[CentOS-es] Nagios

2008-02-01 Thread Fequay

Estimados tengo un problema con nagios al hacer consultas a
hosts remotos.

Este es el error:
CHECK_NRPE: Received 0 bytes from daemon.  Check the remote
server logs for error messages.

Segun la documentacion dice que puede ser un error de
imconpatibilidad del openssl.

Actualice a la ultima version que es: 


que esta en ambos equipos, los servicios NRPE estan ok en
ambos servers, el acceso al host tambien.

Alguien puede darme alguna informacion respecto a esto.


Fernando Quil Ayala

CentOS-es mailing list


2008-02-01 Thread Maximo Mosalvo
para solucionar ese problema tenes que agregar al ausuario o el grupo al 
grupo de administradores locales , de esa manera ese usuario es 
administrador pero de su maquina unicamente

lo podes hacer en el administrador de equipo o de tu xp
o con el comando net rpc desde tu linux


Andre Aspée wrote:

No, he creado el usuario en la maquina, lo creo en el samba pdc.
Encontre una forma de pasar el problema y es dando privilegios de 
acceso a las carpetas que solicitan los programas, dejando que puedan 
tener lectura y escritura los usuarios autentificados
Lo de crear el usuario en la maquina, eso es lo que no quiero, de ser 
asi sigo trabajando con grupo de trabajo, y creando usuarios locales.

Mario Ganga escribió:


Creaste el usuario en la maquina que el ocupa???

Mario Ganga Castro.

On Jan 30, 2008 4:39 PM, Andre Aspée [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Tengo un samba PDC, registro maquinas y usuarios que logran logearse
correctamente. Todos los clientes seran winXP. Esoty haciendo las
pruebas para comprobar los privilegios de usuarios segun los
grupos que
les asigno en el samba PDC.
En el equipo que inicia sesion no tiene los privilegios
necesarios para,
por ejemplo: instalar programas, cambiar configuracion de las
de red,Y mas problema aun, cuando ejecuto algunos programas
ERP) no lo deja por que no tiene el permiso para leer y escribir
en la
carpeta del SW. Es decir, inicia sesion, pero solo como un usuario
restringido o invitado.
Para que pueda el usuario utilizar el ERP, tengo que hacer que el
usuario sea parte de Admins. del dominio, con el consiguiente
de que puede instalar y cambiar configuraciones del equipo a su
Me gustaria lograr tener un tipo de usuario del dominio que pueda
leer y
escribir en las carpetas de los programas, sin ser administrador del
dominio, que no pueda modificar parametros de red, ni instalar
Se me ocurrio mapear un grupo Usuarios avanzado del dominio, y
como sid S-1-5-32-SAmbaSID-547, pero el usuario al ser agregado a
grupo, queda como un usuario igual de restringido.
Alguna sugerencia???


mi netgroupmap list

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# net groupmap list
Opers. de servidores (S-1-5-32-549) - opers_sistema
Duplicadores (S-1-5-32-552) - duplicadores
Usuarios avanzados (S-1-5-32-547) - usrs_avanzados
Opers. de impresión (S-1-5-32-550) - opers_impresion
Administradores (S-1-5-32-544) - administradores
Admins. del dominio (S-1-5-21-732503632-1872658953-3798343223-512) -
Opers. de cuentas (S-1-5-32-548) - opers_cuentas
Invitados del dominio
(S-1-5-21-732503632-1872658953-3798343223-514) -
Usuarios del dominio
(S-1-5-21-732503632-1872658953-3798343223-513) -
Operadores de copias (S-1-5-32-551) - opers_copias
Usuarios (S-1-5-32-545) - usuarios

mi smb.conf

#=== Global Settings


# --- Netwrok Related Options

   workgroup = tremac
   server string = Samba PDC
   netbios name = rapanui
   hosts allow = 127. 192.168.10.

# --- Domain Controller Options

   security = user
   passdb backend = tdbsam

   unix password sync = yes
   passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
   passwd chat = *New*UNIX*password* %n\n *ReType*new*UNIX*password*
%n\n *passwd:*all*authentication*tokens*updated*successfully*

   domain master = yes
   domain logons = yes
   time server = yes

   logon path =
   logon script = logon.cmd

   add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd %u
   add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g 100 -s
/bin/false -c Cuenta de máquina -M %u
   delete user script = /usr/sbin/userdel %u
   delete group script = /usr/sbin/groupdel %g
   add user to group script = /usr/bin/gpasswd -a %u %g
   set primary group script = /usr/sbin/usermod -g %g %u
   delete user from group script = /usr/sbin/userdel %u %g
   add group script = /usr/sbin/groupadd %g

# --- Browser Control Options

   local master = yes
;os level = 33
   preferred master = yes

#- Name Resolution
   wins support = yes
# --- Printing Options

   load printers = yes
   cups options = raw
   username map = /etc/samba/smbusers

;printcap name = /etc/printcap
#obtain list of printers automatically on SystemV
;printcap name = lpstat

[CentOS] General questions about security

2008-02-01 Thread Niki Kovacs


I admit I never gave security that much thought, that is, except the 
most basic security rules like choosing good passwords, or reasonable 
file and directory permissions. But now I have to change that, since 
I'll soon have to setup a dedicated production server for our public 

I wonder where to begin. I would say first thing is get a series of 
auditing tools such as, for example, the port scanner nmap, to test 
the firewall on the server. Any other ideas for that?

The firewall: CentOS includes a default firewall, where ports can be 
chosen using a simple graphical (or ncurses) tool. Is that solid enough 
for a web server? Or do you recommend diving into the innards of 
iptables? Or maybe, other solution, can you recommend some good 
reasonable set of rules for a web server, for example?

Last but not least: SELinux. For the moment I don't use it. I read the 
chapter on SELinux in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Unleashed by Tammy 
Fox, and I simply wonder if it's worth the pain. I'm curious about your 
opinions about this subject.

Maybe some good reads on security? That is, articles that don't require 
you to be a doctor in computer science to get a grasp of the subject? 
And also documentation that doesn't require me to have a life expectance 
of 500+ years


Any suggestions?

CentOS mailing list

Re: NFS problem in the latest kernel (Was: [CentOS] MySQL issues with kernel-2.6.18-53.1.6.el5.x86_64.rpm)

2008-02-01 Thread Bent Terp
On Jan 31, 2008 6:21 PM, Akemi Yagi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This problem does not seem to be associated with specific hardware as
 implied in the original thread.

I did not intend to imply any such thing, at least not as far as the
client is concerned, we've verified this on different hardware from
different suppliers.

To me, this is an inter-op issue with the new kernel and EMC's celerra
NFS server, and am currently working it together with EMC tech support
- obviously it may affect other nfs servers as well; we can only test
against what we have.

BR Bent
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] cannot rewrite shadow password file

2008-02-01 Thread Samuel Rochas


I run Centos 4.

I can't add users using the adduser command, I get this error:
adduser: cannot rewrite shadow password file

I can't change the users passwords with passwd, I get this error:
passwd: Authentication token manipulation error

What is wrong?

Thank you

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] swapping on centos 5.1

2008-02-01 Thread Johnny Hughes

Jerry Geis wrote:

Hi all,

I used to use centos 4.5 on an AMD 4800+ with 2GIG ram.
Now I use centos 5.1 on AMD 6400+ with 4GIG RAM.

The system responsiveness is different between the two.
I noticed that centos 5.1 seems to be swapping programs out
of memory at times resulting in slowness (perceived by me).

I played with swappiness (/proc/sys/vm/) setting to 10, then 1 then 0.
Still resulted in the same perceived slowness.
Today I did swapoff -a and now the system obviously does not swap
anything out all all. I thought thats what swappiness of 0 would have done.

Are others experiencing this also? The perceived slowness maks the older
system with less RAM and slower CPU seem faster.

Any suggestions on other things to try?

When you reset swappiness, how did you do it.

The way that I have had the most luck in is editing /etc/sysctl.conf and 


(or in your case, 0)

and then:

sysctl -p /etc/sysctrl.conf

You would need to then make the things already swapped out come back 
(will happen over time) .. but rebooting is easier and faster.

That should work ... but will not prevent all swapping.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] swapping on centos 5.1

2008-02-01 Thread Luke Dudney

On 01/02/2008 01:53, Jerry Geis wrote:

Hi all,

I used to use centos 4.5 on an AMD 4800+ with 2GIG ram.
Now I use centos 5.1 on AMD 6400+ with 4GIG RAM.

The system responsiveness is different between the two.
I noticed that centos 5.1 seems to be swapping programs out
of memory at times resulting in slowness (perceived by me).

I played with swappiness (/proc/sys/vm/) setting to 10, then 1 then 0.
Still resulted in the same perceived slowness.
Today I did swapoff -a and now the system obviously does not swap
anything out all all. I thought thats what swappiness of 0 would have 

Are others experiencing this also? The perceived slowness maks the older
system with less RAM and slower CPU seem faster.

Any suggestions on other things to try?


Large amounts of swap in use does not necessarily reflect a system 
that is swapping heavily, and your perceived slowness may have another 

Take a look at the output of vmstat 10 command's swap columns for real 
time or sar -W for historical information regarding the number of 
pages being swapped in and out. These numbers will give you a much more 
accurate picture of how much swapping is occuring on your system.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] MySQL issues with kernel-2.6.18-53.1.6.el5.x86_64.rpm

2008-02-01 Thread Johnny Hughes

Bent Terp wrote:

On Jan 30, 2008 5:25 PM, Johnny Hughes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In any event, I can not duplicate the problem with an nfs export on c4
or c5 and connecting with a c5 client, regardless of the kernel using i686.

Good point, thanks Johnny! We've verified that here; problem does not
occur when mounting a Linux nfs-share, and does occur when mounting a
Celerra nfs-share.

I've opened a Service Request @ EMC, and will post here again when relevant.

Thank you for helping us - with this issue in particular, and with
making CentOS happen in general!

You're welcome.

There seems to be something about the new kernel that causes many more 
client rpc calls and nfs v3 client lookups for some (but not all) 
operations.  I have been able to reproduce (as have others) the issues 
that seem to cause the problem on i686 and x86_64 regardless of the 
backend server, however it seems to more pronounced on x86_64 clients.

Whether or not it has a major effect will depend on the volume of 
individual actions performed per time.  The more actions per second, the 
bigger the impact (it seems).

I did not see a major impact on performance on i686 (15 seconds on a 3.5 
min operation), though I did see the issues in nfsstat ... however on 
x86_64 it did seem to cause more time issues.  Also, I was doing one 
controlled operation, so if many of these where happening at the same 
time it might have a different impact.

In any event, I have posted an upstream bug to address this issue:


Hopefully we can get it resolved.

Johnny Hughes

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] DVD support on CentOS 5.1

2008-02-01 Thread Johnny Hughes


Hello out there!


