[CentOS-docs] CentOS Newsletter.

2010-02-11 Thread Alan Bartlett
As a native born Englishman with a critical eye for the misuse of the
written language ( a tendency towards pedantry), I have noticed a
fair number of grammatical and spelling errors in past issues of the
CentOS Newsletter.

I cannot offer to be a proof-reader, per se, (I just do not have the
time to deal with such a request as Here is the latest issue which
will be published in 24 hours time. Please proof-read and correct
it.) but would have the time to read and correct it on the fly.

That is my offer. If, whoever it may concern, is willing to accept it
then I shall require both sight and write access to the
pre-publication page(s).

CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS-docs] CentOS Newsletter.

2010-02-11 Thread Alan Bartlett
On 11 February 2010 13:29, Marcus Moeller m...@marcus-moeller.de wrote:

 I cannot offer to be a proof-reader, per se, (I just do not have the
 time to deal with such a request as Here is the latest issue which
 will be published in 24 hours time. Please proof-read and correct
 it.) but would have the time to read and correct it on the fly.

 Sounds really great. I would appreciate your help.

Happy to assist. :-)

I can confirm that I now have access, without a re-login, and, for the
record, I have also subscribed to the -promo m/l.

It would not be me without concluding with an And finally, . . ., so
here it is --

And finally, I see that the Newsletter Editing page, subheading
Upcoming issues, requires a link to the issue currently being
created! :-D

CentOS-docs mailing list

[CentOS-virt] KVM - restart of VMs after rejoin a node into cluster

2010-02-11 Thread Ingmar

I have the following problem ...

I have a cluster with 2 nodes and use the Vrtualisierung KVM (83-105.el5_4.22)  
on CentOS 5.4 (x64 - 2.6.18-164.6.1.el5) with drbd 8.3.6.
For the cluster, I use the following software tools:
- heartbeat (3.0.1)
- pacemaker (1.0.7) and 
- libvirt (0.6.3).

If a node has been switched off or he was placed on standby and I activate it 
again, all VMs will be restarted (reboot) after the 2nd Node is online and 

Is this a known problem? Does anyone know where the bug is? Is there a solution 
for this?

CentOS-virt mailing list

[CentOS-es] Hacer a un usuario administrador

2010-02-11 Thread Maykel Franco Hernandez
Hola buenos dias, estoy buscando la manera para hacer a un usuario normal
administrador y tenga los mismos permisos que root. Simplemente es para
pleno aprendizaje por si algun dia lo necesitara. He intentado agregar por
ejemplo el usuario tecnico a el grupo root y al grupo admin con adduser
tecnico root y adduser tecnico admin pero no me ha funcionado. Creo que
me falta algo más, alguien me puede echar un cable??Un saludo.

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Hacer a un usuario administrador

2010-02-11 Thread xOChilpili

Hola, a ver si esto te sirve de algo;

Para agregar un usuario a un grupo :

useradd -G {group-name} username

Si el grupo no existe entonces :
groupadd developers

En tu caso, como kieres agregar tu usuario {normal} al grupo de root
yo haría esto:

useradd -G root tecnico
passwd tecnico
password: akí pongo mi pass y listo!

Espero haberte sido de ayuda. Y ya si en algo me ekivoco, pues ya se
encargarán de corregirme...


CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Apache

2010-02-11 Thread Pablo Blanco
No cmprendo del todo tu problema pero guiandome un poco por las sugerencias que 
recibiste te sugiero que leas un poco sobre como se modifica el archivo de 
configuracion del servidor 'Apache' que se llama httpd.conf

En ese archivo vas a encontrarte con una serie de directivas (instrucciones que 
son leidas por el servidor) que le dicen si permite o no permite (en ingles 
seria Allow o Deny respectivamente) listar o sea permitir envierle al navegador 
web el contenido de los directorios (carpetas donde se encuentran los archivos 
de tu sitio como index.html o index.php etc)

Existen varias maneras de controlar esta situacion y todas dependen del 
ambiente en el que te encuentres esto es si es un sitio publico o si es una 
intranet. Alguna de las ociones incluso te permiten filtrar el ingreso para que 
solo los que se encuentren dentro de un determinado rango de IP puedan ingresar.

Espero que esto te ayude. Sino no dudes en seguir consultando.

Por ultimo el archivo de configuracion httpd.conf se encuentra totalmente 
comentado donde te explica que hace cada parte del codigo y cual es sus funcion.

La mejor opcion de lectura para tu problema es el sitio web oficial del 

De: David González Romero d...@dic.ohc.cu
Para: centos-es@centos.org
Enviado: mié, febrero 10, 2010 8:24:08 PM
Asunto: Re: [CentOS-es] Apache

O§many Oconnor wrote:
   tengo un problema poco común, no se revertir el listado de directorios 
 de apache he probado con todo el encontrado en google pero nada.
Con revertir te refieres a que no te muestre el contenido de los 

Tu variable amiga es DirectoryOption -Indexes

 me he instalado un sitio virtual y hice de no recuerdo que forma 
 visualizar el contenido de este, ahora no quiero que se vea pero no 
 encuentro la forma.
Mira sería muy util que empezaras a usar una bitacora a mano, hasta que 
seas capaz de leer tus bitacoras en los logs. Recomendación papel y 
lapiz/ agenda y boligrafo y empezar a copiar TODO cuanto hiciste.

Lo otro usar manuales online que te ilustren bien. Este es un buen site 
para empezar, esta todo en castellano/español:

 mi mayor problema es que el webmin en su estructura de directorio me 
 muestra Index Of: cuando no tiene dentro de este un archivo index.php o 
Un consejo... si quieres hacerte un buen admin deja de lado webmin un 
poco y empieza a fajarte con la consola. Usa Webmin para cosas muy 
puntuales, no niego que es una buena herramienta, pero intenta hacerte 
fuerte en línea de comandos que es donde UNIX/Linux tiene la belleza y 
se ven los logros... d:D Es como una sensación de satisfacción que uno 
vive por dentro que muchos de los Sysadmin mas viejos podrían 
describirte con mejor claridad...

Eso intentamos...

Lic. David González Romero
Network/System Administrator
DIC- OHC Dirección de Informática y Comunicaciones
Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad
Ave Puerto. Edif. Lonja del Comercio 5H
Telf:(537)8608808, 8608853 ext 109
Linux counter: 242534

CentOS-es mailing list


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Descarga gratis el nuevo Internet Explorer 8. 
CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Hacer a un usuario administrador

2010-02-11 Thread Pablo Blanco
La razon de existir de un usuario como 'root' es que precisamente sea uno y no 
un grupo el que tenga la capacidad de modificar la integridad del Sistema 
Operativo y su contenido.

De: xOChilpili xochilp...@gmail.com
Para: centos-es@centos.org
Enviado: jue, febrero 11, 2010 6:12:52 AM
Asunto: Re: [CentOS-es] Hacer a un usuario administrador


Hola, a ver si esto te sirve de algo;

Para agregar un usuario a un grupo : 

useradd -G {group-name} username

Si el grupo no existe entonces :
groupadd developers

En tu caso, como kieres agregar tu usuario {normal} al grupo de root
yo haría esto: 

useradd -G root tecnico
passwd tecnico
password: akí pongo mi pass y listo!

Espero haberte sido de ayuda. Y ya si en algo me ekivoco, pues ya se encargarán 
de corregirme...




¡Obtén la mejor experiencia en la web!
Descarga gratis el nuevo Internet Explorer 8. 
CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Hacer a un usuario administrador

2010-02-11 Thread Mario Ganga
Es poco elegante pero cambiale el UID de tu usuario por el mismo del root
(el del root es cero 0 si no me equivoco), mira el archivo passwd el root
esta de los primeros.

Vas a tener algunos problemas con el home y el skel de tu usuario, pero
bueno, hay que seguir investigando.



2010/2/11 Pablo Blanco blancopa...@yahoo.com

 La razon de existir de un usuario como 'root' es que precisamente sea uno y
 no un grupo el que tenga la capacidad de modificar la integridad del Sistema
 Operativo y su contenido.

 *De:* xOChilpili xochilp...@gmail.com
 *Para:* centos-es@centos.org
 *Enviado:* jue, febrero 11, 2010 6:12:52 AM
 *Asunto:* Re: [CentOS-es] Hacer a un usuario administrador


 Hola, a ver si esto te sirve de algo;

 Para agregar un usuario a un grupo :

 useradd -G {group-name} username

 Si el grupo no existe entonces :
 groupadd developers

 En tu caso, como kieres agregar tu usuario {normal} al grupo de root
 yo haría esto:

 useradd -G root tecnico
 passwd tecnico
 password: akí pongo mi pass y listo!

 Espero haberte sido de ayuda. Y ya si en algo me ekivoco, pues ya se
 encargarán de corregirme...




 ¡Obtén la mejor experiencia en la web!
 Descarga gratis el nuevo Internet Explorer 8

 CentOS-es mailing list

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Problema openvpn

2010-02-11 Thread Anthony Mogrovejo
El log de OpenVPN, que te indica ??
en windows ejecuta print route para ver si realmente le asigna el GW
correcto a tu red.

El 10 de febrero de 2010 23:37, César Morales cmora...@mki.cl escribió:

 El 10/02/2010 21:42, Black Hand escribió:
  On Wed, 2010-02-10 at 18:36 -0300, César Morales wrote:
  Instale y configure openvpn -roadwarrior- windows como cliente, Linux
  servidor. Pero no logro ver desde windows la red que acompaña al
  servidor linux.
  que podrá estar faltando??. Vale la pena mencionar que las
  comunicaciones entre el servidor linux y mi equipo windows cliente
  funcionan sin problemas. Veo archivos en la red etc etc.
  no parece faltar nada, Yo diria q verifiques dos cosas:
  1) q efectivamente el ruteo q estas inyectando desde el server se este
  aplicando en el windows (ROUTE PRINT en windows)
  2) q ese servidor Windows tambien tenga los ruteos correspondientes para
  saber como llegar hasta la VPN, esto creo q es lo mas probable q pueda
  estar faltando.
  Yonsy Solis, aka BlackHand
  CentOS-es mailing list
 Agrego mas informacion al problema:

 Rutas activas:
 Destino de redMáscara de red   Puerta de acceso   Interfaz  Métrica   21   1   1   30   30   1   30   1   50   50   20   20   20   20   20   20   1   20   20   20   20   20   20   30   20   20   20   20   1   1   1   1   1   1   1
 Puerta de enlace predeterminada:
 Las rutas, a mi parecer están bien.

 Lo del firewall:
 EL equipo con linux no tiene firewall ni reglas de iptables, el windows
 server 2003 al que quiero pingear, no se si tiene firewall activado,
 pero haciendo ping desde el servidor Linux -openvpn- que se encuentra en
 la misma red que el WS2003, logro sin problemas hacer ping, creo q esto
 debiera ser lo mismo.
 Y el cliente desde el que me conecto a la VPN, no tiene firewall, ni
 bloqueo de puertos alguno.

 Ahora yo no lo sé, porque soy nuevo en lo de openvpn, ¿Debería ingresar
 como cliente al WS2003?, yo creo que no, que en modo road warrior
 debiera verlo por defecto  en la red ( si no, ¿que gracia tiene este
 menjunje?), ahora creo tener la seguridad de que si lo incluyera a la
 vpn, gracias a la linea client-to-client, debiera tomarlo sin
 problemas, no lo he probado puesto que mi acceso al WS2003 es limitado 

Re: [CentOS-es] Problemas con Spam

2010-02-11 Thread Rodrigo Julio P�rez
 Te recomiendo usar MailScanner, es muy efectivo.


