image of one.

I figure I might use my M8264 on my -11/04, which also doesn't have SACK
timeout (on the BG lines, for sure; it looks like it might have it on the NPG
line). The M8264 doesn't tie into the CPU, it just looks at UNIBUS lines, so
it can be plugged into any UNIBUS machine (near the start of the bus, since
the grant lines it monitors are wired sequentially).


Re: PMI memory on an -11/93 (Was: Installing an operating system on an 11/83)

2022-02-22 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Bill Gunshannon

> Just wish I could get some PMI memory for that 93.

?? The KDJ11-E in the -11/93 comes with a minimum of 2MB on the CPU card.
That's enough for almost 16 maximum-sized processes (assuming they aren't
sharing program texts - almost double that, if they are). Does one really
need more than that for vintage retro use?

Besides, the on-board memory operates at full speed (same as cache memory on
the KDJ11-B); even if you added PMI memory, the KDJ11-E has no cache, so it
would be a _lot_ slower than the on-board memory.


PS: Can people _please_ trim messages they are replying to, so we don't all
have to scroll down past a bunch of irrelevant drek? Thank you.

Re: 'dd' for Windoze (Was: cctalk Digest, Vol 89, Issue 21)

2022-02-22 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Rod Smallwood

> dd is a linux command.

UNIX, actually. (V5, I think:

There no 'man'page for it in V4. Anyway...)

> I only have windows PC's.

There are Windoze versions. I've used this one:

with success (under XP; probably works under others, too).


Re: PMI memory on an -11/93 (Was: Installing an operating system on an 11/83)

2022-02-22 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Christian Gauger-Cosgrove

> From the KDJ11-E module user's guide ... the solder-side of the CD
> fingers is left unpopulated, but for the +5 and ground pins.
> The only PMI compatible option then would be the KTJ11-B UNIBUS adapter.

I forget how the -11/84-94 backplane is wired (it's wierd - the QBUS CD slots
are bussed together in a group, they're not in pairs like an ordinary Q/CD
backplane - but I forget the fine details), but how does the PMI get from the
CPU to the KTJ11, then? I know on the same backplane, it supports PMI memory
cards with the KDJ11-B.

And speaking of the KDJ11-B, I just looked at one, and _it_ doesn't have any
lands on the C/D connectors, side 2, either! Probably because the PMI only uses
side 1 lands:

Given that the KDJ11-E can do master-slave cycles through the KTJ11-B (to
read UNIBUS device registers), it has to be able to do master-slave cycles on
the PMI. What I don't know is whether, on a 2MB KDJ11-E, it will try and send
memory reads for locations > 2MB out the PMI, or whether all reads below the
UNIBUS address space (in 22-bit address terms) are sent to the local memory

Someone with a 2MB KDJ11-E should try it...


Re: Is The M9312 Boot Module Essential?

2022-02-24 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
First, a minor correction:

> the M8264 Sack Timeout module ... there's next to nothing in print
> about them

There is also some coverage in EK-KD11E-TM-001, at: Section "M8264
NO-SACK Timeout Module" (pg. 4-41, pg. 87 of the PDF), which I found while
looking for parity stuff (below).

> From: Fritz Mueller

> The KD11-E is pretty bare boned... Parity handling was also a quad "add 

??? The KD11-E/EA doesn't do much with parity (below), so at first I thought
that maybe you were thinking of the M7850 Parity Controller (which is
actually a memory option, not KD11-E/EA specific; more below), but that's a
dual card.

The KD11-E/EA does not (like most PDP-11's) calculate parity; PDP-11 memory
units do all the work, and signal 'parity error detected' to the CPU over the
UNIBUS (using the PB line); the CPU will trap when it sees that (if enabled;
the KD11-E and -EA can disable recognition of parity errors, with jumpers).

See Section, "Parity Errors", in EK-KD11E-TM-001 (at pg. 4-45, pg. 91
of the PDF); the circuit diagram is on page K2-1 of the KD11-E/EA FMPS.

The M7850 has to be in the same backplane as the memory, but that can be a
different backplane from the one holding the CPU. So it can be 15' away, at
the other end of a UNIBUS cable.

Anyway, can you say more about the parity add-on?

>> So if i) a device requests a grant, and then drops the request at
>> _just_ the right time ... and ii) there's a break in that grant line
>> ... before it gets to the M9302, which can turn it around as a SACK ,
>> then ... the KD11-E CPU will hang!

> I believe a broken grant chain with an M9302 in place on the far side
> results in the grant being pulled up at the M9302, and then continuous
> assertion of SACK, hanging the processor straight out the gate.

Oh, right you are! (I'm glad _your_ brain is runed on - unlike mine! :-)

I happen to have an -11/04 (the -11/34's sibling) on the bench in my work
room, with one of Guy's very useful UA11's plugged into it. (BTW, the UA11:

is fantastically useful as a UNIBUS debugging tool. Everyone working on
UNIBUS machines should have one.) So I thought I'd go try an experiment.

It turned out to be a bit more complicated than I thought, but you're
basically right: a break in the grant lines (e.g. missing grant continuity
card) causes the downstream card to 'see' 'phantom' incoming grants (open TTL
inputs float high), and signal a grant on from there; and if there's an M9302
at the end of the bus, it will see that and jam SACK on.

The complication was that when I powered the machine on, it turned out that
something was asserting SACK when the machine was halted; if I put it into a
'BR .' loop, that goes away. I looked, and the KD11-D doesn't even _have_ a
SACK driver! So I tried un-plugging the KY11-LB, and the 'SACK on halt' went
away. (That machine has core, and I set the power-on vector to halt the

Looking at the KY11-LB manual, it does in fact assert SACK (after it has sent
the KD11 a 'halt request, and receives a 'halt acknowledge'), to recognize
the CPU's acknowledgement of the halt request. (I have yet to check and see if
the KY11-LB asserts SACK if the CPU halts on its own accord - probably 'yes',
but that's a project for tomorrow.)

The thing that's puzzling me is that the M8264 seems to exactly replicate the
functionality of the M9302, with an 'unused' bus grant being turned into a
SACK. So I don't understand the point of the M8264. Whether the cause of the
grant is a rare timing window of a bus request being cancelled, or a broken
grant line; with an M9302 in the system, a SACK will result. 

The only difference between the two is that because of the way grant lines
are wired, the M8264 will not respond to a broken grant line 'downstream' of
the M8264.

The M8264 does add this capability to a system using an M930 terminator - but
just switching to an M902 would be simpler. And the M9302 pre-dates the
M8264, as we can see from EK-11034-OP-PRE2. So I'm really quite confused as
to what the point of the M8264 was.


RE: Is The M9312 Boot Module Essential?

2022-02-25 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Mattis Lind

> What about the M9300 board? Do you have an idea what the purpose is of
> that card? 

Yes, that one's well-documented and understood.

It's intended for use on the 'B' UNIBUS of the RH11-AB, in deployment
configuratons where that UNIBUS is in use, but there's no CPU on it to
respond to NPR bus requests.

pg. 11 for an example; the 'B' UNIBUS of the -11/45 is used for a separate
path into the 45's dual-port FASTBUS memory.)

On such a UNIBUS, the M9300 is used at the start of the bus, and is jumpered to
allow on-board circuitry to respond to an NPR with an NPG.It also has a SACK
timeout capability, documented in:

on pp. 69-70, but I'm not fully familiar with that.


RE: Is The M9312 Boot Module Essential?

2022-02-26 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
>> (I have yet to check and see if the KY11-LB asserts SACK if the CPU
>> halts on its own accord - probably 'yes', but that's a project for 

Yes, it does. I toggled in the following program:


(what, you all can't program a PDP-11 in octal? :-) and hit 'start' and the
SACK light on the UA11 flashed out and came back on when the machine finally

So then I looked at CPU tech manual for the KD11-E, and the HALT instruction
seems to act exactly like the console has requested a processor halt; it just
sets the HLT RQST signal (see Section 4.5.5 "Operate Instructions").

So, either (console halt, or a HALT instruction) will cause the identical
response in the processor; see Section 4.10.3 "Halt Grant Requests": the CPU
sends HLT GRANT to the console, which returns SACK. As long as SACK is
asserted, the processor waits with its clock inhibited:

  "The user can maintain the processor in this inactive state (Halted)
  indefinitely. When the HALT switch is released, the user's console releases
  BUS SACK L, and the processor continues operation"

This text is obviously for the KY11-LA; the KY11-LB will operate identically:
when the console releases SACK, the processor resumes operation.

