Re: [CentOS] looking for ideas about how to create a constant data stream

2020-05-30 Thread Yamaban

On Sat, 30 May 2020 12:32, hw@... wrote:


I'm looking for a good way to create a constant data stream that will occupy a
bandwidth of about 2--5Mbit/sec between two remote hosts over the internet.  I
have full access to the hosts involved.

My first attempt to use scp to copy data from /dev/null on host A to /dev/null
on host B, but scp says '/dev/null: not a regular file'.  If something like
that would work, I would be able to limit the bandwidth of this transfer in
the router(s) involved so that it won't occupy all the bandwidth.

Of course, it would be better if I could limit the bandwidth on the sending
side rather than dropping packages. I could probably write some program to do
that, but since I have never programmed such a kind of network application, it
would be rather time consuming.  Maybe there's already a kind of tool around
that can do this.

I need this to work around whatever settings my ISP has made 3 days ago that
block my VPN connection so that I effectively can't reasonably work anymore.
I do know what the problem with the connection is and that occupying some
bandwidth would unblock the VPN; only there doesn't seem to be anything else I
could about it.

Hmm, last time I had such issues (~10 years ago), I had a ssh-server on
one side running, and used scp from the other side:
 scp -l [banwidth in Kbit/sec] /dev/zero [user@remote host]:/dev/null

For me at the time 150 kbit/sec was enough to keep my channel open.

Others used netcat (nc) in a script to get the similar results
 (feeding it "lines" at a certain rate to limit the traffic)

Have a nice weekend.
 - Yamaban
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Custom ISO

2020-05-05 Thread Yamaban

On Tue, 5 May 2020 22:40, Jerry Geis wrote:

Hi All,

I am trying to make a customer ISO. When I run this command:
mkisofs -o $DESTINATION_FILE -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c \
   -no-emul-boot -boot-info-table \
   -V "$NAME" -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -R -J -v -T \
   -eltorito-alt-boot -e images/efiboot.img \

it tells me:
Size of boot image is 4 sectors -> No emulation
Size of boot image is 17408 sectors -> genisoimage: Error - boot image
'images/efiboot.img' has not an allowable size.

This is the exact same file that is on the Everything ISO image.

What am I missing ?  I also want to make the ISO boot with UEFI. I think I
have the right parameters but getting this error. Thoughts?

Only one thing jumps out to me (no expert at all):
 Your parameter at call:
  -boot-load-size 4
 Collides with the boot image size of 17408 sectors of
 the images/efiboot.img file

I would recommend to try with:
 -boot-load-size 17408
 (or even greater)

Have a good day,
 - Yamaban
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Does devtmps and tmpfs use underlying hard disk storage or Physical Memory (RAM)

2019-04-20 Thread Yamaban

On Sat, 20 Apr 2019 02:51, Kaushal Shriyan wrote:


I am running the below command on CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)

# df -hT --total
Filesystem Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/xvda1 xfs   150G  8.0G  143G   6% /
devtmpfs   devtmpfs  7.8G 0  7.8G   0% /dev
tmpfs  tmpfs 7.8G 0  7.8G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs  tmpfs 7.8G  817M  7.0G  11% /run
tmpfs  tmpfs 7.8G 0  7.8G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs  tmpfs 1.6G 0  1.6G   0% /run/user/995
tmpfs  tmpfs 1.6G 0  1.6G   0% /run/user/1000
total  - 185G  8.8G  176G   5% -

Does devtmpfs and tmpfs use underlying hard disk storage or does it uses
Physical Memory (RAM). What is the purpose of devtmpfs which is mounted on
/dev, tmpfs mounted on /dev/shm and so on and so forth. What is the
difference between devtmpfs and tmpfs?

I will appreciate if anyone can help me understand the above output.

"Per Principa" are both, - devtmpfs and tmpfs - RAM based, BUT, pages
of RAM can be stored on disk/ssd via use of swap, same as any other
RAM usage.

Whats the difference between devtmpfs and tmpfs?
For the normal user none.

Original toughts for devtmpfs where based where based around reducing
the needed memory per entry, because /dev {excluding /dev/shm}
should only contain device-nodes, or links witch both are stored as
directory-entries without data-inodes-entries, later direcories where

While tmpfs is similar to other on-disk-filesystems capable of storing
files with a size greater than zero. "/dev/shm" was the first in-ram-fs
available to the casual user without extra work.

What is the difference with the actual kernels?
I would have to look into the kernel source, as my detail knowlegde
of the matter is dated.

 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: centos docker which repo (centos or docker)

2018-12-27 Thread Yamaban

On Thu, 27 Dec 2018 11:56 CET, ralf.prengel@... wrote:

My question:

Should I use docker from the standard repo or the version from the docker-repo?

Main diff between std-repo and docker-repo:

   works. stable. not the newest, shiniest version, but one that works.

   works most of the time mostly, has sometimes a erratic or memory-eating
   behavior, the newest, most feature-rich, shiniest version, with all the
   bugs of new-new-new.

It's a matter of choose your poision. If you are happy with the features
of the std-repo version, imho stay with it.

That's my exp. Yours may differ. Others should speak up, too, please.

 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Problems switching from RHEL 6 to Centos 6

2017-07-30 Thread Yamaban

On Sun, 30 Jul 2017 16:00, Alois Treindl  wrote:

On 07/30/2017 03:23 PM, Phil Perry wrote:

 I would use yum to uninstall the packages that provide
 /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo and /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/rhnplugin.conf

 On rhel7, these are yum-rhn-plugin and subscription-manager, use rpm to
 check which packages provide them on el6.

which rpm command does this exactly?

"man 8 rpm" search for "--file"

short: rpm -qf [full-path-and-filename]
long:  rpm --query --file [full-path-and-filename]

This queries the rpm-database for which package owns the given file.

 - Yamaban

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: vfstp and renaiming of files with ftp client

2017-07-14 Thread Yamaban

On Fri, 14 Jul 2017 07:53, Götz Reinicke - IT Koordinator wrote:

Am 13.07.17 um 17:10 schrieb Tris Hoar:

On 13/07/2017 14:38, Götz Reinicke - IT Koordinator wrote:

Am 13.07.17 um 14:46 schrieb Pete Biggs:

I have a vsftp server and two users for up and download.

If user Alice uploads a file, the owner is set to Alice as expected
"-rw-r--r-- alice ftpuploadgroup"

Now Bob can login to the same folder and is able to rename the

Bob can also rename an uploaded folder, but can't rename a file in

I'm confused, as I don't get why this is possible at all.

What are the permissions and ownership on the directory the uploads go
in? If its group is 'ftpuploadgroup' and has group write permissions
than any member of that group can rename files in that directory. If a
user creates a directory, then that will have rwxr-xr-x permissions so
they won't be able to rename files within that directory.

The permissions for the upload folder are drwx-wx--- and the owner is
Bob group is ftpuploadgroup

Alice is member of that group, but should only drop files in.

The files are ownd by Alice, and I'm bit iritated, taht Bob can rename
tham ... as Bob only has read permision (from the group)

The files in a subfolder have the same permissions and Bob cant change

 Thanks for your feedback . /G

He does not have read only permission from the group. He is the folder
owner and so can change things within that folder. You need to change
the folder to something other than Bob.
The sub dir does not have the same permissions. Alice is the owner.

What is the end goal you want. E.g. Bob and Alice and can upload, Bob
can read files both he and Alice upload but Alice can only read her
files. Perhaps we can suggest permissions that would do what you want?

Thanks Tris, thanks Peter,

the goal is, that the FTP server is a Dropbox for Alice, so she can
upload files and folders and is not able to see the uploaded files
(drwx-wx--- for the main older).

Bob should be able to rename the files and folders by ftp. (and of
course be able to download them.)

If this is not possible with the standad permissions, I'm fine, in the
past Users did not try to upload folders and others did not rename
...Than we look for an other workflow.

But hey, may be you have an idea on a god permission set.

   Regards . Götz

At least one possibilities with "standard unix permissions":
The Dropbox-Folder and any subfolders are owned by user Bob and
the ftpuploadgroup group with rights (drwx-wx---) or even added
setgid bit (drwx-ws---).
That way user Alice can upload files into these folders, but can't
see into the folders, while Bob as the owner of the folder has the
needed rights to manage the contents.
But if the files / sub-folders have no group write bit the things get
iffy in a very subtle and ugly way.

So your dropbox folder should look like this:
ls -la dropbox-folder
drwx-ws--- bob   ftpuploadgroup  60 14. Jul 13:13 .
dr-xr-xr-x ftp   ftp120 14. Jul 13:12 ..
-rw-rw-r-- alice ftpuploadgroup 421 14. Jul 13:13 test-drop-file

IMHO the first thing Bob should do is to set group write bit, 
claim ownership of the files, then move them elsewhere.

chmod -R g+w dropbox-folder/*
chown -R bob:ftpuploadgroup dropbox-folder/*
mv -t target-dir dropbox-folder/*

If necessary, put the first two commands (with absolute paths)
into a shell script, mark it executeable put it in /usr/local/bin
and allow Bob to use it with sudo.

YMMV, but at least for me this arangement works.
 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Markdown editor for CentOS 7?

