Re: What Cold Fusion Job boards are there?

2008-09-13 Thread s. isaac dealey
> Sorry if this is a repost.  It bounced as a "body too long"  :)

The wording on those messages is a little misleading I think... The
messages don't actually "bounce", it's just a reminder to trim, but the
message does actually go through to the list. 

s. isaac dealey  ^  new epoch
 isn't it time for a change? 
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Re: Survey?

2008-09-23 Thread s. isaac dealey
Hey Will... 

I'd be interested. 

s. isaac dealey  ^  new epoch
 isn't it time for a change? 
 ph: 781.769.0723

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Re: lists question

2008-11-05 Thread s. isaac dealey
> absolutely not, Michael is pretty forgiving in managing his lists, but 
> CF-Jobs and CF-Jobs talk may need to be more actively and forcefully 
> moderated.

And the mistaken posts seem to me to generally be one-directional,
posted to cf-jobs rather than cf-jobs-talk. People who are actually
posting jobs or availability generally seem to hit the right list. 

s. isaac dealey  ^  new epoch
 isn't it time for a change? 
 ph: 781.769.0723

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
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Re: lists question

2008-11-05 Thread s. isaac dealey
> Ugh. Sorry. I'm posting with a 102 degree fever and taking care of a
> 5 year old. :)
> DOE. Depending on Experience. Basically, tell us what you are willing
> to pay. I hate countering the question of how much I'll accept with
> "How much is your budget". :)

Might just want to reframe the response. I don't care for people saying
DOE and asking me to set their budget either... but I might frame the
response as "You'll have to make an offer if you're interested in hiring
me. How much is my experience worth to you?" 

s. isaac dealey  ^  new epoch
 isn't it time for a change? 
 ph: 781.769.0723

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
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Re: CF Job Market

2008-11-06 Thread s. isaac dealey
). So how does one of us quickly and effectively communicate
that to a potential employer? 

Most of us don't have magazine articles to show and even for those of us
who do it's kind of like blogs - the people doing the hiring frequently
don't have the time to read them or the skill to be very discriminating
about their content. And of course certification is out as a criteria
because there aren't any questions on the exam about the philosophy of
OO design and architecture. Which leaves me thinking that the only tool
we would have to communicate our ability to adapt is personal assurance.
Is that really the best available method of proving our abilities? 

s. isaac dealey  ^  new epoch
 isn't it time for a change? 
 ph: 781.769.0723

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
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New Training Class - Call For Requests

2004-02-18 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Hi all,

I'm planning to offer training here in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Area (or
on-site at client locations pending proper facilities and
transportation expenses) and am currently seeking requests for content
to be included in my training classes.

I already have several items I plan to include which will not be found
in any other instructor's curriculum (as far as I know), such as how
to develop an application which can be customized, branded and/or
extended without being edited (the source of my new mantra "add
features without fixtures" and the subject of an article I'm writing
currently for CFDJ). While this idea comes specifically from the onTap
framework it is a reliable technique which can be reproduced without
the framework as well (although obviously I think the framework
provides the best available implementation of it currently).

I also plan to cover CFC's and web services although I don't want the
classes to revolve around them solely. So I'd like to know what other
subject people are wanting to receive information about in a training

In addition to onTap framework subjects I'm currently considering
including (and please don't be shy and let me know if any of these are
subjects you definately would not want included in a course or if you
don't see something you want -- it's your time and your money, I want
to make it valuable for you, not just fill your head with what I think
is useful).

- complex data types (structures, arrays, xml nodes and java objects -
getting the most out of queries, including queries of queries)

- getting the most out of scopes by caching data - when to cache, what
to cache, how to ensure that cache is always relevant

- database normalization

- advanced sql (stored procedures, triggers)

- integrating W3C DOM _javascript_ and creating reuseable DOM controls
with ColdFusion (progress bar as an example - fairly easy to do imho,
but I'm thinking about covering some techniques for broader

- advanced/complex custom tags and UDF libraries (sub-tags, using
functions as arguments - how and why you would want to do this)

- xml - well-formedness, navigating xml nodes, storage and caching for

- getting database meta data from JDBC with ColdFusion MX

I look forward to hearing from everyone. :)


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Re: Onsite work

2004-07-09 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
In the 2004 set, Discovery and Ambition are great. :)

> When you absolutly, positivly want your workers to kill
> themselves.

>> The only way I would consider working ONSITE is if first,
>> at the company's
>> expense, I could redecorate the entire office exclusively
>> with office decor
>> from Despair, Inc.

> --
> Michael Dinowitz
> For all your ColdFusion needs

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Re: Job on Dice

2004-07-18 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
>   Watch the line wrap:

> =14&dockey=xml/d/3/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> jobs0&source=2>

>   I'm unsure what this company brings to the table.  If
>   you have to find
> your own job, why would you give them 5%?  Is it because
> they can sponsor
> H1 / Green Card?

Well... assuming they're just a middle-man (like a lot of consulting
companies), 95% of bill rate is an astronomical percentage of the
money most consulting companies take in in comparison to what they
turn over to their developers. The typical consulting company from
what I understand will bill at 2-3x what an individual developer
working for them makes. What confuses me about the add tho is the
statement "You must bring your own project"... I can only imagine that
essentially makes them a tax-and-accounting service for independent
consultants... whether or not that's how they describe themselves is
another story, although I could easily be misinterpreting that...

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Re: The job market

2004-08-07 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
y around it.

> People who have never returned an output parameter via
> a stored procedure.  To me this is really basic stuff.
> But some of these guys have years worth of
> experience based on their resumes.

You'd be surprised how many large and completely professional
companies never use stored procedures in their cf code. And in all
honesty not all of them really need them.

> This tells me these guys were dozing off for years in
> the corner of some office maintaining someone else's
> back-end CF code running on a single server, who relied
> on a dba to do all their DB design and procs.  Or they
> worked in a team and the others in the team did all the
> heavy lifting.

Neither of these are _necessarily_ true. I have worked in places where
there were no dba's and where all the cf developers either wrote
stored procedures or didn't. In most cases I've seen, whether or not
stored procedures are used depends almost entirely upon the lead
developer on the project -- if he likes them, he yells when he sees a
cfquery tag. If he doesn't like them, then he yells when he sees a
cfstoredproc tag. There are a handfull of lead developers or project
managers who are in-between or indiferent to stored procedures, but
most of the ones I've worked with seem to have been pretty firmly
entrenched on one side or the other of this imaginary fence they've
made, which has little to do with what kind of software they're
working on and whether or not stored procedures would be good for a
given environment, situation or circumstance.

> If someone got into that situation, fine. But have the
> initiative, have the curiosity, to spend some of that
> free time cracking open a CF or SQL book and filling in
> the gaps of your skillset for the next time you have to
> find a job.  You are NOT going to get the job based
> solely on your resume.  You are going to have to show
> that the time you spent at these jobs actually
> made you a good developer.

It's an unfortunate truth that most developers are simply in the job
to earn a living. They're 9-5'ers... Most companies don't pay for them
to be trained or to learn on the company's time, and they're not
willing or interested in learning on their own time. So by and large
the only time they learn something is when it's absolutely necessary
because they're staring down a deadline. I don't blame them, ya know,
I gotta eat too, and it's nice to be able to have some time away from
work or work related things, although I do wish more of them would
have more initiative to learn more about their jobs.

> It looks _really_ bad to me when I see that sort of
> thing. I expect more from these people.  I'd be more
> forgiving if they only had a few months of experience.
> A lot of these guys have plenty of other computer-related
> experience under their belt too, like Comp-Sci degrees,
> prior experience with other languages, most of which
> with higher learning curves than CF (like C++ or Java)
> so there really is no excuse for them not knowing the
> fundementals.

If they had degrees and held-down long-term jobs with C++ and Java
yes, I'd find a lack of knowldge of CF and database fundamentals quite
frustrating as an interviewer.

> Of course, the recruiters don't see this up front so
> they keep sending these guys over to waste our time.

Recruiters don't have the kind of understanding necessary to weed them
out... The only way you could hope for a recruiter to have this kind
of understanding is if the recruiter is also a CF developer competing
for the same job their clients want... which isn't very likely. :)

Though you left out a couple of my big issues -- I think everyone
should have a thorough understanding of how to write (and therefore
how to interpret) custom tags (attributes and end tags at minimum -
sub-tags is a plus) and functions. An understanding of CFC's is also a
big plus, but for the most part I wouldn't be terribly upset if
someone didn't have a deep or thorough understanding of them. At least
not yet... maybe in a few years if the CFC discovery process improves,
which unfortunately I don't see happening soon.

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Re: The job market

2004-08-07 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> People who have never returned an output parameter via
> a stored procedure.  To me this is really basic stuff.
> But some of these guys have years worth of
> experience based on their resumes.

You'd be surprised how many large and completely professional
companies never use stored procedures in their cf code. And in all
honesty not all of them really need them.

> This tells me these guys were dozing off for years in
> the corner of some office maintaining someone else's
> back-end CF code running on a single server, who relied
> on a dba to do all their DB design and procs.  Or they
> worked in a team and the others in the team did all the
> heavy lifting.

Neither of these are _necessarily_ true. I have worked in places where
there were no dba's and where all the cf developers either wrote
stored procedures or didn't. In most cases I've seen, whether or not
stored procedures are used depends almost entirely upon the lead
developer on the project -- if he likes them, he yells when he sees a
cfquery tag. If he doesn't like them, then he yells when he sees a
cfstoredproc tag. There are a handfull of lead developers or project
managers who are in-between or indiferent to stored procedures, but
most of the ones I've worked with seem to have been pretty firmly
entrenched on one side or the other of this imaginary fence they've
made, which has little to do with what kind of software they're
working on and whether or not stored procedures would be good for a
given environment, situation or circumstance.

> If someone got into that situation, fine. But have the
> initiative, have the curiosity, to spend some of that
> free time cracking open a CF or SQL book and filling in
> the gaps of your skillset for the next time you have to
> find a job.  You are NOT going to get the job based
> solely on your resume.  You are going to have to show
> that the time you spent at these jobs actually
> made you a good developer.

It's an unfortunate truth that most developers are simply in the job
to earn a living. They're 9-5'ers... Most companies don't pay for them
to be trained or to learn on the company's time, and they're not
willing or interested in learning on their own time. So by and large
the only time they learn something is when it's absolutely necessary
because they're staring down a deadline. I don't blame them, ya know,
I gotta eat too, and it's nice to be able to have some time away from
work or work related things, although I do wish more of them would
have more initiative to learn more about their jobs.

> It looks _really_ bad to me when I see that sort of
> thing. I expect more from these people.  I'd be more
> forgiving if they only had a few months of experience.
> A lot of these guys have plenty of other computer-related
> experience under their belt too, like Comp-Sci degrees,
> prior experience with other languages, most of which
> with higher learning curves than CF (like C++ or Java)
> so there really is no excuse for them not knowing the
> fundementals.

If they had degrees and held-down long-term jobs with C++ and Java
yes, I'd find a lack of knowldge of CF and database fundamentals quite
frustrating as an interviewer.

> Of course, the recruiters don't see this up front so
> they keep sending these guys over to waste our time.

Recruiters don't have the kind of understanding necessary to weed them
out... The only way you could hope for a recruiter to have this kind
of understanding is if the recruiter is also a CF developer competing
for the same job their clients want... which isn't very likely. :)

Though you left out a couple of my big issues -- I think everyone
should have a thorough understanding of how to write (and therefore
how to interpret) custom tags (attributes and end tags at minimum -
sub-tags is a plus) and functions. An understanding of CFC's is also a
big plus, but for the most part I wouldn't be terribly upset if
someone didn't have a deep or thorough understanding of them. At least
not yet... maybe in a few years if the CFC discovery process improves,
which unfortunately I don't see happening soon.

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Re: The job market

2004-08-07 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> 1) Learn how to write stored procedures, and learn how to
> call them with CFSTOREDPROC rather than just CFQUERY.

How about a function or custom tag that makes all the extra keystrokes
of cfstoredproc unnecessary without eliminating any of the power of
them? :)

> 2) Learn what @@IDENTITY and @@ROWCOUNT mean, or better
> yet, what Scope_Identity() is (we use MS-SQL).  If you
> write an insert process that involves selecting the
> max(id) out after the insert, walk out of the room
> immediately.  I don't care if that's in the CF book under
> CFTRANSACTION.  It's not best-practice and anyone who
> really knows CF knows it.

And @@IDENTITY doesn't guarantee the value you want because it's not
thread-safe. SCOPE_IDENTITY() was introduced in MS SQL 2000 with
little fanfare, so few folks are aware of it, but it is a necessity if
you're writing SP's in SQL2k that need to return an inserted identity.

> 3) Learn how to write cursors.  It comes in handy.

Very much so in some circumstances.

> 6) Learn the dos and don'ts of CF in server farms
> (i.e. shared scope variables)

Is that a do or a don't? And why?

> 7) Learn best practices with CFLOCK
> (we're still with CF5, it matters)

Though you should try and have a deeper understanding of
race-conditions in general, and best practices with both CF5 and CFMX.

> 8) Learn best practices with cached queries and
> query-of-queries to take the load off the DB.

Although cached queries offer limited and quirky access to the memory
management. I tend to manage query caching myself rather than relying
on the CF Server's query caching. CF's native query caching does have
a couple of advantages - you can control the amount of memory used to
some extent in the CF-Administrator by setting the number of queries,
which isn't as easy to do if you write your own caching, and it
automatically expires the cache if the sql syntax changes -- which can
either be a benefit or a liability depending on the circumstance and
how well the developer understands cf's query caching. My bigger
problem with the native query caching is that you may never know how
many queries are in the cach (so you have to guess at whether or not
your app is caching more queries than are allotted in the cf admin),
and clearing the cache for a cachedafter query can be quirky/clunky
especially with CF5.