Negativo yo te recomiendo usar la variante

Todos tenemos diferentes puntos de vista y formas de manejar el spam, y no
creo que sea correcto negar que una sea mejor que la otra, solo tratemos de
ayudar con lo que sabemos sin desmerecer la opinión del otro.

El 11 de febrero de 2010 04:10, Maykel Franco Hernandez

   Te recomiendo usar MailScanner, es muy efectivo.
  Negativo yo te recomiendo usar la variante
  Amen que es importante que endurescas tu Postfix, por ejemplo:
  mynetworks =, numeros.ip.de.tus.servidores
  relay_domains = $mydomain, midominio.com
  smtpd_helo_required = yes
  smtpd_helo_restrictions =
  smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
  smtpd_client_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,
   reject_rbl_client dnsbl.sorbs.net
   reject_rbl_client zen.spamhaus.org
   reject_rbl_client cbl.abuseat.org
  Esto te puede servir para endurecer aun mas tu Postfix...
  Lic. David González Romero
  Network/System Administrator
  DIC- OHC Dirección de Informática y Comunicaciones
  Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad
  Ave Puerto. Edif. Lonja del Comercio 5H
  Telf:(537)8608808, 8608853 ext 109
  Linux counter: 242534
  CentOS-es mailing list

 Totalmente de acuerdo, con esas reglas en el mta Postfix va a rechazar
 mucho Spam y no olvidarnos de la combinacion Amavisd-new, Spamassasins,
 Clam-AV. Un saludo.

 CentOS-es mailing list

Rodrigo Julio Pérez
Ingeniero en Gestión Informática

Todo el desorden del mundo proviene de las profesiones mal o mediocremente
servidas Gabriela Mistral
CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Problemas con Spam

2010-02-11 Thread Maykel Franco Hernandez
 Te recomiendo usar MailScanner, es muy efectivo.


Negativo yo te recomiendo usar la variante

 Todos tenemos diferentes puntos de vista y formas de manejar el spam, y no
 creo que sea correcto negar que una sea mejor que la otra, solo tratemos
 ayudar con lo que sabemos sin desmerecer la opinión del otro.

 El 11 de febrero de 2010 04:10, Maykel Franco Hernandez

   Te recomiendo usar MailScanner, es muy efectivo.
  Negativo yo te recomiendo usar la variante
  Amen que es importante que endurescas tu Postfix, por ejemplo:
  mynetworks =, numeros.ip.de.tus.servidores
  relay_domains = $mydomain, midominio.com
  smtpd_helo_required = yes
  smtpd_helo_restrictions =
  smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
  smtpd_client_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,
   reject_rbl_client dnsbl.sorbs.net
   reject_rbl_client zen.spamhaus.org
   reject_rbl_client cbl.abuseat.org
  Esto te puede servir para endurecer aun mas tu Postfix...
  Lic. David González Romero
  Network/System Administrator
  DIC- OHC Dirección de Informática y Comunicaciones
  Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad
  Ave Puerto. Edif. Lonja del Comercio 5H
  Telf:(537)8608808, 8608853 ext 109
  Linux counter: 242534
  CentOS-es mailing list

 Totalmente de acuerdo, con esas reglas en el mta Postfix va a rechazar
 mucho Spam y no olvidarnos de la combinacion Amavisd-new, Spamassasins,
 Clam-AV. Un saludo.

 CentOS-es mailing list

 Rodrigo Julio Pérez
 Ingeniero en Gestión Informática

 Todo el desorden del mundo proviene de las profesiones mal o
 servidas Gabriela Mistral
 CentOS-es mailing list

Yo simplemente he dicho que estoy más de acuerdo con la 2º solución, no
que sea mejor una que otra aunque me lo parezca no lo he dicho simplemente
me parece más acorde con lo que se quiere.

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Hacer a un usuario administrador

2010-02-11 Thread David González Romero
Lo único remotamente elegante a hacer es usar sudo... (man sudo)

Un usuario normal en UNIX/Linux, NUNCA podrá ser semejante a root.

De hecho hay un viejo dijo dentro del mundo de UNIX:
root is God

Y Dios es uno solo, jejejejeje...


Lic. David González Romero
Network/System Administrator
DIC- OHC Dirección de Informática y Comunicaciones
Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad
Ave Puerto. Edif. Lonja del Comercio 5H
Telf:(537)8608808, 8608853 ext 109
Linux counter: 242534

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Problemas con Spam

2010-02-11 Thread David González Romero
 Todos tenemos diferentes puntos de vista y formas de manejar el spam, y 
 no creo que sea correcto negar que una sea mejor que la otra, solo 
 tratemos de ayudar con lo que sabemos sin desmerecer la opinión del otro.

Claro en eso tienes razón voy a exponer algo que se intercambió en la 
lista de Postfix-es y era sobre MailScanner:

mailscanner http://www.mailscanner.info/ system, works with Postfix 
and other MTAs. WARNING: This software uses unsupported methods to 
manipulate Postfix queue files directly. This will result in corruption 
or loss of mail. The mailscanner authors have sofar refused to discuss a 
proper access API or protocol.

Sobran comentarios respecto.

Otras cosas de las que se hablaron:

Respuesta de Federico Alberto Sayd
fsayd _en_ uncu [dot] edu [dot] ar

Postfix funciona con Mailscanner, ahora bien el modo en que lo hace es 
desaconsejado por los desarrolladores de Postfix porque utilizan la cola 
HOLD para desviar los correos y desde alli Mailscanner los escanea y 
luego los devuelve a la cola incoming de Postfix. Es un método bastante 
desprolijo y como ya se ha dicho antes puede resultar en pérdida de correos.

Lo que no se puede negar es que el archivo de configuración de 
Mailscanner es mucho más sencillo que la configuración de Amavisd-new. 
Mailscanner usa un archivo de configuración tipo .ini, mientras que los 
archivos de configuración de amavis son sencillamente archivos de perl 
donde se definen directamente las variables por eso se ve un tanto 
críptico, pero con buena documentación se puede llegar a manejar bien.

Tienes que buscar siempre la última documentación de amavisd-new que no 
es lo mismo que amavis a secas porque el proyecto en un principio sufrió 
algunos fork y el que actualmente está en uso es amavisd-new. Por su 
parte la documentación de Mailscanner es un poco más extensa en su 
página oficial.

A mi modo personal he visto que el desarrollo de Amavis-new es mucho mas 
dinámico que el de MailScanner. De cualquier forma cualquier solución 
que funcione bien es buena... No obstante al punto que quería llegar era 
que antes de poner un AntiSpam propiamente dicho con Postfix se puede 
lograr muchas buenas cosas en virtud de lograr correos limpios.


Lic. David González Romero
Network/System Administrator
DIC- OHC Dirección de Informática y Comunicaciones
Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad
Ave Puerto. Edif. Lonja del Comercio 5H
Telf:(537)8608808, 8608853 ext 109
Linux counter: 242534

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Hacer a un usuario administrador

2010-02-11 Thread Matias Sardisco
El 11 de febrero de 2010 06:02, Maykel Franco Hernandez

 Hola buenos dias, estoy buscando la manera para hacer a un usuario normal
 administrador y tenga los mismos permisos que root. Simplemente es para
 pleno aprendizaje por si algun dia lo necesitara. He intentado agregar por
 ejemplo el usuario tecnico a el grupo root y al grupo admin con adduser
 tecnico root y adduser tecnico admin pero no me ha funcionado. Creo que
 me falta algo más, alguien me puede echar un cable??Un saludo.

Cambia el UID de tu usuario a 0  y sera un super-hombre.
Aunque esto en la vida real no se acostumbra.

 CentOS-es mailing list

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Problemas con Spam

2010-02-11 Thread Rodrigo Julio P�rez
Ok. eso no lo sabia, si hubieras partido por alli.
Saludos a todos.

El 11 de febrero de 2010 14:21, David González Romero d...@dic.ohc.cuescribió:

  Todos tenemos diferentes puntos de vista y formas de manejar el spam, y
  no creo que sea correcto negar que una sea mejor que la otra, solo
  tratemos de ayudar con lo que sabemos sin desmerecer la opinión del otro.

 Claro en eso tienes razón voy a exponer algo que se intercambió en la
 lista de Postfix-es y era sobre MailScanner:

 mailscanner http://www.mailscanner.info/ system, works with Postfix
 and other MTAs. WARNING: This software uses unsupported methods to
 manipulate Postfix queue files directly. This will result in corruption
 or loss of mail. The mailscanner authors have sofar refused to discuss a
 proper access API or protocol.

 Sobran comentarios respecto.

 Otras cosas de las que se hablaron:

 Respuesta de Federico Alberto Sayd
 fsayd _en_ uncu [dot] edu [dot] ar

 Postfix funciona con Mailscanner, ahora bien el modo en que lo hace es
 desaconsejado por los desarrolladores de Postfix porque utilizan la cola
 HOLD para desviar los correos y desde alli Mailscanner los escanea y
 luego los devuelve a la cola incoming de Postfix. Es un método bastante
 desprolijo y como ya se ha dicho antes puede resultar en pérdida de

 Lo que no se puede negar es que el archivo de configuración de
 Mailscanner es mucho más sencillo que la configuración de Amavisd-new.
 Mailscanner usa un archivo de configuración tipo .ini, mientras que los
 archivos de configuración de amavis son sencillamente archivos de perl
 donde se definen directamente las variables por eso se ve un tanto
 críptico, pero con buena documentación se puede llegar a manejar bien.

 Tienes que buscar siempre la última documentación de amavisd-new que no
 es lo mismo que amavis a secas porque el proyecto en un principio sufrió
 algunos fork y el que actualmente está en uso es amavisd-new. Por su
 parte la documentación de Mailscanner es un poco más extensa en su
 página oficial.

 A mi modo personal he visto que el desarrollo de Amavis-new es mucho mas
 dinámico que el de MailScanner. De cualquier forma cualquier solución
 que funcione bien es buena... No obstante al punto que quería llegar era
 que antes de poner un AntiSpam propiamente dicho con Postfix se puede
 lograr muchas buenas cosas en virtud de lograr correos limpios.


 Lic. David González Romero
 Network/System Administrator
 DIC- OHC Dirección de Informática y Comunicaciones
 Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad
 Ave Puerto. Edif. Lonja del Comercio 5H
 Telf:(537)8608808, 8608853 ext 109
 Linux counter: 242534

 CentOS-es mailing list

Rodrigo Julio Pérez
Ingeniero en Gestión Informática

Todo el desorden del mundo proviene de las profesiones mal o mediocremente
servidas Gabriela Mistral
CentOS-es mailing list

[CentOS-es] Seguridad en CentOS+Apache+PHP+MySQL+Joomla

2010-02-11 Thread David González Romero
Bien lista!!

Tengo un amigo con una configuración como la del subject: 

En los últimos tiempos descubrió algunos probelmas de seguridad los 
cuales dieron pie a que un atacante introdujera codigo dentro del 
sistema de archivo que se ejecutaba tanto con permisos de apache y 
nobody. Este código principalmente fue introducir un software de webchat 
y en segundo plano un script de perl que levantaba una 
aplicación/demonio para hacer scan de puertos a diferentes direcciones 
de IRC.

