Re: [CentOS-es] Ahora si Centos 5.4

2009-11-22 Thread Nilton Morales
Hola  a todos parece que hay algunos problemas en las descargas de centos
5.4, he hecho la descarga 2 veces de esta direccion , la pimera ves se detuvo en 300Mb y
finalizo la descarga, ahora me descargo la imagen a 600Mb, y no creo que esa
cantidad corresponda a la descarga que dice que tiene 3.7Gb, si alguien
descargo ya centos puede pasarme el link para hacerlo por favor no deseo
nuevamente dejar mi pc dos noches  en vano con las descargas, gracias


P.D. Me olvidaba si alguien conoce un programa confiable para verficar si la
integridad del archivo iso Centos, tambien hagamelo saber gracias.

El 20 de noviembre de 2009 12:36, Oscar Osta Pueyo

 Olvidaba, tambien puedes hacer uso de nuestro canal irc en freenode
 #centos-es puedes exponer tus dudas sin problemas.

 2009/11/20, Nilton Morales
  Hola compañeros, quiero saber si ya esta estable Centos 5.4, y si alguien
  tiene el link directo de descarga para dvd, me intereza eso para poder
  instalar en el server, saludos a todos.

 Oscar Osta Pueyo
 CentOS-es mailing list

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Ahora si Centos 5.4

2009-11-22 Thread Jose Sabastizagal
Lo descargue desde aquí vía torrent:

Aquí están las listas de mirrors

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Resumen de CentOS-es, Vol 35, Env ío 37

2009-11-22 Thread Oscar Arroyo
Buenas tardes una consulta, a ver si me echan un cable, estoy pensando en
montar un pequeño servidor en la oficina, y he pensado en cenTOS,

Una duda que tengo es, a ver qué sistema me aconsejan como panel de control,
más que servidor Web será un servidor de ficheros, pero pienso también
utilizarlo como servidor de e-mail, a ver si me pueden orientar un poco,
gracias a todos de antemano.


Oscar Enzo
Administrador de Sistemas Unix / Linux

-Mensaje original-
De: [] En
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Enviado el: domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2009 18:00
Asunto: Resumen de CentOS-es, Vol 35, Envío 37

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Asuntos del día:

   1. Re: Ahora si Centos 5.4 (Jose Sabastizagal)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2009 09:24:24 -0500
From: Jose Sabastizagal
Subject: Re: [CentOS-es] Ahora si Centos 5.4
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

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Fin de Resumen de CentOS-es, Vol 35, Envío 37

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Resumen de CentOS-es, Vol 35, Env ío 37

2009-11-22 Thread Nilton Morales
Hola, la verdad no te comprendo bien, que es lo que deeseas hacer, segun tu
comentario pretendes levantar dos servidores, osea servidor web y y servidor
de archivos, eso dos servicios puedes hacerlo sin problema, porque centos
soporta eso con facilidad, ahora hay que ver si a eso va tu pregunta.


El 22 de noviembre de 2009 13:24, Oscar Arroyo escribió:

 Buenas tardes una consulta, a ver si me echan un cable, estoy pensando en
 montar un pequeño servidor en la oficina, y he pensado en cenTOS,

 Una duda que tengo es, a ver qué sistema me aconsejan como panel de
 más que servidor Web será un servidor de ficheros, pero pienso también
 utilizarlo como servidor de e-mail, a ver si me pueden orientar un poco,
 gracias a todos de antemano.


 Oscar Enzo
 Administrador de Sistemas Unix / Linux

 -Mensaje original-
 De: [] En
 nombre de
 Enviado el: domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2009 18:00
 Asunto: Resumen de CentOS-es, Vol 35, Envío 37

 Envíe los mensajes para la lista CentOS-es a

 Para subscribirse o anular su subscripción a través de la WEB

 O por correo electrónico, enviando un mensaje con el texto help en
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 Puede contactar con el responsable de la lista escribiendo a:

 Si responde a algún contenido de este mensaje, por favor, edite la
 linea del asunto (subject) para que el texto sea mas especifico que:
 Re: Contents of CentOS-es digest Además, por favor, incluya en
 la respuesta sólo aquellas partes del mensaje a las que está

 Asuntos del día:

   1. Re: Ahora si Centos 5.4 (Jose Sabastizagal)


 Message: 1
 Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2009 09:24:24 -0500
 From: Jose Sabastizagal
 Subject: Re: [CentOS-es] Ahora si Centos 5.4
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

 Lo descargue desde aquí vía torrent:

 Aquí están las listas de mirrors



 CentOS-es mailing list

 Fin de Resumen de CentOS-es, Vol 35, Envío 37

 CentOS-es mailing list

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] squid+squidguard+videocache

2009-11-22 Thread ces can



Me de gusto decirles que mi idea funciono ahora ya no consumo mucho ancho de 
banda con youtube


Cesar Canales

Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2009 17:14:08 -0500
Subject: [CentOS-es] squid+squidguard+videocache

Tengo un problema con el squid + squidguard+videocache no se si lo han probado, 
lo que sucede es que aveces me deniega una pagina de youtube y al hacerle f5 al 
 navegador ingresa correctamente, aparte hay paginas que me sale que el video 
no esta disponible.
Busque una solucion y fue la siguiente:
dado que squid+videocache funicona correctamente:
instalar en un servidor el centos con kernel-xen crear un virtual e instalar 
alli un centos con squid y videocache y en el servidor fisico un instalar squid 
con squidguard este deberia apuntar al servidor proxy squid virtual con parent, 
entonces si un usuario desea ingresar a una pagina de youtube el proxy 
connsultaria con el proxy virtual y este comenzaria a guardarlo en la cache, a 
la proxima cuando ingrese a la misma pagina y este le solicite a al proxy 
virtual el video le dara lo que ya tiene en la cache.
Bueno no se si funcionara pero cualquier ayuda estare atento

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CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Ayuda adicionar Windows 7 a dominio

2009-11-22 Thread Mario Ganga

copio el link con lo una pregunta parecida que hice algún tiempo.

Espero te sirva de ayuda.


Mario Ganga Castro

2009/11/20 Arturo Alarcon

 Saludos, toda la semana he buscado en los foros e intentado agregar mi PC
 windows 7 al dominio en un Centos 5.0 pero al momento de colocar el usuario
 contrasena no la acepta, esto es solo con windows 7 ya que en XP o 2000, no
 tengo ningun problema, y es un nombre de maquina q ya eh registrado en mi
 servidor, ojala puedan ayudarme.

