RE: Match to list item

2004-01-04 Thread Michael T. Tangorre
Keep up the good job with not smoking, its hard as hell, but well worth it


From: Cutter (CF-Talk) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 12:31 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Match to list item


Thanks, that is exactly what I was looking for. I did look up the 
functions by category in LiveDocs, but I missed the difference I guess 
(10 hours at work on a Saturday night and 3 days without a smoke after 
22 years can do that to you). I've never been able to find CF function 
defs in the DW docs, only CF tag reference (and HTML, and JS, and...), I 
must be missing something.

I'm not entirely new to CF and SQL, but I'm still rounding out some very 
rough edges. Can someone explain a link table, how it works and what 
it does for me?


Tim Heald wrote:
 Try listFind() instead.If that doesn't work you'll need to do a list
 to directly compare the values.It should work though.I believe that
 listContains will find sub-strings, which would mean that's expected
 You should really be doing this with a link table that contains the id of
 the item, and then the color id.Shouldn't store lists in a field.
 Also so you know CF Studio and Dreamweaver both contain excellent CFML
 documentation.You can look up functions by type (in this case list)
-Original Message-
From: Cutter (CF-Talk) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2004 9:56 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Match to list item
I've got a table that stores details about apparel items. One of these
fields contains a list of numbers. These numbers correspond to the IDs
of various colors in a different table (Example: tblItem.txtColors for
specific ID = 1,3,4,7 = Black,Green,Yellow,Brown).
I have an editor which easily inputs each item into my database. I use a
multiselect box to pick my colors (the options are drawn from the colors
table and listed alphabetically). My issue comes with my form to edit
existing entries.
The edit form looks almost exactly like the add form with the values of
the record already showing in the respective input boxes. Sort of. I'm
probably doing this wrong, but I populate my multiselect options with a
query of the colors table:
cfquery name=qColor datasource=#variables.DSN#
select intBoutColorID as ID,
txtColor as Color
from tblBoutColor2
order by txtColor
But then I need to select the colors that are already on record for that
item. Since the value in the field looks like a list (1,3,7,9) I looked
for a function to find a value in a list. I thought I could use
listcontains, but ran into a small issue:
select name=color class=boxes multiple size=5
option value=cfif qItem.Colors lt 1 selected/cfif- No Color
Needed -/option
cfoutput query=qColor
option value=#qColor.ID#cfif
listcontains(qItem.Colors,qColor.ID,,) gt 0
Even though I identified the delimiter (although a comma is the default)
it still gives me a small problem with the IDs. If my value list is
(23,24 = Tan, Grey) then it actually selects 2,3,4,23,24 (that's a few
extra colors the item doesn't come in). I can't seem to get an exact
match for the list items.
Should I be using a different function? Is there a better, easier way to
accomplish this? Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Re: CFMX install on OS X

2004-01-04 Thread Ryan Mitchell
I think you can proceed without being a non-root user. Although it displays
the warning, you can still click on the next button.

On 4/1/04 12:39 am, Philipp Cielen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Installing ColdFusion MX for J2EE on OS X I get the warning message that I
 am installing as a non-root user. While I know how to run the installer as
 root I still wonder why I should do so? Installing (i.e. creating EAR/WAR
 files) works perfectly fine being a normal user with administrative
 privileges. Any ideas?
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Re: Adding remote datasource dynamically

2004-01-04 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Chunshen (Don) Li wrote:
 Oops, Java was not a friend of mine :)
 Same result same err msg after using javaCast string function.

I just got an email from Rafael Quinones confirming that JavaCast() should work:

cfset DBpassword=mypassword
factory = CreateObject(java, coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory);
ds_service = factory.datasourceservice;
dsources = ds_service.datasources;
cfset encryptedDBpassword = #ds_service.encryptPassword(JavaCast(String, #DBpassword#))#

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Dynamic Array or Structure

2004-01-04 Thread Spectrum WebDesign
I'm looking for tips, how to's, tutorials, code for auditing tool for my solution:

Please see this:

Original values for form fields have Original string append this names...

!---form fields - can be change for users ---
cfset auditList =intQtyContent,strNameFirms,EmailUser

cfloop index=fieldName list=#auditList#
!---set up Original form field---

CFSET formfield=fieldName  Original

cfif Len(Trim(evaluate(form.#fieldName#))) NEQ 0 AND (evaluate(form.#fieldName#) NEQ evaluate(#formfield#))
 cfquery name = WriteAudit
 datasource = #dsn#
insert into tblAudit
(cfqueryparam value=#Session.Auth.strSiteID# CFSQLType=CF_SQL_VARCHAR maxlength=35
,cfqueryparam value=#Session.Auth.UserID#CFSQLType=CF_SQL_VARCHAR maxlength=35
,cfqueryparam value=#fieldName# CFSQLType=CF_SQL_VARCHAR maxlength=100
,cfqueryparam value='#evaluate(#formfield#)#' CFSQLType=CF_SQL_VARCHAR maxlength=255
,cfqueryparam value='#evaluate(form.#fieldName#)#'CFSQLType=CF_SQL_VARCHAR maxlength=255
		,cfqueryparam value=#Now()# 
!---end audit---

Works fine for only 1 form. But i'm looking for a solution (Custom Tag, cfscript) for any form passing parameters like form fields(names and content) and original form fields(names and content. too). Array maybe works. Or structure?

