Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-27 Thread Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu
On Sat, 2008-05-17 at 19:23 +0100, Karanbir Singh wrote:
 I've started liking roundcube a bit more than squirrelmail. but 
 roundcube is very basic. SquirrelMail has a *LOT* of plugins and can be 
 made to do almost anything these days. And the community around 
 squirrelmail is much larger than roundcube.

I recently started using RoundCube, and I like it primarily because it
has an awesome interface (compared to other web mail options in F/OSS

I agree that SquirrelMail is still much more functional.  With so many
plugins, users and better support, it's just about always the best

Having said that, I'm going to stick with RoundCube.  If SquirrelMail
ever gets a total interface overhaul, I'll most likely go back to it.


Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu
Linux i686 GNU/Linux 
21:30:46 up 31 days, 15:26, 2 users, load average: 0.62, 0.54, 0.46 

CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-20 Thread Michael Peterson
It works fine with Dovecot also.

-Original Message-
Of David G. Mackay
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2008 10:05 AM
To: CentOS mailing list
Subject: Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

On Sat, 2008-05-17 at 10:30 +0200, Rudi Ahlers wrote:
 Thank you for your input. I can't justify exchange (and don't want MS) 
 for 10 users. I do want IMAP though, and the calendar  address book 
 would be nice. This IMO has nothing todo with CentOS though, but at the 
 same time it shouldn't be limited to which Linux distro I'm using. As 
 you have said I may need to look at file system clustering instead, but 
 have never attempted it, so I don't know where to begin even. I know a 
 lot of MTA's can support a central user DB, but that won't sync the 
 emails. And this won't be a commercial installation either, it's for a 
 for a project in a rural community about 700km's from me, so it's more a 
 matter of if 1 server dies / crashes / packes up, and I can only get to 
 it 5 days later, the mail server still works :)

You might take a look at SquirrelMail.  It integrates well with cyrus


CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-19 Thread Ralph Angenendt
Christopher Chan wrote:
 Okay, Les helped me with that one. RAID1 on the network. So you would have 
 to use GFS or something like that with it and have the service down on the 
 secondary unless it was sendmail you were running.

No and yes. You can just use ext3 on both nodes as you normally only
have the one on the primary node mounted - the other one is not accessed
by anything. And yes, with heartbeat you just failover to the second
node, if the first one is dead. That will start the needed services on
the second node.


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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-19 Thread Christopher Chan

DRBD works approximately like raid1 mirroring.  Unless something breaks 
it shouldn't add much latency since the duplicate disk will run at 
approximately the same speed as the master.

RAID1 + network latency. Got it.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-19 Thread Christopher Chan

Karanbir Singh wrote:

Christopher Chan wrote:
I am sorry but I do not share that view for incoming mail. The latency 
in getting the mail replicated probably is longer than it takes to do 
the actually delivery to the mail store.

I am not sure what you mean by the word 'replication' but in most cases 
the user mail stores are on the same shared block device. And I've 
worked with an ISP recently that deliver between 12 to 16 million emails 
per day and dont have this problem of 'latency in replication'. Using 
exim and cyrus-imapd over 2 user facing nodes.

I thought we were talking about the queues? I agree and did say that the 
mail store should be on a distributed filesystem.

Besides, as John already pointed out, emails in the spools can hang 
around for days. I believe most MTA's only discard completely after 
7days of non delivery.

That default setting is no longer applicable today. Users will scream 
if they find out that their mails have been sitting in the queue for a 

Mail will wait with a delay if there is a problem with the remote end 
receiving the emails. Users will screan much more if they find that 
their emails are just going into /dev/null and they are having to work 
the retry mechanism by hand rather than their email server. Besides, if 
I send an email at 2am and there was a network outage at the remote end, 
its nice to know that

Some people would rather be informed that their email was not delivered 
within the hour and I do not see how not putting the queue on a shared 
network block device would lead to emails going into /dev/null. 
Obviously I would recommend at least raid1 for the local block device.

For today's businesses, one day can make or break a deal and so email, 
being a much faster form of communication than snail mail, has come to 
be seen as the preferred choice. People start calling when they know 
they are supposed to get an email in a minute or so when it does 

Your point is well made, however - email does normally go in a single 
stream. Its when there is a problem and a retry mechanism hasto kick in 
that there is a problem. Its only the crazy goons who develop MS 
Exchange who havent got their head around this problem, something solved 
by the general internet users about 25 years back.

You have lost me here. Besides the shoddy implementation of Exchange, 
especially in earlier versions, what about Exchange and its retry 

He is welcome to replicate the queue. His traffic levels will be so 
low that it really does not affect things but if he is using qmail I 
hope that the filesystem is completely identical on the secondary.

I personally hate qmail, its place is back in the 1990's - perhaps in 
the 1980's. But that is a pure personal opinion. I know there are plenty 
of people, some whom I even respect technically, who still use it :/

Yeah, I would not put an unpatched qmail on a MX nor do I feel like 
patching one. I use postfix with vpopmail instead notwithstanding 
vpopmailś deep links with qmail.
Also, you seem confused about the filesystem on the secondary. Its not a 
different filesystem - its the same shared block device exposed to both 
machines. if the primary fails, its the same system that the secondy 
see's when its made live. the DRBD packages are included in CentOS - you 
should give it a try. One easy way to do this is setup 2 VM's and have a 
play there. its quite cool.

Okay, Les helped me with that one. RAID1 on the network. So you would 
have to use GFS or something like that with it and have the service down 
on the secondary unless it was sendmail you were running. Pretty much 
what I said except that I was not too sure with how DRBD works since I 
have heard about stuff like this that replicated on the hour or something.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-19 Thread Christopher Chan

John R Pierce wrote:

Christopher Chan wrote:
That default setting is no longer applicable today. Users will scream 
if they find out that their mails have been sitting in the queue for a 
day. For today's businesses, one day can make or break a deal and so 
email, being a much faster form of communication than snail mail, has 
come to be seen as the preferred choice. People start calling when 
they know they are supposed to get an email in a minute or so when it 
does materialize.

So you never send any email to anyone using greylisting?   thats odd, as 
its very common nowdays.greylisting servers will auto-reject the 
first attempt at sending an email, then accept it on a later retry 
(typically 10 or 15 minutes is the default retry interval for most mail 
servers).   This /guarantees/ email will sit in your outbound queue for 
at least one retry interval.