> From: Fritz Mueller

>> when I powered the machine on, it turned out that something was
>> asserting SACK when the machine was halted

> That is quite interesting, and not what I would have expected!

Yes, I was quite surprised; I didn't expect that either. Now that I know that
the KY11-LB uses it to talk to the KD11, I can work around it, though.

I'll have to write all this up to warn others about it.

>> The thing that's puzzling me is that the M8264 seems to exactly
>> replicate the functionality of the M9302, with an 'unused' bus grant
>> being turned into a SACK. So I don't understand the point of the M8264.

> I think the only difference would be that since the M8264 is timer
> based, it doesn't need the intact end-to-end path required for
> turnaround. So your bus won't lock even if you have a broken grant
> chain or a poorly behaved or hung device eating grants.

You are right about it being timer-based, but I'm not sure the conclusion
follows, at least exactly as stated.

If there's a broken grant chain, then as you originally pointed out, the M9302
will jam SACK on. The M8264 could not even be there, and nothing would be any
different. Same thing if the CPU asserts a grant in response to a now-removed
interrupt request: the M9302 will jam SACK on, etc, etc.

I'm racking my brain to think up _any_ circumstance in which the M8264 will
assert SACK. in which the M9302 wouldn't. Thinking it through, there has to
be a grant, but it can't get to the M9302 (because otherwise it would do its
thing), but that failure to get there can't be simply a broken grant chain
(ditto). So some device has to be malfunctioning: not passing a grant along,
but eating it. So either a hard-failed component in the grant-passing
circuit, or some design flaw. (It can't be a glitch; it has to be a permanent
thing which prevents passing the grant.)

I suppose that's possible, but I can't see any othey way.


Re: DEC ME11-L core memory expansion unit drawings

2022-03-25 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Steven Malikoff

> I have finally got around to scanning the print set for the DEC ME11-L
> memory expansion unit

Ah, thanks for that. The prints for the boards are available, in the
PDP-11/05 Engineering Drawings (on pp. 115-137), but the MF11-L backplane was
previously missing. (The -11/05 generally mounts MM11-L sets in the main CPU
backplane, so the MF11-L backplane is not included in the -11/05 prints.) It
is the non-parity MF11-L backplane (DEC part number 54-09959), not the parity
one (part number 54-10331), though. (My theory is that the non-parity version
can be upgraded to parity with an etch cut, and some added wires, FWIW.)


RE: PDP 11/24 - A Step Backwards

2022-03-27 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Rob Jarratt

> today I went back to it to check things a bit more carefully. All the
> power outputs of the PSU appear nominal.
> ...
> Presumably, whatever the part is, it is stopping the CPU working,
> because previously the CPU did appear to show some activity, although
> of course it could still be a failure on the CPU. I am not sure what
> other outputs the CPU might depend on. There is the LTC signal for the
> line time clock, but I don't know if its absence would stop the CPU
> working. I have not been able to test the LTC signal as yet.
> Can anyone suggest what else the CPU might need? Or is it LTC?

I'm going to start with some meta-comments, and then add some practical
suggestions for how to proceed.

Reading this, I'm guessing that you're a software person, right? Not that
there's anything wrong with that (_I_'m basically a sofware engineer), but if
one is going to collect and run (which inevitably means maintain/repair - it
was ever thus, including BITD) vintage computers, you need to have mildly
decent hardware skills. Yes, to some degree, one can lay this off on others
(as has been done here with the power supply - something I'd do myself, as my
analog skills are not very good), but I think developing some decent digital
hardware understanding would really help.

For instance, take your question about the LTC. To some degree, a complete,
entirely accurate answer is dependent on the details of the software
(bootstrap and/or OS). However, knowing how the LTC works, what the low-level
details are of what the CPU hardware does with it, etc would tell you whether
it is a cost-effective (in terms of overall 'getting the hardware working'
project) thing to spend time on looking at, to begin with.

(Parenthetical observation: I reckon that debugging _any_ issue, hardware
_or_ software, is a process of 'what's the _cheapest_ [easiest, quickest,
etc] test I can do that will produce the _maximal_ reduction in the area that
the bug could be in. Rinse, repeat, until you've tracked the problem to its

(You may discover, once you get the machine mostly working, that the LTC
_specifically_ isn't working - at which point you can dive into it in detail.
But until then, I'd ignore it. It's a relatively small aount of stuff, and the
chance of a problem in there is small. And even if it's broken, the likely
effects are small. There are better things to look at - below. Having a clear
understanding of the machine's major functional units, and how they interact,
would have made that clear.)

So, in addition that that overview of the major functional units, you
definitely need to know how the QBUS works (read the QBUS chapter in the
"Microcomputer Products Handbook" or the "Microcomputer Processors"
books). (Yes, I know, the -11/24 is a UNIBUS machine, but the two busses
differ only in extremely minor details; if you fully understand one, you can
learn the other in half an hour. And the -11/24's CPU is a KDF11 CPU, and uses
the microcode ODT 'front panel' of the QBUS CPUs.)

Having said that, and starting with the "All the power outputs of the PSU
appear nominal" (which rules out a large area), this is the process I'd
follow to reduce the area the problem is in as quickly as possible. (And
maybe I should transform this into a 'fault analysis of QBUS (and some
UNIBUS) PDP-11 systems' on the CHWiki.)

You need to see if the CPU is _basically working. Two stages to that: i) is
the ODT 'front panel' (in microcode) working, ii) is the CPU basically
functional - i.e. can it fetch and execute instructions. Answers to those
will greatly reduce the area in which the problem (if there's _only_ one - a
possibility one must keep in mind).

The first will tell you that i) the CPU is basically functional, executing
micro-instructions, etc; ii) that the bus is basically functioning (for
master-slave cycles; DMA and interrupts will remain to be checked out); iii)
that the console port is working. (Yes, on the KDF11-U, the console is on an
internal bus, and so in theory a machine could have the ODT 'front panel'
working, _and_ still have a problem with the bus, but depending on the exact
details of said problem, maybe not.)

So, hook up a console, set the machine to 'halt', and power on. Is console ODT
working? If so, congrats, you win, go to stage ii) below.

If not, you have a reduced area in which you have to investigate - and you'll
need a 'scope of some kind to make any progress. (If you don't have one,
you're SOL. Get one.). In order i) is the CPU's internal clock (and thus,
probably the microcode) running? (At this point you will need to consult the
"PDP-11/24 System Technical Manual", EK-11024-TM.) If so, is it trying to
talk to the console's registers? (See Section 4.6 of the TM, "Internal
Address Decode".) If so, is the UART working properly? (4.7 of the TM,
"Serial Line Units".)

If so, console ODT is running, you're now at stage ii): you can see if the
CPU will

RE: PDP 11/24 - A Step Backwards

2022-03-28 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: "Rob Jarratt"

> Thanks for the lengthy reply.

Glad to help - or try to.

> As an aside I have also been trying to find a fault on a Pro 350 which
> uses the same CPU chipset. I have a pinout but no datasheet.

There doesn't seem to be as lot on the F-11 set. I looked in the DEC
semiconductor handbook, and  it's not there - although perhaps it
had been dropped by the one I looked at (which was mostly uVAX stuff)
as obsolete?

If you look in the KDF11-A and KDF11-U Tech Manuals, there is a chapter on
the F-11 chip set, as used in those cards, and that's better than nothing -
it talks a fair amount about the low level details of how the various chips
operate and interact, etc.

> I don't think the CPU is working at all. The reason being that there is
> absolutely no LED activity. Including an LED that is supposed to indicate
> a clock.

Looking at the KDF11-U prints, I finally found that LED (it's pretty low
level - I was worried that it might be a bit in a register, and driven by
software, but it's not, it's actually driven directly by the the CPU's
internal clock signal; it's on page K1 of the prints, 'Clock, State Decode',
in the very upper left corner). (The source of the CPU's internal clock is
just an RC circuit, in the lower middle of that page, and the trim pot that's
part of it - along the upper edge of the board - can be adjusted to set the
clock speed 'properly', per the note at the back of the prints on the page
which lists the configuration switches. The 2MHz crystal along the upper edge
drives the baud rate generator.)

> Having hopefully eliminated all the power voltages it left me wondering
> if there was a fault on the CPU or in the PSU.