En fin la razón es la siguiente en el reporte de Logwacht aparecia algo 
como esto:

Commands Run:
 User apache:
/tmp/.psy/y2kupdate /dev/null 21: 1440 Time(s)

Al buscar que era esto encontré, junto con mi amigo, algunas cosas 
1- Apareción en una carpeta interna de un virtual host con Joomla una 
carpeta no pertenenciente al Joomla 
(../administrator/components/com_installer/mambot/components) que 
contenia ciertos y determinados script ejecutables y algunos binarios
2- el contenido:
[r...@server components]# ll
total 360
-rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache141 Feb  5  2006 config
-rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache929 Feb  5  2006 config.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache118 Jan 31 02:34 cron.d
-rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache341 Feb  5  2006 fuck
drwxr-xr-x 2 apache apache   4096 Feb  5  2006 help
-rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache  52960 Jan 31 02:36 ht.pl
drwxr-xr-x 2 apache apache   4096 Feb  5  2006 lang
drwxr-xr-x 2 apache apache   4096 Feb  1 09:44 log
drwxr-xr-x 2 apache apache   4096 Feb  5  2006 motd
-rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache  14306 Feb  5  2006 proc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache 202544 Feb  5  2006 psybnc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache 77 Feb  5  2006 psybnc.conf
-rw--- 1 apache apache  5 Feb  1 09:44 psybnc.pid
-rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache 66 Feb  5  2006 run
drwxr-xr-x 3 apache apache   4096 Jul  3  2007 scripts
-rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache 76 Jan 31 02:34 ssstt
-rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache 82 Jan 31 02:34 ssstt.dir
-rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache  21516 Feb  5  2006 xh
-rwxr--r-- 1 apache apache383 Jan 31 02:34 y2kupdate

3- Una busqueda en los procesos ejecutandose salio esto:
/usr/sbin/httpd -DSSL

Bueno para no hacer larga la historia usando dos o tres herramientas y 
el netstat pudimos dar con el proceso y matarlo.

Pero seguia saliendo en el repote de Logwacht lo del y2kupdate y 
buscando encontramos que en /var/spool/cron habia un fichero llamado 
apache que contenia:
* * * * * /tmp/.psy/y2kupdate /dev/null 21

Al final mi pregunta va en dos sentidos:

A- Hay alguna forma para saber quien escribió, y donde en el sistema de 
archivos, especificamente en este directorio del /var/spool/cron.

Pienso que como Linux usa un sistema Journalist imagino que exista una 
traza de los cambios en el Sistema de Ficheros en un momento determinado.

B- Hay forma de endurecer las politicas de acceso a los directorios de 
los virtualhost de apache y del tmp, y que no ejecuten codigo 


Lic. David González Romero
Network/System Administrator
DIC- OHC Dirección de Informática y Comunicaciones
Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad
Ave Puerto. Edif. Lonja del Comercio 5H
Telf:(537)8608808, 8608853 ext 109
Linux counter: 242534

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Seguridad en CentOS+Apache+PHP+MySQL+Joomla

2010-02-11 Thread Black Hand
On Thu, 2010-02-11 at 15:49 -0500, David González Romero wrote:

 B- Hay forma de endurecer las politicas de acceso a los directorios de 
 los virtualhost de apache y del tmp, y que no ejecuten codigo 

hacer q esos directorios vayan a particiones dedicadas y montarlas con
la opcion noexec

PERO ten cuidado, algunos demonios de CentOS necesitan q el /tmp permita
colocar scripts con capacidad de ejecucion para poder arrancar, eso
quizas requiera q modifiques sus scripts de inicio.

o podrias hacer lo q RedHat recomienda, NO DESACTIVES SELINUX y mas bien
aprende a configurarlo (dificil lo se, pero al final vale la pena por la
seguridad brindada)

Black Hand
Lost Angen in the Heaven

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Seguridad en CentOS+Apache+PHP+MySQL+Joomla

2010-02-11 Thread Carlos Bortolini Acurumo
Modsecurity es una extensión para Apache que te brinda varias
acciones/opciones relacionadas con la seguridad del servidor web.


Ingeniero en Informática

Teléfono: +591 347 4546
Móvil: +591 766 69617

Santa Cruz - Bolivia

2010/2/11 David González Romero d...@dic.ohc.cu

 Bien lista!!

 Tengo un amigo con una configuración como la del subject:

 En los últimos tiempos descubrió algunos probelmas de seguridad los
 cuales dieron pie a que un atacante introdujera codigo dentro del
 sistema de archivo que se ejecutaba tanto con permisos de apache y
 nobody. Este código principalmente fue introducir un software de webchat
 y en segundo plano un script de perl que levantaba una
 aplicación/demonio para hacer scan de puertos a diferentes direcciones
 de IRC.

 En fin la razón es la siguiente en el reporte de Logwacht aparecia algo
 como esto:

 Commands Run:
 User apache:
/tmp/.psy/y2kupdate /dev/null 21: 1440 Time(s)

 Al buscar que era esto encontré, junto con mi amigo, algunas cosas
 1- Apareción en una carpeta interna de un virtual host con Joomla una
 carpeta no pertenenciente al Joomla
 (../administrator/components/com_installer/mambot/components) que
 contenia ciertos y determinados script ejecutables y algunos binarios
 2- el contenido:
 [r...@server components]# ll
 total 360
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache141 Feb  5  2006 config
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache929 Feb  5  2006 config.h
 -rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache118 Jan 31 02:34 cron.d
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache341 Feb  5  2006 fuck
 drwxr-xr-x 2 apache apache   4096 Feb  5  2006 help
 -rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache  52960 Jan 31 02:36 ht.pl
 drwxr-xr-x 2 apache apache   4096 Feb  5  2006 lang
 drwxr-xr-x 2 apache apache   4096 Feb  1 09:44 log
 drwxr-xr-x 2 apache apache   4096 Feb  5  2006 motd
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache  14306 Feb  5  2006 proc
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache 202544 Feb  5  2006 psybnc
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache 77 Feb  5  2006 psybnc.conf
 -rw--- 1 apache apache  5 Feb  1 09:44 psybnc.pid
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache 66 Feb  5  2006 run
 drwxr-xr-x 3 apache apache   4096 Jul  3  2007 scripts
 -rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache 76 Jan 31 02:34 ssstt
 -rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache 82 Jan 31 02:34 ssstt.dir
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 apache apache  21516 Feb  5  2006 xh
 -rwxr--r-- 1 apache apache383 Jan 31 02:34 y2kupdate

 3- Una busqueda en los procesos ejecutandose salio esto:
 /usr/sbin/httpd -DSSL

 Bueno para no hacer larga la historia usando dos o tres herramientas y
 el netstat pudimos dar con el proceso y matarlo.

 Pero seguia saliendo en el repote de Logwacht lo del y2kupdate y
 buscando encontramos que en /var/spool/cron habia un fichero llamado
 apache que contenia:
 * * * * * /tmp/.psy/y2kupdate /dev/null 21

 Al final mi pregunta va en dos sentidos:

 A- Hay alguna forma para saber quien escribió, y donde en el sistema de
 archivos, especificamente en este directorio del /var/spool/cron.

 Pienso que como Linux usa un sistema Journalist imagino que exista una
 traza de los cambios en el Sistema de Ficheros en un momento determinado.

 B- Hay forma de endurecer las politicas de acceso a los directorios de
 los virtualhost de apache y del tmp, y que no ejecuten codigo


 Lic. David González Romero
 Network/System Administrator
 DIC- OHC Dirección de Informática y Comunicaciones
 Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad
 Ave Puerto. Edif. Lonja del Comercio 5H
 Telf:(537)8608808, 8608853 ext 109
 Linux counter: 242534

 CentOS-es mailing list

Carlos Bortolini Acurumo
Cel +591 766-69617
Email: bortol...@gmail.com
Santa Cruz - Bolivia
CentOS-es mailing list

[CentOS-es] Armar un Cluster con CentOS 5.3

2010-02-11 Thread Javier Castellanos
hola colegas :
Se ma ha metido en la cabeza la idea de armar un cluster , pero tampoco 
tengo ni idea de como hacer para lograr tal objetivo, por eso he escrito 
a la lista,  para ver si me sugieren alguna documentacion en  Español  
con la que pueda  hacer tal cosa , porque para el ingles soy sumamente 
surdo, en pocas palabras no lo domino bien , me se unas cuantas 
palabritas tecnicas, pero de ahi a entenderlo como tal, ni modo y segun 
he estado leyendo , armar un cluster no es cosa facil, por lo que 
teneniendo la documentacion en el idioma exacto me seria de una gran 
ayuda ..

gracias de antemano y que pasen todos un buen dia

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Armar un Cluster con CentOS 5.3

2010-02-11 Thread Ernesto Celis
El día 11 de febrero de 2010 13:45, Javier Castellanos
jcastella...@csh.uo.edu.cu escribió:
 hola colegas :
 Se ma ha metido en la cabeza la idea de armar un cluster , pero tampoco
 tengo ni idea de como hacer para lograr tal objetivo, por eso he escrito
 a la lista,  para ver si me sugieren alguna documentacion en  Español 
 con la que pueda  hacer tal cosa , porque para el ingles soy sumamente
 surdo, en pocas palabras no lo domino bien , me se unas cuantas
 palabritas tecnicas, pero de ahi a entenderlo como tal, ni modo y segun
 he estado leyendo , armar un cluster no es cosa facil, por lo que
 teneniendo la documentacion en el idioma exacto me seria de una gran
 ayuda ..

Google es de gran ayuda

Debes tomar en cuenta que existen varios tipos de cluster, primer
debes tener claro cual es tu objetivo y sobre esa base decidir el tipo
de cluster a construir.

P.D. el ingles es básico en este negocio

Ernesto Celis (Usuario Linux #323140)
irc.freenode.net #centos-es #opensolaris-mx
CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Seguridad en CentOS+Apache+PHP+MySQL+Joomla

2010-02-11 Thread Ernesto Celis
El día 11 de febrero de 2010 14:49, David González Romero
d...@dic.ohc.cu escribió:
 Al final mi pregunta va en dos sentidos:

 A- Hay alguna forma para saber quien escribió, y donde en el sistema de
 archivos, especificamente en este directorio del /var/spool/cron.

Quien, va a ser difícil, existen diversas herramientas de auditoría
te auxilia para seguir la huella y posiblemente determinar la IP y
algunos datos más, pero el quien va a ser extremadamente difícil.

 Pienso que como Linux usa un sistema Journalist imagino que exista una
 traza de los cambios en el Sistema de Ficheros en un momento determinado.

 B- Hay forma de endurecer las politicas de acceso a los directorios de
 los virtualhost de apache y del tmp, y que no ejecuten codigo

Como ya alguién sugirió, selinux te ayuda a evitar este tipo de cosas,
puedes estudiar sobre selinux en la documentación de CentOS o Red Hat.

Una de las tareas más importantes como administrador de un servidor
público, es mantenerse al día con las versiones más recientes de las
aplicaciones web instaladas. Seguramente el atacante explotó algún
agujero de seguridad en Joomla o en alguno de sus plugins.


Ernesto Celis (Usuario Linux #323140)
irc.freenode.net #centos-es #opensolaris-mx
CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Anyone using Active Driectory auth with Centos 5.4.....?

2010-02-11 Thread Rui Miguel Silva Seabra
Em 10-02-2010 00:43, Tom Bishop escreveu:
 I just need something for apache auth. I have winbind working just
 fine for the other stuff...Thanks

One thing I use is ldaps auth, but it will always demand an auth dialog.

Kerberos ticket support has the advantage than you may avoid that, but
it has the difficulty that you can't have a different username that easily.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Mount USB disk at startup?

2010-02-11 Thread Mogens Kjaer
On 02/11/2010 01:26 AM, Jobst Schmalenbach wrote:

 There is a kernel option you can give to solve
 this problem, in /boot/grub/grub.con add to the end
 of the kernel line:

   rootdelay Xs

 where x is the amounty of time to wait before
 /root is mounted, however this is valid for
 everything else as well.

 play with X until you get it right.

