Re: [ceph-users] Managing OSDs on twin machines

2014-08-18 Thread Jason Harley
Hi Pierre —

You can manipulate your CRUSH map to make use of ‘chassis’ in addition to the 
default ‘host’ type.  I’ve done this with FatTwin and FatTwin^2 boxes with 
great success.

For more reading take a look at:

In particular the ‘Move a Bucket’ section:


On Aug 18, 2014, at 2:57 PM, Pierre Jaury wrote:

 Hello guys,
 I just acquired some brand new machines I would like to rely upon for a
 storage cluster (and some virtualization). These machines are, however,
 « twin servers », ie. each blade (1U) comes with two different machines
 but a single psu.
 I think two replicas would be enough for the intended purpose. Yet I
 cannot guarantee that all replicas of a given object are stored on two
 different blades.
 I basically have N blades, each blade has 2 distinct machines but a
 single psu, each machine has 2 hard drives. Is it possible to configure
 mutual exclusion between OSDs where replicas of a single object are stored?
 Pierre Jaury @ kaiyou
 ceph-users mailing list

ceph-users mailing list

[ceph-users] mon: leveldb checksum mismatch

2014-07-03 Thread Jason Harley
Hi list —

I’ve got a small dev. cluster: 3 OSD nodes with 6 disks/OSDs each and a single 
monitor (this, it seems, was my mistake).  The monitor node went down hard and 
it looks like the monitor’s db is in a funny state.  Running ‘ceph-mon’ 
manually with ‘debug_mon 20’ and ‘debug_ms 20’ gave the following:

 /usr/bin/ceph-mon -i monhost --mon-data /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-monhost 
 --debug_mon 20 --debug_ms 20 -d
 2014-07-03 23:20:55.800512 7f973918e7c0  0 ceph version 0.67.7 
 (d7ab4244396b57aac8b7e80812115bbd079e6b73), process ceph-mon, pid 24930
 Corruption: checksum mismatch
 Corruption: checksum mismatch
 2014-07-03 23:20:56.455797 7f973918e7c0 -1 failed to create new leveldb store

I attempted to make use of the leveldb Python library’s ‘RepairDB’ function, 
which just moves enough files into ‘lost’ that when running the monitor again 
I’m asked if I ran mkcephfs.

Any insight into resolving these two checksum mismatches so I can access my OSD 
data would be greatly appreciated.


p.s. I’m assuming that without the maps from the monitor, my OSD data is 
unrecoverable also.

ceph-users mailing list

Re: [ceph-users] mon: leveldb checksum mismatch

2014-07-03 Thread Jason Harley
Hi Joao,

On Jul 3, 2014, at 7:57 PM, Joao Eduardo Luis wrote:

 We don't have a way to repair leveldb.  Having multiple monitors usually help 
 with such tricky situations.

I know this, but for this small dev cluster I wasn’t thinking about corruption 
of my mon’s backing store.  Silly me :)

 According to this [1] the python bindings you're using may not be linked into 
 snappy, which we were using (mistakenly until recently) to compress data as 
 it goes into leveldb.  Not having those snappy bindings may be what's causing 
 all those files to be moved to lost instead.

I found the same posting, and confirmed that the ‘’ that ships with 
the ‘python-leveldb’ package on Ubuntu 13.10 links against ‘snappy’.

 The suggestion that the thread in [1] offers is to have the repair 
 functionality directly in the 'application' itself.  We could do this by 
 adding a repair option to ceph-kvstore-tool -- which could help.
 I'll be happy to get that into ceph-kvstore-tool tomorrow and push a branch 
 for you to compile and test.

I would be more than happy to try this out.  Without fixing these checksums, I 
think I’m reinitializing my cluster. :\

Thank you,
ceph-users mailing list

Re: [ceph-users] REST API and uWSGI?

2014-06-17 Thread Jason Harley

On Jun 16, 2014, at 8:52 PM, Wido den Hollander wrote:

 Op 16 jun. 2014 om 19:23 heeft Jason Harley het 
 volgende geschreven:
 Howdy —
 I’d like to run the ceph REST API behind nginx, and uWSGI and UNIX sockets 
 seems like a smart way to do this.  Has anyone attempted to get this setup 
 working?  I’ve tried writing a uWSGI wrapper as well as just telling ‘uwsgi’ 
 to call the ‘ceph_rest_api’ module without luck.
 Not using uwsgi, but via mod_wsgi. I have a Gist online:
 Hope that helps!

