[KCFusion] oops

2003-10-15 Thread hartwichr

Oops, sorry about that!  I meant to send that to my user group manager list.

I doubt any hard core coders on this list would need an introductory course in CF 
anyway :-)

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[KCFusion] Intro to CF presentation for MMUGs

2003-10-15 Thread hartwichr

Last night I presented an introduction to ColdFusion for the local MMUG.  The 
presentation was targeted to non coders (i.e. graphic artists & web designers) who 
will eventually need server side programming to accept html form data, RIA, database 
integration, etc.

I have to clean up my powerpoint slides and modify some CF code and RIAs to stand 
alone in a pdf before I can make it available to members and other managers.  I am 
open to the idea of presenting this live to other user groups using a desktop sharing 
application (which would allow me to cut out some of the powerpoint slides and 
demonstrate things in Dreamweaver, RIAs, and directly running some CF code).

If anyone is interested in having me present to their usergroup this topic, I would 
need access to a conferencing/desktop sharing program like Webex, Placeware/MS 
Livemeeting, or possibly the free MS Netmeeting.  We would also need audio capability, 
though this is easier and cheaper to setup.  At this time Breeze Live is not available 
for this use, sorry.

Send me an email if you want to chat more about an introductory presentation on CF for 
non coders or to receive the powerpoint once I update it.

Ryan, Kansas City CFUG Manager, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[KCFusion] CF Underground V - Early Bird Ends 10/15/03

2003-10-14 Thread hartwichr

Is anyone going to Macromedia's MAX conference in Salt Lake City next month?

If you are, you should go to the following 1 day CF conference.  Teratech is 
organizing it and they put together the CFUN03 conference in DC that I went to in June.


The CF Underground V Early Bird price ends tomorrow 10/15/03. Don't miss out on the 
Underground programmer event of the year! 


Monday November 17th, 2003 just before MAX (aka DevCon) Salt Lake City, Utah Early 
Bird $69 before 10/15/03, $99 after.
* Learn Programming from the Gurus
* Network with book authors
* A free drink * Lunch included
* T-Shirt

 -- Michael Smith, TeraTech Inc - Tools for Programmers(tm) TeraTech voted Best 
Consulting Service by CFDJ readers! CF/ASP Web, VB, Math, Access programming tools and 
consulting 405 E Gude Dr Ste 207, Rockville MD 20850 USA Please check out 
http://www.teratech.com/ - email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], or call us for more 
information; in the USA at 1-800-447-9120, Fax 301-762-8185

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[KCFusion] Max Conference in Salt Lake City & CF Underground

2003-10-14 Thread hartwichr

Is anyone going to Macromedia's MAX conference in Salt Lake City next month?

If so, you may want to go to the CF Underground V conference before hand.  It is being 
organized by Teratech which put on the CFUN-03 event in DC that I went to this past 



The CF Underground V Early Bird price ends tomorrow 10/15/03.

Don't miss out on the Underground programmer event of the year! 
Monday November 17th, 2003 just before MAX (aka DevCon) Salt Lake City, Utah Early 
Bird $69 before 10/15/03, $99 after. 
* Learn Programming from the Gurus
* Network with book authors
* A free drink
* Lunch included
* T-Shirt 

-- Michael Smith, TeraTech Inc - Tools for Programmers(tm) TeraTech voted Best 
Consulting Service by CFDJ readers!  CF/ASP Web, VB, Math, Access programming tools 
and consulting
405 E Gude Dr Ste 207, Rockville MD 20850 USA 
Please check out http://www.teratech.com/ - email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], or call us 
for more information; in the USA at 1-800-447-9120, Fax 301-762-8185 Thanks! 

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RE: [KCFusion] cfmail validation in MX

2003-10-13 Thread hartwichr

Why don't you wrap your cfmail tag inside of a cfcatch/try block.  Have it rethrow the 
error when it hits one and put the bad email address into a 2nd table for manual 

I think the rethrow tag allows the script to continue where it crashed.

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[KCFusion] Client variables

2003-10-09 Thread hartwichr

>>The requested scope CLIENT has not been enabled. Before CLIENT variables can be used,
>>the CLIENT state management system must be enabled using the CFAPPLICATION tag.
>>Do I need to adjust my script because of MX...I am not using any cfapplication tags.