I've tried changing grub.conf into:

title CentOS (2.6.18-164.11.1.el5.centos.plus)
 root (hd0,0)
 kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-164.11.1.el5.centos.plus ro 
rootdelay=200 root=LABEL=/
 initrd /initrd-2.6.18-164.11.1.el5.centos.plus.img
title CentOS (2.6.18-164.11.1.el5)
 root (hd0,0)
 kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-164.11.1.el5 ro rootdelay=200 root=LABEL=/
 initrd /initrd-2.6.18-164.11.1.el5.img

but there's no delay at all (the kernel lines may have wrapped,
they are on one line in the file).

The kernel source has:

static unsigned int __initdata root_delay;
static int __init root_delay_setup(char *str)
 root_delay = simple_strtoul(str, NULL, 0);
 return 1;
__setup(rootdelay=, root_delay_setup);

and later:
 if (root_delay) {
 printk(KERN_INFO Waiting %dsec before mounting root 

The message Waiting 200sec before mounting root device... is never

Putting rootdelay= after root= makes no difference.



Mogens Kjaer, Carlsberg A/S, Computer Department
Gamle Carlsberg Vej 10, DK-2500 Valby, Denmark
Phone: +45 33 27 53 25, Mobile: +45 22 12 53 25
Email: m...@crc.dk Homepage: http://www.crc.dk
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Syslog for chroot-jailed SFTP users?

2010-02-11 Thread Sean Carolan
 I believe you will need:
 syslogd -a /home/username01/dev/log  -a /home/username02/dev/log
 -a /home/username03/dev/log  -a /home/username04/dev/log - or
 something like this. I don't know the syntax for multiples -a...

This seems very impractical, both from a security standpoint and the
fact that you are limited to only 19 users.   Is there any other means
to accomplish detailed sftp logging while users are chroot'd to their
home directories?
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Launch many scripts with reboot

2010-02-11 Thread Georghy
I everyone,
I want to know how can I launch many script with reboot beetween each script
ie : I launch script1 at start up then the system reboot and launch 
script2 then ...
Thanks for all your answers

Cordialement, / Greetings,
Georghy FUSCO

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] saslauthd attack

2010-02-11 Thread B.J. McClure

On Wed, 2010-02-10 at 22:33 -0500, John Hinton wrote:
 Yes... most of them. Just the new PITA. Anyway... I still can't seem to 
 figure out how to log the IP addresses for this attack.
 The system is saslauthd running as a service... sendmail and dovecot 
 setup. I have log levels in sendmail set to 14. Something has to be able 
 to log the offender(s).
 Any ideas what I'm missing or where to look?
 Lincoln Zuljewic Silva wrote:
  I supose that you are using SMTP authentication with SASL.
  From the log service=smtp...so, in fact, the attack is coming from
  the SMTP server and not directly to the SASL.
  I guess that someone is trying to do a brute force attack on the SMTP 
  On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 6:08 PM, John Hinton webmas...@ew3d.com wrote:

  I'm seeing a lot of activity over the last two days with what looks to
  be a kiddie script. Mostly trying to access several of our servers with
  the username anna. All failed... in fact I don't think we have a user
  anna on any of our servers. Meanwhile...
  I'm running Sendmail. This pertains to Centos 4 and 5 servers. I'm also
  running fail2ban on some and Ossec on others. So far, no blocking is
  being done. When I look at the logs all I find is under messages and
  here is a sample:

I use denyhosts which has worked well for me.  I have two IPs which have
been under attack mostly on ssh, some on dovecot, periodically for the
last six weeks.  Offending IPs are logged when blocked, but they just
switch IPs as well as login user names.

At least with denyhosts the IPs are readily available.


CentOS 5.4, Linux 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5 athlon 05:24:40 up 9:38, 1 user,
load average: 0.33, 0.17, 0.19

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Launch many scripts with reboot

2010-02-11 Thread John Doe
From: Georghy fu...@wanagain.net
 I want to know how can I launch many script with reboot beetween each script
 ie : I launch script1 at start up then the system reboot and launch 
 script2 then ...

Simple way would be to have a script that reads a file with a script on each 
If the file is not empty, it would read the first line, execute the script 
corresponding to that line, remove that line from the file and reboot.
Rinse and repeat until the file is empty...


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] how to work with Code Repositories, but for web development?

2010-02-11 Thread Rudi Ahlers
Hi all,

I would like some suggestion on this matter please. I have never bothered
using any code repositories / version control systems for our web
development project, many cause I didn't know any better, and probably cause
most of our projects don't really require that we need to keep a history of
what has changed. i.e. a client wants to change something on their website,
and we change it, whether it's cosmetics or code (normally PHP  MySQL).

But, I want to see if CVS, or maybe even a forge script (like in offerforge)
could benefit met. Most of the time when we make changes to the code, we
simply update the version, from say 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 and write the changes to
a basic changelog, which in our case is a simple text file calles

But, how could I benefit from a CVS, ir similar system? And what would be
best for this environment? I installed CVS on my CentOS server, but it seems
that it's not just a matter of creating a tree and dumping code.  I'm not
too worried about multiple users at this stage. All our coding is currently
stored on a CentOS 5.4 Samba server, so we can access to the code from
either a Windows or Linux PC. Do I need anything more?

I started using eclipse+PHP a few months ago and I don't really use it to
its full potential, so I'm sure I could benefit from it more.

So, the question is, what is a good recommended setup to go with? Web based
access to all the files would be nice, then we could access it from outside
the LAN on HTTPS.
And how do I use it to my benefit? For example, clientA wants to make
changes to Project1. Now I have a Project1 in the CVS tree (is this the
right terminology?), and make changes to file contacts.php - what now? Do I
need to create a subfolder called 1.2.2 (for example), and add only the
updated file in this folder, or do I copy the whole Project into the new

2 weeks down the line I need to make changes to 8 files, what do I do now?

Does this make sense? I realize it could be beneficial to keep older files,
but how does one structure it?

Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers

Website: http://www.SoftDux.com
Technical Blog: http://Blog.SoftDux.com
Office: 087 805 9573
Cell: 082 554 7532
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Launch many scripts with reboot

2010-02-11 Thread Rudi Ahlers
On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 12:13 PM, Georghy fu...@wanagain.net wrote:

 I everyone,
 I want to know how can I launch many script with reboot beetween each
 ie : I launch script1 at start up then the system reboot and launch
 script2 then ...
 Thanks for all your answers

 Cordialement, / Greetings,
 Georghy FUSCO


 Simple :)

1. Add a line to /etc/rc.local - for exmaple sh /root/myscript
2. /root/myscript's contents could look like this: sh /root/runfirst
3. Now, you have say /root/script1, /root/script2, /root/script3, etc. At
the end of each script do this:

rm -rf /root/script1
echo /root/script2  /root/runfirst

Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers

Website: http://www.SoftDux.com
Technical Blog: http://Blog.SoftDux.com
Office: 087 805 9573
Cell: 082 554 7532
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] how to work with Code Repositories, but for web development?

2010-02-11 Thread John Doe
From: Rudi Ahlers r...@softdux.com
I would like some suggestion on this matter please. I have never bothered 
using any code repositories / version control systems for our web development 
project, many cause I didn't know any better, and probably cause most of our 
projects don't really require that we need to keep a history of what has 
changed. i.e. a client wants to change something on their website, and we 
change it, whether it's cosmetics or code (normally PHP  MySQL). 
But, I want to see if CVS, or maybe even a forge script (like in offerforge) 
could benefit met. Most of the time when we make changes to the code, we 
simply update the version, from say 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 and write the changes to a 
basic changelog, which in our case is a simple text file calles changelog.txt 

Check subversion: http://subversion.apache.org/
They have a quite good documentation: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/

It is nice to be able to go back to n previous version in case you realised 
that the newer versions messed up everything...
people can work in parallel on different versions (production/dev, 1.x, 
2.x...), etc...


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] how to work with Code Repositories, but for web development?

2010-02-11 Thread Rajagopal Swaminathan

On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 4:14 PM, Rudi Ahlers r...@softdux.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 I would like some suggestion on this matter please. I have never bothered
 using any code repositories / version control systems for our web
 development project, many cause I didn't know any better, and probably cause
 most of our projects don't really require that we need to keep a history of
 what has changed. i.e. a client wants to change something on their website,
 and we change it, whether it's cosmetics or code (normally PHP  MySQL).

 But, I want to see if CVS, or maybe even a forge script (like in offerforge)
 could benefit met. Most of the time when we make changes to the code, we
 simply update the version, from say 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 and write the changes to
 a basic changelog, which in our case is a simple text file calles

 But, how could I benefit from a CVS, ir similar system? And what would be
 best for this environment? I installed CVS on my CentOS server, but it seems
 that it's not just a matter of creating a tree and dumping code.  I'm not
 too worried about multiple users at this stage. All our coding is currently
 stored on a CentOS 5.4 Samba server, so we can access to the code from
 either a Windows or Linux PC. Do I need anything more?

 I started using eclipse+PHP a few months ago and I don't really use it to
 its full potential, so I'm sure I could benefit from it more.

 So, the question is, what is a good recommended setup to go with? Web based
 access to all the files would be nice, then we could access it from outside
 the LAN on HTTPS.
 And how do I use it to my benefit? For example, clientA wants to make
 changes to Project1. Now I have a Project1 in the CVS tree (is this the
 right terminology?), and make changes to file contacts.php - what now? Do I
 need to create a subfolder called 1.2.2 (for example), and add only the
 updated file in this folder, or do I copy the whole Project into the new

 2 weeks down the line I need to make changes to 8 files, what do I do now?

 Does this make sense? I realize it could be beneficial to keep older files,
 but how does one structure it?


Though I have got SVN with ACL and all that going at couple of places,
I have never come around to use it. I have heard elsewhere that
Sysadmins use that for config file and the such.

Also I was wondering if we can have some tutorials around centos like
the excellent typical use case examples of Samba.

I will try and contribute what I can in terms of knowledge, experience
anecdotes and the such.

Perhaps in the wiki?

For example multi location scenario, cases of some server within and
some hosted with ISP etc. Suggested infrastructure components  for
various scenarios like development/ distributed development, web based
app, fixed and adsl mixure of client scenarios etc. etc. etc.

Hope I am made myself somewhat clear...

Apologies for highjacking this thread...


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Launch many scripts with reboot

2010-02-11 Thread Georghy
John Doe a écrit :
 From: Georghy fu...@wanagain.net
 I want to know how can I launch many script with reboot beetween each script
 ie : I launch script1 at start up then the system reboot and launch 
 script2 then ...

 Simple way would be to have a script that reads a file with a script on each 
 If the file is not empty, it would read the first line, execute the script 
 corresponding to that line, remove that line from the file and reboot.
 Rinse and repeat until the file is empty...


 CentOS mailing list

How do I launch a custom script at the startup?
for exemple my script installation-script
launch script 1, write in a file prog script1 OK then reboot
at startup, the system relaunch installation-script,
installation-script read the file prog an count 1 line
so the script launch script2 ...

Thank you so much

Cordialement, / Greetings,
Georghy FUSCO

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Launch many scripts with reboot

2010-02-11 Thread Georghy
Rudi Ahlers a écrit :

 On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 12:13 PM, Georghy fu...@wanagain.net 
 mailto:fu...@wanagain.net wrote:

 I everyone,
 I want to know how can I launch many script with reboot beetween
 each script
 ie : I launch script1 at start up then the system reboot and launch
 script2 then ...
 Thanks for all your answers

 Cordialement, / Greetings,
 Georghy FUSCO


 Simple :)

 1. Add a line to /etc/rc.local - for exmaple sh /root/myscript
 2. /root/myscript's contents could look like this: sh /root/runfirst
 3. Now, you have say /root/script1, /root/script2, /root/script3, etc. 
 At the end of each script do this:

 rm -rf /root/script1
 echo /root/script2  /root/runfirst

 Kind Regards
 Rudi Ahlers

 Website: http://www.SoftDux.com
 Technical Blog: http://Blog.SoftDux.com
 Office: 087 805 9573
 Cell: 082 554 7532

 CentOS mailing list
Thanks for your answer I'll try

Cordialement, / Greetings,
Georghy FUSCO

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] how to work with Code Repositories, but for web development?