This was tremendously helpful.  Thank you, Wido!

It seems my biggest issue was attempting to use ‘uwsgi’ with the master process 
manager: the process would just hang trying to speak to the admin socket for 
some reason.

With your wsgi file from the Gist above I was able to get the REST API working 
with upstart, uwsgi and nginx.

I’ve shared my config’s here:

ceph-users mailing list

[ceph-users] REST API and uWSGI?

2014-06-16 Thread Jason Harley
Howdy —

I’d like to run the ceph REST API behind nginx, and uWSGI and UNIX sockets 
seems like a smart way to do this.  Has anyone attempted to get this setup 
working?  I’ve tried writing a uWSGI wrapper as well as just telling ‘uwsgi’ to 
call the ‘ceph_rest_api’ module without luck.

ceph-users mailing list

Re: [ceph-users] PG Recovery: HEALTH_ERR to HEALTH_OK

2014-06-05 Thread Jason Harley
Just wanted to close this open loop:

I gave up attempting to recover pool 4 as it was just test data, and the PGs 
with unfound objects were localized to that pool.  After I destroyed and 
recreated the pool this were fine.

Thank you for your help, Florian.


On Jun 3, 2014, at 6:30 PM, Jason Harley wrote:

 On Jun 3, 2014, at 5:58 PM, Smart Weblications GmbH - Florian Wiessner wrote:
 I think it would be less painfull if you had removed and the immediatelly
 recreate the corrupted osd again to avoid 'holes' in the osd ids. It should 
 with your configuration anyhow, though.
 I agree with you… I learned about ‘lost’ after removing OSDs :\
 You should check other pg with ceph pg query and look out for
  recovery_state: [
{ name: Started\/Primary\/Active,
  enter_time: 2014-06-03 18:27:58.473736,
  might_have_unfound: [
{ osd: 2,
  status: already probed},
{ osd: 3,
  status: already probed},
{ osd: 12,
  status: osd is down},
{ osd: 14,
  status: osd is down},
{ osd: 19,
  status: osd is down},
{ osd: 23,
  status: querying},
{ osd: 26,
  status: already probed}],
 And restart the osd that has status querying.
 Thank you, I will go through the other pgs and try this approach.
 What do you get if you do ceph pg query 4.ff3 now?
 # ceph pg query 4.ff3
 { state: active+clean,
   epoch: 1650,
   up: [
   acting: [
   info: { pgid: 4.ff3,
   last_update: 337'1080,
   last_complete: 337'1080,
   log_tail: 0'0,
   last_backfill: MAX,
   purged_snaps: [1~9],
   history: { epoch_created: 3,
   last_epoch_started: 1646,
   last_epoch_clean: 1646,
   last_epoch_split: 0,
   same_up_since: 1645,
   same_interval_since: 1645,
   same_primary_since: 1645,
   last_scrub: 337'1080,
   last_scrub_stamp: 2014-06-03 16:19:28.591026,
   last_deep_scrub: 337'32,
   last_deep_scrub_stamp: 2014-05-29 20:28:58.517432,
   last_clean_scrub_stamp: 2014-06-03 16:19:28.591026},
   stats: { version: 337'1080,
   reported_seq: 1102,
   reported_epoch: 1650,
   state: active+clean,
   last_fresh: 2014-06-03 21:13:31.949714,
   last_change: 2014-06-03 20:56:41.466837,
   last_active: 2014-06-03 21:13:31.949714,
   last_clean: 2014-06-03 21:13:31.949714,
   last_became_active: 0.00,
   last_unstale: 2014-06-03 21:13:31.949714,
   mapping_epoch: 1643,
   log_start: 0'0,
   ondisk_log_start: 0'0,
   created: 3,
   last_epoch_clean: 1646,
   parent: 0.0,
   parent_split_bits: 0,
   last_scrub: 337'1080,
   last_scrub_stamp: 2014-06-03 16:19:28.591026,
   last_deep_scrub: 337'32,
   last_deep_scrub_stamp: 2014-05-29 20:28:58.517432,
   last_clean_scrub_stamp: 2014-06-03 16:19:28.591026,
   log_size: 1080,
   ondisk_log_size: 1080,
   stats_invalid: 0,
   stat_sum: { num_bytes: 25165824,
   num_objects: 3,
   num_object_clones: 0,
   num_object_copies: 0,
   num_objects_missing_on_primary: 0,
   num_objects_degraded: 0,
   num_objects_unfound: 0,
   num_read: 3205,
   num_read_kb: 12615,
   num_write: 1086,
   num_write_kb: 88685,
   num_scrub_errors: 0,
   num_shallow_scrub_errors: 0,
   num_deep_scrub_errors: 0,
   num_objects_recovered: 9,
   num_bytes_recovered: 75497472,
   num_keys_recovered: 0},
   stat_cat_sum: {},
   up: [
   acting: [
   empty: 0,
   dne: 0,
   incomplete: 0,
   last_epoch_started: 1646},
   recovery_state: [
 { name: Started\/Primary\/Active,
   enter_time: 2014-06-03 20:56:41.232146,
   might_have_unfound: [],
   recovery_progress: { backfill_target: -1,
   waiting_on_backfill: 0,
   backfill_pos: 0\/\/0\/\/-1,
   backfill_info: { begin: 0\/\/0\/\/-1,
   end: 0\/\/0\/\/-1,
   objects: []},
   peer_backfill_info: { begin: 0\/\/0\/\/-1,
   end: 0\/\/0\/\/-1,
   objects: []},
   backfills_in_flight: [],
   pull_from_peer: [],
   pushing: []},
   scrub: { scrubber.epoch_start: 0, 0