If ODT isn't running, the problem is almost certainly in one of those two

> Having had activity on those LEDs recently it seems most likely that it
> will be the PSU, particularly as *something* in there blew up.

I'm not so sure. Those boards mostly just want +5V; looking a bit more, the
CPU chips do seem to use +12V. The RS232 drivers will use +/-12V.

I'm afraid that if i) it used to show activity, but no longer does so, and
ii) the main voltages (+5V, +12V) look good, something on the CPU card has
failed. But it will take a bit of digging to i) verify that, and ii) identify
the fault.

> The only signal that I can identify that seems likely to have this kind
> of effect is LTC, but I don't know enough about LTC to know if its
> absence could cause the CPU board not to work at all, although I see
> above that you think it unlikely.

I have yet to trace how the LTC signal is used in the KDF11-U, but on the
KDF11-A, it not being there is a total NOP. (In fact, in the BA11-N/S type
mounting boxes, there's a 'Clock Enable' switch on the front panel which turns
the LTC signal off - and the machine runs fine with it off - except for the
TOD clock not ticking.) That clock signal - totally different from the main
CPU clock - is only used as an input to what is in effect a peripheral.

> I had a console attached. There is nothing on the console. When I first
> got the machine I did get output on the console.

Not a good sign, alas.

If you have a scope of some kind, and want to keep poking, I'd recommend that
you start by seeing if the clock is running, and move forward from there. The
KDF11-U prints are online, as is the KDF11-U Tech Manual. Skim the chapter on
the CPU (4, I think), and then grovel around in the prints for a bit. Don't
try to totally understand it all, just skim through it, so you know roughly
where most things are.


RE: PDP 11/24 - A Step Backwards

2022-03-29 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Brent Hilpert

> But the LED and CPU clock are not driven directly by that RC oscillator
> - there's a bunch of logic in-between the oscillator and the LED / CPU
> clock.

Oh, sure; it was late (for me; the dog woke me up at AM today :-), and it had
taken me a while to get even that far (find the freakin' thing), so I just
wanted to pass the ball forward and crash!

I saw the "STOP OSC H" signal feeding into the production of "PRE OSC L", but
couldn't fully work out all the things that fed into that - and it now looks
like that's not an important thing anyway, "MCLK H" is the one to look at.

> [RC clock] => K1 OSC H/L
>   --> [4-bit counter w parallel load] => K1 MCLK H/L
>   --> LED

It seems to me that the LED, being driven directly by MCLK L, should be
flashing at the basic clock rate (i.e. dim to the eye) - so if it's totally
off, MCLK L must not be running. So that's thing absolutely numero uno to

>   --> [driver] => K1 CHIP CLK H (fonz CPU clock)

Yeah; the Fonz also gets "MCLK L" on pin 19, though - not sure what that's
for. Eh, not important at the moment.

> The 4-bit counter looks to be generating some additional phases

Yeah, section 4.2 "Timimg" of the -11/24 TM talks about all the various
clocks in some detail.

> but it's also controlled by a bunch of other signals. One of those
> signals is K6 BUF DCLO L which can hold the counter in reset, i.e.
> disable the Master/CPU clock (and LED). K6 BUF DCLO L is derived
> on-board from K2 P FAIL H

Huh? BUF DCLO L is just BUS DCLO L, run through that DS8641 bus transceiver.

But yes, because DCLO can stop the clock, checking ACLO and DCLO is priority
numero uno in the debugging process, now. (Contrary to my previous fear, the
CPU might be OK, and it might just be a power supply issue.)

> which is derived from K2 BUS ACLO L

I haven't bothered to check to see where BUF ACLO L (generated on K2) goes,
but I assume it's used in power-fail trapping stuff. (ISTR that PDP-11 PS's
sequence ACLO before DCLO, to allow power-fail trapping, before the machine is
frozen as DC power actually goes low.) Likewise, not important at the moment.

> which is input from BF1-in-funky-hex-box which I presume is a bus
> connector pin.

Yes; the ID ("BF2") is an indicator to that.

> Even if ACLO is good, there's a whack of logic on the CPU board -
> including two monostables - just to get from ACLO to DCLO

The import of those two monostables isn't completely clear to me. However,
notice that the output is fed through the DS8641 bus transceiver to _drive_
BUS DCLO; my _guess_ is that there's a delay between the PFAIL H input (which
comes from BUS ACLO L) and _the CPU_'s assertion of DCLO - i.e. if the P/S
goes bonkers and indicates ACLO, and doesn't promptly (after a suitable short
delay to allow for power-fail action) follow it with DCLO, as it is
_supposed_ to, the CPU will indicate DCLO on its own - and do it on the bus
so everbody else will freeze too.

Anyway, I think we've got as far as we can until ACLO and DCLO are checked.

I'm upgrading the CHWiki KDF11-U page to cover the stuff that's not in the
CPU chapter of the -11/24 TM, like the meaning of those on-board LED's, etc.


Re: Loss of Museum in Ukraine

2022-03-29 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Murray McCullough

> One can only hope that D. Cherepanov can rebuild his museum someday

Is _he_ OK? (There are too many who aren't.)


Re: PDP 11/24 - A Step Backwards

2022-03-30 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Rob Jarratt

> I found these two signals and ACLO is low (-15V)

'Good news, bad news'...

Bad is that something is seriously wrong there; 'allowed' values are 0v
(asserted) and +3V (un-asserted). I'm worried that the -15V will have taken
out some of the semiconductors that are 'listening' to ACLO (like E70, page
K2 of the CPU prints, lower right corner) - and possibly some of the things
that are connected to _them_.

Good news is that i) this would definitely cause a problem, so we're closing
in, and ii) even better, the machine doesn't actuallly _need_ the ACLO (or
DCLO) signal from the P/S to function properly. Just disconect them (which may
be a bit tricky; IIRC you've got a BA11-A - but you can pull the pin in the
connector shell of the power harness from the backplane, details of that here:

or, worst case, just cut the yellow wire to pin 4 of the 6-pin connector). At
that point the pullups on ACLO (on the M9302 and the CPU - page K3 of the CPU
prints - that's odd, there's a pullup to +5V there, but a cap to ground; the
M9302 does indeed have the pull-up/down resistor pair on both ACLO and DCLO)
should pull ACLO high and the clock should now run (CLK LED on) - unless the
-15V killed something.

If the machine then runs, it's up to you as to whether you get the P/S
repaired so that ACLO work properly - your call. (I wonder how the -15V got
to ACLO - I suspect a solder bridge from the prior repair - but knowing the
answer is not important to getting the machine running.)

   > DCLO is high and the DC ON light is illuminated


> the CPU doesn't do anything presumably because ACLO is asserted.

Yes. As long as the CLK LED is off, the machine will definitely be totally
dead. If you can get it on, ODT should run (modulo issues yet to be sorted
about the minimal functional machine - I'll post on that in a moment).


RE: PDP 11/24 - A Step Backwards

2022-03-31 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Tony Duell

> A short in FET Q15 on the bias/interface board in the PSU could do it.
> The gate of that FET is driven from an LM339 comparator the -ve supply
> of which is -15V.

Ah; I hadn't even looked at the P/S prints.

(Like I said, I'm really weak on analog: for digital, I have the advantages
that i) although I'm basically/mostly a software person, the MIT CS
department is part of the EE department, and they made sure that all the CS
people had a decent grounding in the fundamentals of digital hardware; and
ii) in my early years, I was involved in a number of actual hardware
projects, including a UNIBUS DMA network interface that tuned into an actual
product. So I'm pretty good with a digital circuit diagram, like these CPU
prints. But analog stuff is still a mostly-closed book to me! :-)

Anyway, I'm happy to let you provide the analysis of the P/S... :-)

> From: Rob Jarratt

> [Perhaps] something else on the CPU caused Q15 to fail (if indeed it
> did).

I'd guess 'unlikely' (if Q15 has failed); UNIBUS ACLO is connected, on the CPU
card, to only a single gate (on K2), and that 383 ohm pull-up (on K3), and the
1K pF cap there (the purpose of which I still don't understand, unless it's
just a smoother). Although I suppose that if that cap failed, shorted, maybe
that could have taken out Q15 somehow.

> Perhaps I should ... and disconnect ACLO, DCLO and LTC, they are all on
> the same connector

Now why didn't I think of just un-plugging that whole connector! Du! My
only concern would be leaving inputs floating...