2010-02-11 Thread Dave Cross
On 11 February 2010 10:44, Rudi Ahlers r...@softdux.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 I would like some suggestion on this matter please. I have never bothered
 using any code repositories / version control systems for our web
 development project, many cause I didn't know any better, and probably cause
 most of our projects don't really require that we need to keep a history of
 what has changed. i.e. a client wants to change something on their website,
 and we change it, whether it's cosmetics or code (normally PHP  MySQL).

[ snip ]

If you're just getting into source code control, then I'd strongly
recommend bypassing legacy systems like CVS and Subversion. Most of
the world seems to be moving to distributed system like git

You can host your own git repositories, or you can use a third party
hosting service like github (http://github.com/).

I moved all of my projects from Subversion to github
(http://github.com/davorg/) a year ago and I'm very happy with it.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] how to work with Code Repositories, but for web development?

2010-02-11 Thread Rajagopal Swaminathan

On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 4:14 PM, Rudi Ahlers r...@softdux.com wrote:
 Hi all,

and perhaps Subtrain will help to go one step further



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] how to work with Code Repositories, but for web development?

2010-02-11 Thread Rudi Ahlers
On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 1:09 PM, Dave Cross dav...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 11 February 2010 10:44, Rudi Ahlers r...@softdux.com wrote:
  Hi all,
  I would like some suggestion on this matter please. I have never bothered
  using any code repositories / version control systems for our web
  development project, many cause I didn't know any better, and probably
  most of our projects don't really require that we need to keep a history
  what has changed. i.e. a client wants to change something on their
  and we change it, whether it's cosmetics or code (normally PHP  MySQL).

 [ snip ]

 If you're just getting into source code control, then I'd strongly
 recommend bypassing legacy systems like CVS and Subversion. Most of
 the world seems to be moving to distributed system like git

 You can host your own git repositories, or you can use a third party
 hosting service like github (http://github.com/).

 I moved all of my projects from Subversion to github
 (http://github.com/davorg/) a year ago and I'm very happy with it.



Thanx Dave, I'll check it out. Isn't GIT more aimed at software, than web
development projects?

P.S. I don't have a problem hosting my own code, we already have all the
infrastructure in place :)

Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers

Website: http://www.SoftDux.com
Technical Blog: http://Blog.SoftDux.com
Office: 087 805 9573
Cell: 082 554 7532
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Launch many scripts with reboot

2010-02-11 Thread Kai Schaetzl
Georghy wrote on Thu, 11 Feb 2010 11:13:10 +0100:

 I want to know how can I launch many script with reboot beetween each script
 ie : I launch script1 at start up then the system reboot and launch 
 script2 then ...

Why would you want to do this?
One way would be to use a reboot counter, another to use lock files (run only 
the first script that hasn't run yet), yet another to enumerate the files and 
remove the first on each boot, yet another to have a file remove itself after 
run (may not work).


Get your web at Conactive Internet Services: http://www.conactive.com

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] how to work with Code Repositories, but for web development?

2010-02-11 Thread Dave Cross
On 11 February 2010 11:26, Rudi Ahlers rudiahl...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 1:09 PM, Dave Cross dav...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 11 February 2010 10:44, Rudi Ahlers r...@softdux.com wrote:
  Hi all,
  I would like some suggestion on this matter please. I have never
  using any code repositories / version control systems for our web
  development project, many cause I didn't know any better, and probably
  most of our projects don't really require that we need to keep a history
  what has changed. i.e. a client wants to change something on their
  and we change it, whether it's cosmetics or code (normally PHP  MySQL).

 [ snip ]

 If you're just getting into source code control, then I'd strongly
 recommend bypassing legacy systems like CVS and Subversion. Most of
 the world seems to be moving to distributed system like git

 You can host your own git repositories, or you can use a third party
 hosting service like github (http://github.com/).

 I moved all of my projects from Subversion to github
 (http://github.com/davorg/) a year ago and I'm very happy with it.

 Thanx Dave, I'll check it out. Isn't GIT more aimed at software, than web
 development projects?

 P.S. I don't have a problem hosting my own code, we already have all the
 infrastructure in place :)

Git can be used to store any data that you want to keep different versions of.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Launch many scripts with reboot

2010-02-11 Thread Georghy
Georghy a écrit :
 Rudi Ahlers a écrit :
 On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 12:13 PM, Georghy fu...@wanagain.net 
 mailto:fu...@wanagain.net wrote:

 I everyone,
 I want to know how can I launch many script with reboot beetween
 each script
 ie : I launch script1 at start up then the system reboot and launch
 script2 then ...
 Thanks for all your answers

 Cordialement, / Greetings,
 Georghy FUSCO


 Simple :)

 1. Add a line to /etc/rc.local - for exmaple sh /root/myscript
 2. /root/myscript's contents could look like this: sh /root/runfirst
 3. Now, you have say /root/script1, /root/script2, /root/script3, etc. 
 At the end of each script do this:

 rm -rf /root/script1
 echo /root/script2  /root/runfirst

 Kind Regards
 Rudi Ahlers

 Website: http://www.SoftDux.com
 Technical Blog: http://Blog.SoftDux.com
 Office: 087 805 9573
 Cell: 082 554 7532

 CentOS mailing list
 Thanks for your answer I'll try

your command works, but I want to watch the script running, in order to 
view errors, so I figured out that I have to launch the script after the 
user is connected thanks to .bachrc do you know how to do that ?

Cordialement, / Greetings,
Georghy FUSCO

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Launch many scripts with reboot

2010-02-11 Thread Georghy
Kai Schaetzl a écrit :
 Georghy wrote on Thu, 11 Feb 2010 11:13:10 +0100:

 I want to know how can I launch many script with reboot beetween each script
 ie : I launch script1 at start up then the system reboot and launch 
 script2 then ...

 Why would you want to do this?
 One way would be to use a reboot counter, another to use lock files (run only 
 the first script that hasn't run yet), yet another to enumerate the files and 
 remove the first on each boot, yet another to have a file remove itself after 
 run (may not work).


I'm using script to configure a computer to my attempts, but I want to 
automatize that work.
I'm using different scripts to configure different things and after 
these scripts I'm forced to reboot in order to use the new parameters

Cordialement, / Greetings,
Georghy FUSCO

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5.4 x86_64 authenticating against AD (Server 2008r2)

2010-02-11 Thread Chan Chung Hang Christopher
Craig White wrote:
 On Wed, 2010-02-10 at 09:50 -0500, Ross Walker wrote:
 On Feb 10, 2010, at 8:11 AM, Chan Chung Hang Christopher 

 If you have hundreds or thousands of users and hundreds of groups,
 well good luck. It is extremely hard to automate assigning these  
 gids and making sure they don't collide with each other or other unix
 systems and doing it by hand is a torture reserved for the ninth
 circle of hell.

 If only nss_ldap had a SID-UID/GID mapping like samba has.

 How about winbind with a ldap backend? winbind creates the uids/gids  
  the rest just run nss_ldap?

 I currently use an ldap directory to store the rids but I don't  
 if they have been translated to uids/gids or whether the winbind  
 do that...
 I don't know either, but if they do, that would work.

 Can samba update uid/gidNumbers of existing LDAP directory CNs?

 I still like the RID mapping, but if samba can write back uidNumbers  
 based on RID map generated uids that  would solve the problem.
 In essence, samba knows nothing about writing anything to LDAP but
 normally people would install smbldap-tools (not part of samba) to
 provide a toolset to write to LDAP.

Impossible. winbind certainly knows all about writing to LDAP otherwise 
it won't be a backend database for rid maps and especially for 
maintaining the same rids across boxes (okay, this got solved at a 
higher level and thus an ldap backend is not needed for maintaining 
identical rids across boxes) and I cannot imagine how that would be 
accomplished without knowing anything about writing to ldap.

 If smbldap-tools doesn't do what you want, modify it.

??? What's that? ???
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] RAID, temperature and FAN status manage and monitoring tool for RHEL4 Update 4 ia64 AS Linux

2010-02-11 Thread Balaji

 Currently I've been using an RHEL4 Update 4 ia64 AS Linux version 
and running in HP rx6600 server.

I tried to google-out the RAID, temperature and FAN status manage 
and monitoring tool for RHEL4 Update 4 ia64 AS Linux
But i can't able to findout the same for RHEL4 Update 4 ia64 AS 
Linux server

Can anyone suggest me the write status monitoring and manage tool 
for RHEL4 Update 4 ia64 AS Linux server

Some of the information are below
[r...@corviewsecondary src]# lspci
00:01.0 Class ff00: Hewlett-Packard Company: Unknown device 1303
00:01.1 Communication controller: Hewlett-Packard Company: Unknown 
device 1302
00:01.2 Serial controller: Hewlett-Packard Company Diva Serial [GSP] 
Multiport UART
00:02.0 USB Controller: NEC Corporation USB (rev 43)
00:02.1 USB Controller: NEC Corporation USB (rev 43)
00:02.2 USB Controller: NEC Corporation USB 2.0 (rev 04)
0f:01.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82546GB Gigabit 
Ethernet Controller (rev 03)
0f:01.1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82546GB Gigabit 
Ethernet Controller (rev 03)
14:01.0 SCSI storage controller: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic SAS1068 
PCI-X Fusion-MPT SAS (rev 01)
14:02.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82546GB Gigabit 
Ethernet Controller (rev 03)
14:02.1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82546GB Gigabit 
Ethernet Controller (rev 03)
23:01.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82546GB Gigabit 
Ethernet Controller (rev 03)
23:01.1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82546GB Gigabit 
Ethernet Controller (rev 03)
[r...@corviewsecondary src]#

[r...@corviewsecondary src]# cat /proc/mpt/version
  Fusion MPT base driver
  Fusion MPT FC host driver
  Fusion MPT SPI host driver
  Fusion MPT SAS host driver
  Fusion MPT ioctl driver
[r...@corviewsecondary src]#

I have findout the mpt-status source from forum and download the same.
During compilation i have getting an error and below or the error 

[r...@corviewsecondary mpt-status-1.2.0]# make 
gcc  -Iincl -Wall -W -O2 
-I/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/drivers/message/fusion 
-I/lib/modules/`uname -r`/source/drivers/message/fusion -o mpt-status 
In file included from mpt-status.c:38:
mpt-status.h:19:26: lsi/mpi_type.h: No such file or directory
mpt-status.h:20:21: lsi/mpi.h: No such file or directory
mpt-status.h:21:25: lsi/mpi_ioc.h: No such file or directory
mpt-status.h:22:26: lsi/mpi_cnfg.h: No such file or directory
mpt-status.h:23:26: lsi/mpi_raid.h: No such file or directory
mpt-status.h:24:20: mptctl.h: No such file or directory
mpt-status.c:123: error: syntax error before '*' token
mpt-status.c:125: error: syntax error before '*' token
mpt-status.c:126: error: syntax error before '*' token
mpt-status.c:130: error: syntax error before '*' token
mpt-status.c:131: error: syntax error before '*' token
mpt-status.c:132: error: syntax error before '*' token
mpt-status.c:133: error: syntax error before '*' token
mpt-status.c: In function `freeMem': .
[r...@corviewsecondary src]#

Any clues as to whats the problem and the remedy?