> 9) Know what fusebox is.  If you don't even know the
> buzzword, you've been living under a rock.

Can we know what it is and still not like it. :)

> 10) Learn best practices in how to implement tracking
> routines and splitting systems up between production
> and reporting databases.

What do you mean by "tracking routines" in this context?

> 12) If you are used to Oracle or MySQL or something,
> learn MS-SQL too.  I don't care if Oracle doesn't have
> identity or not.  Know how to work with
> databases that do have them.

Identities are common enough that I'd say everyone should have some
understanding of them... developers should have a diverse
understanding of databases in general - some (if not in-depth)
understanding of the SQL standard, and at least rudimentary
understanding of the common/necessary variations in the more common
databases: SQL Server, Oracle, Access (yuk!), MySQL. Even though at
least in my case, variations in these db's are usually just
frustrations for me -- I wish SQL Server supported sequences and used
the standard name for their timestamp data type, I wish MySQL
supported views, I wish Access ... well, I'll not get into Access.

> 13) At least know a few gotchas like how
> CFLOCATION prevents you from writing cookies.
> A lot of intricacies of CF have to be learned
> through the school of hard knocks.  Most of us
> know these common things.

One would hope.

> I've had people come in for interviews  who can't even
> script out a CREATE PROC script on a whiteboard without
> leaving off commas and making other syntax errors, who
> don't understand how to rely on default values like
> GetDate() on insert statements by not referencing those
> columns.

With CFStoredProc the only way to do that is to either pass a null to
the procedure or make sure the parameter is the last in the sequence
since the dbvarname attribute didn't work and then was deprecated or
removed from the documentation. I wrote a custom tag and a function
(which calls the custom tag), which allow you to execute a stored
procedure using a structure as its parameters which lets you chose
whether parameters not found in the structure should be discluded from
the cfstoredproc tag or passed as null values. The problem with
discluding them is that if you are passing values further down the
list of parameters in the structure, they also _MUST_ be dropped,
there's no way around

Re: The job market

2004-08-07 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> 12) If you are used to Oracle or MySQL or something,
> learn MS-SQL too.  I don't care if Oracle doesn't have
> identity or not.  Know how to work with
> databases that do have them.

Identities are common enough that I'd say everyone should have some
understanding of them... developers should have a diverse
understanding of databases in general - some (if not in-depth)
understanding of the SQL standard, and at least rudimentary
understanding of the common/necessary variations in the more common
databases: SQL Server, Oracle, Access (yuk!), MySQL. Even though at
least in my case, variations in these db's are usually just
frustrations for me -- I wish SQL Server supported sequences and used
the standard name for their timestamp data type, I wish MySQL
supported views, I wish Access ... well, I'll not get into Access.

> 13) At least know a few gotchas like how
> CFLOCATION prevents you from writing cookies.
> A lot of intricacies of CF have to be learned
> through the school of hard knocks.  Most of us
> know these common things.

One would hope.

> I've had people come in for interviews  who can't even
> script out a CREATE PROC script on a whiteboard without
> leaving off commas and making other syntax errors, who
> don't understand how to rely on default values like
> GetDate() on insert statements by not referencing those
> columns.

With CFStoredProc the only way to do that is to either pass a null to
the procedure or make sure the parameter is the last in the sequence
since the dbvarname attribute didn't work and then was deprecated or
removed from the documentation. I wrote a custom tag and a function
(which calls the custom tag), which allow you to execute a stored
procedure using a structure as its parameters which lets you chose
whether parameters not found in the structure should be discluded from
the cfstoredproc tag or passed as null values. The problem with
discluding them is that if you are passing values further down the
list of parameters in the structure, they also _MUST_ be dropped,
there's no way around it.

... more in the next message... ...

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Re: The job market

2004-08-07 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> 1) Learn how to write stored procedures, and learn how to
> call them with CFSTOREDPROC rather than just CFQUERY.

How about a function or custom tag that makes all the extra keystrokes
of cfstoredproc unnecessary without eliminating any of the power of
them? :)

> 2) Learn what @@IDENTITY and @@ROWCOUNT mean, or better
> yet, what Scope_Identity() is (we use MS-SQL).  If you
> write an insert process that involves selecting the
> max(id) out after the insert, walk out of the room
> immediately.  I don't care if that's in the CF book under
> CFTRANSACTION.  It's not best-practice and anyone who
> really knows CF knows it.

And @@IDENTITY doesn't guarantee the value you want because it's not
thread-safe. SCOPE_IDENTITY() was introduced in MS SQL 2000 with
little fanfare, so few folks are aware of it, but it is a necessity if
you're writing SP's in SQL2k that need to return an inserted identity.

> 3) Learn how to write cursors.  It comes in handy.

Very much so in some circumstances.

> 6) Learn the dos and don'ts of CF in server farms
> (i.e. shared scope variables)

Is that a do or a don't? And why?

> 7) Learn best practices with CFLOCK
> (we're still with CF5, it matters)

Though you should try and have a deeper understanding of
race-conditions in general, and best practices with both CF5 and CFMX.

> 8) Learn best practices with cached queries and
> query-of-queries to take the load off the DB.

Although cached queries offer limited and quirky access to the memory
management. I tend to manage query caching myself rather than relying
on the CF Server's query caching. CF's native query caching does have
a couple of advantages - you can control the amount of memory used to
some extent in the CF-Administrator by setting the number of queries,
which isn't as easy to do if you write your own caching, and it
automatically expires the cache if the sql syntax changes -- which can
either be a benefit or a liability depending on the circumstance and
how well the developer understands cf's query caching. My bigger
problem with the native query caching is that you may never know how
many queries are in the cach (so you have to guess at whether or not
your app is caching more queries than are allotted in the cf admin),
and clearing the cache for a cachedafter query can be quirky/clunky
especially with CF5.

> 9) Know what fusebox is.  If you don't even know the
> buzzword, you've been living under a rock.

Can we know what it is and still not like it. :)

> 10) Learn best practices in how to implement tracking
> routines and splitting systems up between production
> and reporting databases.

What do you mean by "tracking routines" in this context?

... more in previous messages... .. this 100 line
limit is really rediculous Mike,

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knowing syntax during an interview was RE: The job market

2004-08-10 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> It all depends on the types of things you ask someone to
> write out
> manually.  Being incapable of typing out CFQUERY or
> CFOUTPUT is simply
> inexcusable and there is no convincing me otherwise.

Whereas it's okay for someone not to be intimately familiar with the
attributes of a  or  tag if they've never worked in an
environment where they're heavily used.

Makes sense to me.

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OT: IDE was Re: The job market

2004-08-10 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> You may never have to develop WITHOUT Cold Fusion Studio
> by your side.  But I still expect you to be able to show
> me you can work without a net.

Funny thing is, during the days of CF3 I wasn't very happy with the
IDE's available at the time. I used to use a shareware (registered for
$30) HTML editor that didn't even have syntax highlighting called
Anansi because it was the only one I found that had what I felt to be
easily manageable "projects" and decent ftp controls. Though for a
short while I did a lot of ColdFusion work in notepad.

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Re: knowing syntax during an interview was RE: The job market

2004-08-10 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> At 07:50 AM 8/10/2004, you wrote:
>> > It all depends on the types of things you ask someone
>> > to
>> > write out
>> > manually.  Being incapable of typing out CFQUERY or
>> > CFOUTPUT is simply
>> > inexcusable and there is no convincing me otherwise.
>>Whereas it's okay for someone not to be intimately
>>familiar with the
>>attributes of a  or  tag if they've never
>>worked in an
>>environment where they're heavily used.

> There is a reason why CFGRID isn't supported in Blue
> Dragon.  It's commonly
> considered to be one of if not THE least used CF Tag.

Incidentally, I'd be willing to bet CFTABLE has had less usage.

s. isaac dealey   954.927.5117

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Re: knowing syntax during an interview was RE: The job market

2004-08-10 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> At 07:50 AM 8/10/2004, you wrote:
>> > It all depends on the types of things you ask someone
>> > to
>> > write out
>> > manually.  Being incapable of typing out CFQUERY or
>> > CFOUTPUT is simply
>> > inexcusable and there is no convincing me otherwise.
>>Whereas it's okay for someone not to be intimately
>>familiar with the
>>attributes of a  or  tag if they've never
>>worked in an
>>environment where they're heavily used.

> There is a reason why CFGRID isn't supported in Blue
> Dragon.  It's commonly
> considered to be one of if not THE least used CF Tag.

Which explains why the early CFML tests used by recruiters were chock
full of questions about it. :P

s. isaac dealey   954.927.5117

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Re: The State of Programming in the United States?

2004-10-19 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
I don't think that's necessarily unique, although Jim seems to have
done better than most of us. Personally I'd be interested to see the
CSM article if you can find a url for it. It sounds like a "load" to
me, though that's primarily what I expect from CSM.

Two things:


Last year before I got the full-time job I have now I was doing
consulting work in Dallas (after consulting work here in Ft Lauderdale
had dried up and I'd moved back to Dallas to try and be near my kids
for another company that later "went bust" this time by selling out to
a larger company that didn't care about most of their small-business
clients). I was getting by on consulting work although I wouldn't say
I was doing tremendously well. I was still able to put half the money
in to buy a used car when my van died (my grandmother put in the other
half) and only had to borrow money for rent for one month out of the
year that I recall.

Toward the end of the year I got a "permanent" job with a small
company downtown which went away after a couple months (an stranged
circumstance I won't get into). When I got the job I'd been
desperately looking for work and not finding even any leads. Two
months later when I got my severance I suddenly had several leads for
good full-time jobs -- one of them was in Dallas which I was offered
and turned down because I got a bad feeling from the owner and shortly
afterward found out that the guy who'd interviewed me quit for the
same sort of reasons that made me afraid to take the job. Which left a
company in Los Angeles who flew me out for a face-to-face interview (I
was surprised) and later decided to hire someone else, and two
companies in Florida, both of which offered me a job and one of which
I took.

The company which hired me gave me a $3k advance to move from Dallas
to Ft Lauderdale (which I overspent and had to borrow some more cash
from my grandmother the first month). I'm just now finishing off
paying back the advance, I'm on the insurance (it was a 6 month
probation), and am supposed to be getting a bonus and a salary
increase soon.


When I got here I had a brief conversation with the lead programmer
about outsourcing. His stance on outsourcing is this: he's worked with
indian programmers in the pas and he will _never_ work with indian
programmers again because of a combination of the language barrier,
the work quality and the fact that the indian programmers he worked
with would routinely work 16hr days often to get the same amount of
work done as one American. I don't personally consider this a poor
reflection on indian programmers necessarily -- it is after all his
own subjective experience. The fact remains that there are hiring
managers in this country who are not willing to outsource and many of
them honestly feel that outsourcing for programming work does more
harm than good for their company.

So although it's not the same job market it's been (when has IT work
not radically changed from year to year?) I don't believe it's going
to change so radically that every American programmer will be jobless
any time in the near or even remote future.

p.s. sucks the Llamma's ... ahem... anyway... I prefer
DICE and myself, but definately follow all recruiting
sites and if you have local users groups attend them and ask the
people there about local jobs or telework, etc. they might know about.
Give a presentation or two at your local CFUG if you can -- people
remember you.

> At 10:46 PM 10/18/2004, you wrote:
>>In the last three months I have turned down several jobs
>>because I was overbooked.

>>   - Original Message -
>>   From: David Simcik
>>   To: CF-Jobs-Talk
>>   Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 1:08 PM
>>   Subject: The State of Programming in the United States?
>>   Hi,
>>   I read a truly scary article on the Christian
>>   Science Monitor last week that stated rather
>>   matter-a-factly that the American programmer was
>>   about to become as extinct as the dinosaur because of
>>   foreign competition. As people that are in the know,
>>   at least as far as Cold Fusion development is
>>   concerned, do you think this position is true? If
>>   so, what are you doing about it? If not, why is it
>>   different? I must admit as someone that has been
>>   doing Cold Fusion/Java development for close to 7
>>   years now that I was pretty darn frightened by what
>>   I read and there doesn't seem to be a whole heck of
>>   a lot going on for programmers on sites like
>>, etc either. Tell me what you think
>>   -- I'm all ears.

s. isaac dealey 954.927.5117
new epoch : isn't it time

RE: The State of Programming in the United States?

2004-10-21 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
>   I thought "The Northeast" was collectively, New England
>   + New York.

>   As someone else said, DC / Virginia area is mid-Alantic.

>   Thanks to "No Child Left Behind" hopefully our children
>   will not co-exist
> on the same level of ignorance about the US that we do.
> (ha, ha)

No, they will, but they'll be told that they aren't ignorant... how's
that for a beacon of progress? :)

s. isaac dealey   954.927.5117

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Re: Depressed - Job Loss ... Job Gain

2005-01-20 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> The position I just mentioned does not require long hours
> - typically, our Developers work about 40 hours per week -
> we believe in a life outside of work.

> So, please do contact me for additional information if you
> are an advanced CF Developer!  732-544-8454;

> Charlotte Griffin
> Human Resources Manager
> Viatech, Inc.

I'm currently working for a company in Ft Lauderdale, although I
always like to keep my options open in the event of the unforseen,
particularly with the instability in our industry in the past few
years. I'd be curious to know more about the job.

Thanks Charlotte,

s. isaac dealey 954.927.5117
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Re: ColdFusion Developer - Northern Virginia

2005-02-09 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Expects a bachelors degree but doesn't seem to know what "incumbent"

Unless he meant "lying, leaning, or resting on" the job offer...