 Arturo Alarcon

 Este mensaje ha sido analizado por MailScanner
 #en busca de virus y otros contenidos peligrosos,
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 CentOS-es mailing list

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Resumen de CentOS-es, Vol 35, Env ío 37

2009-11-22 Thread Eduardo Grosclaude
2009/11/22 Nilton Morales
 Hola, la verdad no te comprendo bien, que es lo que deeseas hacer, segun tu
 comentario pretendes levantar dos servidores, osea servidor web y y servidor
 de archivos, eso dos servicios puedes hacerlo sin problema, porque centos
 soporta eso con facilidad, ahora hay que ver si a eso va tu pregunta.


 El 22 de noviembre de 2009 13:24, Oscar Arroyo escribió:

 Buenas tardes una consulta, a ver si me echan un cable, estoy pensando en
 montar un pequeño servidor en la oficina, y he pensado en cenTOS,

 Una duda que tengo es, a ver qué sistema me aconsejan como panel de
 más que servidor Web será un servidor de ficheros, pero pienso también
 utilizarlo como servidor de e-mail, a ver si me pueden orientar un poco,
 gracias a todos de antemano.

Sospecho que Oscar quiere algo así como Webmin
( Lo puedes instalar con yum. O quizás algo más
sofisticado como Cpanel, o ISPConfig. Creo que en la lista se han
discutido todos ellos y algunos más, puedes encontrar referencias en
los archivos de la lista.

Webmin está muy bien realizado, y a los otros no los conozco pero sé
que resuelven el problema que se pretende resolver. Sin embargo,
personalmente no te recomendaría acostumbrarte a un panel de
control... cuando hay algo que no anda se hace más difícil encontrar
el problema, y cuando no tienes el dichoso panel de control instalado,
o no tienes acceso con navegador al equipo, no sabes administrar casi

El panel es útil para acortar los tiempos, pero también pienso que es
indispensable saber arreglárselas sin él. Para esto la herramienta
fundamental es la consola y el SSH, que te permiten operar sobre los
archivos de texto de configuración del sistema, cada uno con su
sintaxis y sus mañas. Manejar esto lleva un tiempo no trivial, y más
de un dolor de cabeza, pero reporta mucho en comprensión del sistema.

Eduardo Grosclaude
Universidad Nacional del Comahue
Neuquen, Argentina
CentOS-es mailing list

[CentOS] Nikos Zaharioudakis wants to connect on LinkedIn

2009-11-22 Thread Nikos Zaharioudakis

Nikos Zaharioudakis requested to add you as a connection on LinkedIn:


I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

- Nikos Zaharioudakis

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DID YOU KNOW that LinkedIn can find the answers to your most difficult 
questions? Post those vexing questions on LinkedIn Answers to tap into the 
knowledge of the world's foremost business experts:

(c) 2009, LinkedIn Corporation

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Sendmail Queued mail for delivery

2009-11-22 Thread Alexander Dalloz
Timothy Murphy schrieb:
 Larry Brower wrote:
 I see that mail sent from a remote computer
 never leaves the computer,
 the last entry in /var/log/maillog being
 Queued mail for delivery.

 The message was accepted. You failed to supply sufficient information to
 troubleshoot further.
 Thanks for your response.
 I think I have solved the problem.
 The trouble was that I put my home address in the From line,
 and the ISP in Italy rejected the mail on that account.
 2. Where incidentally is the mail queued for delivery?
 I don't see it in /var/cache/ .

 Have you looked in /var/spool ?
 I did actually look there,
 but /var/spool/mail/tim and /var/spool/mqueue/ were empty.

Hi Timothy,

taking the information from your other posting of this thread you were
using the sendmail binary to send the message. This leads to using the
submission mechanism (that's ok and standard).

The MSP accepted your message - thus the queued mail for delivery log
note - and tried to send it out using the MTA daemon part of your
sendmail installation.

Until this is successful the message is kept queued in
/var/spool/clientmqueue, to be queried by

mailq -Ac

While running just mailq the MTA queue (/var/spool/mqueue) is checked
for messages and the reason why a delivery is postponed is shown as well.

If you have messages queued and want to see some more output from the
delivery process you can run

- for the MSA processing: sendmail -Ac -q -v

- for the MTA processing: sendmail -q -v

The information is printed on stdout.

Btw. /var/spool/mail/tim is the mailbox (inbound) spool of user tim.
Messages in there will not be processed by sendmail any longer as they
are delivered.

Best regards


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] system time automatically fowards in time and then comes back to normal

2009-11-22 Thread Alexander Dalloz
ankush grover schrieb:
 Hi friends,
 I am running Nagios 2.7-1 on Centos 5.0 32-bit hosted on Vmware ESX
 4.0. The issue I am seeing on the server is sometimes nagios is
 showing the below messages in /var/log/messages and as the system time
 gets changed some false alarms gets generated. I searched it on the
 google but I am not able to find the correct solution. I even posted
 on the nagios forum and they asked me to see elsewhere why the server
 shitfs so much before looking at nagios.
 Nov 21 20:37:12 linuxmonitoring nagios: Warning: A system time change
 of 4398 seconds (forwards in time) has been detected.  Compensating...
 Nov 21 19:23:54 linuxmonitoring nagios: Warning: A system time change
 of 4398 seconds (backwards in time) has been detected.  Compensating..
 Earlier this server was syncing time through ntp daemon and below is
 the ntp.conf file. Now I have set a cronjob which sync the time with
 the ntp server every 5 minutes but still the problem persist.
 ntp.conf file
 restrict default ignore
 driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift
 broadcastdelay 0.008
 #authenticate yes
 keys /etc/ntp/keys
 restrict nomodify notrap noquery
 restrict nomodify notrap noquery
 Please see the output of hwclock and date at the same time.
 Sat 21 Nov 2009 08:19:02 PM IST  -0.496922 seconds
 Sat Nov 21 20:19:55 IST 2009
 Please advice what I need to do to fix this error.

Be sure that only 1 mechanism for syncing time is active for your VM:
either NTP client configuration through ntpd running (like you have) OR
through the VMware tools. Both being active will result in trouble.

VMware recommends to use time syncronisation through NTP within the VM.

To debug your time sources in NTP make use of ntpq and/or ntpdc.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] system time automatically fowards in time and then comes back to normal

2009-11-22 Thread nate
ankush grover wrote:

 Earlier this server was syncing time through ntp daemon and below is
 the ntp.conf file. Now I have set a cronjob which sync the time with

Best not to run NTP inside a ESX VM. I've never gotten NTP to sync
inside of VMware outside of a kernel with VMI enabled (no versions
of RHEL support VMI at this time as far as I know).