Thanks in Advance,


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] how to work with Code Repositories, but for web development?

2010-02-11 Thread Niki Kovacs
Rudi Ahlers a écrit :
 Hi all,
 I would like some suggestion on this matter please. I have never 
 bothered using any code repositories / version control systems for our 
 web development project, 

SVN. Easy to setup, and the docs are excellent. I'm using it all the time.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Launch many scripts with reboot

2010-02-11 Thread Alexander Dalloz

 I'm using script to configure a computer to my attempts, but I want to
 automatize that work.
 I'm using different scripts to configure different things and after
 these scripts I'm forced to reboot in order to use the new parameters

 Cordialement, / Greetings,
 Georghy FUSCO

Running Linux you don't have to reboot, unless you want to switch the
running kernel. Can you be more specific about what exactly is customized
and forces a reboot?



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] how to work with Code Repositories, but for web development?

2010-02-11 Thread John Doe
From: Rudi Ahlers rudiahl...@gmail.com
Thanx Dave, I'll check it out. Isn't GIT more aimed at software, than web 
development projects?
P.S. I don't have a problem hosting my own code, we already have all the 
infrastructure in place :) 

Maybe check http://git.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/GitSvnComparison
I would try both and see which one fits my needs the best...


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Launch many scripts with reboot

2010-02-11 Thread Rajagopal Swaminathan
On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 6:34 PM, Alexander Dalloz ad+li...@uni-x.org wrote:

 Running Linux you don't have to reboot, unless you want to switch the
 running kernel.

with ksplice even that is not needed


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Launch many scripts with reboot

2010-02-11 Thread Georghy
Alexander Dalloz a écrit :
 I'm using script to configure a computer to my attempts, but I want to
 automatize that work.
 I'm using different scripts to configure different things and after
 these scripts I'm forced to reboot in order to use the new parameters

 Cordialement, / Greetings,
 Georghy FUSCO

 Running Linux you don't have to reboot, unless you want to switch the
 running kernel. Can you be more specific about what exactly is customized
 and forces a reboot?



 CentOS mailing list

I can't talk about this in detail, this is an intern process.

Cordialement, / Greetings,
Georghy FUSCO

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Anyone using Active Driectory auth with Centos 5.4.....?

2010-02-11 Thread Tom Bishop
I was able to get ldap auth working fairly easily, although getting SSL to
work took a little bit more effort due to trying to get the ca.cert from the
SBS server

On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 2:34 AM, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra r...@1407.orgwrote:

 Em 10-02-2010 00:43, Tom Bishop escreveu:
  I just need something for apache auth. I have winbind working just
  fine for the other stuff...Thanks

 One thing I use is ldaps auth, but it will always demand an auth dialog.

 Kerberos ticket support has the advantage than you may avoid that, but
 it has the difficulty that you can't have a different username that easily.

 CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Launch many scripts with reboot

2010-02-11 Thread Kai Schaetzl
Georghy wrote on Thu, 11 Feb 2010 12:42:21 +0100:

 I'm using different scripts to configure different things and after 
 these scripts I'm forced to reboot in order to use the new parameters

It's quite uncommon that you have to reboot for that. Especially going by 
your quote many.


Get your web at Conactive Internet Services: http://www.conactive.com

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] how to work with Code Repositories, but for web development?

2010-02-11 Thread Les Mikesell
Rudi Ahlers wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 1:09 PM, Dave Cross dav...@gmail.com 
 mailto:dav...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 11 February 2010 10:44, Rudi Ahlers r...@softdux.com
 mailto:r...@softdux.com wrote:
   Hi all,
   I would like some suggestion on this matter please. I have never
   using any code repositories / version control systems for our web
   development project, many cause I didn't know any better, and
 probably cause
   most of our projects don't really require that we need to keep a
 history of
   what has changed. i.e. a client wants to change something on
 their website,
   and we change it, whether it's cosmetics or code (normally PHP 
 [ snip ]
 If you're just getting into source code control, then I'd strongly
 recommend bypassing legacy systems like CVS and Subversion. Most of
 the world seems to be moving to distributed system like git
 You can host your own git repositories, or you can use a third party
 hosting service like github (http://github.com/).
 I moved all of my projects from Subversion to github
 (http://github.com/davorg/) a year ago and I'm very happy with it.
 Thanx Dave, I'll check it out. Isn't GIT more aimed at software, than 
 web development projects?
 P.S. I don't have a problem hosting my own code, we already have all the 
 infrastructure in place :)

The philosophical difference between git and subversion is that subversion by 
design has only one central repository.  You can branch the work there if you 
want to maintain different versions simultaneously, but the working copies 
you make changes don't store the history or multiple versions.  With git you 
clone the whole repository and make changes locally and it is optional whether 
the central (if there is such a thing) repository accepts your changes. 
Subversion is good if you want central control and have good network 
to all places where you edit.  Git is better if some people need to edit 
or people want to be able to fork the work and never commit back to the 
repository.  If you use subversion, you probably want to start with the current 
version packaged in rpmforge instead of the ancient one in stock centos.

Les Mikesell

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Launch many scripts with reboot

2010-02-11 Thread Georghy
Kai Schaetzl a écrit :
 Georghy wrote on Thu, 11 Feb 2010 12:42:21 +0100:

 I'm using different scripts to configure different things and after 
 these scripts I'm forced to reboot in order to use the new parameters

 It's quite uncommon that you have to reboot for that. Especially going by 
 your quote many.


by many I mean 5-6 scripts

Cordialement, / Greetings,
Georghy FUSCO

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] how to work with Code Repositories, but for web development?

2010-02-11 Thread Mathieu Baudier
 SVN. Easy to setup, and the docs are excellent. I'm using it all the time.

I second that: it the OP is not that familiar with version control
systems, Subversion is more intuitive and answers will be easy to find
on the web.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] how to work with Code Repositories, but for web development?

2010-02-11 Thread Les Mikesell
Rudi Ahlers wrote:

 I would like some suggestion on this matter please. I have never 
 bothered using any code repositories / version control systems for our 
 web development project, many cause I didn't know any better, and 
 probably cause most of our projects don't really require that we need to 
 keep a history of what has changed. i.e. a client wants to change 
 something on their website, and we change it, whether it's cosmetics or 
 code (normally PHP  MySQL).
 But, I want to see if CVS, or maybe even a forge script (like in 
 offerforge) could benefit met. Most of the time when we make changes to 
 the code, we simply update the version, from say 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 and 
 write the changes to a basic changelog, which in our case is a simple 
 text file calles changelog.txt
 But, how could I benefit from a CVS, ir similar system? And what would 
 be best for this environment? I installed CVS on my CentOS server, but 
 it seems that it's not just a matter of creating a tree and dumping 
 code.  I'm not too worried about multiple users at this stage. All our 
 coding is currently stored on a CentOS 5.4 Samba server, so we can 
 access to the code from either a Windows or Linux PC. Do I need anything 

I'd use subversion rather than cvs, but the concepts are mostly similar.  
a repository, import your existing file tree (or several if you want to break 
into projects at directory levels.  Then check out a working copy somewhere 
else.  Once you are sure that works, delete (or move) your original copy and 
check out a working copy in its place (this might be your actual web server 
or a staging copy that you rsync to the real server(s).  From then on, you 
always edit in working copies and commit the changes back to the repository. 
Many working copies can be checked out at once, and an 'update' command will 
bring them up to the current repository version so it is easy for many people 
share work.  You can use subversion's own server protocol or the mod_dav_svn 
module for apache for access over http(s).

 I started using eclipse+PHP a few months ago and I don't really use it 
 to its full potential, so I'm sure I could benefit from it more.

With eclipse, you can use the subclipse module for GUI access to the subversion 
features.  If you work from windows the tortisesvn program adds it to windows 

 So, the question is, what is a good recommended setup to go with? Web 
 based access to all the files would be nice, then we could access it 
 from outside the LAN on HTTPS.
 And how do I use it to my benefit? For example, clientA wants to make 
 changes to Project1. Now I have a Project1 in the CVS tree (is this the 
 right terminology?), and make changes to file contacts.php - what now? 
 Do I need to create a subfolder called 1.2.2 (for example), and add only 
 the updated file in this folder, or do I copy the whole Project into the 
 new folder?

You can control access by path - or have separate repositories per client/site. 
   Normally everyone just commits work to the repository as they go, then when 
the changes are ready you update the site to that revision - perhaps through a 
staging/test process.

 2 weeks down the line I need to make changes to 8 files, what do I do now?

Edit in a working copy, commit, update in the master copy.

 Does this make sense? I realize it could be beneficial to keep older 
 files, but how does one structure it?

History is kept automatically.  Every commit makes a revision number and you 
  check out (or update to) any revision ever committed.  If you want to make 
changes and be able to edit different versions simultaneously you can make 
branch copies.  If you want what appear to be snapshot copies with your own 
naming convention you can make tag copies.  This is all covered pretty well in 
the subversion documentation and the only thing that takes any thought is how 
the repository relates to the active site.  You might be able to make the live 
files a working copy and manage it directly with updates to current or a 
specified revision number.  Or you may want to do that in a staging area, 
perhaps with a way to preview the changes, then use rsync (which has a -C 
to skip CVS or subversion metadata) to push to the production location(s).

   Les Mikesell

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Launch many scripts with reboot

2010-02-11 Thread Les Mikesell
Georghy wrote:
 Kai Schaetzl a écrit :
 Georghy wrote on Thu, 11 Feb 2010 12:42:21 +0100:

 I'm using different scripts to configure different things and after 
 these scripts I'm forced to reboot in order to use the new parameters
 It's quite uncommon that you have to reboot for that. Especially going by 
 your quote many.


 by many I mean 5-6 scripts

Do these need to run as root?  And do they really need to wait for a user to 
in or can they write their output to a file to be viewed later?  You can put a 
line in /etc/rc.d/rc.local to run your script which you can change each time as 
you want.  And you can add /path/to/logfile on the command if you want it to 
be saved.   If you want something to run as the user at login, it can go in 
.profile or .bash_profile in the user's home directory.

   Les Mikesell

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Launch many scripts with reboot

2010-02-11 Thread Georghy
Les Mikesell a écrit :
 Georghy wrote:
 Kai Schaetzl a écrit :
 Georghy wrote on Thu, 11 Feb 2010 12:42:21 +0100:

 I'm using different scripts to configure different things and after 
 these scripts I'm forced to reboot in order to use the new parameters
 It's quite uncommon that you have to reboot for that. Especially going by 
 your quote many.


 by many I mean 5-6 scripts

 Do these need to run as root?  And do they really need to wait for a user to 
 in or can they write their output to a file to be viewed later?  You can put 
 line in /etc/rc.d/rc.local to run your script which you can change each time 
 you want.  And you can add /path/to/logfile on the command if you want it 
 be saved.   If you want something to run as the user at login, it can go in 
 .profile or .bash_profile in the user's home directory.

I use .bash_profile and it works great

for now i want to display the computer IP adress just before the user login

my command is :
ifconfig | grep inet addr | awk '{print $2}' | sed s/addr:// | head -n 1
and it works after logon
but I want to display it before the user logon
do you know how to do this ?

Cordialement, / Greetings,
Georghy FUSCO

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Launch many scripts with reboot

2010-02-11 Thread Les Mikesell
Georghy wrote:
 Do these need to run as root?  And do they really need to wait for a user to 
 in or can they write their output to a file to be viewed later?  You can put 
 line in /etc/rc.d/rc.local to run your script which you can change each time 
 you want.  And you can add /path/to/logfile on the command if you want it 
 be saved.   If you want something to run as the user at login, it can go in 
 .profile or .bash_profile in the user's home directory.