2017-06-16 Thread Yamaban

On Fri, 16 Jun 2017 16:39, Nicolas Kovacs wrote:

Le 16/06/2017 à 16:03, Nicolas Kovacs a écrit :

Thanks very much for your advice! This is a real life-changer for me. I
had to fiddle a couple hours with Node.js and tweaking Vim until
Markdown was handled correctly, but now I have a really nice work
environment for Markdown.

I wrote a little documentation with some detailed installation
instructions, so others can benefit from this.

Happy to be able to help. For me, the node.js stuff was to complex at the
time I urgendly had to have a markdown-editor, right now, and I ended up 
with "Remarkable" for the fiddly stuff, but most of my editing is done in


But, like most, that have taken a liking to a specific editor,
my id be vim, eclipse, emacs, or else, we are looking in our
most liked environment first. Nice to see it worked for you.

Cheers, and have a nice Weekend,
 - Yamaban
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Markdown editor for CentOS 7?

2017-06-16 Thread Yamaban

On Fri, 16 Jun 2017 11:27, Nicolas Kovacs wrote:


I recently discovered Markdown, and I'm currently using it to write some
documentation for CentOS 7.

For the time being, I'm using my good old Vim editor for writing it. I
turned off syntax highlighting, since this produces random results with

Pages are correctly displayed on Github, but in order to see them, I
have to push them to the server. Now I wonder if there's a good WYSIWYG
editor for Markdown, or at least something where I can check locally
what the page looks like.

Any suggestions?

Niki Kovacs

First, there are "preview" plugins for vim, you might want to look at them 

Other than that, -well, I'm unsure about the availablitlity on Centos7-, 
but there are:

* "ReText" (switchable preview)
* "Remarkable" (Live previev side by side) 
* "Atom" (not native, slow)

* "Sublime Text" (Pay-ware)
* "Typora" (not tested by me)
* "Haroopad" (Discontinued)
(this list is not in any way complete)

for more info, have a look at the article on

and on there is a more up-do-date article:

Another hint: finding packages for progams can be a timeconsuming job,
sites like makes it easier.

 - Yamaban
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Firefox for CentOS

2017-03-08 Thread Yamaban

On Wed, 8 Mar 2017 16:56, Johnny Hughes  wrote:

On 03/08/2017 09:39 AM, Phelps, Matthew wrote:

On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 10:25 AM, Johnny Hughes  wrote:

On 03/08/2017 09:10 AM, wrote:

Johnny Hughes wrote:

I am currently building the latest Firefox updates and I have noticed
that they have upgraded the CentOS-7 Firefox from the ESR tree (45.8) to
the mainline tree (Currently firefox-52.0).  They have left EL5 and EL6
at the ESR level (45.8.0-2).


EL5 and EL6:

As stated above, I am currently building and testing these, so they are
not yet released .. just preparing people for the changes.

Does anyone know if ESR 52.x will eventually be released for CentOS 6?

I am sure it will, certainly when version 45 goes EOL.

The variables and content to build it on EL6 are in the current EL7
SRPM, but the EL5 stuff is (understandably, since it is going EOL soon)

What I am not sure of is if EL7 will stay on the Current Release for the
next update or if it will shift back to ESR.

Eh?? There is a slight misunderstanding here.

The Firefox 52.0 Version is released for BOTH, the normal release channel
AND the ESR channel. This was done to have one 6 week periode of overlapp
between the old and the new ESR version, to "ease over" the transistion,
as the 52 version insists on GKT3 and gstreamer 1.x normally.

At this point in time there are TWO ESR releases:
the 45.8.0esr AND the 52.0esr
(Last-Modified: Mon, 06 Mar 2017 16:34:18 GMT)

(Last-Modified: Mon, 06 Mar 2017 16:32:42 GMT)

So, if you go for 52, make sure the get the "channel" right
(esr, not release)

Pure personal opinion on 52 is still out, I'm not that hyped, some of my
'beloved' extensions / addons are no longer working on 52 vs 45.

 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: ghostscript update breaks evince

2017-01-04 Thread Yamaban

On Thu, 5 Jan 2017 03:40, Robert Nichols wrote:

On 01/04/2017 04:49 PM, David C. Miller wrote:

 - Original Message -
>  From: "Robert Nichols" 
>  To:

>  Sent: Wednesday, January 4, 2017 12:21:48 PM
>  Subject: [CentOS] ghostscript update breaks evince

>  Today's ghostscript.x86_64 0:8.70-21.el6_8.1 update causes evince to 
>  refuse to
>  display any postscript file. Running evince from a terminal session, I 
>  see the

>  errors:
>  invalidaccess -7

>  invalidaccess -7
>  invalidaccess -7
>  ** (evince:1252): WARNING **: Error rendering thumbnail
>  Downgrading to ghostscript.x86_64 0:8.70-21.el6 corrects the problem.
>  Anyone else seeing this?

Other Distros (e.g. SUSE) had the same problem.

In most cases it was caused by a "fix" in the file:


in the "/.locksafe {" segment, a ".forceput" was misplaced.

If you compare this file between the two ghostscript versions,
it should become visible.

 - Yamaban
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] deleted .dbus/sessions-bus/[fn]

2016-12-16 Thread Yamaban

On Fri, 16 Dec 2016 22:29, geo.inbox.ignored  wrote:


while using rsync to copy /root/* from tower box to laptop computer, i
accidentally over wrote .dbus/sessions-bus/[fn] on laptop computer.

ran extensive web search, including;

to find how to replace or recreate file, only to find everything about
what it does and why.

question is, how do i recreate, short of re-installing from .iso?

have not rebooted laptop system.

need help in a BIG way.

any and all help/suggestions greatly appreciated.


AFAICT, the text file in ~/.dbus/sessions-bus/ is named after the
machine-id and contains a few lines similar to:
# This file allows processes on the machine with id  [[your-machine-id-here]]  
# display :0.0 to find the D-Bus session bus with the below address.
# If the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS environment variable is set, it will
# be used rather than this file.
# See "man dbus-launch" for more details.
DBUS_SESSION_BUS_PID=[[the pid of your personal dbus instance]]
DBUS_SESSION_BUS_WINDOWID=[[your top-most window id]]

as neither this file nor the directories ~/.dbus/sessions-bus/ are in 
/etc/skeleton, I must assume that they are recreated at user-login, if 
they are missing or contain invalid information.

IOW, remove the file, login, and it should get recreated.

 - Yamaban.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: CentOS 7, PS-2 moose

2016-12-02 Thread Yamaban

On Fri, 2 Dec 2016 19:01, Yamaban wrote:

On Fri, 2 Dec 2016 18:28, m.roth@... wrote:

 I just built a workstation, CentOS 7, fully updated. My user requires his
 three-button mouse, telling me that imaging software is written for
 three-button mice (so *please* don't tell me to tell him to get a new

 Anyway, no cursor. In both /var/log/messages and journalctl, I see "unable
 to enable mouse".

 What I read in messages and manpages is that PS-2 is default standard...
 anyone have any ideas? I need to resolve this asap... so I can get onto
 making sure his research imaging software running on CentOS 7.

Oh, yeah such customers exist, PITA and PEBKAC in most cases.

First testing the mouse on a "older" comp, does it work there?

Next testing, does the PS/2 plug hole on the new board work?
Some of the newer boards only work with keyboards on PS/2.

On testing, if the mouse works, there are adapters "PS/2 female" to
"USB Type A male" on Amazon for a few Bucks, that may be a way to work
around a non-fuctional or missing PS/2 plug-hole.

Addemum / Caveat to the adapters: If you buy one, be sure to buy a
"active" one, with electronics inside, the passive ones are just waste.

 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: CentOS 7, PS-2 moose

2016-12-02 Thread Yamaban

On Fri, 2 Dec 2016 18:28, m.roth@... wrote:

I just built a workstation, CentOS 7, fully updated. My user requires his
three-button mouse, telling me that imaging software is written for
three-button mice (so *please* don't tell me to tell him to get a new

Anyway, no cursor. In both /var/log/messages and journalctl, I see "unable
to enable mouse".

What I read in messages and manpages is that PS-2 is default standard...
anyone have any ideas? I need to resolve this asap... so I can get onto
making sure his research imaging software running on CentOS 7.

Oh, yeah such customers exist, PITA and PEBKAC in most cases.

First testing the mouse on a "older" comp, does it work there?

Next testing, does the PS/2 plug hole on the new board work?
Some of the newer boards only work with keyboards on PS/2.

On testing, if the mouse works, there are adapters "PS/2 female" to
"USB Type A male" on Amazon for a few Bucks, that may be a way to work
around a non-fuctional or missing PS/2 plug-hole.

 - Yamaban.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Dnsmasq and /etc/hosts

2016-11-24 Thread Yamaban

On Thu, 24 Nov 2016 09:25, Nicolas Kovacs  wrote:


I just setup CentOS 7 on three boxes to fiddle with it.