What I do for my ~40 ESX/ESXi hosts:
- Have your ESX hosts sync to a good NTP server
- Make sure vmware tools is installed and running correctly
  (/etc/init.d/vmware-tools status)
- Enable time sync for your guest, either via the UI or via
  this command in the guest(I have this command run in cron
  every 5 minutes as I have seen for some reason time sync turn
  itself off:
   /usr/sbin/vmware-guestd --cmd vmx.set_option synctime 0 1
- On top of all of that I have another cron set to run ntpdate
  every 5 minutes against a local NTP server:
   /usr/sbin/ntpdate `cat /etc/ntp/step-tickers | grep -v \#`

For providing NTP services themselves, currently I run 3 VMs
at each site with Fedora 8 with VMI enabled for the guest VM
(the kernel in FC8 supports VMI, I suspect newer Fedoras work
fine too I just have no reason to change right now). And I have
these FC8 VMs sync to internet hosts(mainly so
my internal ESX and other systems can sync against them(they
are load balanced behind a F5 BigIP).

from FC8 kernel log:
VMI: Found VMware, Inc. Hypervisor OPROM, API version 3.0, ROM version 1.0
vmi: registering clock event vmi-timer. mult=9483317 shift=22
Booting paravirtualized kernel on vmi
vmi: registering clock source khz=2260999
Time: vmi-timer clocksource has been installed.

I currently run roughly 400 VMs this way and don't have any
noticeable time-related issues.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Sendmail Queued mail for delivery

2009-11-22 Thread Timothy Murphy
Alexander Dalloz wrote:

 taking the information from your other posting of this thread you were
 using the sendmail binary to send the message. This leads to using the
 submission mechanism (that's ok and standard).
 The MSP accepted your message - thus the queued mail for delivery log
 note - and tried to send it out using the MTA daemon part of your
 sendmail installation.
 Until this is successful the message is kept queued in
 /var/spool/clientmqueue, to be queried by
 mailq -Ac

Thanks very much for your useful posting.
The mail is arriving now without delay,
so the problem must just have been that my remote ISP
did not like me giving a local address.

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Sendmail Queued mail for delivery

2009-11-22 Thread Alan McKay
 Thanks very much for your useful posting.
 The mail is arriving now without delay,
 so the problem must just have been that my remote ISP
 did not like me giving a local address.

Check the full headers of the email you eventually got - you said you
had some spoofing going on, essentially.  Your ISP may have held up
the email due to SPF issues or similar.  RFC issues.

“Don't eat anything you've ever seen advertised on TV”
 - Michael Pollan, author of In Defense of Food
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] system time automatically fowards in time and then comes back to normal

2009-11-22 Thread Akemi Yagi
On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 7:08 AM, nate wrote:
 ankush grover wrote:

 Earlier this server was syncing time through ntp daemon and below is
 the ntp.conf file. Now I have set a cronjob which sync the time with

 Best not to run NTP inside a ESX VM. I've never gotten NTP to sync
 inside of VMware outside of a kernel with VMI enabled (no versions
 of RHEL support VMI at this time as far as I know).

As quoted by Brian earlier in this thread, the VMware knowledge base
offers their best practices for Linux guests in :

for VMware products including ESX and ESXi.  According to their
current recommendations,  In all cases use NTP instead of VMware
Tools periodic time synchronization.

The above KB articles gets updated from time to time, so it is a good
idea to check it back occasionally.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] system time automatically fowards in time and then comes back to normal

2009-11-22 Thread nate
Akemi Yagi wrote:
 for VMware products including ESX and ESXi.  According to their
 current recommendations,  In all cases use NTP instead of VMware
 Tools periodic time synchronization.

I've been using vmware for 10 years, and I've never, ever ever
gotten NTP to hold sync inside of a VM outside of using a VMI
enabled kernel.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] system time automatically fowards in time and then comes back to normal

2009-11-22 Thread Benjamin Franz
nate wrote:
 Akemi Yagi wrote:
 for VMware products including ESX and ESXi.  According to their
 current recommendations,  In all cases use NTP instead of VMware
 Tools periodic time synchronization.

 I've been using vmware for 10 years, and I've never, ever ever
 gotten NTP to hold sync inside of a VM outside of using a VMI
 enabled kernel.

I've got more than 20 VMs spread over 5 machines (VMware Server 2.x), 
both 32 and 64 bit (hosts and VMs) that hold time perfectly using NTP.

1) Make *SURE* that 'cpuspeed' and any BIOS 'power saving' modes are 
disabled on your host and your VMs. Nothing screws timekeeping like 
having the CPU speed vary.

2) Use 'divider=10' on your grub kernel boot lines for your virtual 

Benjamin Franz
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] system time automatically fowards in time and then comes back to normal

2009-11-22 Thread Alexander Dalloz
Benjamin Franz schrieb:
 nate wrote:
 Akemi Yagi wrote:
 for VMware products including ESX and ESXi.  According to their
 current recommendations,  In all cases use NTP instead of VMware
 Tools periodic time synchronization.
 I've been using vmware for 10 years, and I've never, ever ever
 gotten NTP to hold sync inside of a VM outside of using a VMI
 enabled kernel.
 I've got more than 20 VMs spread over 5 machines (VMware Server 2.x), 
 both 32 and 64 bit (hosts and VMs) that hold time perfectly using NTP.
 1) Make *SURE* that 'cpuspeed' and any BIOS 'power saving' modes are 
 disabled on your host and your VMs. Nothing screws timekeeping like 
 having the CPU speed vary.
 2) Use 'divider=10' on your grub kernel boot lines for your virtual 

That kernel parameter information is out of date with CentOS 5.4:

As Akemi said, users of VMware virtualization products (bare metal
hypervisor products like ESX/ESXi and the other solutions) should
closely follow the KB article recommendations which are frequently updated.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Dynamic DNS update

2009-11-22 Thread Joseph L. Casale
I am using a /etc/dhclient-exit-hooks script to update a bind host record
for a remote server so I can gain admin access to it when its dynamic ip

Does anyone know of an existing script that wont update the bind zone unless
the ip has actually changed rather than me hacking one out and reinventing the

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Via EPIA m10000 Nemehiah

2009-11-22 Thread Ben Mohilef
Does anyone else have one of these on 24/7 running RHEL 5.4 or Centos 5.4 ??
That box mysteriously stops ( no crash data, it just stops) hours or days after 
boot, with or without X. 
Cntl-Alt-Delete reboots it without power cycling.  The usual diagnostics  
(memtest and fsck) return no 
errors. Works great until it freezes. No evidence of  kernel oops anywhere.