 I use .bash_profile and it works great
 for now i want to display the computer IP adress just before the user login
 my command is :
 ifconfig | grep inet addr | awk '{print $2}' | sed s/addr:// | head -n 1
 and it works after logon
 but I want to display it before the user logon
 do you know how to do this ?

The same commands work but the hard part is knowing where to display before 
someone logs in.  Is this a text console or do you have a graphic login box 

And by the way, you don't need a pipeline of 4 commands to grab a bit of text. 
Sed can do everything that grep does and more, awk can do anything sed can do. 
If you use one of the more powerful commands you might as well let it do all 
work instead of building a pipeline.

   Les Mikesell

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Call for Firefox 3.6.1 and Thunderbird 3.0.1 testers

2010-02-11 Thread David Hrbáč
I have made complete rebuild and backport of Firefox 3.6.1 and
Thunderbird 3.0.1 to CentOS 5. Packages come with language packs,
debuginfo packages, xulrunner etc. I'm looking for QA testers. Upgrade
from distro versions works pretty fine.
David Hrbáč
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] how to work with Code Repositories, but for web development?

2010-02-11 Thread Pascal Robert

Le 10-02-11 à 09:05, Mathieu Baudier a écrit :

 SVN. Easy to setup, and the docs are excellent. I'm using it all  
 the time.

 I second that: it the OP is not that familiar with version control
 systems, Subversion is more intuitive and answers will be easy to find
 on the web.

And more client tools too, including the ones that you can install in  
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] disk I/O problems with LSI Logic RAID controller

2010-02-11 Thread Ross Walker
On Feb 11, 2010, at 2:46 AM, Andrzej Szymanski szym...@agh.edu.pl  

 On 2010-02-09 18:15, Fernando Gleiser wrote:
 Every time we try to copy some large file to the storage-based file  
 system, the disk utilization see-saws up to 100% to several seconds  
 of inactivity, to climb up again to 100% and so forth.
 Here are a snip from the iostat -kx 1:

 Device: rrqm/s   wrqm/s   r/s   w/srkB/swkB/s avgrq- 
 sz avgqu-sz   await  svctm  %util
 sdb1  0.00 133811.00  0.00 1889.00 0.00 513660.00
 543.84   126.24   65.00   0.47  89.40

 The iostat output looks good to me for the RAID setup you have.
 I'd look for the problem in a different place:

 note the output of
 cat /proc/sys/vm/dirty_background_ratio
 and try
 echo 1  /proc/sys/vm/dirty_background_ratio
 whether it helps.

Excellent suggestion, on machines with lots of memory the default  
dirty background ratio is way too big, and needs to be tuned down for  
both data integrity in the event of a system failure and performance  
of the underlying storage configuration.

Take into account the RAID setup, write-back cache size and time it  
takes to empty it to disk and pick a dirty background ratio somewhere  
in between.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Error on php header

2010-02-11 Thread Renato Botelho
I was building a software on CentOS 5.4 and got this:

/usr/include/php/main/streams/php_stream_filter_api.h:65: error: comma
at end of enumerator list

I took a look at header and found this:

typedef enum {
PSFS_ERR_FATAL, /* error in data stream */
PSFS_FEED_ME,   /* filter needs more data; stop processing
chain until more is available */
PSFS_PASS_ON,   /* filter generated output buckets; pass them
on to next in chain */
} php_stream_filter_status_t;

Removing comma after PSFS_PASS_ON everything back to normal.

Renato Botelho
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Launch many scripts with reboot

2010-02-11 Thread Georghy
Les Mikesell a écrit :
 Georghy wrote:
 Do these need to run as root?  And do they really need to wait for a user 
 to log 
 in or can they write their output to a file to be viewed later?  You can 
 put a 
 line in /etc/rc.d/rc.local to run your script which you can change each 
 time as 
 you want.  And you can add /path/to/logfile on the command if you want it 
 be saved.   If you want something to run as the user at login, it can go in 
 .profile or .bash_profile in the user's home directory.

 I use .bash_profile and it works great

 for now i want to display the computer IP adress just before the user login

 my command is :
 ifconfig | grep inet addr | awk '{print $2}' | sed s/addr:// | head -n 1
 and it works after logon
 but I want to display it before the user logon
 do you know how to do this ?

 The same commands work but the hard part is knowing where to display before 
 someone logs in.  Is this a text console or do you have a graphic login box 

 And by the way, you don't need a pipeline of 4 commands to grab a bit of 
 Sed can do everything that grep does and more, awk can do anything sed can 
 If you use one of the more powerful commands you might as well let it do all 
 work instead of building a pipeline.

I want to display the IP adress of the computer for the user
then he knows what IP use in order to launch a ssh connection
In addition, we want to display it after a kickstart installation
so I want to put this command in the kickstart
then after the installation reboot it can display the IP adress of the 

Cordialement, / Greetings,
Georghy FUSCO

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Launch many scripts with reboot

2010-02-11 Thread Georghy
John Doe a écrit :
 From: Georghy fu...@wanagain.net
 Running Linux you don't have to reboot, unless you want to switch the
 running kernel. Can you be more specific about what exactly is customized
 and forces a reboot?
 I can't talk about this in detail, this is an intern process.

 I bet it is a windows update clone for linux!   ;D


 CentOS mailing list

I hope not !! :p

Cordialement, / Greetings,
Georghy FUSCO

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Launch many scripts with reboot

2010-02-11 Thread John Doe
From: Georghy fu...@wanagain.net
 for now i want to display the computer IP adress just before the user login
 but I want to display it before the user logon
 do you know how to do this ?

check /etc/issue, but you might have to generate it on the fly with the IP 
hardcoded in it since it is not in the available variables (man mingetty).


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Launch many scripts with reboot

2010-02-11 Thread John Doe
From: Georghy fu...@wanagain.net
 your command works, but I want to watch the script running, in order to 
 view errors, so I figured out that I have to launch the script after the 
 user is connected thanks to .bachrc do you know how to do that ?

Redirect stderr to a file?


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Launch many scripts with reboot

2010-02-11 Thread Les Mikesell
On 2/11/2010 9:56 AM, Georghy wrote:
 Les Mikesell a écrit :
 Georghy wrote:

 Do these need to run as root?  And do they really need to wait for a user 
 to log
 in or can they write their output to a file to be viewed later?  You can 
 put a
 line in /etc/rc.d/rc.local to run your script which you can change each 
 time as
 you want.  And you can add/path/to/logfile on the command if you want it 
 be saved.   If you want something to run as the user at login, it can go in
 .profile or .bash_profile in the user's home directory.

 I use .bash_profile and it works great

 for now i want to display the computer IP adress just before the user login

 my command is :
 ifconfig | grep inet addr | awk '{print $2}' | sed s/addr:// | head -n 1
 and it works after logon
 but I want to display it before the user logon
 do you know how to do this ?

 The same commands work but the hard part is knowing where to display before
 someone logs in.  Is this a text console or do you have a graphic login box 

 And by the way, you don't need a pipeline of 4 commands to grab a bit of 
 Sed can do everything that grep does and more, awk can do anything sed can 
 If you use one of the more powerful commands you might as well let it do all 
 work instead of building a pipeline.

 I want to display the IP adress of the computer for the user
 then he knows what IP use in order to launch a ssh connection
 In addition, we want to display it after a kickstart installation
 so I want to put this command in the kickstart
 then after the installation reboot it can display the IP adress of the

You didn't answer the question.  _Where_ do you want to display this IP 
address?  Before login there is no output stream or location associated 
with a user - or really even for the machine, although there is some 
concept of a console where output lands during bootup for most machines.

   Les Mikesell

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] how to work with Code Repositories, but for web development?

2010-02-11 Thread Paul Heinlein
The one other tidbit that I'd add is ... experiment! Don't let your 
first try at setting up a repository be your production setup.

Try different repository layouts. The online subversion book walks you 
through the issues, but I'd caution against making a decision without 
trying stuff out.

Create your repo (I use Subversion, but that's no knock against Git or 
Darcs or Mercurial or ...). Check out or clone a copy. Edit some 
files. Rearrange directories. Commit the changes. Rinse, lather, 
repeat -- several times.

Ask yourself if the layout is good, if the repository workflow 
dovetails with the way you work, if the client-side tools work well 
with the various operating systems in your environment.

If you'll rely on a central, official repository, figure out a backup 

It's good to figure out a template for commit messages: what 
information needs to be provided to document the why of changes. 
There are few things more annoying than an empty or meaningless commit 

Finally, if your repository goes hand-in-hand with a lot of 
meta-information like documentation, trouble tickets, milestones, or 
things like screenshots, think about associating your repository with 
a wiki like Trac:


Paul Heinlein  heinl...@madboa.com  http://www.madboa.com/
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Experiencing continual eth0 link up/down on a 10G Chelsio NIC (cxgb3 driver)

2010-02-11 Thread Arun Khan

On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 9:48 AM, Arun Khan knu...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am going to request the hardware vendor to send their engineer and
 to take on the next steps.

The hardware vendor finally sent their technical support team.

 Will post final findings over here when the problem is solved.
After investigation, they concluded the card was overheating and this
was the possible cause of  link going up/down.
They have changed the location of the server.  Hopefully, the problem
will not manifest again.

-- Arun Khan
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Launch many scripts with reboot

2010-02-11 Thread Santi Saez
El 11/02/10 14:08, Rajagopal Swaminathan escribió:

 On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 6:34 PM, Alexander Dallozad+li...@uni-x.org  wrote:

 Running Linux you don't have to reboot, unless you want to switch the
 running kernel.

 with ksplice even that is not needed

Anyone has tried ksplice on CentOS?


Santi Saez
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] what causes CUPS to dis-enable a printer?

2010-02-11 Thread Paul Johnson
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 1:29 PM, Dave tdbtdb+cen...@gmail.com wrote:

 Would it (should it) eventually notice that the server is back and re-enable
 itself just as automatically as it disabled itself?


I found several people who offer cron scripts to do exactly that!  It
is amazing what you find after you learn the correct thing to Google
for!  Here, the magic words are lpstat and enabled


How do I start (enable) printer queues from a cron job in Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 4?

Paul E. Johnson
Professor, Political Science
1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504
University of Kansas
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] /etc/ldap.conf pam_filter

2010-02-11 Thread Christoph Maser
Am Mittwoch, den 10.02.2010, 20:27 +0100 schrieb News Listener:
 Hi Chris,
 you mind, replace ldap auth with winbind auth ?

 my  scene:
 on one side 1 smb server pdc with ldap,
 on the another side, 1 Xorg-Server with auth over ldap , the same from the 
 first one (smb).
 i need to permit only users membership_of Domain Users to login on the 

In that case look for pam_groupdn in ldap.conf


financial.com AG

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Frankfurt branch office/Niederlassung Frankfurt: Messeturm | 
Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 49 | 60327 Frankfurt | Germany
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Supervisory board/Aufsichtsrat: Dr. Dr. Ernst zur Linden (chairman/Vorsitzender)
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number/St.Nr.: DE205 370 553
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Anyone using Active Driectory auth with Centos 5.4.....?

2010-02-11 Thread Christoph Maser
Am Mittwoch, den 10.02.2010, 01:10 +0100 schrieb Jay Leafey:
 If you are using AD for JUST authentication and not user information,
 you can use the PAM Kerberos stuff.  We've been using it for a couple of
 years from both CentOS/RHEL 4 and 5 systems with good results.  It was
 actually pretty easy to do (once we figured out which type of chicken
 bones to burn).