Yes, so I get to tell the users, sorry, Yahoo is up to its antics again. 
Maybe it will go through in an hour. What advantage would I have in 
putting the queue on a distributed filesystem if I have to ensure that 
the MTAs do not try to both access the queue if they are not sendmail 
versus the simplicity of a local mirrored disk setup for the queue?

I frequently run into outbound mail that sits in my queues for several 
hours, the destination servers may be too busy, or they may be offline 
for maintenance, many reasons.  There's a k12 school district up in 
Chico CA who's mail server seems to be down as often as its up, and 
there are several folks on that server who subscribe to various email 
lists I host.the mail gets through eventually.

Do you put your outbound mail queue on a distributed filesystem?

Email is /NOT/ IM.  If your users expect it to function like Instant 
Messaging, maybe you should suggest they use IM when they want immediate 
response with feedback.

I am not going to make an issue of their expectations and make them use 
something that is not necessarily available or allowed.

Email + attachments is not quite the same as IM + File Transfers
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-19 Thread Christopher Chan

Ralph Angenendt wrote:

Christopher Chan wrote:
Okay, Les helped me with that one. RAID1 on the network. So you would have 
to use GFS or something like that with it and have the service down on the 
secondary unless it was sendmail you were running.

No and yes. You can just use ext3 on both nodes as you normally only
have the one on the primary node mounted - the other one is not accessed
by anything. And yes, with heartbeat you just failover to the second
node, if the first one is dead. That will start the needed services on
the second node.

Are you positive that you can put ext3 on it and have it mounted on the 
secondary while the primary is happily hammering away without any ill 
effects? Have you done it?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-19 Thread Christopher Chan

Christopher Chan wrote:

Ralph Angenendt wrote:

Christopher Chan wrote:
Okay, Les helped me with that one. RAID1 on the network. So you would 
have to use GFS or something like that with it and have the service 
down on the secondary unless it was sendmail you were running.

No and yes. You can just use ext3 on both nodes as you normally only
have the one on the primary node mounted - the other one is not accessed
by anything. And yes, with heartbeat you just failover to the second
node, if the first one is dead. That will start the needed services on
the second node.

Are you positive that you can put ext3 on it and have it mounted on the 
secondary while the primary is happily hammering away without any ill 
effects? Have you done it?

Sorry, I did not read your mail through properly. Not mounted on the 
secondary, okay. Anyway, quite a fair bit off complexity there in making 
sure the network block device does not get mounted by both boxes at the 
same time.

Is it really worth the complexity when you can have both servers online 
running off their own disks for the mail queue without having to worry 
about the other guy? If the primary is so badly whatever that a queue on 
mirrored disks cannot be brought back online with a simple reboot, what 
chances are there that the network block device won't be a victim of the 
whatever and mess up the queue so that the secondary cannot use it?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-19 Thread Ralph Angenendt
Christopher Chan wrote:
 Ralph Angenendt wrote:
 No and yes. You can just use ext3 on both nodes as you normally only
 have the one on the primary node mounted - the other one is not accessed
 by anything. And yes, with heartbeat you just failover to the second
 node, if the first one is dead. That will start the needed services on
 the second node.

 Are you positive that you can put ext3 on it and have it mounted on the 
 secondary while the primary is happily hammering away without any ill 
 effects? Have you done it?

No, you do *not* mount it on the secondary while the primary is happily
hammering away. heartbeat takes care of mounting and of the secondary
becoming primary in case of a failover.

There are primary/primary setups possible with drbd and gfs if you need
both nodes to be exported at the same time - but that's not needed nor
recommended in a failover situation.


Description: PGP signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-19 Thread Christopher Chan

Ralph Angenendt wrote:

Christopher Chan wrote:

Ralph Angenendt wrote:

No and yes. You can just use ext3 on both nodes as you normally only
have the one on the primary node mounted - the other one is not accessed
by anything. And yes, with heartbeat you just failover to the second
node, if the first one is dead. That will start the needed services on
the second node.
Are you positive that you can put ext3 on it and have it mounted on the 
secondary while the primary is happily hammering away without any ill 
effects? Have you done it?

No, you do *not* mount it on the secondary while the primary is happily
hammering away. heartbeat takes care of mounting and of the secondary
becoming primary in case of a failover.

Yes, I am sorry, I did not read your mail through. Heartbeat takes care 
of the mounting eh?

There are primary/primary setups possible with drbd and gfs if you need
both nodes to be exported at the same time - but that's not needed nor
recommended in a failover situation.

Why would it not be recommended for a failover situation?
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-19 Thread William L. Maltby
On Sun, 2008-05-18 at 23:50 +0100, Karanbir Singh wrote:
 Christopher Chan wrote:

  Besides, as John already pointed out, emails in the spools can hang 
  around for days. I believe most MTA's only discard completely after 
  7days of non delivery.
  That default setting is no longer applicable today. Users will scream if 
  they find out that their mails have been sitting in the queue for a day. 
 Mail will wait with a delay if there is a problem with the remote end 
 receiving the emails. Users will screan much more if they find that 
 their emails are just going into /dev/null and they are having to work 
 the retry mechanism by hand rather than their email server. Besides, if 
 I send an email at 2am and there was a network outage at the remote end, 
 its nice to know that
  For today's businesses, one day can make or break a deal and so email, 
  being a much faster form of communication than snail mail, has come to 
  be seen as the preferred choice. People start calling when they know 
  they are supposed to get an email in a minute or so when it does 
 Your point is well made, however - email does normally go in a single 
 stream. Its when there is a problem and a retry mechanism hasto kick in 
 that there is a problem. Its only the crazy goons who develop MS 
 Exchange who havent got their head around this problem, something solved 
 by the general internet users about 25 years back.

Only as a bit of interesting (to me) FYI: actually when we were using
uucp for mail prior to the widespread deployment of the internet, this
was solved in the same way it is now. I worked for Western Electric at
the time and made a presentation to DARPA down at the U of Georgia
demonstrating how interactive terminal-to-terminal communication and
inter-node mail could be facilitated using UNIX (R).

Needless to say, there were some very bright folks there. We began
hearing about something called internet that would be coming on the
scene. First application was for defense. Then it spread to colleges and

I must have shipped out 200-300 UNIX (R) distributions on tape (the big
ones) to colleges and government organizations in the next year. And
volume kept growing.