- Original Message -
From: Jochem van Dieten [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 04 Jan 2004 06:25:43 -0400
Subject: Re: Adding remote datasource dynamically

Chunshen (Don) Li wrote:
 Oops, Java was not a friend of mine :)
 Same result same err msg after using javaCast string function.

I just got an email from Rafael Quinones confirming that JavaCast() should work:

cfset DBpassword=mypassword
factory = CreateObject(java, coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory);
ds_service = factory.datasourceservice;
dsources = ds_service.datasources;
cfset encryptedDBpassword = #ds_service.encryptPassword(JavaCast(String, #DBpassword#))#

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RE: Dynamic Array or Structure

2004-01-04 Thread Philip Arnold
Just one point, please don't use Evaluate() - it's incredibly slow...

Also, if you are, then use your quotes and pounds sparingly:
#evaluate(#formfield#)# is the same as #evaluate(formfield)#
But if you can, use scoping and square bracket notation

Square bracket notation works like this:
#evaluate(form.#fieldName#)# should be #form[fieldName]#

Anyways, since you're running through a loop, you should be able to pass
through lists of the fields - your auditList can be passed happily

Although I'm not sure what your formField is for

 -Original Message-
 From: Spectrum WebDesign [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 8:31 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Dynamic Array or Structure

 I'm looking for tips, how to's, tutorials, code for auditing
 tool for my solution:

 Please see this:

 Original values for form fields have Original string append
 this names...

 !---form fields - can be change for users ---
 cfset auditList =intQtyContent,strNameFirms,EmailUser

 cfloop index=fieldName list=#auditList#
 !---set up Original form field---

 CFSET formfield=fieldName  Original

cfif Len(Trim(evaluate(form.#fieldName#))) NEQ 0 AND
 (evaluate(form.#fieldName#) NEQ evaluate(#formfield#))
cfquery name = WriteAudit
datasource = #dsn#
 insert into tblAudit
(cfqueryparam value=#Session.Auth.strSiteID#
 CFSQLType=CF_SQL_VARCHAR maxlength=35
,cfqueryparam value=#Session.Auth.UserID#
CFSQLType=CF_SQL_VARCHAR maxlength=35
,cfqueryparam value=#fieldName#
CFSQLType=CF_SQL_VARCHAR maxlength=100
,cfqueryparam value='#evaluate(#formfield#)#'
 CFSQLType=CF_SQL_VARCHAR maxlength=255
,cfqueryparam value='#evaluate(form.#fieldName#)#'
CFSQLType=CF_SQL_VARCHAR maxlength=255
 		,cfqueryparam value=#Now()#
 !---end audit---

 Works fine for only 1 form. But i'm looking for a solution
 (Custom Tag, cfscript) for any form passing parameters like
 form fields(names and content) and original form fields(names
 and content. too). Array maybe works. Or structure?
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cfm won't work in combination of other isapi.dll

2004-01-04 Thread Willy Otto
I'm am struggling with this serious problem: we have software for pc, and the software engineer of it also made an ISAPI.dll to access the functions via a web page.
When you call a webpage and you want to get the functions working on your page you have to make an url like this:
On that page we use labels, formatted like this(looks a bit like cf): #nameoffunction#. 
If you run the page the labels show the function output, for example a report or inputfields. This output is programmed in the software.

Now it comes: when I want to work with Coldfusion and I also want the application function to work I have to use the application.dll?topage=- in the urls, but the Coldfusion-functionality isn't working anymore. The webserver recognises the *.cfm extensions but not what is inside.
If I pass the isapi-driven labels as a variable to a next page for example, using an action page, then I manage to use the functions with only 1 line of output. But there's also a function that generates a whole table with several columns and rows, and that one I can't manage to pass trough to the next page.
I was wondering if someone could help me, maybe you have experienced something like this? The software-engineer refuses to make to output more editable, and they also don't understand much of real webdevelopment with CFM, so I'm left all alone here and i see some good website functionality go up in smoke.
Thank you in advance and I also want to wish you a very happy new year!

With kindly regards,

Willy Otto

PS:An example of the website we are running with the functionality is here: (leave password empty), it's in dutch, but if you go for example to 'Meterkaart' you'll see immediatly a function working: a select box for choosing buildings, when you press verder you'll get a meter card: it's for inputting meter registration, the program is about energy management. When you choose Cenergie you'll see an empty card, that's because this building is monitored by telemetry. It would be nice that I could use cfm in the future to go back for example, if the table is empty, for now it's still a dream because CFM won't work overthere :-(
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cfm won't work in combination of other isapi.dll

2004-01-04 Thread Willy Otto
I'm am struggling with this serious problem: we have software for pc, and the software engineer also made an ISAPI.dll to access the functions via a web page.
When you call a webpage and you want to get the functions working on your page you have to make an url like this:
On that page we use labels, formatted like this: #nameoffunction#. 
If you run the page the labels show the function output, for example a report or inputfields. This output is programmed in the software.