DCLO, no problem; it has that pull-up on K3. (Ditto for ACLO, if the buffering
input gate isn't dead.) LTC, let's see... It's on K6, upper left corner. I'm
too lazy to work out what leaving that input floating will do, and, if it has
bad consequences, trace out all the places it goes (it should be connected up
to cause an interrupt, somewhere), but there's no point; the KW11 has an
'interrupt enable' that has to be set by software before it can do anything;
so at the moment it's safe to just ignore it for now, and stay with a focus on
getting the main CPU clock running. (LTC is not on the UNIBUS, so there's no
pull-up on the M9302 for it the way there is for ACLO & DCLO.)

So unplug that connector, and see if E70 (on K2, lower right corner) is OK.
(Remember, the pull-up will give it an Ok input with BUS ACLO disconnected.)
If yes, great, go check the main CPU clock.

If not, time to i) see how far the rot has spread (e.g. have other gates in
that package died - not sure what else is in there; not just looking at things
connected to the output - on pin 2), and ii) decide how to repair or
temporarily bypass. (Ditto for anything else that got taken out.) I'd be
tempted to bypass it (since I doubt you stock 8837's - although I do :-) -
ACLO handling isn't needed to get the CPU running. Tie BUF (not BUS!) ACLO to
ground, I'd say, and we can move on to look at MCLK.

> If that works then I think repair ACLO and see if anything on the CPU
> is bad or anything else that might cause a short on the ACLO signal of
> the bus.

Well, your call, but i) working ACLO isn't needed to get the CPU running -
and, in particular, to look for other problems that might be preventing it
from running, and ii) fixing ACLO isn't guaranteed to make the CPU work.

I'd recommend 'keeping the eye on the ball', and focus on the main CPU clock,
getting ODT running, etc. The ACLO issue(s) can be cleaned up at your leisure.


RE: PDP 11/24 - A Step Backwards

2022-03-31 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Brent Hilpert

> So apparently I've been looking at the wrong +5V supply (H777) because
> the rest of you are indeed looking at a different +5 supply (H7140),
> both of which are in that same 11/24 pdf document

That's because the H777 is the P/S for the BA11-L 5-1/4" box, and the H7140
is the P/S for the BA11-A 10-1/2" box - both of which are, quite reasonably,
covered in the -11/24 print set.

> I really wish when people are asking for assistance or talking about a
> schematic or circuit they would include a link/reference to exactly
> what they are looking at

But everone probably _was_ looking at the same document - just different
pages! Alas, DEC doesn't number _all_ the pages with a 'unique within the
print set' identifier. Still, one could say 'page xx of the PDF'.


RE: PDP 11/24 - A Step Backwards

2022-03-31 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Brent Hilpert

> DCLO & ACLO behave as power-on-reset signals to the system.

Minor nit: actually, I think it's DCLO which performs that function in a lot
of places; see e.g. the latches on pg. K2 (pg. 153 of the PDF) and K7. (INIT,
usually in buffered form, is used more widely for this function, but I doubly
digress in that observation.)

As I explained, ACLO is only used to trigger a 'power-failing' interrupt; CPU
operation is otherwise un-affected by ACLO (so the CPU can get ready). DEC P/S's
carefully sequence ACLO and DCLO such that on power-down, ACLO is asserted
first (to allow the CPU to get ready); on power-up, DCLO is de-asserted first
(the later de-assertion of ACLO is the signal for the CPU to start running).

However, you make a good point with:

> If they are allowed to just float up as the power supply comes up you
> have no guarantees as to the end result ('end' meaning the state of
> things after the power supply has come up)

DEC specs state that DC power has to be up and stable 5 usec before DCLO can
be de-asserted ("pdp bus handbook", pg 53). This is precisly so that
everything is in a known state when operation commences.

So I guess I'll go back to my original suggestion: disconnect the ACLO from
the P/S (with its bogus -15V), leaving DCLO, so that it can properly set
everything to a known state on power-on, and then you can see see if E70 has
been fried, or is still working.

> Manually connecting/disconnecting bus-ACLO to GND after power-up will
> ... disable the clock.

I can't see anything in the clock circuitry on pg. K1 (pg. 152 of the PDF),
where all the clocks are generated, that looks at ACLO, or its inverted form
POWER OK, or its latched form, PFAIL (both generated in the bottom RH corner
of K2)? Did I miss something? All I can see is DCLO.

I'm too burned out right now to check for uses of ACLO/POWER-OK/PFAIL, to see
definitively what it does do; tomorrow.


Re: PDP 11/24 - A Step Backwards

2022-04-01 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Brent Hilpert 

>> ACLO is only used to trigger a 'power-failing' interrupt; CPU
>> operation is otherwise un-affected by ACLO (so the CPU can get ready).
>> DEC P/S's carefully sequence ACLO and DCLO such that on power-down,
>> ACLO is asserted first (to allow the CPU to get ready); on power-up,
>> DCLO is de-asserted first (the later de-assertion of ACLO is the
>> signal for the CPU to start running).

> a) "ACLO is only used to trigger a 'power-failing' interrupt"
> b) "ACLO is the signal for the CPU to start running"
> Only a, or a & b?

Sorry, I tried to write only 10 words, when I should have just bitten the
bullet and written 40.

There are two different circumstances: i) AC power coming on, and ii) AC
power going off. (Sorry if you already know this next, but I'm not skipping
anything any more: DEC paid careful attention to both, as the PDP-11's were
always intended to be able to deal well with un-attended operation over an
un-expected power outage. So they had to shut down in an orderly way on ii),
and start up in an orderly way on i). Having the operator press a 'reset'
button after power-on was not an option! Of course, the software had to be
written to handle it all, and not all of it did so; e.g. UNIX V6 didn't deal
well with either, whereas RSTS-11 would go through an outage and
automagically pick up exactly where it was when power went down.)

So when I said "ACLO is only used to trigger a 'power-failing' interrupt",
the un-stated circumstance was 'when AC power goes off'.

The bit about "de-assertion of ACLO [on power-up] is the signal for the CPU
to start running" is something I hadn't known, but just picked up (it's not
anything I ever had to pay attention to before) from reading the
"Initialization" section in the "pdp11 bus handbook" - which is not (alas)
online. (Maybe I should scan, OCR and port that section; it's fairly short.)

(There _is_ a "pdp-11 UNIBUS Design Description" document online:

but alas it doesn't have anything like the detail given in the "pdp11 bus
handbook". 2.5 there, "Initialization Section", has some text about ACLO,
DCLO and INIT (which is generated by the CPU, not the P/S), but not much.)

Here's what the "pdp11 bus handbook" says (pg. 54):

  "When [the processor] senses the negation of ACLO, [which happens after the
  negation of DCLO, which itself happens "5 useconds after DC power is within
  specifications" - i.e. plenty of time for all logic to reset itself to a
  known state, after good power is available to it all] the processor starts
  its power-up sequence."

How that happens in the -11/24 I'm not sure; the -11/24 TM doesn't cover it,
and the Fonz, which we don't have documentation on, will be involved.

> Now these things may well not be a problem here; I'm just looking for
> potential failure points because we're looking for an unknown fault by
> isolating things, and it's best done without introducing new potential
> problems, or at least being aware of the potential. 

Makes sense.

> ACLO exercises influence over DCLO and hence the CPU clock via those
> those monostables (we both) mentioned earlier.

Right, I had forgotten about those - it was late, and my brain was shutting
down as I was tired.

>   ACLO -edge:
>   ==> inverted (E70.2/K2) to +edge
>   ==> triggers FF (E67/K2_PFAIL) to latch high
>   ==> triggers MonoFF (E126/K6_AC_TIM)
>   ==> triggers MonoFF (E126.10-5/K6)
>   ==> asserting K6_BUF_DCLO_L for some period

It's not clear to me what the _point_ of that all is; I had previously
guessed that "there's a delay between the PFAIL H input .. and _the CPU_'s
assertion of DCLO - i.e. if the P/S goes bonkers and indicates ACLO, and
doesn't promptly (after a suitable short delay to allow for power-fail
action) follow it with DCLO, as it is _supposed_ to, the CPU will indicate
DCLO on its own - and do it on the bus so everbody else will freeze too."