1. amandine.sandbox.lan is a headless LAN server

2. bernadette.sandbox.lan is a client desktop

3. raymonde.sandbox.lan is another client desktop

I've setup Dnsmasq on amandine.sandbox.lan. Here's the very basic

 # /etc/dnsmasq.conf
 # DNS
 # Postes fixes

With this setup as such, I can resolve bernadette from raymonde, and I
can also resolve raymonde from bernadette. But when I try to resolve
either bernadette or raymonde from the server, I get an unknown
hostname. The only way to solve this is to add two corresponding lines
to /etc/hosts:

 # /etc/hosts   localhost.localdomain localhost amandine.sandbox.lan amandine bernadette.sandbox.lan bernadette raymonde.sandbox.lan raymonde

This strikes me as a benign redundancy, which makes me wonder if I'm
doing something unorthodox here.

Any suggestions?

Hmmm, looks like the "lookup question" from amandine(server) is not
resolved in the same way it is resoved from bernadette or raymonde

How about adding a reverse lookup for your lan ip group, pointing to
your server?


Otherwise, little to no idea.

 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: dumb question on permissions out of the box

2016-11-15 Thread Yamaban

On Tue, 15 Nov 2016 21:49, m.roth@... wrote:

Can someone explain to me the logic that I, as a user, cannot, by default,
mount a DVD from the command line, but I can mount it via dolphin?

Dolphin (and consorts) call "udisks" via messagebus / udev protocoll, and
thus get the permission / rights to do it without direct "root rights"

You can do that manually fron the commandline via the "udisksctl" tool.
See "man udisksctl" for details.

 - Yamaban.

PS: No, the question was not dumb, that udev stuff fools me up from
time to time to.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Disk near failure

2016-10-28 Thread Yamaban

On Fri, 28 Oct 2016 21:03, Alessandro Baggi  wrote:

Hi Yamaban,
Great expalanation. I think you know how to buy an ssd. There is no doubt
about samsung ssds quality vs other. My question about neutron was to get
your opinion about this product.

My doubt was about differences between slc, mlc and tlc. Mlc endurance
respect tlc is better and I though that the mlc of neutron gives me more
endurance respect to the tlc. From a technic point of view, why the samsung
tlc is better of corsair mlc? And what about v nand? Have you used it?

Thanks in advances


Hi Alessandro,

For the clear picture, if I'm talking about "Corsair SSD" I mean the
"Corsair Neutron XTi", because the "Corsair Force LE" is pretty much a
no-go for anyone that has to rely on the data stored for more than 3 years
at a work load of 9 hours per day / 5 days a week / 50 weeks a year
(ca 2250 hours per year) at ca 8TBW written per year.

I'm not take these numbers out of the air, but that is what an normal
office PC is based on. Those 8TBW per year come from observation on
Microsoft Windows 10 Profesional and latest Microsoft Office Professional
and include nearly half system / half user caused writes on average per 
year. Those Microsoft updates and shadow-copies are much more heavy

than most people thought.

Thankfully most Linux-Distros cause a much lighter system part of the
Write load of the drive than Windows, but COW based file-systems
like btrfs are on the uptake and that will rise the write load.

Now, on Flash Technology. Hmm.
I've started on that with UV-Erasible E-Prom in 1987 (100 Erase cycles), 
went on with EE-Prom (over 10.000 Erase cycles!, but only 10 years data

retention), and near 1990 Flash-EEProm (Block-wise erasible) became
available at prices a student could pay from his/her spending money

The writes on early Flash where painfully slow, about 1% of the 
read-speed, at the beginning. the more wide-spread usage

(in digital still-cameras and mobile phones) brought a (slow)
change to more write speed, but at what cost? Data Retention Time!

[... long rant removed, its late in the (not so pleasan)t day ...]

On the difference of nand and v-nand: "normal" nand uses "floating gate"
while v-nand aka "vertical-nand" uses a "charge trap" (capacitor) to store 
the bit information.

The Wikipedia article on Flash gives some more indepth info:
Flash  :

Conclusion: a well produced (first class / datacenter class) TLC Nand
is very similar to a middle class MLC V-Nand, both in terms of access
speed and write endurance.
But the MLC will be at least 10% bigger on the die.
ATM, it is a cost balance between a lower yield on high quality smaller
TLC, and higher yield middle class bigger MLC

So, for the End user wheter "MLC V-nand" or "TLC nand" is much less
interresting than the question of "how well does the manufacturer
understand the used flash and how well was the controller adapted to it"

Corsair as a SSD manufacturer buys both, the flash, and the controller,
from other manufacturers, while Samsung does it completely in-house.

Thus it is not surprising that Corsair does still use the MLC technology
while Samsung has already made the step to TLC.

I see that as a unspoken statement from Corsair that "we do not have to 
knowlegde avaliable (atm.) to make a TLC drive of the same quality than

a MLC one." That is not negative in any way. A manufacturer that knows
his limits is much better than one that jumps on a new hype with to
little knowlegde.

Samsung is very careful about its promises on write endurance.
TLC is still a young technology and that shows in lower TBW,
so the warranty says for the "Evo" says:
"5 years or TBW per spec, what ever is reached first".

That's honesty in my eyes.

If the question would be the "Samsung 850 EVO" with MLC Flash from last 
year, or the new "Corsair Neutron XTi" there would be little to no

difference in TBW, but the price of the Samsung was ca 10% higher.

IIRC, the TBW spec from you old 120GiB Corsair was below 10TBW, and you
are nearly on the 7TBW mark after 5 years, even the 75TBW of the 250GiB
Samsung should hold out for the next 5 years.

My baseline is: wether the "Samsung 850 EVO" with TLC or the
"Corsair Neutron XTi" with MLC, is more a matter of gut-feeling
than anything else. As you will not buy the SSD in packs of 20 or more
you never get into any discount scheme, so that offer from Samsung
will also not matter in any way, and at the point where you buy it,
the price per GiB will be nearly equal. Both offer 5 years warranty.

Have a nice weekend
 - Yamaban
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Disk near failure

2016-10-28 Thread Yamaban

On Fri, 28 Oct 2016 18:50, Alessandro Baggi wrote:

Il 28/10/2016 16:28, Valeri Galtsev ha scritto:

 On Fri, October 28, 2016 2:42 am, Alessandro Baggi wrote:
>  Il 27/10/2016 19:38, Yamaban ha scritto:
> >  For my personal use I would replace that Drive asap.
> >  - There is no warranty for it anymore (time since buy)
> >  - You can't buy it new anymore (discontinued)
> >  - There are more reliable drives available.
> > 
> >  I'd go for a Samsung Evo 850, that will give you five years of 
> >  warranty.
> > 
> >  But, it's your drive, you make the decissions.
> > 
> >   - Yamaban.
>  Thank you for your suggestion.
>  What do you think about Corsair Neutron XTi 240 MLC?

 Amazing. He suggested you definitely reliable drive (Samsung). Reliable in
 my boot too. You ask his opinion about yet another Corsair. One by Corsair
 failed on you already. So, you should have better knowledge about
 Corsair's SSD reliability, right?

 Sorry to sound sour, it just amuses me how people keep buying things made
 by the same company whose products already failed on them. This is what
 creates the problem: keeps companies manufacturing bad hardware exist.


Sorry, but my 2 ssds corsair does not report error and works fine, with good 
performances and without realloc. These disks are not failed. Yes, they are 
failing but these are old driver and this is a desktop under raid. Consider 
that these drive are 5 years old, for me this is not bad ssd brand, there are 
best brand but corsair is not too bad.

Now, Yamaban had suggested samsung because this is the best choice. This does 
not exclude that there are other products (that can be less reliable and less 
performant at lower cost) that for my case are good enough. Corsair neutron 
has also 5 years of warrenty.

 Sorry to sound sour, it just amuses me how people keep buying things made
 by the same company whose products already failed on them. This is what
 creates the problem: keeps companies manufacturing bad hardware exist.

If you are AMD user and your old AMD cpu died, You think that AMD must burn 
due to a cpu failure? Great.
I'm with you in the case where you buy a disk and after 3/6 months it fails 
(and this can happen also with very good brand) and this is not the case. 
Backblaze must burn all brand because many disks fails

Now about bad hardware manufacturing companies it's another problem. These 
companies point to low cost consumer, due the fact that not anyone can get the 
best hardware due to money. An example? Corsair LE 480 GB (100$) vs  Samsung 
SSD Serie 850 Pro 512GB (260$). 850 Pro is better, but more expensive, and 
Corsair LE has 3 year of warrenty. Maybe an user can spend his money  for a 
vga or a better cpu. These bad companies permit some users to get hw for less 
money without a great expecation for cheapest use case and their ability to 

Than if these cheap companies must not exist, the user must not use a new 
technology (at lower cost)? The IT gap.

Sorry, my (m.)2 cents.

I'm VERY unsure how to answer on "The Question" of what SSD to buy.
Religious wars have been fought over less.

So, I'll give a intro on how I select a product for myself, and a view
into how I personally priorise specification requirements.

- Reliability. A "new" Technology (e.g. SLC -> MLC -> TLC) has to be on
  the market for at least a year as a 3-5 year warranty customer product,
  or at least 3 month on the market as a 5-10 year warranty datacenter one.

- Thrustworthyness. How does the manufacturer handle a product gaffe?
  * Denial, delay, FUD -> drop that manufacturer, not worthy at all.
  * Acceptance of proof, offer of upwards replacement -> good, keep.

- Openness on product specification.
  Full specs should be available on manufacturer web site at no cost.
  Proof of specs by testing of not-paid-for-it Third party? Good!