> Title:   Systems Analyst

> Status:Exempt (not eligible for
> overtime)

> Department:   Information Systems

> Reports to: Manager of Applications
> Development

> Hours: Monday through Friday,
> 9:00AM to 5:30PM

> Available for work
> outside of
> business hours as required

> Occasional travel may
> be required

> Mission: Designs, builds, and
> maintains effective
> and cost-effective systems that support the Firm's
> business.

> Education:

> Required:

> 1.  Bachelor's degree or greater

> Preferred:

> 1.  BS in Computer Science or equivalent

> Experience:

> Required:

> 1.  (1) or more years experience as a software
> developer/integrator

> Preferred:

> 1. Law firm experience

> Skills and Abilities:

> To perform this job successfully, incumbent must be able
> to consistently
> demonstrate patience, teamwork, creativity, diplomacy, and
> excellent
> communication skills.  The ability to communicate with
> lawyers and staff
> in an effective manner is essential. Additionally, the
> incumbent must be
> able to prioritize and resolve conflicting workload
> assignments, and
> adapt to changing conditions.  Visual acuity is needed for
> extensive
> work on the computer.  Excellent written and oral
> communication skills.
> Proven critical analysis and process  improvement
> experience.  Capable
> of  responding to short notice tasking and multi-faceted
> projects. Akin
> Gump evaluates and selects technologies for use within the
> enterprise on
> a continuing basis. Systems Analysts are expected to
> possess journeyman
> to expert skills in one or more technical specialties
> currently employed
> by the firm.

s. isaac dealey   954.927.5117
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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Re: ColdFusion Developer - Northern Virginia

2005-02-10 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> Stephen Moretti (cfmaster) wrote:

>>S. Isaac Dealey wrote:
>>>Expects a bachelors degree but doesn't seem to know what
>>>Unless he meant "lying, leaning, or resting on" the job
>>You need to read the noun rather than the adjective.
> Mind you, with that meaning, it does make it sound like
> this job is only
> going to the person who already holds it. ;oD

Well that's rather my point -- the noun refers to the person who
already holds the position. I typically only hear it used in reference
to political elections -- like Bush.

Although that does conjure up some interesting images. :)

Candidate 1) What this company needs is a programmer who knows XML!

Moderator) Candidate two you have two minutes to respond.

s. isaac dealey 954.927.5117
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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Re: interview questions

2005-02-21 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
You're right, there's no straight answer.

I like this description tho:

> Marina,
>   There's no straight answer to that question... it
>   depends on the
> position and the job requirements.  If you want to post a
> description of
> the job in question (including requirements, etc.) then
> that would help.

> ~Simon

> Simon Horwith
> CIO, AboutWeb -
> Editor-in-Chief, ColdFusion Developers Journal
> Member of Team Macromedia
> Macromedia Certified Master Instructor
> Blog -

> Marina Z wrote:

>>Hi all,
>>I am new to the community.
>>What kind of questions are usually asked in interviews
>>about cold fusion?
>>I mean technical questions.
>>Can someone plz give a list of such questions or send me a
>>Thanks in advance.

s. isaac dealey 954.927.5117
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RE: Sr ColdFusion Developer / Contract / Carlsbad CA

2005-03-16 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Anybody else surprised to see DDL listed under SQL in the required
expertise in this job description? I write cross-platform DDL
myself... but most of the places I've worked, the other programmers
have generally had no idea about DDL, they all just use MS Enterprise
Manager or some other equivalent to create tables. So I'm a bit
surprised to see someone actually listing it as a requirement on a job

> ---
> Invitrogen - Sr. ColdFusion Web Developer - Contract

> Job description:

> We?re looking for a strong sr. web developer with
> experience designing,
> developing, deploying and supporting ColdFusion
> applications. Expected to be
> a self-starter that works well with the existing team.
> Developer will need
> to write detailed specifications, develop code,
> testing/debugging of code
> and provide support. In addition, the developer will be
> required to document
> designs, procedures, manuals and other documentation
> needed for the
> applications.

> Required Expertise:

> ·  Highly motivated, assertive self-starter that is
> goal-driven and
> detail-oriented
> ·  Great communicator, written and verbal
> ·  Effective: able to work across functional groups to
> meet aggressive
> schedules
> ·  Independent: able to work with minimal supervision
> while maintaining focus
> and productivity
> ·  Flexible: able to quickly adapt to new situations
> ·  Macromedia Cold Fusion 6.1 MX expert
> ·  Experience developing dynamic applications using XML /
> / Javascript
> ·  Write SQL (both DML and DDL) and working with databases
> ·  In-depth knowledge of FuseBox 3 methodology

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
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Re: interview questions

2005-03-24 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> Another question that always pops-up is FUSEBOX and your
> knowledge level about it (it will separate
> the advanced folks from the novices).

Well that depends very greatly on the interviewer's opinion of
fusebox. I have worked with companies where Fusebox was used
exclusively. I've also worked with companies populated by people who
abhore and despise Fusebox and become visibly flustered at the mere
_thought_ of it. During an interview it will certainly separate the
advanced FB developers from novice FB developers -- but you really
can't hope for anything more than that. Iirc FigLeaf, one of the best
known CF development houses has never used Fusebox -- the community
puts them on something of a pedestal and it's considered that the
programmers they hire are advanced or become advanced while working
there and still no Fusebox.

Although when it's all said and done, imo it is good to have some
knowledge and experience with it, even if you don't prefer it (I don't
myself, although FB4 is certainly a lot better than previous
versions), because even if you don't prefer it, it's still another
skill in your toolbox that makes you more versatile and valuable in
general. Like learning about Java, DOM or XML/XSL, etc.

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
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Re: interview questions

2005-03-24 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Heh... yea, you were only learning the onTap tools because you saw
something you thought might help you resolve some problems you were
having with the "framework" your company had before you got there --
which is a bit different than simply picking it up for general
purpose. :)

> Definately, I have gone into interviews where I was seen
> as advanced
> from the code I brought with me and questions I answered.
> Then I have
> gone into interviews where my lack of FB made me appear
> novice.  I
> really should learn some just to have it under my belt for
> those
> interviews.  However I have yet to feel I was in a bind
> enough to
> warrant learning another framework that I may or may not
> ever use
> depending on who is employing me.  In all my CF
> interviews, the FB
> question has only popped up twice so I would not say it is
> something
> that will always come up.

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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the onTap open source framework

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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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Re: interview questions

2005-03-24 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> But sadly I see no change happening here.  Just yesterday
> a co-worker
> was "talked" to for using a UDF and some inner joins on a
> page that I
> helped him with.  The reason was that they did not
> understand the
> syntax used so that was wrong and it needs to be made
> inefficient.

I've seen that before... annoys the hell out of me when a manager does
that... the message essentially is that people should, instead of
being expected to learn, intentionally use methods which are
inefficient to avoid learning so that no one else will ever need to
learn anything to understand their work... garbage... it's a great way
to completely eliminate the possibility of ever producing anything
genuinely innovative.

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework

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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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Re: need coldfusion splst sr level-with cascade bob ross 201 569 2822 to 100k

2005-03-29 Thread S . Isaac Dealey

>   That has to be the shortest job post I've ever read,
>   although I don't
> think I understand all the code.  What is splst?
>   Senior Level, with Cascading Style (sheets?)

> At 10:14 PM 3/29/2005, you wrote:
>>need coldfusion splst sr level-with cascade
>>style-urgent-bob ross 201 569 2822-central

s. isaac dealey 954.522.6080
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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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Re: FT: Web Project Manager (Atlanta, GA)

2005-04-01 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> PMP preferred but will consider relevant experience.

PMP? Wasn't hard to find SDLC on, but they give 3
pages of results for PHP, many of which are obscure or just nonsense
(pretty sure it doesn't mean "Poor Man's Pizza").

s. isaac dealey 954.522.6080
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework

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RE: FT: Web Project Manager (Atlanta, GA)

2005-04-03 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Thanks guys.

> The answer for PMP is Project Management Professionnal and
> it's by PMI
> project management institute.. There's a chapter in
> montreal
> I haven't
> look for the
> corporate website.

> Patrick

> -Original Message-
> From: Adam Haskell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: April 3, 2005 12:58
> To: CF-Jobs-Talk
> Subject: Re: FT: Web Project Manager (Atlanta, GA)

> I don't remeber what it stands for but its a Project
> Manager certification,
> if i recall correctly. I could have gotten one back in
> college but I never
> bothered to...I'll see if I can dig around and find the
> actual meaning if
> interested.

s. isaac dealey 954.522.6080
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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which one of these things is not like the other...

2005-04-07 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
I just took an online test for ColdFusion 5 (I didn't realize when I
talked to the recruiter that it would be CF5 and not MX or later). I
have to say, the Modis test for CF5 is one of the worst tests I've
seen. I got several duplicated questions (same question, but with the
name of a variable modified slightly, i.e. "someVariable" instead of
"myVariable", a number of questions about ColdFusion Studio (one in
particular about using debugging output to step through a template --
which I've never seen anybody use), and several questions which were
simply incorrect. The test actually blamed someone as being the author
of each question. :) And named John Ashenfelter for all of the
questions I saw... Were these written during a beta or something?
(Still wouldn't explain this replace question which is simply wrong --
no way around it.)


ColdFusion has a number of functions for replacing characters in
Each of the following answers consists of a function and result, but
one is correct.

Which of the following is correct?

A Replace("s","S","MISSISSIPPI",TRUE) result="MIssIssIPPI"
B Replace("S","s","MISSISSIPPI") result="MIsSISSIPPI"
C ReplaceNoCase("S","s","MISSISSIPPI") result="MIssIssIPPI"
D ReplaceNoCase("s","S","MISSISSIPPI", TRUE) result="MissIssIPPI"
E Replace("s","S","MISSISSIPPI") result="MisSISSIPPI"

I take it the intent was for "MISSISSIPPI" to be in the "string"
argument place, i.e. replace("MISSISSIPPI","s","S") etc rather than
being in the "substring2" argument... given these possible answers,
none of the answers are correct because the arguments are all in the
wrong order... You could certainly use this code in a page, but you
would never get any of the suggested possible results. You would get
as a result either "S", "s" or "MISSISSIPPI" for all variations.


The  tag has a number of possible parameters, but only a very
few are required.

Along with the DATASOURCE parameter, which of the following parameters
also strictly required in all cases?



Am I the only person who remembers using cfquery with nothing other
than a datasource attribute with CF5? Which would make this question
incorrect because it's asking for an additional required attribute...
except there aren't any. I guessed "name" as being most likely the
answer they wanted...


Any ColdFusion file can be treated as a custom tag using the
 syntax; for example, the file MyTag.cfm could be invoked
the  custom tag in a ColdFusion template. For this behavior
function properly, however, the file MyTag.cfm must be located in a
of specific directory locations.

If you invoke  from a file with the absolute path
c:\inetpub\wwwroot\MyApp\MyTemplate.cfm, which of the following
statements is false (assuming a default installation of ColdFusion

A The file can be put in the same directory as the calling template.
B The file can be put in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\
C The tag must be accessed using  if it is not in the same
directory as the calling template.
D The file can be put in c:\cfusion\customtags\MyApp\
E The file can be put in c:\cfusion\customtags\


The question is too ambiguous to know whether the answer is B or C. C
is false because  will access either a template in the same
directory or a template in the /cfusion/CustomTags directory, however,
B is also false if you're adhering to the syntax (i.e. not using
cfmodule). So B and C are both false, but you're only allowed to pick


Given the following CFML code:

#IsNumeric(x)# #IsBoolean(x)# #IsNumericDate(x)# #IsDate(x)#

Which of the following choices best describes the output?



I don't know... IsNumericDate() just seems too obscure to be used in a
test... Are people actually using this for Julian dates? I've never
seen it used.


God, I hate skill assessments... they're invariably horrid, just ...
some more than others...

s. isaac dealey 954.522.6080
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 

RE: which one of these things is not like the other...

2005-04-08 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> I took a test in February of 2004 in PHP and CFML.  I
> scored a mid-80's
> on the PHP and a low 70's in the CFML.  The reason for
> this was that the
> CFML test used CFGRID a good deal, and I'd never used this
> tag as it
> wasn't in the book I used to learn CFML X-)  Go figure.

Several of the earlier tests (prior to the certs) dealt with cfgrid
quite a bit... which is strange in retrospect, because I've only ever
really heard complaints about it. I probably would have failed a lot
of those questions also -- and probably have on more than one

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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Re: which one of these things is not like the other...

2005-04-08 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Yeah! Yeah! In a big public forum, where I could dress him up in a
tinkerbell outfit and... oh wait... wrong thread... :)

I won't be at cfunited unfortunately. I did think it was odd that John
interposed the arguments for the replace() function ... Maybe he was
sleep deprived or something.

> I just noticed that John Ashenfelter is speaking at
> CFUnited - perhaps
> you could give him your opinion of the test at the
> conference.

> larry

> On Apr 7, 2005 11:37 PM, S. Isaac Dealey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> I just took an online test for ColdFusion 5 (I didn't
>> realize when I
>> talked to the recruiter that it would be CF5 and not MX
>> or later). I
>> have to say, the Modis test for CF5 is one of the worst
>> tests I've
>> seen. I got several duplicated questions (same question,
>> but with the
>> name of a variable modified slightly, i.e. "someVariable"
>> instead of
>> "myVariable", a number of questions about ColdFusion
>> Studio (one in
>> particular about using debugging output to step through a
>> template --
>> which I've never seen anybody use), and several questions
>> which were
>> simply incorrect. The test actually blamed someone as
>> being the author
>> of each question. :) And named John Ashenfelter for all
>> of the
>> questions I saw... Were these written during a beta or
>> something?
>> (Still wouldn't explain this replace question which is
>> simply wrong --
>> no way around it.)

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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RE: which one of these things is not like the other...

2005-04-08 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
CFGRID - When self-loathing just isn't enough. :)

Might be better on 7 with the flash version.