Now it comes: when I want to work with Coldfusion and I also want the application function to work I have to use the application.dll?topage=- in the urls, but the Coldfusion-functionality isn't working anymore. The webserver recognises the *.cfm extensions but not what is inside.
If I pass the labels as a variable to a next page for example, using an action page, then I manage to use the functions with only 1 line of output. But there's also a function that generates a whole table with several columns and rows, and that one I can't manage to pass trough to the next page.
I was wondering if you could help me, I've heard a lot of you and maybe you have experienced something like this? The software-engineer refuses to make to output more editable, and they also don't understand much of real webdevelopment with CFM, so I'm left all alone here and i see some good website functionality go up in smoke.
Thank you in advance and I also want to wish you a very happy new year!

With kindly regards,

Willy Otto

PS:An example of the website we are running with the functionality is here: (leave password empty), it's in dutch, but if you go for example to 'Meterkaart' you'll see immediatly a function working: a select box for choosing buildings, when you press verder you'll get a meter card: it's for inputting meter registration, the program is about energy management. When you choose Cenergie you'll see an empty card, that's because this building is monitored by telemetry. It would be nice that I could use cfm in the future to go back for example, if the table is empty, for now it's still a dream because CFM won't work overthere :-(
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GUI web controls

2004-01-04 Thread stas
I've asked this a while ago but may be some new products came out on the
market since.

Does anyone market a set of controls similar to what's available here:


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Re: GUI web controls

2004-01-04 Thread stas
Sorry, I meant to say a set of controls for ColdFusion.

There isn't anything inherently specific to .Net that allows such controls
to exist, is there?

P.S. This isn't a troll!

- Original Message - 
From: stas
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 11:52 AM
Subject: GUI web controls

I've asked this a while ago but may be some new products came out on the
market since.

Does anyone market a set of controls similar to what's available here:


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RE: GUI web controls

2004-01-04 Thread Tim Heald
There are plenty of _javascript_ menus out there that can be made to work with
CF, many are free as well.

Milonic are my favorite.

-Original Message-
From: stas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 11:56 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: GUI web controls

Sorry, I meant to say a set of controls for ColdFusion.

There isn't anything inherently specific to .Net that allows such controls
to exist, is there?

P.S. This isn't a troll!

- Original Message -
From: stas
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 11:52 AM
Subject: GUI web controls

I've asked this a while ago but may be some new products came out on the
market since.

Does anyone market a set of controls similar to what's available here:


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Re: cfm won't work in combination of other isapi.dll

2004-01-04 Thread Jeffry Houser
When you access the DLL directly in the URL doesn't that mean you're 
executing a CGI program; not calling an ISAPI filter?

IIS (or your web server) sees the DLL extension and doesn't recognize it 
as a ColdFusion page; so therefore does not pass it onto the ColdFusion 
server.It won't matter whether there is a cfm' file in the query string 
(or not).I would guess that to process CFM pages; your application.dll 
would have to send the page to the ColdFusion server before sending results 
back to the browser.How to do that I cannot say.

You might try calling the application.ddl?toppage=mypage.html using 
cfhttp and then using regex to process the results in the manner you need 

At 12:01 PM 1/4/2004, you wrote:
Subject: cfm won't work in combination of other isapi.dll
From: Willy Otto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 04 Jan 2004 11:20:28 -0400

I'm am struggling with this serious problem: we have software for pc, and 
the software engineer of it also made an ISAPI.dll to access the functions 
via a web page.
When you call a webpage and you want to get the functions working on 
your page you have to make an url like this:
On that page we use labels, formatted like this(looks a bit like cf): 
If you run the page the labels show the function output, for example a 
report or inputfields. This output is programmed in the software.

Now it comes: when I want to work with Coldfusion and I also want the 
application function to work I have to use the application.dll?topage=- 
in the urls, but the Coldfusion-functionality isn't working anymore. The 
webserver recognises the *.cfm extensions but not what is inside.
If I pass the isapi-driven labels as a variable to a next page for 
example, using an action page, then I manage to use the functions with 
only 1 line of output. But there's also a function that generates a whole 
table with several columns and rows, and that one I can't manage to pass 
trough to the next page.
I was wondering if someone could help me, maybe you have experienced 
something like this? The software-engineer refuses to make to output more 
editable, and they also don't understand much of real webdevelopment with 
CFM, so I'm left all alone here and i see some good website functionality 
go up in smoke.
Thank you in advance and I also want to wish you a very happy new year!

With kindly regards,

Willy Otto

Jeffry Houser, Web Developer mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aaron Skye, Guitarist / Songwriter mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
AIM: Reboog711| Phone: 1-203-379-0773
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Original Energetic Acoustic Rock:
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RE: Dynamic Array or Structure

2004-01-04 Thread Spectrum WebDesign
Thanx Phillip

formField is the original value of form field... used to compare with the changed form field...

Like this:


input type=text name=strUserName value=
input type=hidden name=strUserNameOriginal value=#qryUser.strUsername#

- Original Message -
From: Philip Arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2004 10:55:49 -0500
Subject: RE: Dynamic Array or Structure

Just one point, please don't use Evaluate() - it's incredibly slow...