In your case, be very thankfull that you got 5 years out of the disks,
not may got that.

After some datalosses due to sudden drive failure, I'm replaceing my
drives after ca 3 years at similar runtime ("on"-time hours), and that
is why I encurage you to replace your drive. Not to drive the economy.

In the past "Corsair" was a power enthusiast product, and the time-cycle
for those "enthusiast" was 2 to 3 years. No problem for most of the
"Corsair" products.

With view on SSD you have to seperate the classes / groups:
1. Datacenter: 100% on time, 100% backup, failure time is very expensive.
2. Professional: 30-100% on time, 80-100% backup, dataloss is expensive.
3. Longtime User: 15-100% on time, 15-100% backup, dataloss is hassle.
4. Power-Enthusiast: 100% Speed, Backup? -- Can you eat that?
5. "Walmart" and Co: some speed, some use time, dataloss is your problem.

(Prices are for Europe, G

[CentOS] Re: Disk near failure

2016-10-27 Thread Yamaban
34 SandForce_Internal 0x0032   000   000   000Old_age  Always  -  6894
241 Lifetime_Writes_GiB0x0032   000   000   000Old_age  Always  -  6894
242 Lifetime_Reads_GiB 0x0032   000   000   000Old_age  Always  -  6326

SMART Error Log not supported

SMART Self-test Log not supported

SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 1
100  Not_testing
200  Not_testing
300  Not_testing
400  Not_testing
500  Not_testing
Selective self-test flags (0x0):
 After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk.
If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.

Hmm, lets do some math:
17394 hours "on"-time equals 724.7 days (at continous "on").
6894 GiB written at 120 GiB drive sizes gives 57.4 Drive-Writes
(at optimal wearleveling every cell would have been written 57-58 times)

The used Sandforce controller (likly a SF-2281) is not the best at
wearleveling, so the  "use"-count per cell will be most likely more
than double that.

For my personal use I would replace that Drive asap.
- There is no warranty for it anymore (time since buy)
- You can't buy it new anymore (discontinued)
- There are more reliable drives available.

I'd go for a Samsung Evo 850, that will give you five years of warranty.

But, it's your drive, you make the decissions.

 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: more than one IP address on network device?

2016-09-05 Thread Yamaban

On Tue, 6 Sep 2016 02:14, Always Learning wrote:

On Mon, 2016-09-05 at 15:15 +0200, Yamaban wrote:

"ip addr show"  and
"ip route show"

should give the needed info, at least with Centos 7.x

Works on C5 and C6 too.

Good to know, b/c as my contact with C5 is minimal
and no-existant with C6 , I could not check myself.
C7 otoh, I use regulary.

 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: more than one IP address on network device?

2016-09-05 Thread Yamaban

On Mon, 5 Sep 2016 15:05, Kenneth Porter wrote:

On Monday, September 05, 2016 9:27 AM -0400 Jonathan Billings wrote:

 This is one of the many reasons why people don't use 'ifconfig'

Is there a preferred tool? Perhaps a script that will dump out the full 
network configuration for easy checking?

How about using the "ip" tool?

"ip addr show"  and
"ip route show"

should give the needed info, at least with Centos 7.x

 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Eclipse rpms

2016-08-08 Thread Yamaban

On Tue, 9 Aug 2016 01:30, Gordon Messmer wrote:

On 08/08/2016 03:25 PM, Gordon Messmer wrote:

#  yum install centos-release-scl
#  yum list devtoolset-4-eclipse\*

Of course, the next question is: Is it possible to install Eclipse in a way 
that doesn't require users to run "scl enable devtoolset-4 bash" in a 
terminal?  Or can selected software collections be enabled by default in new 

put a scriplet into /etc/profile.d/ and it will be executed on login.

See already existing files for examples.

 - Yamaban.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: KMail

2016-07-24 Thread Yamaban

On Sun, 24 Jul 2016 14:44, Timothy Murphy wrote:

Any hope of KMail (and Kontact) coming to CentOS-7?
What exactly is the problem?
KMail seems to work on other Linux OS's.

Work? Keyword here is "seems".
Since Kmail1 on KDE3 there is no really fully working
version that does not bork up your mail semi regulary.
And do not even get me started on that "akonadi" crap.

Burn me once, 
Burn me twice, ...

But what do you call a program that destroys your mail
more often than once per year?
 I call that Krashmail / Trashmail.

YMMV, but my milage was very short each time I tried
since after KDE3.

Tried on openSUSE, Fedora, Kubuntu, on all it failed.

Text-only mailers like Mutt or Alpine for the win.

 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: CentOS 7.2 and KDE

2016-07-18 Thread Yamaban

On Mon, 18 Jul 2016 22:40, Timothy Murphy wrote:

Jeff Layton wrote:

I apologize if this is off-topic. I just installed CentOS 7 on my laptop
and I used KDE. I can't seem to get the "hibernate" option. I've tried
editing the options under "Power" but it hasn't appeared. Any thoughts?

Just tp say that I'm running CentOS-7.2/KDE and see the Hibernate option
when I click on the CentOS icon in the panel and choose Leave.

A shot in the dark:

Since the last reboot, did you install an update?

For example, a kernel update blocks hibernate until the next reboot.

If you can, do a full reboot, and check if hibernate is still blocked
after the reboot (it should be available again).

 - Yamaban


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Hardware Support of CentOS 6: Mini-PC

2016-07-12 Thread Yamaban

On Tue, 12 Jul 2016 10:15, Walter H. wrote:


can CentOS 6.8 be run on a mini-PC like this?

would like to configure this as a Firewall, and this should be instead of
my router (integratet firewall, NAT) and wlan-ap


Well, it's a "Braswell" gen cpu (Intel N3150), with accomp. chipset.

Do yourself a favour and rethink that with Centos 7, due to very limited
function with the kernels from Centos 6, esp regarding WLAN.

And even the Centos 7 default kernels may not "fresh" enough.

 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: NetworkManger creates extra bonds; is this a bug?

2016-07-11 Thread Yamaban

On Mon, 11 Jul 2016 16:47, Joe Smithian wrote:

Hi Neil,

Thanks for your comments. What's the purpose of creating spurious ‘bond0’?
It's confusing. Is it anywhere documented?
Every time I restart NetworkManager it creates another bond0!



For me the soution was to create a script that removes the "bond0"
when NetworkManager is stopped, I have it integrated into the
NetworkManager.service via a drop-in scriptlet into the dir

here is my scriptlet:

# remove "bond0" interface at stop, it will be re-created at start
ExecStopPost=/usr/bin/bash /path/to/shellscript

sadly the shell script has been lost since, with the move to
a machine with 10GbE interfaces.

 - Yamaban.___
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: dnf replacing yum?

2016-05-26 Thread Yamaban

On Thu, 26 May 2016 08:00, James Hogarth wrote:

On 26 May 2016 00:57, "SternData" wrote:

On 05/25/2016 06:43 PM, Always Learning wrote:

On Wed, 2016-05-25 at 22:32 +0100, Timothy Murphy wrote:

Also, yum had associations which it was sad to lose.

Perhaps the Fedora ("We love consulting all affected users") replacement
could be named MUD.

Now we await the System-D controlling interface ;-)

There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth when these changes rolled 
into Fedora.  After a while, I got used to it and now it seems normal. 
Plus, if you type "yum update" it responds "what your really should 
type is dnf update, but I'll do it for you anyway".

There was a mail on the Fedora development list recently from one of the
internal Red Hat RHEL yum guys.

It implied that in RHEL the command would remain yum and not change to dnf,
although the internals will no doubt do so at some point.

Well, from what I've heard from some Red Hat RHEL Kernel guys, it will be
likely in RHEL 8.x as default with a yum compat cli, but unlikely to get
into RHEL 7.x as replacement for yum, and should stay confined to EPEL.
The reason given was: "(DNF is) not quite Enterprise ready, yet. Lets look
again during Fedora 25".

 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: C5.11 FF ESR 45.1.0 Cookies Button not functioning

2016-05-02 Thread Yamaban

On Mon, 2 May 2016 18:01, Always Learning wrote:

On Mon, 2016-05-02 at 16:53 +0100, Always Learning wrote:


Show Cookies

no longer works. It always did function before the upgrade to FF 45.


Adblock Plus blocked the 'moz-safe-about:blank' frame.

Do not understand why 'moz-safe-about:blank' frame needs activating to
see the Cookies.

Most of the dialogs have been rewritten from XUL to HTML5.

The dialog shown is build by opening a blank html page and
then inserting the code (html+css+js) to show the dialog.

Thus 'about:blank' (internal called as moz-safe-about:blank)
is needed to be allowed in Adblock and Noscript.

Does that fill the 'blanks' in the knowledge?

 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Firefox and Flash

2016-04-26 Thread Yamaban

On Tue, 26 Apr 2016 13:54, wwp wrote:

Hello Andreas,

On Tue, 26 Apr 2016 09:03:12 +0200 Andreas Benzler wrote:

Hello every one I installed the official
flash plugin from adobe

About Plugins tells me:

Pfad: /usr/lib64/flash-plugin/
Shockwave Flash 11.2 r202

But it is:

 strings /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins/  | grep 616
LNX 11,2,202,616

Any ideas?