> I can't imagine ever using it myself, it doesn't take that
> much effort
> to do what it does manually and better.

> CFGRID - for when you are 100% lazy, or hate life.

> As for certifications, I need to see if my manager will
> spring for one
> of those.

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework

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Re: What makes a programmer look low level

2005-05-09 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> 3. Queries inside of a cfloop or cfoutput (with the query
> attribute of
> course) and could have easily been avoided with a simple
> join in their
> original query.

> On 5/9/05, Michael Dinowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> How about we look at what makes a programmer look low
>> level and work our
>> way up. Two things that come right to mind are:
>> 1. Improper use of pound signs in evaluation zones
>> 2. Improper usage of IF clauses (not using short
>> circuited Boolean evaluation)

A lot of folks would argue about the pound signs saying that it's just
a matter of preference. I certainly don't care to see pound signs
where they're not needed  -- it strikes me as sloppy
and confusing, but I've never made a real issue of it.

by 2. are you referring to people using boolean evaluation without the
"is" or "eq" keywords or people using more conditions than are
necessary for a given if statement? i.e.

instead of


My additions:

1) Improper use of evaluation in general:



2) Use of arrays where structures are more appropriate

good: mycart[1].productname
good: mycart[1]["productname"]
bad: mycart[1][1] (not-descriptive)
bad: mycart[1][productname]   (overcomplicated)

(note the lack of quotes in the latter indicating that "productname"
must also be declared as a local variable in this case with a value of

3) use of snippets or coppy-pasted code -- particularly with MX
(between  and CFC's) if you see more than one line of code
repeated just about anywhere, there is almost always a way it could be
encapsulated so that the code wouldn't need to be repeated, thus
creating unnecessary maintenance / development burdens later. This is
more obscure, and ymmv with regard to the amount of code that
constitutes a "snippet". I've been known to agonize over replication
of code that's even one line in length. But then I'm a big fan of Once
And Only Once (OAOO) and Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY).

4) not using cfqueryparam :)

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Re: What makes a programmer look low level

2005-05-09 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
I'd buy that.

I wanted to include something about JS/DOM, but in retrospect the only
people I know who really understand JS/DOM are at least

With the possible exception of understanding why it is that you can't
use JavaScript to set a CFML variable.

> I am sure you can, however I am referring to the blatantly
> obvious places it
> is not needed and does nothing more than slow down a page
> from loading. It
> shows that someone does not fully understand what I would
> consider basic SQL
> and CFM skills.

> On 5/9/05, Michael Dinowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> I can see places where this is needed
>> > 3. Queries inside of a cfloop or cfoutput (with the
>> > query attribute of
>> > course) and could have easily been avoided with a
>> > simple join in their
>> > original query.
>> >
>> > On 5/9/05, Michael Dinowitz
>> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> How about we look at what makes a programmer look low
>> >> level and work
>> our
>> >> way up. Two things that come right to mind are:
>> >> 1. Improper use of pound signs in evaluation zones
>> >> 2. Improper usage of IF clauses (not using short
>> >> circuited Boolean
>> >> evaluation)

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Re: What makes a programmer look low level

2005-05-09 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Oh, speaking of cfif -- this also relates to copy-pasted code...




I see this frequently where the same block of code is repeated several
times to accomodate a series of conditional statements which could
easily be reduced to a single block of code with a couple variables.


> This could be purposely done and part of someones style. I
> always do the
>  method but have seen the other
> route taken from
> rather knowledgable people. At what point do you decide it
> would be easier
> to follow some nested if's over one single long if
> statement. I can not
> really think of an example where a long if or a bunch of
> nested if's is
> needed. I have seen code before that had a TON of them
> though and had to go
> in there to debug a problem on it.

> On 5/9/05, Michael Dinowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> I'm refering to
>> > > statement
>> Where the 2 CFIF clauses can be combined. This was seen
>> in the
>> type statements. CF 4.01 added the ability to combine
>> them properly where
>> if
>> the first clause of an AND statement failed, the second
>> never happened
>> (for
>> example)

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Re: What makes a programmer look low level

2005-05-09 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> At 01:25 PM 5/9/2005, you wrote:
>>How about we look at what makes a programmer look low
>>level and work our
>>way up. Two things that come right to mind are:
>>1. Improper use of pound signs in evaluation zones
>>2. Improper usage of IF clauses (not using short circuited
>>Boolean evaluation)

> A few things that bug me:

>   Non-descriptive variable names.  "X" is a lot less
>   descriptive than
> "CurrentAuthor" or "AuthorIndex" for example.

Can I use X as a loop index? I do that a lot. :)

> Breaking encapsulation In CFCs (or custom tags or UDFs)
> by referencing shared scope variable (application,
> session, request, etc.. ).

Does that include when the shared scope variables are part of a
wholistic framework used to develop the application? If I have a
well-structured set of function libraries in the request scope is it
bad form for one function in these libraries to reference another
function in these libraries from the request scope?

>   In databases, not defining relationships or keys.
>   This one really bugs me.

You're talking about lack of constraints. That's one of my pet peeves
too... it's bugged me at just about every place I've worked to date.

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Re: What makes a programmer look low level

2005-05-09 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Nice! :) That one actually got a literal "laugh out loud" on this end.

>>> How would you spot these in a code sample? :P


> - Jim

> S. Isaac Dealey wrote:

>>How would you spot these in a code sample? :P
>>>1.  An unwillingness to learn
>>>2.  Believing that they have no room for improvement
>>>3.  Blindly following the advice of some so-called
>>>Credible Person
>>>- Original Message -
>>>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Dinowitz)
>>>Date: Monday, May 9, 2005 11:25 am
>>>Subject: What makes a programmer look low level
>>>>How about we look at what makes a programmer look low
>>>>level and
>>>>work our way up. Two things that come right to mind are:
>>>>1. Improper use of pound signs in evaluation zones
>>>>2. Improper usage of IF clauses (not using short
>>>>circuited Boolean

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Re: What makes a programmer look low level

2005-05-09 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> What makes a programmer look low level is:

> 1. Not predefining variable for later use at start of code
> file or in a universal inclusion. Really, I think people
> should be held accountable to write out in documentation
> every variable used along with every set of data whether
> originating in a database or the result of munging
> something in the application. We show data schemas - so
> why not variable schemas.

The onTap framework actually has a page in the documentation that's
designed specifically to allow extensible documentation of all
variables used by the framework. I haven't updated the public site
recently unfortunately -- I've been busy working on other things and
now I have to update the forum before I can really do that. But --
although in retrospect it's not as nicely done as it could have been,
it does provide a thumbnail explanation of every variable exposed by
the framework, plus plugins can add variables to the list. Some of
them even have links to further documentation regarding the section
where the variable is used.

> 2. No code comments
> If you don't comment lots then you will confuse even
> yourself in the future. Commenting helps everyone
> understand what is going on. A lot of people don't comment
> believing it leads to dependence upon them (aka job
> security).

Yea, that doesn't work. :)

> 3. No explainable workflow
> Like the code comments - lots of people write code just to
> confuse someone else later having to re-work their
> disaster piece.  Applies to job security.  There are also
> times when people blow out lots of code in chunks and fuse
> things together and for whatever reason they don't go back
> and clean things up - whether it's a timeline issue or
> just that the person hopes to never touch it again.

Some of the "low level" stuff in the onTap framework could probably be
described that way... I'm thinking in particular about the tags that
manage SQL syntax for multiple db platforms. They work, but they're
not as clean as a lot of other areas of the framework.

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Re: What makes a programmer look low level

2005-05-09 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> Oh yeah I forgot another short sighted new programmer
> annoyance I hold is:

> Complex code that isn't tabbed or seperated like in case
> of a query with 100 fields running a big comma list versus
> putting a carriage return after each field name follwed by
> a comma.

> Makes debugging a pain since you have to eyeball things
> across and can easily bury a comma or forget one. As it
> relates to the code it makes finding what conditional you
> are in impossible except where you step the program
> manually or insert a CFABORT and keep mocing it down the
> file to see where the issue is.

> -Paris Lundis

I have personal issues with ad-hoc cfqueries in general...
particularly insert statements (it's often horribly difficult for me
to walk the column list once, count the number of elements down to my
insert value and then have to find that in the values list)...
Commenting each line of the values list (if not immediately obvious
what it is) helps, but is duplication of effort and ime almost never
done. I prefer to have tools that handle inserts and updates with
structures -- makes them much easier for me to debug... Not
cfinsert/cfupdate incidentally -- they fall in my list of things that
denote a person as being inexperienced, along with -- up until now --

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
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Re: What makes a programmer look low level

2005-05-09 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
How would you spot these in a code sample? :P

> 1.  An unwillingness to learn
> 2.  Believing that they have no room for improvement
> 3.  Blindly following the advice of some so-called
> Credible Person

> - Original Message -
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Dinowitz)
> Date: Monday, May 9, 2005 11:25 am
> Subject: What makes a programmer look low level

>> How about we look at what makes a programmer look low
>> level and
>> work our way up. Two things that come right to mind are:
>> 1. Improper use of pound signs in evaluation zones
>> 2. Improper usage of IF clauses (not using short
>> circuited Boolean
>> evaluation)

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
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Re: What makes a programmer look low level

2005-05-09 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> You can ask the applicant, ask a company the applicant has
> worked for, see if they have any open source projects,
> etc...

> I never have problems getting code samples from
> applicants, even code that's a few years old.  Most people
> are quite proud of what they've worked on, regardless of
> what someone else thinks of it.

I could probably dig up some of my code from CF4 if I really dug
around and tried... I doubt I have anything left-over from CF3 ...
dunno how many years that goes back... I'd expect it'd be a challenge
even for me (on my own machine), if even possible... but then I may
not be indicative of most programmers. I'd be mighty impressed if you
were able to find something of mine that was 3 yrs old. :P

Though I will say that does show dedication to the hiring process. :)

s. isaac dealey 954.522.6080
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RE: What makes a programmer look low level

2005-05-10 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
I'm pretty conscientious about documenting my open-source work.
Probably moreso than most folks... But then my documentation is also
all web-ready and a test-case for the framework. The majority of it
does end up being "language"-reference (documentation for individual
tags, functions and CFC's) but there are both beginner and advanced
tutorials in the core docs and I provide an overview doc with plugins.
(Granted, there's only one publicly available plugin currently.) But I
produce such a large volume of code that it would be impossible for my
documentation to be flawless.

> poorly formatted code   + no documentation or comments=
> bad;
> poorly formatted code   + bad documentation or comments   =
> bad;
> [poorly formatted code  + good documentation or comments  =
> bad;]*
> [well formatted code+ no documentation or comments=
> GOOD;]*
> well formatted code + bad documentation or comments   =
> bad;
> well formatted code + good documentation or comments  =
> good;

> where
> well formatted code   = minority;
> poorly formatted code = majority;
> no OR bad documentation or comments   = majority;
> *[good documentation or comments  = yeah right;]

> -Original Message-
> From: Jeffry Houser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 7:42 AM
> To: CF-Jobs-Talk
> Subject: SPAM-LOW: RE: What makes a programmer look low
> level

> At 10:39 PM 5/9/2005, you wrote:
>>Not all documentation is good; in fact, most is bad (in my

>   In my experience, most is non-existent.  But, I've never
>   had a problem
> with documentation that is there.  And I still have a hard
> time imagining a
> time where comments make it hard to follow the logic of
> code, no matter how
> poorly written the documentation is.

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
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Re: What makes a programmer look low level

2005-05-12 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Though in a DAO situation there's little point in not selecting *
since the DAO generally is just going to get all the columns for a
specific record and drop them into the bean or other object
properties. You can of course argue that explicitly declaring the
columns is faster for the database (although you are using the primary
key for selection), and using a code-generator can shift that load
some, but I still prefer select * in a DAO because I also use dynamic
accessor methods and that way I don't have to rewrite my DAO's when I
add columns to the table. I tend to be very much of the "right tool
for the job" mindset, so if there's a practical reason for using a * I
have no problem with it.

> I guess we all have our admamant areas :) If I see a
> Select * I get
> fairly upset with the developer. In most caees you are
> bringing back
> unneeded data and in a large developement envirmoent
> another programer
> can not easily step into the code and see what is being
> selected from
> where.

> Adam H

> On 5/11/05, Glenn Saunders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> At 01:14 PM 5/9/2005, you wrote:
>> >That reminds me of one...Select * in SQL
>> >statements...thats a really
>> >big PITA and a sign of a beginner or a lazy coder...
>> I guess that would make me a lazy coder.

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
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Re: What makes a programmer look low level

2005-05-12 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Except that's 2 places... 1 in the database and 1 in the code... 2...

I wouldn't call that lazy -- you'd be _amazed_ how much time you can
save (and productivity you can gain) by cutting out very small
(microscopic) tasks which occur often. At least for me, I consider
schema changes at least in early development frequent enough to
warrant. Granted that once the early development is done and the
schema is pretty solid you don't get much in the way of schema changes
and it's easy enough to go back and replace the * with an explicit
column list, I just don't see a need.

But yes -- the design of a DAO is not a beginner's task.