Also, if you are, then use your quotes and pounds sparingly:
#evaluate(#formfield#)# is the same as #evaluate(formfield)#
But if you can, use scoping and square bracket notation

Square bracket notation works like this:
#evaluate(form.#fieldName#)# should be #form[fieldName]#

Anyways, since you're running through a loop, you should be able to pass
through lists of the fields - your auditList can be passed happily

Although I'm not sure what your formField is for

 -Original Message-
 From: Spectrum WebDesign [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 8:31 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Dynamic Array or Structure

 I'm looking for tips, how to's, tutorials, code for auditing
 tool for my solution:

 Please see this:

 Original values for form fields have Original string append
 this names...

 !---form fields - can be change for users ---
 cfset auditList =intQtyContent,strNameFirms,EmailUser

 cfloop index=fieldName list=#auditList#
 !---set up Original form field---

 CFSET formfield=fieldName  Original

cfif Len(Trim(evaluate(form.#fieldName#))) NEQ 0 AND
 (evaluate(form.#fieldName#) NEQ evaluate(#formfield#))
cfquery name = WriteAudit
datasource = #dsn#
 insert into tblAudit
(cfqueryparam value=#Session.Auth.strSiteID#
 CFSQLType=CF_SQL_VARCHAR maxlength=35
,cfqueryparam value=#Session.Auth.UserID#
CFSQLType=CF_SQL_VARCHAR maxlength=35
,cfqueryparam value=#fieldName#
CFSQLType=CF_SQL_VARCHAR maxlength=100
,cfqueryparam value='#evaluate(#formfield#)#'
 CFSQLType=CF_SQL_VARCHAR maxlength=255
,cfqueryparam value='#evaluate(form.#fieldName#)#'
CFSQLType=CF_SQL_VARCHAR maxlength=255
 		,cfqueryparam value=#Now()#
 !---end audit---

 Works fine for only 1 form. But i'm looking for a solution
 (Custom Tag, cfscript) for any form passing parameters like
 form fields(names and content) and original form fields(names
 and content. too). Array maybe works. Or structure?
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RE: Dynamic Array or Structure

2004-01-04 Thread Spectrum WebDesign
What's the other option to Evaluate()?

- Original Message -
From: Philip Arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2004 10:55:49 -0500
Subject: RE: Dynamic Array or Structure

Just one point, please don't use Evaluate() - it's incredibly slow...

Also, if you are, then use your quotes and pounds sparingly:
#evaluate(#formfield#)# is the same as #evaluate(formfield)#
But if you can, use scoping and square bracket notation

Square bracket notation works like this:
#evaluate(form.#fieldName#)# should be #form[fieldName]#

Anyways, since you're running through a loop, you should be able to pass
through lists of the fields - your auditList can be passed happily

Although I'm not sure what your formField is for

 -Original Message-
 From: Spectrum WebDesign [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 8:31 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Dynamic Array or Structure

 I'm looking for tips, how to's, tutorials, code for auditing
 tool for my solution:

 Please see this:

 Original values for form fields have Original string append
 this names...

 !---form fields - can be change for users ---
 cfset auditList =intQtyContent,strNameFirms,EmailUser

 cfloop index=fieldName list=#auditList#
 !---set up Original form field---

 CFSET formfield=fieldName  Original

cfif Len(Trim(evaluate(form.#fieldName#))) NEQ 0 AND
 (evaluate(form.#fieldName#) NEQ evaluate(#formfield#))
cfquery name = WriteAudit
datasource = #dsn#
 insert into tblAudit
(cfqueryparam value=#Session.Auth.strSiteID#
 CFSQLType=CF_SQL_VARCHAR maxlength=35
,cfqueryparam value=#Session.Auth.UserID#
CFSQLType=CF_SQL_VARCHAR maxlength=35
,cfqueryparam value=#fieldName#
CFSQLType=CF_SQL_VARCHAR maxlength=100
,cfqueryparam value='#evaluate(#formfield#)#'
 CFSQLType=CF_SQL_VARCHAR maxlength=255
,cfqueryparam value='#evaluate(form.#fieldName#)#'
CFSQLType=CF_SQL_VARCHAR maxlength=255
 		,cfqueryparam value=#Now()#
 !---end audit---

 Works fine for only 1 form. But i'm looking for a solution
 (Custom Tag, cfscript) for any form passing parameters like
 form fields(names and content) and original form fields(names
 and content. too). Array maybe works. Or structure?
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Okay, I've forgotten this one...*not* caching the page...

2004-01-04 Thread Jeff
I'm performing a query to get a list of users NOT assigned something. Once they're assigned to a particular team, I want to return to the page listing users NOT assigned to a team. I want to make sure, that if you appeared on the output, and were assigned a team previously, that when I come back to the page, you're not listed. Essentially I want to make sure I run the query again and make sure the page isn't cached.

What's the easiest way to accomplish this one again? Sever brainfart time...
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automatically DL excel file with CF

2004-01-04 Thread Won Lee
Hello CFers,

I want to automate some information gathering. has a list of downloadable ticker symbols.
The address is and

I want my application to go there DL the new file into the same directory 
every weekday at the same time.
One of the problems I have is I need to click on save to actually save 
it.I don't want to do that.
The other problem is I need to DL two lists.It defaults both lists as 
Thirdly, I had just planed to cfschedule a page that has a redirect to both 
URLS.Is this the best way?