Been around the block trying to get DVD support for Totem, but I keep
running into dead ends everywhere I go. Looking for CentOS 5.1-compatible
xine and xine-lib packages as that seems to be the answer, but the only ones
I find (like on DAG) seem to be just dead links or I get a message that the
mirrors are unavailable when I try to run the rpm.


Can anyone provide a link for rpm's that will provide DVD support on CentOS
5.1 32bit? I installed the Gstream rpm's so at least I have mp3 and mpeg
support, I just really want DVD support as well.

The package that you want to install from rpmforge is:


It should make gstreamer (and totem on centos5) be able to play dvds.

I am not sure if it works, as I use mplayer on my personal workstation :D

Johnny Hughes

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] General questions about security

2008-02-01 Thread Niki Kovacs

Les Bell a écrit :

Policy. It's a drag, writing policies, but without policies, you're in the
Ready! Fire! Aim! school of security.  The top tier of policy is the
Enterprise Security Policy, which establishes the security function,
roles, responsibilities, budget, etc. It also gives the power to enforce
penalties for breaches of policies. At the next tier, you have system- and
issue-specific policies, such as the Use of corporate email policy, the
Inappropriate content in the workplace policy. You may then move down to
standards (platforms, SOE, etc.) and procedures (e.g. for provisioning user
accounts, resetting passwords, etc.).


Thanks for your very detailed response. Though I can't help feeling a 
bit like having asked for an identity photo... and getting a 10-foot oil 
painting :oD

Basically, all I'm concerned about security-wise is a modest 
Apache/PHP/MySQL server running a single public library management 
software, and interconnecting eleven (small) public libraries, with a 
total of 60.000 database entries. No (very) big deal.

The configuration is supposed to run on a dedicated server, so my 
question will be more practical:

- Is it worth the hassle to bother with SELinux?

- Is the standard firewall configuration enough, or do I really have to 
fine-tune the thing?

- Basically, what auditing tools besides NMap can you recommend for such 
a thing?


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] cannot rewrite shadow password file

2008-02-01 Thread Ralph Angenendt
Samuel Rochas wrote:

 My answers:
 df gives me 41% use of the disk.
 I can create and copy files on the disk.

 Both /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow looks fine to me.

 Disk physical error? Might be, how do I check that?

What's the output of lsattr /etc/shadow?



Description: PGP signature
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] pgadmin and Centos 5?

2008-02-01 Thread Scott Ehrlich
I've been fighting to get the latest source of pgadmin compiled on Centos 
5 64-bit.

I obtained gnu-c++ (so it was happy with g++).  It then complained about 
wxWidgets, so I obtained the source for that, compiled and installed, and 
./configure for pgadmin saw wxWidgets and was happy with that.  Go to 

It complains that some header file is missing.  A google search reveals 
limited answers, but the same couple of searches reveal the wxwidgets 
modules need to be installed.  What are these modules that are needed for 
pgadmin?  I've found plenty of modules when performing a google search of 
wxwidgets, such as python, etc.

Thanks for any help.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] cannot rewrite shadow password file

2008-02-01 Thread Ralph Angenendt
Samuel Rochas wrote:
 Hi Ralph,

 -r  1 root root 1653 ene 30 12:03 /etc/shadow

 What's the output of lsattr /etc/shadow?


Description: PGP signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] loopback network device

2008-02-01 Thread Alain Spineux
On Feb 1, 2008 1:05 PM, Jordi Prats [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 It's possible to create an alias of a device? Something like a device
 loN that all it's traffic is send to ethN, so ethN and loN are equivalent.

 It's for a bridged setup, i'm not trying to setup another IP on a device.

Some wireless module create multiple name for the same device,
like wifi0, wlan0 and eth0. Then technically this must be possible.
But I don't know any user space tool to do that.

Maybe you are wrong thinking, having multiple name for
the same device will help you! What is you main problem ?


 / /  Jordi Prats
   C E / S / C A  Dept. de Sistemes
   /_/Centre de Supercomputació de Catalunya

   Gran Capità, 2-4 (Edifici Nexus) · 08034 Barcelona
   T. 93 205 6464 · F.  93 205 6979 · [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 CentOS mailing list

Alain Spineux
aspineux gmail com
May the sources be with you
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] cannot rewrite shadow password file

2008-02-01 Thread Samuel Rochas

Hi Ralph,

-r  1 root root 1653 ene 30 12:03 /etc/shadow


Ralph Angenendt escribió:

Samuel Rochas wrote:


My answers:
df gives me 41% use of the disk.
I can create and copy files on the disk.

Both /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow looks fine to me.

Disk physical error? Might be, how do I check that?

What's the output of lsattr /etc/shadow?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] pgadmin and Centos 5?

2008-02-01 Thread Alain Spineux
On Feb 1, 2008 1:19 PM, Scott Ehrlich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been fighting to get the latest source of pgadmin compiled on Centos
 5 64-bit.

Di you look for a precompiled rpm ?
search google for: pgadmin el5 rpm


PS: Say hello to Dag :-)

 I obtained gnu-c++ (so it was happy with g++).  It then complained about
 wxWidgets, so I obtained the source for that, compiled and installed, and
 ./configure for pgadmin saw wxWidgets and was happy with that.  Go to

 It complains that some header file is missing.  A google search reveals
 limited answers, but the same couple of searches reveal the wxwidgets
 modules need to be installed.  What are these modules that are needed for
 pgadmin?  I've found plenty of modules when performing a google search of
 wxwidgets, such as python, etc.

 Thanks for any help.

 CentOS mailing list

Alain Spineux
aspineux gmail com
May the sources be with you
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] cannot rewrite shadow password file

2008-02-01 Thread Samuel Rochas


My answers:
df gives me 41% use of the disk.
I can create and copy files on the disk.

Both /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow looks fine to me.

Disk physical error? Might be, how do I check that?


Marcelo Roccasalva escribió:

On Feb 1, 2008 7:12 AM, Samuel Rochas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I run Centos 4.

I can't add users using the adduser command, I get this error:
adduser: cannot rewrite shadow password file

I can't change the users passwords with passwd, I get this error:
passwd: Authentication token manipulation error

What is wrong?

root filesystem full or read only? disk physical errors?


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] CentOS 5 loses ip address (newbie question)

2008-02-01 Thread frankly3d-centos
Reserved ip in 192.168.x.x range for CenOS 5 (Samba Server)

loses samba clients due to eth0 losing it's ip.

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:04:61:72:AB:98  
  inet addr:  Bcast: 
  inet6 addr: fe80::204:61ff:fe72:ab98/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:60058 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
  TX packets:66564 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
  RX bytes:11387965 (10.8 MiB)  TX bytes:45451041
(43.3 MiB)

loLink encap:Local Loopback  
  inet addr:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
  RX packets:23 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
  TX packets:23 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
  RX bytes:2340 (2.2 KiB)  TX bytes:2340 (2.2 KiB)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] swapping on centos 5.1

2008-02-01 Thread William Warren
you can also flush the swap with a swapoff -a wait till it flushes then 
swapon -a

Johnny Hughes wrote:

Jerry Geis wrote:

Hi all,

I used to use centos 4.5 on an AMD 4800+ with 2GIG ram.
Now I use centos 5.1 on AMD 6400+ with 4GIG RAM.

The system responsiveness is different between the two.
I noticed that centos 5.1 seems to be swapping programs out
of memory at times resulting in slowness (perceived by me).

I played with swappiness (/proc/sys/vm/) setting to 10, then 1 then 0.
Still resulted in the same perceived slowness.
Today I did swapoff -a and now the system obviously does not swap
anything out all all. I thought thats what swappiness of 0 would have 

Are others experiencing this also? The perceived slowness maks the older
system with less RAM and slower CPU seem faster.

Any suggestions on other things to try?

When you reset swappiness, how did you do it.

The way that I have had the most luck in is editing /etc/sysctl.conf and 


(or in your case, 0)

and then:

sysctl -p /etc/sysctrl.conf

You would need to then make the things already swapped out come back 
(will happen over time) .. but rebooting is easier and faster.

That should work ... but will not prevent all swapping.

CentOS mailing list

Registered Microsoft Partner

My Foundation verse:
Isa 54:17
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] General questions about security

2008-02-01 Thread Ross S. W. Walker

Check to see if the town/county has any policies in place for computer systems 
and networks for public services and follow those guidelines.

Otherwise look at surrounding public library systems to see if they have any 
you can adopt.

For a LAMP setup your definitely going to want to use selinux to limit what 
each application can read and write to, and you should use audit too to set 
auditing on sensitive directories like, /etc, /bin, /lib, /sbin, /usr/bin, 
/usr/lib, /usr/sbin.

You will probably want to use smartmon to monitor drive health and something 
else to monitor resource usage (drive space, memory, cpu, mysql db space) with 
email/sms alerts.


- Original Message -
To: CentOS mailing list centos@centos.org
Sent: Fri Feb 01 06:47:36 2008
Subject: Re: [CentOS] General questions about security

Les Bell a écrit :

 Policy. It's a drag, writing policies, but without policies, you're in the
 Ready! Fire! Aim! school of security.  The top tier of policy is the
 Enterprise Security Policy, which establishes the security function,
 roles, responsibilities, budget, etc. It also gives the power to enforce
 penalties for breaches of policies. At the next tier, you have system- and
 issue-specific policies, such as the Use of corporate email policy, the
 Inappropriate content in the workplace policy. You may then move down to
 standards (platforms, SOE, etc.) and procedures (e.g. for provisioning user
 accounts, resetting passwords, etc.).


Thanks for your very detailed response. Though I can't help feeling a 
bit like having asked for an identity photo... and getting a 10-foot oil 
painting :oD

Basically, all I'm concerned about security-wise is a modest 
Apache/PHP/MySQL server running a single public library management 
software, and interconnecting eleven (small) public libraries, with a 
total of 60.000 database entries. No (very) big deal.

The configuration is supposed to run on a dedicated server, so my 
question will be more practical:

- Is it worth the hassle to bother with SELinux?

- Is the standard firewall configuration enough, or do I really have to 
fine-tune the thing?

- Basically, what auditing tools besides NMap can you recommend for such 
a thing?


CentOS mailing list

This e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is intended only for use by
the addressee(s) named herein and may contain legally privileged
and/or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient
of this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
distribution or copying of this e-mail, and any attachments thereto,
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original and any copy or printout thereof.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] cannot rewrite shadow password file

2008-02-01 Thread Marcelo Roccasalva
On Feb 1, 2008 7:12 AM, Samuel Rochas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I run Centos 4.

 I can't add users using the adduser command, I get this error:
 adduser: cannot rewrite shadow password file

 I can't change the users passwords with passwd, I get this error:
 passwd: Authentication token manipulation error

 What is wrong?

root filesystem full or read only? disk physical errors?