Yes, you will need to change/use the cfapplication tag in your application.cfm file.  
By default session and client management is supported and turned on in the CF 
Administrator.  However, I am pretty sure that you must still turn on the session 
management in your application file (and hence every CF page that runs).  Take a look 
at the cfapplication tag in your documentation, you will probably need to have 
clientmanagement=yes and sessionmanagement or something similar set to yes, all in 1 

It is pretty easy to setup.  If you just upgraded to MX/6.1 from an older version, 
nothing should have changed and I don't know why you are getting an error now and not 
before.  Are you sure there wasn't an Application.cfm page already running?  By 
design, CF looks in the directory of the file being run, and if it doesn't find the 
application.cfm file it moves up the directory tree.  It continues moving up as far as 
it can towards the root until it either finds the file or hits the highest level of 
the directory/web server accessible path.  If your application was nested inside of 
someone else's directory path before, you may have been running the file without 
knowing it and it may have had client/session variables and management turned on.

Good luck

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RE: [KCFusion] CF MX and ODBC datasource with decode stmt

2003-10-01 Thread hartwichr

I am using Oracle just a little bit on MX updater 3.  We aren't having any problems 
with our ODBC connection and I haven't seen that error message recently if at all.

I just searched 2 lists of oracle error messages.  One came up blank, the other found 
two occurences of 's01' (nothing for '01s01'), though they don't look relevant:

ORA-34342 (MXDSS01) Important: Analytic workspace string is read-only.  Therefore, you 
will not be able to use the UPDATE command to save changes to it.

ORA-36612 (XSLMS01) %a value value value An application attempted to retrieve a 
non-existent user message...

Make sure you have the newest updater installed (or 6.1).  Also, try turning off the 
query and using cfoutput to see what the string being sent to Oracle looks like.  You 
may find that you are sending something different than you anticipated.  You may also 
need to remove special characters from the string.


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[KCFusion] Reminder - Wednesday's meeting, 6pm

2003-09-23 Thread hartwichr

Don't forget about Wednesday's ColdFusion user group meeting (with Hal Helms & Ben 
Edwards).  We will be meeting at 6pm in Overland Park and will finish by about 7:30 
with a casual dinner at Chipolte for anyone interested.

We have plenty of space available, rsvp's are not required.  Additional information, 
maps, etc. are at www.kcfusion.org


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[KCFusion] Target audience - next CF meeting

2003-09-18 Thread hartwichr

> Can you better describe the audience that would most benefit?
> Would an absolute newbie or someone who was thinking of using CF really benefit?
> Would hard core CF programmers benefit? 

CFCs are not very difficult to use, but are probably considered for intermediate level 
CF programmers.  Mach-II had its foundations in Fusebox, which is pretty easy to 
understand, with or without direct CF knowledge IF you understood programming concepts 
already.  Mach-II I believe mimics object oriented behavior in ColdFusion (which is 
NOT an object oriented language) and hence is probably an advanced topic.

A newbie with no CF experience will be lost from the coding point of view, but might 
appreciate the concepts behind object oriented programming and modular/reusable coding 

Most likely this meeting is for intermediate+ level users who are creating projects 
from scratch (large or small).  It is next to impossible to convert an existing CF 
website into a true Mach-II or Fusebox site without doing a complete rewrite and hence 
people who continually enhance existing sites may not have an opportunity to use the 

For those of you new to the list and new to ColdFusion, I can put on an intro to CF 
meeting for either this user group, or more likely the MMUG sometime in the next few 
months if there is a demand.

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[KCFusion] Probable topic for Hal Helms

2003-09-16 Thread hartwichr

Hal will probably speak on a combination of Fusebox, Mach-II, and object oriented 
coding in ColdFusion.

Fusebox 3 was a purely CF based (though ASP and PHP versions existed) coding 
methodology.  The new FB4 (www.fusebox.org) is much more comprehensive but only runs 
on CFMX I believe, but others eventually.  Mach-II is an off shoot that is quasi 
object oriented, ColdFusion specific.

Hal also runs training in Java and CF related topics.  www.halhelms.com  

I am still trying to work out a location since the large rooms at UMKC are booked.  
Hopefully this will be resolved on Wednesday of this week.

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RE: [KCFusion] Regex to search lines

2003-09-15 Thread hartwichr

Eek, you have to manually clean thousands of addresses out.  Sorry!  Try pulling the 
data into CF to parse it and searching for line breaks by looking for ASC(??) or 
similar, the line return characters are 10 & 13 I believe.  You could probably load 
the file to the server, load a file you make that pulls it in as a long variable and 
then parses for the line break characters, etc.

Or, you can copy/paste into Excel and then write a macro with if statements that 
checks just that line.  Then copy the line with the formular down for each record. 