Any ideas would be very appreciated.
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RE: Dynamic Array or Structure

2004-01-04 Thread Philip Arnold
 What's the other option to Evaluate()?

Square bracket notation, as described in my earlier email
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Re:cfm won't work in combination of other isapi.dll

2004-01-04 Thread Willy Otto

It's an isapi.dll directly called in the browser. With COM it communicates with database-driven software on the server. I don't think it has something to do with CGI. Unfortunately it isn't possible to access the databse directly either it's a weird Paradox DB.

With CFHTTP it's not possible to control the input that's needed in the application, I allready tried that one. Cfm code will work, but the output coming with the dll won't work properly. That's when I started to worry.
What do you mean with regex exactly? I'm not a real experienced user here.
thx in advance.


When you access the DLL directly in the URL doesn't that mean you're 
 executing a CGI program; not calling an ISAPI filter?

 IIS (or your web server) sees the DLL extension and doesn't recognize 
 as a ColdFusion page; so therefore does not pass it onto the 
 server.It won't matter whether there is a cfm' file in the query 
 (or not).I would guess that to process CFM pages; your application.
 would have to send the page to the ColdFusion server before sending 
 back to the browser.How to do that I cannot say.

 You might try calling the application.ddl?toppage=mypage.html using 
 cfhttp and then using regex to process the results in the manner you 
 At 12:01 PM 1/4/2004, you wrote:
 Subject: cfm won't work in combination of other isapi.dll
 From: Willy Otto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sun, 04 Jan 2004 11:20:28 -0400
 I'm am struggling with this serious problem: we have software for pc, 
 the software engineer of it also made an ISAPI.dll to access the 
 via a web page.
 When you call a webpage and you want to get the functions working 
 your page you have to make an url like this:
 On that page we use labels, formatted like this(looks a bit like cf): 
 If you run the page the labels show the function output, for example 
 report or inputfields. This output is programmed in the software.
 Now it comes: when I want to work with Coldfusion and I also want the 
 application function to work I have to use the application.
 in the urls, but the Coldfusion-functionality isn't working anymore. 
 webserver recognises the *.cfm extensions but not what is inside.
 If I pass the isapi-driven labels as a variable to a next page for 
 example, using an action page, then I manage to use the functions 
 only 1 line of output. But there's also a function that generates a 
 table with several columns and rows, and that one I can't manage to 
 trough to the next page.
 I was wondering if someone could help me, maybe you have experienced 
 something like this? The software-engineer refuses to make to output 
 editable, and they also don't understand much of real webdevelopment 
 CFM, so I'm left all alone here and i see some good website 
 go up in smoke.
 Thank you in advance and I also want to wish you a very happy new 
 With kindly regards,
 Willy Otto
 Jeffry Houser, Web Developer mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Aaron Skye, Guitarist / Songwriter mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 AIM: Reboog711| Phone: 1-203-379-0773
 My Books:
 Recording Music:
 Original Energetic Acoustic Rock: 

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Re:Adding remote datasource dynamically

2004-01-04 Thread Don
Jochem van Dieten wrote:
 I just got an email from Rafael Quinones confirming that JavaCast() 
 should work:
 cfset DBpassword=mypassword

 factory = CreateObject(java, coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory);

 ds_service = factory.datasourceservice;

 dsources = ds_service.datasources;
 cfset encryptedDBpassword = #ds_service.
 encryptPassword(JavaCast(String, #DBpassword#))#
Thanks, Jochem.There seems a couple of possible problems:
* passed parameters for MS SQL Server (currently) are:
a) new datasource name;
b) database name;
c) server name;
d) username;
e) password
I thought they should be sufficient

* in object hierarchy.

ds_service = factory.DataSourceService; 

ds = StructNew(); 
ds.CLASS = macromedia.jdbc.MacromediaDriver; 
ds.DRIVER = MSSQLServer; 
ds.NAME = FORM.dsName; 
ds.DATABASE = FORM.dbName; 
ds.HOST = FORM.serverName; 
ds.username = FORM.un; 
	ds.password =;
// ds.password = ds_service.encryptPasword(#FORM.pwd#); 
// ds.password = ds_service.encryptPasword(javaCast(string,FORM.pwd)); 

 ds.CONNECTIONPROPS = StructNew(); 
// You might need to fix the following line, don't know if URLMAP 
// is the correct name 
ds.urlmap = ds.CONNECTIONPROPS; 

{ Alternatively,
urlP = StructNew();
urlLevel2 = urlP;
urlLevel2 = StructNew();
urlLevel2.CONNECTIONPROPS = StructNew(); 
urlLevel2.CONNECTIONPROPS.HOST = FORM.serverName; 
// You might need to fix the following line, don't know if URLMAP 
// is the correct name 
ds.urlmap = urlLevel2;
failed as well
end Alternatively

ds_service[datasources][FORM.dsName] = ds; 


 cfset dspwd = #ds_service.encryptPasword(javaCast(string,FORM.pwd))#	
LINE of ds_service[datasources][FORM.dsName] = ds; 
Complained java.lang.IllegalArgumentException for HOST=
changed the LINE to 
ds_service[datasources][#FORM.dsName#] = ds 
does not help.