Anyway, the point is that the problem was solved in the 1978 - 1979 time
frame. So its at least 30 years.



CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-19 Thread Ralph Angenendt
Christopher Chan wrote:
 Ralph Angenendt wrote:
 There are primary/primary setups possible with drbd and gfs if you need
 both nodes to be exported at the same time - but that's not needed nor
 recommended in a failover situation.

 Why would it not be recommended for a failover situation?

Because it would be shooting cannons at birds in this particular case.
If you need to expose both nodes to the public all the time, you
probably also run the software on both nodes - which would be more of a
cluster than a failover setup :)



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CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-19 Thread Rudi Ahlers

Ralph Angenendt wrote:

Christopher Chan wrote:

Ralph Angenendt wrote:

There are primary/primary setups possible with drbd and gfs if you need
both nodes to be exported at the same time - but that's not needed nor
recommended in a failover situation.


Why would it not be recommended for a failover situation?

Because it would be shooting cannons at birds in this particular case.
If you need to expose both nodes to the public all the time, you
probably also run the software on both nodes - which would be more of a
cluster than a failover setup :)



CentOS mailing list
But, a cluster in itself is fail over :) If either node is dead, the 
cluster is still up


Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
CEO, SoftDux

Check out my technical blog, for Linux or other 
technical stuff, or visit for Web Hosting stuff

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-19 Thread Ralph Angenendt
Rudi Ahlers wrote:
 Ralph Angenendt wrote:
 Because it would be shooting cannons at birds in this particular case.
 If you need to expose both nodes to the public all the time, you
 probably also run the software on both nodes - which would be more of a
 cluster than a failover setup :)
 But, a cluster in itself is fail over :) If either node is dead, the 
 cluster is still up

I really wouldn't always count on that :)



Description: PGP signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-19 Thread Les Mikesell

Christopher Chan wrote:

Sorry, I did not read your mail through properly. Not mounted on the 
secondary, okay. Anyway, quite a fair bit off complexity there in making 
sure the network block device does not get mounted by both boxes at the 
same time.

Is it really worth the complexity when you can have both servers online 
running off their own disks for the mail queue without having to worry 
about the other guy? If the primary is so badly whatever that a queue on 
mirrored disks cannot be brought back online with a simple reboot, what 
chances are there that the network block device won't be a victim of the 
whatever and mess up the queue so that the secondary cannot use it?

That's generally my reasoning in thinking that simple raid1 mirrors on 
the primary with swappable disks and a spare powered-off chassis are 
probably more robust.  You do need someone on-site capable of swapping 
the disks if you have a motherboard/power supply failure but with 
server-class equipment and a good UPS those are pretty rare.  You also 
need additional backups, since an operator or software error could take 
out your online filesystem including the mirrored side.

  Les Mikesell

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-18 Thread John R Pierce

Christopher Chan wrote:

re: mail servers specifically, there are two seperate classes of 
storage that would need replication...  One is the mail spools and 
queues as used by the MTA (postfix, sendmail, etc), and the other are 
the user mail folder(s) as used by the local delivery agent (procmail 
or whattever), and read by the mail client (pop, imap).

No, mail spools/queues do not need replication. Stuff in the queue are 
usually deleted in a second and such dynamic change is not worth 
replicating. If you do put the queue on a distributed filesystem, in 
most cases you cannot have more than one instance running save for 

outbound mail can sit in queues retrying for hours negotiating their way 
into the greylists of the likes of Yahoo.I guess if you don't mind 
the possibility of messages getting lost around a server failure event, 
then its no big deal, for sure.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-18 Thread Rudi Ahlers

John R Pierce wrote:

Christopher Chan wrote:

re: mail servers specifically, there are two seperate classes of 
storage that would need replication...  One is the mail spools and 
queues as used by the MTA (postfix, sendmail, etc), and the other 
are the user mail folder(s) as used by the local delivery agent 
(procmail or whattever), and read by the mail client (pop, imap).

No, mail spools/queues do not need replication. Stuff in the queue 
are usually deleted in a second and such dynamic change is not worth 
replicating. If you do put the queue on a distributed filesystem, in 
most cases you cannot have more than one instance running save for 

outbound mail can sit in queues retrying for hours negotiating their 
way into the greylists of the likes of Yahoo.I guess if you don't 
mind the possibility of messages getting lost around a server failure 
event, then its no big deal, for sure.

CentOS mailing list

No, I'm not concerned about outbound mail. Chances are if the server's 
HDD has crashed, the email will either still be on the user's PC, or on 
the 2nd server. Or if it's not the HDD, then the email will be sent once 
the server is back online again.

I'm concerned about mail storage, since the server  USB HDD is the only 
backups. The users PC's isn't being backed up, everything on the LAN 
resides on the two servers, and one of the two servers backup to a USB 
HDD every night


Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
CEO, SoftDux

Check out my technical blog, for Linux or other 
technical stuff, or visit for Web Hosting stuff

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-18 Thread Christopher Chan

Rudi Ahlers wrote:

Karanbir Singh wrote:

Rudi Ahlers wrote:
Well, that's one of the problems I foresee, but also the fact that 
each email has a unique message ID, so I don't know if the backup 
server will pickup the changed messages ID's or not? I have been 
thinking of running a MySQL backed mail server, but have a feeling it 
will have a heavy impact on performance

I'm referring to the way qmail stores emails (if each email is a 
different file). AFAIK, this is a known problem with clustered mails 

Maildir is in use by almost all MTAs available on Unix/Linux or can be 
supported by available LDA's such as procmail/maildrop. Keeping the mail 
store in sync with the backup server whether by rsync or instantly by 
using a distributed filesystem will solve whatever problem you are 
thinking of in this respect.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-18 Thread Christopher Chan

No, mail spools/queues do not need replication. Stuff in the queue are 
usually deleted in a second and such dynamic change is not worth 
replicating. If you do put the queue on a distributed filesystem, in 
most cases you cannot have more than one instance running save for 

outbound mail can sit in queues retrying for hours negotiating their way 
into the greylists of the likes of Yahoo.I guess if you don't mind 
the possibility of messages getting lost around a server failure event, 
then its no big deal, for sure.

That only leaves putting the queue on a distributed filesystem. 
Replication will not be a complete solution to that and qmail queues 
cannot be replicated.