On my 3 CentOS 6.5 systems here (all up-to-date), only one shows '577'
whereas 616 is installed and the 577 binary has gone. Strange, I still
didn't get how to "fix" this, even if doesn't sound overcritical to me.

Cause is the file "pluginreg.dat" in the Firefox profile folder.
It stores the version info, but upon updates of the flashplayer,
some times it will not get updated.
Two ways to 'cure' that:

a) Uninstall flash, (Re-)start Firefox,
   close Firefox, install new version, start Firefox.
   (Due to the 'absence' of flash, the 'pluginreg.dat' gets removed, and
   afterwards it will get recreated with the new info)

b) Close firefox, remove 'pluginreg.dat', update flashplayer, start firefox

 - Yamaban
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Rsyslog problems

2016-04-17 Thread Yamaban

On Sun, 17 Apr 2016 20:51, Adrian P. van Bloois  wrote:

My rsyslog is not working as expected.
I have some thing in rsyslog.d that do well, like this:
# Log all iptables stuff separately
:msg, contains, "iptables: " {
action(type="omfile" file="/var/log/iptraf/info")

No problems with that.
Bu what's in /etc/rsyslog.conf  like:
mail.*  /var/log/mail/info

don't do anything at all.
Rsyslogd -N1   is OK, rsyslogd -D -N1 looks good too as does
rsyslogd -d -N1.
Here is my rsyslog.conf.
What am I doing wrong?

Nothing I can see as "wrong". In full "Rainerscript"
the mail part would be written as (copy from my config,
please adapt the file="" part as you like):
if  ($syslogfacility-text == 'mail') then {
action(type="omfile" file="/var/log/mail/all")

Try and check, if this works, well OK, if not, ask again.

Ah, and please check if there is a SELinux problem with the
logfile, it could be a permission problem.

 - Yamaban
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re:

2016-03-25 Thread Yamaban

On Fri, 25 Mar 2016 16:50, Eero Volotinen wrote:

Stop paranoia? Tlsv1.0 is not recommended when storing credit card data.

Hi List,

Does anyone know why the above URL is still using TLS V1.0.

I can't connect to it unless I enable TLS V1.0 which I was under the
impression that it should not be used

Thanks for any enlightenment.


@Eero: IMHO you are missing some points here. There are more and more
browsers that are unable to use SSL{2,3} as well as TLS1.0, not just
disabled via config, but this decission was made at compile time.
Newer Android and Apple-iOS devices for example.

And the point is not that the site supports TLS1.0, but that it does
not support TLS1.1 and/or TLS 1.2, and as such is incassessible
to devices that ask for TLS1.1 as minimum for HTTPS.

But that is for the admins/webmasters of the servers to resolve.

 - Yamaban
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: logrotate script error

2016-03-05 Thread Yamaban

On Sun, 6 Mar 2016 04:34, Tim Dunphy  wrote:

Hey guys,

I'm trying to rotate a logstash log that can grow pretty large. 3.4GB last
I saw!

And that's because the logrotate script I came up with didn't work.

The error I get on a syntax check is this:

#logrotate -f logstash
size: '100M': No such file
size: '100M': No such file
size: '100M': No such file
size: '100M': No such file
size: '100M': No such file
size: '100M': No such file
size: '100M': No such file
size: '100M': No such file

And this is the logstash rotate script:

#cat /etc/logrotate.d/logstash
/var/log/logstash/* {
   rotate 7
   size 100M
   /bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/ 2>/dev/null` 2> /dev/null
|| true

I can't find the error there. Can I have a suggestion as to what's wrong
and how to correct it?

Multiple errors here, first hint: "man 8 logrotate" is a good start.

Second: wrong order of lines:
diff -U2
--- your logstash-rotate
+++ corrected logstash-rotate
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
-   postrotate
size 100M
+   sharedscripts
+   postrotate
/bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/ 2>/dev/null` 2> /dev/null || 

In short: "postrotate" line is in wrong position, add line "sharedscripts"

 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Changing default file type in Centos 6

2016-02-28 Thread Yamaban

On Sun, 28 Feb 2016 15:47, H  wrote:

On 02/27/2016 07:56 PM, Yamaban wrote:

 On Sat, 27 Feb 2016 19:38, H  wrote:

>  It turns out my markdown files - extension .md - are of the "Genesis ROM" 
>  file type in Centos 6. Googling did not turn up any obvious places to 
>  change this in Gnome - neither in my local directory or in /etc/gnome.
>  Where would I be able to change this default file type for files with the 
>  extension .md? I have already changed the default application to geany 
>  (with the markdown extension.)
>  Thank you.

 have a look at these:
 /etc/mime.types (file)
 /usr/share/mime/ (dirs)
 /usr/share/mimelnk/ (dirs)
 /usr/share/mime-info (dir)

 grep for '\.md' and/or for 'Genesis ROM' in there.

 Just adding your own line to /etc/mime.types may look nice, but is possibly
 not what you want, more likely a new entry in a file or directory under

 Have a nice weekend
  - Yamaban.

Files in ~/.local/share/mime also seem to have been automatically generated by 
update-mime-database and should not be edited. Should I still create a new 
file for the ".md" extension and add it to this directory?

Huh? The "orignal" text/x-markdown file should already exist globally:


also generated from tis file:

but, feel free to do so:
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/mime/text
cp -t ~/.local/share/mime/text /usr/share/mime/text/x-markdown.xml 

or, create is yourself, short version content follows
(view mail as source or plain text if not shown)
  Markdown document

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Changing default file type in Centos 6

2016-02-28 Thread Yamaban

On Sun, 28 Feb 2016 15:37, H wrote:

On 02/28/2016 12:27 AM, Liam O'Toole wrote:

 On 2016-02-27, Frank Cox wrote:
>  On Sat, 27 Feb 2016 16:33:00 -0500 H wrote:
> >  No, that I already did. I am talking about the file type when you

> >  open a graphical directory window.
>  I'm missing something here.  Do you mean that you want to change icon
>  that shows up in a Nautilus window for a particular filetype?
 I think the OP is talking about the file type that Nautilus reports when
 you right-click on a file and bring up the 'Properties' dialog.

 In my case (also CentOS 6) Naulitus reports 'Genesis ROM' for files with
 the .md extension. The file command, on the other hand, reports 'ASCII
 English text'.

 The file responsible for the behaviour of Nautilus is
 /usr/share/mime/application/x-genesis-rom.xml, which appears to have
 been generated by update-mime-database.

Correct. I looked at that file and it says "created automatically by 
update-mime-database. do not edit" which begs the question: how can I "correct 

IMHO something is fishy in your install here.

/usr/share/mime/application/x-genesis-rom.xml is generated from:
/usr/share/mime/packages/ by the
update-mime-database tool

for "Genesis ROM" the glob pattern="*.gen" is set and
as well as the "magic"  patterns:
  match value="SEGA" type="string" offset="256"
  match value="EAGN" type="string" offset="640"
  match value="EAMG" type="string" offset="640"

Just how are your "text/markdown", glob pattern="*.md" files
"discovered" as "Genesis ROM" ??


to disable the future creation of the file:
you have to comment out the relevant section in:

then remove /usr/share/mime/application/x-genesis-rom.xml
and run the update-mime-database as root.

Be aware, future updates of the file:
will re-enable the application/x-genesis-rom mime-type.

Have a nice sunday
 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Changing default file type in Centos 6

2016-02-27 Thread Yamaban

On Sat, 27 Feb 2016 19:38, H  wrote:

It turns out my markdown files - extension .md - are of the "Genesis ROM" file 
type in Centos 6. Googling did not turn up any obvious places to change this 
in Gnome - neither in my local directory or in /etc/gnome.

Where would I be able to change this default file type for files with the 
extension .md? I have already changed the default application to geany (with 
the markdown extension.)

Thank you.

have a look at these:
/etc/mime.types (file)
/usr/share/mime/ (dirs)
/usr/share/mimelnk/ (dirs)
/usr/share/mime-info (dir)

grep for '\.md' and/or for 'Genesis ROM' in there.

Just adding your own line to /etc/mime.types may look nice, but is 
possibly not what you want, more likely a new entry in a 
file or directory under ~/.local/share/mime/

Have a nice weekend
 - Yamaban.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Substitute pdftk with other command

2016-02-18 Thread Yamaban

On Thu, 18 Feb 2016 16:07, Dario Lesca wrote:

Hi, I must migrate a Centos5 server on Centos7

On server Centos5 there is a shell procedure witch add to PDF a
timestamp like this example:

with this command:
$ pdftk input.pdf stamp overlay.pdf output stamped.pdf

Into Centos7 pdftk it is no longer allowed

Someone knows some other command to replace it or other ways to do

Or how I can install pdftk on Centos7.

Many thanks for your help.

Original code is located here:

including recipe to compile from source.

ATM there is no "ready to install" package directly for Centos 7,
but try the Centos /RHEL 6 package from there before
doing the full build circus (requires installed libgcj).

 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: heads up: /boot space on kernel upgrade

2016-02-13 Thread Yamaban

On Sat, 13 Feb 2016 21:24, David Both  wrote:

+1 Valeri. I agree that things have changed a lot!

However, Devin, the answer to your question is that the /boot partition is a 
necessity in a LVM environment, which everything else is by default. The /boot 
partition cannot be a logical volume; it must be a raw disk partition with an 
EXT[34] file system.