That might still be correct - I think that perhaps that path through the
monostables only operates on power-down (but maybe I'n wrong there, I don't
really understand completely how that all works) - on power-up, PFAIL H is
going to be a falling edge - so will the two E126 monostables just ignore
that? Alas, the -11/24 TM doesn't cover this, as far as I could find.

AC TIM winds up being used on K1, on the monostable at top right, which I
think generates a bus INIT pulse, when called for by the microcode (MIB14).
No idea why they need AC TIM to clear that monostable.

>   ==> which disables MCLK counter (E41/K1)

Right, but does that happen just on power-down, or on power-up too? I'd need
to understand how that two monostable chain works in both cases, which I
currently don't. (I only understand monostables when pulses trigger them, not
edges, which is a big part of why I don't completely understand it.)

   > It may be that it jus

Re: PDP 11/24 - A Step Backwards

2022-04-02 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> does [disabling the MCLK counter via DCLO, asserted by the two
> E126 monostable chain from ACLO] happen just on power-down, or on
> power-up too? I'd need to understand how that two monostable chain
> works in both cases, which I currently don't. (I only understand
> monostables when pulses trigger them, not edges, which is a big part of
> why I don't completely understand it.)

So this was bugging me, so I hauled out my TI TTL databook and looked up the

According to that, the 123 is triggered by the rising edge on the B
(non-inverted) input, when the A (inverted) input is low (which it will be
here; it's tied to ground). (Also by the falling edge on A when B is high,
which we can ignore.)

So I think that chain is probably triggered only on power-down, which will
produce a rising edge on P FAIL. (Power-up will produce only a falling edge
on P FAIL, once power is up and good.)

(Note that the second monostable is triggered, also on B, by the -Q output of
the first; i.e. by the 'falling' edge of the first's pulse. But see also at
the bottom, below.)

So that should happen (if I have correctly understood this, which is not
certain, I'm just a software person :-) is that some time after P FAIL goes
high - a delay set by the first 123 - the second 123 produces a pulse (of a
width set by its RC pair) - which via E52 produces an assertion pulse on DCLO.

WTF? (Not that we care in this machine's case, since i) it only happens on
power-down, and ii) it's just a pulse, so it's affect on MCLK will be very
transient; it can't cause it to stay off. My curiousity has been piqued, is
all. :-) The TM does not, after a _thorough_ search (although there are a few
mentions of power u/down, but not this), explin why, alas. (The TM for some
_other_ -11 CPU, one which contains a similar circuit might, but I'm not
_that_ curious! :-)

My _guess_ is that the intent is to reset all devices to a good idle state,
_before_ power actually goes out. (Don't ask me why it just doesn't use
INIT, though!)

The potential fly in the ointment of complete understanding is that a 123 can
_also_ produce a pulse on a rising edge at the clear input - and there is
some circuitry driving the clear input on the second 123. (The clear input on
the _first_ 123 seems to be left hanging in space - odd!) It seems to be set
off by the mysterious DGP03 signal, generated by the microcode - but the GP
table on pg. 4-21 of the TM doesn't contain an entry for '3'? Unless it has a
typo - there are two '5' entries. In which case it could be 'Toggle the HALT
flip-flop (K6)' (which I don't see on K6, unless it's E78) but yah, pulsing
DCLO will probably clear it, wherever it is!

This machine is making my head hurt.

Disconnect the bad ACLO, power it on, and see if the CLK LED comes on. if not,
then we'll have to work out why not.


Re: PDP 11/24 - A Step Backwards

2022-04-02 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> and there is some circuitry driving the clear input on the second
> 123.

Never mind this section. I mis-read the print; the clear input is connected to
an _input_ of the flop below (which is also tied high).


RE: PDP 11/24 - A Step Backwards

2022-04-02 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
Finally found time to get to this one...

> From: Rob Jarratt

> However, there is a puzzle. On the CPU I found that the track from the
> pull up resistor to E70 has been cut.

I don't know about the "pull up resistor" part, but I have several KDF11-U's,
and _all_ of them have the trace on the bottom of the card connected to pin 1
of E70 cut, in the exact same place (about 1/8" from the pin). This suggests
that it's not a local mod (as you suggest below), but an 'official' DEC ECO.

> This would suggest that E70 pin 2 is floating, which I think means that
> K2 BUF ACLO H is also floating

The input (pin 1) will be floating, but not the output (pin 2); TTL doesn't
work that way, I think. I may have this wrong, but I think open TTL inputs
float high, so BUF ACLO should be low. I looked, and I don't see any other
traces (e.g. on the top side) going to pin 1. So I'm a bit puzzled that DEC
allowed that input to float, as open inputs can lead to erratic operaton;
they're usually tied high, or to ground.

> K2 BUS ACLO L however has been patched to E52 pin 4, which is the
> output of a gate on sheet K6. Can't say I understand why.

Me neither; that's an unused (on the prints) driver in the DS8641 (center
bottom of the page) - although that gate seems to have been fully wired up
(wires to pins 4, 5 and 6) as part of the ECO.

There is an ECO list on pg. 167 of the -11/24 prints (2 pages after K14),
but I don't see an E52 in it anywhere.

The puzzle here, if E70p1 is cut, and the output is low, is why the CPU clock
isn't running. The -15V on BUS ACLO shouldn't have taken out any other
semiconductors; it's not attached to anything else.

(It will have run C6, on the lower right of the card, the wrong way, but i) I
think that's a non-polarized item - and 100V rated, per the prints, and ii) I
don't think that goes anywhere else, even if it's not.)

So what's stopping the clock from running, then?


RE: PDP 11/24 - A Step Backwards

2022-04-02 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> It was quite a struggle to separate those nylon connectors, is there a
> trick to it?

You mean the Mate-n-lok's? Not really; just make sure the catch is released.

What did you do about DCLO? (Oh, I think I see the answer, below looks
like you're relying on the pullup on K3...)

> When I powered on, the CPU LEDs did not light up.

Two of them ('0' and '1') are just bits in a special register, and thus only
do anything when the bootstrap code fondles them. When you get ODT running,
you can amuse yourself turning them off and on manually! :-)

> I did notice that the CLK LED flickered on briefly when I powered it
> off.

Interesting. Not sure exactly what we can deduce from that; but interesting.

> I put a scope probe on TP1 (p152 of the PDF), there was no activity,
> the pin remained high.

Yes; the signal there (MCLK H) is more or less the same one that drives the
'CLK' LED (MCLK L); so no big surprise there. Still, that reduces the problem
space to a small part of K1. 

> The problem now is that I expect I will need to probe various pins to
> find out what is going on. But I don't have a Unibus extender and I am
> reluctant to remove the backplane. From what I can tell in the
> Technical Manual you can't install the CPU in other slots

Basically right; the backplane and CPU are designed to have it go in slot 1.
It _might_ work in other MUD slots, with some loss of functionality (e.g.
slot 2 doesn't have grant lines; MUD slots won't have the 'UNIBUS Map board
pesent' line - pin FE1, on K11, UB TO MA VIA UBMAP) but I wouldn't want to
chance it, there might be a clash.

> I am forced to tack solder probe wires to the chips, which works but is
> time consuming. Any other ways?

Sorry, I don't have any experience to suggest any; too well supplied with
extender cards, so I've never had to resort to alternatives!

> I *think* I have found something. There could be a fault in E52 (sheet
> K6, p157 of the PDF). While K6 BUS DCLO L is +5V, I am measuring K6 BUF
> DCLO H at an average 1.64V

Yeah, that's wrong. E52 is bad, and will have to be replaced.

(From the +5V on BUS DCLO, I guess you're relying on the pullup? DCLO on the
UNIBUS, with the resistor network on the M9302, should be about 3.5V - but now
I'm confused, even with the P/S connector unplugged, it should still be 3.5V
or so. Oh well, it's late, the brain is powering down... :-)

The 'unused' gate in E52 is the one that the added wires from the ACLO ECO went 
I wonder if it was damaged by the -15V, somehow?

> logical 0 output should be 0.4V max

Which is what you should be seeing.

> I also measured K6 BUF DCLO L to be always low, suggesting it thinks
> the K6 BUF DCLO H is a logical 1.

Yup; and that definitely explains why the clock isn't running - BUF DCLO L is
clearing E41 on K1.

Anyway, you'll have to replace E52 (which will be a bit of a pain, with the 3
ECO eires tacked to it). The DS8641 is an old chip, no longer in production, so
the usual suppliers may not have it, but there are some on eBait.