It seems the new datasource has not been captured/recorded even if initial password was set to nothing.

There could other cause of problem, I just lost train of thought.Thanks again.

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RE: GUI web controls

2004-01-04 Thread Dave Watts
 Sorry, I meant to say a set of controls for ColdFusion.

 There isn't anything inherently specific to .Net that allows such
 controls to exist, is there?

No, there's nothing inherently specific to .NET with regard to these
controls. However, you won't find much that's directly analogous to them for
CF for several reasons.

When you program ASP.NET in Visual Studio.NET, the programming model is more
similar in many ways to traditional Windows programming than web
programming, and these controls work within that model. In CF, programmers
tend to work a little closer to the metal, so they don't need controls
that handle state the way it's handled in .NET with postback forms and

There are plenty of custom tags available for generating user interface
elements, though.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
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RE: cfm won't work in combination of other isapi.dll

2004-01-04 Thread Dave Watts
 Now it comes: when I want to work with Coldfusion and I also want 
 the application function to work I have to use the application.dll?
 topage=- in the urls, but the Coldfusion-functionality isn't working 
 anymore. The webserver recognises the *.cfm extensions but not what is 

To oversimplify things a bit, you can't have a single page that is both
processed by the CF engine and by another ISAPI application. You can call
the DLL via CFHTTP, but that's a clunky solution. If you know what the ISAPI
DLL actually does, you might be able to just do the same thing yourself in
your CF code.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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Re: cfm won't work in combination of other isapi.dll

2004-01-04 Thread Jeffry Houser
I couldn't tell exactly what was happening by looking at your example (It 
seemed to mask the specific URLs and there was no verder button).

In the example you gave:
You are executing a DLL from the browser (so to speak); which is 
different than an ISAPI application.I'm still under the impression that 
if you are loading a DLL in a browser you are not running that DLL as an 
ISAPI filter.

With cfhttp, you should be able to do something like this:

cfhttp url="" method=get

And retrieve the same text that would have been returned to the browser.

At 08:01 PM 1/4/2004, you wrote:
Subject: cfm won't work in combination of other isapi.dll
From: Willy Otto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 04 Jan 2004 17:37:55 -0400


It's an isapi.dll directly called in the browser. With COM it communicates 
with database-driven software on the server. I don't think it has 
something to do with CGI. Unfortunately it isn't possible to access the 
databse directly either it's a weird Paradox DB.

With CFHTTP it's not possible to control the input that's needed in the 
application, I allready tried that one. Cfm code will work, but the output 
coming with the dll won't work properly. That's when I started to worry.
What do you mean with regex exactly? I'm not a real experienced user here.
thx in advance.


Jeffry Houser, Web Developer mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: Verity - always Verity...

2004-01-04 Thread Dave Watts
	criteria=STEM #UserCriteria# 

 Here begin my problem... Returns only if UserCriteria is EQUAL(exactly)
 any word in collection. Don't works with partial word.

When you specify TYPE=SIMPLE, you shouldn't specify any Verity operators
in your CRITERIA attribute. The default Verity search operators used for
simple searches are STEM and MANY. Perhaps Verity isn't doing a MANY
(plural-matching) search.

Beyond that, though, I'm not sure what exactly you're looking for. Can you
give an analogous example using English words?

 I'm looking for a results like this:

 #Frase# #DataCriacao#

 but Verity don't perform this options. Only #SUMMARY# which is very 
 very ugly... How to do that?

Verity simply tells you which records matched the search. If you want to
display fields of those records, you'd typically fetch them from the
database yourself after the search using the keys returned by Verity.
Alternatively, you can store two custom fields when you index the data:
CUSTOM1 and CUSTOM2. You can put whatever you want in those fields, then
display that from your Verity search results recordset.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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RE: cfm won't work in combination of other isapi.dll

2004-01-04 Thread Dave Watts
 You are executing a DLL from the browser (so to speak); which is 
 different than an ISAPI application. I'm still under the impression
 that if you are loading a DLL in a browser you are not running that 
 DLL as an ISAPI filter.

You're right that this DLL wouldn't be an ISAPI filter. However, filters are
only one small part of ISAPI, and this DLL would certainly be an ISAPI
application if it's run through an IIS server - ISAPI is the only API
available for writing IIS applications.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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to_char in MS Access

2004-01-04 Thread Jim Watkins
Jochem helped me convert the to_date function to work in MS Access and now I have a problem with to_char.When I run the script against an Access DB I get:Undefined function 'to_char' in _expression_. 

For Oracle SQL=My script is:
cfquery name=leavehistory datasource=banner 
SELECT fromdate1
FROM leaverequest 
WHERE (('#UCase(DateFormat(dailydate, DD-mmm-))#' like to_char(fromdate1, 'DD-MON-'))) 

Would someone help me get the above statement acceptable to MS Access?

Jim Watkins
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Password Logic

2004-01-04 Thread Bob Haroche
I want to enable users of my web app, upon creating their accounts, to
be able to select their own login password. When they create their
account, I'm comparing their proposed password with all other
passwords stored in a db to ensure that the proposed password is
unique. If it's not, though, I don't think it's wise to return a
message of That password is already being used. Please select
another -- seems too insecure.