> Funny I was going to use DAO as an arguement for using
> Select * but
> didn't bother since I didn;t want to mix entry level using
> select *
> with using Select * with a DAO Design Pattern which if you
> are using
> DAO you're not entry level. I could just as Easily say
> though (just
> for arguements sake) that if you are using DAOs then you
> only have to
> change the Select list in 1 place, not wanting to change
> it in one
> place == lazy. I will still say though Selecting all
> comumn names is
> is better for any programer that might have to go into
> your code
> though

> Adam H

> On 5/12/05, S. Isaac Dealey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Though in a DAO situation there's little point in not
>> selecting *
>> since the DAO generally is just going to get all the
>> columns for a
>> specific record and drop them into the bean or other
>> object
>> properties. You can of course argue that explicitly
>> declaring the
>> columns is faster for the database (although you are
>> using the primary
>> key for selection), and using a code-generator can shift
>> that load
>> some, but I still prefer select * in a DAO because I also
>> use dynamic
>> accessor methods and that way I don't have to rewrite my
>> DAO's when I
>> add columns to the table. I tend to be very much of the
>> "right tool
>> for the job" mindset, so if there's a practical reason
>> for using a * I
>> have no problem with it.
>> > I guess we all have our admamant areas :) If I see a
>> > Select * I get
>> > fairly upset with the developer. In most caees you are
>> > bringing back
>> > unneeded data and in a large developement envirmoent
>> > another programer
>> > can not easily step into the code and see what is being
>> > selected from
>> > where.
>> > Adam H
>> > On 5/11/05, Glenn Saunders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> At 01:14 PM 5/9/2005, you wrote:
>> >> >That reminds me of one...Select * in SQL
>> >> >statements...thats a really
>> >> >big PITA and a sign of a beginner or a lazy coder...
>> >>
>> >> I guess that would make me a lazy coder.

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RE: What makes a programmer look low level

2005-05-12 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
In the case of cfinsert and cfupdate for the same reason I avoided
cfform for a long time... they suck... I do however have a pair of
intelligent alternatives to cfinsert/cfupdate which:

1) allow the use of structures other than FORM to pass in data
2) don't attempt to insert columns which don't exist in the table
3) the update tag performs an insert automatically if no matching
record exists
4) provides the option to automatically set any undeclared columns to
5) can be called with a function
6) ensure use of cfqueryparam (afaik in essence so does
cfinsert/cfupdate, just pointing out that queryparam isn't a weakness)

> OK, I'll bite.  Why would you *not* use standard CFML tags
> for the
> purpose they fullfill?

> --
> Damien McKenna - Web Developer -
> The Limu Company - -
> 407-804-1014
> #include 

>> -Original Message-
>> From: Glenn Saunders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> I'm also not too fond of code that uses CFINSERT and
>> usage instead of calling a proc or doing it via cfquery.

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Re: Typing test for programming?

2005-06-01 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
81wpm on their "classic test" -- which is shorter and therefore a less
accurate assessment... in the neighborhood of 60 with their new Java

I don't think it's at all common as a request for a job interview... I
can see why someone would ask for it tho... While you may not be
typing other people's words, you will type your own words faster if
you know how to touch-type... Which is useful particularly for email
and documentation, but even with code, I find that a lot of my typing
is in the form of real words (albeit unusually combined/cased) rather
than a wholly unique dialect which emphasises completely different
characters (or character combinations) than are emphasized by the
qwerty keyboard. I remember a friend of mine once bragged about typing
(programming code primarily in C/C++) much faster with only 4 fingers
because the syntax was so different from english that it was actually
more efficient not to use standard touch-typing practices. I didn't
think much of it at the time. In retrospect I have to think the code
was likely god-awful looking.

> I don't know about where to send you to learn, but you can
> test yourself for free here:


> I did just plain awful.  23WPM and 8 errors on my first
> try.  Ugh.  When
> you find that software, let me know.  I obviously need it!

> Ray

> Mark Holm wrote:
>> HI,
>> I'm applying for a position. I have to take a typing
>> speed test.. this is the 1st position I've ever applied
>> for that requested this.
>> Is this common?
>> My typing speed sucks..well because I never learned to
>> touch type..but it hasn't hindered my work in the past. I
>> have never had to type somebody else I don't
>> see the relivance to doing programming.
>> Can anybody suggest a good and quick way to increase my
>> typing speed in a few days?
>> TIA
>> Mark Holm

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Re: Typing test for programming?

2005-06-01 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> back to the original question, no this is not common for a
> development
> position.  To be honest, if anyone asked me to take a
> typing test for a
> development position, I would refuse.  Well written
> software cannot be
> conceived at such a speed that typing speed is an issue.
> If they want a
> typist that's one thing, but the amount of time it takes
> (and the
> general ability to) design an app. is going to have much
> more impact
> than typing speed when it comes to development times.

Heck I say, HECK! I type 60 words per minute, no matter what I'm
doing, whether I'm having a conversation with a coworker, degugging,
architecting, documenting, sipping a cup of coffee... go go go I say,
never put the keyboard down, not even to eat... take it to the
bathroom with you and do some more typing there... the more typing the
better, and the faster you type, the sooner your infinite number of
monkeys will complete their script for Hamlet. :P

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RE: Typing test for programming?

2005-06-02 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> So none of you programmers ever need to write
> documentation for your applications?  You never
> need to right a memo or an email? Never need to
> right anything other than straight code?

That's kind of what I was thinking... that's why I didn't take any
pause from the request for a typing test. Sure, a lot of companies
never ask their programmers to write documentation, but imo any good
programmer should be able to write decent documentation with
reasonable speed. In an ideal world I suppose we might all have people
hired on specifically as technical writers, but I've never worked for
a company where that was the case.

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
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RE: Typing test for programming?

2005-06-02 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
>   One more thought on the documentation thing

>   Writing user documentation (or an article, or a book) is
> a very different skill than being able to type.  If a
> person can type 100 words a minute while composing at the
> same time, I'd be very impressed.

This is true -- and I don't type 100wpm even when I have a copy
sitting in front of me... but this also sort of assumes that, once
you've decided what to write in your docs that the speed with which
you compose that sentence is irrelevant... I don't think so... if
you're much like any typical user I've seen with respect to the
keyboard, you'll decide what to say pretty quickly, and then take 2
minutes to type what took 10 seconds to conceptualize. If on the other
hand you can touch-type at something in the neighborhood of 60wpm,
then you can put to "paper" about twice as much of your brainstorming
in about half the time.

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
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Re: People with certifications get paid less

2005-06-21 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
>   On another list, someone pointed out to me that my
>   subject line was not
> necessarily correct.
>   The statistics talk about the percentage of raises, not
>   actual
> salary.  It is entirely possible that "certified" people
> still make higher
> salaries, perhaps at start.

"It was the second Foote study to offer good news for IT workers this

Like what? Dr. Scholls? Better arch support?

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
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Re: Phone interviews

2005-06-30 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> Is it common now for a company to say they will call for a
> phone interview but not give a time. Then not call on the
> day they say they would. 2 days later I get an email
> saying it has been reschedule for another day with no clue
> to the time?
> In the past all phone interview I've had were for specific
> days/time. This seems really unprofessional to me and hard
> to take serious.

> Is this the norm now?

It seems unprofessional to me as well.

At the very least it's likely indicative of disorganization.

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
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Re: Contracts for work

2005-07-02 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
>> It's not normal in my experience. What are some of the
>> escape clauses
>> and where do you live?
> This is what I find to be bothersome:

> 3.2. Payments. SSA shall remit payment to Contractor when
> the monies are received from SSA’s customer and on
> receipt of all properly submitted invoices, unless
> otherwise agreed upon in writing in Section 7 of the
> Order. The Contractor shall not be entitled to payment to
> the extent that the client refuses to pay SSA for the
> services of the Contractor’s employees because of
> unsatisfactory performance.

So what they're saying is "if our client doesn't like your work and
decides not to pay us, we're not paying you, and we're not going to
try and do anything about it". I don't find it especially surprising.
I don't know if it's common. I don't consider it a good contract,

Imo a good contract would need to specify that if the client stiffs
them they still pay you and take the client either to court or to
collections, as the company you're working for a) has the right to do
that and b) is in a far better financial position to lose that money.

My understanding is that IT consulting companies that hire
subcontractors don't just mark up your work 15% or so like it's a
mass-produced product -- they typically charge a minimum of 2x your
rate to the end client (usually closer to 3x). They then turn around
and take a larger number of projects and all the extra money that's
coming into the company from these projects and use that extra to pay
their sales staff, office rent, etc. It's true that some of them do go
out of business for financial reasons, but you don't want to work for
a company in that position anyway. If the company is stable, they're
much better able to deal with deadbeat clients than you are.

s. isaac dealey 954.522.6080
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Re: Does this seem really low?

2005-07-05 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> True, although from what I recall they wanted the person
> to be available for
> a lot of hours per week. Almost too many for a student if
> I am remembering
> the number right.

> On 7/5/05, Connie DeCinko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Or a student who happened to start learning at a very
>> early age and just
>> needs something to pad their resume.

They demanded 20-60 hrs... so in other words "we can't guarantee that
we'll have enough work for you to live on -- but we expect you to
guarantee that you'll be available (sitting around doing nothing
important or certainly nothing else paid) for well more than the
amount of time you would spend at a full-time job". These people have
apparently smoked so much crack that you might be able to get a high
just from breathing in the smell of their perspiration.

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
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RE: Does this seem really low?

2005-07-05 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Ahh... my mistake... still... I was approached recently by an overseas
company advertising CF work (and similar) for $15/hr ... German I
think... I don't remember for certain... but if I'm paying someone in
an overseas country with a depressed economy and significantly lower
cost of living $15, I can't see paying someone locally $10 with what
it looked like they were expecting in terms of skills. An intern
maybe, but that's a whole other ball-game, and I'd expect them to use
the word intern in their add if that's what they want...

> Well from reading the original post, they say that they
> require 20 hours per
> week, while you can work up to 60 if you wish.  So they
> don't demand 60
> hours, just 20.  I have a feeling that whoever works on
> this kind of
> arrangement either doesn't know what they're doing very
> well and therefore
> probably deserves $10 an hour, or are pretty adept at it,
> and can complete
> the task fairly quickly and just end up charging the
> company 60 hours a week
> when they probably work only half that or less.  It seems
> a little
> dishonest, but paying $10 an hour for us based flash work
> is ridiculous.

s. isaac dealey 954.522.6080
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Re: CF job/restarting a career

2005-07-26 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Hi K,

Sorry for the delayed reply... I was actually hoping some other folks
would reply, but I don't recall seeing any replies on the list... I
don't really have a lot of advice to offer, but I did want to make
sure you got some kind of response. My experience has been that having
much of my work behind someone else's firewall hasn't been an issue
when I've looked for work, and that's including before I became a Team
Macromedia volunteer and/or CF certified. In all honesty I'm not sure
if the CF certification has done anything for me -- I've heard an
anecdote about someone being passed up for a job because they were
certified, so for all I know having the cert may have actually
hindered me. I'm hoping it's the other way around. :)

My own answer to being disatisfied with my job has been to try and
work toward changing my job long-term, rather than focusing on the
quick-fix of finding another job. That is, in my spare time I work on
the software I want to work with in the hopes that it will eventually
produce a secondary income source I can grow until it replaces my 9-5

In my experience it's not a quick solution. Asside from the fact that
I can only work on it during what would otherwise be my "leisure
time", I've been at it off and on, mostly on (and with varying amounts
of "intent") for about 7 yrs now (more or less since I started working
with CF). I think the fact that much of the early part of those 7 yrs
was inexperienced and un-directed and much of hte middle part of those
7 years had been spent focusing on a large-scale enterprise CMS I was
never able to sell probably hurt my overall goals. In the last 2 years
in particular I've focused almost solely on the onTap framework, with
the intent now of creating a larger number of smaller applications. I
think this strategy of many small, affordable apps (a forum, a small
CRM app, etc) will produce better results in the short-term than the
previous strategy of one colossal enterprise application.

Good luck.

s. isaac dealey 954.522.6080
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Donations & Support:

Re: CF job/restarting a career

2005-07-26 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> That anecdote may not be entirely accurate.

Hey Jennifer... That's actually not the anecdote I was remembering...
I was remembering a post to ... I think cf-community in which someone
mentioned hearing from their boss after having been hired that the
boss had passed up on hiring someone with the certification for his
job. Though I don't remember if he said the manager had interviewed
the person -- it seems like I remembered it being intimated that the
guy wasn't interviewed, but that may be either a misremembrance on my
part or simply bad information. But I distinctly remember the guy who
posted the message saying "praise the gods of certification" because
he seemed to believe that not having the cert. had been a crucial
point in his being hired. Other than that I remember the rational
being similar to what you mentioned from the BACFUG list.

s. isaac dealey 954.522.6080
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Job Description Oddity

2005-07-30 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
I just got this job description in an email and I'm just wondering if
-- asside from the fact that there's really little or no description
of the job, does anyone else find the "preferred" list odd? Aren't
these mostly "marketing fluff" type things that hiring managers
usually put in the "required" section? (HTML/DHTML, CSS and JavaScript
notwithstanding, although I'm not sure if I should interpret dhtml and
javascript both being listed as a lack of understanding or a desire
for the job description to produce more hits in searches.)

Title:  ColdFusion Developer
Location:  --- (they did provide one)
Duration:  Long term

* Coldfusion Developer (MX certification/experience preferred, 5.0 or
4.5 acceptable)
* Min 5+ years commercial development experience with ColdFusion
* Strong database background (SQL Server 2000 preferred) - ability to
write efficient SQL queries minimally, but ability to build databases
& good understanding of DB schema, structure, etc.


* HTML/DHTML, CSS and JavaScript
* Team player with drive and time management experience
* Comfortable working in an environment filled with frequent change
and challenge
* High level of integrity and confidentiality
* Take pride in quality workmanship and have an eye for detail
* Be available for work outside of "standard business hours" as

s. isaac dealey 954.522.6080
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Donations & Support:

Re: Permanent Coldfusion Developer/MA/Weymouth

2005-09-22 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Hey, you might want to also repost this to
 I expect everyone who's on the jobs-talk list is also on cf-jobs,
but I believe there are more subscribers on cf-jobs (which is intended
for these actually -- jobs-talk is intended for general discussion) so
you might get more responses if you post to the other list.


s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
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> Email Resumes or Referrals to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> In this role you will have the opportunity to design,
> develop and support an industry-leading
> Inventory/order/CRM system using a variety of
> technologies.