RE: PDP 11/24 - A Step Backwards

2022-04-03 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> The 'unused' gate in E52 is the one that the added wires from the ACLO
> ECO went to; I wonder if it was damaged by the -15V, somehow?

So, I checked, and the wire that goes from the plated-through hole next to the
etch cut on E70p1 winds up at E52p4 (the bus line on that transceiver),
thereby connecting the latter directly to UNIBUS ACLO (on pin BF1). So that's
almost certainly what caused other gate(s) in E52 to fail.

I think I have managed to trace where all the other two wires to that 'new'
gate in E52 went to/from, to see exactly what the ECO is. Given that E52 is a
transceiver, it was likely substituted for E70 so that the KDF11-U could also
_drive_ BUS ACLO.

I discovered that E52p5 (the new transceiver's input) is connected to E73p13
(an DS8640 quad NOR used as a bus reciver); that's in the upper left corner of
K2. It's BUS PB L NOR BUS PA H - i.e. a parity error has been detected in
memory - so it apparently then power-fails the system!

The incoming BUF ACLO (E52p6) goes to a PTH next to E70p8. On the bottom,
there's a trace from that PTH that goes to E66p13 - which is the inverter
shown on K2 which converts BUF ACLO H to POWER OK H. So that probably the
answer to my plaint about E70p1 being left floating: perhaps theres an etch
cut somewhere that disconnected E66p13 from E70p2, so the former can now be
driven by E52p6.  I can't see one, but there's a trace from that latter PTH
that dives under E70, and I can't see it well, but it looks like it goes to
E70p2. It would be interesting to know what they did about the E70p2 -> E66p13


RE: PDP 11/24 - A Step Backwards

2022-04-03 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: "Rob Jarratt" 

> I did plug the connector back in, so that DCLO and
> LTC are connected, I just removed the ACLO pin.

Ah, OK, good. Pulling the pins from those Mate-n-Loc shells without the right
tool is tricky; glad you did it, because as Brent Hilpert pointed out, having
a working DCLO is important, to reset everything to a known state on power-on.

> I didn't look for replacements last night. Is there a modern
> equivalent?

Not that I know of. Even if you found something with the same pin-out,
supposedly DEC selected ones that were 'good enough'. I've never had an issue
with NOS ones that I bought from vendors, though.

> I may have found a source of NOS.

Great; get several, they're a useful chip to have around; the QBUS uses them,
as well as the UNIBUS.

If the same place has DS8640's (the receiver), save on shipping (and ordering
delays) and get a couple of those too. I say that because depending on what
else you had plugged into the UNIBUS post ACLO failure, the -15V may have
damaged them too.

The M9312 (not sure if you had one of those, but the -11/24 manual says it's
common in them) uses ACLO (via a DS8640). The KY24 seems not to (as far as I
can tell from a quick look - negative results from a quick print scan aren't
100.00% reliable, whereas positive ones are), oddly enough. In EUB memory
(not sure which you have), the MS11-L and MS11M MS11-P don't seem to, whereas
the MS11-P _drives_ ACLO (through an 8881) - probably to prevent CPU startup
until the ECC is cleared). Etc, etc.

> I always marvel at how neatly those wires are done, I wish I knew how
> to do such a neat job.

The same way the old joke says one gets to Carnegie Hall, I expect! :-)

(I wonder what the UK equivalent of the Carnegie is - the Royal Albert,


UNIBUS powoer on/off spec

2022-04-05 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
So, I looked at the early editions of the "pdp11 peripherals hanbook", which
have good, detailed discussions of UNIBUS operations (at the back; chapter 5,
"UNIBUS Theory and Operation", in the 1976 edition), but in contrast to the
level of detail given for master/slave operations, and bus requests and
interrupts, the level of detail on power up/down is very low, especially
compared to that in the later "pdp11 bus hanbook" (which, as mentioned, does
not seem to be online yet, alas). So, I have transcribed that section, and
posted it:

I have yet to scan and post the associated timing diagrams (which are useful,
but not critical); the desktop that runs my scanner is down at the moment,
alas. (If anyone who has a copy would like to volunteer to scan them, that
would be great.)


Re: UNIBUS powoer on/off spec

2022-04-05 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Paul Koning

> You might give a precise source citation on that page.


Don't complain to me if the publication data is skimpy; that's all that's in
it! (I mean, we all know that DEC is in Maynard, but the book doesn't say it...)


Re: UNIBUS powoer on/off spec

2022-04-06 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> the later "pdp11 bus hanbook" (which, as mentioned, does not seem to be
> online yet, alas)

Arck, I'm a moron; Paul has pointed out to me that this is, in fact, online
at Bitsavers:

It didn't show up in a couple of pages of results in a Web search for it,

I have noticed that things on Bitsavers often don't show up high up in Web
search results, unless you add 'bitsavers' to the search term.

I have been told that at one point Google was 'downgrading' results that used
plain HTTP, instead of HTTPS, because they were trying to push people to
switch to HTTPS (this was when everyone was hyperventilating over the Snowden
revelations). Given the near-ubiquitous use of HTTPS these days, I'd have
thought that piece of 'information credit engineering' by our tech overlords
was past its 'sell by' date, and now serves primarily to block people from
finding the material they are looking for (as here).


[cctalk] Re: Stuff to go or it's off to the dumpster

2023-02-25 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Chris Zach

> So these go *into* RK06 or 07 drives? 

Yes; per the "Field Guide to UNIBUS and QBUS Modules". Also:

reveals that the RK611 contains "five hex cards" (listed there).


eBay: PDP-11/70 backplane?

2017-03-23 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk

looks like it might be an -11/70 backplane, but I'm too lazy to look up the
part number.


Re: eBay: PDP-11/70 backplane?

2017-03-23 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Pontus Pihlgren

> The 11/70 backplane is wirewrapped. 

Oh, right you are! I don't know where my brain has fled to these days!

It's actually an MJ11 (-11/70 core memory) backplane (I checked the part
number - plus someone pointed out that you can see "MJ11" written somewhere).


MC68K's on DEUNA's

2017-03-24 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
So all the DEUNA's I've seen have L10 (ceramic package, 10Mhz) 68K's in them.
Has anyone tried using anything else, and did it work?

I _assume_ an x12 would work, but until someone has acutally tried it...

The Pxx's (plastic packaging) might not work - according to the datasheet,
they are 2mm wider than the ceramics (why, I have no idea - it probably means
they aren't interchangeable, which makes no sense at all to me).


Re: MC68K's on DEUNA's

2017-03-24 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: John Wilson

> I think this is DELUA?

Yes, that's right - sorry!

> I'm getting old ... could have it wrong.

No, _I_'m the one who's getting old! (But in this case, that's not it - I
always get the names of those two mixed up!)

> I'd be inclined to just try it.

I hadn't bought anything yet... :-) In particular, there's a source of really
cheap P12's, but if the 2mm width difference means the Pxx's won't fit, no use
paying good money for them, right?

> the definitely-fried CPU (right?) that's in there now?

The definitely-missing CPU that's not in there now, actually! ;-)


RE: MC68K's on DEUNA's

2017-03-24 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Bill Gunshannon

> Considering that I have never seen any sockets that were 2mm different
> in width ... I really can't imagine any CPU not fitting.

I think you're right. I took another look at the drawing, and I'd been looking
at the package width dimension: there's also a separate pin-pin distance
(horizontal), and that _is_ the same for plastic and ceramic. Ooops! Sorry.


Re: MC68K's on DEUNA's

2017-03-26 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Bill Gunshannon

> I doubt Motorolla was in the business of custom making different size
> chips, even for DEC.

So, that triggered a question in my mind: why was DEC using the 68K on this
board, anyway? They had plenty of in-house chips the could have used, e.g.
the J11. The MC68000 had only a 16-bit bus, so it's not that dissimilar in
capabilities. Why buy out? Did Motorola offer them a price they couldn't
resist, or what?


PDP-11/20 in Iowa (x3)

2017-03-28 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Philipp Hachtmann

> The 11/20 is the simplest 11 as far as I know.

'Simplest' in what sense? They certainly aren't the easiest ones to
understand, with all that random control logic! The -11/04 is far easier
to understand (for me, at least; YMMV).

> From: Ethan Dicks

> Was there ever a quad MOS memory board for the 11/20?

I'm pretty sure there was never a UNIBUS quad memory card from DEC.