¿No será acaso que ésta vida moderna está teniendo más de moderna que
de vida? (Mafalda)
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] General questions about security

2008-02-01 Thread Alain Spineux
On Feb 1, 2008 9:14 AM, Niki Kovacs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I admit I never gave security that much thought, that is, except the
 most basic security rules like choosing good passwords, or reasonable
 file and directory permissions. But now I have to change that, since
 I'll soon have to setup a dedicated production server for our public

Ussualy default linux setup have already good security rules enabled.
The problems will come from you, what you will chnage, how you will
reduce the security!

 I wonder where to begin. I would say first thing is get a series of
 auditing tools such as, for example, the port scanner nmap, to test
 the firewall on the server. Any other ideas for that?

nmap is the first step, nessus is overkill if you have to learn it to
only protect one server.

 The firewall: CentOS includes a default firewall, where ports can be
 chosen using a simple graphical (or ncurses) tool. Is that solid enough
 for a web server? Or do you recommend diving into the innards of
 iptables? Or maybe, other solution, can you recommend some good
 reasonable set of rules for a web server, for example?

You will certainly have dynamic contains, use PHP, ...
You must first worry about the security of your web application !
Use the good settings in your php.ini, be careful about checking
the validity of your user input ...

 Last but not least: SELinux. For the moment I don't use it. I read the
 chapter on SELinux in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Unleashed by Tammy
 Fox, and I simply wonder if it's worth the pain. I'm curious about your
 opinions about this subject.

You have 3 mode for SELinux: disabled, permissive, enforcing
Set it to permissive, and then try to solve the few errors.
When your server is stable (no more change) and you have no new error,
switch to enforcing.

 Maybe some good reads on security? That is, articles that don't require
 you to be a doctor in computer science to get a grasp of the subject?
 And also documentation that doesn't require me to have a life expectance
 of 500+ years

 Any suggestions?

 CentOS mailing list

Alain Spineux
aspineux gmail com
May the sources be with you
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] General questions about security

2008-02-01 Thread Les Bell

Niki Kovacs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks for your very detailed response.

Trust me when I say: that wasn't detailed. Nowhere near it.

- Is it worth the hassle to bother with SELinux?

- Is the standard firewall configuration enough

You can go light on all that policy stuff, especially in a small business
environment, but you need to give it at least superficial consideration.
Until you do, you can't answer those questions, and we certainly can't.
Would, say, a web site defacement cause your organization significant
embarrassment? Would it cost you your job? Could borrowers' personal
information be compromised? Are you storing information like SSN's? At what
point does the benefit exceed the costs? The hassle is worth it for
defense/government applications involving classified data, obviously.
Probably not worth it for a web-surfing home desktop. You're somewhere -
where? - in between. Only you can know, and it depends on business

Remember: Ready! Fire! Aim!.

One easy out: the due diligence approach. Find out what other libraries
are doing, and do the same or better. The Koha, OpenBiblio and other
mailing lists could be a help here.

I'll let others clue you in on various web vulnerabilities - SQL injection,
command injection, cross-site scripting, overflows, etc. - as well as tools
like Nessus, Nikto, etc. for vuln scanning. However, your top priority here
should be proactive patch management and intrusion detection techniques
such as log file monitoring/analysis.


--- Les Bell, RHCE, CISSP
Tel: +61 2 9451 1144
FreeWorldDialup: 800909

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] General questions about security

2008-02-01 Thread Alain Spineux
On Feb 1, 2008 12:47 PM, Niki Kovacs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Les Bell a écrit :

  Policy. It's a drag, writing policies, but without policies, you're in the
  Ready! Fire! Aim! school of security.  The top tier of policy is the
  Enterprise Security Policy, which establishes the security function,
  roles, responsibilities, budget, etc. It also gives the power to enforce
  penalties for breaches of policies. At the next tier, you have system- and
  issue-specific policies, such as the Use of corporate email policy, the
  Inappropriate content in the workplace policy. You may then move down to
  standards (platforms, SOE, etc.) and procedures (e.g. for provisioning user
  accounts, resetting passwords, etc.).


 Thanks for your very detailed response. Though I can't help feeling a
 bit like having asked for an identity photo... and getting a 10-foot oil
 painting :oD

 Basically, all I'm concerned about security-wise is a modest
 Apache/PHP/MySQL server running a single public library management
 software, and interconnecting eleven (small) public libraries, with a
 total of 60.000 database entries. No (very) big deal.

 The configuration is supposed to run on a dedicated server, so my
 question will be more practical:

 - Is it worth the hassle to bother with SELinux?

Must be your last concern. Use permissive.
If you have time switch to enforcing at release time.

 - Is the standard firewall configuration enough, or do I really have to
 fine-tune the thing?

The problem is not the tools, It is its usage, and its user here.
Drugs can heal, but can kill too!
Yes this is a good start, but try toi understand what you are doing.
But the best is to put a cheap router/firwall in front of your server and
forward _only_ the required ports. Dont give your server a public IP.

 - Basically, what auditing tools besides NMap can you recommend for such
 a thing?

nmap :-)



 CentOS mailing list

Alain Spineux
aspineux gmail com
May the sources be with you
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] pxeos tool in system-config-netboot missing in CentOS

2008-02-01 Thread vincenzo romero
Hello all,

Since the pxeos utility is missing per Bug #0002304,
which is required for me to setup a PXE server; which I'd like to in CentOS;

Question:  ... I am unable to find source for this;  seems like the
bug means that this was an oversight;  perhaps the source is available
somewhere and I can simply compile?  If anyone is familiar where I can
find this (a link/URL), a pointer would be greatly appreciated.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Help with authenticating against Active Directory.

2008-02-01 Thread Michael Semcheski
On Jan 31, 2008 9:29 PM, Jeff Larsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Microsoft Services For UNIX or 2003R2 support UNIX attributes in
 Active Directory. It adds a new tab in the user account properties
 where you can specify login shell, home directory, uid, gid.

 On the CentOS side use nss_ldap.

 This is a true single sign-on configuration with no /etc/passwd monkey
 business. We use it for   database application auth and limited shell
 access. It just works, failures are rare.

So is it possible to use nss_ldap with MS-AD if the Services for Unix
are not installed?  Or do you still have to resort to /etc/password
monkey business?  (I'm all for eliminating the monkey business, but I
don't think my AD is going to get SFU.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5 loses ip address (newbie question)

2008-02-01 Thread nate
frankly3d-centos wrote:
 Reserved ip in 192.168.x.x range for CenOS 5 (Samba Server)

 loses samba clients due to eth0 losing it's ip.

Sounds like your using DHCP. If you've reserved an IP then
set it statically on the server, as the dhcp client doesn't
appear to be able to renew the lease when it expires. You
can check the logs on the server to see if you can see why
it cannot renew the lease if you want as well.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] cannot rewrite shadow password file

2008-02-01 Thread Ralph Angenendt
Samuel Rochas wrote:
 Dear Ralph,

 - /etc/shadow

Okay, so that's not it, either.


Description: PGP signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] cannot rewrite shadow password file

2008-02-01 Thread Michel van Deventer
On Fri, 1 Feb 2008 16:52:21 +0100, Ralph Angenendt wrote
 Samuel Rochas wrote:
  Dear Ralph,
  - /etc/shadow
 Okay, so that's not it, either.
What#347; the output of :

ls -Z /etc/shadow 

might be an SELinux issue
If so, you can do a restorecon /etc/shadow



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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Help with authenticating against Active Directory.

2008-02-01 Thread Jeff Larsen
On Feb 1, 2008 9:38 AM, Michael Semcheski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So is it possible to use nss_ldap with MS-AD if the Services for Unix
 are not installed?  Or do you still have to resort to /etc/password
 monkey business?  (I'm all for eliminating the monkey business, but I
 don't think my AD is going to get SFU.

You can use nss_ldap with 2003R2 DC when the additional software
component (built-in to R2, see my other post) is installed. You can
not use nss_ldap with pre-R2 DC without SFU. SFU modifies the AD
schema to create new fields for UNIX attributes, most important of
which is a password field compatible with UNIX crypt. In the case of
R2, your schema will be modified in a similar fashion.

WARNING: If you have multiple DCs, R2 and SFU are not compatible out
of the box. They use different AD schema modifications. We had to
track down hotfixes and DLLs to get our mixed environment working. It
was not fun, but we eventually got it all squared away.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Help with authenticating against Active Directory.

2008-02-01 Thread Jeff Larsen
On Feb 1, 2008 9:38 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 31 Jan 2008 20:29:07 -0600
 Jeff Larsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Don't use Samba.
  Microsoft Services For UNIX or 2003R2 support UNIX attributes in
  Active Directory. It adds a new tab in the user account
  properties where you can specify login shell, home directory,
  uid, gid.

 1. I have the same problem, but the admin does not want to install
 Microsoft Services For UNIX.

That's unfortunate. It's really quite non-invasive

 2. You mention 2003R2, does something needs to installed,
 deployed? I don't see the Unix attributes.

- Add/Remove Programs
- - Add/Remove Windows Components
- - - Active Directory Services
- - - - Identity Management for UNIX
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Help with authenticating against Active Directory.

2008-02-01 Thread centos
On Thu, 31 Jan 2008 20:29:07 -0600
Jeff Larsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Don't use Samba.
 Microsoft Services For UNIX or 2003R2 support UNIX attributes in
 Active Directory. It adds a new tab in the user account
 properties where you can specify login shell, home directory,
 uid, gid.

1. I have the same problem, but the admin does not want to install
Microsoft Services For UNIX. 

2. You mention 2003R2, does something needs to installed,
deployed? I don't see the Unix attributes.

When the network has to work
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] pgadmin and Centos 5?

2008-02-01 Thread nate
Scott Ehrlich wrote:
 I've been fighting to get the latest source of pgadmin compiled on Centos
 5 64-bit.

 I obtained gnu-c++ (so it was happy with g++).  It then complained about
 wxWidgets, so I obtained the source for that, compiled and installed, and
 ./configure for pgadmin saw wxWidgets and was happy with that.  Go to

 It complains that some header file is missing.  A google search reveals
 limited answers, but the same couple of searches reveal the wxwidgets

Something I've wondered for a while, is there any site out there that
allows you to search by filename to find what package a file belongs
to for a particular distribution? One of the many things I've loved
about Debian for years is their packages.debian.org site which among
other things allows exactly that. It's so handy.

Unless yum or some other tool provides this information(I'm not
aware of any tool that can provide this.

I still refer to packages.debian.org when I'm trying to find what
package I need for a particular file, despite it being Debian at
least I can get an idea what the source of the file is and can try
to track down an equivalent for CentOS/RHEL/Fedora.

And to be clear, I'm not talking about the rpm -q -f file command,
I'm talking about finding package names for files that are NOT
installed on your system(s). I suppose I could do rpm -q -l -p package
for each and every RPM, and maintain that list, but that'd also
assume that I have every RPM, which I may not(base distro RPMs


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Help with authenticating against Active Directory.