If others report the same issues we will scrap the board. Otherwise I will 
continue to investigate what 
is happening, since it is no fun to pull the board out and replace with an atom 
processor and it is not 

The hard disk in it came from an Athlon M board that died an untimely death 
this week. Service 
cpufreq reports unavailable so I am assuming that it is turned off. Could the 
cpu freqquency control  
be doing something  without tellling us? 

We havea power monitor on it so I can discern if it dies with max cpu activity 
or not. Also I am leaving 
it run top without screensaver so I can see if a particular load or program 
is borking it.   Am I missing 
something obvious here? 



CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] What's wrong with yum-priorities?

2009-11-22 Thread Dennis Kibbe
The upstream maintainer of yum, Seth Vidal, had the following to say
about 'yum priorities' in September 2009:

Gosh, I hope people do not set up yum priorities. There are so many things
about priorities that make me cringe all over. It could just be that it
reminds me of apt 'pinning' and that makes me want to hurl.

This note was placed on the wiki (PackageManagement/Yum?Priorities)
without any explanation why yum-priorities isn't a good idea.

yum-priorities doesn't appear in RHEL 5.4 but protectbase does. Is that
the better choice and if so why?



Free as in Freedom
Free Software Foundation
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] What's wrong with yum-priorities?

2009-11-22 Thread Akemi Yagi
On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 11:27 AM, Dennis Kibbe wrote:
 The upstream maintainer of yum, Seth Vidal, had the following to say
 about 'yum priorities' in September 2009:

 Gosh, I hope people do not set up yum priorities. There are so many things
 about priorities that make me cringe all over. It could just be that it
 reminds me of apt 'pinning' and that makes me want to hurl.

 This note was placed on the wiki (PackageManagement/Yum?Priorities)
 without any explanation why yum-priorities isn't a good idea.

 yum-priorities doesn't appear in RHEL 5.4 but protectbase does. Is that
 the better choice and if so why?

yum-priorities is now available for CentOS 5.4 in the extras repository. See:

My understanding is that, between yum-priorities and protectbase,
yum-priorities has been recommended over protectbase by CentOS devs.
As to why the priorities plugin is given the negative comment, I
cannot answer (don't know well enough).  In my humble opinion, the
wiki article should provide ample explanation. Failing that, it should
at least offer alternative methods (for example, use of exclude= etc
?).  If not, it would be basically saying, do not use 3rd party
repositories.  People come to this page because they need/want/have
to resort to 3rd party repos. When asked in the CentOS forums, I refer
them to the Repositories article and I continue to advise them to use
the priorities plugin.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] What's wrong with yum-priorities?

2009-11-22 Thread John R. Dennison
On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 12:27:51PM -0700, Dennis Kibbe wrote:
 The upstream maintainer of yum, Seth Vidal, had the following to say
 about 'yum priorities' in September 2009:
 Gosh, I hope people do not set up yum priorities. There are so many things
 about priorities that make me cringe all over. It could just be that it
 reminds me of apt 'pinning' and that makes me want to hurl.
 This note was placed on the wiki (PackageManagement/Yum?Priorities)
 without any explanation why yum-priorities isn't a good idea.

I use yum-priorities on all boxen that have non-CentOS repos
configured; I've not hit a single snag with it yet.  YMMV.

 yum-priorities doesn't appear in RHEL 5.4 but protectbase does. Is that
 the better choice and if so why?

It has been pushed out, I believe, to the extras repo and is
currently available there:

repoquery --repoid=base --repoid=updates --repoid=extras --qf 
%-20{repoid} %{name} yum-priorities

extras   yum-priorities

For some reason it was not in the base 5.4 distribution.


Anybody can win unless there happens to be a second entry.

-- George Ade (1866 - 1944), American writer, newspaper columnist,
and playwright

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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] What's wrong with yum-priorities?

2009-11-22 Thread Jim Perrin
On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 2:27 PM, Dennis Kibbe wrote:
 The upstream maintainer of yum, Seth Vidal, had the following to say
 about 'yum priorities' in September 2009:

 Gosh, I hope people do not set up yum priorities. There are so many things
 about priorities that make me cringe all over. It could just be that it
 reminds me of apt 'pinning' and that makes me want to hurl.

 This note was placed on the wiki (PackageManagement/Yum?Priorities)
 without any explanation why yum-priorities isn't a good idea.

 yum-priorities doesn't appear in RHEL 5.4 but protectbase does. Is that
 the better choice and if so why?

It's not really yum-priorities, so much as what it does and how it acts.

In a perfect world, you would not need to add additional repositories
to get all the software you want. However that's rarely the case.

What ends up happening is that you have multiple repositories that
provide the same thing, sometimes under different names. You end up
mixing dependencies between repositories, so some things are
protected, some pull in deps from the wrong repository... fire and
brimstone, dead rising from graves, dogs and cats start living
together. The whole mess introduces some really odd logic edge cases
for yum that should in theory never be encountered. It's basically a
software solution to a management problem.

If you're careful about what you're doing, it's fine. If you enable
every single repository you can find for centos, it's going to end up
causing you some issues.

The long and short of it boils down to how rpm is implemented, how
different packagers package things, and how ignorant the average user
wants to be to the internal workings of the system. Most folks just to
have it work, end of story.  Yum gets caught in the middle, and
priorities, while good, is a hack that allows user freedom that comes
with some really ugly thinking.

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
George Orwell
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] dnsmasq - where to use? where not?

2009-11-22 Thread Rob Kampen

Hi list,
On updating my server today, I noted that dnsmasq was updated, I do not 
recall installing this onto my server as it is running bind/named and 
dhcpd, thus why does it need dnsmasq?

So I did a
$ sudo yum remove dnsmasq
to find out what rpm / yum thinks about it - I get a list of
NetworkManager(-glib) removals
evolution(-connector) removals
krb5-auth-dialog also..
I think I can live without NetworkManager and evolution on this server, 
but why krb5-auth-dialog??

Any suggestions appreciated.
attachment: rkampen.vcf___
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] system time automatically fowards in time and then comes back to normal

2009-11-22 Thread Clint Dilks
nate wrote:
 ankush grover wrote:

 Earlier this server was syncing time through ntp daemon and below is
 the ntp.conf file. Now I have set a cronjob which sync the time with

 Best not to run NTP inside a ESX VM. I've never gotten NTP to sync
 inside of VMware outside of a kernel with VMI enabled (no versions
 of RHEL support VMI at this time as far as I know).