> if anyone knows where to get a crate of 110V Boxer fans for around
> $5/each, let me know 

New ones (not exactly the same as the originals, but the right size in the
X/Y directions, if not identical in the Z, and 110V, with the same kind of
power connector) are available on eBait for around $10 each. Look for "120mm
110V fan".


Cross-talk square-wave?

2017-03-29 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
Hi, a question about generic analog stuff.

In the process of getting SD cards to work, Dave is seeing square-wave noise
on a line. (1V of square wave, with pulses about 400ns long, running at
375kHz.) The line runs through a flat cable of modest length, along with
other signal-carrying lines. (No, we were not smart, and didn't put ground
lines between each pair of signal lines!)

Could cross-talk cause this kind of noise? We would have thought that you'd
only get spikes, associated with the rising and trailing edges of a signal in
a parallel wire, not a whole square-wave. During the constant-current period
in the middle of the pulse, there shouldn't be any cross-talk? Is there some
mechanism I/we don't understand that could do that?

(My guess is there's a leakage path in the circuitry on one end or the other,
not cross-talk in the cable, but...)



Re: Cross-talk square-wave?

2017-03-29 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Dwight Kelvey

> Is there any load resistance at the end of the line?

Yes, 270K to ground (i.e. pretty large). How does that have an effect on
whether cross-talk can create a square wave? Sorry, I'm not understanding.


RE: Cross-talk square-wave?

2017-03-29 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
I should mention that this is a pre-prototype; the final thing won't have a
cable at all; so this isn't a fundamental issue with the design (if it is
cross-talk). And the SD card isn't even plugged in when we see this - if it is
cross-talk, it has to be some other signal carried in the cable.

We're just trying to figure out how cross-talk can possibly produce an induced


Re: Cross-talk square-wave?

2017-03-29 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Eugene (W2HX)

> I am still not convinced it is coupling at all. ... I just don't think
> you can get square waves from square waves.  ...
> it is even harder to believe one could successfully couple a square
> wave onto such a transmission line unless the signal is actually being
> asserted on the line at a low impedance ...
> Looking at this picture ... this shows exactly what I would expect to
> see with cross talk the little glitches on the CS line that correspond
> to edges on the clock signal.

Exactly. That sort of cross-talk we understand (and have seen before). But
a square wave? How can that be? That was the motivation for my original post.

It's not super-critical to understand, because like I said, this is on a
pre-prototype, and the actual unit will be arranged nothing like this (no
cable, etc, etc), so we're just going to fix this with whatever kludge makes
it go away, so we can focus on the things we really do need to work on.

But we'd still like to understand what is happening here, and how. Could
cross-talk (of whatever form, inductive or capacitive) do this, or does this
more or less have to be signal leakage (on the board at one end, or the
other) somehow?


Re: Cross-talk square-wave?

2017-03-30 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Allison

> FYI this is the same problem designers hit with DRAMS back 40 years ago.

This didn't ring (pun not intended) a bell for me; can you say a bit more?

> From: Chuck Guzis

> I'll offer a suggestion that if your SD card *must* be a significant
> distance from its host

Like I said, this is a pre-prototype; on the production units, there will be
_no_ cable. The SD socket will be about 1-2" from the FPGA.

> From: Dwight Kelvey

> this behavior on my PDP-8/e where a 7474 flip flop chip was bad. The
> input looked great and the output was "half baked"

There's no chip at all on the driving end of the line (just that 470K
resistor); we see this with the SD card _unplugged_. And we see the exact
same thing on several lines.

I'm still not clear, from the discussion, how exactly that nice 'square-wave'
interference is happening - could it be capacitative crosstalk? (I'd have
thought capacitative cross-talk would be inverted - driving a positive voltage
on one 'side' of the 'capacitor' would, I would think, induce an oppposing
voltage on the other. But I'm clearly no EE! :-)


Re: Cross-talk square-wave?

2017-03-31 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Brent Hilpert

> I don't have a full enough picture of the circuit and circumstances to
> provide a definitive suggestion but, some principles:
> ...
> It's not clear C-coupling is what's going on here (the wave shape looks
> pretty sharp for what I understand of the circuit/layout).

Thanks for taking the time for that detailed message.

I suspect, however, that Jon Elson has nailed it (thanks Jon :-); if that's
what's happening, it explains why we couldn't understand what the devil was
going on!

> (You've mentioned both 470K and 270K for the R, could make a difference
> to the analysis).

Yeah, that was just a typo; going from memory.


Re: KDJ11-B PDP 11/73 getting stuck in Exit standalone mode diag #56

2017-04-04 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Glen Slick

> the Q22/Q22 backplane is not good for an 11/83 CPU ... M8190 boards and
> both have PMI signals on the CD half of the CPU board.

So I seem to recall hearing tales of PMI cards emitting smoke when plugged
into a Q/Q/ backplane. That doesn't seem to have happened here:

 >> I confirmed the KDJ11-B works fine in a BA23, getting past test 56.

So I wondered if his off-brand backplane didn't have +12V or -12V wired up -
whatever it is that causes the damage. So I compared a list of PMI pins with
a QBUS pinout, trying to see if it was the +12V or 12V that would be the

However, I don't see any PMI pins that conflict? (Well, some of them are
ground, or +5V, but will that harm bus driver TTL?) Here's my list of PMI

  CR1   PBSY
  DC1   PBYT
Anyone have any idea which pin(s) is the issue, when plugging a PMI card into
a Q/Q slot?


Re: Info Needed: DATARAM DR-111 PDP-11 Unibus 16KW Core Memory

2017-04-05 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Steven Malikoff

> I've scanned the full version of this manual that comprises the
> installation guide, description, system specifications, theory of
> operation, timing chart, full schematic and manifest. 

Oh, wow! You get the Documentation Preservation Gold Star! A needed, and
useful, manual. Thanks very much for doing this.


Re: DOS-11/BATCH-11 manuals on Ebay

2017-04-06 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Mattis Lind

> One of them does not seems to be at bitsavers.

That's on my list of items to get.

I have a page-feed scanner, so will easily be able to scan this (although
I'll have to get some instruction on exactly what incantation to use to
Acrobat to turn the TIFF's into a PDF; apparently "PDF/A", supposedly for
archival purposes, is apparently not in fact desirable for that).


Re: RTX-2000 processor PC/AT add-in card (any takers?)

2017-04-11 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Sean Conner

> I really think it's for *this* reason (the handler() example) that C
> doesn't allow nested functions.

I wouldn't be sure of that; I would tend to think that nested functions were
left out simply because they add complexity, and didn't add enough value to
outweigh that complexity. (In ~40 years of programming in C, I have never
missed them.)

C seems (well, until the standards committees got ahold of it) to have added
things as a demonstrated need was felt for them (see DMR's evolution of C
paper), and maybe they just never found a need for nested function

I suspect that Ken probably knows; he's not (AFAIK) on the Unix History list
(TUHS), but several of his early co-workers (including Stephen Johnson, who
did PCC) are, and could relay a question to him, if it were asked over there
(if we really want to know).


Re: If C is so evil why is it so successful?

2017-04-11 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: John Wilson

> It would have been nice if it had stolen FORTRAN-77's idea of declaring
> a variable in the size that you want (I'm talking about INTEGER*2 vs.
> INTEGER*4 etc.), instead of just "knowing" what the difference is
> between int and long

Back in the late 70's, trying to write network code, even before we actually
ported anything (but could see it coming in the distance), it became clear
that C's type system was pretty worthless.

We defined a whole new type system, using syntax of the form 'XXXY', where
'XXX' was the type (unsigned, bit field, etc) and 'Y' was a character giving
the length (1, 2, 4, bytes; the machine's native word length - 'w'; etc,
etc). So 'bitw' was a bit-field of the machine's native word length, 'unss'
was a 16-bit unsigned, etc, etc.

So then we had an #include file "pdefs.h" which, depending on the setting of
'cc' -Dxxx command flags (this was before they starting getting set
automatically to indicate the machine type) included '11defs.h' or '68defs.h'
or whatever the case might be), so there were no #ifdef's in the source files
at all.

We used this everywhere, and it worked very well indeed.

So well that, at one point, on a dare, I moved our real-time OS to a new
architecture (the 29K) overnight (really - started at around 5PM one day, and
had it running the next day sometime - forget exactly when). Well, I'd already
gotten the debugger (written in C in the same style, with a bit of assembler
for the low-level operations) running on the 29K, so I knew where all the
pot-holes were, but still...