Then there is the question of whether to leave a message in the queue 
for more than 4 hours given the expectation of email to be more or less 

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-18 Thread Johnny Hughes

Rudi Ahlers wrote:

Karanbir Singh wrote:

Rudi Ahlers wrote:
Well, that's one of the problems I foresee, but also the fact that 
each email has a unique message ID, so I don't know if the backup 
server will pickup the changed messages ID's or not? I have been 
thinking of running a MySQL backed mail server, but have a feeling it 
will have a heavy impact on performance

DRBD is a block device ... there is no difference in a database or 
files.  I database in the shared partition is JUST a file anyway :D

umm. message-ID's are added at mail origin time ( or the first time 
they come in contact with a non brain dead mta ).

me thinks you need to read up a bit on what email is and how it works. 
the RFC's are a good place to start ( and mostly readable ).

I'm referring to the way qmail stores emails (if each email is a 
different file). AFAIK, this is a known problem with clustered mails 

DRBD is not really clustered in that since, at least not the normal setup.

DRBD is BASICALLY raid1 for specific hard drive partition.  It does not 
copy files, it copies underlying bits directly as a block device.

I use DRBD effectively on Domain Controllers / File Servers and on 
e-mail servers.  I have MySQL databases and LDAP databases and 
Qmailtoaster in the box on these with no problems whatsoever.

There is a way to setup a Primary-Primary type on a clustered file 
system like GFS or OCFS2, however that is not the main purpose of DRBD. 
 The main purpose is to replicate a partition and fail it over to 
another machine when the first one fails.

Both partitions in a DRBD group are not mounted at the same time (much 
like RAID1) and you only access what is know as the secondary device 
when it becomes primary, unless you use the Primary-Primary setup.  But 
there are much better ways (IMHO) to achieve Primary-Primary effect with 
other clustering technologies like LVS or RHCS/RHGFS.

Johnny Hughes

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-18 Thread Karanbir Singh

Christopher Chan wrote:
No, mail spools/queues do not need replication. Stuff in the queue are 
usually deleted in a second and such dynamic change is not worth 
replicating. If you do put the queue on a distributed filesystem, in 
most cases you cannot have more than one instance running save for 

I think your statement here is flawed, in that if there is even a single 
bit of the process you dont replicate - you've already lost the HA game.

Besides, as John already pointed out, emails in the spools can hang 
around for days. I believe most MTA's only discard completely after 
7days of non delivery.

the OP is taking about DRBD in a primary- secondary setup, in which 
case, there wont be a clustered filesystem on the block device, and 
there will only really be one instance of the real app running.

Karanbir Singh :  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-18 Thread Ruslan Sivak

David G. Mackay wrote:

On Sat, 2008-05-17 at 10:30 +0200, Rudi Ahlers wrote:
Thank you for your input. I can't justify exchange (and don't want MS) 
for 10 users. I do want IMAP though, and the calendar  address book 
would be nice. This IMO has nothing todo with CentOS though, but at the 
same time it shouldn't be limited to which Linux distro I'm using. As 
you have said I may need to look at file system clustering instead, but 
have never attempted it, so I don't know where to begin even. I know a 
lot of MTA's can support a central user DB, but that won't sync the 
emails. And this won't be a commercial installation either, it's for a 
for a project in a rural community about 700km's from me, so it's more a 
matter of if 1 server dies / crashes / packes up, and I can only get to 
it 5 days later, the mail server still works :)

You might take a look at SquirrelMail.  It integrates well with cyrus


I'm not sure why nobody has asked this yet, but why not try hosted GMail 
instead?  It's free and you can use it with your domain name.  We 
currently run a linux based mail server, but are thinking of migrating 
over to hosted GMail, and have one so for a few clients already with no 

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-18 Thread Rudi Ahlers

Ruslan Sivak wrote:

David G. Mackay wrote:

On Sat, 2008-05-17 at 10:30 +0200, Rudi Ahlers wrote:
Thank you for your input. I can't justify exchange (and don't want 
MS) for 10 users. I do want IMAP though, and the calendar  address 
book would be nice. This IMO has nothing todo with CentOS though, 
but at the same time it shouldn't be limited to which Linux distro 
I'm using. As you have said I may need to look at file system 
clustering instead, but have never attempted it, so I don't know 
where to begin even. I know a lot of MTA's can support a central 
user DB, but that won't sync the emails. And this won't be a 
commercial installation either, it's for a for a project in a rural 
community about 700km's from me, so it's more a matter of if 1 
server dies / crashes / packes up, and I can only get to it 5 days 
later, the mail server still works :)

You might take a look at SquirrelMail.  It integrates well with cyrus


I'm not sure why nobody has asked this yet, but why not try hosted 
GMail instead?  It's free and you can use it with your domain name.  
We currently run a linux based mail server, but are thinking of 
migrating over to hosted GMail, and have one so for a few clients 
already with no problems.

Simple, you need to be connected to the internet 24/7 to use something 
like hosted gmail :) Not everyone has 24/7 broadband internet


Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
CEO, SoftDux

Check out my technical blog, for Linux or other 
technical stuff, or visit for Web Hosting stuff

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-18 Thread Guy Boisvert

Ruslan Sivak wrote:

David G. Mackay wrote:
I'm not sure why nobody has asked this yet, but why not try hosted GMail 
instead?  It's free and you can use it with your domain name.  We 
currently run a linux based mail server, but are thinking of migrating 
over to hosted GMail, and have one so for a few clients already with no 


Well, i just hope you don't have anything secret or sensitive...  With 
their search power, it's very easy to automate the info harvesting!

I'm not saying they do it, but they surely have the technology.

Guy Boisvert, ing.
IngTegration inc.
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-18 Thread Christopher Chan

Karanbir Singh wrote:

Christopher Chan wrote:
No, mail spools/queues do not need replication. Stuff in the queue are 
usually deleted in a second and such dynamic change is not worth 
replicating. If you do put the queue on a distributed filesystem, in 
most cases you cannot have more than one instance running save for 

I think your statement here is flawed, in that if there is even a single 
bit of the process you dont replicate - you've already lost the HA game.

I am sorry but I do not share that view for incoming mail. The latency 
in getting the mail replicated probably is longer than it takes to do 
the actually delivery to the mail store.

Besides, as John already pointed out, emails in the spools can hang 
around for days. I believe most MTA's only discard completely after 
7days of non delivery.