 What I do for my ~40 ESX/ESXi hosts:
 - Have your ESX hosts sync to a good NTP server
 - Make sure vmware tools is installed and running correctly
   (/etc/init.d/vmware-tools status)
 - Enable time sync for your guest, either via the UI or via
   this command in the guest(I have this command run in cron
   every 5 minutes as I have seen for some reason time sync turn
   itself off:
/usr/sbin/vmware-guestd --cmd vmx.set_option synctime 0 1
 - On top of all of that I have another cron set to run ntpdate
   every 5 minutes against a local NTP server:
/usr/sbin/ntpdate `cat /etc/ntp/step-tickers | grep -v \#`

 For providing NTP services themselves, currently I run 3 VMs
 at each site with Fedora 8 with VMI enabled for the guest VM
 (the kernel in FC8 supports VMI, I suspect newer Fedoras work
 fine too I just have no reason to change right now). And I have
 these FC8 VMs sync to internet hosts(mainly so
 my internal ESX and other systems can sync against them(they
 are load balanced behind a F5 BigIP).

 from FC8 kernel log:
 VMI: Found VMware, Inc. Hypervisor OPROM, API version 3.0, ROM version 1.0
 vmi: registering clock event vmi-timer. mult=9483317 shift=22
 Booting paravirtualized kernel on vmi
 vmi: registering clock source khz=2260999
 Time: vmi-timer clocksource has been installed.

 I currently run roughly 400 VMs this way and don't have any
 noticeable time-related issues.


 CentOS mailing list

The OP should also reference this document

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Dynamic DNS update

2009-11-22 Thread Les Bell

Joseph L. Casale wrote:

Does anyone know of an existing script that wont update the bind zone
the ip has actually changed rather than me hacking one out and reinventing

I did this one years ago - see


--- Les Bell
Tel: +61 2 9451 1144

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] system time automatically fowards in time and then comes back to normal

2009-11-22 Thread Akemi Yagi
On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 12:19 PM, Clint Dilks wrote:

 The OP should also reference this document

This is the 3rd time that KB article was quoted in this thread...  :-D

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] crontab problem

2009-11-22 Thread Spiro Harvey
Susan Day wrote:

 I have the following in crontab -eu root:
 @daily /usr/local/bin/mysql-backup-
 @weekly /usr/local/bin/
 @monthly /usr/local/bin/

the above is looking for mysql-backup-[day|week|month]

but the filenames below don't have -backup in their names.

 [r...@13gems]# ls /usr/local/bin/mysql-*
 /usr/local/bin/  /usr/local/bin/

Spiro Harvey  Knossos Networks Ltd

Description: PGP signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] What's wrong with yum-priorities?

2009-11-22 Thread Les Mikesell
Akemi Yagi wrote:
 In my humble opinion, the
 wiki article should provide ample explanation. Failing that, it should
 at least offer alternative methods (for example, use of exclude= etc
 ?).  If not, it would be basically saying, do not use 3rd party

You can't escape the fact that when you use 3rd party repositories that do not 
coordinate their package names and dependencies, having a working system is 
a matter of luck and chance.  Or that when the base repositories exclude 
packages by policy, that you will be forced to use 3rd party repos.  So, good 

I generally leave the extra repos disabled in the yum configuration and 
install/update the packages I want from them with:
yum --enablerepo=reponame install packagename
but there's still a chance that one of these packages or something pulled as a 
dependency will cause subsequent conflicts.

 People come to this page because they need/want/have
 to resort to 3rd party repos. When asked in the CentOS forums, I refer
 them to the Repositories article and I continue to advise them to use
 the priorities plugin.

It doesn't matter how you do it.  There is still a chance that a file included 
in a 3rd party package that you install will subsequently be included in a base 
package update.  And then you'll have the conflict regardless of any way you 
to control the priorities.  An example now would be if you had installed 
something that required libgcrypt11 from ATrpms.  Now the 
/usr/lib/ file will conflict with an update to the stock 
libgcrypt-1.4.4-5.el5.i386.rpm package.

   Les Mikesell

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] What's wrong with yum-priorities?

2009-11-22 Thread Mike A. Harris
Hash: SHA1

Les Mikesell wrote:

 People come to this page because they need/want/have
 to resort to 3rd party repos. When asked in the CentOS forums, I refer
 them to the Repositories article and I continue to advise them to use
 the priorities plugin.
 It doesn't matter how you do it.  There is still a chance that a file 
 in a 3rd party package that you install will subsequently be included in a 
 package update.  And then you'll have the conflict regardless of any way you 
 to control the priorities.  An example now would be if you had installed 
 something that required libgcrypt11 from ATrpms.  Now the 
 /usr/lib/ file will conflict with an update to the stock 
 libgcrypt-1.4.4-5.el5.i386.rpm package.

This exact problem occurred with java-1.6.0-openjdk, when it was
originally part of the EPEL addon repository, but then Red Hat released
it as an official part of RHEL with the 5.3 release (IIRC).  The problem
this caused users of the EPEL package, was that the Red Hat openjdk was
an _older_ version of the package, and did not come with the web browser
plugin.  The EPEL repository withdrew their package so as not to
conflict with the Red Hat packages.  As a result, people whom found the
EPEL openjdk browser plugin worked fine for what they need now lost
their plugin leaving the following choices:

1) Use the Red Hat openjdk and not have a browser plugin.

2) Install Sun or IBM Java instead.

3) Remove the official Red Hat openjdk, get a copy of the original EPEL
openjdk and rebuild it for yourself, and use that.

I've used multiple repositories on various OS releases for a while now,
and you do need to use some creative yum configuration to try and keep a
clean system when doing so, but unfortunately no configuration is likely
to ever completely prevent all possible cross-repository problems that
could occur.  ;o/

The best we can hope for, is that in future releases, the primary
official repository continues to get larger and larger, and that any 3rd
party repositories work more closely together to resolve potential
conflicts and other issues.

- --
Mike A. Harris   Website:
Google Wave: mike.andrew.harris - at - |
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] What is the best method for get PHP 5.2 in CentOS ?

2009-11-22 Thread zeroironhack
What is the best method for get PHP 5.2 in CentOS ?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] What is the best method for get PHP 5.2 in CentOS ?

2009-11-22 Thread John R Pierce
zeroironhack wrote:
 What is the best method for get PHP 5.2 in CentOS ?

# yum install php

That should get you php 5.2.9 on centos 5

if you're running CentOS 4 or older, then I recommend upgrading to CentOS 5.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] dnsmasq - where to use? where not?

2009-11-22 Thread Kai Schaetzl
Rob Kampen wrote on Sun, 22 Nov 2009 15:18:46 -0500:

 On updating my server today, I noted that dnsmasq was updated, I do not 
 recall installing this onto my server as it is running bind/named and 
 dhcpd, thus why does it need dnsmasq?

Some packages require it, for instance xen/libvirt.