It's even more relaxed: btrfs and xfs are also valid filesystems
with grub2 on C7. If you do some extra legwork you can allow even more
filesystems, most of the ssd / flash special filesystems a possible,
as long as /boot (also as part of /(root) ) resides on a native disk

The oh-so-hyped LVM (all versions) is not a valid home for /boot
without kompling the kernel AND grub2 yourself, and even then
its much easier to move the kernels and initrds into the EFI
partition (which MUST be vfat32, per spec).

On bootloaders, well, for bios machines with just linux, or linux + win,
nothing was as easy to setup and maintain as "lilo"

But, for my new box, well it came with UEFI, and (e)lilo was just declared
discontiued, and added on top I wanted more than one Linux Distro on the
drive, so grub2 was the choice of the day.

Secureboot with the choice of multiple Distos was easy with grub2,
compared to choices for bootloaders.

YMMV. Have a nice weekend,
  - Yamaban
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Latest version of kate editor

2016-02-02 Thread Yamaban

On Tue, 2 Feb 2016 18:02, H wrote:

On 02/02/2016 03:50 PM, Lamar Owen wrote:

 On 02/02/2016 09:28 AM, Jonathan Billings wrote:
>  CentOS is not a bleeding-edge distribution that constantly keeps
>  packages up to date with the upstream projects.  If you want that, try
>  another distribution like Fedora.
 GNOME can get a rebase to a newer version, but KDE can't. this from a
 former KDE user who would love to go back to KDE but refuses to deal with
 the issues older versions have.

 This is, of course, an upstream issue and not a CentOS one, and I know
 that so I now use GNOME, even though it would be nice to see parity in
 the allowing of a rebase of KDE like the one for GNOME.

>  There is a 3rd-party repository that might have an upgraded KDE:
> http: //

 Trinity Desktop (TDE), is a fork of KDE 3.x, and not updated from that.  So
 in ways it is older, yet newer.

What do people use as a programming editor on CentOS 6? My first impression of 
kate was favorable, not only did it support the usual programming and 
scripting languages but also markdown which I have recently discovered...

Well, KDE has its own trouble, even upstream, and for RedHat / Fedora 
packagers KDE seems a clear second or third choice to work on.

The Gnome upgrade from Centos 7.1 to 7.2 was "urgs" and has driven me to
switch to XFCE even @work, where I had to ask the sys-admins for
allowance beforehand.

vim / gvim / jedit

Vim and its graphical frontend gvim are in use for nearly all my tasks as
text-editors. A special place in my heart has (g)vimdiff which is a great
help im my daily work (shell-scripts, php, css, html, js, and markdown
make most the volume)

The availability of a very powerfull text editor that can be worked with 
in a terminal the same whether local or remote (via ssh) gives a
concistency that other editors lack, or, in the case of emacs, are not my 
taste at all.

Jedit is java based, and for me in use where projects span bejond a single
Operating System (Linux, Solaris, Windows and MacOS mostly).

 - Yamaban

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Latest version of kate editor

2016-02-01 Thread Yamaban

On Mon, 1 Feb 2016 19:22, H  wrote:

I have installed the kate editor on Centos 6.7 but it seems to be a very old 
version, 3.3.4, installed as part of kdesdk. On Centos 7 I can simply run 'yum 
install kate' but, alas, not on Centos 6.

What is the recommended way of updating kate on Centos 6?

Thank you.

First you find out from wich package (rpm) your kate is.

either you try to as yum: "yum search kate",

or you do the full monty:
locate the binary "type kate", usually /usr/bin/kate,
then you ask rpm from which package this file comes:
"rpm -qf /usr/bin/kate"
take the main package name (the part before the version numbers)
and feed it to yum:

yum update [kate-package-name]

YMMV, depening on what repos you have enabled or not.

You can search most of what is available via,
for kate, for example

then select "Centos 6" (maybe you have to scroll down for that)

The EPEL repo seems to have version 0.3.8 of libkate at least.

Have a nice week.
 - Yamaban
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: SOT: Best strategy for automatize a flow that need user interaction

2016-01-29 Thread Yamaban

On Fri, 29 Jan 2016 15:09,  wrote:

I am working in a Dockerfile but there is a "secure" MariaDB server script
I need to run which is interactive and I don't know how to deal with this.

Basically this is the flow I have follow on the script at test environment
and is the same I want to achieve in the Dockerfile without user
interaction by just answering as you seen on the flow below:

   # /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation


So I need to write a bash script or something else that could handle this
automatically but has not idea, how would you take care of this?

You have a urgend need to re-invent the wheel, no?

Have a look at the offical mariab image Dockerfile,
be aware that it was written with debian:latest as base:

or, be even more clever and look at the centos/mariadb image:

I hope this gives you some pointers to avoid wasting time,
but, each to their own, find your pesonal way.

Have a nice weekend.
 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Write content to file from Dockerfile and/or any other method

2016-01-29 Thread Yamaban

On Fri, 29 Jan 2016 06:31, Keith Keller  wrote:

On 2016-01-29,  wrote:

I am building a Dockerfile and I am setting up MariaDB repos as follow:

This question is probably way offtopic for a CentOS mailing list.

# Setup MariaDB repos
RUN touch /etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo

What's the right way to do this? The one below?

echo "[mariadb]" >> "/etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo"
echo "name = MariaDB" >> "/etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo"
echo "baseurl ="; >>
echo "gpgkey="; >>
echo "gpgcheck=1" >> "/etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo"

You probably want to do a COPY.  The Docker docs cover Dockerfile syntax
in detail:

Yep, this is a much better way to do such things.
create the 'MariaDB.repo' in the direstory the 'Dockerfile' resides in,
and use the following line in the Dockerfile:

COPY MariaDB.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo

much better that way, for further tips on Dockerfile writing,
I'll point you to the offical site "", esp:

Have a nice weekend,
 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Just need to vent

2016-01-23 Thread Yamaban

On Sun, 24 Jan 2016 00:20, Alice Wonder wrote:

Sometimes the direction of UI development in gnome really angers me.

For example, when selecting a font for the gedit text editor - there is no way 
to ask it to only show monospace fonts.

It's a fricken text editor, that should be the default - meaning you have to 
do something special to get fonts shown that aren't monospace.

Seriously, who is in charge with the UI design in gnome?

Whoever it is needs to be fired.


+1 (or infinity)

Hint: IMHO the gnome UI devs played to much with MacOS X and Tablets.
Seek the missing menu in the top-bar (upper end of the monitor)
The-Fqu? Extra mouse movement needed, just b/c them devs have
touchscreens? RAGE!

For me switching to XFCE as DE helped enormously in getting work
done, not getting angry at the UI all the time was a nice plus.

But, lets be honest here, not everyone will like XFCE.

 - Yamaban
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Question on booting other kernel

2016-01-14 Thread Yamaban

On Thu, 14 Jan 2016 19:11, adrian@... wrote:

In CentOS6  I do:
echo "savedefault --default=0 --once" | grub --batch

My question is how do I do the same on CentOS7?
Any ideas?


C7 uses grub2:

look at the man-pages of these:

Either grub2-set-default or direct via grub2-reboot
with the needed params.

 - Yamaban.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Network services start before network is up since migrating to 7.2

2015-12-22 Thread Yamaban

On Tue, 22 Dec 2015 22:27, m.roth@... wrote:

Yamaban wrote:

On Tue, 22 Dec 2015 14:29, James Hogarth wrote:

On 22 December 2015 at 10:33, Sylvain CANOINE wrote

- Mail original -

De: "Marcelo Ricardo Leitner"
À: "centos"
Envoyé: Lundi 21 Décembre 2015 21:46:10
Objet: Re: [CentOS] Network services start before network is up since

migrating to 7.2

On Avahi: well, the job it SHOULD do is: to announce the services running
on the machine to the network. As this is done via broadcast, these
announcements should not be routed to outside, anyway.

But yes, there are many admins, who do not like this 'auto-discovery'
To 'MS Windows' / 'Apple MacOS' like, not 'pure' or 'hardcore' enough.

I beg your pardon. What *possible* reason is there for a server,
hardwired, to "announce" itself to anything, other than DHCP? Everywhere
I've worked, and what I know, is that servers are assigned IP addresses,
they don't just take whatever's offered, willy-nilly. And if they do... I
do *not* want to work there. That's not only unprofessional, it's an
insane security risk. Suppose someone puts their laptop on the intranet,
and has *it* running a DHCP server?

Sorry, but lookup was Avahi really is before posting anything else on this:

Avahi is NOT about addresses of a box, its about services (e.g. ssh, http,
ftp) running on this box, and announceing them via answering a broadcast.

What you have done is exactly what we others are exposing here as
uninformed and and ignorant by those in charge.

Do you really want to show yourself here in that light? - Just asking.

 - Yamaban___
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Network services start before network is up since migrating to 7.2

2015-12-22 Thread Yamaban

On Tue, 22 Dec 2015 14:29, James Hogarth wrote:

On 22 December 2015 at 10:33, Sylvain CANOINE wrote

- Mail original -
De: "Marcelo Ricardo Leitner" 
À: "centos" 
Envoyé: Lundi 21 Décembre 2015 21:46:10

Objet: Re: [CentOS] Network services start before network is up since

migrating to 7.2


Also known as "we have our policies for EL6 and we haven't paid any
attention to EL7 to see how things have changed" ... Wonder if they have
read my NM blog article yet ...