If you  have that working you can even go without pam as Dan mentioned
you can use the apache kerberos module. A short howto is here:


financial.com AG

Munich head office/Hauptsitz München: Maria-Probst-Str. 19 | 80939 München | 
Frankfurt branch office/Niederlassung Frankfurt: Messeturm | 
Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 49 | 60327 Frankfurt | Germany
Management board/Vorstand: Dr. Steffen Boehnert | Dr. Alexis Eisenhofer | Dr. 
Yann Samson | Matthias Wiederwach
Supervisory board/Aufsichtsrat: Dr. Dr. Ernst zur Linden (chairman/Vorsitzender)
Register court/Handelsregister: Munich – HRB 128 972 | Sales tax ID 
number/St.Nr.: DE205 370 553
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] what causes CUPS to dis-enable a printer?

2010-02-11 Thread Dave
On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 9:12 AM, Paul Johnson pauljoh...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 1:29 PM, Dave tdbtdb+cen...@gmail.com wrote:
 Would it (should it) eventually notice that the server is back and re-enable
 itself just as automatically as it disabled itself?

 I found several people who offer cron scripts to do exactly that!  It
 is amazing what you find after you learn the correct thing to Google
 for!  Here, the magic words are lpstat and enabled


 How do I start (enable) printer queues from a cron job in Red Hat
 Enterprise Linux 4?

Handy, only it invokes 'enable' which does not exist on my system.
Probably the centos equivalent is cupsenable?

[r...@cod ~]# rpm -qs cups|grep enable
[r...@cod ~]# man cupsenable|cat -
cupsenable(8) Apple Inc. cupsenable(8)

   cupsdisable, cupsenable - stop/start printers and classes

   cupsdisable [ -E ] [-U username ] [ -c ] [ -h server[:port] ] [ -r rea-
   son ] destination(s)
   cupsenable [ -E ] [-U username ] [ -c ] [ -h server[:port]  ]  destina-

   cupsenable starts the named printers or classes.

   cupsdisable stops the named printers or classes.  The following options
   may be used:

I'll test it out next time I have this problem.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] xfs_repair doesn't fix sb versionnum missing attr

2010-02-11 Thread C Linus Hicks
I run:

xfs_check /dev/sdc10

And it reports:

sb versionnum missing attr bit 10

Then I run:

xfs_repair /dev/sdc10

And it reports output from 7 phases and done.

Again I run:

xfs_check /dev/sdc10

And it reports:

sb versionnum missing attr bit 10

Is this how it's supposed to work?
Thanks for any help.

CentOS mailing list


2010-02-11 Thread Ray Van Dolson
Anyone ever used the iGPS-500 under CentOS 5?  Any recommendations on a
USB-based GPS that just works?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] disk I/O problems with LSI Logic RAID controller

2010-02-11 Thread Fernando Gleiser

- Original Message 
 From: Ross Walker rswwal...@gmail.com
 To: CentOS mailing list centos@centos.org
 Cc: CentOS mailing list centos@centos.org
 Sent: Thu, February 11, 2010 12:30:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] disk I/O problems with LSI Logic RAID controller
 On Feb 11, 2010, at 2:46 AM, Andrzej Szymanski   
  The iostat output looks good to me for the RAID setup you have.
  I'd look for the problem in a different place:
  note the output of
  cat /proc/sys/vm/dirty_background_ratio
  and try
  echo 1  /proc/sys/vm/dirty_background_ratio
  whether it helps.
 Excellent suggestion, on machines with lots of memory the default  
 dirty background ratio is way too big, and needs to be tuned down for  
 both data integrity in the event of a system failure and performance  
 of the underlying storage configuration.
 Take into account the RAID setup, write-back cache size and time it  
 takes to empty it to disk and pick a dirty background ratio somewhere  
 in between.

You nailed it. I tweaked the dirty_background ratio and changed the scheduller 
to deadline and now it works way better. it still see-saws a bit but the 
utilization never dropts to zero.

Thanks you for your help.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Mount USB disk at startup?

2010-02-11 Thread Jobst Schmalenbach

Rather weird, could be that the delay is too long, it should be more like 10!


I have had a similar problem ... on one server I use USB backup disks
which I swap on a regular base. On the occasion when I had to reboot
it halted with the fsck not being able to check it ... so I put
it in and nver looked back.


On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 09:44:41AM +0100, Mogens Kjaer (m...@crc.dk) wrote:
 On 02/11/2010 01:26 AM, Jobst Schmalenbach wrote:
  There is a kernel option you can give to solve
  this problem, in /boot/grub/grub.con add to the end
  of the kernel line:
rootdelay Xs
  where x is the amounty of time to wait before
  /root is mounted, however this is valid for
  everything else as well.
  play with X until you get it right.
 I've tried changing grub.conf into:
 title CentOS (2.6.18-164.11.1.el5.centos.plus)
  root (hd0,0)
  kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-164.11.1.el5.centos.plus ro 
 rootdelay=200 root=LABEL=/
  initrd /initrd-2.6.18-164.11.1.el5.centos.plus.img
 title CentOS (2.6.18-164.11.1.el5)
  root (hd0,0)
  kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-164.11.1.el5 ro rootdelay=200 root=LABEL=/
  initrd /initrd-2.6.18-164.11.1.el5.img
 but there's no delay at all (the kernel lines may have wrapped,
 they are on one line in the file).
 The kernel source has:
 static unsigned int __initdata root_delay;
 static int __init root_delay_setup(char *str)
  root_delay = simple_strtoul(str, NULL, 0);
  return 1;
 __setup(rootdelay=, root_delay_setup);
 and later:
  if (root_delay) {
  printk(KERN_INFO Waiting %dsec before mounting root 
 The message Waiting 200sec before mounting root device... is never
 Putting rootdelay= after root= makes no difference.
 Mogens Kjaer, Carlsberg A/S, Computer Department
 Gamle Carlsberg Vej 10, DK-2500 Valby, Denmark
 Phone: +45 33 27 53 25, Mobile: +45 22 12 53 25
 Email: m...@crc.dk Homepage: http://www.crc.dk
 CentOS mailing list

People who fight may lose. People who do not fight have already lost.  - 
Bertolt Brecht

  | |0| |   Jobst Schmalenbach, jo...@barrett.com.au, General Manager
  | | |0|   Barrett Consulting Group P/L  The Meditation Room P/L
  |0|0|0|   +61 3 9532 7677, POBox 277, Caulfield South, 3162, Australia
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] RAID, temperature and FAN status manage and monitoring tool for RHEL4 Update 4 ia64 AS Linux

2010-02-11 Thread Joseph L. Casale
[r...@corviewsecondary src]# lspci
00:01.0 Class ff00: Hewlett-Packard Company: Unknown device 1303

What model of HP is this...

[r...@corviewsecondary src]# cat /proc/mpt/version

So LSi chip? Install MegaRaid cli rpm and fetch it off the controller?
If this is an LSI, that's what I do, I also have a system where I export
a bunch of large discs as single volumes and use mdraid to combine them.

Since I use snmp for all monitoring where possible, (and since I never got
the lsi snmp module working) I use an snmp `extend` command to query and
return results for anything imaginable that I can't find a real way to do w/

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Login timed out after 60 seconds

2010-02-11 Thread Paul Heinlein
A server at work today appeared unresponsive to all network traffic. 
The machine in question doesn't have a k/v/m terminal; it's configured 
to use a serial console.

So I connected to the serial console and got /etc/issue (with all the 
\char sequences properly expanded).

At the login: prompt I typed root and pressed Enter. Several seconds 
went by before the Password: prompt was displayed. I typed the 
password and soon saw

   Login timed out after 60 seconds

At which point /etc/issue and the login: prompt reappeared.

Later investigation revealed the load average was hovering around 100, 
so it's unlikely the machine would be able to process the username and 
password in under a minute.

I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to lengthen that timeout 
value from 60 to, say, 180. This isn't the first time I've wanted to 
kill a runaway process and been unable to get a console because of 
that timeout.

Paul Heinlein  heinl...@madboa.com  http://www.madboa.com/
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] what causes CUPS to dis-enable a printer?

2010-02-11 Thread Jobst Schmalenbach

Wouldnt it be much better to use the backend error handler??

instead of placing socket:// into the device
address you place beh:/1//3/5/socket:// into
the device address.

The backend error handler is described here:


I use it all the time with a variety of printers and servers (not all servers
and not all printers need it).


On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 01:12:36PM -0600, Paul Johnson (pauljoh...@gmail.com) 
 On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 1:29 PM, Dave tdbtdb+cen...@gmail.com wrote:
  Would it (should it) eventually notice that the server is back and re-enable
  itself just as automatically as it disabled itself?
 I found several people who offer cron scripts to do exactly that!  It
 is amazing what you find after you learn the correct thing to Google
 for!  Here, the magic words are lpstat and enabled
 How do I start (enable) printer queues from a cron job in Red Hat
 Enterprise Linux 4?
 Paul E. Johnson
 Professor, Political Science
 1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504
 University of Kansas
 CentOS mailing list

Howard's conjecture: The total dinner check of a party eating dutch will never 
equal the total of what each diner admits to having eaten.

  | |0| |   Jobst Schmalenbach, jo...@barrett.com.au, General Manager
  | | |0|   Barrett Consulting Group P/L  The Meditation Room P/L
  |0|0|0|   +61 3 9532 7677, POBox 277, Caulfield South, 3162, Australia
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Login timed out after 60 seconds

2010-02-11 Thread Benjamin Franz
Paul Heinlein wrote:

 I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to lengthen that timeout 
 value from 60 to, say, 180. This isn't the first time I've wanted to 
 kill a runaway process and been unable to get a console because of 
 that timeout.

At a guess, you should look at 

Benjamin Franz

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Login timed out after 60 seconds

2010-02-11 Thread nate
Paul Heinlein wrote:

 I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to lengthen that timeout
 value from 60 to, say, 180. This isn't the first time I've wanted to
 kill a runaway process and been unable to get a console because of
 that timeout.

I poked around a bunch but couldn't find a config that can be
adjusted.. I do see that the particular message comes from /bin/login

# strings login | grep -i timed
Login timed out after %d seconds

which seems to be part of the util-linux package, so perhaps poke
around in the source, maybe there is a .h file that you can adjust
with a higher value and rebuild it.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Call for Firefox 3.6.1 and Thunderbird 3.0.1 testers

2010-02-11 Thread Rob Kampen

David Hrbáč wrote:

I have made complete rebuild and backport of Firefox 3.6.1 and
Thunderbird 3.0.1 to CentOS 5. Packages come with language packs,
debuginfo packages, xulrunner etc. I'm looking for QA testers. Upgrade
from distro versions works pretty fine.
David Hrbáč
CentOS mailing list

Happy to test if these are going to be hosted on CentOS Plus.
Hope that is the case.
attachment: rkampen.vcf___
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] USB GPS

2010-02-11 Thread Michael A. Peters
Ray Van Dolson wrote:
 Anyone ever used the iGPS-500 under CentOS 5?  Any recommendations on a
 USB-based GPS that just works?

I do not have personal experience but I hear the Garmin models work 
well. I have a serial port Garmin model that works well with gpsbabel, 
and I believe the setup for USB is similar.


has instructions for fedora - I'm guessing the fc{5,6,7,8} instructions 
are what would work in CentOS.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Call for Firefox 3.6.1 and Thunderbird 3.0.1 testers

2010-02-11 Thread David Hrbáč
Dne 12.2.2010 3:08, Rob Kampen napsal(a):
 Happy to test if these are going to be hosted on CentOS Plus.
 Hope that is the case.

sorry, but this is personal project. I'm not related to Centos team.
I've got repo, so you can seamlessly install with yum. If you want to
see it within CentosPlus, I'm not the right person to ask. :o).
David  Hrbáč
CentOS mailing list