2008-02-01 Thread Jeff Larsen
On Feb 1, 2008 10:20 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 1 Feb 2008 09:49:47 -0600
 Jeff Larsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   1. I have the same problem, but the admin does not want to
   install Microsoft Services For UNIX.
  That's unfortunate. It's really quite non-invasive

 The admin does not want to do any change to deal with only 1 user

   2. You mention 2003R2, does something needs to installed,
   deployed? I don't see the Unix attributes.
  - Add/Remove Programs
  - - Add/Remove Windows Components
  - - - Active Directory Services
  - - - - Identity Management for UNIX

 The admin does not want to do any change to deal with only 1 user
 [me], so there is no other way than XP within vmware?

I'm not sure what problem you are trying to solve with that. Samba
might be an option for you if your domain admin will let you join a
linux machine to the domain. But I am not a Samba expert, so you'll
have to seek advice from someone else. My advocating for nss_ldap is
for the purpose of full-scale single sign-on.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] cannot rewrite shadow password file

2008-02-01 Thread Samuel Rochas

Dear Michel,

What#347; the output of :


ls -Z /etc/shadow 

-r  root root system_u:object_r:shadow_t   /etc/shadow

After running those commands, I can run passwd without errors (passwd: 
all authentication tokens updated successfully), but the password won't 
be changed.

might be an SELinux issue
If so, you can do a restorecon /etc/shadow

Did it, still can't update the password.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] cannot rewrite shadow password file

2008-02-01 Thread Samuel Rochas


Before I had this problem, I've changed the root password twice, and 
something went wrong, since I was not able to login as root anymore :(

I've started the box with the GRUB option init=/bin/bash, mounted the 
disk rw and executed the passwd command successfully.
I've restarted and could log into the box as root. But then, trying to 
issue the passwd command again did not work.

I am not sure if and how those actions can be related to my problem?!?


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Help with authenticating against Active Directory.

2008-02-01 Thread John R Pierce


The admin does not want to do any change to deal with only 1 user
[me], so there is no other way than XP within vmware?

if you're the only one using this linux system, well, I guess I can see 
his POV.   OTOH, if this Linux system is providing a business function, 
who's in charge of this administrator?  sounds to me like he needs a 

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Help with authenticating against Active Directory.

2008-02-01 Thread centos
On Fri, 1 Feb 2008 09:49:47 -0600
Jeff Larsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  1. I have the same problem, but the admin does not want to
  install Microsoft Services For UNIX.
 That's unfortunate. It's really quite non-invasive

The admin does not want to do any change to deal with only 1 user

  2. You mention 2003R2, does something needs to installed,
  deployed? I don't see the Unix attributes.
 - Add/Remove Programs
 - - Add/Remove Windows Components
 - - - Active Directory Services
 - - - - Identity Management for UNIX

The admin does not want to do any change to deal with only 1 user
[me], so there is no other way than XP within vmware?

When the network has to work
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] pgadmin and Centos 5?

2008-02-01 Thread Matt Hyclak
On Fri, Feb 01, 2008 at 08:42:50AM -0800, nate enlightened us:
 Scott Ehrlich wrote:
  I've been fighting to get the latest source of pgadmin compiled on Centos
  5 64-bit.
  I obtained gnu-c++ (so it was happy with g++).  It then complained about
  wxWidgets, so I obtained the source for that, compiled and installed, and
  ./configure for pgadmin saw wxWidgets and was happy with that.  Go to
  It complains that some header file is missing.  A google search reveals
  limited answers, but the same couple of searches reveal the wxwidgets
 Something I've wondered for a while, is there any site out there that
 allows you to search by filename to find what package a file belongs
 to for a particular distribution? One of the many things I've loved
 about Debian for years is their packages.debian.org site which among
 other things allows exactly that. It's so handy.
 Unless yum or some other tool provides this information(I'm not
 aware of any tool that can provide this.
 I still refer to packages.debian.org when I'm trying to find what
 package I need for a particular file, despite it being Debian at
 least I can get an idea what the source of the file is and can try
 to track down an equivalent for CentOS/RHEL/Fedora.
 And to be clear, I'm not talking about the rpm -q -f file command,
 I'm talking about finding package names for files that are NOT
 installed on your system(s). I suppose I could do rpm -q -l -p package
 for each and every RPM, and maintain that list, but that'd also
 assume that I have every RPM, which I may not(base distro RPMs

Is 'yum provides foo' not good enough?

Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Unknown rootkit causes compromised servers

2008-02-01 Thread John Hinton

Les Mikesell wrote:

Craig White wrote:

We will work also with the Red Hat Security team and see if we can 
isolate any issues that might be FIXABLE.

doesn't this almost beg for upstream to make denyhosts a base install
and automatically on, just as sshd is automatically on?

I've always wondered why a program like sshd didn't rate-limit 
connection attempts from day one.  It's not exactly a new concept, 
especially for a security-oriented program.

I actually think RedHat has moved backwards in this area. I'm seeing 
dictionary attacks on ssh, vsftp, dovecot, samba, virtually every 
service which might be available out to the web. Gaining access in any 
of these areas is the first step to a compromised system.

ssh and vsftp seem to be the most often attacked... I have had ssh set 
to deny all and allow only known IP addresses of known users who need 
the service... still not perfect by any means, as somewhere along the 
line someone is going to need access while their connection is 
dynamic... just hadn't hit that one yet.

I have to wonder about vsftp... Yes it's fast, but I wonder if some of 
this speed comes from not doing checks that really need to be done, like 
keeping up with multiple failed logins. Seems like wu and pro both had 
settings for this within their config files? But, even if we take the 
UNIX ideal for doing things, the modular approach... I am very surprised 
that RHEL doesn't appear to have any system within the provided packages 
which can be set to deal with the various servers in some straight 
forward manner. Yes, there are programs out there. I'm running one of 
them. But why are we left with this one shortcoming by upstream?

Sorry, this just seems to be really odd to me. Dealing with each 
external system, is dealing with yet one more system to follow. Each 
time, there may be a new issue introduced with regards to a conflict on 
a server... the whole reason for following upstream as much as possible. 
Each one also introduces the need to follow another mailing list. It's 
just not very efficient nor as safe, when compared to yum or up2date 

As for changes to passwords. Sure, changing the root password is a great 
idea. But then, what about all the users? It's absurd to consider making 
all the users on a hosting server change their passwords once a month, 
once a year or even once every ten years. They can barely keep up with 
the one they have and many don't. Most don't know how to configure their 
email client. Entry into a system from any service opens up a lot of 
potentials. I really don't get why there is not a system in place to 
deal with this just as we have selinux, suexec, etc.

John Hinton
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] centos 4.6 and openssl

2008-02-01 Thread Paul A

I was compiling a new version of bind on my centos 4.6 server and I
discovered that the openssl version (openssl-0.9.7a-43.17.el4_6.1) has
several exploits associated with it.
I was wondering aside from removing the RPM and compiling a new version of
openssl how can I upgrade my current openssl-0.9.7a-43.17.el4_6.1 to a newer
version that is affected by the exploits. 
I know I can yum update openssl as that's is the last version for openssl
for version 4. 

What can I do upgrade openssl? 
Is it possible to update the server from 4.6 to 5?, is this something that I
want to do or is there a better way?

TIA, Paul
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] dhcp squid

2008-02-01 Thread Gregory P. Ennis

I have set up squid as a proxy http server in order to filter web access
for an office that wants to block certain web sites.  

Is there a way to use the dhcpd server to assign the squid server and
port number 3128 to each Linux desktop when they boot using the existing
dhcpd server.  Or do I need to change each user's network preference
setup in firefox.   The dhcpd server and squid are on the same server.

I have looked at the man pages for dhcpd, dhcpd.conf, dhcp-options,
dhcllient, and dhclient.conf.  

I found an option :

option www-server ###.###.###.###
 However there was no reference to stipulate a port number like 3128
that is used by squid.

Other searching on the web has uncovered the use of:

option custom-proxy-server;
 but I am uncertain as to how to configure wpad.pac file

Any answers or suggestions on reading material would be appreciated.


Greg Ennis

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] MySQL issues with kernel-2.6.18-53.1.6.el5.x86_64.rpm

2008-02-01 Thread Bent Terp
On Feb 1, 2008 10:54 AM, Johnny Hughes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Bent Terp wrote:
  Good point, thanks Johnny! We've verified that here; problem does not
  occur when mounting a Linux nfs-share, and does occur when mounting a
  Celerra nfs-share.

Tunrs out that nfsstat wasn't telling us the whole truth We set up
an rsync that only did the directory listing, and the .4 = .6 kernel
opgrade (and I use the term loosely...) resulted in that rsync
command taking 21 secs instead of 4.5 against a Linux nfs backend; and
20 secs instead of 10 against the celerra.

  I've opened a Service Request @ EMC, and will post here again when relevant.

Issue remains open, although I'm sligthly embarassed about it now,
given that linux backends are also affected.

When we built a .6 kernel without the 5 nfs patches, nfsstat output
reverted, but I don't know about the actual performance, yet. Probably
we can rerun those tests monday.

BR Bent
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] pgadmin and Centos 5?

2008-02-01 Thread nate
Matt Hyclak wrote:

 Is 'yum provides foo' not good enough?

Not really, no. Say your building a package like the OP was,
and you figure out you need the library libkabc_dir.so.1,
now if your really into the development side of things you
may be able to take a stab at what that library may be
included with, for me, I have no idea. Some things are
obvious, the above is not. Searching for this file on
packages.debian.org tells me it's in the package kdelibs4c2a.

The name has a k in it, but to me it doesn't really give
a solid indicator that it might be from kde, in this case
it happens to be though.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] dhcp squid

2008-02-01 Thread nate
Gregory P. Ennis wrote:

 I have set up squid as a proxy http server in order to filter web access
 for an office that wants to block certain web sites.

 Is there a way to use the dhcpd server to assign the squid server and
 port number 3128 to each Linux desktop when they boot using the existing
 dhcpd server.  Or do I need to change each user's network preference
 setup in firefox.   The dhcpd server and squid are on the same server.

Have you considered setting up squid as a transparent proxy so all
HTTP requests go through it instead of configuring the clients to
use the proxy? It'd be more secure anyways considering not everything
has configuration to use a proxy.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] pgadmin and Centos 5?

2008-02-01 Thread nate
Matt Hyclak wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 01, 2008 at 10:16:47AM -0800, nate enlightened us:
 Matt Hyclak wrote:

  Is 'yum provides foo' not good enough?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ yum provides libkabc_dir.so.1
 Loading priorities plugin
 Searching Packages:
 Setting up repositories
 Reading repository metadata in from local files

 kdelibs.i386 6:3.3.1-9.el4  base
 Matched from:

ahh ok, thanks! I assumed that was only checking the RPM provides



CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] centos 4.6 and openssl

2008-02-01 Thread Paul A
Thanks Alex.