That default setting is no longer applicable today. Users will scream if 
they find out that their mails have been sitting in the queue for a day. 
For today's businesses, one day can make or break a deal and so email, 
being a much faster form of communication than snail mail, has come to 
be seen as the preferred choice. People start calling when they know 
they are supposed to get an email in a minute or so when it does 

the OP is taking about DRBD in a primary- secondary setup, in which 
case, there wont be a clustered filesystem on the block device, and 
there will only really be one instance of the real app running.

He is welcome to replicate the queue. His traffic levels will be so low 
that it really does not affect things but if he is using qmail I hope 
that the filesystem is completely identical on the secondary.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-18 Thread Les Mikesell

Christopher Chan wrote:

No, mail spools/queues do not need replication. Stuff in the queue 
are usually deleted in a second and such dynamic change is not worth 
replicating. If you do put the queue on a distributed filesystem, in 
most cases you cannot have more than one instance running save for 

I think your statement here is flawed, in that if there is even a 
single bit of the process you dont replicate - you've already lost the 
HA game.

I am sorry but I do not share that view for incoming mail. The latency 
in getting the mail replicated probably is longer than it takes to do 
the actually delivery to the mail store.

DRBD works approximately like raid1 mirroring.  Unless something breaks 
it shouldn't add much latency since the duplicate disk will run at 
approximately the same speed as the master.

  Les Mikesell
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-18 Thread Karanbir Singh

Christopher Chan wrote:
I am sorry but I do not share that view for incoming mail. The latency 
in getting the mail replicated probably is longer than it takes to do 
the actually delivery to the mail store.

I am not sure what you mean by the word 'replication' but in most cases 
the user mail stores are on the same shared block device. And I've 
worked with an ISP recently that deliver between 12 to 16 million emails 
per day and dont have this problem of 'latency in replication'. Using 
exim and cyrus-imapd over 2 user facing nodes.

Besides, as John already pointed out, emails in the spools can hang 
around for days. I believe most MTA's only discard completely after 
7days of non delivery.

That default setting is no longer applicable today. Users will scream if 
they find out that their mails have been sitting in the queue for a day. 

Mail will wait with a delay if there is a problem with the remote end 
receiving the emails. Users will screan much more if they find that 
their emails are just going into /dev/null and they are having to work 
the retry mechanism by hand rather than their email server. Besides, if 
I send an email at 2am and there was a network outage at the remote end, 
its nice to know that

For today's businesses, one day can make or break a deal and so email, 
being a much faster form of communication than snail mail, has come to 
be seen as the preferred choice. People start calling when they know 
they are supposed to get an email in a minute or so when it does 

Your point is well made, however - email does normally go in a single 
stream. Its when there is a problem and a retry mechanism hasto kick in 
that there is a problem. Its only the crazy goons who develop MS 
Exchange who havent got their head around this problem, something solved 
by the general internet users about 25 years back.

He is welcome to replicate the queue. His traffic levels will be so low 
that it really does not affect things but if he is using qmail I hope 
that the filesystem is completely identical on the secondary.

I personally hate qmail, its place is back in the 1990's - perhaps in 
the 1980's. But that is a pure personal opinion. I know there are plenty 
of people, some whom I even respect technically, who still use it :/

Also, you seem confused about the filesystem on the secondary. Its not a 
different filesystem - its the same shared block device exposed to both 
machines. if the primary fails, its the same system that the secondy 
see's when its made live. the DRBD packages are included in CentOS - you 
should give it a try. One easy way to do this is setup 2 VM's and have a 
play there. its quite cool.

Karanbir Singh :  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-18 Thread John R Pierce

Christopher Chan wrote:
That default setting is no longer applicable today. Users will scream 
if they find out that their mails have been sitting in the queue for a 
day. For today's businesses, one day can make or break a deal and so 
email, being a much faster form of communication than snail mail, has 
come to be seen as the preferred choice. People start calling when 
they know they are supposed to get an email in a minute or so when it 
does materialize.

So you never send any email to anyone using greylisting?   thats odd, as 
its very common nowdays.greylisting servers will auto-reject the 
first attempt at sending an email, then accept it on a later retry 
(typically 10 or 15 minutes is the default retry interval for most mail 
servers).   This /guarantees/ email will sit in your outbound queue for 
at least one retry interval.

I frequently run into outbound mail that sits in my queues for several 
hours, the destination servers may be too busy, or they may be offline 
for maintenance, many reasons.  There's a k12 school district up in 
Chico CA who's mail server seems to be down as often as its up, and 
there are several folks on that server who subscribe to various email 
lists I host.the mail gets through eventually.

Email is /NOT/ IM.  If your users expect it to function like Instant 
Messaging, maybe you should suggest they use IM when they want immediate 
response with feedback.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-18 Thread John R Pierce

Rudi Ahlers wrote:
Simple, you need to be connected to the internet 24/7 to use something 
like hosted gmail :) Not everyone has 24/7 broadband internet

your mail server would need to be connected 24/7 to recieve mail anyways.

and, you can use gmail with POP or IMAP, and with many IMAP clients you 
can have local copies of your imap folders that synchronize on connect 
(and of course all POP clients do this anyways)

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-17 Thread Christopher Chan

I don't have a problem to solve, but I don't know which mail server to 
use either. But, like I said, ideally I'd like to use one of the 
groupware type mailserver (POP3, SMTP, IMAP, calendar, address book, etc)

What you want is a centralised and yet distributed user information 
database whether mysql, postgresql, ldap and centralised but yet 
distributed mail storage. Just about any MTA that can be installed on 
Centos will support the first be it qmail, sendmail, postfix or exim. 
IMAP/POP3 wise, dovecot or courier-imap can also support the first. The 
second is best to hide from the application layer by implementing it at 
the file system level with say GFS. Address book can be plain old ldap. 
Calendar...sorry that is even more integrating. You might want to try 
JES (Java Enterprise System) besides the others that you have mentioned. 
Thunderbird has calendar support. Oh, happy integrating and interface 
buliding/modifying for this lot.