[ceph-users] PG Recovery: HEALTH_ERR to HEALTH_OK

2014-06-03 Thread Jason Harley
Howdy —

I’ve had a failure on a small, Dumpling (0.67.4) cluster running on Ubuntu 
13.10 machines.  I had three OSD nodes (running 6 OSDs each), and lost two of 
them in a beautiful failure.  One of these nodes even went so far as to 
scramble the XFS filesystems of my OSD disks (I’m curious if it has some bad 

Anyway, the thing is: I’m okay with losing the data, this was a test setup and 
I want to take this opportunity to learn from the recovery process.  I’m now 
stuck in ‘HEALTH_ERR’ and want to get back to ‘HEALTH_OK’ without just 
reinitializing the cluster.

My OSD map seems correct, I’ve done scrubs (deep, and normal) at the PG and OSD 
levels.  ‘ceph -s’ shows that I have 47 unfound objects still after I told ceph 
to ‘mark_unfound_lost’.  The remaining 47 PGs tell me that they haven't probed 
all sources, not marking lost”.  Two days have passed at this point, and I’d 
just like to get my cluster back to working and deal with the object loss 
(which seems located to a single pool).

How do I move forward from here, if at all?  Do I ‘force_create_pg’ the PGs 
containing my unfound objects?

 # ceph health detail | grep unfound | grep ^pg
 pg 4.ffe is active+recovering, acting [7,26], 3 unfound
 pg 4.feb is active+recovering, acting [10,23], 1 unfound
 pg 4.fa6 is active+recovery_wait, acting [11,25], 2 unfound
 pg 4.f61 is active+recovering, acting [9,26], 1 unfound
 pg 4.f2d is active+recovering, acting [8,22], 1 unfound
 pg 4.ef5 is active+recovering, acting [6,22], 1 unfound
 pg 4.e9c is active+recovering, acting [7,24], 1 unfound
 pg 4.e12 is active+recovering, acting [7,22], 1 unfound
 pg 4.e0e is active+recovering, acting [9,24], 1 unfound
 pg 4.ddc is active+recovering, acting [10,26], 1 unfound
 pg 4.d95 is active+recovering, acting [10,25], 1 unfound
 pg 4.ccf is active+recovering, acting [10,24], 1 unfound
 pg 4.c84 is active+recovering, acting [6,22], 2 unfound
 pg 4.c4e is active+recovering, acting [10,23], 1 unfound
 pg 4.bca is active+recovering, acting [6,26], 1 unfound
 pg 4.bbf is active+recovering, acting [8,26], 1 unfound
 pg 4.b5e is active+recovering, acting [6,26], 1 unfound
 pg 4.ae1 is active+recovering, acting [8,26], 1 unfound
 pg 4.a9c is active+recovering, acting [7,23], 1 unfound
 pg 4.a39 is active+recovering, acting [10,24], 1 unfound
 pg 4.85f is active+recovering, acting [9,25], 1 unfound
 pg 4.83b is active+recovering, acting [10,25], 1 unfound
 pg 4.7b8 is active+recovering, acting [7,26], 1 unfound
 pg 4.758 is active+recovering, acting [8,23], 1 unfound
 pg 4.740 is active+recovery_wait, acting [11,21], 1 unfound
 pg 4.6f6 is active+recovering, acting [10,26], 2 unfound
 pg 4.68d is active+recovering, acting [8,24], 2 unfound
 pg 4.635 is active+recovery_wait, acting [11,22], 1 unfound
 pg 4.60f is active+recovering, acting [6,22], 1 unfound
 pg 4.603 is active+recovering, acting [9,24], 1 unfound
 pg 4.5e1 is active+recovering, acting [10,25], 1 unfound
 pg 4.579 is active+recovering, acting [9,21], 1 unfound
 pg 4.56a is active+recovering, acting [7,24], 1 unfound
 pg 4.519 is active+recovering, acting [9,21], 1 unfound
 pg 4.435 is active+recovering, acting [6,26], 1 unfound
 pg 4.42e is active+recovering, acting [7,22], 1 unfound
 pg 4.30b is active+recovering, acting [7,25], 2 unfound
 pg 4.1bb is active+recovery_wait, acting [11,22], 1 unfound
 pg 4.178 is active+recovering, acting [8,23], 1 unfound
 pg 4.43 is active+recovering, acting [9,23], 1 unfound