I'm assuming that if another security exploit is found that the openssl
version number who change on the repo correct, if not how would yum know to

Thanks, Paul

P.A  -Original Message-
P.A  Behalf Of Alex White
P.A  Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 1:13 PM
P.A  To: CentOS mailing list
P.A  Subject: Re: [CentOS] centos 4.6 and openssl
P.A  On Fri, 1 Feb 2008 12:49:10 -0500
P.A  Paul A [EMAIL PROTECTED] took out a #2 pencil and scribbled:
P.A   Hi,
P.A   I was compiling a new version of bind on my centos 4.6 server and
P.A   I discovered that the openssl version
P.A   (openssl-0.9.7a-43.17.el4_6.1) has several exploits associated
P.A   with it. I was wondering aside from removing the RPM and
P.A   compiling a new version of openssl how can I upgrade my current
P.A   openssl-0.9.7a-43.17.el4_6.1 to a newer version that is affected
P.A   by the exploits. I know I can yum update openssl as that's is the
P.A   last version for openssl for version 4.
P.A   What can I do upgrade openssl?
P.A   Is it possible to update the server from 4.6 to 5?, is this
P.A   something that I want to do or is there a better way?
P.A   TIA, Paul
P.A  Security fixes are backported, so the version number is not a good
P.A  indicator of security vulnerabilities. You may wish to look at the
P.A  change log associated with the rpm.
P.A  rpm -q --changelog openssl
P.A  --
P.A  Life is a prison, death is a release
P.A  ___
P.A  CentOS mailing list
P.A  CentOS@centos.org
P.A  http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] centos 4.6 and openssl

2008-02-01 Thread Alex White
On Fri, 1 Feb 2008 13:40:32 -0500
Paul A [EMAIL PROTECTED] took out a #2 pencil and scribbled:

 Thanks Alex.
 I'm assuming that if another security exploit is found that the
 openssl version number who change on the repo correct, if not how
 would yum know to update?
 Thanks, Paul

Typically if such a thing is to happen you'll see a release
bump, similar to 0.9.8b-8.3.2 to 0.9.8b-8.3.3

Life is a prison, death is a release
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] dhcp squid

2008-02-01 Thread Gregory P. Ennis
On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 10:21 -0800, nate wrote:
 Gregory P. Ennis wrote:
  I have set up squid as a proxy http server in order to filter web access
  for an office that wants to block certain web sites.
  Is there a way to use the dhcpd server to assign the squid server and
  port number 3128 to each Linux desktop when they boot using the existing
  dhcpd server.  Or do I need to change each user's network preference
  setup in firefox.   The dhcpd server and squid are on the same server.
 Have you considered setting up squid as a transparent proxy so all
 HTTP requests go through it instead of configuring the clients to
 use the proxy? It'd be more secure anyways considering not everything
 has configuration to use a proxy.

Thanks for the suggestion... that was a much easier approach.  There
were some previous posts in November of last year that had some good
references.  I have everything working as I had hoped.

I would still be interested to know if the dhcp servers could be used
for this kind of thing.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] General questions about security

2008-02-01 Thread Niki Kovacs

Ross S. W. Walker a écrit :

Check to see if the town/county has any policies in place for computer 
systems and networks for public services and follow those guidelines.

Otherwise look at surrounding public library systems to see if they have 
any you can adopt.

The surrounding places here (town halls, police stations) mostly run 
Windows (98, Me, 2000, XP). So I'd better follow my nose than their 
security standards :oD


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] NTP server

2008-02-01 Thread Scott Ehrlich
I have a Centos 5 64-bit server that has ntp service enabled.  Windows XP 
with SP2 cannot properly sync to it for time, but can communicate with it 
via samba, ssh, and anything else.I also disabled the Windows 
Firewall.  The C5 system does not have any firewall enabled.

Other C5 workstations can successfully sync to it via ntpdate.

What else could cause the XP machine to not be able to time sync with the 
C5 server?


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: dhcp squid

2008-02-01 Thread Scott Silva

on 2/1/2008 11:17 AM Gregory P. Ennis spake the following:

On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 10:21 -0800, nate wrote:

Gregory P. Ennis wrote:


I have set up squid as a proxy http server in order to filter web access
for an office that wants to block certain web sites.

Is there a way to use the dhcpd server to assign the squid server and
port number 3128 to each Linux desktop when they boot using the existing
dhcpd server.  Or do I need to change each user's network preference
setup in firefox.   The dhcpd server and squid are on the same server.

Have you considered setting up squid as a transparent proxy so all
HTTP requests go through it instead of configuring the clients to
use the proxy? It'd be more secure anyways considering not everything
has configuration to use a proxy.



Thanks for the suggestion... that was a much easier approach.  There
were some previous posts in November of last year that had some good
references.  I have everything working as I had hoped.

I would still be interested to know if the dhcp servers could be used
for this kind of thing.

I know that windows machines won't pick up any option like this from DHCP. You 
have to use the proxy.pac which I could never get working quite right from 
anything but a microsoft proxy server. A transparent filter works better 
anyway, as your users will have a harder time bypassing it.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't

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CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] NTP server

2008-02-01 Thread James D. Parra

-Original Message-
From: Scott Ehrlich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 11:37 AM
To: centos@centos.org
Subject: [CentOS] NTP server

I have a Centos 5 64-bit server that has ntp service enabled.  Windows XP 
with SP2 cannot properly sync to it for time, but can communicate with it 
via samba, ssh, and anything else.I also disabled the Windows 
Firewall.  The C5 system does not have any firewall enabled.

Other C5 workstations can successfully sync to it via ntpdate.

What else could cause the XP machine to not be able to time sync with the 
C5 server?

Try this; create a DNS entry called ntp.yourinternaldomain.com, then plug
that name into XP's internet time. I had a similar problem and changing the
IP address to FQDN fixed it.

Perhaps it will work for you. 

Good luck,

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] cannot rewrite shadow password file

2008-02-01 Thread Michel van Deventer

On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 17:29 +0100, Samuel Rochas wrote:
 Dear Michel,
  What#347; the output of :

  ls -Z /etc/shadow 

 -r  root root system_u:object_r:shadow_t   /etc/shadow
 After running those commands, I can run passwd without errors (passwd: 
 all authentication tokens updated successfully), but the password won't 
 be changed.
  might be an SELinux issue
  If so, you can do a restorecon /etc/shadow

 Did it, still can't update the password.
To completely rule out SELinux..
Do setenforce 0 
try to change password
Please make sure that ALL fields are accounted for in the shadow file
and there are no line breaks!
As a final solution you can try to remove the password of root
completely (in runlevel 1), reboot, login as root and change the
password again.


Michel van Deventer

 CentOS mailing list
 Teach CanIt if this mail (ID 965063) is spam:
 Not spam:http://neelix.grote.net/canit/b.php?c=ni=965063m=b276cefc88be
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CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] NTP server

2008-02-01 Thread Jason Ross

On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 11:43 -0800, James D. Parra wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: Scott Ehrlich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 11:37 AM
 To: centos@centos.org
 Subject: [CentOS] NTP server
 I have a Centos 5 64-bit server that has ntp service enabled.  Windows XP 
 with SP2 cannot properly sync to it for time, but can communicate with it 
 via samba, ssh, and anything else.I also disabled the Windows 
 Firewall.  The C5 system does not have any firewall enabled.
 Other C5 workstations can successfully sync to it via ntpdate.
 What else could cause the XP machine to not be able to time sync with the 
 C5 server?
 Try this; create a DNS entry called ntp.yourinternaldomain.com, then plug
 that name into XP's internet time. I had a similar problem and changing the
 IP address to FQDN fixed it.
 Perhaps it will work for you. 
 Good luck,

Try running these from the command line

net time /setsntp:   your NTP ip here

net time /querysntp

net stop w32time  net start w32time


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] General questions about security

2008-02-01 Thread techlists
CI Security has some good hardening guidelines for Linux based servers. Any 
public facing server should be hardened before deploying it online.



 -- Original message --
From: Niki Kovacs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I admit I never gave security that much thought, that is, except the 
 most basic security rules like choosing good passwords, or reasonable 
 file and directory permissions. But now I have to change that, since 
 I'll soon have to setup a dedicated production server for our public 
 I wonder where to begin. I would say first thing is get a series of 
 auditing tools such as, for example, the port scanner nmap, to test 
 the firewall on the server. Any other ideas for that?
 The firewall: CentOS includes a default firewall, where ports can be 
 chosen using a simple graphical (or ncurses) tool. Is that solid enough 
 for a web server? Or do you recommend diving into the innards of 
 iptables? Or maybe, other solution, can you recommend some good 
 reasonable set of rules for a web server, for example?
 Last but not least: SELinux. For the moment I don't use it. I read the 
 chapter on SELinux in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Unleashed by Tammy 
 Fox, and I simply wonder if it's worth the pain. I'm curious about your 
 opinions about this subject.
 Maybe some good reads on security? That is, articles that don't require 
 you to be a doctor in computer science to get a grasp of the subject? 
 And also documentation that doesn't require me to have a life expectance 
 of 500+ years
 Any suggestions?
 CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] pgadmin and Centos 5?

2008-02-01 Thread kalinix

On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 08:42 -0800, nate wrote:
 Scott Ehrlich wrote:
  I've been fighting to get the latest source of pgadmin compiled on Centos
  5 64-bit.
  I obtained gnu-c++ (so it was happy with g++).  It then complained about
  wxWidgets, so I obtained the source for that, compiled and installed, and
  ./configure for pgadmin saw wxWidgets and was happy with that.  Go to
  It complains that some header file is missing.  A google search reveals
  limited answers, but the same couple of searches reveal the wxwidgets
 Something I've wondered for a while, is there any site out there that
 allows you to search by filename to find what package a file belongs
 to for a particular distribution? One of the many things I've loved
 about Debian for years is their packages.debian.org site which among
 other things allows exactly that. It's so handy.
 Unless yum or some other tool provides this information(I'm not
 aware of any tool that can provide this.
 I still refer to packages.debian.org when I'm trying to find what
 package I need for a particular file, despite it being Debian at
 least I can get an idea what the source of the file is and can try
 to track down an equivalent for CentOS/RHEL/Fedora.
 And to be clear, I'm not talking about the rpm -q -f file command,
 I'm talking about finding package names for files that are NOT
 installed on your system(s). I suppose I could do rpm -q -l -p package
 for each and every RPM, and maintain that list, but that'd also
 assume that I have every RPM, which I may not(base distro RPMs
 CentOS mailing list




In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In
practice, there is.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Megraid SAS virtual disc question

2008-02-01 Thread Joseph L. Casale
Is there something OS related (CentOS 5.1) I would need to do for a CLI created 
array to become visible to the OS after the array is created and initialized? I 
don't want to reboot...