If you are looking for a server solution for outlook, please just go and 
either get Exchange or go trouble the guys running OX and so on because 
Centos has zero solutions that support Outlook with all its features in 

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-17 Thread Rudi Ahlers

Christopher Chan wrote:

I don't have a problem to solve, but I don't know which mail server 
to use either. But, like I said, ideally I'd like to use one of the 
groupware type mailserver (POP3, SMTP, IMAP, calendar, address book, 

What you want is a centralised and yet distributed user information 
database whether mysql, postgresql, ldap and centralised but yet 
distributed mail storage. Just about any MTA that can be installed on 
Centos will support the first be it qmail, sendmail, postfix or exim. 
IMAP/POP3 wise, dovecot or courier-imap can also support the first. 
The second is best to hide from the application layer by implementing 
it at the file system level with say GFS. Address book can be plain 
old ldap. Calendar...sorry that is even more integrating. You might 
want to try JES (Java Enterprise System) besides the others that you 
have mentioned. Thunderbird has calendar support. Oh, happy 
integrating and interface buliding/modifying for this lot.

If you are looking for a server solution for outlook, please just go 
and either get Exchange or go trouble the guys running OX and so on 
because Centos has zero solutions that support Outlook with all its 
features in force.


Thank you for your input. I can't justify exchange (and don't want MS) 
for 10 users. I do want IMAP though, and the calendar  address book 
would be nice. This IMO has nothing todo with CentOS though, but at the 
same time it shouldn't be limited to which Linux distro I'm using. As 
you have said I may need to look at file system clustering instead, but 
have never attempted it, so I don't know where to begin even. I know a 
lot of MTA's can support a central user DB, but that won't sync the 
emails. And this won't be a commercial installation either, it's for a 
for a project in a rural community about 700km's from me, so it's more a 
matter of if 1 server dies / crashes / packes up, and I can only get to 
it 5 days later, the mail server still works :)


Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
CEO, SoftDux

Check out my technical blog, for Linux or other 
technical stuff, or visit for Web Hosting stuff

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-17 Thread Rudi Ahlers

Karanbir Singh wrote:

Rudi Ahlers wrote:

I'm looking for a working HOWTO / Tutorial / sample setup of setting
up a clustered email server. I know I can setup a CentOS cluster with

I don't have a problem to solve, but I don't know which mail server to
use either. But, like I said, ideally I'd like to use one of the
groupware type mailserver (POP3, SMTP, IMAP, calendar, address book, etc)

Well, I am sure you have some reason to setup a cluster. Is it for
failover / redundancy ? or is it for higher performance ? or is it to
distribute load geographically ? distribute load by service ?

You need to first work out what you want to do. What setup and howto set
it up will depend on what you are trying to achieve ( = what problem you
are trying to solve ). However, keep in mind that anything more than
small to small medium setups for mail storage usually end at Cyrus.

- KB

PS: try trimming your replies to remove unneeded content

Hey Karanbir

I'm trying to achieve a simple fail over solution, for a small rural 
clinic, about 700KM's away, which we have sponsored, so there's no money 
involved and I can't afford / justify exchange (don't want to go the MS 
route in anycase), Zimbra or any of those.

For fail over on the webserver  samba, the heartbeat + rsync works 
well, but I don't know where to look for the email stuff. I don't need 
anything fancy, but a shared calendar  address book would be great. 
It's a 10 user network


Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
CEO, SoftDux

Check out my technical blog, for Linux or other 
technical stuff, or visit for Web Hosting stuff

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-17 Thread Christopher Chan

Thank you for your input. I can't justify exchange (and don't want MS) 
for 10 users. I do want IMAP though, and the calendar  address book 
would be nice. This IMO has nothing todo with CentOS though, but at the 
same time it shouldn't be limited to which Linux distro I'm using. As 
you have said I may need to look at file system clustering instead, but 
have never attempted it, so I don't know where to begin even. I know a 
lot of MTA's can support a central user DB, but that won't sync the 
emails. And this won't be a commercial installation either, it's for a 
for a project in a rural community about 700km's from me, so it's more a 
matter of if 1 server dies / crashes / packes up, and I can only get to 
it 5 days later, the mail server still works :)

I don't know how cyrus does its clustering. You can check to see if it 
supports deliveries to all members of the cluster or whether it is only 
to a master.

No MTA out there cares about managing mail storage or making it 
available although some do provide pop/imap or both for a total 
solution. You can try dual deliveries. One to main box and another to 
the backup but there is simply no guarantee of the mail stores being 
kept in sync. If you can get GFS setup, that would be best but then that 
also involves a few boxes from what I understand...that is storage boxes 
and then combination smtp/imap boxes which will act as clients to the 
storage boxes. You could try installing opensolaris on the storage boxes 
such as the new Indiana release and use zfs to export the disk space as 
iscsi targets for GFS on the combination smtp/imap boxes. You could put 
smtp and imap on the same webserver/samba boxes too and put all your 
data on the opensolaris boxes...but I take it you already have those up 
and running.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-17 Thread David G. Mackay
On Sat, 2008-05-17 at 10:30 +0200, Rudi Ahlers wrote:
 Thank you for your input. I can't justify exchange (and don't want MS) 
 for 10 users. I do want IMAP though, and the calendar  address book 
 would be nice. This IMO has nothing todo with CentOS though, but at the 
 same time it shouldn't be limited to which Linux distro I'm using. As 
 you have said I may need to look at file system clustering instead, but 
 have never attempted it, so I don't know where to begin even. I know a 
 lot of MTA's can support a central user DB, but that won't sync the 
 emails. And this won't be a commercial installation either, it's for a 
 for a project in a rural community about 700km's from me, so it's more a 
 matter of if 1 server dies / crashes / packes up, and I can only get to 
 it 5 days later, the mail server still works :)

You might take a look at SquirrelMail.  It integrates well with cyrus


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-17 Thread Karanbir Singh

Rudi Ahlers wrote:
For fail over on the webserver  samba, the heartbeat + rsync works 
well, but I don't know where to look for the email stuff. I don't need 
anything fancy, but a shared calendar  address book would be great. 
It's a 10 user network

email is essentially an on-disk setup, so just setup any software you 
want ( I recommend roundcube over squirrelmail as a nice web interface - 
basic, but usable ).

Just put the email storage on the drbd mounted drive and you should be ok.

Karanbir Singh :  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-17 Thread Karanbir Singh

David G. Mackay wrote:

You might take a look at SquirrelMail.  It integrates well with cyrus

I've started liking roundcube a bit more than squirrelmail. but 
roundcube is very basic. SquirrelMail has a *LOT* of plugins and can be 
made to do almost anything these days. And the community around 
squirrelmail is much larger than roundcube.