Honestly any 'security' people banning wpa_supplicant needs their heads
examined given that is used for 802.1x authentication ... which if they
care about security they should be paying attention to.

As for polkit and dbus ... well they have to be there in EL7 and systemd
relies on these mechanisms.

That said if they're having kittens about NM, polkit, dbus and
wpa_supplicant they probably hate systemd and frankly I'm surprised they
permit EL7 at all ;)

Note that by default a non administrator user cannot change system network
configuration ... bah idiots ...

You speak of this post:
don't you?

An interesting read on the backgrounds of RHEL7 / Centos7. Thanks.

On Avahi: well, the job it SHOULD do is: to announce the services running 
on the machine to the network. As this is done via broadcast, these

announcements should not be routed to outside, anyway.

But yes, there are many admins, who do not like this 'auto-discovery' stuff.
To 'MS Windows' / 'Apple MacOS' like, not 'pure' or 'hardcore' enough.

 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Centos7 Raspberry Pi 2 Login

2015-12-22 Thread Yamaban

On Tue, 22 Dec 2015 19:31, david wrote:

At 09:52 AM 12/22/2015, david wrote:


I'm not sure this is the right mailing list for the Centos7 port to 
Raspberry Pi.  On the chance that this is the right place...

I just booted the Centos Linux 7 for Raspbery Pi 2, but have no idea
what the built-in accounts or passwords are.


I answered my own question.
Login: root
Password: centos

The reference article is at 
https: //

I should have done more research before asking the group.

Non the less, thanks for the info and the link, that will come
handy in the next days.

Thanks, and a nice time
 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: CentOS and typical usage

2015-12-13 Thread Yamaban

On Sun, 13 Dec 2015 22:19, Alice Wonder wrote:

On 12/13/2015 12:45 PM, Valeri Galtsev wrote:

 On Sun, December 13, 2015 11:36 am, Alice Wonder wrote:
>  On 12/13/2015 08:39 AM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> >  Alice Wonder wrote:
> > >  One of the benefits of systemd is the dependency based parallel
> > >  The same speed can often be achieved with system V init by fine 
> > >  tuning

 when the services start but systemd does that automatically.
> >  If it's no faster then why is it a benefit?
>  Binary logs with checksums is one benefit, much harder for a hacker or

 malware to hide its tracks.

 Without intent to be a pain in a... just respectfully disagreeing.

 Harder only from the point of view current tools script kiddies use will
 not deal with then. Fundamentally better security/forensics wise would be
 to keep logs on remote secure server. Like in the very first computer
 security lesson: you can not trust anything on compromised machine.

It's a matter of knowing your machine has been compromised.

Modifying the binary logs to hide that you are there will result in checksum 
inconsistencies, removing a few lines from text logs will not.

Yes, you can use text log to a remote machine to avoid that, but binary logs 
let you on the local machine.

Well, in the ideal case, yes.
BUT, as it is, the binary log that systemd-journald, becomes compromised, 
and unreadable too often to be helpful.

From a compromised journald log file you get NOTHING at all.

You can't even get the entries up until the point the compromise
of the log happend. Not helpful.

All you can see is that you cant view the log at all. Bravo.
And why that has happend? Was it the filesystem, was it journald itself,
was there a break-in, did someone local try to manipulate the log?

Where is your answer?

Sorry, nice idea but very ugly result, not useable as intended.

Yes, I'm frustated with journald, for production I'm using remote logging
with TLS and oneway replicated database, locally either syslog-ng or rsyslog.

I'll keep an eye on it, but atm it's not useable for me on disk.

 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Need firewalld clue

2015-12-12 Thread Yamaban

On Sun, 13 Dec 2015 01:46, Nicholas Geovanis  wrote:

I don't really understand the intent behind firewalld. The RHEL7 Security
Guide states "A graphical configuration tool, *firewall-config*, is used to
configure firewalld, which in turn uses *iptables tool* to communicate with
*Netfilter* in the kernel which implements packet filtering".

So is the goal for firewalld to implement a GUI for iptables? What is the
"value added" by firewalld?
   ThanksNick Geo

Well, the order from Kernel inside outward is:

1. Netfilter (inside Kernel), not directly accessible by userland

2. iptables/iptables6, the userland cli tools to manipulate the Netfilter
   entries, mighty and complex, error-prone for casual use.

3. firewalld(RedHat/CentOS), or SuSEfirewall(Suse), or similar are the
   tools that simplify the task of creating the needed iptable rules, as
   not every one wants to write them by hand.

4. GUI tools, that allow to manipulate the config of firewalld (or similar),
   for those that are unfamilar with the command line, or want a quick and
   graphical way to do the job needed.

Does that answer your question about *value added* by GUI tools?

Not every user that needs to change firewall settings is a certified UNIX admin.

 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: CentOS 7, NetworkMangler, and ipv6

2015-12-10 Thread Yamaban

On Thu, 10 Dec 2015 16:00, m.roth@... wrote:

We've started having a problem with a CentOS 7 server. It looses its IPv6
address, if I understand this issue correctly. We can get in, if we do ssh
-4, though.

In the logs, I'm seeing this about twice an hour:
  (pid 98466) unhandled DHCP event for interface ens3f0

Now, in googling, I get very few hits putting quotes around "unhanded dhcp
exception" - in fact, the only one I found that seemed to talk about it
was from someone's slackware box, where there was some sort of
configuration, perhaps similar to ifcfg-, and they were telling that
person to remove it, because it conflicted with what Networkmanager was
trying to do, leaving it in a confused state.

Any thoughts?


My first thought upon reading this was:
Well, let's block / drop the irritating packets via firewall / iptables.

Is the source of these packets allowed to contact your box at all?
 - No : then block it fully, ipv4 and ipv6
 - Yes: block all dhcpv4 / dhcpv6 / radv traffic to and from this source.
   or even more aggressive: first block this box, second only open the
   minimum required ports to that box.

IMHO, Networkmanager(and its underlaying helpers) should be much more
carefull in handling Router / DHCP stuff.
It's biggest niggle for me is a missing white- and black-list for
(dis-)allowed routers / dhcp-servers.

Is this the "Right(tm)" thing to do? Dunno, but that would be my gut-telling.

 - Yamaban

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Centos 6: language mess with ssh

2015-10-30 Thread Yamaban

On Fri, 30 Oct 2015 12:12, Philippe BOURDEU d'AGUERRE  wrote:

When I connect through SSH to my Centos 6 box, language are mixed: connection 
is in english but password change dialog is in french. Example:

$ ssh aa@quercy
You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)
Last login: Fri Oct 30 11:41:31 2015 from quercy
WARNING: Your password has expired.
You must change your password now and login again!
Changement de mot de passe pour l'utilisateur aa.
Nouveau mot de passe :
Retapez le nouveau mot de passe :
(Current) Password:
passwd : mise à jour réussie de tous les jetons d'authentification.
Connection to quercy closed.

I tried: "LANG=C ssh aa@quercy" and I get the same mess.

Is it possible to get password change dialog in english ?

Frist, the use of "LANG=C ssh aa@quercy" only sets the language of
the lokal ssh-client.

Either you add the "SendEnv LANG" line to your ~/.ssh/config
(or add [space]LANG to a existing "SendEnv" line)

or you can specify it as a option on the command line:

export LANG
ssh -o "SendEnv LANG" aa@quercy

maybe "LANG=C ssh -o 'SendEnv LANG' aa@quercy" also works.

Note the 'export', in some environments LANG is not set at all,
there the export is needed, else it is only set for the shell,
and not for the called programs.

That way the ssh-client can tell the ssh-server on the other side
what language setting you want to have.

Atm, it looks like that the "LANG" is set to "fr_FR" or similar
for the whole system "quercy", or just for the user "aa" in his/her
.profile / .bash_profile / .bashrc / or other shell init file.

Another possibility is that settings of LC_* Have been messed with,
either local or on the machine you want to connect to.

If so, please set the "LC_ALL=C" add the "LC_ALL" to the "SendEnv"
above, and be aware that the "oneliner" version will no longer work.

 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: PHP version not enough for developers

2015-10-23 Thread Yamaban

On Fri, 23 Oct 2015 22:44,  wrote:

Jonathan Billings wrote:

On Oct 23, 2015, at 9:46 AM, wrote:

James B. Byrne wrote:

I am glad to discover that I am not losing my mind.  I too have been
rather dismayed at the perceived increase in frequency with which I
must reboot my servers.  I wondered whether this was simply a
misconception on my part or an actual change in the environment.

Apparently it is the later.

So systemd moves Linux to more resemble Windows?

No.  If anything, systemd handles upgrades better than SysV init, since it
handles re-execing better.  Please stop spreading FUD.

What FUD? It adds *binary* logfiles, readable only with a separate
program; when I restart a service, it does not *tell* me what's going on,
just worked or didn't, so I don't know, if it fails, where, the messages
from journalctl are extremely unhelpful, and when it boots, if I want to
watch, it tends to hide much info. It's much less informative in most ways
in helping me solve problems.