What is a good practices way of handling this situation:

1. Ensuring instead that only the username is unique, and then making
the unique login key to be the combo of the username/password fields?

2. Something else?


Bob Haroche
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RE: Password Logic

2004-01-04 Thread Paul Vernon
Wherever possible we try to use an e-mail address as the username and then
generate a password and e-mail it to the user. That way, they are guaranteed
to give you a valid address as they can't get in without one... It also
covers the uniqueness angle as an e-mail address is unique.

Once the user is logged in then we let them change their password as often
as they want..

If the user changes their e-mail address however, we go back to the auto
generation of a new password, log them out as a security measure and send
out the new password to them to make sure that they have changed their
e-mail address to something that is once again valid.

If they mess up and they need the service, they'll re-register (if its free)
or contact tech support to fix their details up so they can login again if
it's a subscribtion based service :)

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Re: Password Logic

2004-01-04 Thread walker
Why do you care if the password is unique?

Wouldn't your time be better spent making sure the password is mixed case 
with letters and numbers so it can't be easily guessed? Or perhaps you 
should write something that would de-activate the account if the user types 
in the wrong password more than three consecutive tries?

Also, if the username is truly unique, then the password doesn't need to be 
part of the key.


At 09:59 PM 1/4/2004, you wrote:
I want to enable users of my web app, upon creating their accounts, to
be able to select their own login password. When they create their
account, I'm comparing their proposed password with all other
passwords stored in a db to ensure that the proposed password is
unique. If it's not, though, I don't think it's wise to return a
message of That password is already being used. Please select
another -- seems too insecure.

What is a good practices way of handling this situation:

1. Ensuring instead that only the username is unique, and then making
the unique login key to be the combo of the username/password fields?

2. Something else?


Bob Haroche
O n P o i n tS o l u t i o n s

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RE: Password Logic

2004-01-04 Thread Cameron Childress
I would not suggest storing your passwords in plain text in the DB.Storing
them in this manner leaves them vulnerable to anyone who ends up with access
to that database.You may or may not consider the data in your web app
important to your user, but most users will attempt to use a password they
use in alot of other places, possibly including banking or other sites.
IMHO, it's really part of a programmer's responsibility to the internet
community to make user information is kept secure, particularly passwords.

A good alternative to storing passwords in plain text is to hash (MD5) the
password using hash().You can rehash and compare passwords on login to
authenticate users, without needing the password stored in plaintext.

I'd definitely suggest enforcing unique usernames.Sometimes email can be a
good unique username though keep in mind that if you expect two members of
the same family to login, they sometimes will be sharing an email address.
Shared addresses may make unique accounts a problem for those users.

As Paul already mentioned, it's often good to randomly generate passwords
and email them to the user.I ALWAYS set a flag in the database after doing
this so that the next time they login they are forced to change it to a
different password before proceeding.There is at least one UDF at that will generate good random passwords.

One of the most frequently seen security vulnerabilities on the internet
today is a web application that will email you your password in plaintext.
This is a HORRIBLE idea because typically users don't consider their email
information that requires the same security that a password would.I'd bet
you can dig thought just about anyone's mailbox file and find at most of the
passwords they use for banking and other very secure apps because they were
emailed in plaintext from some less security minded website.

By randomly assigning passwords before emailing them to the user you are
assuring that a password they use all over the place isn't hitting their
email inbox in plaintext.By forcing them to change their password as soon
as they login, you are assuring that the plaintext password in the email
message isn't valid anymore and thus is not longer a security vulnerability
for that user.

Phew, that was a long answer


Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Bob Haroche [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 9:00 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Password Logic

I want to enable users of my web app, upon creating their accounts, to
be able to select their own login password. When they create their
account, I'm comparing their proposed password with all other
passwords stored in a db to ensure that the proposed password is
unique. If it's not, though, I don't think it's wise to return a
message of That password is already being used. Please select
another -- seems too insecure.

What is a good practices way of handling this situation:

1. Ensuring instead that only the username is unique, and then making
the unique login key to be the combo of the username/password fields?

2. Something else?


Bob Haroche
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Re: Password Logic

2004-01-04 Thread Matt Liotta
 I would not suggest storing your passwords in plain text in the 
 DB.  Storing
 them in this manner leaves them vulnerable to anyone who ends up with 
 to that database.  You may or may not consider the data in your web app
 important to your user, but most users will attempt to use a password 
 use in alot of other places, possibly including banking or other sites.
 IMHO, it's really part of a programmer's responsibility to the internet
 community to make user information is kept secure, particularly 

 A good alternative to storing passwords in plain text is to hash (MD5) 
 password using hash().  You can rehash and compare passwords on login 
 authenticate users, without needing the password stored in plaintext.

Certainly storing hashes is better than passwords. However, you can't 
reverse hashes, which means that if someone forgets their password you 
can't figure it out for them. For some web applications that is a 
problem although I think offering to reset the password provides the 
same benefit, which can be easily done with hashes since you would 
generate the new password for the user.