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: NTP server

2008-02-01 Thread Scott Silva

on 2/1/2008 12:03 PM Dennis McLeod spake the following:

XP command line:

net time \\servername  returns what?

Perhaps the response will give a clue.

To set it:

net time \\servername /set /yes 

Net time is only used to set time from a domain controller, not an ntp server.
They use two completely different protocols.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5 loses ip address (newbie question)

2008-02-01 Thread MHR
On Feb 1, 2008 6:08 AM, frankly3d-centos
 Reserved ip in 192.168.x.x range for CenOS 5 (Samba Server)

 loses samba clients due to eth0 losing it's ip.

 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:04:61:72:AB:98
   inet addr:  Bcast:
   inet6 addr: fe80::204:61ff:fe72:ab98/64 Scope:Link
   RX packets:60058 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
   TX packets:66564 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
   RX bytes:11387965 (10.8 MiB)  TX bytes:45451041
 (43.3 MiB)

 loLink encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr:  Mask:
   inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
   RX packets:23 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
   TX packets:23 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
   RX bytes:2340 (2.2 KiB)  TX bytes:2340 (2.2 KiB)

What is your system setup?  Is it a LAN on the inside of a router?  Do
the systems exist inside and outside the router?

Need more information for this to be useful.

CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] NTP server

2008-02-01 Thread Dennis McLeod
XP command line:

net time \\servername  returns what?

Perhaps the response will give a clue.

To set it:

net time \\servername /set /yes 

-Original Message-
Of Scott Ehrlich
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 11:37 AM
To: centos@centos.org
Subject: [CentOS] NTP server

I have a Centos 5 64-bit server that has ntp service enabled.  Windows XP
with SP2 cannot properly sync to it for time, but can communicate with it 
via samba, ssh, and anything else.I also disabled the Windows 
Firewall.  The C5 system does not have any firewall enabled.

Other C5 workstations can successfully sync to it via ntpdate.

What else could cause the XP machine to not be able to time sync with the
C5 server?


CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] pgadmin and Centos 5?

2008-02-01 Thread nate
kalinix wrote:


yep, your right too. I've used rpmfind off and on over the past few
years(never directly, usually via google searches). For some reason
it never occurred to me to query it directly, duh. I guess I was
expecting more of a site being managed by the distribution itself.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] DVD support on CentOS 5.1

2008-02-01 Thread MHR
On Feb 1, 2008 2:17 AM, Ross Cavanagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The package that you want to install from rpmforge is:
  It should make gstreamer (and totem on centos5) be able to play dvds.
  I am not sure if it works, as I use mplayer on my personal workstation :D
  Johnny Hughes
 Also, you may require libdvd, this is available from the rpmforge repo.


Actually, you need several libdvd libraries - libdvdplay, libdvdcss,
libdvdnav, libdvdread and maybe something else (I still can't get
Totem to play my DVDs - I use mplayer, too, and xine when it works
~40% of the time).

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] NTP server

2008-02-01 Thread Stephen John Smoogen
Scott Ehrlich wrote:
 I have a Centos 5 64-bit server that has ntp service enabled.  Windows
 XP with SP2 cannot properly sync to it for time, but can communicate
 with it via samba, ssh, and anything else.I also disabled the
 Windows Firewall.  The C5 system does not have any firewall enabled.

The following would stop this:

1) DNS with a fully qualified name.
2) CentOS-5 server does not have port 123 open on its firewall
 iptables -nxvL | grep 123

should give you an answer to that
3) CentOS-5 server is not serving NTP to your network

netstat -nalp | grep :123

should have something other than
udp0  0*

This is configured in the /etc/ntp.conf file.

Stephen J Smoogen. -- CSIRT/Linux System Administrator
  How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed 
  in a naughty world. = Shakespeare. The Merchant of Venice

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] dmcrypt on install with centos 5.1?

2008-02-01 Thread Andrew Henry
Im new to the list and CentOS and wonder if there is any option to do
full disk encryption with dmcrypt and LUKS during the install stage of
CentOS 5.1?  I use Debian Etch at the moment and Debian is able to to this.

If not possible, are there any good guides that anyone knows about that
explain how to dmcrypt everything but /boot on CentOS manually?


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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: NTP server

2008-02-01 Thread Jason Ross

On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 13:29 -0800, John R Pierce wrote:
 Scott Silva wrote:
  on 2/1/2008 12:03 PM Dennis McLeod spake the following:
  XP command line:
  net time \\servername  returns what?
  Perhaps the response will give a clue.
  To set it:
  net time \\servername /set /yes
  Net time is only used to set time from a domain controller, not an ntp 
  They use two completely different protocols.
 NET TIME /SETSNTP:ip-of-ntp-server
 WILL set the windows 'internet time' server IP.
 will show the current 'internet time' server(s).
 note that the default Windows NTP client is really braindead, it just 
 'sets' the system clock once a day, its not a proper NTP 
 implementation.   for most users, this is fine, but realize oddities can 
 happen like the clock being set back a few seconds such that a given 
 time happens twice.

Very true.

You can modify the time interval by editing your registry.



This will set it to update every two hours. The dword can be modified to
set it for 1 hour to whatever.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: NTP server

2008-02-01 Thread Scott Silva

on 2/1/2008 1:29 PM John R Pierce spake the following:

Scott Silva wrote:

on 2/1/2008 12:03 PM Dennis McLeod spake the following:

XP command line:

net time \\servername  returns what?

Perhaps the response will give a clue.

To set it:

net time \\servername /set /yes
Net time is only used to set time from a domain controller, not an ntp 

They use two completely different protocols.


   NET TIME /SETSNTP:ip-of-ntp-server

WILL set the windows 'internet time' server IP.


will show the current 'internet time' server(s).

note that the default Windows NTP client is really braindead, it just 
'sets' the system clock once a day, its not a proper NTP 
implementation.   for most users, this is fine, but realize oddities can 
happen like the clock being set back a few seconds such that a given 
time happens twice.

I stand partially corrected, as the originally posted command line of
 net time \\servername /set /yes would not query a ntp server.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Megraid SAS virtual disc question

2008-02-01 Thread John R Pierce

nate wrote:

Joseph L. Casale wrote:

Is there something OS related (CentOS 5.1) I would need to do for a CLI
created array to become visible to the OS after the array is created and
initialized? I don't want to reboot...

If your not currently using the array, you may be able to unload
the module and reload it.

If the devices from that array show up as SCSI devices you may be
able to interface with the /proc/scsi/scsi interface to add the new

cat /proc/scsi/scsi

and use

echo scsi add-single-device X X X X /proc/scsi/scsi

if I'm not mistaken, thats deprecated in kernel 2.6, the proc interface 
is no longer supposed to be used for that sort of thing, there's a new 
/sys mechanism.IIRC that worked in RHEL3, but not in RHEL4, at 
least not with various system provided FC drivers I tried it with.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: NTP server

2008-02-01 Thread John R Pierce

Scott Silva wrote:

on 2/1/2008 12:03 PM Dennis McLeod spake the following:

XP command line:

net time \\servername  returns what?

Perhaps the response will give a clue.

To set it:

net time \\servername /set /yes
Net time is only used to set time from a domain controller, not an ntp 

They use two completely different protocols.


   NET TIME /SETSNTP:ip-of-ntp-server

WILL set the windows 'internet time' server IP.


will show the current 'internet time' server(s).

note that the default Windows NTP client is really braindead, it just 
'sets' the system clock once a day, its not a proper NTP 
implementation.   for most users, this is fine, but realize oddities can 
happen like the clock being set back a few seconds such that a given 
time happens twice.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Megraid SAS virtual disc question

2008-02-01 Thread nate
Joseph L. Casale wrote:
 Is there something OS related (CentOS 5.1) I would need to do for a CLI
 created array to become visible to the OS after the array is created and
 initialized? I don't want to reboot...

If your not currently using the array, you may be able to unload
the module and reload it.

If the devices from that array show up as SCSI devices you may be
able to interface with the /proc/scsi/scsi interface to add the new

cat /proc/scsi/scsi

and use

echo scsi add-single-device X X X X /proc/scsi/scsi

/proc/scsi/scsi on one of my systems:
Attached devices:
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 24
  Vendor: 3PARdata Model: VV   Rev: 
  Type:   Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 05
Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
  Vendor: 3PARdata Model: VV   Rev: 
  Type:   Unknown  ANSI SCSI revision: 05
Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 24
  Vendor: 3PARdata Model: VV   Rev: 
  Type:   Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 05
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 25
  Vendor: 3PARdata Model: VV   Rev: 
  Type:   Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 05
Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 25
  Vendor: 3PARdata Model: VV   Rev: 
  Type:   Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 05

Assuming I only had 1 controller, scsi0, and I created a new
volume to export to the system, it's likely that volume would have
a different LUN. I would do:

echo scsi add-single-device 0 0 0 1 /proc/scsi/scsi

assuming the array used LUN 1 to export to the system. Then if
you cat /proc/scsi/scsi again the device will show up and will
be accessible. If nothing shows up then that device doesn't exist.

Not knowing how megaraid exports a virtual disk I'm not sure what
LUN it might assign, or maybe it presents it as a new ID number
instead of a new LUN.


CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] Megraid SAS virtual disc question

2008-02-01 Thread nate
Joseph L. Casale wrote:

 Host: scsi2 Channel: 02 Id: 00 Lun: 00
   Vendor: LSI  Model: MegaRAID ELP Rev: 1.12
   Type:   Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 05

 So I can see echo scsi add-single-device 2 2 0 0 /proc/scsi/scsi would
 have been what I needed, correct?

I would try these combinations:
2 2 0 1
2 2 1 0
2 2 1 1

 In the future once I start using this system I won't be able to reboot it,
 so I will get a handle on how this controller adds virtual discs.

 Shame there isn't a way to simply rescan the bus without knowing what you
 are expecting:)

There was, and might still be, I recall a command in RHEL 3 I think it
was but I don't see it in newer versions. Looking at one of my
Debian Sarge systems running on a 2.4 kernel there is a scsiadd -s
command to scan for new devices but I don't see a scsiadd command
on my newer systems.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Megraid SAS virtual disc question

2008-02-01 Thread nate
John R Pierce wrote:

 if I'm not mistaken, thats deprecated in kernel 2.6, the proc interface
 is no longer supposed to be used for that sort of thing, there's a new
 /sys mechanism.IIRC that worked in RHEL3, but not in RHEL4, at
 least not with various system provided FC drivers I tried it with.

Good to know, I use that interface all the time in RHEL4/5 CentOS 4/5,
haven't heard of the new interface yet.



CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] Megraid SAS virtual disc question

2008-02-01 Thread Joseph L. Casale
Not knowing how megaraid exports a virtual disk I'm not sure what
LUN it might assign, or maybe it presents it as a new ID number
instead of a new LUN.