> You will be responsible for managing projects through all
> phases of the development cycle.  Additional
> responsibilities include supporting a load-balanced

> server architecture and consulting with clients' regarding
> their technology requirements.

> The ideal candidate will have the following skills:

> Minimum four years programming experience with Internet
> applications;
> Extensive experience with:
>   Cold Fusion
>   MS SQL Server
>   JavaScript
> Moderate experience with:
>   Server Management
>   Workstation support and setup

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Donations & Support:

Re: Part Time Coding

2005-12-20 Thread s . isaac dealey
I usually make that mistake when I'm distracted... like say by being awake. :)

>   Hey, it happens.  I know I've made that mistake.

> At 08:49 PM 12/20/2005, you wrote:
>>we won't tell anyone Ben.
>>On 12/20/05, Ben Arledge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> > However, it appears I'm a novice with email. :) Sorry
>> > everyone!
>> >
>> > Ben

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Re: 2006 Turn Around?

2006-01-05 Thread s . isaac dealey
Seems to me like more than we've had in general since 2000 tho... I tend to 
agree that the (cf) job market seems to be noticeably a lot healthier this (and 
last) year than it had in several years. My guess would be that it can be 
attributed both to a healthier economy in general as well as to good marketing 
from MM and really popular / relevant (not necessarily overlapping) new 
features in recent releases of CF.

> Typical January hiring manangers activity.

> -Original Message-
>>From: Robert Reno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Jan 5, 2006 7:52 AM
>>To: CF-Jobs-Talk 
>>Subject: 2006 Turn Around?
>>It seems like I have been getting double the usual calls
>>for CF openings in Florida.  Has anyone else noticed more
>>calls where you are?  I even had two direct calls from
>>companies hiring in addition to the recruiters calling.
>>Rob in Tampa

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Donations & Support:

Re: 2006 Turn Around?

2006-01-05 Thread s . isaac dealey
It seems like the folks at Site Manageware (my last job in Florida) hired most 
of the CF programmers (those looking for work anyway) in South Florida, and had 
been having a diffcult time finding more people. They had imported me from 
Texas at the time in mid-2004, but they hired me with a senior/advanced/r&d 
expectation, rather than most of their intermediate jobs. 

> Rob,

> I've definitely seen an increase over the past year or so.
> I don't
> think it's just started in 2006.  I have several job
> "agents" setup in
> Monster and other sites to notify me of jobs in certain
> areas, and
> they have been steadily increasing for some time now.  In
> fact, I know
> anecdotally that it's been hard to even find and hire CF
> developers in
> certain areas of the US.  I think the market is very
> healthy right now
> and has been for a year or so.

s. isaac dealey 434.293.6201
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Donations & Support:

Re: 2006 Turn Around?

2006-01-12 Thread s . isaac dealey
> I saw little benifit in Fusebox at the time. Confusing
> longwinded, and time consuming, it seemed faster to
> work within a linear approach.

I definately liked Fusebox when I first started working with it (late FB2 
though I didn't really start working with it 'till FB3). It wasn't until later 
that I became disenchanted with it because I found myself doing a lot of 
repetitive coding, which I know some people avoid with the use of "mind 
mapping" tools like FuseBuilder, though I'm not real happy with that idea 
either. I don't like the idea of code-gen tools for creating "beans" (or beans 
in general) or really much of anything. Not sure if that bias against code gen 
tools makes me more or less marketable in the workplace. I do know that being a 
framework author tends to put off some potential employers because of the 
thinking that I might not be loyal (split when my own software becomes 
profitable) or might not work so hard on their projects or because they 
perceive my own work as being in competition with the framework they've chosen 
(i.e. how can someone who develops their own framework be good at FB or 
Mach-II). Although I'm working on an FB4 application right now. Yes I would 
rather be working with my own, but I certainly don't consider myself a slob 
with FB4 (which is admittedly far superior to FB3 and _might_ have kept me from 
developing my own framework had it been available at the time -- I'm glad it 
didn't because I get a lot more work done at home and we'll be using onTap for 
the next iteration of the software at my new day job). I don't so much blame 
them for the loyalty question -- yeah, I'd love for my own software to become 
profitable enough that I can do whatever I want. 

> Employers want the young, but they also want the
> experienced, and the experienced may be a lot like me.
> No degree, self trained, and bouncing from position
> to position to keep our heads above water while we
> support our families and try to get ahead.

That does a pretty good job of describing myself as well.

> Corporations are finally seeing the advantage of
> ColdFusion. Adobe's purchase of Macromedia will only
> improve that outlook while giveing the product greater
> stability and marketing clout.

I suspect that depends a lot on what business sector you've been working in... 
I'm told that CF has had a good chunk of the government market for a long time, 
and we see those job listings for DC all the time.

> What some job seekers are going to have to realize is
> that, to obtain the money positions they desire,
> they will need to put some effort into learning their
> craft's. They are going to have to pick up a book or
> a course or 10, and learn about architectures and
> methodologies.

That has so not been my experience... I'm in a good place now work-wise, so 
I'll make public my brutally honest observation (though I may have anyway). Its 
seemed to me for quite some time that employers are much less concerned with a 
programmers ability to perform their job than with their ability to be socially 
normative. I've never given much credence to social normalcy myself -- there 
are lot of social "norms" that I find unpleasant. But when it's a choice 
between the quirky unitarian-hippie guy who's always learning and can and will 
thread a needle with CF and the slob who spends all day in the office trying to 
find some way not to work, the guy who's downloading pornographic christmas 
carols and playing them out loud in the office will a) be paid more and b) keep 
his job longer (true story). Or I'm just jaded and bitter.

> CF went from being the first web application server
> to getting a bad rap in the programming community as
> a tag-based procedural web scripting language. Only
> now is it coming into the corporate consciousnous
> that CF is a rich, powerful, rapid-application-development
> language, built upon J2EE, that lends itself beautifully
> to either a procedural base or an OO methodology,
> and the developers that they want to leverage that
> flexability are those that can work within both worlds.

I'm not convinced the rap for CF has been worse than for other languages... 
I've hear people say that Python is the "definitive OO language", but when I've 
looked at use comparisons, it's always near the bottom when compared to CF, ASP 
and PHP. I've never seen a use comparison in which CF wasn't _close_ to the top 
near ASP if CF was included -- I tend to think the omission of CF has occurred 
in some of those cases not because it wasn't being used but rather because 
whoever compiled the data was biased against it. A zealot might include Java, 
ASP, PHP, Python and Lotus Notes for various reasons but the

RE: Garrison Enterprises in Charlotte NC

2006-01-17 Thread s . isaac dealey
> In case they are listening in on the list and want to
> start up an argument,
> I sent you the details off list.

I came here for an argument! :)

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Donations & Support:

Re: Garrison Enterprises in Charlotte NC

2006-01-17 Thread s . isaac dealey
> Thanks for posting off list (I should have requested this
> with original
> question).  Since I opened the discussion, I would prefer
> anything
> negative be posted off list out of fairness to them.  I
> don't want to start
> a thread bashing any company, much less a potential
> employer.

Microsoft not withstanding. :) 

s. isaac dealey 434.293.6201
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Donations & Support:

Re: A Question For Recruitment Agents

2006-01-19 Thread s . isaac dealey
> A quick question for any recruitment agents on this
> list(or anyone else who
> knows).

> Twice in the passed year I've started a dialog with a
> recruitment agent,
> only for them to go quite and not tell me that I didn't
> get an interview.
> How hard would it be for them to have sent a quick email
> saying, "they
> weren't interested"?

> I understand that this might lead to another email asking
> why etc, but I'd
> rather THAT second email was ignored and I knew I didn't
> get an interview so
> you can move on and make other plans.

> Surely it's just common courtesy, or am I missing
> something?

> Adrian

It's become unfortunately common for companies to not send rejection letters, 
emails, etc... just what I've experienced and heard from others, so you're not 
alone in thinking it's discourteous. 

s. isaac dealey 434.293.6201
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RE: Web Developer Position - Beginner

2006-02-28 Thread s . isaac dealey
Those plants are smaller. :)

> makes me wonder what KIND of plant it is. ;-)

> ..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.
> Bobby Hartsfield

> -Original Message-
> From: Cameron Childress [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 3:41 PM
> To: CF-Jobs-Talk
> Subject: Re: Web Developer Position - Beginner

> I had the same thought.  :)  Odd to see "One Giant Plant"
> listed in a
> job description.  It makes me wonder what the "other
> amenities" are.
> Good to see postings with a sense of humor.

> -Cameron

> On 2/27/06, John Wilker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Just one plant?
>> Sorry couldn't resist :)
>> On 2/27/06, Jim Curran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Nylon Technology
>> >
>> >
>> > About Us
>> > We are a New York City-based software company that
>> > builds web-based
>> > systems
>> > including websites, intranets, extranets, cd-rom,
>> > content management and
>> > database solutions.  We focus on the technology portion
>> > of web projects
>> > and
>> > partner with design agencies to provide the interface
>> > design.
>> >
>> > We work in a loft on 14th Street with skylights, a
>> > large plant and other
>> > amenities.  It's a fairly informal environment, but we
>> > are serious about
>> > our
>> > work.  We have been in business since 1997.
>> >
>> > Job Description
>> > We are looking for a detail-oriented web developer with
>> > around two years
>> > of
>> > professional experience building websites.
>> > Intermediate
>> > HTML/DHTML/JavaScript and beginner Cold Fusion and SQL
>> > skills are a
> must.
>> > Other languages are a plus.
>> >
>> > You will be surrounded by advanced web application
>> > developers using
>> > primarily Cold Fusion and SQL Server, so this position
>> > will offer great
>> > growth and learning potential.
>> >
>> > You will interact directly with clients, so
>> > communication skills are
> also
>> > important.  The position is full-time and includes
>> > health benefits.
>> >
>> > Next Step
>> > If you are interested, please send your resume to
>> > .
>> > In your cover email, include:
>> > 1) Desired salary range
>> > 2) City where you live
>> > 3) When you would be available for an interview
>> > 4) When you would be available to start
>> >
>> > Thank you.
>> >
>> > - Jim
>> >
>> >
>> >

> ~~

Donations & Support:

RE: recruiters and candidate marketing

2006-03-08 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Thanks Cutter! :)

> S. Isaac,

> Whaddayagobyanyway?


Take your pick. :)

s. isaac dealey 434.293.6201
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RE: recruiters and candidate marketing

2006-03-08 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Heh. I've mentioned it on cf-community in the past. :) Actually I
accidentally posted the story to cf-talk too...

>   Susan's a new one.  ;)

> At 09:39 AM 3/8/2006, you wrote:
>>Thanks Cutter! :)
>> > S. Isaac,
>> > Whaddayagobyanyway?
>>Take your pick. :)

s. isaac dealey 434.293.6201
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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Re: recruiters and candidate marketing

2006-03-08 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
It is in the language of Mordor which I will not utter here. :)

> So the S stands for Sherry?

> On 3/8/06, S. Isaac Dealey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Heh. I've mentioned it on cf-community in the past. :)
>> Actually I
>> accidentally posted the story to cf-talk too...
>> d:5/threadid:
>> 15629
>> >   Susan's a new one.  ;)
>> > At 09:39 AM 3/8/2006, you wrote:
>> >>Thanks Cutter! :)
>> >>
>> >> > S. Isaac,
>> >>
>> >> > Whaddayagobyanyway?
>> >>
>> >>isaac
>> >>ike
>> >>try
>> >>coyote
>> >>susan
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>Take your pick. :)

s. isaac dealey 434.293.6201
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Re: recruiters and candidate marketing

2006-03-08 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Yes, it's brass. :P

> So have you found that "one" ring yet?  :P

> On 3/8/06, S. Isaac Dealey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It is in the language of Mordor which I will not utter
>> here. :)
>> > So the S stands for Sherry?

s. isaac dealey 434.293.6201
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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Donations & Support:

Re: Independant work

2006-03-08 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
>   This is moved from CF-Jobs to CF-Jobs-Talk.

>   My first job?  The company I left hired me back as a
>   consultant.  I
> haven't decided whether or not this was a good idea, but
> I've been on my
> own for 7 years since then.

>   Read my whole life story here
> <> The whole
> (December?) issue
> of CFDJ was supposed to be on this topic, I think.

There was a whole issue of CFDJ on your life story? Wow... I'm
impressed! :)

s. isaac dealey 434.293.6201
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the onTap open source framework

Donations & Support:

Re: Independant work

2006-03-08 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> At 03:33 PM 3/8/2006, you wrote:
>> >   This is moved from CF-Jobs to CF-Jobs-Talk.
>> >   My first job?  The company I left hired me back as a
>> >   consultant.  I
>> > haven't decided whether or not this was a good idea,
>> > but
>> > I've been on my
>> > own for 7 years since then.
>> >   Read my whole life story here
>> > <> The
>> > whole
>> > (December?) issue
>> > of CFDJ was supposed to be on this topic, I think.
>>There was a whole issue of CFDJ on your life story? Wow...
>>impressed! :)

>   :laughs:
>   I meant the article was on my life story, although in
>   brief.
>   The whole issue of CFDJ was supposed to be 'Marketing
>   and
> Management'.  Although, I don't have a good gauge as to
> how well the topics
> are sticking to the focus.

Well if they're sticking to the focus, you might want to clean the
lense... Otherwise you're liable to get bleary pictures. :P

s. isaac dealey 434.293.6201
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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Strange Job Description

2006-03-16 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Does anybody else find this job description odd?
ockey=xml/3/b/[EMAIL PROTECTED]&source=13

Seems like that particular collection of skills isn't very likely to
appear in a single person with real proficiency. Just seems to me like
they're looking for someone who's well versed in several
uncomplimentary thought-worlds.