With the above being said, if you must be able to provide passwords to 
your users if they lose them, then you simply cannot use hashes. Some 
would say that using a form of reversible encryption would be better 
than storing the password in plain-text, but that is not true. Anyone 
who is capable of getting a copy of your database is just as capable of 
getting a copy of your application. And if some has your application 
then they can use it to decrypt the password since that functionality 
is built right in. Which mind you, is why it is equally worthless to 
use reversible encryption on any information in your database anyway 
e.g. credit cards.

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Re: Password Logic

2004-01-04 Thread Bob Haroche
Cameron Childress wrote:

 Phew, that was a long answer

Yes, and very useful as are the other responses. That's what I was
looking for.

I already have the random, strong password generation part down. I
wasn't going to hash the password because the web app info really
isn't terribly private or valuable, but now I see why hashing is still
a good thing.

And if I understand it correctly, you can't un-hash a stored variable
to read it, but can only compare a hashed Form.Password variable
against what's stored in the db. Is that right?

Finally, are there any MS Access issues with hashing?

Thanks again.

Bob Haroche
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Re: Password Logic

2004-01-04 Thread walker
That's right, you can't un-hash a stored variable.

For best practices-sake, if the user forgets their password, you should 
only be able to generate a new one and email it out, and let the user 
change it to something else.


At 10:46 PM 1/4/2004, you wrote:
Cameron Childress wrote:
  Phew, that was a long answer

Yes, and very useful as are the other responses. That's what I was
looking for.

I already have the random, strong password generation part down. I
wasn't going to hash the password because the web app info really
isn't terribly private or valuable, but now I see why hashing is still
a good thing.

And if I understand it correctly, you can't un-hash a stored variable
to read it, but can only compare a hashed Form.Password variable
against what's stored in the db. Is that right?

Finally, are there any MS Access issues with hashing?

Thanks again.

Bob Haroche
O n P o i n tS o l u t i o n s

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RE: Password Logic

2004-01-04 Thread Cameron Childress
 Yes, and very useful as are the other
 responses. That's what I was looking for.

Glad I could help.

 And if I understand it correctly, you can't
 un-hash a stored variable to read it, but can
 only compare a hashed Form.Password variable
 against what's stored in the db. Is that right?


 Finally, are there any MS Access issues with hashing?

Nope, the hash is created with CF's hash() function.When you feed it to
Access, it's just a 32 (I think) char string.


Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc.
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Did Macromedia publish your password? (was RE: Password Logic)

2004-01-04 Thread Cameron Childress
 One of the most frequently seen security vulnerabilities
 on the internet today is a web application that will email
 you your password in plaintext.

Speaking of...A quick rant here...

Went to MAX this year.Got my registration packet and looked as my session
summary.As they have done in the past few years, my MAX username and
password were printed in plaintext at the bottom of the page.I mention
this to the registration desk people every year, maybe they can't change

So...Some printshop someplace in Boston or San Fran probably has several
thousand passwords stored on a disk someplace (likely not stored in a secure
location).Any attendees who didn't show up probably had their password
information tossed into a dumpster.Attendees who didn't notice their
password probably left the sheet in lots of insecure places over the course
of the event, typically holding it in plain sight between sessions looking
at their schedule.Who knows where that sheet is now.

The sheet isn't the only thing with my password on it.I also got emails
from Macromedia with my password on them, in plaintext, without my request.
Who knows how many places attendee passwords are floating around out

Perhaps I am a little paranoid, but this really bothers me alot.


Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc.
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Re: Password Logic

2004-01-04 Thread Doug White
| Certainly storing hashes is better than passwords. However, you can't
| reverse hashes, which means that if someone forgets their password you
| can't figure it out for them. For some web applications that is a
| problem although I think offering to reset the password provides the
| same benefit, which can be easily done with hashes since you would
| generate the new password for the user.
| With the above being said, if you must be able to provide passwords to
| your users if they lose them, then you simply cannot use hashes. Some
| would say that using a form of reversible encryption would be better
| than storing the password in plain-text, but that is not true. Anyone
| who is capable of getting a copy of your database is just as capable of
| getting a copy of your application. And if some has your application
| then they can use it to decrypt the password since that functionality
| is built right in. Which mind you, is why it is equally worthless to
| use reversible encryption on any information in your database anyway
| e.g. credit cards.
| -Matt

You should not be able to extract passwords from a database.As best practices,
if a user loses/forgets a password, then you should have some kind of
authentication routine and then issue a new random generated password. This
is how most banking and other secure sites handle that chore.

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Re:Password Logic

2004-01-04 Thread Mauricio Giraldo
For best practices-sake, if the user forgets their password, you should 
only be able to generate a new one and email it out

I prefer not to send any password via mail (auto or user-generated. If a user forgets his/her password we do a couple of things:

1- user must type the registered email in his account (assuming you ask for an email when registering and it is unique)
2- an email with a link (which holds a random UUID) is sent to the user's email
3- the UUID and the user id is stored in the database along with date/time
4- user has 24 hours to click on the link in the email... after this the link will be invalid (the link will also work only once...)
5- when the user clicks the link, he/she gets two textfields to provide a new password (new password and confirmation)
6- after that the password is reset to the new value

a little complex but we mention this to the user in the emails sent that it is for his/her best interest not to send any kind of passwords via mail.


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