Another candidate is Horde+IMP ( which Johnny maintains in the centos 
repos )

Karanbir Singh :  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-17 Thread John R Pierce

Karanbir Singh wrote:
email is essentially an on-disk setup, so just setup any software you 
want ( I recommend roundcube over squirrelmail as a nice web interface 
- basic, but usable ).

Just put the email storage on the drbd mounted drive and you should be 

drbd is asynchronous replication, isn't it?so if the active 'master' 
fails just as its written and acknowledged an incoming message, that 
message could be lost if the replication hasn't completed by the time of 
failure ?

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-17 Thread Karanbir Singh

John R Pierce wrote:
drbd is asynchronous replication, isn't it?so if the active 'master' 
fails just as its written and acknowledged an incoming message, that 
message could be lost if the replication hasn't completed by the time of 
failure ?

I believe you can run DRBD so primary writes dont return till the 
secondary write also completes. No idea how that impacts performance :D

Karanbir Singh :  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-17 Thread Rudi Ahlers

Karanbir Singh wrote:

David G. Mackay wrote:

You might take a look at SquirrelMail.  It integrates well with cyrus

I've started liking roundcube a bit more than squirrelmail. but 
roundcube is very basic. SquirrelMail has a *LOT* of plugins and can 
be made to do almost anything these days. And the community around 
squirrelmail is much larger than roundcube.

Another candidate is Horde+IMP ( which Johnny maintains in the centos 
repos )

Sorry guys, I want to stick with a SMTP / IMAP / POP3 server, not 
webmail. I'll be using Horde for webmail as well though


Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
CEO, SoftDux

Check out my technical blog, for Linux or other 
technical stuff, or visit for Web Hosting stuff

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-17 Thread John R Pierce

Rudi Ahlers wrote:
Sorry guys, I want to stick with a SMTP / IMAP / POP3 server, not 
webmail. I'll be using Horde for webmail as well though

there are two general classes of clustered systems, high availability, 
and high performance.

HA clusters are usually active/standby, and might use stuff like 
heartbeat, drbd, etc.

HP clusters are either load balanced, or active/active...  Things that 
demand ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) like 
databases, mail servers are very complex to cluster this way on a 
active/active (aka multimaster) environment while maintaining the 
integrity and a reasonable performance.  just implementing load 
balancing does not by itself provide any redundancy in case of component 
failure.   A simple load balancing scenario for a mail server might be 
having one server to handle all internet mail incoming and outgoing, 
while another server handles local users reading their mail (eg, pop or 

its best to define your requirements and expectations before diving into 
these waters, as clusters can be far more complex and intricate to 
configure and administrate than discrete systems.

re: mail servers specifically, there are two seperate classes of storage 
that would need replication...  One is the mail spools and queues as 
used by the MTA (postfix, sendmail, etc), and the other are the user 
mail folder(s) as used by the local delivery agent (procmail or 
whattever), and read by the mail client (pop, imap).

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-17 Thread Karanbir Singh

Rudi Ahlers wrote:
Well, that's one of the problems I foresee, but also the fact that each 
email has a unique message ID, so I don't know if the backup server will 
pickup the changed messages ID's or not? I have been thinking of running 
a MySQL backed mail server, but have a feeling it will have a heavy 
impact on performance

umm. message-ID's are added at mail origin time ( or the first time they 
come in contact with a non brain dead mta ).

me thinks you need to read up a bit on what email is and how it works. 
the RFC's are a good place to start ( and mostly readable ).

Karanbir Singh :  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-17 Thread Jure Pečar
On Sat, 17 May 2008 20:09:50 +0100
Karanbir Singh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I believe you can run DRBD so primary writes dont return till the 
 secondary write also completes. No idea how that impacts performance :D

Default mode of drbd operation is synchronous as you mention and its
performance is purely dependant of underlying block device. Having a gig of
battery backed write cache on each side helps :)
Asynchronous mode of operation is actually a special case for drbd and is
primarily meant for geographically distributed setups that replicate data
over wan.

But as the opening poster said he has a small number of users, drbd with
standard sata disks should be fast enough.


Jure Pečar
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-17 Thread Les Mikesell

Rudi Ahlers wrote:

You might take a look at SquirrelMail.  It integrates well with cyrus

I've started liking roundcube a bit more than squirrelmail. but 
roundcube is very basic. SquirrelMail has a *LOT* of plugins and can 
be made to do almost anything these days. And the community around 
squirrelmail is much larger than roundcube.

Another candidate is Horde+IMP ( which Johnny maintains in the centos 
repos )

Sorry guys, I want to stick with a SMTP / IMAP / POP3 server, not 
webmail. I'll be using Horde for webmail as well though

Webmail normally just uses the underlying smtp/imap access to the 
underlying server anyway.  If you want something that comes up running 
with samba, web/ftp services and email with optional web interface you 
might like SME server ( which has Centos 
packages plus a simple web administration interface.  I'm not sure if it 
can be set up with drbd/failover but I've always had pretty good luck 
running software RAID on swappable disks that can be moved to a 
different chassis in the event of a motherboard or power supply failure.

  Les Mikesell

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-17 Thread Christopher Chan

re: mail servers specifically, there are two seperate classes of storage 
that would need replication...  One is the mail spools and queues as 
used by the MTA (postfix, sendmail, etc), and the other are the user 
mail folder(s) as used by the local delivery agent (procmail or 
whattever), and read by the mail client (pop, imap).

No, mail spools/queues do not need replication. Stuff in the queue are 
usually deleted in a second and such dynamic change is not worth 
replicating. If you do put the queue on a distributed filesystem, in 
most cases you cannot have more than one instance running save for sendmail.

The only thing that the MTA needs is the user information database and 
that is what needs replicating both for the MTA and the pop/imap server 
software, not the queues.

Then the mail store, including configuration files for the local 
delivery agent in use, needs replication.

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-17 Thread Rudi Ahlers

Les Mikesell wrote:

Rudi Ahlers wrote:

You might take a look at SquirrelMail.  It integrates well with cyrus

I've started liking roundcube a bit more than squirrelmail. but 
roundcube is very basic. SquirrelMail has a *LOT* of plugins and can 
be made to do almost anything these days. And the community around 
squirrelmail is much larger than roundcube.