 $ sudo yum remove dnsmasq

This won't show you the dependencies. Use rpm -e --test.


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
Get your web at Conactive Internet Services:

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] What is the best method for get PHP 5.2 in CentOS ?

2009-11-22 Thread Christoph Maser
Am Sonntag, den 22.11.2009, 23:23 +0100 schrieb John R Pierce:
 zeroironhack wrote:
  What is the best method for get PHP 5.2 in CentOS ?

 # yum install php

 That should get you php 5.2.9 on centos 5

 if you're running CentOS 4 or older, then I recommend upgrading to CentOS 5.

Only if you use the testing repository, for details see

Chris AG

Munich head office/Hauptsitz München: Maria-Probst-Str. 19 | 80939 München | 
Frankfurt branch office/Niederlassung Frankfurt: Messeturm | 
Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 49 | 60327 Frankfurt | Germany
Management board/Vorstand: Dr. Steffen Boehnert | Dr. Alexis Eisenhofer | Dr. 
Yann Samson | Matthias Wiederwach
Supervisory board/Aufsichtsrat: Dr. Dr. Ernst zur Linden (chairman/Vorsitzender)
Register court/Handelsregister: Munich – HRB 128 972 | Sales tax ID 
number/St.Nr.: DE205 370 553
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] What is the best method for get PHP 5.2 in CentOS ?

2009-11-22 Thread zeroironhack
Ok, but I need php 5.2 on production environment.

El dom, 22-11-2009 a las 23:47 +0100, Christoph Maser escribió:
 Am Sonntag, den 22.11.2009, 23:23 +0100 schrieb John R Pierce:
  zeroironhack wrote:
   What is the best method for get PHP 5.2 in CentOS ?
  # yum install php
  That should get you php 5.2.9 on centos 5
  if you're running CentOS 4 or older, then I recommend upgrading to CentOS 5.
 Only if you use the testing repository, for details see
 Chris AG
 Munich head office/Hauptsitz München: Maria-Probst-Str. 19 | 80939 München | 
 Frankfurt branch office/Niederlassung Frankfurt: Messeturm | 
 Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 49 | 60327 Frankfurt | Germany
 Management board/Vorstand: Dr. Steffen Boehnert | Dr. Alexis Eisenhofer | Dr. 
 Yann Samson | Matthias Wiederwach
 Supervisory board/Aufsichtsrat: Dr. Dr. Ernst zur Linden 
 Register court/Handelsregister: Munich – HRB 128 972 | Sales tax ID 
 number/St.Nr.: DE205 370 553
 CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] What is the best method for get PHP 5.2 in CentOS ?

2009-11-22 Thread John R Pierce
zeroironhack wrote:
 Ok, but I need php 5.2 on production environment.

then you test and qualify the version in the testing repository, or you 
build your own and do the same.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] What is the best method for get PHP 5.2 in CentOS ?

2009-11-22 Thread Lucian @
On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 1:18 AM, onay wrote:
 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 6:57 AM, John R Pierce wrote:
 zeroironhack wrote:
 Ok, but I need php 5.2 on production environment.

 Maybe you can use this one. I use this on my production server. And
 it's pretty stable. :P


 If knowledge belong to the world,
 why don't you give me some?
 CentOS mailing list

I built some RPMs, mostly for my own servers, but the repo is publicly
available. I'm not responsible if they eat your cat etc etc.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] NFS4 issue

2009-11-22 Thread Philip Manuel
We are running kernel 2.6.18-164.6.1.el5 with exporting 3 aoe provided 
ext4 directories. For a couple of weeks we had a small number of users 
using the system with no issues, today we added 7 users and the system 
crashed and did not perform correctly since.

Nov 23 10:20:03 sulphur rpc.idmapd[5199]: nfsdcb: id '-2' too big!
Nov 23 10:42:25 sulphur nfsd[27306]: nfssvc: Setting version failed: 
errno 16 (Device or resource busy)
Nov 23 10:42:25 sulphur nfsd[27306]: nfssvc: unable to bind UPD socket: 
errno 98 (Address already in use)
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel: slab error in kmem_cache_destroy(): 
cache `nfsd4_files': Can't free all objects
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88645efd] 
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88645f55] 
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88646ecb] 
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88630570] 
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88630856] :nfsd:nfsd+0x2b5/0x2cb
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [886305a1] :nfsd:nfsd+0x0/0x2cb
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [886305a1] :nfsd:nfsd+0x0/0x2cb
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel: BUG: warning at 
fs/nfsd/nfs4state.c:1016/nfsd4_free_slab() (Tainted: G )
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88645f55] 
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88646ecb] 
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88630570] 
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88630856] :nfsd:nfsd+0x2b5/0x2cb
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [886305a1] :nfsd:nfsd+0x0/0x2cb
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [886305a1] :nfsd:nfsd+0x0/0x2cb
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel: slab error in kmem_cache_destroy(): 
cache `nfsd4_delegations': Can't free all objects
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88645efd] 
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88646ecb] 
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88630570] 
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88630856] :nfsd:nfsd+0x2b5/0x2cb
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [886305a1] :nfsd:nfsd+0x0/0x2cb
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [886305a1] 
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel: BUG: warning at 
fs/nfsd/nfs4state.c:1016/nfsd4_free_slab() (Tainted: G )
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88646ecb] 
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88630570] 
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88630856] 
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [886305a1] 
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [886305a1] 
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel: nfsd: last server has 
Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel: nfsd: unexporting all 
Nov 23 10:42:44 sulphur kernel: kmem_cache_create: duplicate cache 
Nov 23 10:42:44 sulphur kernel:  [88646f29] 
Nov 23 10:42:44 sulphur kernel:  [886303ae] 
Nov 23 10:42:44 sulphur kernel:  [88630f8e] 
Nov 23 10:42:44 sulphur kernel:  [88630ffd] 
Nov 23 10:42:44 sulphur kernel:  [88630f8e] 
Nov 23 10:42:44 sulphur kernel:  [88630d59] 
:nfsd:nfsctl_transaction_write+0x42/0x77Nov 23 10:42:44 sulphur 
nfsd[27369]: nfssvc: Cannot allocate memory  
Nov 23 10:43:55 sulphur nfsd[27495]: nfssvc: Setting version failed: 
errno 16 (Device or resource 

Nov 23 10:43:55 sulphur nfsd[27495]: nfssvc: unable to bind UPD socket: 
errno 98 (Address already in use)