Most of the code modules were supposed to be portable .. and they just were.
Didn't have to touch it, just compiled for the new machine (so the exact same
source compiled for both, no ugly #ifdef's, just compile and go).

> if it's not portable then it might as well be assembly and get the
> benefits that come with that.

Sorry, I don't agree. It _is_ possible to write portable code, but even
ignoring that, the benfits of writing in a higher-level language (good
control structures, complex expressions, etc, etc) are well worth it.

I had the pleasure of working with the best MACRO-11 code I'e ever seen (a
real-time OS called 'MOS'), where the guy who wrote it (Jim Mathis) had worked
out a sdet of macro definitions that allowed him to define structures (and the
PDP-11 had an addressing mode, with a pointer to the base of the structure in
a register, that allowed you to access elements) - but even so, it wasn't as
good a tool as C.

Like I said, control structures, complex expressions etc all make things so
much clearer in C - which means they are easier to understand (when in someone
else's code), easier to debug, easier to modify, yadda-yadda. Unless I were
writing code that I _simply could not do in C_, I would not use assembler.


Re: If C is so evil why is it so successful?

2017-04-12 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Alfred M. Szmidt

> No even the following program:
>   int main (void) { return 0; }
> is guaranteed to work

I'm missing something: why not?


PS: There probably is something to the sports car analogy, but I'm not going
to take a position on that one! :-) Interesting side-question though: is
assembler more or less like a sports car than C? :-)

Re: If C is so evil why is it so successful?

2017-04-13 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Rod Smallwood

> All computer computer languages are only as good or bad as the person
> using them.

True words. I'd rather work on a program written in assembly language,
done by a _really good_ programmer, than a program written in _anything_,
done by a bad one. (My classic example: that MOS OS done by Jim Mathis
in PDP-11 assembler.)


Re: Harry Huskey, Bob Taylor -- sad news

2017-04-16 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Al Kossow

> Harry did an oral history at CHM

There are also a pair at the Smithsonian:

and the CBI did one too, but alas it does not seem to be on-line (it's not in
their OH index, and although Google searches for other ones from there turned
them up, not this one):

  Harry D. Huskey, OH-83
  Interviewer: Christopher Evans
  Date of interview: 1976

Anyone have a pointer to it?


Extra copy of DOS Programmer's Handbook available

2017-04-16 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
I have an extra copy of:

  DEC-11-SERA-DDisk Operating System Monitor Programmer's Handbook, 
February 1971

if anyone has a use for it.


Horrible error in "pdp11 bus handbook"

2017-04-17 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
Just a heads-up that the 1979 edition of the "pdp11 bus handbook" has a very
serious editing error in it, in the description of UNIBUS arbitration.

On page 38, immediately after step 13 of the NPR Arbitration Sequence
("13.  SACK must be negated before BBSY may be negated."), it says "A bus
master may issue an interrupt command to the interrupt fielding processor."

Despite its location in the text, this does __NOT__ apply to the "NPR
arbitration sequence" being discussed above. There is an editing error - this
text is (or _should be_) separate from the "NPR Arbitration Sequence" section
just before it; it belongs with "BR Interrupt Arbitration Sequence" - that
header (on pg. 39) was put in the wrong place.

The 1975 "peripherals handbook" has very similar text, but it _does_ have a
section header after the NPR details (line 13 is identical), and before the
start of the (very similar) BR text ("A bus master that has gained control
... through a BRn/BGn arbitration transaction may issue an interrupt command
to the processor.").


Re: Did we miss the 20th anniversary of classiccmp?

2017-04-21 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> On Apr 21, 2017, at 1:26 AM, Pontus Pihlgren wrote:

> It makes me wonder, what is the oldest still running mailinglist?

I don't have access to my _old_ email (i.e. from the 80's) to confirm this,
and I don't think they still have copies of the very oldest mail, but the
IETF list has got to be pretty old (first meeting was early '86, but they may
not have had a mailing list for a while, yet).

Risks started in the summer of '85, so that one's older.


Copy of UNIBUS Interface Manual available for trade

2017-04-21 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
Hi, all, continuing the process of getting rid of duplicate DEC documentation:
I have an extra copy of the the UNIBUS Interface Manual, Second Edition
(DEC-11-HIAB-D); I'm interested in trading it for any interesting PDP-11
documentation or stuff you'd like to part with which I don't have.

One DEC book I really crave, but _cannot_ find, is the "PDP-11 Systems
Handbook" ("Featuring: MicroPDP-11/83 MicroPDP-11/73 MicroPDP-11/53
PDP-11/84"). If anyone has an extra copy of this they're willing to part
with, please let me know, I have a lot of odds and ends I can trade (or
plain $$$ if that works).


RE: Did we miss the 20th anniversary of classiccmp?

2017-04-21 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Bill Gunshannon

> Surely there were Mailing Lists prior to the existence of the Internet,
> yes?

Absolutely. They started on the ARPANet, fairly early on.

E.g. SF-Lovers (one of the first 'non-mission related' mailing lists) started
in September, 1979, and MsgGroup (an 'official-busines-related' one)
considerably earlier, in June 1975. Header-People started at about the same
time, but alas, we have lost the first two volumes of the archives, so I don't
know exactly when.

I maintain archives of these lists on my page:

if anyone wants a look. The variety of header formats is kind of amusing.

> Do any Lists that started on UUCP still exist today?

Perhaps. Do you count newgroups? (Of course, UUCP considerably post-date
the ARPANet.)


Re: Genuine KM11 board

2017-04-24 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Tony Duell

>  Are any DEC enthusiasts here jealous of this

Actually, not me! I'm an old enough campaigner that I recall when real light
bulbs were standard, and they were a total PITA! So when LED's arrived, we
all though they were the greatest thing since sliced bread. So I'm now very
happy with my LED-equipped KM11 clones - I still have that anti-bulb bias! :-)


Re: Vaxstation 3100 of odd sort on epay

2017-05-02 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Jim Stephens

> I'm interested in whether this is a wound down or ongoing Dec material
> operation, or the operation of an e waste recycler.
> Vendor name on ebay is EFI. May have other aliases.

Oh, Efi! All hardened DEC collectors know about Efi (well, many of us do :-).
They are indeed an ewaste recycler. Good people. The company name is ComUsed
and/or TopLine. They used to be in Silver Spring (the place was the
personification of 'gomi' from "Neuromancer" :-), but it got too small, so
they moved. (Sniff. I miss the old place!)

They got started on DEC stuff when they bought some DEC collector's entire
collection after that person passed; most of that's long gone (it's been
_thoroughly_ picked over :-), but they occasionally get more DEC stuff.


Re: FTGH Large amount of DEC/Misc Classic computer hardware

2017-05-10 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Guy Sotomayor Jr

>>> We need to move our business and I have about a ton of
>>> classic cimputer junk in the SFBA that need to go or get scrapped:

>>> Symbolics 3645? (from Guy Sotomayer a few years back)
>>> PDP 11

> I stopped by and picked up some stuff from Peter today. ... He did
> mention that he has to be out of his space by May 31st and anything
> that isn't picked up will be scrapped.

> I did take some pictures that I'll put up sometime tomorrow but what
> Pete has on his list below seems pretty accurate.

WHat kind of -11, do you happen to recall?

I assume someone will have grabbed the 'Bolics machine... Hyper-desirable.

I do hope someone will be able to scoop up all this stuff. Even if all
you do it put it up on eBay, that's still better that having it go to


Re: BBS software for the PDP 11

2017-05-18 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Systems Glitch

> You need split I&D for 2.11BSD

ISTR reading that the network code runs in Supervisor mode, so you need that
to, technically (although all -11s CPUs with Supervisor also have I+D, and
vice versa).

Does the 2.9 include networking code? If so, it must use overlays like
crazy on a 'small' machine (/40-/34/-/23)...


Re: BBS software for the PDP 11

2017-05-18 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Chuck Guzis

> Well, okay--but then let's be period-correct. The PDP-11 dates from
> 1970, when, AFAIK, BBSes, if they existed, were far from what people
> think they were.

You're thinking of the -11/20, released in 1970. But that was only the first
PDP-11 model; the -11/23 dates from 1979, and the last -11 model, the
/93-/94, was released in 1990.


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