Another candidate is Horde+IMP ( which Johnny maintains in the 
centos repos )

Sorry guys, I want to stick with a SMTP / IMAP / POP3 server, not 
webmail. I'll be using Horde for webmail as well though

Webmail normally just uses the underlying smtp/imap access to the 
underlying server anyway.  If you want something that comes up running 
with samba, web/ftp services and email with optional web interface you 
might like SME server ( which has Centos 
packages plus a simple web administration interface.  I'm not sure if 
it can be set up with drbd/failover but I've always had pretty good 
luck running software RAID on swappable disks that can be moved to a 
different chassis in the event of a motherboard or power supply failure.

We do use SME 7.3 already, and they have done a great job in getting all 
the common network services (SQL, Apache, FTP, Samba, POP3, SMTP, IMAP, 
VPN, etc) working out-of-the-box, but it doesn't support fail-over / 
clustering, and it's very proprietary - a lot of things can't just be 
changed the way a standard Linux server can be, without affecting the 


Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
CEO, SoftDux

Check out my technical blog, for Linux or other 
technical stuff, or visit for Web Hosting stuff

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-17 Thread Rudi Ahlers

Karanbir Singh wrote:

Rudi Ahlers wrote:
Well, that's one of the problems I foresee, but also the fact that 
each email has a unique message ID, so I don't know if the backup 
server will pickup the changed messages ID's or not? I have been 
thinking of running a MySQL backed mail server, but have a feeling it 
will have a heavy impact on performance

umm. message-ID's are added at mail origin time ( or the first time 
they come in contact with a non brain dead mta ).

me thinks you need to read up a bit on what email is and how it works. 
the RFC's are a good place to start ( and mostly readable ).

I'm referring to the way qmail stores emails (if each email is a 
different file). AFAIK, this is a known problem with clustered mails 


Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
CEO, SoftDux

Check out my technical blog, for Linux or other 
technical stuff, or visit for Web Hosting stuff

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-17 Thread Rudi Ahlers

John R Pierce wrote:

Rudi Ahlers wrote:
Sorry guys, I want to stick with a SMTP / IMAP / POP3 server, not 
webmail. I'll be using Horde for webmail as well though

there are two general classes of clustered systems, high availability, 
and high performance.

HA clusters are usually active/standby, and might use stuff like 
heartbeat, drbd, etc.

HP clusters are either load balanced, or active/active...  Things that 
demand ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) like 
databases, mail servers are very complex to cluster this way on a 
active/active (aka multimaster) environment while maintaining the 
integrity and a reasonable performance.  just implementing load 
balancing does not by itself provide any redundancy in case of 
component failure.   A simple load balancing scenario for a mail 
server might be having one server to handle all internet mail incoming 
and outgoing, while another server handles local users reading their 
mail (eg, pop or imap)

its best to define your requirements and expectations before diving 
into these waters, as clusters can be far more complex and intricate 
to configure and administrate than discrete systems.

re: mail servers specifically, there are two seperate classes of 
storage that would need replication...  One is the mail spools and 
queues as used by the MTA (postfix, sendmail, etc), and the other are 
the user mail folder(s) as used by the local delivery agent (procmail 
or whattever), and read by the mail client (pop, imap).


Ok, I see where you're going, and a bit of clarification is needed :)

I need a simple failover type cluster, where any 1 of the 2 machines 
currently in the cluster can handle anything. The client (a small 
rural clinic) is 700KM's away, and they do have frequent power failures, 
so bad that even the UPS' lifespan has shorten. This is a donated 
project, so funds (and hence equipment / reliable equipment) is limited. 
We currently have 2servers with Dual Core PIV + 2GB RAM + 2x 160GB HDD's 
each. The HDD's is setup on RAID1, and the two servers replicate MySQL 
on an active/active (Master - Master) replication. The intranet site  
file server data is being replicated via rsync. This all works well, but 
I need a mail server.

The main server will store all the emails (like an exchange server 
does), the users will use IMAP (so, a) it's backed up  b) they can 
always access their email from any workstation)  SMTP, with the ability 
to use POP3 from home / on the road. It would be nice to have a shared 
calendar  address book as well, so something like phpgroupware / open 
exchange / etc would be nice.

But, I don't need load balancing, just high availability


Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
CEO, SoftDux

Check out my technical blog, for Linux or other 
technical stuff, or visit for Web Hosting stuff

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-16 Thread Karanbir Singh

Rudi Ahlers wrote:
I'm looking for a working HOWTO / Tutorial / sample setup of setting up 
a clustered email server. I know I can setup a CentOS cluster with 
Heartbeat  drbd, but I'm not 100% convinced it will work for the email 
as well.

What problem are you trying to solve ? Cyrus-imapd has native 
replication for example.

- KB
CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-16 Thread Rudi Ahlers

Karanbir Singh wrote:

Rudi Ahlers wrote:
I'm looking for a working HOWTO / Tutorial / sample setup of setting 
up a clustered email server. I know I can setup a CentOS cluster with 
Heartbeat  drbd, but I'm not 100% convinced it will work for the 
email as well.

What problem are you trying to solve ? Cyrus-imapd has native 
replication for example.

- KB
CentOS mailing list

I don't have a problem to solve, but I don't know which mail server to 
use either. But, like I said, ideally I'd like to use one of the 
groupware type mailserver (POP3, SMTP, IMAP, calendar, address book, etc)


Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
CEO, SoftDux

Check out my technical blog, for Linux or other 
technical stuff, or visit for Web Hosting stuff

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] clustered mail server?

2008-05-16 Thread Karanbir Singh
Rudi Ahlers wrote:
 I'm looking for a working HOWTO / Tutorial / sample setup of setting
 up a clustered email server. I know I can setup a CentOS cluster with
 I don't have a problem to solve, but I don't know which mail server to
 use either. But, like I said, ideally I'd like to use one of the
 groupware type mailserver (POP3, SMTP, IMAP, calendar, address book, etc)

Well, I am sure you have some reason to setup a cluster. Is it for
failover / redundancy ? or is it for higher performance ? or is it to
distribute load geographically ? distribute load by service ?

You need to first work out what you want to do. What setup and howto set
it up will depend on what you are trying to achieve ( = what problem you
are trying to solve ). However, keep in mind that anything more than
small to small medium setups for mail storage usually end at Cyrus.

- KB

PS: try trimming your replies to remove unneeded content
Karanbir Singh : : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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