That and they want this person to eat, sleep and drink the job and
piss photoshop graphics. Although I can't say I haven't seen that

s. isaac dealey 434.293.6201
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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Donations & Support:

RE: usability skills

2006-03-17 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> I've had my fair share of Psyche classes... believe me :)
> When you take out
> the details of the brain and what it's made of, there's
> nothing left that
> common sense wouldn't tell you.

> Common sense would also tell me that if all the usability
> research methods
> people have used (or been forced to used) through their
> careers as
> developers were worth anything, people wouldn't be
> screaming for better
> solutions. Who did you say came up with those again?

The vast majority of software (probably more than 90%) never involves
a usability expert in its design process. A large percentage of the
software projects that do involve a usability expert involve them
after the project is mostly complete, at which point they're not
allowed to make any changes that would result in noticeable
improvements for the user. The process of designing user interfaces in
today's software by and large is done by programmers, most of whom are
rather involved in a very different thought-world than the average
user. For that matter, I've met quite a few programmers who seem to
actively hate users. It's evident not only in the "stupid user" humor
like ID10T errors and PEBKAC but in much more telling ways like "gee
John, I'm surprised you're not more familiar with CSS"... "Well, you
know, CSS is for the user, so I've avoided it." I would venture to say
that most software is designed by people who see no problem with the
user being frustrated and in some cases actually prefer it that way.
That was the whole reason Alan Cooper wrote the Inmates Are Running
the Asylum (although he's less jaded about programmers and more jaded
about the interface than I am, believing that a) programmers genuinely
care about users and b) file systems and search features should be
completely abolished).

s. isaac dealey 434.293.6201
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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the onTap open source framework

Donations & Support:

advice wanted regarding short notice

2006-03-25 Thread S . Isaac Dealey

I have several recruiters who are supposed to contact me in the
upcoming week. No offers, just several leads; 2 in Las Vegas, 2 in Ann
Arbor MI (I have family there), one in Cleveland and 2 more in the DC
Metro area. I've been focusing my efforts primarily on finding
something in the DC Metro area with several challenges, including the
fact that I don't have a degree and the fact that since it turned out
I had to take a pay-cut to accept my last job, I'm still flat broke 5
months later and can't afford to pay up-front to move the 2 hours
north to the DC area.

Today I received a call from a recruiter with a job in northern
Virginia (DC Metro). Asside from mentioning being impressed with my
"very niche" resume, he described being in a real hurry to fill this
job because the previous programmer told them yesterday without
warning that he wouldn't be in the office on Monday because he'd
accepted another job. I'm to check in to a hotel tomorrow
afternoon/evening on their account so that I can interview with the
client (Department of the Interior) on Monday. If I'm approved and
accept the offer Monday, I would be on a 6 week contract at $45/hr
starting Tuesday and they would pay all my hotel costs. The recruiter
says that the project is expecting to be refunded soon (I assume 6
weeks) and he expects they would likely make me a permanent employee
in the next month or two roughly coinciding with the funding, at which
point there would be salary negotiation.

Here's my list of my concerns:

1) government client, not requiring a degree and not requiring a
security clearance (I'm not opposed to getting one, but it'll be nice
if I don't have to put up with the hassle)

2) assuming the recruiter is being honest, it seems like this might be
an easier way to overcome the issue of convincing a company in DC that
I'm not only good enough to not need a degree at $80k but that it's
worthwhile to advance me cash for relocation.

3) great rate -- I wonder about this tho because one of the jobs in
Vegas is a 12 month contract where the cost of living is significantly
lower and they're offering the same rate, so I wonder if I'm not
getting $50 just because they're being cheap (although they are paying
for the hotel if I accept the job).

1) It seems not unlikely that there may be problems with the job --
the previous programmer leaving suddenly isn't confidence inspiring,
although it's not proof of anything

2) If I decide to accept the job tomorrow, I have to pass up the
opportunity to interview with and possibly consider several other
offers in the next week or two (they'd want me to start Tuesday, so I
wouldn't even be coming home between the interview and the job).

3) If the project isn't refunded, even at $45/hr I may be in serious
financial distress after taking the next month to move us the two
hours north.

4) The recruiter described my skills as being "very niche". What
bothers me mostly is that he said most of their government clients
have been hiring .NET developers instead and seemed to imply (if not
outright say) that ColdFusion is a dead/dying technology. I'm
wondering if I should just blow this off as simple ignorance on the
part of the recruiter or if I should take this as a bad omen.

I have a phone interview with one of the companies in Vegas at 5pm
tomorrow that will need to be taken from the hotel room. I'm also not
sure how many other contacts I'll have to postpone until Tuesday at
the earliest because I'll be unavailable tomorrow.

I'm interested in hearing others thoughts on this. I'm having some
buyers remorse about agreeing to the interview because I'm concerned
that accepting the job may be another big mistake (like the last job I
accepted), or that even if I don't accept the job that postponing
contact with other recruiters until Tuesday may be problematic.


s. isaac dealey 434.293.6201
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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Donations & Support:

Re: advice wanted regarding short notice

2006-03-28 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> Government clients are good, but they are the client so
> please make
> sure the company you are contracting with is solvent, get
> everything
> (and I do mean everything) in writing. Make sure you
> understand when
> you will be paid, some firms are Net 30 or more in paying,
> since they
> have to wait longer periods for the Government client to
> pay them  The
> rate seems a low for the DC area, and your superior skill
> set.Ask
> for more. Although if they are picking up the housing, you
> could
> factor that into the rate.

Thanks Maureen (and others),

I went for the interview and met with a couple of women at the gov't
building (I think this may be inter-agency -- I know the project deals
with inter-agency workflow), and as luck would have it (it remains to
be seen whether this was good or bad luck), the man who needed to make
the final approval (project manager) was out until Wednesday. So after
having put me up in a hotel so that I could be there early to try and
get to see this guy for the interview the night before, the company
offered to put me up again to save me the drive. I decided to head
home to catch a 5pm phone interview I'd already scheduled. In the
interrim they called and asked me to call another woman with the gov't
client for a phone interview, at which point I called back and
declined to continue the interview process because Tiff and I were
still uncomfortable with the timescale among other things.

They called back again today seemingly pretty desperate, claiming that
the client after seeing my resume was very adamant about trying to get
me on the project specifically. I'm suspicious that the client is
simply concerned about the fact that the guy before me was only on the
project a week and left suddenly because he'd received a full-time
offer from a company he was already courting and thinking that my
leaving mid-interview process may be an indication that they don't
check out their candidates. Or something of that nature. (Not that any
amount of checking is ever a guarantee of anything.) They offered in
addition to covering my hotel to increase the rate and to hire movers
and pay to move us up to the DC-metro area on their dime, none of
which make me any more comfortable given that it's a 6 week project.
My inclination is to think that's an awful lot of desperation over
such a short/small project.

I do know that the recruiting company is a smaller start-up, and I
suspect the 3 people I've spoken with represent the core of the
company (the owner, her husband and an older gentleman who retired
from gov't work and is now helping them find contracts). Which I guess
also would be reason to have concern about their solvency and ability
to make good on promises to move us. I have to admit, I have mixed
feelings about even sharing this much information about it on the
list, because it's not a situation I've ever been in before and so I'm
really not sure what would be considered good etiquette. I'm assuming
that not naming names is a good thing, since I don't know what their
situation is (I just have my feelings on the subject) and I really
don't want to hurt their reputation since I can't know if it's

In any event, Tiff and I decided our confidence isn't good enough to
accept it, so I'm sticking to my job search for now.

Thanks again,

P.S. If anyone on the list is contemplating an attempt to breathe
mashed potatoes, I'd recommend against it. Tiff just gave it a shot
and I have to say it was a little scary.

s. isaac dealey 434.293.6201
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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Donations & Support:

cost of living estimates

2006-03-29 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
So, I've generally used the first CoL calculator that comes up in a
google search:

Because in the past it's seemed to be the only one that was really
available, although now there appear to be a couple more that work
(plus a couple that are either broken or lacking certain cities like
Charlottesville where I am currently).

I've found these other two:

The problem is that these calculators produce wildly different
estimates of cost... Example:

From: Charlottesville VA
To: San Francisco CA
Income: $70k

1. roughly equivalent
2. 60% increase ($111k)
3. 80% increase ($125k)

The comparison between here and DC is similar although less drastic.
One thing that bothers me is that the first calculator is the only one
of the three that includes rent vs. own in the calculation. (23%-32%
increase although the first calculator says that Arlington which hugs
the side of downtown DC is equivalent of Charlottesville, which I find
difficult to believe)

I'd be grateful for any thoughts or resources anyone has.


s. isaac dealey 434.293.6201
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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the onTap open source framework

Donations & Support:

Re: cost of living estimates

2006-03-29 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Thanks Larry, that's one of the 3 I've tried... although you're
probably plugging in a higher number than I am... I'm only seeing a
jump of $10-12k from CVille to Washington DC... Or that may be based
on owning a house, which ... I'm so busted at the moment that's not
even a remote possibility... maybe in 5-10 years I'll be able to
consider it with some amount of legitimacy... maybe... if my luck
dramatically changes now and is very good for the next 5-10 years.
Unfortunately the same COS tells me that Arlington would be roughly
$9k _less_ than CVille for me, which I don't believe for a second...
but that's the reason for asking about COS in general, because I don't
know that I can really trust this one since I'm pretty certain it's
wildly innacurate when I choose Arlington VA.

> Isaac,

> You may want to try this COS calculator:

> Moving from Charlottesville to Arlington, your salary
> would have to
> jump up to 106,000. Living further out, say in Gainesville
> or Manassas
> -both on the edge of the area, you'd only have to earn an
> extra $7,000
> to $10,000.

> The big drawback for both places is that you're looking at
> a real ugly commute.

> hth,
> larry

> On 3/29/06, S. Isaac Dealey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> So, I've generally used the first CoL calculator that
>> comes up in a
>> google search:
>> Because in the past it's seemed to be the only one that
>> was really
>> available, although now there appear to be a couple more
>> that work
>> (plus a couple that are either broken or lacking certain
>> cities like
>> Charlottesville where I am currently).
>> I've found these other two:
>> The problem is that these calculators produce wildly
>> different
>> estimates of cost... Example:
>> From: Charlottesville VA
>> To: San Francisco CA
>> Income: $70k
>> 1. roughly equivalent
>> 2. 60% increase ($111k)
>> 3. 80% increase ($125k)
>> The comparison between here and DC is similar although
>> less drastic.
>> One thing that bothers me is that the first calculator is
>> the only one
>> of the three that includes rent vs. own in the
>> calculation. (23%-32%
>> increase although the first calculator says that
>> Arlington which hugs
>> the side of downtown DC is equivalent of Charlottesville,
>> which I find
>> difficult to believe)
>> I'd be grateful for any thoughts or resources anyone has.
>> Thanks,
>> s. isaac dealey 434.293.6201
>> new epoch : isn't it time for a change?
>> add features without fixtures with
>> the onTap open source framework

> ~~

Donations & Support:

Re: cost of living estimates

2006-03-29 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Yep. If I move to DC-metro I expect I won't be driving anywhere. At
least not daily.

> I think ugly commutes should be factored in.  You get the
> added expense of
> maintaining a vehicle more so it lasts day to day.  Plus
> the huge added
> aggravation of dealing with the commute.  For the past 5-6
> years I have been
> commuting an insane amount and primarily because the money
> was just so
> good.  I am getting to the point of that not even being a
> good enough reason
> though.

s. isaac dealey 434.293.6201
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Donations & Support:

recruiters with english as a second language

2006-03-30 Thread S . Isaac Dealey

I hope I'm not offending anyone, but at what point do you simply not
respond to a recruiter if there's an obvious language barrier? I'm
just curious if anyone else has a "rule of thumb" they use, because I
just got an email from a recruiter asking me to "revert back
positively ... with the resume and the rate", indicating that he's
confused the definition of "reply" or possibly "respond" and "revert".

It seems like now more than any other time that I've looked for a job,
the majority of the recruiters I talk to are some variety of
(middle)eastern (I'm guessing mostly Indian, although of course I
don't ask) with varying degrees of either accent or language barrier.
I really don't want to come across as being insensitive, but some of
these people (a good number of them actually) speak english over the
phone so poorly that it takes several iterations of a word or phrase
before I understand what they're trying to say, and it really makes me
wonder how they've even been hired in a recruiting capacity by
companies seeking english-speaking workers.

My current job search seems to be nearing its end, so I'm not liable
to need to worry about it for hopefully several years now, I'm just
curious what other people's thoughts are on the subject.

s. isaac dealey 434.293.6201
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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Donations & Support:

Re: recruiters with english as a second language

2006-03-30 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Thanks Pete, it's good to know I'm not alone. :)

> I've gotten a number of calls from recruiters that were
> pretty
> obviously outsourced Indian callcenter employees who were
> dialling for
> dollars.  As a rule, I hang up on them as quickly as
> possible.  I have
> also gotten emails that used less than native English,
> which I delete
> just as quickly.  Sorry, but if they don't care enough to
> communicate
> properly and effectively, I don't care enough to respond.

> Pete

s. isaac dealey 434.293.6201
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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the onTap open source framework

Donations & Support:

Re: recruiters with english as a second language

2006-03-30 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> Despite various websites' preference settings (Career
> Builder and DICE
> come to mind), I STILL get emails from recruiters, usually
> with
> middle-eastern names, shopping for candidates for jobs I'm
> simply not
> qualified for.  I hate that.