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


ceph-users mailing list

Re: [ceph-users] PG Recovery: HEALTH_ERR to HEALTH_OK

2014-06-03 Thread Jason Harley
  0.91osd.11  up  1
 -4  5.46host r-F9CBF5C8C5
 21  0.91osd.21  up  1
 22  0.91osd.22  up  1
 23  0.91osd.23  up  1
 24  0.91osd.24  up  1
 25  0.91osd.25  up  1
 26  0.91osd.26  up  1


On Jun 3, 2014, at 4:00 PM, Smart Weblications GmbH - Florian Wiessner wrote:

 Am 03.06.2014 21:46, schrieb Jason Harley:
 Howdy —
 I’ve had a failure on a small, Dumpling (0.67.4) cluster running on Ubuntu 
 13.10 machines.  I had three OSD nodes (running 6 OSDs each), and lost two 
 of them in a beautiful failure.  One of these nodes even went so far as to 
 scramble the XFS filesystems of my OSD disks (I’m curious if it has some bad 
 Anyway, the thing is: I’m okay with losing the data, this was a test setup 
 and I want to take this opportunity to learn from the recovery process.  I’m 
 now stuck in ‘HEALTH_ERR’ and want to get back to ‘HEALTH_OK’ without just 
 reinitializing the cluster.
 My OSD map seems correct, I’ve done scrubs (deep, and normal) at the PG and 
 OSD levels.  ‘ceph -s’ shows that I have 47 unfound objects still after I 
 told ceph to ‘mark_unfound_lost’.  The remaining 47 PGs tell me that they 
 haven't probed all sources, not marking lost”.  Two days have passed at 
 this point, and I’d just like to get my cluster back to working and deal 
 with the object loss (which seems located to a single pool).
 How do I move forward from here, if at all?  Do I ‘force_create_pg’ the PGs 
 containing my unfound objects?
 # ceph health detail | grep unfound | grep ^pg
 pg 4.ffe is active+recovering, acting [7,26], 3 unfound
 pg 4.43 is active+recovering, acting [9,23], 1 unfound
 what is the output of:
 ceph pg query 4.ffe
 Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
 Florian Wiessner
 Smart Weblications GmbH
 Martinsberger Str. 1
 D-95119 Naila
 fon.: +49 9282 9638 200
 fax.: +49 9282 9638 205
 24/7: +49 900 144 000 00 - 0,99 EUR/Min*
 Sitz der Gesellschaft: Naila
 Geschäftsführer: Florian Wiessner
 HRB-Nr.: HRB 3840 Amtsgericht Hof
 *aus dem dt. Festnetz, ggf. abweichende Preise aus dem Mobilfunknetz
 ceph-users mailing list

ceph-users mailing list

Re: [ceph-users] PG Recovery: HEALTH_ERR to HEALTH_OK

2014-06-03 Thread Jason Harley
On Jun 3, 2014, at 5:58 PM, Smart Weblications GmbH - Florian Wiessner wrote:

 I think it would be less painfull if you had removed and the immediatelly
 recreate the corrupted osd again to avoid 'holes' in the osd ids. It should 
 with your configuration anyhow, though.