Thanks for all that info! In this situation, I could unload and reload the 
driver but in future I won't be able to. Looking at that file gives me the 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# cat /proc/scsi/scsi
Attached devices:
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
  Vendor: ATA  Model: ST3160812AS  Rev: 3.AA
  Type:   Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 05
Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
  Vendor: ATA  Model: ST3160812AS  Rev: 3.AA
  Type:   Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 05
Host: scsi2 Channel: 02 Id: 00 Lun: 00
  Vendor: LSI  Model: MegaRAID ELP Rev: 1.12
  Type:   Direct-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 05

So I can see echo scsi add-single-device 2 2 0 0 /proc/scsi/scsi would have 
been what I needed, correct?
In the future once I start using this system I won't be able to reboot it, so I 
will get a handle on how this controller adds virtual discs.

Shame there isn't a way to simply rescan the bus without knowing what you are 

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Megraid SAS virtual disc question

2008-02-01 Thread John R Pierce

ah  for 2.6 systems (rhel5, etc)...

   # echo “- - -”  /sys/class/scsi_host/hostH/scan

scans for all devices on channel hostH

   # *echo “1”  /sys/class/scsi_host/hostH/device//H:B:T:L//delete
deletes device H:B:T:L from channel hostH



# echo “/B T L/”  /sys/class/scsi_host/hostH/scan*

adds device B T L to hostH ...

this is for scsi or fiberchannel, AFAIK.

some more stuff about this here - http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/7321



CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] NTP server

2008-02-01 Thread Craig White

On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 13:49 -0700, Jason Ross wrote:
 On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 11:43 -0800, James D. Parra wrote:
  -Original Message-
  From: Scott Ehrlich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 11:37 AM
  To: centos@centos.org
  Subject: [CentOS] NTP server
  I have a Centos 5 64-bit server that has ntp service enabled.  Windows XP 
  with SP2 cannot properly sync to it for time, but can communicate with it 
  via samba, ssh, and anything else.I also disabled the Windows 
  Firewall.  The C5 system does not have any firewall enabled.
  Other C5 workstations can successfully sync to it via ntpdate.
  What else could cause the XP machine to not be able to time sync with the 
  C5 server?
  Try this; create a DNS entry called ntp.yourinternaldomain.com, then plug
  that name into XP's internet time. I had a similar problem and changing the
  IP address to FQDN fixed it.
  Perhaps it will work for you. 
  Good luck,
 Try running these from the command line
 net time /setsntp:   your NTP ip here
 net time /querysntp
 net stop w32time  net start w32time

I think that you have to have administrative privileges or group policy
permissions to be able to do those commands in Windows.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] General questions about security

2008-02-01 Thread Ross S. W. Walker

Yes, but be aware of any requirements that if revealed afterwards can put a 
project in jeopardy both in terms of budget and schedule.

There may be policies governing encryption or firewall setup or monitoring that 
are general and need to be covered in all environments.

Or another type of requirement that might exist is to have low-vision access 
for the vision impaired for all public terminals.

Not security related but can definitely pose a problem if it isn't covered in 
the build spec.


- Original Message -
To: CentOS mailing list centos@centos.org
Sent: Fri Feb 01 14:24:29 2008
Subject: Re: [CentOS] General questions about security

Ross S. W. Walker a écrit :
 Check to see if the town/county has any policies in place for computer 
 systems and networks for public services and follow those guidelines.
 Otherwise look at surrounding public library systems to see if they have 
 any you can adopt.
The surrounding places here (town halls, police stations) mostly run 
Windows (98, Me, 2000, XP). So I'd better follow my nose than their 
security standards :oD


CentOS mailing list

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] One approach to dealing with SSH brute force attacks.

2008-02-01 Thread mouss

Les Bell wrote:

mouss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If you consider this security through obscurity, then why not publish

the list of your users on a public web page? after all, you should use
strong passwords, so why hide usernames?

Usernames are comparatively hard to guess, and chosen from a large space -
although email addresses often provide a huge clue. By contrast, there are
only 64K port numbers (and only 1K privileged ports, all of which will be
scanned by default with nmap) - and to make it worse, the attacker only has
to telnet or nc to a port and sshd will obligingly send back its version
number and protocol version info as plaintext. So, the added obscurity is
effectively zero.

zero? No. On all the boxes where I changed the port, I noticed 0 login 
attempt (in ssh logs). before that, the boxes were under continuous 
attacks (the last box that was installed was probed one second after it 
was connected! after the port change, nothing in ssh logs). call this 
zero if you want.

I do understand that changing the port does not bring real security. but 
it avoids silly malware probes. An attacker needs to find the port among 
say 30K possible ports. if he uses one host, he will trigger alarms 
before he gets a chance to see the banner. that gets us rid of such 
attempts, and more time to focus on real miscreants with more power.

I sort of half-buy the log volume/noise argument, but rate-limiting and
good analysis tools deal with this as well. 

not so long ago, there was a bug in fail2ban. It used lose parsing to 
get the IP to block. but an attacker could put the IP in the login name, 
which would result in blocking arbitrary IPs. of course, the problem was 
in the parsing and the solution is to fix the parsing. but if you get 
less probes, you are less vulnerable to such attacks.

And it does nothing for the
stress level, since the serious adversary will see through your
non-standard port number in seconds.

sure, but he needs to use multiple hosts, as otherwise he will be 
detected. I've not yet seen a distributed dictionary attack (I mean: 
using N machines against a singe target). I guess there are enough 
windows targets that they leave at in piece for now ;-p

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] MySQL issues with kernel-2.6.18-53.1.6.el5.x86_64.rpm

2008-02-01 Thread Ralph Angenendt
Bent Terp wrote:
 Issue remains open, although I'm sligthly embarassed about it now,
 given that linux backends are also affected.
 When we built a .6 kernel without the 5 nfs patches, nfsstat output
 reverted, but I don't know about the actual performance, yet. Probably
 we can rerun those tests monday.

If possible try to add your findings to
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=431092 so upstream can fix
that bug. 

Thank you,


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CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] RAID Hot Spare

2008-02-01 Thread Dean Maluski
I've googled this question without a great deal of information.
Monday I'm rebuilding a Linux server at work. Instead of purchasing 3
drives for this system I purchased 4 with intent to create a hot spare.
Here is my usual setup which I'll do again but with a hot spare for each
Create /dev/md0 mount point /boot RAID1 3 drives with 1 hot spare
Create two more raid setups
/dev/md1 mount point /  RAID5 3 drives with 1 hot spare
/dev/md2 mount point /home  RAID5 3 drives with 1 hot spare
Now do I create partions of equal size for each set then if I remember
correctly when creation the RAID there is a check box for hot spare. Do
I just marry the 3 equal partions, click the check box and assume the
system will find the partition of equal size and use it when needed?
Makes no sense to me.
Of couse will be creating RAID0 swap but leaving that out of the
question for obvious reasons.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Monitor power save question

2008-02-01 Thread David G. Miller
I decided to try the x86_64 version of CentOS 5 on my new desktop since 
it has an Athlon 64 X2 CPU.  The one really perplexing oddity is that 
the monitor no longer goes to power save mode (standby) if the system is 
idle long enough (e.g., overnight). 

The power management option is set to put the display to sleep after 
thirty minutes.  The display gets blanked but it never goes to standby.  
The weird thing is that the display behaved as expected when I still had 
the 32 bit version of CentOS installed so the hardware supports powering 
down the monitor.

I don't see anything incriminating in dmesg, /var/log/messages or 
/var/log/Xorg.0.log.  I'll switch the system to boot to runlevel 3 so I 
can see if X is spewing something to the first alternate console that 
isn't getting written to the log file.  Anyone have other any 
suggestions as to diagnosing of fixing the problem?


Politics, n. Strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.
-- Ambrose Bierce

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] RAID Hot Spare

2008-02-01 Thread nate
Dean Maluski wrote:
 I've googled this question without a great deal of information.

 Of couse will be creating RAID0 swap but leaving that out of the
 question for obvious reasons.

You really should use anything but RAID 0 for swap. If you need
to swap and that device is dead then your system is hosed.

At one point I read that you can get RAID0-like performance
by having multiple swap partitions on multiple devices and mounting
them with the same priority(mount option pri=(some number)). It
(was/is) supposed to stripe the swap partitions. Not sure if that
ever worked, though I have configured systems over the years to
use matching swap priorities, never really looked to see if it
was doing what I expected though.

Yeah, from swapon(2):
If two or more areas have the same priority, and it is the
high-est priority available, pages are allocated on a
round-robin basis between them.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] centos 4.6 and openssl

2008-02-01 Thread Ralph Angenendt
Paul A wrote:
 I was compiling a new version of bind on my centos 4.6 server and I
 discovered that the openssl version (openssl-0.9.7a-43.17.el4_6.1) has
 several exploits associated with it.

I want proof of that.


Description: PGP signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Re: dhcp squid

2008-02-01 Thread Gregory P. Ennis
On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 11:36 -0800, Scott Silva wrote:
 on 2/1/2008 11:17 AM Gregory P. Ennis spake the following:
  On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 10:21 -0800, nate wrote:
  Gregory P. Ennis wrote:
  I have set up squid as a proxy http server in order to filter web access
  for an office that wants to block certain web sites.
  Is there a way to use the dhcpd server to assign the squid server and
  port number 3128 to each Linux desktop when they boot using the existing
  dhcpd server.  Or do I need to change each user's network preference
  setup in firefox.   The dhcpd server and squid are on the same server.
  Have you considered setting up squid as a transparent proxy so all
  HTTP requests go through it instead of configuring the clients to
  use the proxy? It'd be more secure anyways considering not everything
  has configuration to use a proxy.
  Thanks for the suggestion... that was a much easier approach.  There
  were some previous posts in November of last year that had some good
  references.  I have everything working as I had hoped.
  I would still be interested to know if the dhcp servers could be used
  for this kind of thing.
 I know that windows machines won't pick up any option like this from DHCP. 
 have to use the proxy.pac which I could never get working quite right from 
 anything but a microsoft proxy server. A transparent filter works better 
 anyway, as your users will have a harder time bypassing it.

Thanks for the advice... the transparent filter works perfectly, and
better than I planned.  I could not find a starting place with the
proxy.pac file for Linux either.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5 loses ip address (newbie question)

2008-02-01 Thread William L. Maltby
On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 13:20 -0800, MHR wrote:
 On Feb 1, 2008 6:08 AM, frankly3d-centos
  Reserved ip in 192.168.x.x range for CenOS 5 (Samba Server)
  loses samba clients due to eth0 losing it's ip.
  eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:04:61:72:AB:98
inet addr:  Bcast:
inet6 addr: fe80::204:61ff:fe72:ab98/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:60058 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0

 What is your system setup?  Is it a LAN on the inside of a router?  Do
 the systems exist inside and outside the router?