Well, looking back, during kernel 2.6 there was no systemd at all.
But! That was the time where udev and dbus came into the boot cycle.

IMHO, the intrinsics between glibc (always a cause for refresh of
initrd and full reboot) and udev where the start of the "reboot often".

Later on came dbus from the pure app-message-bus to the monster (kdbus?)
that it is now, adding in its own dreg of dependencies and making the
boot cycle unclean in itself.

The mess we have now, is not the work of just one change.

What was the rationale to get udev into boot? -- Handling the ever
changing mess of plugable, switchable hardware. Not born and bred
for servers, but for mobiles (phones, tablets, laptops).

Who was the one that decided that "one-size-fits-all" and put that
into server environment?

What was the rationale to let dbus near the system start at all?
 -- Again mobile development.

Same as before who was the one that thought, "nice, lets fuck up the 
servers even more with that".

Systemd was just the latest development, and not the worst. Yes, it
could have gone better, and some of the devs have had more
head-in-the-clouds than feet-on-the-ground.

Looking back, systemd is the only "big" change since 2.6 that makes
sense for servers. It's surrounding scene, however, does not make
much sense for servers. Journald is a mess, but solveable --
install a "real" syslogd and get on with life.

The mess that is networking, well, that could have / should have
gone better. Lets not cast out the babe with the wash-water, through.

That the difference between Linux servers and MS-Windows server got
smaller is a matter of both sides.

The difference between a MS-Win 2k server and a MS-Win 2016 server
is much more than just 16 years.

MS-Win 2016 kann be headless. A break-trough, 2012 was partly there.

What was the jump forward for linux servers in this 16 years?

We have lost some of the original Unix way: every tool should do one
thing, and should do it right, be as small and as fast as possible.

MicroSoft seems to have learned from its errors.

Linux, well, atm we make them, and en mass.

 - Yamaban.

PS: PHP devs should keep an eye on PHP 7.
That will be ugly for every one that ignores the warning signs.
Operators and Declarations esp.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Security implications of openssl098e on CentOS 7

2015-10-21 Thread Yamaban

On Wed, 21 Oct 2015 20:58, Nick Bright  wrote:

On 10/21/2015 1:55 PM, Andrew Holway wrote:

Personally I would go round to that particular vendors office with a pipe
wrench and encourage them to do better however, unless this software is
transmitting credit card information then it seems that you could be
safe(ish) from the regulation standpoint. It really depends on the location
of the machine. Is it deep in the bowels of your high security nuclear
bunker on an air gap network or is is merrily accepting incoming traffic
from China? Is the software is using an appropriate SELinux policy or is it
running unconfined or with SELinux turned off?

It seems the PCI-DSS describe a set of simple rules to get IT managers
thinking but they are somewhat open to interpretation. Are you abiding to
the spirit of the regulations?
The particular software requiring 0.9.8 is performing backups of the system to 
a remote data center.

My concern is that, with the compatibility package installed, could this 
present vulnerabilities or compliance problems in Apache?

TL;DR: Preload openssl from non-standard location for closed-source app only.

Hmm, how about taking the content of the openssl098e package, put
it into a directory relative to the closed source software (e.g. /opt),
and create a wrapper script, similar to the following example:

# This is a wrapper for app to use openssl 0.9.8 (unsafe)
# app is in /opt/app/
# app starter is /opt/app/bin/starter
# ssl098e libs are in /opt/openssl098/

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/openssl098/
exec /opt/app/bin/starter ${1+"$@"}
# ${1+"$@"} expands only if at least $1 is present


 - Yamaban.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Centos 7 - "Device eth1 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization".

2015-10-21 Thread Yamaban

On Wed, 21 Oct 2015 10:20, Rafał Radecki  wrote:

Hi All :)

I have three servers, all with centos 7 installed 3 days ago. I need on
them "old" naming scheme (ethX) for network interfaces, because of that:

# grep GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX /etc/sysconfig/grub
rhgb quiet ipv6.disable=1 net.ifnames=0"

net.ifnames=0 was added and afterwards I ran:

grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

Then I created /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules with content:

SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*",
ATTR{address}=="00:1e:67:7f:9c:98", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*",
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*",
ATTR{address}=="00:1e:67:7f:9c:99", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*",
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*",
ATTR{address}=="00:1e:67:7f:9c:9a", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*",
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*",
ATTR{address}=="00:1e:67:7f:9c:9b", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*",
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*",
ATTR{address}=="00:1e:67:81:37:0d", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*",
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*",
ATTR{address}=="00:1e:67:81:37:0e", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*",
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*",
ATTR{address}=="90:e2:ba:46:ef:30", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*",
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*",
ATTR{address}=="90:e2:ba:46:ef:31", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*",

After reboot it worked fine for all 3 servers, but some time later after
another reboot I get:

# systemctl status network
network.service - LSB: Bring up/down networking
  Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/network)
  Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2015-10-20 20:37:30 CEST;
13h ago
 Process: 2034 ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/init.d/network start (code=exited,

Oct 20 20:37:24 node-X systemd-sysctl[2049]: Overwriting earlier assignment
of net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-ip6tables in file
Oct 20 20:37:25 node-X network[2034]: Bringing up loopback interface:  [
OK  ]
Oct 20 20:37:25 node-X network[2034]: Bringing up interface eth1:  ERROR
: [/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth] Device eth1 does not seem to
be present, delaying initialization.
Oct 20 20:37:25 node-X network[2034]: [FAILED]
Oct 20 20:37:27 node-X network[2034]: Bringing up interface eth6:  [  OK  ]
Oct 20 20:37:30 node-X network[2034]: Bringing up interface eth7:  [  OK  ]
Oct 20 20:37:30 node-X systemd[1]: network.service: control process exited,
code=exited status=1
Oct 20 20:37:30 node-X systemd[1]: Failed to start LSB: Bring up/down
Oct 20 20:37:30 node-X systemd[1]: Unit network.service entered failed

I see now that the device for which I have an entry in udev:

SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*",
ATTR{address}=="00:1e:67:7f:9c:99", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*",

with MAC 00:1e:67:7f:9c:99 is not eth1 as it should be but

4: eth2:  mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN qlen 1000
   link/ether 00:1e:67:7f:9c:99 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

and there is no eth1 in the system.

# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1

All pages which I found about "Device ethX does not seem to be present,
delaying initialization" tell to correctly configure udev but it is
correctly configured and it worked some time ago, only recently i started
to get problems with this on 3 servers at once. I also noticed that on one
of them when I saw the problem and rebooted the server eth1 was correctly
assigned afterwards but after another reboot the message happened again.
Quite strange to me :D

Have you had similar problems on centos7? Any advice?

Thanks :)


Hmm, shoot in the Dark, IMHO, the change of the udev rules should have 
been made before the grub-update. If you have initrd/initramfs, they will

have to be updated before that also.

Else the systemd from the boot(initrd) (still on en...) has another config
that the on-system (eth.) systemd.

I'm not on a CentOS system atm, so I can't test it, but a call to "dracut"
seems to be in order, that a call to "grub-update" again.
Please, inform yourself on dracut options before that, (man-page, also, 
see kernel-update scripts).

 - Yamaban.___
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Can I force yum to only use http.

2015-10-19 Thread Yamaban

On Mon, 19 Oct 2015 23:28, Roger Wells  wrote:

On 10/19/2015 05:12 PM, Styma, Robert E (Robert) wrote:

Our outsourced IT department has decided to use white listing on the firewalls 
for outbound ftp.  I was given a list of sites our lab had accessed via ftp and 
eventually tracked them down to Linux machines running yum.  They are all 
CentOS 5 or 6 with a smattering of 7.  It is impractical to list all the 
possibilities since they change on a regular basis.  Also any 3rd party repos 
we need are another ball of wax.

Various Google searches and the manual page have not shown me how to avoid 
using ftp mirrors.  I have considered taking out the ftp-proxy information so 
that the ftp cannot get out, but I suspect it will just hang waiting for a 

Does anyone have any suggestions on ways to tell yum not to use ftp as the 
download mechanism?

Thank you in advance.


FWIW, my Centos 7 install doesn't have ftp installed and yum has no
apparent issues.

I also, mainly, use Fedora (22 currently) and it hasn't had ftp
installed for a long time.  Of course it uses dnf now, not yum.

AFAIK yum and its successor dnf uses "libcurl" for the transfer, which
has "curl" as cli.

curl and wget both can use the ftp:// protocol, so the (non-)presence
of "ftp" is not a deciding factor.

Setting up a proxy that gives a "404"/deny on ftp:// is more helpful here.

 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Preventing laptop from sleeping when lid closed?

2015-10-13 Thread Yamaban

On Tue, 13 Oct 2015 18:12, Dave Johansen  wrote:

How can I prevent the laptop from sleeping when the lid is closed. I tried
messing with the settings in gnome-power-preferences but that doesn't seem
to prevent it when no one is logged in. Any suggestions?

With C7 that is caused by systemd.

Somewhere in /etc/systemd/logind.conf
there is a option about "suspend" or "lid"

"grep Lid /etc/systemd/logind.conf" gives:

"man 5 logind.conf" for further info on defaults
and how to configure.

 - Yamaban.
CentOS mailing list