So above shows the original problem and then me restarting it and 
eventually I had to reboot the server.  Since then it has been behaving 
bizarrely with it running for 5 mins and then stopping, upon a restart 
it will run for a while and then stop.
Nov 23 11:04:46 sulphur kernel: NFSD: Using /var/lib/nfs/v4recovery as 
the NFSv4 state recovery directory
Nov 23 11:17:02 sulphur rpc.idmapd[8178]: nfsdcb: id '-2' too big!
Nov 23 11:29:01 sulphur kernel: nfsd: last server has exited
Nov 23 11:29:01 sulphur kernel: nfsd: unexporting all filesystems
Nov 23 11:29:08 sulphur kernel: NFSD: Using /var/lib/nfs/v4recovery as 
the NFSv4 state recovery directory
Nov 23 11:29:08 sulphur rpc.idmapd[8178]: nfsdcb: id '-2' too big!
Nov 23 11:32:03 

Re: [CentOS] Via EPIA m10000 Nemehiah

2009-11-22 Thread Karanbir Singh
On 22/11/09 18:23, Ben Mohilef wrote:
 That box mysteriously stops ( no crash data, it just stops) hours or days 
 after boot, with or without X.
 Cntl-Alt-Delete reboots it without power cycling.  The usual diagnostics  
 (memtest and fsck) return no
 errors. Works great until it freezes. No evidence of  kernel oops anywhere.

$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep model
model   : 9
model name  : VIA Nehemiah

$ uptime
  01:25:57 up 40 days,  5:26, 11 users,  load average: 1.15, 1.03, 1.01

$ uname -r

I dont seem to have any problems ( use this machine as a cheap h/w 
random number generator, so its always under load ~ 1 )

- KB
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] again, nic driver order

2009-11-22 Thread Gordon McLellan
I have two servers with identical hardware ... TYAN i3210w system
boards with dual intel gigabit interfaces, and a PCI intel gigabit
nic.  I'm running Centos 5.4, x86_64,  2.6.18-164.6.1.el5

Every other time I reboot, the nics initialize in a different order.

anaconda had setup /etc/modprobe.conf with alias lines for the cards:

alias eth0 e1000
alias eth1 e1000e
alias eth2 e1000e

However, introducing the bonding driver into the mix seems to have
thrown a wrench in the works.

alias bond0 bonding
options bond0 miimon=80 mode=5 #or something like that, can't get to
the machine right now - no console and the network is down

So, I read about the ifcfg options and try assigning each config
script an HWADDR line.

after rebooting, /var/log/messages announces that hardware address for
eth1 does not match, skipping ... same for eth2

Reading the archives seems to indicate modprobe.conf doesn't do much
and is made obsolete by udev, and that hwaddr is discouraged because
it's a band-aid.  The archives seem to suggest fiddling with udev to
be the answer.  So I modify /etc/udev/rules.d/60-net (or something)
and add a few rules found in an ancient example (those aren't my mac
KERNEL==eth?, SYSFS{address}==00:37:e9:17:64:af, NAME=eth0  #
MAC of first NIC in lowercase
KERNEL==eth?, SYSFS{address}==00:21:e9:17:64:b5, NAME=eth1  #
MAC of second NIC in lowercase

Now, all three network cards get assigned as eth0!  eth1 and eth2 are
no longer found.  The pci-express nics (onboard) get detected first,
and the pci nic is last, so it ends up owning the eth0 alias.

I don't really care which alias gets assigned to which nic, but I want
that assignment to be constant.

All suggestions are appreciated!

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] What is the best method for get PHP 5.2 in CentOS ?

2009-11-22 Thread Rainer Duffner

Am 22.11.2009 um 23:10 schrieb zeroironhack:

 What is the best method for get PHP 5.2 in CentOS ?

There's SUN's Webstack 1.5 for RHEL.

We only use it on Solaris, though.

Unless you pay, there are no patches - they release a new version from  
time to time and you can update pretty easily.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] again, nic driver order

2009-11-22 Thread Tom H
On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 2:38 AM, Gordon McLellan wrote:
 The archives seem to suggest fiddling with udev to
 be the answer.  So I modify /etc/udev/rules.d/60-net (or something)
 and add a few rules found in an ancient example (those aren't my mac
 KERNEL==eth?, SYSFS{address}==00:37:e9:17:64:af, NAME=eth0  #
 MAC of first NIC in lowercase
 KERNEL==eth?, SYSFS{address}==00:21:e9:17:64:b5, NAME=eth1  #
 MAC of second NIC in lowercase

 Now, all three network cards get assigned as eth0! eth1 and eth2 are
 no longer found. The pci-express nics (onboard) get detected first,
 and the pci nic is last, so it ends up owning the eth0 alias.

Changing SYSFS to ATTR should do it.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] What's wrong with yum-priorities?

2009-11-22 Thread R P Herrold
On Sun, 22 Nov 2009, Dennis Kibbe wrote:

 The upstream maintainer of yum, Seth Vidal, had the following to say
 about 'yum priorities' in September 2009:

 Gosh, I hope people do not set up yum priorities. There are so many things
 about priorities that make me cringe all over. It could just be that it
 reminds me of apt 'pinning' and that makes me want to hurl.

 This note was placed on the wiki (PackageManagement/Yum?Priorities)
 without any explanation why yum-priorities isn't a good idea.

Hi, Dennis

That page is outlinked from the general discussion on 
Respositories, which runs through a discussion of 
'exclude' and 'includepkg' as earlier options to consider 
before these two non-stock install addons to yum that you 

The problem with priorities, and pinning generally, is that it 
cannot anticipate the growth of package dependencies, and 
tries to solve with a static rule, a shifting problem.  It may 
work to get what is initially wanted, but it is a durable 
solution, nor the right solution, because eventually, some 
combination of enhanced weighting will cause an unintended 
consequence, blocking some more important upgrade [a 
point version bump, or worse a security async update].

We see it a lot in the IRC channel with people who don't or 
won't read, and with the intermitent availability of some 
non-CentOS archives, and yet want the system to solve 
integrating encumbered sound driver codecs and extensions. 
They do, sometimes withthis approach, or forcing or much worse 
--nodeps, and later have the 'wheels come off' when some 
library dependency on a main archive is blocked by an upgrade 
path not anticipated or tested by the adjunct archive 

It is usually safe to drill in a binary package out at the 
leaf nodes from an external archive -- but these encumbered 
packages have a witches brew of libraries they need as well, 
and when upgrades on the main line are issued, one can end up 
with an unsolvable set of dependencies for the old, and 
requirements by the new.

'priorities' falls over and dies at that point from 
self-induced dependency hell, and CentOS is blamed for it in 
the back splatter.  I was the wiki article editor who 
initially added that caveat section, after seeing priorities 
being pushed as the 'best' alternative.