You may find that you have to use 2-3 different methods, each one cleaning it up a bit.

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[KCFusion] Potential meeting, Wed, Sept 24

2003-09-15 Thread hartwichr

There is a good chance that Hal Helms will be in town and available to speak on the 
evening of Wednesday, September 24 (next week).  I am trying to coordinate a meeting 
location that will work for him and the group, but the large rooms at UMKC are booked 
until 7:15pm.

If you are interested and able to come on Wednesday, please let me know today or early 
Tuesday so that I can have an idea on participation.

1) Smaller room at UMKC with max 15 or so occupancy, but earlier meeting time (6 or 
6:30 probably)
2) Large room, but meeting at 7:30ish
3) Overland Park/Centriq - may not be available, or too far for Hal to drive
4) Other locations if someone volunteers meeting space in mid-town in the next 24 
hours.  Capacity of 15+, projector, internet access desired but not required.

Please let me know ASAP if this interests you.  If only a few people are interested we 
will probably go with option #1 above.


Meeting/presentation topics

Not yet finalized, but Hal Helms has been a primary figure in the writing of Fusebox 
and Mach-II coding methodologies for ColdFusion, has written a number of books on 
Fusebox and CFCs, and trains in Fusebox, ColdFusion, Java, and Object Oriented coding. 
 www.halhelms.com for more information

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[KCFusion] OP is AT capacity

2003-09-03 Thread hartwichr

Be forwarned, the OP location for tonight's meeting is at 49 or so people and is at 
capacity we think.  It will very possibly be standing room only for people who show up 
late or haven't rsvp'd for the OP location.

If you haven't decided where to go, we still have PLENTY of room and lots of pizza at 

Don't forget, we will be awarding a full licensed copy of Studio MX 2004 at EACH 
location!  There are a number of smaller giveaways also.

To review: presentation starts at 6 as far as we know.  Pizza arrives around 6:15.  
Presentation is 90 minutes long with Q&A to follow.  This is being broadcast to 
roughly 80 groups during our time frame and 170 or so world wide today.  Guests are 
welcome to come (preferably to UMKC) and rsvp is not required but helpful.

If anyone has problems finding the location (and you don't have the map from 
www.kcfusion.org to help you), you can call Ryan at 913-579-5260.

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[KCFusion] Wednesday Meeting - 2nd location available, in Overland Park!

2003-08-29 Thread hartwichr

Due to popular demand, we are making a 2nd location available for Wednesday's meeting.

Centriq Solutions (centriq.com) and Thinq Digital (www.thinqdigital, an MM Authorized 
Trainer) will be hosting the Overland Park meeting at 7950 College Boulevard.  

Our first location at UMKC will still be used (5150 Oak).

You should plan on arriving between 5:30 and 5:45.  The big presentation starts at 6pm 
and is scheduled for 90 minutes with Q&A to follow (then the raffle for a copy of 
Studio MX 2004!).  Pizza & coke will be available at both locations.

Please RSVP (even if you have done so already) and let us know which location you plan 
on attending.  We have capacity for a little about 45 in OP and 55 at UMKC.  We have 
close to 50 reservations so far.  RSVP to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please check www.kcfusion.com on Saturday and AGAIN on Wednesday for directions and 
additional information.  The site will be updated tonight to reflect the 2nd location.

We are in need of the following: 

2 projectors as backups (1 per location)
large speakers or sound system for OP
volunteers to man the registration tables at both locations
corporate sponsors are always welcome
speakers for future meetings for each user group

Please let me know if you can assist.


This meeting is being sponsored and brought to you by:

KC ColdFusion User Group & Ryan Hartwich
KC Macromedia Multimedia User Group & Charmaine Keller-Hodges
Ron Ramphal with UMKC
Centriq Solutions
Michael Faulkner with Thinq Digital
Printing by Russell Walker @ StudioXS
Software Donations by Macromedia
Prior assistance & hosting by
  Greensoft Solutions
  Humankind Systems

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[KCFusion] Please RSVP for the Wednesday, Sept 3 meeting

2003-08-27 Thread hartwichr

I am getting a bit concerned (based on reportedly high turnout at other user groups) 
that we may have more people wanting to participate than we have space.  I am looking 
into alternative meeting locations.

Please RSVP to me at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  if you are planning on coming to the meeting 
next Wednesday.

For the time being we are planning on having coke & pizza available for a small 
donation.  Likewise the meeting is scheduled at UMKC.  IF we have to move to a new 
location we may not be able to have food.  I'll let everyone know when I have a more 
accurate count on how many will come.


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