I agree with you… I learned about ‘lost’ after removing OSDs :\

 You should check other pg with ceph pg query and look out for
  recovery_state: [
{ name: Started\/Primary\/Active,
  enter_time: 2014-06-03 18:27:58.473736,
  might_have_unfound: [
{ osd: 2,
  status: already probed},
{ osd: 3,
  status: already probed},
{ osd: 12,
  status: osd is down},
{ osd: 14,
  status: osd is down},
{ osd: 19,
  status: osd is down},
{ osd: 23,
  status: querying},
{ osd: 26,
  status: already probed}],
 And restart the osd that has status querying.

Thank you, I will go through the other pgs and try this approach.

 What do you get if you do ceph pg query 4.ff3 now?

# ceph pg query 4.ff3
 { state: active+clean,
   epoch: 1650,
   up: [
   acting: [
   info: { pgid: 4.ff3,
   last_update: 337'1080,
   last_complete: 337'1080,
   log_tail: 0'0,
   last_backfill: MAX,
   purged_snaps: [1~9],
   history: { epoch_created: 3,
   last_epoch_started: 1646,
   last_epoch_clean: 1646,
   last_epoch_split: 0,
   same_up_since: 1645,
   same_interval_since: 1645,
   same_primary_since: 1645,
   last_scrub: 337'1080,
   last_scrub_stamp: 2014-06-03 16:19:28.591026,
   last_deep_scrub: 337'32,
   last_deep_scrub_stamp: 2014-05-29 20:28:58.517432,
   last_clean_scrub_stamp: 2014-06-03 16:19:28.591026},
   stats: { version: 337'1080,
   reported_seq: 1102,
   reported_epoch: 1650,
   state: active+clean,
   last_fresh: 2014-06-03 21:13:31.949714,
   last_change: 2014-06-03 20:56:41.466837,
   last_active: 2014-06-03 21:13:31.949714,
   last_clean: 2014-06-03 21:13:31.949714,
   last_became_active: 0.00,
   last_unstale: 2014-06-03 21:13:31.949714,
   mapping_epoch: 1643,
   log_start: 0'0,
   ondisk_log_start: 0'0,
   created: 3,
   last_epoch_clean: 1646,
   parent: 0.0,
   parent_split_bits: 0,
   last_scrub: 337'1080,
   last_scrub_stamp: 2014-06-03 16:19:28.591026,
   last_deep_scrub: 337'32,
   last_deep_scrub_stamp: 2014-05-29 20:28:58.517432,
   last_clean_scrub_stamp: 2014-06-03 16:19:28.591026,
   log_size: 1080,
   ondisk_log_size: 1080,
   stats_invalid: 0,
   stat_sum: { num_bytes: 25165824,
   num_objects: 3,
   num_object_clones: 0,
   num_object_copies: 0,
   num_objects_missing_on_primary: 0,
   num_objects_degraded: 0,
   num_objects_unfound: 0,
   num_read: 3205,
   num_read_kb: 12615,
   num_write: 1086,
   num_write_kb: 88685,
   num_scrub_errors: 0,
   num_shallow_scrub_errors: 0,
   num_deep_scrub_errors: 0,
   num_objects_recovered: 9,
   num_bytes_recovered: 75497472,
   num_keys_recovered: 0},
   stat_cat_sum: {},
   up: [
   acting: [
   empty: 0,
   dne: 0,
   incomplete: 0,
   last_epoch_started: 1646},
   recovery_state: [
 { name: Started\/Primary\/Active,
   enter_time: 2014-06-03 20:56:41.232146,
   might_have_unfound: [],
   recovery_progress: { backfill_target: -1,
   waiting_on_backfill: 0,
   backfill_pos: 0\/\/0\/\/-1,
   backfill_info: { begin: 0\/\/0\/\/-1,
   end: 0\/\/0\/\/-1,
   objects: []},
   peer_backfill_info: { begin: 0\/\/0\/\/-1,
   end: 0\/\/0\/\/-1,
   objects: []},
   backfills_in_flight: [],
   pull_from_peer: [],
   pushing: []},
   scrub: { scrubber.epoch_start: 0, 0,
   scrubber.block_writes: 0,
   scrubber.finalizing: 0,
   scrubber.waiting_on: 0,
   scrubber.waiting_on_whom: []}},
 { name: Started,
   enter_time: 2014-06-03 20:56:40.300108}]}

Thank you for your help so far.  I will respond with progress tomorrow.