If you control the DHCP server, you should be able to set the reserved
range. Also, you should be able to extend the lease/renewal times to a
*very* long interval. If you don't ... I'm lucky, IPCop is my friend.

Regardless, if it's losing the IP and not getting re-assigned another
(or same) one, something else must be wrong somewhere.

Keeping in mind that I'm really ignorant about this stuff, if it were my
unit I would be looking to see if I had conflicting setups somewhere.
Like maybe booting into a static private IP address default
configuration and yet having a DHCP client active. I don't know if
that's possible or rational, but like I said, I don't know much.

Did you use system-config-network for initial setup? If so, I would
think subsequent diddling would be the screw-up. If not, initial
diddling probably the culprit.

 Need more information for this to be useful.

AMEN brother! (No religious injection intended here: simply an
exclamatory reaffirmation shamelessly stolen from revival meetings I've
seen on the boob-tube - as opposed to you-tube).

 snip sig stuff


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Monitor power save question

2008-02-01 Thread nate
David G. Miller wrote:

 I don't see anything incriminating in dmesg, /var/log/messages or
 /var/log/Xorg.0.log.  I'll switch the system to boot to runlevel 3 so I
 can see if X is spewing something to the first alternate console that
 isn't getting written to the log file.  Anyone have other any
 suggestions as to diagnosing of fixing the problem?

Are there any DPMS options set in your xorg.conf ? What is your
video card/monitor and what driver are you using in X ?

Another thing to check is see if DPMS is enabled as an extension
by your setup:

xdpyinfo |grep DPMS

should return DPMS

I have to explicitly set my monitor power saving to off on my laptop
otherwise the screen has a high likelyhood of not coming back on after
turning off. Toshiba says it's a known behavioral issue with multi
core laptops. Happened under XP as well. Yay for screen burn in.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: RAID Hot Spare

2008-02-01 Thread Scott Silva

on 2/1/2008 4:33 PM Dean Maluski spake the following:

On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 16:11 -0800, nate wrote:

Dean Maluski wrote:

I've googled this question without a great deal of information.
Of couse will be creating RAID0 swap but leaving that out of the
question for obvious reasons.

You really should use anything but RAID 0 for swap. If you need
to swap and that device is dead then your system is hosed.

At one point I read that you can get RAID0-like performance
by having multiple swap partitions on multiple devices and mounting
them with the same priority(mount option pri=(some number)). It
(was/is) supposed to stripe the swap partitions. Not sure if that
ever worked, though I have configured systems over the years to
use matching swap priorities, never really looked to see if it
was doing what I expected though.

Yeah, from swapon(2):
If two or more areas have the same priority, and it is the
high-est priority available, pages are allocated on a
round-robin basis between them.


OK, not really an answer to my hot spare question.
What I read sounds similar to what you state that if you create multiple
swap partions the system will create a raid0 of it.
So what is the recommendation? create 1 swap partition on one drive?
And for your hot spare question, you create the raid arrays the normal way, 
with raid type, number of drives set to 3, set the number of spares to 1, and 
have the 4 partitions on the command line.
mdadm --create  --level=5 --raid-devices=3 --spare-devices=1 /dev/part1 
/dev/part2 /dev/part3 /dev/part4

It is all in the man page if you want other options.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5 loses ip address (newbie question)

2008-02-01 Thread John R Pierce

frankly3d-centos wrote:

Reserved ip in 192.168.x.x range for CenOS 5 (Samba Server)

loses samba clients due to eth0 losing it's ip.

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:04:61:72:AB:98  
  inet addr:  Bcast: 

whack, 169.254.x.x is the 'auto-IP' range of self assigned IPs used if a 
system can't reach the DHCP server. I wasn't aware Linux did this, 
I've only seen it on MS Windows.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Two Instances of Apache; Primary IP / Secondary IP

2008-02-01 Thread mouss

Al Sparks wrote:

do you mean making apache use a specific IP when it proxies the request?
(you really lost me, so I may be misunderstanding). why do need that at
all? whatever IP is used should not matter since the backend will reply
over the socket that was opened by the proxy (be it a production proxy
or the test proxy).

Both IP addresses are actually assigned to the same physical interface
(eth1 and eth1:1).  The proxy instance is accepting connections from
clients using the eth1:1 secondary interface, but the same PHYSICAL
interface as eth1.  When it turns around and connects to the back-end
service, it seems to be using eth1 even though it's listening on
eth1:1.  Since it's not listening to eth1, the packets are going to
the bit-bucket.  At least that's my theory.


unless you did something special, apache listens on all the IPs of the 
system. check whether you have any restrictive Listen statement. (Note 
that services do not listen on interfaces, but on IP addresses)

otherwise, the IP is selected by the kernel depending on the
destination. so if you use something like
ProxyPass /
in one proxy and
ProxyPass /

each will use the selected IP.

Is there something I can do with routing tables that can help?


That would require advanced routing. standard routing is based on
destination and the source IP is selected by the kernel after the route
has been computed (this allows setting the right IP should you have
multiple network interfaces...).

but you should not need this.

In the end, I may just have to either use a separate server or a
second physical interface, probably in another VLAN, to make this
work.  And my idea seemed like such a good one.
=== Al

CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: RAID Hot Spare

2008-02-01 Thread Scott Silva

on 2/1/2008 4:33 PM Dean Maluski spake the following:

On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 16:11 -0800, nate wrote:

Dean Maluski wrote:

I've googled this question without a great deal of information.
Of couse will be creating RAID0 swap but leaving that out of the
question for obvious reasons.

You really should use anything but RAID 0 for swap. If you need
to swap and that device is dead then your system is hosed.

At one point I read that you can get RAID0-like performance
by having multiple swap partitions on multiple devices and mounting
them with the same priority(mount option pri=(some number)). It
(was/is) supposed to stripe the swap partitions. Not sure if that
ever worked, though I have configured systems over the years to
use matching swap priorities, never really looked to see if it
was doing what I expected though.

Yeah, from swapon(2):
If two or more areas have the same priority, and it is the
high-est priority available, pages are allocated on a
round-robin basis between them.


OK, not really an answer to my hot spare question.
What I read sounds similar to what you state that if you create multiple
swap partions the system will create a raid0 of it.
So what is the recommendation? create 1 swap partition on one drive?
It depends. If you are going to create LVM over the large raid5 partition you 
could put the swap there. Or you could create a raid 1 the same way you create 
the /boot partition. If the system is properly sized, swap is less of a 
performance issue anyway.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] RAID Hot Spare

2008-02-01 Thread Dean Maluski
On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 16:11 -0800, nate wrote:
 Dean Maluski wrote:
  I've googled this question without a great deal of information.
  Of couse will be creating RAID0 swap but leaving that out of the
  question for obvious reasons.
 You really should use anything but RAID 0 for swap. If you need
 to swap and that device is dead then your system is hosed.
 At one point I read that you can get RAID0-like performance
 by having multiple swap partitions on multiple devices and mounting
 them with the same priority(mount option pri=(some number)). It
 (was/is) supposed to stripe the swap partitions. Not sure if that
 ever worked, though I have configured systems over the years to
 use matching swap priorities, never really looked to see if it
 was doing what I expected though.
 Yeah, from swapon(2):
 If two or more areas have the same priority, and it is the
 high-est priority available, pages are allocated on a
 round-robin basis between them.
OK, not really an answer to my hot spare question.
What I read sounds similar to what you state that if you create multiple
swap partions the system will create a raid0 of it.
So what is the recommendation? create 1 swap partition on one drive?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5 loses ip address (newbie question)

2008-02-01 Thread William L. Maltby
On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 16:53 -0800, John R Pierce wrote:
 frankly3d-centos wrote:
  Reserved ip in 192.168.x.x range for CenOS 5 (Samba Server)
  loses samba clients due to eth0 losing it's ip.
  eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:04:61:72:AB:98  
inet addr:  Bcast: 
 whack, 169.254.x.x is the 'auto-IP' range of self assigned IPs used if a 
 system can't reach the DHCP server. I wasn't aware Linux did this, 
 I've only seen it on MS Windows.

It threw me for a loop first time I ever saw it. Especially when (for a
brief moment IIRC) that *and* my IP was assigned to the same device.

I guess that means the OP should check the logs for the DISCOVER...
messages to see what is going on. He'll probably see the OFFERED
rejected somewhere?

 snip sig stuff


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Monitor power save question

2008-02-01 Thread Robert Nichols

nate wrote:

David G. Miller wrote:

I don't see anything incriminating in dmesg, /var/log/messages or
/var/log/Xorg.0.log.  I'll switch the system to boot to runlevel 3 so I
can see if X is spewing something to the first alternate console that
isn't getting written to the log file.  Anyone have other any
suggestions as to diagnosing of fixing the problem?

Are there any DPMS options set in your xorg.conf ? What is your
video card/monitor and what driver are you using in X ?

Another thing to check is see if DPMS is enabled as an extension
by your setup:

xdpyinfo |grep DPMS

should return DPMS

And, see what xset q has to say about whether DPMS is currently
enabled or not.  I've noticed that mplayer disables DPMS on entry,
but neglects to re-enable it on termination.

Bob Nichols NOSPAM is really part of my email address.
Do NOT delete it.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] CentOS 5 (Final): where is Xemacs?

2008-02-01 Thread Kenneth Wolcott
CentOS 5 (Final): where is Xemacs?

RH 5 doesn't have Xemacs?

Why not?
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] dmcrypt on install with centos 5.1?

2008-02-01 Thread Timothy Selivanow
On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 22:39 +0100, Andrew Henry wrote:
 Im new to the list and CentOS and wonder if there is any option to do
 full disk encryption with dmcrypt and LUKS during the install stage of
 CentOS 5.1?  I use Debian Etch at the moment and Debian is able to to this.
 If not possible, are there any good guides that anyone knows about that
 explain how to dmcrypt everything but /boot on CentOS manually?


Hope that helps.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5 (Final): where is Xemacs?

2008-02-01 Thread Warren Young

Kenneth Wolcott wrote:

RH 5 doesn't have Xemacs?

Why not?

Because Linux is a perfectly good operating system already without 
layering Emacs on top of it.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5 (Final): where is Xemacs?

2008-02-01 Thread Stephen John Smoogen
On Feb 1, 2008 8:11 PM, Kenneth Wolcott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 CentOS 5 (Final): where is Xemacs?

 RH 5 doesn't have Xemacs?

 Why not?

RH-5 does not have Xemacs because a choice had to me made on using
Emacs or Xemacs. Trying to support both was resource intensive and I
think fewer people were installing Xemacs versus Emacs according to
RHN stats..

Stephen J Smoogen. -- CSIRT/Linux System Administrator
How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed
in a naughty world. = Shakespeare. The Merchant of Venice
CentOS mailing list