I used to get that pretty frequently with recruiters seeing that my
resume had some minimal ASP experience on it (a year of ASP 2.0 that I
never liked and haven't touched more than twice in the last 6 years)
and would call me up saying they're looking for an "experienced ASP
_expert_". That was from predominantly American recruiters
surprisingly enough. Over time "java expert" gradually crept in as
well, and now I'm getting frequent contacts for "C++ expert"... I
spent 3 days fixing a C++ COM object for scanning images from the web
directly to a server about a year ago or so, and that's the sum total
of official C++ experience I have (I taught myself from books about 9
yrs ago just before I started working with CF and hadn't been asked to
work with C++ in all that time). If it gets much worse I'll have to
stop posting my resume on the job sites and just rely on searching and
submitting it myself. Although mercifully I shouldn't have to deal
with this for much longer and then will get a nice long several year
break from it. Maybe in 2010 or so when I'm ready for another change
people will have figured out how wasteful and unproductive the current
recruiting trends are.

s. isaac dealey 434.293.6201
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Donations & Support:

Re: recruiters with english as a second language

2006-03-31 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
That was the reason I used "(middle) east" instead of "middle east" --
to imply the middle-east-to-eastern region. I don't know how many of
the middle-eastern countries are in a socio-political state which
makes it possible for them to be involved in US recruiting. I assume
that Egypt and Saudi are, but I don't have enough experience with the
languages to know whether a person's name is traditionally Indian or
something else.

> While I would agree about the communication barrier -

> Just wanted to point out FYI - India is not in the middle
> east...

> On 3/31/06, S. Isaac Dealey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Despite various websites' preference settings (Career
>> > Builder and DICE
>> > come to mind), I STILL get emails from recruiters,
>> > usually
>> > with
>> > middle-eastern names, shopping for candidates for jobs
>> > I'm
>> > simply not
>> > qualified for.  I hate that.
>> I used to get that pretty frequently with recruiters
>> seeing that my
>> resume had some minimal ASP experience on it (a year of
>> ASP 2.0 that I
>> never liked and haven't touched more than twice in the
>> last 6 years)
>> and would call me up saying they're looking for an
>> "experienced ASP
>> _expert_". That was from predominantly American
>> recruiters
>> surprisingly enough. Over time "java expert" gradually
>> crept in as
>> well, and now I'm getting frequent contacts for "C++
>> expert"... I
>> spent 3 days fixing a C++ COM object for scanning images
>> from the web
>> directly to a server about a year ago or so, and that's
>> the sum total
>> of official C++ experience I have (I taught myself from
>> books about 9
>> yrs ago just before I started working with CF and hadn't
>> been asked to
>> work with C++ in all that time). If it gets much worse
>> I'll have to
>> stop posting my resume on the job sites and just rely on
>> searching and
>> submitting it myself. Although mercifully I shouldn't
>> have to deal
>> with this for much longer and then will get a nice long
>> several year
>> break from it. Maybe in 2010 or so when I'm ready for
>> another change
>> people will have figured out how wasteful and
>> unproductive the current
>> recruiting trends are.
>> s. isaac dealey 434.293.6201
>> new epoch : isn't it time for a change?
>> add features without fixtures with
>> the onTap open source framework

> ~~

Donations & Support:

RE: recruiters with english as a second language

2006-03-31 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> By the way, I saw the () in your Middle East reference,
> but others weren't including it, so I think that was it
> was pointed out that India isn't in the Middle East.

Yep, that's why I clarified. :)

Thanks Levi,

s. isaac dealey 434.293.6201
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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the onTap open source framework

Donations & Support:

RE: recruiters with english as a second language

2006-04-02 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
> Everybody's different from somebody. That doesn't make
> them any less valuable, or worthy of respect.

I just want to clarify that, I don't think badly of these recruiters
as people. It's frustrating for me because of the context in which the
language barrier is presented. A language barrier is always
frustrating; nobody likes to have a misunderstanding, even when both
people speak a common language fluently. So when you notice a sudden
and dramatic increase in the likelyhood for misunderstanding during a
conversation, it raises an obvious concern about the possibility for
miscommunication. In trivial conversations about movies or sports, the
concern is trivial; in non-trivial conversations about pay-rates and
hours worked, the concern is non-trivial.

In a conversation with a recruiter there are additional factors which
amplify this concern, such as the fact that a recruiter is someone
whom you have usually not previously met and therefore have had no
opportunity to acclimatize yourself to their individual accent,
mannerisms or word selection. You're also speaking to someone who has
a vested interest in placing you with a job (for their commission) and
who will most likely not speak to you after you are placed, which
eliminates the vested interest another person such as an ongoing
business partner would have in acclimating the relationship to improve
communication in the future, and in all probability eliminates much if
not all of the vested interest the recruiter has in your own personal
well-being. Even recruiters who speak a common language fluently have
been known to lie to job-seekers (by omission if nothing else) to
preserve their interest in the commission when the job-seeker's
interests would not be well served by the employer. The only condition
which is likely to change their interest in the outcome is an ongoing
relationship with a larger company which hires many of its recruits
through their agency, but you can't count on that sort of relationship
in more than at most half of the recruiters you talk with.

Further the hiring process is short and often rushed, and even when
all parties are genuinely interested in the best possible fit, the
simple lack of experience with one another is another source of
increasingly likely miscommunication. With a single company you're not
likely to spend more than 3 hours or so in interview prior to being
hired, compared to the 40 hrs of exposure you'll have to that company
in your first week of employment, so by the time you're hired, you are
really likely to know very little about the company, and of course
both the job-seeker and the employer are liable to massage their own
outward appearances (possibly stretching the truth or lying by
omission -- "we try to keep overtime to a minimum here" minimum=5hrs
per week) because each is courting the other to serve their own

The end result is that I'm already a little anxious about choosing the
right job because I know that there's already an increased likelyhood
for miscommunication during the interview process and because myself,
the employer and the recruiter all have different and frequently
non-mutual interests in the outcome. So when I say that I don't like
talking with recruiters who have a poor grasp of our common language
(English) or who speak with such thick accents that it's difficult for
me to understand them, I'm concerned about my own personal well-being;
I will work the job months or years into the future, the recruiter
will not.

To respond to the previous comment about English being the "sword"
which is used to divide people, my aversion to this situation has
absolutely bupkiss, zero, zilch, nada, NOTHING to do with my not
wanting to be in contact with their tribe. In a social context, I'll
immerse myself in nearly any tribe (barring violence which is why I
exclude Snoop Dog's tribe), and given an opportunity I'll learn their
language. In school I learned some french and a little less spanish. I
would GLADLY interview in French for a job in Canada, France or Monaco
if I honestly felt fluent in my grasp of that language.

s. isaac dealey 434.293.6201
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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the onTap open source framework

Donations & Support:

Re: ColdFusion sightings in D/FW Area...

2006-08-09 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Matt Woodward, one of the Adobe Community Experts is leaving a job
with a company in DFW to accept a new position with the Senate, so I
imagine his company is looking for at least one CF person although I
believe the job is also largely managerial. He's offered
[EMAIL PROTECTED] as a generally distributable email address where
you can reach him if you'd like to ask him anything more about it.
Personally I've found CF jobs (or listings) to be difficult to find in
the DFW metro area, although certainly not impossible.

> Hi all,

> I would like to know if there have been any CF sightings
> in the D/FW
> area.  I have not seen many jobs or contracts for that
> area, yet it is
> such a large metropolitan area.  Anyone know of any
> companies there
> using CF ?

> Thanks!

> Sincerely,

> Dave Phillips
> WebTech Staffing, LLC
> (402) 896-8801

s. isaac dealey 512.225.4227
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework

Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting,
up-to-date ColdFusion information by your peers, delivered to your door four 
times a year.


Re: ColdFusion sightings in D/FW Area...

2006-08-09 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Matt's also been pretty heavily involved with the DFW ColdFusion
User's Group and said there have been a number of jobs posted on their
mailing list in the past few weeks:

> Hi all,

> I would like to know if there have been any CF sightings
> in the D/FW
> area.  I have not seen many jobs or contracts for that
> area, yet it is
> such a large metropolitan area.  Anyone know of any
> companies there
> using CF ?

> Thanks!

> Sincerely,

> Dave Phillips
> WebTech Staffing, LLC
> (402) 896-8801

s. isaac dealey 512.225.4227
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework

Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting,
up-to-date ColdFusion information by your peers, delivered to your door four 
times a year.


Re: CFHTTP Expert Needed For Problem Today

2006-11-01 Thread s. isaac dealey
This is a wild stab in the dark, and may have nothing to do
with your issue, but looking at the code I would recommend
changing Find('offerToken=' in your GetToken1 helper
function with FindNoCase. I don't think eBay is likely to
have that string in their page more than once with different
capitalization, but if someone at eBay happened to change
the caps in that string even accidentally, then the
FindNoCase will continue to work. I'll keep looking at this
a bit more and see if I see anything else. 

On Wed, 1 Nov 2006 12:40:30 EST

> I have code that I need fixed and I'm willing to  pay $250 to the first 
> person who gets it (probably a very simple problem). I am  also willing to 
> pay $50 
> for your time if you solve it and are not the  first to solve it, but are 
> within the first five people to solve it. The code,  which is posted below, 
> bids 
> on ebay and has worked up until  today. eBay periodically their pages/login 
> system and our current code is  missing something that logs the user in 
> (possibly 
> dealing with cookies  and passing a token). This is urgent.  
> The code posted below simply makes a CFHTTP Post call to an ebay page, and  
> attempts to get back a confirmation page. The problem is with the login, so I 
> would suggest if, when you run the code, nothing comes to mind, write a  
> short 
> procedure that just logs into ebay using the test account provided.
> Please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  if you have 
> any 
> questions, to talk  about this problem, or would like to submit a solution.
> Code: _http:// 
> ( 
s. isaac dealey512.372.8890
new epoch  isn't it time for a change?

Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting,
up-to-date ColdFusion information by your peers, delivered to your door four 
times a year.


Re: Consultant's Revenge

2008-01-31 Thread s. isaac dealey
> What about the flip-side of that coin ... A site for employers to
> review their contracted hire. Why not build both into the site with
> the ability to tag them together and to facilitate conflict
> resolution? This could be quite the lucritive venture if done
> properly.

The way I understand it, some variation of theme is already built into for example... There are a couple of problems with that,
one being that it's just for projects contracted through rentacoder and
the other being that rentacoder is like a lot of sites / software a
great example of now not to design ergonomic software that people can
actually use. 


s. isaac dealey  ^  new epoch
 isn't it time for a change? 
 ph: 503.236.3691

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
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Re: Dead Beat Clients.

2008-02-03 Thread s. isaac dealey
familiar with the specifics,
usually from the perspective of an impartial 3rd party, it's virtually
impossible to make that assessment with any veracity. It could be that a
person who charges very little for their services ends up frequently
subject to a poor perception of him and his work quality, i.e. that the
people hiring him are frequently hiring him because "he's cheap" with
the expectation that they can get away with exploiting him because "he's
cheap". Conversely, different types of abuse might be more common
amongst people who are paid higher amounts, with the perception that
"he can take the abuse, I pay him well enough". Frequently even the
"impartial 3rd party" can't be trusted, as judges will often simply side
with whomever the culture perceives to be "in the right", irrespective
of the facts. Five minutes looking at a few family-law cases is all the
proof you need that judges are equally susceptible to cultural illusions.
So the judge might be equally as apt to side with the "several people
didn't pay you -- it must be your fault" assessment, purely on the basis
of it being a popular opinion, irrespective of the facts. 

I guess ultimately what I'm saying is if you find yourself reaading
complaints from someone else and saying "oh he's just bitter", it might
be beneficial to take a few minutes and try and get in touch with a
different headspace. He might "just be bitter" -- on the other hand, he
might just be pointing out a situation where as has been the case
repeatedly throughout history, abuse of a certain class of people is the
accepted norm. 

s. isaac dealey  ^  new epoch
 isn't it time for a change? 
 ph: 503.236.3691

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;160198600;22374440;w


Re: Dead Beat Clients.

2008-02-03 Thread s. isaac dealey
> It is true that I do not have much contracting experience. And I am
> probably naive about all the things that can go wrong. Because of
> this and due to Isaac's comments, I will retract my comment that
> because a contractor has had several non-paying clients that the
> contractor is at fault.

Thanks Matt. :) I really hadn't intended to single you out per se, and
was more voting for the "grain of salt" approach I think. But you
wouldn't believe the amount of anxiety I have over posting that message.
Or maybe you would. heh... suffice to say it makes me pretty
uncomfortable to post something like that and I'm glad that it was well
received by at least one person. :) 

s. isaac dealey  ^  new epoch
 isn't it time for a change? 
 ph: 503.236.3691

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;160198600;22374440;w


Re: Dead Beat Clients.

2008-02-03 Thread s. isaac dealey
>   In fact, I'm probably treated a bit better because in Connecticut,
> web development services are exempt from sales tax, which is one less
> headache I have to deal with.

I thought sales tax only applied to product. Am I like way out of touch? 

s. isaac dealey  ^  new epoch
 isn't it time for a change? 
 ph: 503.236.3691

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
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Re: Dead Beat Clients.

2008-02-03 Thread s. isaac dealey
> I think that is normally the case, I am seeming to recall certain
> forms of labor in some of our businesses we had to do sales tax on. 
> One could maybe debate if code is a "product" though.

I would think it would at least depend on who owns the copyright. If
you're selling a license and retaining the copyright then there's a case
for it being a "product". If they get the copyright, then it's
definitely a service, same as any other "work for hire". Though I
suppose it might be arguable that the license to use someone else's
intellectual property is a "service" -- I'm not that familiar with IP
law though, so I know that's out of my depth. 

s. isaac dealey  ^  new epoch
 isn't it time for a change? 
 ph: 503.236.3691

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;160198600;22374440;w