It is not.  It is more like Russian roulette without peeking 
at the state of the chamber, for your installation. The 
mentioned 'exclude' and 'includepkg' approach is more correct, 
but also requires reading the yum and rpm man pages, and 
gaining some understanding of dependencies.

-- Russ herrold
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] What's wrong with yum-priorities?

2009-11-22 Thread Les Mikesell
R P Herrold wrote:
 'priorities' falls over and dies at that point from 
 self-induced dependency hell, and CentOS is blamed for it in 
 the back splatter.  I was the wiki article editor who 
 initially added that caveat section, after seeing priorities 
 being pushed as the 'best' alternative.
 It is not.  It is more like Russian roulette without peeking 
 at the state of the chamber, for your installation. The 
 mentioned 'exclude' and 'includepkg' approach is more correct, 
 but also requires reading the yum and rpm man pages, and 
 gaining some understanding of dependencies.

_And_ a crystal ball to anticipate uncoordinated future changes by different 
parties in a single namespace and file tree.  The only ways this can be solved 
is to either have a single repository where nothing is excluded by policy and 
names and files are coordinated, or to delegate out package and file namespace 
to repositories that can't coordinate to keep them from conflicting.  Neither 
these seem very likely to happen.

   Les Mikesell

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] NFS4 issue

2009-11-22 Thread Philip Manuel

Philip Manuel wrote:
 We are running kernel 2.6.18-164.6.1.el5 with exporting 3 aoe provided 
 ext4 directories. For a couple of weeks we had a small number of users 
 using the system with no issues, today we added 7 users and the system 
 crashed and did not perform correctly since.

 Nov 23 10:20:03 sulphur rpc.idmapd[5199]: nfsdcb: id '-2' too big!
 Nov 23 10:42:25 sulphur nfsd[27306]: nfssvc: Setting version failed: 
 errno 16 (Device or resource busy)
 Nov 23 10:42:25 sulphur nfsd[27306]: nfssvc: unable to bind UPD socket: 
 errno 98 (Address already in use)
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel: slab error in kmem_cache_destroy(): 
 cache `nfsd4_files': Can't free all objects
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88645efd] 
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88645f55] 
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88646ecb] 
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88630570] 
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88630856] :nfsd:nfsd+0x2b5/0x2cb
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [886305a1] :nfsd:nfsd+0x0/0x2cb
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [886305a1] :nfsd:nfsd+0x0/0x2cb
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel: BUG: warning at 
 fs/nfsd/nfs4state.c:1016/nfsd4_free_slab() (Tainted: G )
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88645f55] 
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88646ecb] 
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88630570] 
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88630856] :nfsd:nfsd+0x2b5/0x2cb
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [886305a1] :nfsd:nfsd+0x0/0x2cb
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [886305a1] :nfsd:nfsd+0x0/0x2cb
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel: slab error in kmem_cache_destroy(): 
 cache `nfsd4_delegations': Can't free all objects
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88645efd] 
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88646ecb] 
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88630570] 
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88630856] :nfsd:nfsd+0x2b5/0x2cb
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [886305a1] :nfsd:nfsd+0x0/0x2cb
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [886305a1] 
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel: BUG: warning at 
 fs/nfsd/nfs4state.c:1016/nfsd4_free_slab() (Tainted: G )
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88646ecb] 
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88630570] 
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [88630856] 
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [886305a1] 
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel:  [886305a1] 
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel: nfsd: last server has 
 Nov 23 10:42:26 sulphur kernel: nfsd: unexporting all 
 Nov 23 10:42:44 sulphur kernel: kmem_cache_create: duplicate cache 
 Nov 23 10:42:44 sulphur kernel:  [88646f29] 
 Nov 23 10:42:44 sulphur kernel:  [886303ae] 
 Nov 23 10:42:44 sulphur kernel:  [88630f8e] 
 Nov 23 10:42:44 sulphur kernel:  [88630ffd] 
 Nov 23 10:42:44 sulphur kernel:  [88630f8e] 
 Nov 23 10:42:44 sulphur kernel:  [88630d59] 
 :nfsd:nfsctl_transaction_write+0x42/0x77Nov 23 10:42:44 sulphur 
 nfsd[27369]: nfssvc: Cannot allocate memory  
 Nov 23 10:43:55 sulphur nfsd[27495]: nfssvc: Setting version failed: 
 errno 16 (Device or resource 

 Nov 23 10:43:55 sulphur nfsd[27495]: nfssvc: unable to bind UPD socket: 
 errno 98 (Address already in use)

 So above shows the original problem and then me restarting it and 
 eventually I had to reboot the server.  Since then it has been behaving 
 bizarrely with it running for 5 mins and then stopping, upon a restart 
 it will run for a while and then stop.
 Nov 23 11:04:46 sulphur kernel: NFSD: Using /var/lib/nfs/v4recovery as 
 the NFSv4 state recovery directory
 Nov 23 11:17:02 sulphur rpc.idmapd[8178]: nfsdcb: id '-2' too big!
 Nov 23 11:29:01 sulphur kernel: nfsd: last server has exited
 Nov 23 11:29:01 sulphur kernel: nfsd: unexporting all filesystems
 Nov 23 11:29:08 sulphur kernel: NFSD: Using /var/lib/nfs/v4recovery as 

[CentOS] yum-priorities (recap)

2009-11-22 Thread Dennis Kibbe

Thanks for everyone's input. I had been under the impression and was
passing that impression on to my students.

The take-away here seems to be that once you start mixing official and
unofficial repos anything can happen.


Free as in Freedom
Free Software Foundation
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Inquiry:How to enable NAT on CentOS 5 ?

2009-11-22 Thread hadi motamedi
 Dear All
On my CentOS 5 , I installed the Asterisk 1.4.13 and DECT application
software and then when I want to try for NAT I issue as the followings :
#iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
But it didn't get through . So I checked if the NAT is enabled on
my CentOS server , as the followings :
#echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
But still I cannot try for NAT . Can you please let me know which other
setings maybe influenced and need to be checked for enabling the NAT ?
Thank you in advance
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Inquiry:How to enable NAT on CentOS 5 ?

2009-11-22 Thread Barry Brimer
 Dear All
 On my CentOS 5 , I installed the Asterisk 1.4.13 and DECT application
 software and then when I want to try for NAT I issue as the followings :
 #iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
 But it didn't get through . So I checked if the NAT is enabled on
 my CentOS server , as the followings :
 #echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
 But still I cannot try for NAT . Can you please let me know which other
 setings maybe influenced and need to be checked for enabling the NAT ?

You have your outgoing traffic NATed .. but you need a PREROUTING rule to 
forward the traffic to your Asterisk server.
CentOS mailing list